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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 500x363, who-likes-vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5326050 No.5326050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Vegan food thread. Share recipes, sites, products, etc.

>> No.5326057

fuck off

>> No.5326065
File: 287 KB, 700x525, happivore-banhmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bahn mi. I add sriracha.

>> No.5326071

Promoting eating disorders should be illegal.

>> No.5326075

I thought you were asking to be banned lol

>> No.5326077

Vegan cheesecake sounds delightful.

>> No.5326084

It's all about cookies.

>> No.5326085

vegan fucking shits

>> No.5326086


>> No.5326094


>> No.5326111

Even if you disagree with veganism, calling it an eating disorder is pretty ridiculous when it's known to drastically reduce risk of heart disease, cancer, and a number of other diseases. For a diet it's about as healthy as it gets.

>> No.5326118

>For a diet it's about as healthy as it gets.
hardly. vegans are either fat or look like heroin addicts.
no exceptions.

>> No.5326119
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Anorexia has the health benefit of slimming the sufferer.
I understand it must be hard for you to admit you have a problem.

>> No.5326129

What makes me rage is that I can feel you actually believing this through the internet.
No evidence you get presented will ever change your mind.
You are a disciple of the new religion.

>> No.5326146

What exactly makes a vegan diet any better than a vegetarian diet?

I understand what benefits cutting down on meat can do, but avoiding all animal products? That just seems risky.

...this is gonna be one hell of a red pilling.

>> No.5326152
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Oh shit this is good.

>> No.5326160

I believe in studies over opinion. Meta-analyses, and all the major epidemiological studies have shown that veganism and vegetarianism drastically reduce risk of many diseases.

Studies involving sample sizes of hundreds of thousands of people > Got Milk advertisements

>> No.5326164

>wash greens
>pour em in bowl

>grab fruit
>clean hands

if you do it otherwise you are a fucking tryhard showing off and you are the reason why people not eating the common way are seen as crazy. (which is not negative in itself btw)

/every vegan thread ever

>> No.5326169

V-vegans don't have nipples?

>> No.5326175
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They're also only 30 inches tall.

>> No.5326176

All those studies have gone through the PETA confirmation bias prism long before they got to you. Mainstream scientists disagree with your conclusions.

>> No.5326182

Why do you hate tits?

>> No.5326202

>they dont eat animals
>they still cook and combine their foods the same way animal eaters do

lel, thats like bushing your teeth with sugar.

>> No.5326232

So how did that "Milk can't be called healthy" lawsuit go?

Oh yeah, via actual double blind studies with large sample sizes milk was found to provide health benefits and aid in weight loss. It's okay to keep lieing to yourself if you want.

>> No.5326234

A simple search in the major peer-reviewed scientific journals reveals hundreds of studies that conclude vegan and vegetarian diets are healthier. Fact is fact, PETA ain't got nothing to do with it, anon.

>> No.5326238

>milk was found to provide health benefits
Harvard disagrees.


>> No.5326251

This is not even how studies work. The studies are far more focused than that and never make statements like "Vegan diet more healthy".
Do you even science?

>> No.5326292

You can find some guy with a Harvard degree to disagree with anything.

>> No.5326328

If studies conclude that people on a meat and dairy free diet have a lot lower risk of disease, and live longer, then I think the take home message is "Vegan diet more healthy" even if the actual wording is, "The vegetarian population had a 32% lower incidence of heart disease"

>> No.5326337

>being vegan
>not having at least taken part to killing an animal for food with your family members

lol city faggots

>> No.5326339

semen isn't vegan

checkmate omnivores

>> No.5326346

>if you do it otherwise you are a fucking tryhard showing off and you are the reason why people not eating the common way are seen as crazy.

what is this sentence supposed to mean?

>> No.5326365

Not a vegan but vegetable tagine is a real good vegan food. It has a ton of spices so you don't need to use that much salt and you don't need to use any thickener for it. Put it in a slowcooker or you know, an actual tagine pot. I've also made it in a pan and it turned out fine so whatever. You can follow any recipe, I personally adapted a Moroccan lamb stew recipe for mine. Things I recommend you put in it:
>carrots, swedes (I dunno how accessible these are everywhere, they're nice sweet root vegetables, fit stews much better than beetroots imo)
>dates (with these and swedes in you don't really need to add honey or anything)
>chickpeas or some white beans, depends on if you want them to vanish in the sauce or not. You can also use like, vegan miso paste or something
>fresh tomatoes, ginger, garlic, onion, lemon etc.
>spices: pepper, paprika, cinnamon, clove, cardamom, turmeric, cumin

Just mix them in a pot with water and tadaa. Food. A lot of people seem to add cilantro to it but I personally don't recommend it. A tiny amount might be fine. Maybe fresh for garnish? I don't like almond in warm food either, and I think that's also something a ton of people put in this. If you want them don't use whole ones, I think it ruins the texture.

