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5317720 No.5317720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

To be honest, I can't take someone seriously if they drink their coffee black.

>> No.5317725

sounds like your problem.

>> No.5317731

Guess what? No one takes you seriously.

Everyone sees you as a bitchmade whiny faggot, but they're actually decent people who won't bring it up.

>> No.5317733

Why? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.5317732

Why lol coffee is great black, it shouldn't taste bad or bitter enough to need cream to mask the taste

>> No.5317752


That's funny, people who drink their coffee black probably think the opposite way.

I wouldn't know, 8 cream and 7 equal masterrace reporting in.

>> No.5317764


>> No.5317771

I like mine weak and white...

like my men.

>> No.5317775

That's fine, I don't particularly care to impress you anyway. There's millions of people on this planet, all who are completely different. Your opinion really doesn't mean a thing. One day you'll realize that.

>> No.5317787

Everyone I know who drinks straight black coffee smokes cigarettes. Coincidence? Probably. But it amuses me.

>> No.5317791

sounds like _some_ issues...
wanna beer?

>> No.5317793

So, you're 19? interdasting

>> No.5317819

Agreed op, A real human coffee bean deserves a bit of cream.

>> No.5317820

>people who drink their coffee black probably think the opposite way.
I do, and I don't.
I drink enough of it for much sugar/milk to not be totally negligible nutrition wise, plus I really like it black. Honestly though I don't know why people give a shit. It'd be cool if everyone was willing to give both ways a try at least, but it's just a drink..

>> No.5317831

What I don't understand is why people spend so much time and energy giving a fuck about how other people do things and what they do. No one is the fucking same and if they were this world would be boring.

Live and let live.

>> No.5317842

Cigs kill your taste buds.

>> No.5317844
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>Getting your calories from drinks, ever

>> No.5317850

>no enjoying black coffee in the morning.
>not drinking black and two 3 sugars for energy in the morning

>drinking coffee for social status
look at this faggot

>> No.5317852

The other way around has some truth in my experience, but lol.

>> No.5317872

the shittier my coffee is black, the more I tend to add to it. in any event, coffee tastes p decent

>> No.5317918

Coffee is more healthy black.

>> No.5317967

>it doesn't
Sometimes it does. I prefer black, but really shitty coffee does need a little cream/sugar

>> No.5317986

>give both ways a try
this. black coffee and caramel macchiatos are two completely different drinks, apples and oranges. Both are delicious in their own right.

>> No.5318121

Black dark roast mustard race

Starbucks can put out a damn fine bean at times

>> No.5318129

Good coffee should be taken black to properly appreciate the flavour. If you want to add sugar and milk that's your problem, but looking down on people for drinking it correctly is the height of retardation.

>> No.5318136

I like my coffee like I like my women, cold and distant

>> No.5318145


Reported, saged and hidden.

>> No.5318159
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>> No.5318172

I buy beans from there not their brews. Their Christmas roasts are dark and delicious and if you think otherwise you're tasteless. They honestly are the best beans in town where I'm from so I don't have much choice.

>> No.5318176

Strong and black.

>> No.5318192

Cream and Sugar.
Only. No Coffee.

>> No.5318194
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>not roasting your own beans

>> No.5318204
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I prefer tea.

>mfw people put milk and sugar in tea near me

>> No.5318221

Brown sugar'd and full of alcohol

>> No.5318238
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>not growing your own

>better yet, not owning your own Arabica/South American plantation and forcing three generations of peasants into perpetual indentured servitude.

>> No.5318242

To be honest I can't take someone like the person in OP's pic seriously when they are obviously in the closet.

>> No.5318245
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stuffed in the freezer

>> No.5318343

Don't have the means. Could acquire the know how, but very uninterested.

>> No.5318659

I take it as black as the devil and as sweet as a stolen kiss

>> No.5318701

Coffee is a cultural problem filled with falsehoods and forced marketing.
>Everyone drinks coffee.
>roasted until black ground until powder and hot pressed is best
No, it ruins most the flavor. Gently roasted, moderately ground, and drip brewed will give as cup of coffee with a deep rich flavor. The mass-market coffeehouse stuff has been parched of all the complex flavors and forcing boiling water through it drives all the bitter burnt poor quality flavor components.
Adding large amounts of stuff into the coffee to make it drinkable was started to make extremely low grade coffee palatable, and since it's easier to manufacture low grade coffee it has become "The Way" to serve coffee.
Coffee is like steak, but a steak dry black-on-the-outside brown-in-the-middle is the steak equivalent to mainstream coffee.

>> No.5318715

>tfw I don't drink coffee
How can I get started? I don't want to drink coffee for the sake of drinking coffee, I just feel like it'd help me get moving in the mornings.

>> No.5318754

Dark roasts aren't very good,

>> No.5318760

>buy $2 melitta pour over cone and filters
>buy coffee grinder
>grind coffee beans, put in cone
>pour water
>drink coffee

>> No.5318766

If you live in or near a decent-sized city, look for a coffee shop that roasts and sells their own coffee and try whatever they got brewed. My favorite local coffee shop sells their coffee at about what charbucks charges, and it isn't over roasted and stale.

>> No.5318781

>not owning the country the plantations are in and getting fat off the work of the people who own the plantations

>> No.5318876

He said shouldn't, not doesn't.

>> No.5318982


Hmm. I drink it black, and smoke cigarettes. My boss drinks it black, and smokes cigarettes. His boss drinks it black, and smokes cigarettes. My roommates drink it black and smoke cigarettes.

You may be right. Another pattern: every stoner and/or woman drinks their coffee white.

>> No.5318998

I like my coffee like I like my whiskey...

Just kidding, they're both whiskey.

>> No.5319003

What if I just drink it without any milk or sugar?

>> No.5319006

I prefer to drink coffee black but if it's shit coffee or American garbage I usually add a little cream and sugar to make it bearable.

Coffee is a lot like fine liquor. Mix the shit tier stuff, don't bother if you're going to ruin high quality stuff with cream and sugar.

>> No.5319017

Also I'm amazed at how even good quality brunch places are serving garbage coffees nowadays. You almost have to find a local coffee shop to get decent coffee these days.

>> No.5319020
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I'm a casual stoner that drinks black, but yeah, your pretty goddamn right.

>> No.5319040

Coffee sucks.

>> No.5319146
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Touche, based capitalist.

>> No.5319161
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>not running a coffee plantation as a front to your cartel commitments with coca leaves and chemical processing

>> No.5319164

I remember back in the day I started McCafe I had to make my first Long Black. A shot of espresso and just hot water, people pay $1 more for this than the singular espresso?
> inb4 duh - was not a coffee drinker due to being ignorant teen

>> No.5319170

all the smokers I know either hate coffee or have lattes

>> No.5319200

I'd say that I can't take anyone that drinks their coffee with sweetener and creamer seriously, but many people choke down bad coffee just for the caffeine so that they can wake up in the morning and go to work.

Faggots that enjoy coffee with tons of sweetener and cream are just tryhard cunts. They don't actually like coffee (else they wouldn't be trying to mask the flavor), but they drink it anyway so that they appear to like coffee. This is fucking retarded.

>> No.5319207

>In tea
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

>> No.5319208

I'm guessing coffee in food recipes are for faggots too
Big shame in liking coffee flsvoured hot milk. Not everyone has a coffee for the coffee. Sometimes things can pair nicely, like coffee and milk.

>> No.5319210
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The only thing that you should have with your coffee is doughnuts.

>> No.5319214
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>> No.5319224

not in green tea nope

its a nice light way to beef up a black or chai though.

>> No.5320413

>dark roast
How does it feel to have the taste of a child?