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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5317761 No.5317761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any picky eater stories?

I was picky as shit when I was a kid, my parents used to make me sit at the table until I finished everything.

>One night they leave me alone
>there's a phone in the kitchen
>pick it up and call child services
>"My mommy and daddy hit me"
>Child Protective Services comes two days later
>still pissed at mom and dad I run to the agent and yell "TAKE ME AWAY THEY'RE MEAN"
>On the way out to the car, turn around and stick out my tongue at my parents
>Mom is weeping
>come back a week later
>never have to clean my plate again

>> No.5317766
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That's nice

>> No.5317769
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>> No.5317773
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>> No.5317804

So my dad was like this. Except if I didnt eat it, i couldn't leave the table and it would be breakfast, if I didnt Eat it then it was after school snack. If I didn't eat it by the time other dinner came around I got an ass whooping. I was such a little shit.
He always told me, if you TRY it and dont like it, you don't have to eat it. If you dont try it you cant leave table.

Now as an adult I love all food. Thanks pops.

>> No.5317869

>implying your parents didn't disown your ungrateful ass and let dhs keep you

>> No.5317912


>implying this ever happened, you edgy fuck.

>> No.5317947

OP's story is bullshit but whatever.

When I was a kid I was picky as fuck. Ate a lot of ramen. Didn't like burgers until I was 10 or so because the first time I tried one at McDonald's it had diced onions on it and the texture bothered me. I'd also only eat spaghetti with butter, salt and parmesan.

Parents just kind of went with it and never pushed anything onto me. I eventually got over it myself when I got older because being picky is embarrassing as fuck. Now I'll eat nearly anything.

>> No.5317957

>parents wouldn't let me leave the table until I had finished what was on my plate
>they were terrible cooks and used totally inappropriate ingredients
>somewhat picky child (preferred each flavour and texture independently)
>learned to swallow big pieces of food whole without tasting them
>still don't have a gag reflex

I'm not very picky anymore, but I'm not sure I can thank them for it. Including children in the cooking process is probably a better angle, letting them taste each ingredient separately. And for god's sake, don't make a child eat soggy onion pieces the size of their palm and fucking "wok'ed" (slimy, half boiled) cucumber.

>> No.5318381

We had a thing of almost always having dessert after dinner. Not finishing what was on your plate meant no dessert. And we all know what kids are like with the promise of sweets.

Mind you, my mum could could fairly decently and my dad knew a few basic stir-fry dishes so I wasn't about to starve.

I'm not allergic to anything, nor do I shy away from eating anything.

I pity the poor fucking bastards with allergies/intolerances/pickiness.

You don't know what you are missing out on.

>> No.5318391

Your dad seemed like an ok parent.

>> No.5318433

I ate most foods as a kid, except canned tuna, because that shit smells gross.

I did have a friend though who would refuse to eat food if it wasn't just like how is parents made it. We have a running joke in my family about how one time he wouldn't eat an icecream sandwich because it wasn't "the right shape." Because it was rectangular instead of round.

He also required that all his fruit be sliced into bite sized pieces and if possible, skinned (like an apple).

His parents would catch him happily eating food that they thought he didn't like and go "Oh Robert honey, you dont like whole apples!" and then TAKE THE FUCKING FOOD FROM HIM TO PREP IT.

My mom stopped letting me hang out with him.

>> No.5318481

My bf is HUGE picky eater, have to check the menu before we go anywhere to see if there's anything he'll eat.
He doesn't like any veg and the only fruit he will tolerate is a banana.

>> No.5318488

The only thing I really did when I was a kid was that I couldn't have anything on my plate touching each other. Nowadays I don't give a fuck and I eat everything together all the time. It's funny how things work out like that.

>> No.5318496

He sounds like a fucking child. I could never date anyone like that.

>> No.5318505

Honestly, I dunno man.
My mom told me that one time when I was really little, like 4-5, I called 911 and told them she was being mean to me. I used to watch Rescue 911 when I was that age.

>> No.5318507

>implying CPS ever intervenes like that
There are multiple cases where kids are eventually killed by their abusive parents after calling CPS multiple times with evidence (like bruises)
I'm pretty sure that it's unlikely they'd take a kid with zero evidence but the kids own words

>> No.5318511

He will eat veg but it is swallowed whole.... sigh, I tell him he will die of colon cancer.

>> No.5318523

Depends on the place, who answers the phone, how busy they are, and a whole bunch of other things.
CPS isnt really a large entity, even though we like to think of them as that, it all comes down to the individual case workers and social service workers.