Tomatoes are also kinda optional if you're allergic. If you want a thicker sauce use puree or canned ones as well as water, I don't care, but you should add some fresh tomatoes any case. Cherry tomatoes explode in your mouth all funny if you add them later (except you're not supposed to open the pot oops).

Can be served with couscous or rice or anything.

>> No.5326405

Every major peer reviewed dietary study that I have ever seen has pointed clearly to the fact that meat is delicious.

>> No.5326414

That is a very specific study. It has not been done countless times and I wager you could interpret the data to show that dairy prevents certain illnesses and all kinds of wacky things.
When a study is done it is not ever summed up with a statement like you think it is.

>> No.5326420

>lawschool releases a science article

>> No.5326560
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you people are so stupid

>> No.5326563

feet, anon. feet

>> No.5326622
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Oh it's you people now is it?

>> No.5326672
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>> No.5326675
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>> No.5326677

sage vegan threads

hide vegan threads

DO NOT reply to vegan posters

>> No.5326709

Good thing we don't eat people, huh?

>> No.5326718

If you don't like the taste of simply prepared vegetables you probably shouldn't be a vegan.
Personally I like steamed vegetables, boiled vegetables, fried vegetables, sauteed vegetables, roast vegetables, raw vegetables, whole grains (especially oats)and fruit.

>> No.5326732

Even better thing I don't give a damn what a celebrity thinks or believes.

>> No.5326755
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>> No.5326765
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Back to the topic

Cucumber salad
>chopped cucumber
>nayo-whipped [sou mayo]
>garlic powder
>celery seeds
>pink salt
Season to taste or don't add seasoning at all

It's super fresh and light. One of my favorite salads. Yesterday, my kid wanted chopped tomatoes with his salad. It's versitile.

>> No.5326779

Johnny Depp can go fuck himself. I couldn't care less about what he thinks.

>> No.5326810

that is stucking fupid.

>uyabill controversy

>> No.5326821
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>> No.5326826

Damnlol.com is my fav. website.

>> No.5326840
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>that feel when you have better arteries than elite athletes just by eating a vegan diet and sitting on your ass

>> No.5326843

let's see dem gold medals then

>> No.5326847


I'm working on it

>> No.5326867

>Animals like vegans

Why the hell would they? 58 Billion animals are killed because 58 Billion animals were born. How many cows would there be in a Vegan world?
Are you going after the starving people in Africa when youre done? The money we spend on charity is only used to perpetuate their below avarage living conditions, isn't it? I'm sure they'd love the idea of removing the market that fuels their existance if you tell them it's because their imperfect existance offends you so.

>> No.5326872


If that's how you feel, should we breed all the animals we possibly can just so they'd exist? Should every human have 30+ babies for the sake of it?

>> No.5326896

From what ive seen extreamist views of ither vegan and carnivore arguments make me fucking cringe, Im all for trying to treat those animals you raise for food with the best conditions you can posibly give them before you send them to the great big pasture in the sky and have a good burger out of it and afterwards use the rest of its parts for things.

..oh wait we allready do that, most the bones grinded up for glue or geliton and not to mention some of the leather, hair fur what have you for cloathing or a mixture to go in buildings.

Vegan's might as well live in a pop tent in the middle of the forest if they are so damn parsnickity about 'using any animal products what so ever' because your surounded by it wether you know it or not.

Im all for changing your diet for your own personal needs, maybe share it with other people who are intrested and leave people alone when they are not.

yo've got to think like a sales man rather than a fucking cook, you got to know your product, come off confident but easly approtible, give people the info they need in a calm classy manor like your sipping a light martini not some raving jungle bunny from the deepest darkest parts of VEGANARIA spewing bile everywhere.

Im all for trying to make a point but clearly nither side knows how to come off 'calm classy and colected'.

>> No.5326903

Also please pardon my spelling since im a lowly peice of shit, but to any one who can make sence of what im saying witht his TL;DR shit im spewing, all I ment to say is 'fucking chill dude' to both sides.

