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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 287x296, anger frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5313008 No.5313008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ask parents if they want some coffee
>they say yes
>take out the Ethiopian whole beans at medium roast from online gourmet roasters that was roasted 3 days ago
>boil water to preheat their mugs
>hand grind beans in burr grinder at a nice even, thick grind
>pour boiled water in mugs to preheat (so mugs keep coffee warm and the coldness of the mugs don't alter the temp and taste of coffee)
>pour filtered cold water into pot and start boiling that
>finish grinding beans for coffee (in less than 10 minutes to preserve freshness)
>put ground beans into French Press and even out
>take filtered water off heat just at a boil
>wait 40 seconds and transfer to pouring mechanism
>carefully pour water into carafe
>immediately start timer for 4 minutes
>place the very top of plunger down to break the "crust" which helps to have the finiest coffee dust sink to the bottom and keeps it out of the cup
>wait 4 minutes
>as soon as timer goes off, slowly and evenly plunge down
>"Coffee is ready everyone!"
>empty hot water from mugs and proceed to evenly pour coffee into the 3 mugs
>Take a sip from mine
>tastes amazing
>perfect temperature
>no bitterness
>all of the notes and flavor is there

>see family members come over "Wow it smells great!"
>they proceed to pour a half cup of creamer into pure coffee
>3 sugars a piece
>no no no no what are you doing
>one of them sips it
>"Ah damn this is cold!"
>of course it is you just dumped creamer into it it was the perfect temp
>they proceed to put it in the microwave and blast it for 20 seconds
>take out the "coffee" which is now a disgusting reheated cream and sugar monster with oils swirling on the surface
>they take a sip
>"Ahh, now THAT'S good coffee!"

>> No.5313014

I do that just to troll people.
I don't even like coffee.

>> No.5313016
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>> No.5313019

I know your frustration, II used to be the same way, you'll mellow out eventually Technically you are right and they ruined a good cup of coffee. Fuck it its just a cup of coffee, let em be. They liked theirs, you liked yours. I hope you didn't sperg out on them, because looking back at how I used to be I feel like a real asshole now. ty

>> No.5313020
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I always take a sip black before I start adding shit, unless it's bullshit instant coffee in which case i just add milk and then try to read my fortune

>> No.5313021

I did once or twice but not angrily. I just pointed out that I've studied how coffee is supposed to be made and ingested and I'm basically taking the time to make them the best coffee I can possibly make, and if they could it would be nice to at least try it ONE TIME without anything in it so they can see what they are missing.

They have no clue how to make it in a french press. It's not even hard, they just don't want to take the time to learn all the little nuances.

at the very least I wish they would refrain from reheating it. That damages the taste so much.

>> No.5313022

shit coffee I don't care what you put in it. I totally get it then.

We're talking expensive, hand ground coffee made in a french press. It's a totally different taste and they know it

>> No.5313026

Preface it, you sperg. Say "this is gonna be the best cuppa coffee you've ever had" and start describing the shit you're doing and why it's so good.

>> No.5313031

I feel you anon, I feel you. Older people are set in their ways and are hard to get through to. That whole generation also didn't have access to the same variety of food and drinks that we have today, they've drank poor quality coffee for years watered down and made drinkable with creamer and sugar. To them, that is a cup of coffee. Its so frustrating, but try not to be too hard on them. My parents grew up on Miller Lite, Folgers, and Velveeta and will occasionally try something I suggest but a lot of the time they don't like it. They've gotten a whole lot better but be patient and don't be a dick. I like showing them new things but no longer get upset or defensive if they don't enjoy something that is good.

>> No.5313041
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>make coffee for myself
>roommate complains I didn't make any for him
>make coffee for both of us
>he drowns it in sugar and creamer

>> No.5313038

they know

they just go "Well I like it my way!"

To which I just stopped making it for them

>> No.5313056

>if you don't enjoy the same process on how i drink my bitter beanwater then ur a babby faget. not liking what other people do to their own drinks makes me so machure nd i impress people on 4chan!

