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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5315625 No.5315625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is grilled cheese considered a "kid's food"?
If so, how do I make it an adult food?

>> No.5315632

By eating what you want and not worrying about what other people tell you

>> No.5315633

Make it with gruyère and multi-grain bread.

>> No.5315635

By eating meals that aren't just fat in carbs

>> No.5315641

I don't think I could be friends with somebody who insults grilled cheese.

>> No.5315643

Better bread
Real cheese
Additional fillings

>> No.5315646

Stuff it with bacon?

>> No.5315650


>> No.5315656

Use good bread.
Don't use those individual cheese slices.
Use some kind of deli meat. Ham is a favorite. Extra points if you fry the meat a little before you add it to the sandwich.

>> No.5315660

Add tomato, onion, and ham.

Perfect grilled cheese.

>> No.5315664

Nah it's not a kiddie food, just simple and delicious. Use some different cheeses to mix it up I guess.

>> No.5315671

fill it with lead

>> No.5315851


"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

>> No.5315861

perfect ham sandwich perhaps

>> No.5315917



where is this from?

>> No.5315922


nevermind, found.

>> No.5315940


>> No.5315950

Grow a mustache.

>> No.5316072

add granny smith apples and arugula

>> No.5316077


You're fucking welcome.

>> No.5316110

Those are melts or ham sandwiches, not grilled cheese.

>> No.5317359

look at this hipster

>> No.5317369

apples in a sammach? YUK!

You should just kill yourself now and put yourself out of your misery.

>> No.5317380

bet you never tried it

>> No.5317382

Grilled cheese is cheese on a flat grill or pan.
A toasted sandwich can include cheese and any other suitable ingredient.

>> No.5318363

If the meat is less than (or equal to) the cheese then its a grilled cheese.

If its more meat than cheese then its a melt.

>> No.5318372

Use real butter instead of margarine.
Use whatever (real) cheese you want instead of kraft singles or other imitation garbage.
Use any good bread that isn't store-bought sliced whitebread. I like sourdough.
Grill that bitch up good.
Serve by itself or accompanied by any delicious soup of your choice. I like mine with tomato bisque.

>> No.5318393

Italian Grilled Cheese
4 slices bread
butter, for spreading
sliced mozzarella
pesto/chopped basil
4 tomato slices
grated parmesan
Heat a non stick skillet over medium heat.
Butter bread and sprinkle parmesan on top. Press into bread and turn over. Spread with pesto, then top with tomatoes and mozzarella. Top with other slice.
Place in skillet and grill both sides until crusted and golden brown.

>> No.5318396

French Onion Sandwiches
1 yellow onion, sliced
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon thyme
3 tablespoons beef broth
2 slices provolone
2 slices swiss
4 slices bread
spreadable butter
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Add butter, olive oil and onions. Cover and stir often. Cook until caramelized, then add the salt, pepper, thyme and beef broth. Deglaze pan and cook 5 more minutes until liquid has evaporated. Turn heat off.
Heat a griddle over high heat. Butter bread and place cheese on slices. Top with caramelized onions. Grill both sides until golden brown and melty.

>> No.5318582


Not sure why anyone would add meat to a grilled cheese sandwich. Seems to go in a different direction entirely.

>> No.5318593
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>> No.5318912

fucking this

>> No.5318947

>by using white bread and good cheese.
>or alternatively an bread and any cheese except shitty cheese

>cheese on slice of bread
>stick in oven
>let sit
>when melted
>combined slices of bread


>> No.5319171

I....have all of these things; I must make this.

>> No.5319198 [DELETED] 
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Cocaine, jesus, grow up.

>> No.5319215

cheese is kids food. adults really should not eat much cheese. it's all fat. and adults need to avoid fat.

>> No.5319218

C.S. Lewis if anyone else was wondering.

>> No.5319228

What would be better. red or green?

>> No.5319240


Christfags pls go

>> No.5319296

by leaving the crusts on

>> No.5319317 [DELETED] 

Hah. So obvious.

>> No.5319336

Granny smith with cheddar is delicious.

>> No.5319402 [DELETED] 
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Sourdough, butter, brie, havarti, tomato, spinach, pepper.

>> No.5319415 [DELETED] 
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And basil pesto. I forgot the most important ingredient

>> No.5319416


>> No.5319431 [DELETED] 
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Just another hot girl in a kitchen for good measure

>> No.5319452 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5319456

I like the leaves in the foreground. Gives it a nice predator feeling.

>> No.5319477 [DELETED] 
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Im not mysoginistic, I'm just a little less than sexist. Kitchen and ass go together like salt and pepper

>> No.5319484

Do you have a "Chive On" sticker on your '98 Corolla?

>> No.5319488

Hot ass maybe, can't see the face so we can't know their true beauty.

>> No.5319497

>kids food
Most obnoxious thing, it's food. I put ham in mine and then even go on to dip it in sour cream. I love the cold/hot contrast. Granted, this is unholy bad for you and shouldn't be eaten often. But why does it fucking what i eat?

I like sprinkles on my food, cause I like the chewy waxy texture a bunch of them at once makes.

>> No.5319509 [DELETED] 
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Beauty is in the ass of the beholder. >>5319484
I wish. I do have three KCCO stickers on my big wheel.

>> No.5319673

Eat one while drinking the alcoholic beverage of your liking.

>> No.5319710

add ham, mornay, and a fried egg.

>> No.5319725


that's not a grilled cheese anymore fagwit

>> No.5319728

brand pornographic images into it.

>> No.5319744

you're fucking right it isn't.


it is the goddamned apex predator of grilled cheeses.

>> No.5319760

Add bacon and egg

>> No.5320641

This action alone would improve literally 95% of all situations.

>> No.5320667

Yes, it's a kid's food.
No, you shouldn't care.

>> No.5322518


>> No.5322528

What if you just have an egg in it?

>> No.5322530

Add whiskey.

>> No.5322533

>tips euphoridora

>> No.5323789

I gotta agree.

>A juicy burger with an egg and bacon
>Some fried rice with egg (maybe not bacon, though)
>A salad, with egg chuck and bacon

>> No.5323877

Fried rice is good with bacon though.

Cut the bacon into thumbnail size pieces and fry it in the pan/wok first, same way you would with chicken.

>> No.5323894

No one cares about your bro-science keto paleo atkins bullshit

>> No.5323903

why would your cheddar be red or green?

>> No.5324236

I like my grilled cheese made with pepper jack and some basil sprinkled in with coconut oil on the bread.
You can add other things too like mustard, onions, pesto, different cheeses, different breads, meat, etc. Pretty much anything that goes good with cheese and bread, man, shouldn't be too hard to find something you like.

>> No.5324249

my man, you are so right. pepperjack+coconut oil

>> No.5324252

Consume along with glass of bourbon.

>> No.5324312

Coconut oil on/in pretty much everything really.

>> No.5325977

I remember when I heard that you can put it in coffee - I didn't believe it at first, but when I tried it I was blown away.

>> No.5325992

>Be an adult
>Eat grilled cheese
>Stop being a little bitch

>> No.5325994

>be first to click
>what the fuck is a chee?
>what the fuck does tomato soup have to do with grilled cheese?
>why the fuck are u putting grilled cheese in a donut?


>> No.5327015
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>> No.5327032

Tomato soup is a culturally traditional pairing for grilled cheese in America.

NFC on the rest.