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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 288x263, 9142230_1_9_40126988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5310563 No.5310563 [Reply] [Original]

Ok what the FUCK

>> No.5310611

I see kebab pizza.

That's pretty delicious.

>> No.5310614

>yuro detected

>> No.5310616


Yes, what's wrong with that?

>> No.5310617

Looks like some kind of meat with some kind of sauce on some kind of brea. What is the problem?

>> No.5310618
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>> No.5310620
File: 127 KB, 320x240, ButWhyCon_320_ch9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regular red sauce
>Jizz sauce too

>> No.5310624

>red sauce

>> No.5310651


>> No.5310685

Gyro pizza, looks amazing, wish someone around here sold them =(

>> No.5310698

I think they're just testing out the hivemind. strong reaction = blind followers, weak rational reaction = thinking for ourselves.

I wouldn't give OP that much credit though.

>> No.5310705

What are you pointing out? That the term red sauce is vague? Your post is a whole lot worse. Shame and disgrace to you.

>> No.5310707

butthurt murrkunt

>> No.5310728

Only kids refer to a sauce by it's colour.

>> No.5310732

I've never had one like that but I've had gyro meat as a pizza topping with feta before. still good.

>> No.5310737
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>> No.5310747

That's using green as a stand in for vegetables.

>> No.5310751

GL with that superiority complex

protip: it helps if you learn something about what you're talking about before trying to insult others

It's only supposed to refer to the tomato mother sauce in classical French cuisine.
Now people are using it to refer to any tomato based sauce, which is worse.

>> No.5310776

A bit of online condescension never hurt anyone. I've generally only seen people who know nothing about cooking call marinara red sauce.

>> No.5310789

>talks about tomato sauce
>isn't even Italian

>> No.5310955

Looks pretty good.
Refreshing to have a pizza thread that isn't an argument between between Manhattan Tentflap and Windy City Cheesebucket

>> No.5310988

Everyone knows Little Caesar's deep dish is GOAT.

>> No.5311036

Get the fuck out of here and don't you dare ever returning. At the very least don't try to pretend your opinion or outlook or anything is even remotely fucking valuable.

Yes because everyone knows that only italians can mush up tomatoes and add spices to it. Tomato sauces is the most basic shit on the planet. Even an american can make a tomato sauce. But unless you're roman, you shouldn't be telling people to get out. If you're from the north you should probably remove yourself.

Sicily is the superior culinary culture, in any case.

>> No.5311045
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>MFW /ck/ elitists
Shit nigga. I should have expected it, but I guess I'm not surprised.

>> No.5311055

>stupid cunts rationalizing common sense and good taste as elitism
You can shove as many shit as you want in your fat greasy face, but don't fucking call garbage GOAT pizza. You don't limit yourself to being stupid enough to making the retarded assumption that deep dish is even good, but Little Caaesar's pizza?

Tell me faggot, why don't you return to whatever shithole you came from instead of sharing your dumbfuck opinion?

>> No.5311073


Yeah, but... Little Caesar's, man... Little fucking Caesar's

>> No.5311599
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>> No.5311600
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>> No.5311606
File: 213 KB, 1600x1230, Gyros Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5311607
File: 89 KB, 720x540, doner-kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5311608
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>> No.5311614
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>> No.5311618
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>> No.5311675

Fold that up and it's just a regular kebab thing except for the tomato sauce. What's the problem

>> No.5311916

>being this mad
>about pizza
Your autism is showing anon

>> No.5312202



>> No.5312240

Hey, it tastes great.
It's not what I usually get, I'd rather just have a straight-up kebab, but let's not be so narrow minded.

>> No.5312246

>Get the fuck out of here and don't you dare ever returning. At the very least don't try to pretend your opinion or outlook or anything is even remotely fucking valuable.

Except LC Deep Dish IS GOAT

>> No.5312247

Coming from the idiot who whines at common sauces being referred to by color. Which literally every business does.

>> No.5312251

They're just flat gyros

>> No.5312284

Pretty much, yeah. Well, the bread is different, and there's tomato sauce at the bottom.
But it's really not worth getting upset over.
Pizza here is mainly made by people from the Balkans, and they're a lot better at kebab/gyros than they are at Italian cuisine (what a surprise), so it was bound to happen.
I guess putting fries on it is pretty stupid, but I've never actually seen that.

>> No.5312308
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