>> No.5313061

1. its not bitter if you drink good stuff

2. If I am taking the time to make it for you, you drink it my way or else I stop making it

>> No.5313062

>not having pure imported full fat grass-fed organic cream from gently massaged hedonistic indian cows
>not having pure raw unrefined granulated sugar imported from Isla Nubar
It's like you really wanna be a plebian.

>> No.5313064


>if you don't unwrap this gift without ripping the paper i'm gonna stop buying you christmas presents

>> No.5313065

bad analogy

>> No.5313069


spot-on analogy. anyways, you sound like a selfish, arrogant sperg who's too chickenshit to confront his oh-so-evil parents for customizing their own cups of coffee. they wiped your fucking asshole as a baby and sent you to school and loved you and you're going to complain about how they drink their coffee?

tl;dr kill yourself

>> No.5313071


Lol, thanks for taking the time to type this all out OP

>tfw OP will never make you a cup of ethiopian coffee in the morning

>> No.5313072

I think people just like coffee the way they're used to it. One time my mom came over and I made her a cup. Ground up some fresh beans, heated some water and brewed in a French press using perfect technique. She took one sip and subtly walked around for awhile before setting the full mug on the kitchen counter.

>> No.5313075


Fuck off, samefag. No one cares about how your parents improved their coffee.

>> No.5313076

>they wiped your fucking asshole as a baby and sent you to school and loved you

they also chose to create me when they knew they couldnt afford a child. All those things are baseline requirements for a parent. Wow, they did the bare minimum. Oh man.

>> No.5313080

I would make you coffee if you hold me for a while

Im really lonely

>> No.5313082


>they had the decency to raise me themselves instead of burying me in the backyard or sending me to a foster home

i'm gonna break into your house and rub my nuts all over your ethiopian coffee

>> No.5313087



Not even close

This is just a good thread and I want to encourage content like this.

Go back to the Taco Bell thread, newfriend.

>> No.5313088
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you sound like a little bitch op if you are not prepared to cook for others and allow them to eat/drink the way they like then don't do it.

>> No.5313090

>they had the decency to do the one single thing they could do to NOT be awful parents

Wow shit they deserve a round of applause for not killing me.

>> No.5313099



i can't wait until both of them die and you'll sit down in your car after the funeral and you'll look at a lipstick-stained coffee cup that your mother accidentally left and you'll break down and burst into treats because you'll realize what a shitbag son you were and how much you took them for granted

>> No.5313104

>took them for granted
why and how would this ever happen

>> No.5313105

I love them but you don't know them like I do. They have both individually succeeded in pushing away everyone else in the family including my siblings

>> No.5313108

that has nothing to do with cooking for others

>> No.5313111


>i can't wait until both of them die

stopped reading there. you're not really in any place to be criticizing anyone else.

>> No.5313114


>being this retarded
how have you fags not been euthanized yet

>> No.5313116

>caring this much about your family
>actually believing that they did nothing but good and that you should be happy they existed
>actually thinking that being in this planet is a privilege and a blessing that you shouldn't squander away
>actually believing that they weren't just being selfish pricks trying to make their lives better the only way they knew how, by having a family

>> No.5313119

I don't love my parents. Come at me, faggots.

>> No.5313121


>being this fedoracore

>> No.5313122


>wanting to euthanize people for no reason
>flinging around the word "retarded" like it doesn't have an actual definition

yeah, maybe you should look into anger management.

>> No.5313127


>implying every sperg in this thread and the world doesn't deserve to be thrown off a cliff
>being so autistic that you get upset by the word retarded
you're a retard, sperg

>> No.5313129



keep on flinging shit like a monkey

>> No.5313134


are you 14? obviously, because you're so full of teen angst and rebellion

>> No.5313138

>dismissing differing opinions without a second thought
my fedora and i will be tipping over here in euphorialand while you will be crying on the inside

>> No.5313141


anon, why are you doing this? you are not funny or clever.

>> No.5313143




>> No.5313144

Are you the same guy who hopes that OP's parents die? Because you shouldn't be criticizing anyone for "teen angst and rebellion".

