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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 525x362, 1396284533214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5320745 No.5320745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The single most effective viral marketing campaign of all time was PETA convincing young people that vegans vaginas smell better.
If you ever once believed this you are pants on head stupid.

>> No.5320750

but it's true

>> No.5320882

Yeah but the tradeoff is they fart like, constantly.

>> No.5320889

yolandi's cute but there's no way her vagina doesn't smell like a johannesburg meth lab.

>> No.5320893

That's because her vagina IS a Johannesburg meth lab.

>> No.5320904

I used to work at whole foods. Vegan customers would fart so bad it could clear an aisle.

" Vegan on aisle six" was the running joke.

>> No.5320918


no its not

>> No.5320925


get your rancid beef curtains out of here you gross bowling pin

>> No.5320933
File: 51 KB, 460x460, 1374295762170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, /ck/.

All jokes aside, I'd still plow Yolandi until I'm unable to walk.

>> No.5320979

>single most effective viral marketing campaign of all time
>if you believed this you are pants on head retarded
fix'd. no one believes that, op. pussies are always disgusting. does make your cum taste good though

>> No.5320981

You knew I'd post it /ck/.

John Sakars - I Only Fuck Vegans

>> No.5320983

sorry bout that

>> No.5321021

After seeing this study


I think it's pretty possible that vegan vaginas smell much better than sloppy carnist vaginas

>> No.5321022

T- that just happened.

>> No.5321026

Is this some sort of pro-omnivore anti-vegan campaign?

>> No.5321051

Haha, I know.

I went out and bought bacon after seeing this, just to rule out any possibility of this freakshow licking my genitals.

>> No.5321055

Beee kind to animals. .. da da ba da da.
Now that horrible song is stuck in my head.

>> No.5321065

Fuck, probably should have written:
Is this some sort of anti-vegan omnivore anti-campaign?

>> No.5321102

Oh but millions do believe it anon.

>> No.5321206

I love meat, but it's pretty much universally accepted that fruits make your bodily fluids smell nicer. Since vegans eat more fruits and less stuff that block it, they probably do have sugary-sweet juices.

>> No.5321231

brb going to kill a rabbit.

>> No.5321235

post a link to this campaign i need to send it to my vegan friend

>> No.5321303

When a vegan farts, it smells like burning quinoa. And an errant bit of static electricity will ignite them too, like firey roots of an oak tree.

It happens so often in Whole Foods they have a name for it, "The Whole Enchilada".

>> No.5321308
File: 30 KB, 700x484, comic[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way i stole that from this

>> No.5321340


>> No.5321359


Pretty nice drum skills though

>> No.5321360

my first ex's (meat eater) pussy tasted way better than my second ex's (vegetarian).

>> No.5321364

You can be an omnivore and still consume a lot of fruit and vegetables.
My girlfriend sort of tastes like chicken flavored ramen, which is quite nice but somewhat disturbing when you really think about it. She has quite a healthy diet though (lots of the aforementioned fruit and veg), but there is a lot of chicken consumption.

>> No.5321368
File: 211 KB, 740x421, Backedbyscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cause his dick still works.

>> No.5321371


>She has quite a healthy diet though
>but there is a lot of chicken consumption

>> No.5321391

but how do the assholes of beautiful vegan girls taste?

>> No.5321398

>vegan girls
choose one

>> No.5321399
File: 34 KB, 640x357, simply-sara[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right on, look at this non-vegan beauty

>> No.5321410
File: 174 KB, 256x346, ak473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fat as fat asses eat nothing but chips and junk food while thinking they are saving the planet with veganism

>> No.5321411

Anyone who cares enough to take the time can look good.
I knew girls who were 300+lbs who looked like solid 8/10 in the face.

>> No.5321417


Are fat vegans the sterotype now? It used to be skinny vegans

>> No.5321434

>solid 8/10 in the face
>in the face

>> No.5321437

i've been told my asshole tastes good

>> No.5321634

Facially attractive, wouldn't bang but they're easy enough to have a conversation with.
Oddly enough the one that comes to mind was a very fat vegetarian

>> No.5321655

Without fat chick's there would be a lot less blowjobs happening in the world

>> No.5321988
File: 31 KB, 592x385, shutterstock_90681745-592x385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more vegan versions of fat people food now. Most fat people will not stop eating like fat people after going vegan. It usually takes at least one hospital visit to get someone to change that.

>> No.5321995

i know what you meant. just found the phrasing to be funny

>> No.5322022

The only fat vegans are the ones who picked it up for a month or two in college with their feminism pamphlets. They don't last very long.

>> No.5322029

No. Not true. I'm fat and I've been a vegan since I was 15 or 16 (I'm 19 now).
I just eat too much, and care too much about animals to not eat vegan.

>> No.5322035

They kind of are. Maybe not their bodies, they are making a positive impact with their choices.

>> No.5322046

what do you eat? i lost weight after becoming a vegan.