>> No.5318520

Oh it will not.
Quit being such a fucking hen.
Let him eat how he wants.

>> No.5318541

I do, I'm just bitching about it here.

>> No.5318559

>tfw yesterday I had my first piece of beef ever

I.... Liked it.. Holy shit.

>> No.5318650

>Including children in the cooking process is probably a better angle
What are you, a cannibal ?

>> No.5320322

Yeah, and then there are the CPS nightmares where they completely destroy a family because they have the power to do it.

Google "Wenatchee witch hunt" for one.

Then there was the sister of a friend of mine, whose husband was a fucking retard and didn't want to put up childproof gates at the top of all of the staircases in his house because they were inconvenient and his toddler wasn't going to be dumb enough to fall down the stairs. Then when the toddler did, and bonked his head on the concrete floor of the basement and had to go to the ER to get looked at, the nurse called CPS because "it might be abuse". Six months of "evaluations" ensued for the happy young couple.

Although in fairness, said father WAS a fucking retard for refusing to put up those gates.

>> No.5320332

No parent that hit's their child is good.

>> No.5320337

What is wrong with hit? Why is hit such a bad child?

>> No.5320345

Sorry for using an apostrophe incorrectly.

>> No.5320383

I was never a picky eater. I've had a fairly varied diet ever since I could remember. I grew up eating just about anything my mother put in front of me.

Having friends over for dinner was a pain in the ass. Everyone else thought my mothers food was weird. I knew kids that lived off chicken nuggets dipped in ketchup and french fries.

Seriously, me or my sisters friends would be practically dumbfounded by what we'd put in front of them. I'm talking kids that haven't had a slab of pork in there life or even heard of simple vegetables like asparagus.

As times gone on I'm actually much more of a picky eater now. Although picky isn't the right word. Infact I just know what I like now and how I like it.

I still eat generally everything you put in front of me.

Except for Tuna. Fuck tuna.

>> No.5320388

Went through a bread and butter or spaghetti noodles with butter phase. Parents didn't care as long as I was eating something because I was so skinny. Mom and dad refused to be short order cooks so if we didn't eat dinner, we got bread and butter instead and we were usually okay with that.

>> No.5320390

My roomate eats the following:
>Chicken nuggets from wendys
>French fries from Arby's
>Noodles with butter
>Desserts with chocolate in them
>Hot Dogs on a deli roll and 'lightly salted' potato chips
>Milk or Dr. Pepper only

Can you guess how large his fatass is? I wish he would get a heart attack so he can fix his diet.

>> No.5320401

I absolutely cannot eat "gooey" foods as octopus and... tuna. Yes, it is not "gooey", but for me it is.
Then I can eat everything.

>> No.5320403

A thing that I wouldn't see in anyone's kitchen is butter, for fuck's sake. Just put some olive oil on your pasta in bianco.

>> No.5320425

A friend of mine won't eat anything "dry" so out comes the ranch dressing to dip it in.

>> No.5320429

He bought 4 packages of butter for his damned noodles. That's 16 sticks of butter. He makes half a pound of noodles and sticks an entire stick in it and calls it dinner.

>> No.5320436

Doesn't most of Americans know the existence of olive oil?

>> No.5320439

That sounds... far too american

>> No.5320442

if I had a kid who didn't like pickles onions or olives I'd sure as hell put heaps of it in everything they had
they'll fucking learn just like Indian babies learn to eat curry

>> No.5320446

I got hit and grew up better coz of it. My sibling was born just after hitting was banned and is currently a fat retarded tumblr shit with no goals but lots of whining

>> No.5320451

hated licorice
now I actually enjoy its taste. but only certain HQ brands

>> No.5320455

It took me about 21 years to finally develop a taste for vegetables. Eventually I just forced myself to grow accustomed to them because I was embarrassed about always leaving food on my plate. Fussy eating is not an attractive trait in an adult, let's face it.

>> No.5320460

Ex girlfriend

>wouldn't eat the same for lunch and dinner
>wouldn't eat reheated things
>wouldn't eat carrots unless they were mushy-soft

>> No.5320463

The first one does not seem wrong; it is good to vary the daily menu.

>> No.5320464


I didn't have the money and I wouldn't just throw the food away

>> No.5320466

If so, it is acceptable.
Sorry, my friend.

>> No.5320468

>On week-end at Dad's place
>His new girlfriend
>Trying to make me eat a bacon-mustard-cheez whiz sandwich
>At this age I hate mustard, and Cheez Whiz is an abomination
>Cry for a whole hour until she makes me eat something else
I was a whiny little bitch when I was a kid, but that's one time I don't regret.

