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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5306867 No.5306867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any other /ck/ers with eating disorders out there?

Me? I'm bulimic. I just threw up so forcefully I popped a few blood vessels in my face. Chocolate is so hard to get up.

>> No.5306875

I have binge eating disorder. Not really though, I'm just a fat ass who can't stop eating.

>> No.5306877

my aunt was bulimic when i was younger, i was kinda too young to understand. she died as a result when i was 7 or 8, my parents explained it to me later when i was older.

I see it as selfish

>> No.5306882

how did that kill her?

>> No.5306887

Not op but dehydration, heart stuff probably?

>> No.5306888

i used to be bulimic too, it was a hard time and i wasted a lot of money on food. Ice cream is easy to get up. Drink a lot of water afterward.
And get help.

>> No.5306894


cardiac arrest is what they told me later, I would think dehydration did play a part, we dont talk about it much

>> No.5306898

I am reverse bulimic. I eat so much that it comes right out of my ass. Corn is the hardest to digest but gives the turds a colorful presentation.

>> No.5306905
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>> No.5306923
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>I am reverse bulimic. I eat so much that it comes right out of my ass.

>> No.5306925


please do human kind a favor and die or just turn anorexic. stop fucking wasting food

>> No.5306928

I was anorexic when I was 14 but then I realized I liked food so I stopped being a dumbass.

>> No.5306933

what a waste of money

>> No.5306938

My sister is bulimic. She's been one for almost 20 years and has plenty of issues with her heart as a result. She now has a shoddy immune system and gets sick at the drop of a hat. It's sad seeing her deteriorate.

>> No.5306941

Oops, >>5306938 was meant for >>5306882

>> No.5306944

i make myself vomit about 3 times a year, because about 3 times a year i binge eat to the extreme. I dont let this become a problem though.

>> No.5306948

I don't understand how someone can force themselves to vomit food they just ate. That could be because I'm emetophobic, but the feeling is dreadful.

>> No.5306950

Used to be bulimic. Went to anorexic for a number of years.
I started getting sick a lot and eventually stopped, but I only consume the bare minimum to get by on the day without fainting spells.

>> No.5306967

I don't have a real eating disorder, but I eat compulsively even if I'm completely full. I don't even know why, but I just will not leave left overs unless I literally cannot finish the food. Even if it makes me feel like shit.

>> No.5306968

puking becomes very relieving and rather euphoric when you're bulimic, because of the anxiety caused by having binged that comes before it.

>> No.5306977


Compulsive over eating is an eating disorder.


Hmm, well I guess it isn't classified in the DSM or ICD, or anything like Anorexia or Bulimia, but most doctors or others consider compulsive over eating to be an eating disorder.

I mean it is "disordered eating".

>> No.5307055

I don't eat and then binge eat as a result of depression and anxiety. on new meds and can't seem to find anything appealing to eat period.

>> No.5307065 [DELETED] 

My only disorder is that if I find a hair in my food I might heave a bit and fuck all if I've eaten it. I'll downright puke.

It was interesting to learn that reaction as a little kid, I could use the toughtform to make myself puke and get out of classes.


>> No.5307075

>make myself puke and get out of classes.

I fucking hated when my classmate did that. I'd hear some asshole say he was going to puke in class to go home and play video games.

>mfw vomit phobia
>he sat next to me

>> No.5307079 [DELETED] 

It wasn't as bad as a really hot chick, I mean hot.
Unfortunately she took writing "getting out of class" notes too far into check forgery and got busted for it.

Silly girl. Very beautiful, and very stupid for doing that.

>> No.5307083 [DELETED] 

Friends and I used to use any exuse to get out of classes and go urban exploring in NYC. Fuck the teachers, we can read books and be done with it.

Sitting in some class is a waste of time.

