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5312487 No.5312487[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>putting Ketchup on Eggs


>> No.5312491

Tastes good, man.

>> No.5312497

Maybe it does; I've never actually tried it.

The idea of it just grosses me out for some reason.
It just seems somehow "unnatural."

Now, I like hot sauce with my eggs, but that's different.

>> No.5312537

Swap 'ketchup' for 'tomato sauce' and I totally advocate this.
>beans, bangers, fried tomato, hash, eggs and fried bread
>not benefiting from the one, the only

>> No.5312539

>I've never actually tried it.
Great thread.

>> No.5312554

>I've never tried it
>but I put hot sauce on my eggs and that's totally different

>> No.5312559
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I love salsa on eggs. Grow some new taste buds.

>> No.5312568

>milk on cereal
why people like their food soggy i'll never know

>> No.5312574


yeah I like salsa or hot sauce best

>> No.5312585
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>> No.5312589


Why people eat so slowly that it gets soggy I'll never know.

>> No.5312590

Butter with Jam or Honey has always been kind of a gross concept. I've had it and it's actually ok but it still seems this way.
Sugar in Coffee secretely screams swine.
Lemon slices in chilled water. It's a cool thought but it always ends up making it taste like stale arse.
Uncooked instant ramen but I did that shit as a kid too..
Pink frosted buns fucking always disgusted me.
Thickly sliced cheese.

Just pet peeves, I don't hassle anyone bout em.

>> No.5312701

Mayo or sour cream on ANYTHING.

>> No.5312705

Hot sauce IS different.

Catchup is basically just tomatoe-flavoured sugar paste, whereas hot sauce has some actual FLAVOR and makes sense to put with eggs for breakfast.

>> No.5312723

Thank you! I got so much shit at school when I was younger for eating dry cereal.

>> No.5312725

The only way I could eat scrambled eggs or omelettes as a kid was with ketchup. Even to this day I still do it. I guess I'm just not fond of an eggy taste.

>> No.5312727

>putting mayo, ranch, nacho cheese or sour cream on anything
>thickly buttering bread
>adding handfuls of shredded cheese on things

>> No.5312735

I never understood this until I tried oatmeal, which is soggy by nature

Now I have milk on cold cereal and have and appreciation for that sort of texture. My cereal's never TOO soggy by the time I finish it, though, and I eat slowly.

>> No.5312739

This is mostly an ethnic pet peeve. Mexicans cover anything with lime and chili. That over powers any and all subtle flavors. There's basically no care for getting a nice cut of beef, or making a strong flavored broth maybe with some spices etc., nope, everyone will taste like chili and lime.

>> No.5312748
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I only put, like, a few drops on scrambled eggs, and only sometimes.

>My face when watching someone pour a ton of ketchup onto their eggs

>> No.5312760
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salt & pepper >> brown sauce > hot sauce > plain >>> ketchup

>> No.5312827
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I hate my family...
>Loaded with Bacon and drowning in Ranch
>Any type of burger
>swimming in condiments
>step dad literally took a scoop of mayo and put it on every bite
>mixing gallons of Mayo and Catchup
>pouring it OVER the fries
>dipping the leafs in Mayo
>drinking milk with meals
>smothered in horse radish or A-1
>ranch and ketchup on eggs
>"Anon, put some ranch on your salad!"
>"no.....no....I'm fine, I will just stick with....a fucking salad; not that food abortion swimming in dead pig and shame dressing"
I don't understand....I just don't understand, my family's eating habits were jut fucking disgusting to me; hearing the wet crunch of them eating a "salad" and watching mayo, and ketchup, and mustard ooze out around there mouth every time they bit into a burger. NOTHING DIDN'T HAVE SOME FORM OF MAYONNAISE OR KETCHUP SLATHERED ALL OVER IT!

This thread triggered me op...
>MFW sitting at the table eating

>> No.5312845

I no right

BBQ sauce tho, yes. Top tier is brown/balsamic vinegar with sprinkling of paprika (sweet Hungarian if you must) and cracked pepper if you wanted it hot that day. Without the pepper though its a very good balance for the eggs

>> No.5312850

I like to leave it for 20-25 minutes to be sure all the cereal has absorbed milk to its highest capacity

>> No.5312854
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max autism. Sounds gross, but you also seem like a whiny cunt.