>> No.5320471

I used to be a picky eater. My parents say I used to cry if they put carrots in front of me. I also simply could not eat mashed potatoes without gagging. It wasn't the taste, it was the texture I couldn't stand.

>> No.5320473

I just googled that witch hunt. That is straight fucked

>> No.5320475

Same for me; I'd prefer starving to death to eat mashed vegetables; they are good-looking, why should you mash them? Food must be good-looking too.

>> No.5320495

That food would be borderline childabuse.

>> No.5320498

>Trying to make me eat a bacon-mustard-cheez whiz sandwich


>> No.5320508

>Be a kid
>Didn't want to finish my dinner for reasons I can't remember
>Parents yell at me
>I have a tantrum and run to bathroom to hide
>Dad proceed to follow and start hitting me with the shower head

To this day I still remember that beating

>> No.5320515

I used to ridicule picky people, but now I know that those with food aversions or people too immature to try new things are to be pitied, not insulted.

>> No.5320531

>/ck/ - Child Abuse

>> No.5320562


Ramen for me too. I used to it for school lunches uncooked. I started a fad, and tons of other people started doing it too.

I ate: American orange cheese, frozen hot dogs, ramen, macaroni and tomatoes, butter and pasta, pizza, and frozen pizzas from the store that cost .50$ each.

Never ate sandwiches. I've tried to eat them twice. One on a dare when I was 21, started gagging instantly. Again at 22 when I got high, friend bought me a mc chicken, gagged again, even harder.

>> No.5320570


>> No.5320576
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>Implying 4chan isn't child abuse central

I like how every board has abuse stories related to the boards topics

>> No.5320578

I don't eat any fish or seafood except for canned tuna.

>> No.5320621

My brother and I had alternating food hates. I hated mushrooms, he loved them, that kind of thing.

Most foods that I used to hate I'm now okay with, my parents were good, at least in one sense, that if I tried something a few times and still said no they'd wouldn't make me eat it. I ate most veg, so it wasn't hard to get me to eat.

My brother still has a thing about bones. It doesn't matter if it's tiny fish bones soft enough to eat or a giant bone in a drumstick, he won't eat meat with bones in unless he sits and picks it apart into tiny pieces on his plate. I can't eat with him, it drives me fucking mad.

>> No.5321031

My brother refuses to eat any type of tomato sauce and takes the pickles off his sandwiches. He's weird about it too.

>Go out to buy family burgers one day for lunch
>Order brother's without pickles since I know he'll just pick them off anyway
>Bring burgers home
>Brother sees the sticker on his
>Suddenly gets this really worried expression on his face
>Opens up his burger, searches through it
>Uh... you don't like pickles. I ordered yours without.
>He lets out this panic attack-y groan and starts to leave the room
>They? The fast food guys? Who don't even know who you are because I was the one who ordered?
>He continues huffing and goes in his room and refuses to eat

He's not even autistic. He only has outbursts like this when we appease his pickiness (like another time when we were talking about making spaghetti for dinner and my mom mentioned that he didn't like spaghetti sauce so I offered to make alfredo instead, and my brother heard and flipped out).

>> No.5321036

>He's not even autistic.
Are youreally sure about that?

>> No.5321054

He's definitely autistic.

>> No.5321059

why? butter is delicious and it's healthier than most oils anyway

>> No.5321081


It definitely isn't, but I choose it over solid oil spreads because the hydrogenation process is dodgy, and yes butter is delicious.

>> No.5321100

Vegetable oil is a cancerous train wreck. Just use Butter for hot cooking and olive oil for everything else.

>> No.5321107

as long as you don't eat a stick of butter a day it's much healthier. Most oils are cancerous when they are slightly heated

>> No.5321116



That word can't be applied to butter

>> No.5321135


>Most oils are cancerous when they are slightly heated

Do you think butter isn't cancerous on top of atherogenic?

>> No.5321282

>Parents think I'm picky
>Theyre actually just shit tier cooks
They burnt everything and constantly fed me junk food to the point I actually preferred healthy food like vegtables cause it was basically a treat

>> No.5321432

>Parents call me picky my entire life because I don't like tomatoes and onions
>Grow up, learn some cooking
>Try different foods
>Attempt to share with family
>Parents turn their nose up at any even remotely foreign or exotic food or if something is made slightly differently, like a different brand of mayo
>Mother refuses to eat any fish except Captain D's
>Neither can tolerate even the mildest of spicy foods

I will never, ever stop being furious about it. Fuck them.

>> No.5321439


EVERYTHING is "cancerous"

jesus christ