>> No.5326928

not a vegan but I love me some bahn mi
will try recipe for lunch later

>> No.5326954


Exactly. And slavery's not a "horrible, terrible evil thing" just because SOME slave owners treat their negro slaves badly. And if you properly sedate a woman before you rape her, who are you really hurting? I hate when people get all preachy

>> No.5326967
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Vegan's don't understand poultry and fish are a needed for the best heart health

Vegetarians don't eat red meat and tend to be the most balanced and healthy (See: /ck/ health food threads, /fit/ related advice.)

Vegans are unhealthy and are buying into a lot of hipster great "organic" propaganda. Remember: These are the people who genuinely think cannabis is a miracle all healing plant like Colloidal Silver was ages ago and Placebo was before that, just because it doesn't outright kill them, and that dietary supplements can be artificially created without killing animals that have them.

As with that last paragraph; You're right. These are people that pretend to have a false heir of superiority when they are the most easily aggravated. This thread is a bait thread with that retarded image. Veganism is a health movement not hippy shit, and it already doesn't succeed as a health movement.

>> No.5326986

>Exactly. And slavery
Stopped reading there.

>> No.5326988

>vegans are either fat or look like heroin addicts.
>no exceptions

> Has only met shitty vegans
> Thinks all vegans are shitty vegans

Google vegan bodybuilders.
No, actually, just get off this thread and leave the vegans to discuss their veganism.

>> No.5326999

>Proceed to perpetuate a stereotype

This never gets old

>> No.5327003

I think in a vegan world they would just stop breeding cows.

It wouldn't be that hard, many of them are artificially inseminated now anyway, so it's not like there are naturally billions of cows, they're actually pretty slow breeders.

>> No.5327022
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I buy dried chickpeas, they're about $1/bag, carrots [$2-3/bag], potatoes [3-4/bag], onions [$4/bag], garlic, and spinach [I don't remember those prices], and cook them all up with some curry and hot peppers [I grow the hot peppers every summer, and sometimes the spinach].

I boil that all together and cook some rice to go with it.

It's super easy, especially if I just throw that all in the crock pot all day, I come home to a really delicious meal.

For lunch I eat a sandwich on whole wheat bread [I found a brand that happened to be vegan and just went with that], I throw some hummus on there, spinach, tomatoes [which I also grow during the summer], sliced onions [occasionally I'll grow my own], olive oil and basalmic vinegar, and sometimes guacamole or sliced avocado. I either eat this normally or if I'm at home use my mini grill to heat it up before I add the oil and vinegar.

It's a really, really tasty sandwich, not too crazy expensive, and really easy to make. I know some people like lunch meat, but I never even really liked lunch meat, so this is good enough for me.

For breakfast I usually just have oatmeal, flax seed, a little brown sugar, and a handful of cranberries or blueberries.

I also make a lot of lentil soups, navy bean soups, and bean burritos with spinach, rice, avocado, salsa, garlic, chopped onion, and whatever type of beans or legumes I cooked up the night before.

Being vegan is really easy. I'm temporarily vegan, I plan on getting chickens at some point and raising my own chickens for eggs [not meat, but the people I live with might cull the roosters if we end up having a ton of roosters one year].

Honestly, I don't know why meat eaters are even in this thread, unless you guys are interested in vegan recipes? I didn't think this was an "argue about our dietary choices" thread, I thought it was a vegan food thread.

>> No.5327075

You guys seem to know a lot about animals, tell me, is rabbit cheaper from a butcher or a pet shop?

>> No.5327082
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>What exactly makes a vegan diet any better than a vegetarian diet?


>> No.5327086

Look on Craigslist, a lot of people accidentally breed too many rabbits and give them away/sell them cheap as pets.

>> No.5327095
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>being a faggot hypocrite

>> No.5327097

Wrong Thread


>> No.5327106

Someone can't be this stupid, right guys?


There. There are all of the areas of study they offer. Their law school is something they're well-known for, but it isn't the only thing they offer.

>> No.5327108

He should probably stop smoking pot then with that logic.

>> No.5327116

>fanatical Hindus

>> No.5327122

Chickpeas are amazing. A good chana masala beats beef for me any day.

>> No.5327124

>unconfirmed quote of Abe Lincoln

One of Lincoln's favorite dishes was chicken fricassee. Why do vegans insist on making up quotes for everyone? They did the same for MLK.

