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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5317531 No.5317531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>pick up chinese food for family
>dad says, "oh, we're having some chinky wink tonight?

>> No.5317537


Tell him to check his White privilege and that the only way to make amends for his racism is to offer up his virgin daughter as a wife to the first Chinese person he comes across.

>> No.5317796

Shut up Chen, you're not fooling anybody

>> No.5317800
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honk honk motherfucker

>> No.5317833
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>"On my way home now with chish n flips. Get some plates and sauce out. Ta, Dad :-)"
>chish n flips
>tfw post-2007

>> No.5317841

Where's the tartar sauce?

>> No.5317851

in da trash
tomato sauce, mushy peas and buttered bread are the only condiments of a true traditionalist e.g. me old man.

>> No.5317860

Maybe I am a pleb, but I like what I like. I don't try to control my taste buds.

>> No.5317865
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Here's how we fish n chips in NorCal. :)
That pic is from my local place about 1/2 a mile from my house. Good stuff, I might get some today.

>> No.5317870

Me too. Parental memories from childhood can't be ignored though dude. Happy daysss.
Personally I don't like tartare sauce, but then I don't really like fish and chips much as an adult either lol.

>> No.5317874

>chish n flips
i don't get it

>> No.5317933

Everyone assumes this of my dad. He's a bit of a traditionalist, so they just assume he won't try new things. I'm mostly a vegetarian (except when I visit him), so in recent years I've tried introducing main courses without meat to him. He has embraced it and appreciated my efforts, and even enjoyed some of the dishes I've prepared. The highlights were when he ate a vegetarian salad for dinner, and another time when we had root vegetables and dip as a snack.

>> No.5317949
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>vegetarian salad

>> No.5317956

>he doesn't know most salads have dairy in them

>> No.5317959

Lol, no

>> No.5317961

It's called chinky chow

>> No.5317968

Okay, I dare you to find me a dairy free salad.

>> No.5317976
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>> No.5317980

>not vegetarian

>> No.5317993

What's going on in this bread?
Confusion Trolling?
language barrier? (See: miscommunication)
Dumb assholes?

>> No.5317997

Vegetarian and vegan are two different things, idiot.

>> No.5318017
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Stop putting ranch on everything fatty

>> No.5318019

i'm gonna be a racist dad someday.

the older i get, the more insensitive and and intolerant i become.

>> No.5318024

Me too.

>> No.5318026

You'd be surprised. All the convenient salads in stores have meat in them. Go to a restaurant and look at the salads they offer. Usually they're all with either chicken or salmon or taco ground beef or whatever. It's surprisingly difficult to get a vegetarian salad.

>> No.5318034

surprisingly difficult

>> No.5318068

I don't know what shit town you live in but it's extraordinarily easy to find vegetarian salads everywhere I've ever been

>> No.5318069


what du fuk

>> No.5318072

oh god... the legends were true... they exist...

>> No.5318076

Oslo. Maybe it's just cultural that everyone seems to crave meat at every meal here. And god forbid that anything else is conveniently offered. I've come to terms with it and usually prepare my meals at home. Salad bars do exist in some places, but those aren't the places I'm usually at.

>> No.5318078


Where do you live? Almost every place that offers salad at all on the eastern seaboard of the United States offers a meatless, dairy free salad under the blanket term, "house salad"

>> No.5318081

Wrongfully assumed you were American. Your problem is a weird one but I don't really think it's all that crucial. Also, I'd like to visit Oslo one day on a Scandinavian tour.

>> No.5318094

I doubt they'd make a big fuss if I just asked for a normal salad, but most places don't have it as an option on the menu. When you think of public health and the toll it takes on variation in food I do think it's a real problem. People are so focused on getting their familiar meat that they don't get to really explore all the ingredients they put on the sideline.

If you visit Oslo, do so in the summer. The temperature is more agreeable and the fjord can be really beautiful in the sunset (which lasts forever since we're so far up north).