>> No.5312855
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maple syrup >>>>>>> everything else

>> No.5312866
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>putting maple syrup on french toast

>> No.5312885


>I hate my family
Grow up. They're your family, you twat.

>> No.5312916

but what if your family sucks
what kind of dumbshit logic is liking your family just because they're your family

>> No.5312989

M-maybe some people have medical reasons...

>> No.5312999


because people tend to value blood over reality, for some odd reason.

there is no reason to forgive an abusive father or a perpetually absent mother for anyone's sake but one's own peace. just because you came from their bodies doesn't mean you have any obligation to love them, if they never loved you.

>> No.5313003

When I was growing up, for the longest time, I thought salads were unhealthy. Every time I went out and I saw someone order a salad, they drenched it in cup after cup of ranch dressing. It made me want to puke and I avoided "salad" as much as possible because I thought salad=ranch soup. Little did I know that salads are actually delicious. That's what fucking growing up in America is like.

>> No.5313011

>all these hipster retards hating on ketchup

and most of them eat shitracha instead
fucking irony

>> No.5313032

gee thanks anon for making me a fatty! now i want scrambled eggs smothered in ketchup!

>> No.5313106

>people not buying tobasco hot sauce that expect heat
>people that put mayonnaise on everything
>salad fucking dressing
>people with no hot sauce tolerance
>people that eat ketchup
i never did like sriracha though

>> No.5313194

When I first got together with my boyfriend, I noticed he'd put mayonaise on the side of his plate if he had chips. I always cringed and thought it was disgusting, but after trying it now I'm hooked.

Thickly buttered bread sickens me though, and I don't know if anyone remembers sandwhich spread? My brother used to always ask me to make him sandwiches piled with that on, the smell alone makes me feel sick

>> No.5313224
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>mixing gallons of Mayo and Catchup

You ignorant piece of shit. That's one of the best sauces out there.


>> No.5313259

isn't it called thousand islands sauce?

>> No.5313260

So instead of buying Mayo and Ketchup separately so that you have the option to either have fry sauce or both of them individually, you're going to by fry sauce than also buy Mayo and Ketchup? You've just spent like 8 dollars for something that can be made for 4 dollars.

>> No.5313369
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>bread crumbs
>in the fucking jar

My roommates are fucking assholes. Can't they use a clean knife? dammit m8s

>> No.5313414


You are lame, OP.

>> No.5313420
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>Roommate does this shit all the time
>tosses his peanut butter covered knife into the sink with other dishes
>peanut butter is now all over everything in the sink

>> No.5313428

Thousand Island Dressing is a different beast. I might get shot for this but I hear it compared a lot to Russian Dressing.

That being said, Fry Sauce is some sort of American concoction ala Nebraska? I think.

>> No.5313434

My bad.

Utah and Idaho.

Otherwise, add pickle and you basically have 1000 island and Russian.

>> No.5313442

My friend puts ketchup on his pizza. I don't really understand it.

>> No.5313458

>not putting mayo instead

>> No.5313462

tomato sauce goes good with tomato paste

>> No.5313485

>That guy that eats his food
Fucking freak

>> No.5313502


W-why the f-fuck do p-people post like th-this... stuttering is not intentional jesus christ

>> No.5313505

Y-you too.

>> No.5313514

>i know what a butt tastes like

>> No.5313546

For some reason that sketch of Uncle Muscle's Hour in which Casey resurrects is so fucking gross.

>> No.5313584

I used to work for a gas station. People would come in a lot and ask me to make food for them because I actually gave a shit about my food (because motherfucker its something *I* made and it represents me.) (I have some horror stories about this job too if anyone is interested)

One of the popular food items that people would ask is for the salads I made. I'd get calls in the morning and usually have them made up for the lunch hour when people came in. Something terrifying though was that we had little packets of ranch or thousand island available that people could get with their salad if they want. It wasn't a whole lot, but for salad you really don't need a whole lot. One day a customer came in and got a salad and when I asked her if she wanted a dressing packet she said "no, I brought my own today"

she then proceeded to sit down at one of the dining tables and take out a bottle of vinagrette. that's fine and dandy, but then I noticed she fucking flooded her salad with it. Like, poured half a bottle into the damn thing. I just about threw up when she shoved a whole mouthful of slick shiny leafy shit into her mouth. I came back out as she was finishing and I saw her tip her plate up and fucking funnel the salad dressing into her mouth.