>> No.5313146


>being so adamant about having different opinions because you feel the need to be a special snowflake who was abandoned by his parents
you know, therapists exist

>> No.5313149

>actually paying money for someone to tell you that your problems exist
>not just dealing with them and moving on with your life

>> No.5313150

Wrong quote.

>> No.5313151
File: 348 KB, 579x415, asperger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you found your favorite way to drink coffee, though I am concerned by
>pour boiled water in mugs to preheat (so mugs keep coffee warm and the coldness of the mugs don't alter the temp and taste of coffee)
>pour filtered cold water into pot and start boiling that
This is excessive. Not that excess bothers me all that much. I mean, if you feel like it makes a notable difference and it makes you happy, go for it. But more my issue with it is why not just put some water in the mugs and microwave them, or use some of the water you boil for the coffee for that? Boiling two different times is nuts.
>thick grind
Synonymous to coarse? If so, I strongly urge you to try a fine grind, and use less time steeping. The result will be less bitter and carry the bean notes much better. If it's the case of you being that averse to sludge, get some paper filters or grow up and love the signs of good coffee.
Have you tried the things mentioned above?
~from one coffee assburger to another

>> No.5313153


>thinking you can just get over your problems at the drop of a hat

>> No.5313154

>dealing with problems
>the same as getting over them

at this point you're just posting contrary shit

>> No.5313155


and you need one, anon. might help with all of that projection.

protip: OP was expressing his negative emotions about the situation, not blaming his parents for abandoning them or even expressing hatred. sounds like you've got some baggage to work through.

>> No.5313158

white people love coffee

>> No.5313159


stay mad, sperg. i bet your parents make a better cup of coffee than you ever can

>> No.5313160

This thread has turned into a huge shit show in the span of 30 minutes.

Anyways, I do everything you do, OP, except I don't pre-heat my mug. I've never done it, but it seems like a waste of water and time for a minimal improvement. Also:

>roommate's mom comes over
>offer to make her a cup of coffee from my press
>tells me she's never had pressed coffee before
>weigh out 10g of coffee per 6 ounces of water
>grind coffee
>steep for four minutes
>"It's kind of weak."


But I said, "Yeah, it's a bit different than regular drip brew. Not for everyone I guess, hah."

>> No.5313162

You may have mental issues.

>> No.5313167

>Synonymous to coarse? If so, I strongly urge you to try a fine grind, and use less time steeping. The result will be less bitter and carry the bean notes much better. If it's the case of you being that averse to sludge, get some paper filters or grow up and love the signs of good coffee.
>Have you tried the things mentioned above?

Yes actually I switched to a finer grind/shorter steeping time and I did like it better and you're right, I should have said coarse.

The preheating the mugs thing may be excessive but I have noticed it DOES prolong how long the coffee stays warm, obviously. I just like it as part of my ritual.

Good catches

>> No.5313169

OP you still here? What grinder did you use?

>> No.5313171


he uses the iphone app

>> No.5313175
File: 75 KB, 320x285, hang frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shamefully I use a hario hand grinder

Please don't mock me, I'm poor and this is the best I can do on my budget. It has an uneven grind at coarser grinds and the burrs become uneven over time.

>> No.5313179

Yeah I decided against getting a french press because the cheapest grinder recommended by obsessive coffeefags was $130 new and I'm a perfectionist like that.

>> No.5313182

I've heard a lot of good things about them. I feel like I wasted money on the zassenhaus that I bought. Hand grinders need to be small or fucking huge/mounted on a table/flywheel type shit to not be cumbersome. Might go back to an atlas grinder.

>> No.5313184

obsessive coffeefags have recommended the one I use as a budget option, just won't produce the best grind

>> No.5313189

>atlas grinder
theyre good for the price range, I got mine for 40 and its like 25 bucks now.

After about 6 months the grind becomes super inconsistent though, so keep that in mind. It has steps though so you can make it coarser on the fly.

>> No.5313190

Perfectionist =/= being compelled to buy something because random anons tell them to.