>> No.5327343

I in no way represented that opinion. How you come to terms with your hysterical emotions is your problem. When you try to exterminate species because of those emotions I tell you why that absurd. No animals future or present benefits from vegans in any way. There would not be more cows, pigs, or chickens living happily in a meat free world. The living conditions of these animals is not a *problem* but rather a solution that can be improved but is always better than nothing.

>> No.5327354
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>for eggs and dairy

>> No.5327383

The egg industry slaughters all male chicks, usually grinding them up alive, or suffocating in bags, as they are of no profit.

Cows in the dairy industry are ultimately slaughtered.

>> No.5327916

Where are the recipes and food?

>> No.5327918


eggs are not alive. you can't kill them.

>> No.5327921




pick one

>> No.5327925

Oh shit they're giants?

>> No.5327928
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is grilled cheese considered vegan?

>> No.5327934
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OP you know exactly what you're doing. Just stop.

>> No.5327938

Of course.

>> No.5327946

is tomato soup also considered vegan. because if so grilled cheese and tomato soup is my favorite vegan meal

>> No.5327952

No sorry

>> No.5327958

Only if you add cream.

>> No.5327968
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fuck. how can I be a pompous ass now?

>> No.5328026

I love how every 4chan thread about veganism has one "camp" arguing for it and one "camp" throwing up shit like FOR EVERY BAKIN YOU DONT EAT I EAT ONE MILLION BAKINS, LOLOLOL, VEGANS R SO DUMB

It's like neither of you realise that you're both irredeemable dipshits and should just choke on each others tiny cocks and die.

>> No.5328029


just kidding. carry on.

>> No.5328046

The argument is not stupid. No reason to subject animals to any violence, or abuse beyond what is needed to get it turned from a living breathing being into multiple tender, delicious, juicy parts.

Whether or not its fine to do so or not on an animal bred to be killed, I don't think the decision to do it should be made by the companies, and sue as hell not their employees.

>> No.5328074


Why do vegans make you feel insecure?

>> No.5328096

how is cheese vegan you fucking retard?

>> No.5328135

>eggs are not alive. you can't kill them.
As was mentioned, the egg industry only has use for female chicks, and grinds up millions of baby male chicks alive.

>> No.5328188


And then of course the fact that all hens and dairy cows are sent to the slaughter after they're not good for producing eggs/milk anymore

>> No.5328209

What else would you have done with these animals?
Green meadows and fluffy blumpkins?

>> No.5328218


Personally, I wouldn't have used them for eggs and milk in the first place. Atleast one group of people did manage to save a group of dairy cows from slaughter.


>> No.5328221

Ahh, yeah. I love these threads.

>> No.5328227

Mmm, trying this. Thanks anon.

>> No.5328229
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>there are people in this thread that are not Breatharians

How does it feel to willingly kill other living organisms to fuel your selfish lives?

Pic related, my guiltless meal.

>> No.5328230

So you wouldn't use them for anything?
Would you just set them free into the wild?
Seeing as keeping them would bear no use.

>> No.5328231

I used to think this way too but the fact is that it is an imaginary situation you're talking about. There is basically no such thing as humane farming. I hate to acknowledge it myself, but I've just seen way too many undercover videos.





And we might be surrounded by it but we can boycott it. I hope you weren't trying to turn this into a discussion about trivial amounts of animal products in things like car tires (Michelin I believe makes vegan tires btw.)

>> No.5328233

>How many cows would there be in a Vegan world?

None fool, I think that's the whole point.

>> No.5328234


I'm saying I wouldn't have created a situation where I have a bunch of cows and chickens that I need to find a place for and that I'm not keeping as pets

>> No.5328235

>Even if you disagree with veganism, calling it an eating disorder is pretty ridiculous when it's known to drastically reduce risk of heart disease, cancer, and a number of other diseases.
>'s known to drastically reduce risk of heart disease, cancer, and a number of other diseases
Known by whom?

By which I mean: citation needed. A full-on vegan diet it is *extremely* difficult to get a full complement of amino acids, vitamins and minerals (calcium being the biggie) as well as other micronutrients that are commonly provided to the eater by animal products. THAT is a fact, disagree with it all you want.

>Google vegan bodybuilders.
I see you're familiar with the Special Pleading fallacy.

>> No.5328237

Most of us don't pester people. I don't know where that stereotype comes from.