>> No.5307111

>chocolate is so hard to get up

do you even bulimia? chocolate is pretty easy.

now rice, rice is a bitch. just drink lots of thick dairy drinks and eat icecream with the tough stuff and they should flow right out.

bulimic for 7ish years

>> No.5307124


i'm concerned that recovery isn't on your list of suggestions. sounds like you're a hateful nobody.

>> No.5307143

I'm a very selective eater. Both texture and taste can make me puke, so i refrain from eating most meats and almost no vegetables. I have a very basic diet that revolves around snakes and simple meals. In result, I'm very skinny

>> No.5307152

>eating snakes

>> No.5307155

i suck at engish

>> No.5307442

Snacks? Or Shakes?

>> No.5307745

Possibly? I'm pretty sure I developed a certain amount of anorexia at some point during my freshman year of college thanks mostly to stress and shit dining hall food, but I think I've moved past it.

>> No.5307936

S'okay. Most of the "experts" suck on ck suck at English. Quick to correct Slow to admit they have ever missed a keystroke due to the pizza grease, Dorito dust, and beads of condensation from 20 oz soft drinks encrusting their fingers. None of my business, but if you are popping blood vessels due bulimic vomiting, well, "getting up chocolate" might not be your most pressing problem.

>> No.5307989


Never been officially diagnosed and I go through phases of almost having normal eating habits to EDNOS. I guess its disordered eating more than eating disorder for the most part.
I will periodically not eat, throw up, allow myself to only eat certain foods, "Today I can only eat fruit and vegetables" or "I am only allowed 500 calories today".
I know it's retarded but when I achieve my goal for that day it's so satisfying, knowing I can control my stomach better than my brain can.
I also assign 'magical properties' to food/not eating, "If I eat exactly one bite and chew it 30 times this will happen"
Oddly enough I love food and love cooking, I take cooking classes occasionally and consider myself quite the amatur foodie.

>> No.5307992
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>> No.5308036
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>I don't eat and then binge eat as a result of depression and anxiety
i do that too. i'm a line cook, and on my days off i generally just drink booze. then i show up to work ravenously hungry and malnourished. i try to just make myself a huge salad as soon as i get there so i don't end up eating a bunch of unhealthy shit. anywho i feel your pain, anon. i hope things get better for you, and OP too.

>> No.5308039
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fucking saved

>> No.5308056

Why are people bulimic? I mean why eat if you're just going to make yourself throw up anyway?

>> No.5308060

Binge because it's glorious then purge because of shame.

>> No.5308063

That's the dumbest shit i've ever heard.
>don't binge
>no shame
What's hard about eating a normal sized meal?
Why feel shame about eating?

>> No.5308069


seriously? body image issues, dude. it's pretty sad to me. when i see bulimic or anorexic girls, it fills me with this strange compulsion to feed them. it's so much more fun to cuddle a girl who isn't so skinny that her bones are poking you all the time.

>> No.5308077
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Yep it sure is stupid but it's a mental disorder.
Most only eat when they binge and it's likely to be unhealthy food, then they feel shame for eating so much because it could ruin their image.

Any actual bulimic help me out? I've only read about it.

>> No.5308096

I get migraines if I don't throw up regularly

>> No.5308099

>but it's a mental disorder.
Oh, well if it is called a mental disorder you can't help it and we shouldn't judge.


>> No.5308106

Mental illness is the worst for day to day life.
Rare bone disease etc. excluded.

>> No.5308140

Right. That sounds like an excuse to validate the idiot ritual you have going.
Maybe you should not throw up for a while and see if you can wait for the migraine to go away on its own or take a tylenol.

>> No.5308148


>> No.5308158

Anorexics I understand, bullimics are absolute cunts.
Especially from a low income house hold where their parents ache to earn your food.
Not only is my sister a 80kg lazy turd but shes so selfish that she doesn't give a fuck her mother is a house cleaner with arthritis.
Still being an obese fuck on tumblr whining is the best punishment I can think of.

>> No.5308166

how are your teeth?