>> No.5318098

Summer sounds great. Good skiing available in the winter?

>> No.5318100
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>> No.5318101
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>mfw 39 year old husband softly says "ching-chong" every time we encounter an Asian person

>> No.5318104
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>> No.5318108

Then that'd be vegan, you spic.

>> No.5318109

Usually. This winter was bad, I think (I don't ski myself, but there has barely been any snow). Global warming is fucking us over.

>> No.5318115

Yeah. Global warning really is occurring and nothing substantial is being done by the U.S. about it and for that I'm upset. There are bans on Tesla cars being leveled in certain states (red states mainly) and it's fucking disturbing.

>> No.5318125

"chinky" is a pretty popular term for Chinese takeaway in the UK, among the underclass at least.

>> No.5318188

that's vegan, not vegi
generally speaking vegi = no meats, not not animal products

>> No.5318191

how fucking hard is it to make your own salad, its just sliced up vegetables ffs

>> No.5318231

That might just be a 4chan thing
If your husband goes on 4chan
My friends always softly whisper 'niggers' when we see black people even though were tolerant as fuck

>> No.5318454

go back to reddit, faggot.

>> No.5318469

I don't come from there and refuse to set foot there. You sound like a mad conservative denial faggot, so with that in mind, I'm not getting into anything with you because you're a child.

>> No.5318477

u mad nigger

>> No.5318515
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sounds like a cool bro

>> No.5318522

whenever I take some food from my girlfriends plate, I say "gibes me dat, honkey. Muh kids, muh EBT, muh CUH-MOON-ITAH. Gots ta have mah reparations. " Shit like that.

Or something like "WITH interest, goyim! These shekels are for the SIX HUNDRED OY VILLION"

>> No.5318529


Getting chineese food tonight because of this.

>> No.5318537

>Go visit Oslo
>Hottest Summer in like 7 years or something like that in the papers
I am a spring God

>> No.5318595
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Whenever I walk into an Asian restaurant or store I scream "OHH, MY HOMELAND I AM RETURN FOR YOU!". Being Asian is great.

>> No.5318608

my dad is a piece of shit racist, too

it's a generational thing

>> No.5318616


>chinese dick

>ever having a hope of satisfying a white woman

>> No.5318622

Question - what is the best fish for fish and chips.

>> No.5318625

Have you ever been with a woman? How large is your penis?

>> No.5318642

Ur mum's tunabox

>> No.5318688


>> No.5318733


>> No.5318730

This meme has nearly ruined 4chan for me.

>> No.5318738

What's the meme part bro

Your mom? That's been around forever. I was ironically tossing it out there because it's dated, which is why it's funny. I doubt anyone that uses it uses it differently

>> No.5318741

Yes. The meme is ironically saying it, which isn't funny in the least bit.

>> No.5318748

I used your mum differently last night, if you know what I mean.

>> No.5318749

You're a meta-conspiracist.

>> No.5319185

My dad calls it Chinamen food.
Also see: slopes and shleps(don't understand this one)

He's so racist it gross.

>> No.5319195

You sound like a wacky and fun guy.

>> No.5319227

No, he's telling the truth. It started as a couple of pictures passed around where someone responded with a juvenile Your Mom joke in a thread, and the thread's overwhelmingly positive reaction. Now people just say it without reaction, like it was when we were in middle school.

It's fucking idiotic. Between that and the newest influx of emoticons being used without shame, it's like the unspoken sense of limitation, quality, and class expressed in posts has dissolved under the guise of it all being a joke. If nobody is there to confront and argue against it, it's no longer a joke, it's just part of the message.

>> No.5319295

It's not hurtful though, he's making a soft with his own family in his own home.
Something most Asians probably do.
Unless he goes around restaurants slanting his eyes and making noises it's not exactly horribly racist, is it?

>> No.5319300

*soft joke

>> No.5320610

Me and my brother used to say "taxed" whenever we took something without permission like that. The implication being that we were levying a tax on the other person and there was nothing they could do about it.