>> No.5328238

Study: Cattle regain consciousness after being stunned, wake up to being skinned and dismembered in slaughterhouses
"...the best slaughter plants under the best conditions average 97% to 98% successful stuns. “Successful” does not mean that these stuns were irreversible or that the animal was killed. The animals were rendered insensible between stunning and death through exsanguination (stun-stick interval). In one study conducted in a controlled slaughterhouse environment, approximately 1.2% of bulls and cull cows returned to sensibility after captive bolt stunning, prior to being hoisted onto the rail. According to another study conducted in abattoirs in the UK, 6.6% of 1284 steers and heifers were stunned poorly; 1.7% of 628 cull cows were stunned poorly; but young bulls appeared to be particularly hard to stun correctly and 53.1% of 32 bulls in the study were stunned poorly.
Given the large numbers of animals that may have to be destroyed, even a low percentage of ineffective kills that lead to animals returning to sensibility is unacceptable from an animal welfare standpoint and undesirable in the context of efficient disease control operations; moreover, the sight of severely wounded animals regaining sensibility, showing coordinated movement, and even attempting to get up would be distressing for onlookers and for personnel who have to restun and kill such animals."

>> No.5328239

>58 billion animals like this
So that's how many herbivores inhabit the earth?

>> No.5328240


Just the ones we eat anon

>> No.5328241


>A full-on vegan diet it is *extremely* difficult to get a full complement of amino acids, vitamins and minerals (calcium being the biggie)
>THAT is a fact

Can you really call it a fact when you've obviously done no research to determine it?

>> No.5328243

Vegetarian diets don't really make sense from any perspective.

They still fund animal cruelty (unless maybe you happen to have a rescued pet hen and you eat the eggs occasionally).
They're still unhealthy, especially if you're eating a lot of dairy.
They still cause environmental destruction.

It doesn't really do anything for anyone. It's a nice thought, but not very meaningful.

>> No.5328244

>A full-on vegan diet it is *extremely* difficult to get a full complement of amino acids, vitamins and minerals (calcium being the biggie) as well as other micronutrients that are commonly provided to the eater by animal products. THAT is a fact, disagree with it all you want.

By which I mean: citation needed.

>> No.5328252


Here's my citation: FUCK vegans. I don't need "science" to say I'm right. Jesus god damn christ, the fucking AUDACITY of you fucking vegans. I DON'T WANT TO EAT STUPID VEGETABLES, okay? Give me some fucking bacon and butter, god damn vegans.

>> No.5328253

>They're still unhealthy, especially if you're eating a lot of dairy.

So all diets are unhealthy

Good to know

>> No.5328255

So you would go back thousands of years and dissuade humanity from domesticating any animals for food?
I'm trying to understand your logic but I'm having some trouble.

>> No.5328256

You're wrong in so many ways. (Hopefully you're just trolling but it's hard to tell on the internet when so many stupid people actually exist.)


>> No.5328257


Someone's going to reply to this seriously

>> No.5328262


>> No.5328263

>There would not be more cows, pigs, or chickens living happily in a meat free world.


>> No.5328265

Speaking as an omnivore you sound like a childish faggot.
Eat your vegetables, they're delicious and nutritious.

>> No.5328267

Lots of recipes and vegan products I highly recommend:

>> No.5328270


I don't know what you're having trouble with. You ask what I would do with my leftover cows and chickens from my hypothetical dairy and egg farm, and my response is that I wouldn't have a dairy and egg farm in the first place. The fact that someone else ran an egg and dairy farm and then sent their otherwise useless animals to be slaughtered only shows that the farmer is doing one bad thing that leads to another bad thing.

In other words, if someone kept negro slaves, and then killed the slaves when they got too old to work, it's not just the act of killing the slave that's wrong, it's both the enslavement and the killing. The fact that the killing is the most logical and efficient thing to do from a business standpoint does nothing to justify the initial bad act, it only adds something worse onto it. What I'm saying is I wouldn't have done either of these things

>> No.5328272

That's not cheese faggot.

Filtered water, tapioca and/or arrowroot flours, non-GMO expeller pressed canola and /or non-GMO expeller pressed safflower oil, coconut oil, pea protein, salt, vegan natural flavors, inactive yeast, vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, citric acid (for flavor), titanium dioxide (a naturally occurring mineral).

>> No.5328276

No, my question was, what would you have done with all of the domesticated farm animals if the world turned vegan.

>> No.5328277

Celebrated Cornell University professor T. Colin Campbell Phd, presents the overwhelming evidence showing that animal protein is one of the most potent carcinogens people are exposed to.