>> No.5308172

I suffered from the migraines for 2 years before I started throwing up.

>> No.5308174

Go seek some medical attention.

>> No.5308183

I take nicotine solely for the reason its a stimulant and every single smoker I know is skinny as fuck

>> No.5308239

I did. Nothing worked. But I found that when the migraines were really bad and I was curled up on the cold floor in a dark bathroom, I would sometimes get nauseous, and after throwing up I would feel better.

Now it turns out that I did not have migraines, or cluster headaches. Which is why 2 years of treatments did nothing. I have a obscure version of sinusitis. The headaches were due to clogged sinuses. The throwing up was causing my sinuses to drain.

Also I no longer actually throw up. While I still heave, it is just to clear my throat of mucus and force the sinuses to drain. It's more akin to a cat with a hairball, I rarely have any bile come up. And the only time I have food, is if I had just eaten.

Like a quarter to a half cup of snot a day.

>> No.5309005


People like you make me sick, OP.

>> No.5309064


They lack the discipline to be anorexic basically

>> No.5309069

eat the spicest food you can manage. pepper on everything, chilli, curry, garlic, raw onion in salad etc. clears my sinusitis nice tho temporary, at least it doesn't damage it.

>> No.5309390
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>all that food...wasted

>> No.5309466

>eI'm bulimic
You do it on purpose and you deserve to die

>> No.5309467

belemic is the worst eating disorder, get out while you still have teeth.

>> No.5309497

>chocolate is hard to pass up
Wait an hour after eating anything and it comes up like a wet oily fart in summer.
>bulimics in charge of knowing how to be properly bulimic

>> No.5309508
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I think I'm getting the same thing except with watching anime instead of toking up.
I can't eat without watching the shit and jerking off shortly after my meal, it feels wrong if I don't.

>> No.5309517

I can throw up most of the stuff I ate without even forcing - I can literally press air into my stomache and burp the food out - should I be worried?

>> No.5309549


I'm rarely tempted to use the word edgy, but...

>> No.5309560

that's the past 20 years of my life right there

>> No.5309579

Sounds like you're a wasteful pussy with first world problems, boohoo faggot

>> No.5309580

Wondering how bulimia starts?

Occasionally I tend to overeat (think, going all out in a restaurant with too many courses) to the point where I'm very uncomfortable with how much my stomach is swollen. Recently I've begun to make myself through up. Not all I ate, just a bit to take the tension of my stomach. Happens once a week max.

Am I at risk for bulimia? If so, I'd rather get out now

>> No.5309581

Does it come up semi-digested and/or with bile?

Because if it doesn't you could have one of several conditions, including a couple types of esophageal cancer

>> No.5309589

circlejerking on 4chan about it will not help you. Stop glorifying your problems and DAEL.WITH.IT

>> No.5309616
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Are people actually giving advice on how to be properly bulimic?
Do you actually want other people to get as sick as you are just so you feel like you're knowledgeable about something?
Fuck me.

>> No.5309641

I never had trouble with rice. Pizza and noodles are a bitch though. Thank god I quit, it got to the point where my face was covered with red dots from popped blood vessels.

>> No.5309655

>I do the same shit. I only overeat that much like 7-8 times a year though. I'd try to calm down, your esophegus needs time to heal. Don't be like these sad sacks who rot their body away.

>> No.5309671

Yeah, once a week was an exaggeration. I'm not actually sure how often I do it.
I normally tend do undereat rather than overeat, so I guess as long as I'm aware of myself doing it, it's not going to develop into a problem

>> No.5309675


as long as you aren't compelled to do it, you wont develop a problem.

Realizing you only puke when you eat 10 lbs of food, you should be able to realize you arent bullemic.

If you eat a cup of rice and chase it with milk products to make it come up easier, you might just possibly be bullemic

>> No.5309695

the teeth damage of your puke is not reversible, you are destroying yourself at each vomit session, be it once a day or once a month.