>> No.5313192

WOOPS I didnt mean the atlas grinder, was talking about the Hario. Dont know shit about atlas.

once i get some dosh Id like to upgrade my coffee setup though

>> No.5313199

Well I had experience with a few grinders and by far the recommended grinder (Baratza Encore) had the fewest fines.
Going back to cheaper options just bugged me.

>> No.5313204

>Baratza Encore

is this a good buy? Did your break?

>> No.5313228

It worked really well, and a lot of people said that it had the best quality to price ratio when it comes to having a french press as your main coffee making machine. And it wasn't mine, a friend made me a cup of fp coffee with the grinder.

>> No.5313237

i have one, it is pretty solid

>> No.5313238

eh, it's my fault too
It's what I've always referred to the turkish mills, because they look a LOT like Atlas pepper mills, which are actually Italian, but just what I was more familiar with. I liked my turkish mill, and should have held onto it, but gave it to a friend.

>> No.5313398

pls make me a cup OP.

>> No.5313405

Stop trying to be something your not.

>> No.5313413

You've lived with them how many years and you don't know how they take their coffee? You deserve it anon.

>> No.5313457

I was expecting you to have finished the coffee and they had already left, gone to Starbucks, and come back.

>> No.5313521

>coffee lawl

>> No.5313532

are u a qt

that is who I am though, a controlling piece of shit

>> No.5313561

>why people do things that i don't is beyond myself

>> No.5313591

I mean, if they tried it and didn't like it why would you get mad if they are adding stuff. If they didn't even taste it and said it was shit without trying it first, then yeah, fuck them.

>> No.5313690

how about you ask them how they want it, and ask them if they'd like to try it in a professional cafe-manner before they add in any touches? just because you're obsessed with the art of coffee doesn't mean anyone else cares

>> No.5313807

They probably were sitting in the other room talking shit about you fucking around in the kitchen for 20 minutes. Why the fuck are you so hard up to impress your parents?

Also, reality is your coffee probably sucked anyway.

>> No.5313815


Kill yourself. Seriously. Quality coffee is great, but you're just being a faggot now.

>> No.5313830
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>> No.5313845
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This is delicious.

>> No.5313852

educateded mayhap beyond your raisin.or raising what goes around comes around.I like coffee. it's ok. but none is the end all be al. ?Had in urns, jugs,boiled,percked,dripped and iced i use a mr coffee drip, and maxwellhouse, jfg or folgers medium. sometimesif you can find it, jfg hotel (red bag) or lussiane with chicory(seldom buy that 'cause none else likes it.coffee and tea, and how to properly make either is like what beer, gin,whiskey, smokes, motels/hotels or fast food places you see in an approaching storm.down on the ground,all is fine with me. coffee is good. being scotts/jew and taught to waste nothing, even ice coffee. Je parle Francais, mais ne' pas tres bonne. unless you have time and money a dead waste of money. Mais, pardon, Je suis well I forget, crude.then again you might like it. don't take my word for it. do what you do it any.way do as you wish. check big lots or bed bath and beyond first. even flea markets.(make sure they have the original box). I am average.ok is good enough for me. don't blow 200 bucks on a pos,never mindy, caveat emptor. don't wanna see that "re gifted".

>> No.5313864

Coffee snobs, beer snobs and wine snobs should all be brutally murder.

>> No.5313871
File: 285 KB, 1000x691, 1394641800130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur.

>> No.5313878

This is why hoodrats should never visit Oz? Because Oz doesn't give a flying fuck and will send wheelers and flying couch-moose abominations upon your ass?

>> No.5313884


sow what you sow

>> No.5313904


fellow stlfag?