I don't work at that place anymore. Not because of that, but when I think back about my time there I can't forget that experience.

>> No.5313606

Gross. Also, a gas station with plates? You must be one of those half convenience store half restaurant places.

>> No.5313630

>egg in corned beef hash
>eating leftovers COLD, no fuck you, reheat that shit
>bud light with a meal..... you drink to get fucked up, and if you're drinking BUD to add some flavor with supper, you need your head checked
>putting chunks of vegetables in noodles
>chunks of undercooked onion and burnt hot dogs in baked beans
>potato, macaroni, seafood "salad"
>not trimming the fat off of meats

>> No.5313640

because.I wish i could or might tell or say it betteror worser, but the fact is, be it religion or food, we be all are different nature of the game getoverit. iwoud not like everyone to be like me. nice for a while, but pretty damn boring thanks ck I shall be quiet or a while. maybe.God help me I do like to stir a pot. and easy but thisnice..oh yeah...peace, be still.

>> No.5313646

more like nstgar newFAG


>> No.5313671

Ketchup objectively has more flavor than hotsauce
You're one of those cunts that think capsacin = flavor

>> No.5313677

most of your list is good or not bad shit
kill yourself

>> No.5313689

oh lawdy

I find them alot in the sticks. Some of the best burgers I've had

>> No.5313704
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why use ketchup on eggs when you've got A1?

>> No.5313710

>steak sauce
>on eggs

>> No.5313729

I like jellybeans on my eggs!

>> No.5313782


I don't buy pre-made Fry sauce, you dolt fuck.

I was just saying that it's not at all uncommon for people to mix Mayo and Ketchup. That's just a better picture of what the finished product looks like.

>> No.5313793

like fucking vomit?

tell me... whats it like being fat?

>captcha: its lutximi

>> No.5313797


Sugar isn't complimentary with eggs, that's why nutmegs tang, or mustard, enhances eggs as a contrast

>> No.5313801

its all very bad for you, and your country is fucking stupid if you consider that normal.

>> No.5313812


>> No.5313824

>eating leftovers COLD, no fuck you, reheat that shit
>Implying cold pizza isn't the tits
Fuck you and die

>> No.5313828

Eating eggs at all.

Delicious chicken abortions.

>Captcha: nnuncip prejudices

>> No.5313831


>Drinking to get fucked up more than two or three times a year

Clearly an alcoholic.

>> No.5313839
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>that one friend that went to cullinary school to learn how to bake

>> No.5313857


Almost no eggs are fertilized. Therefore, it's delicious chicken menses.


>> No.5313860

>>egg in corned beef hash
>>>eating leftovers COLD, no fuck you, reheat that shit
Cold fried chicken, hot rice and beans
>>bud light with a meal..... you drink to get fucked up, and if you're drinking BUD to add some flavor with supper, you need your head checked
Maybe if you'd stop drinking my PBR and acting like because my friends left some budweiser over and you're cooler because you're so anti-hipster I would give a shit. What about the fact that you drank nothing but arizona iced tea for caffeine and nothing but southern comfort to get drunk before you met me and I made you a cup of coffee or gave you a shot of whiskey.
>putting chunks of vegetables in noodles
yes we know you don't like vegetable chunks in your spaghetti sauce, which is why we stopped making spaghetti sauce.
>>>chunks of undercooked onion and burnt hot dogs in baked beans
grilled onions (nice job at having carmelized onions once several years ago and knowing the difference), burnt ends when we smoked ribs last week and brisket hot dogs, you mac and cheese eating piece of shit
>>potato, macaroni, seafood "salad"
aka what you fucking devoured the entire time until we told you that it was whitefish salad and you spent 5 minutes on google before locking your door.
>not trimming the fat off of meat
remember those berry shakes?