>> No.5309698


honestly it feels like it doesnt even touch my teeth when i do it, my teeth feel shitty when it happens so i try to avoid it at all costs.

puking without using a finger is fucking awesome. just squeeze my abs, food comes out

>> No.5309703

You're not fucking bulimic. You can stop being an attention whore at any time.

>> No.5310631

>vomit phobia
Emetophobia. I got it real bad. Like panic-attack bad.

>> No.5310636
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>> No.5310640
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You can stop being an attention whore at any time

>> No.5310672
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>> No.5312757


>> No.5312761
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It is funny because you think this will help you avoid getting fat. Skinnyfat is still fat. You are just too damned lazy to run for more than 25 minutes and do some fucking squats (a good amount of squats).

Can't spare that 40 minutes out of your day?

>> No.5312770


/fit/ pls stay

>> No.5312774


Mah nigga!

>> No.5312786

Are you trolling or something?

>> No.5312790

Then purge because you feel guilty for doing it.

Some do it as a self-harm thing.

>> No.5312796

A lot of it is mental, not just laziness. I knew a bulimic girl and she's all kinds of crazy. She can suck dick like a pro though.

>> No.5312797

Y'all nuggahs gay.

>> No.5312803

Hopefully you'll die next time.

>> No.5312825

This. A million times. Wanna look like skeletor? Knock your self out. But don't waste food, you useless cunt. First world problems. There's likely no such thing as a Ethiopian with bulimia. Don't give a shit about poor niggers, fine. Not living off mommy and daddy's salary? fine. You're still a drain on the system. The farmers, the factories, the truck drivers, the groceries stores, the fucking plumbers for your disgusting fucking lifestyle.
You know whats the best way to shed 200lbs? Put a bullet in your head.

>> No.5312848

The only reason someone announced they have bulimia is because they want sympathy.

This crap belongs on Facebook/Tumblr/Instagram/Pinterest where your friends can go "Awwww she sad, stay strong".

>> No.5312863


uh, no.

there are a myriad personal reasons a person might be bulimic but the point of a binge is that it induces feelings of being out of control, which is generally not sought out as an enjoyable activity, but one that serves a specific psychological purpose for the bulimic (i have never met a fellow eating disordered person who did not have fucked up family dynamics). and then it gets even more complicated when you've been starving your body of nutrients for so long, that you are also binging out of pure biological necessity.

much like self-starvation the purging becomes a way of cleansing one's self of the guilt following a binge, and a security blanket over the bulimic's entire life in which she/he feels that inducing vomiting is the only thing over which she/he has control. the cycle of binging and purging becomes a way to both unravel one' self from a tightly-wound inner life wracked with anxiety, and a way to experience the feeling of being an autonomous agent rather than a slave to the whim of one's own emotions and a threatening world.

>> No.5312879


i have more than 10 cavities, and a root canal that was fixed up but the filling keeps disintegrating due to (i assume) being washed out by acid and tons of sugar. enamel is still pretty well in tact. they've got a yellow tint.

>> No.5312888


i'm a bulimic and run 30 minutes a day.

where's yer god now?

>> No.5312891

>run 30 minutes a day.
Is that supposed to be impressive in any way?

>> No.5312906
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>30 minutes

>> No.5312908

I make myself throw up sometimes, but I don't see it as an eating disorder, more a clinical thing. Sometimes I eat too much, usually as a result of social obligations, and sometimes I just feel incredibly ill after eating, so it makes sense to make myself sick.

>> No.5312912

>you are just too damned lazy to run for more than 25 minutes

just proving you wrong.

but what does it matter, you aren't here to help or understand anybody. you're just here to jack yourself off and fling shit at everyone else.

>> No.5312913

Where do you think you are?.png
welcome to 4CHIN now git

>> No.5312917

ah OK
see I wouldn't mind doing it in low times and enjoy the aftermath but I already have shit teeth due to uncontrollable teeth grinding and it hurts just to eat a tomato.