>> No.5322047
File: 290 KB, 533x600, zaqKeOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting a piece of that delicious hummus-fed meat

>> No.5322055

I eat pretty terribly, though with some healthy stuff thrown in.

vegan chips, stir frys, peanut butter sandwiches, that sort of thing. all very calorie dense.

>> No.5322057

>tfw no chubby lesbian gf that loves to cook and food

>> No.5322059

what did you eat to lose weight?

>> No.5322066

Should get in a threesome with my fat bi-curious pastry chef girlfriend.

>> No.5322121

I guess it was a combination of being extremely cheap and being a vegan that made me lose weight. I rarely buy junk food because if it's not nutritive I consider it a waste of money. I might buy ice cream once a year, chocolate less than half a dozen times a year, chips about as infrequently. I'll also buy dried beans rather than canned, make my own dressings, buy bags of cereal grains rather than the instant flavored ones in the pouches, etc because they're cheaper.

What this amounts to is me often times being hungry, but I have no convenience food in the pantry so if I want to eat something I have to prepare it. Hard not to lose weight that way.

>> No.5322132

How fat are we looking at?

>> No.5322149

I see

Well, I still live with my parents, so they buy tons of vegan junk food for me. It's hard to lose weight with that stuff in the house.

>> No.5322167

I know what you mean. Never too early to start eating for your health though, mate.

>> No.5322169


Pastry chef fat.

>> No.5322177

About 250 pounds. She made fettuccine alfredo for me the other night.

>> No.5322271


I've only ever smelled one vegan's vagina, and it was rank as fuck. She also smoked, which I usually attributed it to. I was the generous one in the threesome, and my red-meat eating girlfriend at the time's pussy never tasted so sweet after I bit that fucking bullet.

>> No.5322287

MFW the best pâtissiers arent fat at all

>> No.5322345

Oh, she's 100 pounds heavier than me, huh.. Pics?

>> No.5323594
File: 62 KB, 426x640, yolandi-visser-on-stage-live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pound the hell out of her little vissen if you know what I mean.
Vegan or not.

>> No.5323640

She is really unattractive to me. I mean yeah, she is skinny and somewhat fit, but so what? Her face is a big turn-off.

>> No.5323648

She is super tiny with a high pitched voice and a haircut that looks like what a child would do if left unattended with scissors.
How can you not find that mind bogglingly attractive?

>> No.5323650

This. I'm an ominvore, and have been told that all my bits taste quite nice. I do eat a majority of fruits and vegetables, though, and very little junk food. (Most of the "junk food" I eat is made at home from scratch) I think the things that affect people's taste and smell are eating things chock full of preservatives and additives, not so much whether you're vegan or not. Also, vegan farts are the WORST.

>> No.5323653

>She is super tiny with a high pitched voice and a haircut that looks like what a child would do if left unattended with scissors.
>How can you not find that mind bogglingly attractive?
Because I'm not a pedophile in denial. I find women attractive because of their secondary sexual characteristics. I don't want to find "legal children" to satisfy a deviant impulse.

>> No.5323662

Now who is really in denial

>> No.5323667

What evidence is there that I am in denial from my post?

>> No.5323671


That stuff has to do with hygiene and Lactobacillus cultures.
If you eat processed food it does not somehow seep to your filthy zorch and fester.

This is schoolyard science people. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.5323672

Our body and our subsequent microflaura are intrinsically shaped by our diet. How can you suggest diet does not impact these things?

>> No.5323731

Instead of acting like a little twat, you could actually follow the thread and realize that people are replying to specific posts. Not only that, but you're an idiot if you don't believe that what you ingest doesn't affect how you smell and taste. For fuck's sake, even your own food tastes specific to what nutrients it was given. Of course hygiene is a major factor, no one has disputed that. Sounds like you're the one who needs to grow the fuck up.

>> No.5323748

This peta funded research and subsequent viral campaigning is disgusting.
It's bad science and you are an asshole for defending it.

>> No.5323753

You probably don't even notice the dairy, egg, and meat media blitzes anymore. You probably don't even bat an eye when a telephone or credit company use the notion of patriotism and "the troops" to sell you their products.

>> No.5323754

Ever smelled an Indian person? Notice how they smell like curry? Or how Greeks smell like garlic? You realize why that happens, right? It's not because they rub it all over their skin.

>> No.5323775

Is this your version of an April Fool's day joke, because you surely can't be this stupid.

>> No.5323781

You realize that is essential oils and not microbes feasting on animal fat right?

>> No.5323793


yeah, no.

>> No.5324635

>most effective
Who and how concluded this? Not that I don't believe you, but I have to wonder if a bunch of analytics were truly done involving the term "vegan vagina smell".

>> No.5324672

You mean it takes them one hospital visit to realize that THEIR DOCTOR IS A FAT-SHAMING SHITLORD.

>> No.5324681

You'd think they would, huh? Fun fact, sugars from fruit also encourage yeast growth and give rise to many an infection. Experience is a great teacher.

>> No.5324692

Hey anon, you get points for sayin' smart stuffs, but that's exactly what other anon is arguing.