>> No.5313922

educateded mayhap beyond your raisin.or raising what goes around comes around.I like coffee. it's ok. but none is the end all be al. ?Had in urns, jugs,boiled,percked,dripped and iced i use a mr coffee drip, and maxwellhouse, jfg or folgers medium. sometimesif you can find it, jfg hotel (red bag) or lussiane with chicory(seldom buy that 'cause none else likes it.coffee and tea, and how to properly make either is like what beer, gin,whiskey, smokes, motels/hotels or fast food places you see in an approaching storm.down on the ground,all is fine with me. coffee is good. being scotts/jew and taught to waste nothing, even ice coffee. Je parle Francais, mais ne' pas tres bonne. unless you have time and money a dead waste of money. Mais, pardon, Je suis well I forget, crude.then again you might like it. don't take my word for it. do what you do it any.way do as you wish. check big lots or bed bath and beyond first. even flea markets.(make sure they have the original box). I am average.ok is good enough for me. don't blow 200 bucks on a pos,never mindy, caveat emptor. don't wanna see that "re gifted".do the best ya can (ps know how copper wire was really invented? a scott and a jew stretching a penny. I am white, live in the south US. I was taught and belive a precept;. I would not own a slave because I would not be one. simple, tough, but true.Plenty of niggers, but all colors.they behind hoods or masks, same as plo or klan or cartel in Mexico. pussies.should not have said that pure provocation. But lot of the world is correct. Name the president of Mexico. The prime minister of Canada Don't feel bad. I don't either."merrica needs to wake up, abit. don't know why many emulate us, 'cause we ain't fpr shit. Except we are you.

>> No.5313924


>> No.5313925
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>> No.5313929

>didnt preheat the french press with boiling water
fucking casual

>> No.5314006
File: 18 KB, 473x476, 1985192332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like someone's got a case of the brews

>> No.5314014

Never change

>> No.5314026
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>Ethiopian whole beans
It was shit before it started, OP.

>> No.5314040

>Trying to be all gourmet with your family
>Being surprised

To many people, coffee isn't art, it's just a small time snack item.

>> No.5314147

Maybe you should not be such a fucking sperg? Just chill the fuck out and make a cup of shit coffee for them instead of getting deeply offended that everyone cannot enjoy the level of detail that go's into seeds steeped in water and poured into a glass that you can; the simple plebs.

>> No.5314163

This thread makes me grateful that my parents are wealthy and educated upper-middle class people with excellent and broad tastes, a willingness to try new flavours and experiences, and an appreciation for fine things. I'd get aggravated if they were plebs like OP's, people who refuse to move out of their comfort zone with food piss me off. That said, if they were plebs like OP's parents then I suppose I wouldn't be who I am.

>> No.5314183


Not surprised to get this kind of hate from 4chan, but I used to call /ck/ the "best board". Not anymore.

Well they claimed to "love coffee" all their lives

Sorry for trying to share something I love with people I love

Yeah it sucks having pleb parents

they are at least a little better when I try to show them some challenging cinema, although last week my dad said he hates reading subtitles during foreign films

I almost choked him.

>> No.5314242
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>mad because he can't afford Colombian beans

>> No.5315421

I've had my share of premium Colombian

It's not the greatest. I prefer El Salvadorian beans

>> No.5315465

>pour my mom a coffee
>dumps a load of fucking disgusting bitter STEVIA in it
>whipped cream on top
>chocolate sauce on top of that
>eats the whipped cream/chocolate
>throws away a cup of coffee

Jesus mom

>> No.5316384

So how come you didn't ask them how they wanted their coffee? Its probably a troll story but i'll humour you here.

>> No.5316425

I like iced/chilled coffee, with cinnamon, cardamom, anise and cloves/black pepper added (usually made in a french press, then stored in the fridge). does this make me a pleb?

>> No.5317133

I put da raisins in coffees cus it tastes like good

>> No.5317172

It's 1 AM, I'm tired and I just burst out laughing at the mental image of OP silently sperging out at his parents ruining the coffee

Sorry OP

>> No.5317494

home roaster gettin kicked in the balls by this thread

>> No.5317579

Did you salt the vinegar?

>> No.5317687
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>Yeah it sucks having pleb parents
>they are at least a little better when I try to show them some challenging cinema, although last week my dad said he hates reading subtitles during foreign films
>I almost choked him.

I'm sorry, the coffee is one thing, but you really need to re-evaluate your priorities.