>> No.5312918



i'll stick around to prove that you can still be a decent human being even under a mask of anonymity.

>> No.5312921

I think about food/nutrition too much.
It's cool because i'm able to eat really well, but sometimes I feel like i'm too hard on myself or maybe not letting myself eat as much as I should be. I'm skinny as fuck but I don't starve myself, just a result of a good diet, being tall and being active.

Idk man
definitely don't think I have an ED and fuck ED's and people who spread them, sincerely.

>> No.5312923

Thank you.

>> No.5312924


trust me, it's not something you want to get into. nor is it something you do on occasion... if it is, it's not bulimia.

>> No.5312928


lol, npg? can't tell if i meant png or jpg.

>> No.5312937

>people who spread them


here's the thing: only people prone to eating disorders will acquire them. all of the pro-ana sites and all of the purging advice out there will not induce an eating disorder in a person who doesn't meet psychological criteria that mold them throughout childhood.

>> No.5313240

Was bulimic almost daily from 14 to 18/19 with a few breaks in between and then a few isolated times afterward. Called a fatty mcfatfat growing up by my "friends", and I just laughed along to have people to call friends. Pretty beta.
Hit my stride in high school and had a bunch of awesome friends but still wanted to keep off some of the weight I was so scared of getting back. I ran all the time and rode my bike 22 miles a day but still I felt the need...TO FEED.
Shit got real when I was 16 and was throwing up in the bathroom at home and I just felt a sharp pain hit me in the side. It got worse over the next 30 minutes and I buckled and told my dad my side was hurting and needed hospital. One of the most painful night of my life and it turned out my appendix was about to burst. Doc asks what happened and I tell him I was taking a determined shit and my side started hurting. Appendix was taken out and I didn't throw up for awhile but eventually got back into it.
It took me thinking my gums were receding from my teeth to actually stop. Dying was one thing but having Twoface's smile was the last straw. Now I still have some body image issues but I try to exercise after I eat a lot in one day or don't and just try to be okay with it. That's my whole spiel.

>> No.5313262

Oh! Also I'm narcoleptic and I just found out two days ago that almost 40% of narcoleptics have eating disorders like binging and bulimia. It was relieving being able to put some of the blame on genetics

>> No.5313271

>you are just too damned lazy to run for more than 25 minutes
I x-country ski 15-18 miles, 3-4 times a week all winter. I bike 10-11 miles a day spring-fall and run barefoot on trails in the summer (1-1.5 hours, 3x a week).

I used to lift weights for 45 min or so every other week but gave that up for skiing this winter.

>> No.5314445


>> No.5314449


If you actually had any experience with eating disorders you'd know they overlap and most bulimics are anorexics, only they lack the discipline to not binge and thus they purge after binging


>> No.5314494

Ah yeah, bulimic since I was around 12. Had a setback late last year, but it hurt my head a lot. Working on not bingeing. I'm not trying to be hateful or anything, but bulimia does nothing to your body at all. Probably your brain's telling you that you're getting thinner but there is literally nothing else to it than puking what looks like most of the calories of the food. Too bad it isn't. Most of the calories are absorbed already and what you're just trying to get rid of is the feeling of being fat.

Oh well.

>> No.5314499

Can you RUN for 30 minutes?
Not walk.
Not jog.
RUN. 6 mph, MINIMUM.
Most anyone who doesn't run regularly will have trouble doing 2 minutes at that speed.
I'm on week 4 of couch to 5k and it's pretty fucking tough for a fatty.

>> No.5314514


I started to become bulimic last year. Partially to lose weight and partially to deal with the stress of not being able to find a job so I could escape the vile hell hole my hoarding mother and sister have created. Their home is literally a prison of shit and piss. You walk into their house and its like you get punched in the face with the smell of urine and feces and dust/animal dander/hair. I used to get woken up at night because the entire house would suddenly fill with the smell of diarrhea. The bulimia in an insane way helped me feel less sick in that environment because I was having an honest reaction to their filth (they used to beat me and threaten to kill me if I cleaned anything in their house btw).