TMAO: A Toxic Substance Formed When You Eat Meat Can Make You... Dead Meat

Meat, dairy may be as detrimental to your health as smoking cigarettes, study says

Vegan Blood Fights Cancer 8x Better

Vegan diet in physiological health promotion. [Acta Physiol Hung. 1999] - PubMed - NCBI

Due to measured levels of dioxin that exceed safety standards, the National Academy of Science has for years recommended that people avoid eating a diet rich in animal fats.

Change in quality of life and immune markers after a stay at a raw vegan institute: a pilot study

The role of diet and physical activity in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer survivorship: a review of the literature

Interindividual differences in response to plant-based diets: implications for cancer risk

An impact of the diet on serum fatty acid and lipid profiles in Polish vegetarian children and children with allergy. [Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

>> No.5328278


Effects of a long-term vegetarian diet on biomarkers of antioxidant status and cardiovascular disease risk. [Nutrition. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Red meat and colon cancer

Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish

Study Points to New Culprit in Heart Disease

"Neu5Gc elicits an immune reaction that might contribute to a whole spectrum of human-specific diseases"

Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Harvard School of Public Health » milk is NOT the best source of calcium

Eating less meat and dairy may help reduce osteoporosis risk, Cornell studies show.

>> No.5328279

And what about the ones who we don't eat but who eat other animals? How do they feel about veganism? Is it a "Great, more food for me" kind of thing?

>> No.5328280

Do you think that's real cheese?

>> No.5328284


Milk--the promoter of chronic Western diseases
PMID: 19232475

Dairy product, saturated fatty acid, and calcium intake and prostate cancer (PMID: 18398033)

Acne, dairy and cancer (PMID: 20046583)

Harvard study: Pastuerized milk from industrial dairies linked to cancer.

Hormones in milk can be dangerous By Corydon Ireland

Cow's milk, every sip of cow's milk has virus in it; and pus and bacteria, powerful growth hormones, proteins that cause allergies, antibiotics, pesticides, fat cholesterol and dioxin -- now, which one of these things do you want in your body?

Milk consumption: aggravating factor of acne and promoter of chronic diseases of Western societies

Milk Consumption and Prostate Cancer

Dairy Linked to Acne Development

Understanding the Problems with Dairy Products
1. Osteoporosis 2. Cardiovascular Disease 3. Cancer 4. Diabetes 5. Lactose Intolerance 6. Vitamin D Toxicity 7. Contaminants 8. Health Concerns of Infants and Children

Nutrient Density of Animal and Plant Foods:

>> No.5328286


Oh, I see, if all the farms shut down. Unfortunately for the existing animals, they wouldn't be saved. Finish up the job with the animals they currently have, then don't breed more. Someone else might try something else, but I think that's the most realistic scenario.

>> No.5328287

They'll just ignore you and keep saying the same dumb shit.

>> No.5328288


The animals don't speak English, they probably wouldn't know about it.

>> No.5328292


I believe you

>> No.5328293



>> No.5328294

Thanks for clarifying that.

>> No.5328295

You're right. It's way better than coagulated mammary gland secretions.

>> No.5328301

>comparing human slavery to animal husbandry
Even though morality is subjective that's still an idiotic thing to do. Personally? I don't have a problem raising a cow from birth to bun because I know what stupid fucking animals they are.

Maybe you should stop trying to anthropomorphize food, most people grow out of that in their preteens

>> No.5328304


>BWHAAAT? THIS thing that's exactly like that thing is NOTHING like that thing

You'd be amazed how long that chain of logic goes back in history

>> No.5328305

Why then do the worlds best cheese makers use the better cow's milk?

>> No.5328310


'Cause they have mommy issues and enjoy drinking from teats.

>> No.5328319

>"Animals are just like people because of my feelings!"
Most animals only care about two things. Eating and fucking, the second one only occasionally at that.
Animals like cows and chickens aren't intelligent enough to grasp concepts like death, slavery, love, trust, etc. Literally incapable.

What you're doing is projecting your own emotions onto them, and it's just plan silly. If you were talking about something like a dolphin or a chimpanzee then you might have a point.
Fuck man, most animals don't even have the capacity to feel sadness, many animals have such primitive nervous systems they can't even feel pain as we know it.

In short, stop being a baby.

>> No.5328325

Yep. lol. Typical.

Oh well, I tried.

>> No.5328335


>Most animals only care about two things. Eating and fucking

Makes sense, that's true of humans and humans are animals

>Animals like cows and chickens aren't intelligent enough to grasp concepts like death, slavery, love, trust, etc. Literally incapable.