>> No.5313867

> maple syrup
>posts log cabin

>> No.5313950

Th-thanks anon-Chan.

>> No.5313967
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>mfw had sirancha with poached eggs on toast this morning

my dick is still hard

>> No.5313980

You'd hate Finland. We drink tons of milk with meals. What do you drink with meals in murcalandia, though?

>> No.5313981

If the veg is shit-tier quality, I condone the use of salad dressing.

>> No.5313989

No where on that bottle does it say Maple

>> No.5314153

not so much whining about it as; it just disgusted me. You have no idea how much of that shit they would slop onto everything...that picture isnt a very large over exaggeration of me watching them eat...just that fucking disgusting chewing noise as the creamy goo sloshed around in there mouths with salad greens or...well anything else they could rape with a condiment.

>I hate my family...
not meant to me take literally, autists.

I drink water, or whine if its something that pairs particularly well with wine. I don't like to drink heavy things with a meal, Makes me feel kind of sick when I do.

>> No.5314155

>eating cereal at all
why do people shove crap down their throat?

>> No.5314178

Sriracha on your eggs is GOAT. I've never looked back.

>> No.5314192

>More meat than vege
>potatoes don't count
It's not a portion thing, it's a proportion thing.
Veges are fucking tasty, filling, healthy and fun as hell to mix with the meat/taters.
This always upsets me.

>> No.5314202

I hate anyone who puts ranch on pizza, that's about it.

>> No.5314247

This post making anyone else hungry. I don't like all of it. Never cared for kechup on burgers, but othErwise that all sounds good to me motherfu/ck/er

>> No.5314283

I like dry cereal too, but some types go well with milk.

>> No.5314291
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>EATING things they LIKE

>> No.5314318

this is normal in thailand

>> No.5314326
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>brother eating kraft dinner
>He put a solid inch thick layer of ketchup on top everytime without fail

>> No.5314338

that, my dear fellow is truly disgusting. Once in my childhood i prepared cereals with milk, but forgot to eat. Next morning my mom forced me to eat it.

>> No.5314339

>not putting egg in corn beef hash

Lookie here it's some faggot!

>> No.5314363

Ketchup with scrambled, boiled or poached eggs are pretty weird to be fair.

However, fried eggs are a completely different story. Nothing beats a fried egg sandwich with ketchup.

>> No.5314367


I used to, but now I just saute some mushrooms in butter and put them on top.

>> No.5314385

>being Canadian

>> No.5314411

I've had some pretty gross habits in the past. I grew out of most of them after childhood but I don't know what compelled me to eat this way.
>Two waffles, one with butter, one with cream cheese, mash together
>Hard taco shells broken in half, covered in melted cheese, and microwaved until it was hard and baked onto them
>Shitty Kraft mac & cheese with ketchup
>Cheetos wrapped in fruit roll-ups
I was a weird fucking kid.

>> No.5314439

just had me some eggs. I made sure to put EXTRA KETCHUP on them, just for you, OP.

>> No.5314480

>poor people complaining they had to put water in their ceral instead of milk
Why not eat it dry?

>> No.5314498

Right after I graduated high school I worked at a supermarket from around 7pm to Midnight. I would buy,

>Perdue Chicken Nuggets
>Country Crock Loaded Potatoes
>Green Giant Canned Corn
>Sometimes Chicken Gravy in a jar

Then for dinner I'd proceed to microwave everything and mix it into the poatoes to make some sort of slop that I would shovel into my mouth while watching tv at 1 in the morning.

I regret it to this day.

>> No.5314548
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>Sugar isn't complimentary with eggs

w-what. have you never had custard?

>> No.5314561

This, I like my Shreddies dry.

>> No.5314571

I like my cereal with powdered milk.

>> No.5314581

Supernatural is a fun show.

>> No.5314600

>5 years ago when I had roommates
>see one making pb&j
>he's using a spoon to spread the peanut butter
>tell him to use a butter knife, he refuses
>2 days later he tells me he tried using a butter knife and was amazed at how well it worked

All's well I guess.

>> No.5314617

>shit just got real

>> No.5314624


Fucking pleb