I remember when I was an angsty teenager and I used to try and show my dad 'challenging cinema' and 'challenging music' because I was too young to understand that after a hard day's work, at a job he did to support me and the family, he just wanted to relax and not have to deal with complication.

If you think this makes him a pleb and you want to condescend on him, fine, but maybe you'll think differently when you see it from his perspective one day.

>> No.5317737

Perhaps his father is a fatfuck on welfare and has never worked a day in his life. I am fairly confident his knowledge regarding his family's circumstances far exceeds yours. In fact, I guaruntee it.

>> No.5317746


>> No.5317747

Thank you, I'm with you. When your a teen or early 20's with nothing better to do than be a self titled connoisseur on mom and dads tab its easy to a condescending prick. But when you're out on your own self supporting maybe even with children its different. Good food and drink is good, but sometimes a man just wants a fucking cup of Joe. Sometimes we want to watch mindless cartoons and listen to shitty Ramones after work to unwind. These pretentious college kids are going to be dizzy lost and trampled when they get out into the shit.

>> No.5318636

I'm nearly 30 and no, "being tired" is not an excuse to have bad taste in things. Coffee and Cinema are both actually important things in my life.

>> No.5318641

What is your dad's employment?

When I finish work I have many things that I want to or have to do. I don't sit in front of the television and "turn off my brain".

This is a generational thing. A reaction to the nuclear family values of the 50's.

>> No.5319376

>Mfw i use a kurig.
Mmm coffee in less than a minute.

>> No.5319383

I have a good grinder and like 8 ways of making coffee, yet after buying my gf a Keurig I pretty much use it exclusively.

>> No.5319624

>Coffee and Cinema are both actually important things in my life.
you sound like such a pretentious little cock sucker...Let me guess; you think 'Citizen Kain' is one of if not the greatest cinematic achievement?

>> No.5320056
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>>place the very top of plunger down to break the "crust" which helps to have the finiest coffee dust sink to the bottom and keeps it out of the cup
Whoa, holy fuck, did not know this. How have I never heard this before? This has been my biggest problem with coffee, holy Jesus.

>> No.5320063

>wake up
>ask dad if he wants a cup of coffee
>makes enough for the both of us
>put 100ml of medium roasted coffee powder onto a filter
>put the right amount of water into the coffee brewer
>turn it on
>drink coffee
it doesnt have to be complicated.
>inb4 having shit taste
atleast i dont put a bunch of shit in my coffee

>> No.5321815

>...Let me guess; you think 'Citizen Kain' is one of if not the greatest cinematic achievement?


sorry my passions bother you

>> No.5321898

how i make coffee

>mug of boiling water
>table spoon of sugar
>table spoon of coffee powder
>roll cigarette
>drink coffee and have smoko

>> No.5321905
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Oh, OP. You can make me coffee any time.

>> No.5321910

are u a qt girl?

>> No.5321916

I-I dunno about qt, but yes, imma girl.

>> No.5321920
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let's drink coffee and cuddle then, Im lonely.

>> No.5321922

What is with all the coffee fetishism lately? >>5319857

>> No.5321929

are you a juggalo?

i bet youre a juggalo

>> No.5321933

>Nearly 30
>Most likely lives with his parents


>> No.5321934

tough economy bro

>> No.5321974

how eloquent.

i just spent 10 minutes reminiscing about many occasions with my parents and it gave me chuckle. thanks for that

>> No.5322002

are you autistic

>> No.5322014

what is your employment?

dont get me wrong, i try to enjoy the finer things in life when i can. usually on the weekends.

but after 12 hours of labor in the blazing sun, ya damn right im going to crack open some shit beer and watch some family guy.

when i was at a desk all day it was easy to muster up the strength to try a new recipe with ingredients ive never used before. it was easy to meet friends late at a bar or coffee house with work the next day. etc.

my point is that i dont think its generational. its more so tied to physical exhaustion. i suppose our generation does have less physically demanding jobs in the labor market but its certainly not "50s value"

wow i spent way too much thought on this