And this is where you fall apart, because you have no way of knowing that, and every time we assume something like that about anything, 100% of the time we turn out to be wrong

What you're doing is attempting to rationalize your greedy lifestyle by trivializing anything that conflicts with what you want to be true. Like I said, this kind of thing has been very common throughout history, and maybe in a decade you'll understand how inevitable this change in society is

>> No.5328339

They don't drink from teats though.
They make many different types of amazing cheese.
You should try some of them.

>> No.5328342
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>They don't drink from teats though.

I've seen what you people do

>> No.5328351

They literally don't have the physical capacity to understand. People have picked apart their brains and determined that.

Cows don't go walking around getting angsty because they know they're going to be butchered, chickens don't scratch depressing poetry in the dirt about the futility of life.

They are unfeeling, stupid sacks of meat without the capacity to understand any philosophical concept. Especially not such things as "liberty" or "freedom"

Of course all of that is meaningless to you because cows are field niggers to you apparently

>> No.5328353
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>> No.5328357



I shouldn't even need to post an article to prove you wrong. Anyone who's owned a pet or spent a few minutes with an animal knows they have thoughts and feelings.

>> No.5328358
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>and every time we assume something like that about anything, 100% of the time we turn out to be wrong

Not the same guy, but you have no way of knowing this is true either

If you're going to argue, at least don't commit the same fallacies you point out

>> No.5328361

Have you spent time with cows?
They are unbelievably stupid. They are only interested in grass.

>> No.5328362
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Lol. Bison must eat a whole lot of fucking meat, because they sure love to mortally injure each other over mates/territory.

>> No.5328363

"It is just like man's vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions. " - Mark Twain

>> No.5328364
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>> No.5328365

Shut the fuck up, cows are not secret geniuses. Fuck you and fuck Mark Twain.

>> No.5328367

They stand in a field for 16 hours chewing, then they lie down for a while.
They moo occasionally and walk in their own shit.
Please explain to me how this is a display of their great intelligence.

>> No.5328368

the person's reasoning starts with "I need to feel that I'm a morally superior person to other people" and from there's a short chain of reasoning to "Animals are people too and why should they be treated different"

>> No.5328369
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Was never interested in vegan anything. Was browsing the youtubes and found vegan black metal chef and beyond being very entertaining some of the food was delicious. I'll make some vegan food ironically because i think it's tasty.

>> No.5328370

>I need to feel that I'm a morally superior person to other people
Yeah I often forget that premise.

>> No.5328374


>sit around on 4chan for 16 hours a day, eating fried chicken and jacking off to pictures of naked ladies before passing out in your own filth
>"cows are such dumb, base creatures"

>> No.5328376

I own cows. You're projecting. You have feelings so you assume the cow does too. You see a cow nursing a calf and you assume both of them know what love is. That article merely stated that cows got excited when they figured out how to get food.

I can already tell you don't have very much interaction with animals, so I wonder why you're so hung up on this?

>> No.5328380

It's really just that I think it's disgusting how because animals are different, retarded humans always like to act like they're inferior and not worthy of protection.

Human beings are a plague on the planet. We really have no reason to be so cocky.

>> No.5328381

at least we know we're awful fucking pervert losers

>> No.5328382

a) I mostly eat toast and tuna
b) I watch videos, pictures are so 10 years ago

>> No.5328387

They are inferior. Fuck them, they're fucking cows.

I'm not saying they have no moral standing, and I think they are worthy of some element of respect and consideration, but I don't think that is a justification for "treat them as if they are exactly equivalent to people", and I don't think it's incompatible with eating them.

>> No.5328391


>You have feelings so you assume the cow does too
>That article merely stated that cows got excited when they figured out how to get food

This right here is a contradiction. If a clear example of feelings isn't proof of feelings, how can you even say other human beings have feelings then? Apparently only you are capable of basic mental function and everything else is faking it.

>> No.5328392

>Hey, giving animals 1 square foot of space to live, injecting it with several different antibiotics and hormones, and fattening it up with a stressful diet before killing it is mean

>Therefore you should stop eating all meat, period

lol veggies

>> No.5328394

Shut up.

>> No.5328397


>Hey, beating a woman to an inch of her life, locking her in a dungeon, and letting her waste away over a period of several years while you continously rape her is mean

>Therefore you should never rape a woman in any way at all, period.

fuckin idiots, just do humane rape on grass-fed vaginas

>> No.5328398



>> No.5328402

Just wanted to reply in /ck/'s shitpost general. Haven't read the thread yet but I'm excited.