>> No.5320678
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>pick up taco bell for family
>head back to the trailer park
>500 lb couch bound dad says "oh we're having poopy pants food tonight"
>his adult daiper immediately fill to the brim with shit that he licks up and uses as a condiment for his taco bell XXL beef and bean burrito

>> No.5320697
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>be from maine
>work for my father
>business trip to charlotte, nc
>find soul food restaurant
>sit down
>waiter gives us the menus
>dad says, "so this is what black people eat. huh."
>everyone is looking at us
>dad has his face obliviously buried into the menu

>> No.5320715

>everyone is looking at us
musta been full of white people then
blacks aren't like that in NC

>> No.5320724

They were laughing. NC was great.

>> No.5320849

Hes not immature. .. but he's got names for every kind of human. I very ashamed I have a giant knowledge of rasict vocab. He will say things under his breath. Its terrible.
"Homos are ruining the world"
"Spear chuckers need to go back to africa."

Im very accepting of everyone. Idk how tho being raised around him.

>> No.5320891

>My friends always softly whisper 'niggers' when we see black people even though were tolerant as fuck

just goes to show tolerance !=acceptance

>> No.5320936

The last interaction I had with a black guy in NC was having a gun pointed at me from the back of an F150 for absolutely no reason.

>> No.5321058
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>gibes me dat, honkey. Muh kids, muh EBT, muh CUH-MOON-ITAH

>> No.5321069

>at japaense restaurant
>friend squints his eyes
>look i'm one of them
>people around us heard
>oh my fucking god i can never go back here

>> No.5321084

aw don't be like that.

>> No.5321086

lol, sorry about that, honky

>> No.5321113

We always call the Chinese takeaway 'the chinky'. My mother is Chinese.

>> No.5321131

>Hey Bubba let's go to chopstick charlie's!"

I have that nickname.

>> No.5321152

My father was also in Vietnam for what it's worth.

>> No.5321168


As a mainer, i wouldn't be suprised by this.

It's always weird seeing so many minorities around.

>tfw I went to china town in boston, and the first thing I saw was a chinese man in a beat up car, leaning out his window yelling in the middle of an intersection

I wanted to make a joke so bad, but I didn't want to die.

>> No.5321173


For me its an act of defiance. I'll hang around anyone, I don't think anyone is superior, but the fact that they want to ban me from saying certain words they are allowed to say drives me insane. So when I say it, its like saying "na na na, cant tell me what to say"

>> No.5321192

This. Blue Cod specifically.
Gurnard is pretty good too.

>> No.5321233

My dad recently had a heart attack, and he normally lives far away but the hospital is in walking distance so it was somewhat convenient to visit and catch up. I think he's always been racist but he sure didn't hold back while in the hospital.

>young Korean nurse comes in to check vitals
>"What's your last name?" It's something generically white because she's adopted.
>"You know my dad was in the Korean war..."
>awkward accusatory silence
>"Of course that was before your time."

>"I'm not racist, I even dated a nigger once! Can you imagine! Me, with a black woman!"
>nurse in the room leaves
>ask about any other details about her, besides being black
>can't recall her name

>news comes on about how the snow is so deep and the city so incompetent at clearing sidewalks that wheelchair-bound people can't get outside unless they want to wheel down the street, causing a danger to themselves and drivers
>handicapped woman being interviewed happens to be black
>Dad mocks everything she says twisting her words to make her sound like the lazy incompetent one
>That's not even what she said. Have to reiterate what she actually said.
>"Yeah I know."

Not that any of this has to do with cooking.

>> No.5323440
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>be half-asian, half-white
>mom cooks dish she calls "ching chong chicken"

>> No.5323447

Just move to Portland Somali and Koreans everywhere. I've never had reason to go to Lewiston so I don't know how exaggerated that is.

>> No.5323449

>So when I say it, its like saying "na na na, cant tell me what to say"

In other words, you're acting like a child. Got it.