>> No.5324813

Come to irc.chubbychannel.com, #chubbychannel for photographs. I will not post them here for obvious reasons.


>> No.5324828

>Her face is a big turn-off
agreed. she looks actually retarded

>> No.5324855

>sugars from fruit also encourage yeast growth and give rise to many an infection.
lol no

This is broscience 101

>> No.5325003

I would be even more turned on by her if she was actually retarded.

Saw some porn like that once on /b/
It were pretty hot.

>> No.5325026

Vegans go back and forth between real science and broscience as it suits them.

>> No.5325042

Thats one guy I don't gotta worry about raping me

>> No.5325045

lol no. Most of the "pro-science" morons on /ck/ literally have no clue what they are proponents of.

>> No.5325060

Like shit most likely.

>> No.5325071

That maybe true. But it is also true of the vegans here and everywhere else as far as I can tell

>> No.5325079

>liking Anna

>> No.5325081

I hope you don't think the vegan threads are started by, and bumped, by actual vegans.

>> No.5325087

They do have a presence here trolls notwithstanding.

>> No.5325186

>Saw some porn like that once
what the...
>on /b/
must have been a slow day

>> No.5325225

Don't knock it. Pretty hot chick, but a tad downy.

>> No.5325244


Are you really trying to make the claim here that vegans (as a collective group, not individuals) are the sole users of broscience? There's a whole board of non-vegans called /fit/ who say nothing BUT broscience.

You only notice when people you don't like do something you don't like.

>> No.5325285

Reread the post you just quoted.
Vegans don't have a monopoly on broscience.
They do however employ the fuck out of it.

>> No.5325337


Who doesn't?

>> No.5325680

Damn I really want hummus now.

>> No.5325683

I disagree. I very rarely fart as a vegan and my brother's farts when he's on the Atkins Diet choke you, they're so greasy.

>> No.5326090

These people.

>> No.5326670

how do they effectively wash their vaginas with vegan/never tested on animals cleansers.
vaginas 1 animals 0

>> No.5326680

thats pretty complicated to find pics. any non nude ones? blur out/ crop out face?

theres always the option to delete pics too

>> No.5326764

alright as much as I hate vegans this guys music is kind of cool
has anyone ripped the lyrics off and made an instrumental?

>> No.5326873

Bretty good trolling anon.
Bretty good.

>> No.5327508


>> No.5327531



DAAAAAYUUUUMM das a big bitch. 2D fat is so much nicer. Shit, i'm chubby and so much nicer.

>> No.5327608

Well that was a waste of time...

>> No.5327959

How many vegan troll threads do we have at any given time these days?

>> No.5328079


Anna is so freaking hot

>> No.5328117

but cunts pretty much look like roast beef already. They may as well taste the part?

>> No.5330077
File: 5 KB, 228x221, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't seen it mentioned yet but women have been saying for many years that sperm taste better if they guy ate fruit and worse if they ate steak. Never heard this PETA thing , is this real or troll bait?

>> No.5330158

That was an urban legend as well.
Peta just used it to make hay.

>> No.5330164


Almost 25% saturation of the front two pages, I'd say.

>> No.5332261

I love a beefy twat.

>> No.5332288


I haven't noticed any discernible difference, I think it's a load of shit

>> No.5332311

didn't read thread but I fucked some awfully skinny lil-dicked vegan dude and his cum didn't stink like chlorine or taste that bad.

>> No.5332316

Why a guy would pretend to be a girl to post this is confounding to me.

>> No.5332349

Very simple.
Right out of the PETA handbook.
First. Identify as non vegan so you are appear unbiased.
Second. Create a flaw vegan character and be dismissive of him (small penis, skinny)
All you need to do now is deliver your mild propaganda packet (his semen seemed somewhat nice) .
Small bites is the way to feed propaganda.

>> No.5332415



>> No.5332502

You disagree?
Present your case.

>> No.5333906 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 646x484, KoreanBBQ-thumb-646x484-145419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /ck/ there's an amazingly delicious 24 hour korean bbq not that far from my place. I've eaten there twice and loved it both times.

So I'm curious about your favourite korean bbq combinations.

What meat and what sides do you like the most for a single bite?

How do you eat your steamed egg, again ya know favourite sides combination for a single bite?

>> No.5333919

>The single most effective viral marketing campaign of all time was PETA convincing young people that vegans vaginas smell better
i've never even heard of this so i don't think it's very successful

>> No.5333936

i'm dying

>For example; my family is all vegan, and we tend to eat the same foods (in different quantities). For some reason, two members of our four person family fart A LOT of smelly farts. The other two don't fart frequently, but do poo a lot. Also, the fecal matter is different in density, color, and consistency, even though the diets are almost all indentical.
>yfw vegan households inspecting each others feces

>> No.5334015

How do the vaginas in your family smell?

>> No.5334686

A sexy surprise for vegans

>> No.5334845

I am a carnist and what is this?

>> No.5335104

W-Where can I find one anon?
For research purposes, o-of course.

>> No.5335110