>> No.5328403

>excitement = being able to understand complex philosophical concepts like death
A cow realized pressing a button magically made food appear, I don't see how that proves they long for freedom from the oppressive human race. You haven't proven anything other than the fact that you love jumping to conclusions.

>> No.5328407


>try to kill a cow
>it tries not to die

>> No.5328411

So a cow can display the same amount of intelligence as a bacterium in the presence of a white blood cell. You're point? Besides, if you try and kill a cow and it does some how tries to live, you've probably done it wrong.

I've killed a lot of cows and they've never tried not to die. Although I suspect a 12g slug would have the same effect on a person.

>> No.5328412
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Serious question:

Since livestock killing is obviously unacceptable, should we, idealistically, try to drive carnivorous animals into extinction?

After all, these animals will kill other animals their whole lives long in order to survive, and they do it in an extremely inhumane way. Extinction of these animals would be humane, as it would keep many prey animals from dying, and the extinct animals would exist, and wouldn't suffer.

I realize this cannot be realistically done at this moment, but if we were to have the resources, or a political system dedicated to this sort of thing, do you think it would be an endeavor worth undertaking?

>> No.5328415
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>thoughts and emotions are only thoughts and emotions when humans do it

the stupid arguments from meat eaters on this board are making me consider veganism....

>> No.5328418


I don't think destroying the worlds' ecosystems is a good idea

>> No.5328422

>"Projecting my own emotions and feelings onto animals is completely rational and gives me the moral high ground."

Cows, chicken and turkeys are a far cry from Dolphins, chimps, and parrots. Some animals don't have the capacity to have "thoughts"

>> No.5328423

Of course it is!
Then there will be no nasty human meat eaters and we can all slip into a euphoric soy coma.

>> No.5328424


>moral high ground

atleast you admit they're better than you

>> No.5328425


How would that destroy the world's ecosystem? You have a very simplistic view of ecology.

A change will be made, and the ecosystem will adapt. There will be less suffering for all herbivorous animals.

>> No.5328427
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Serious question: Is it morally correct to kill people with down syndrome? They're pretty stupid. They could be our source of human meat.

>> No.5328430

I think you just proved that you're as intelligent as a cow, bravo.

>> No.5328431

Nsh downies are bro-tier disabled's super friendly and keen

>> No.5328433


>A change will be made, and the ecosystem will adapt. There will be less suffering for all herbivorous animals.

What you're saying can't happen. The whole reason an ecosystem exists like it does with tiers is because not everything can eat the same food. There's competition, and even if you got rid of all the carnivores, eventually remaining herbivorous species would have to develop into omnivores or carnivores out of necessity

>> No.5328435


>super friendly

Even easier to slaughter them then. They can't even feel it anyway I bet.

>> No.5328437

Not cost effective enough, better to just abort them early. It would take years to get any sort of meat from them.

>> No.5328449


So why the fuck should anyone stop eating meat to make a change to the ecosystem?

>> No.5328461
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Meat farming is not "the ecosystem"

>> No.5328464


humans are a part of the ecosystem, as are all their activities.

humans have been farming animals for at least 10,000 years now, and hunting them for at least 100,000 or so.

>> No.5328529

Factory farms are an ecosystem though.

>> No.5328660

>humans are not part of the ecosystem
why are vegans silly

>> No.5329169

/ck/, pretentiously implying a person caught up in the superficial game of life has their shit together. I just came from a thread about prison food with this spergtard implying everyone who is in jail is a heretic and society is saint like and uncorrupt, then the discussion turned towards killing and violence with (of course) the social hierarchy being the only factor of measurement, it was agreed that all poor people are going to hell.. there is just no excuse for poor people, who do the majority of the worlds killing and violence, the dispicable scum. Then you come to a thread like this and any vegan regardless of how genuine about the reasons is the scum of the earth. Are you sure we arent just using a sickly greed infested society as a ruler, not even being serious or honest, just being crooked conniving little bags of shit? Because thats what appears to be happening, and it is the normal and commonly accepted attitude, hell if you have any other attitude you are automatically and criminal and killed off, even if a blatant non-killer. But of course this is 4chan and the board is practically a gag board, like a peice of plastic dog shit..

>> No.5329215

I'm a vegan and the stupidity of vegans is making be consider a healthier diet.

>> No.5330239

I wonder how many actual animals would hate this because of being carnivors or omnivores.

>> No.5331530

When you stop eating food you stop getting food related diseases.

Holy shit we have a genius here.