This year I've mostly stopped being bulimic, but there are moments when I'll start up again. It is a really bad habit to get into and it is surprisingly hard to stop.

>> No.5314841


Whoa, whoa.

Let's just this straight, nothing tastes as good as sex feels.

Just saying.

But also your point is stupid. Bulimia is nothing to do with euphoria from orgasmic food and then shame for experiencing pleasure. Bulimia is caused by a compulsion to overeat to make up for the purging, and then purging to make up for the overeating.

Ever speak to a bulimic who claims there is euphoria in any of their routine? No? Because it's nothing like euphoria. Anorexia is meant to be the euphoric one because you get some sense of accomplishment that you managed to "overcome" your base desires and convince yourself that food has no power over you. But bulimia? No. Bulimia is nothing but compulsion and shame: you get no feeling of "overcoming" food because the food has overcome you.

>> No.5314857


I have a tendency to fall back into anorexia whenever something bad happens. It's more of a punishment thing than anything else.

>> No.5314860


yes. 6mph, actually, slightly more, since it's a little above a 3 mile path round-trip.

now slowing down and stopping, i can't do that, it breaks my 'zone.'

>> No.5314878


it really depends on the individual, but in the beginning, purging can definitely serve the same function as self-starvation in that you feel like you have essentially cheated the system; "why doesn't EVERYONE make themselves puke? they're weak! they're stupid! i get to indulge my compulsions and not suffer the consequences, and all it takes is a little pain."

of course, this is just a mental facade draped over the deep shame, functioning to protect one's self from it. i definitely didn't start purging as a strategy. in fact, i recall the first time i purged--calorie free lemonade--because i felt harassed by my (hyper critical, micromanaging, psychologically abusive) father, and i was angry and 17. i had been starving myself until then for over a year and that's when bulimia began.

so to say binging and purging is nothing but compulsion and shame is a bit of a shallow assessment, but it indeed involves both emotions.

>> No.5314908

Wow, once again, 4chan has proved to be the center point of hive-minded thinking and idiocy. You're no different from most of the people on the outside.

These are eating disorders caused by mental illness. Don't say "Omg. No, dude, food isn't better than sex." because that's stating the obvious. Don't call them weird. Calling them weird won't make them stop.

Also, NEWSFLASH: Not all women starve themselves to be ~sexy~ for men, like many sources have probably lead you to believe, so you can stop with your "GURLS NEED MEAT ON DERE BONES" bullshit, because it's not helping anybody and it never will. Not everybody is jumping hurdles to please your dick, and the sooner you realize that, the better.

I'm no expert, however, I can tell you that no true expert would ever call a person "weird" or tell them to try being more sexy and seriously consider it a valid method of treatment. For those of you with disorders reading the shit these people are posting, get help from someone who's trained, because you do need it. Never take these neckbeards seriously.

>> No.5314942

Ok so. I am a 23yr old female. Attractive (I say that because ive has boyfriend's/now married) im 5'5 120 regularly.

I have been bulimic (sp) since I can remember. But in the last 4 years or so its gotten habit. My mother said ever since I was a wee child, If I didnt feel good, or headache or commom cold to flu(obv) I would vomit. Every illnes would make me nauseous. Like Incredibly. So bad and unintentional if I might add, I wanted it to stop. Zofran, makes me hallucinate since im allergic, so my only options were suppository anti nausea meds. TERRIBLE. well every time I puked I would feel better. Plus I loved the feeling og gagging. Like if I brushed my teeth I would just make my self gag, felt good, ??? Fucking wierd and gross right?

As I got into 16yrs+ I would smoke massive amounts of pot and over eat like A fiend, and be sooo uncomfortable. So I figured one day maybe I can puke. Then it just didnt stop. Eat alot puke. I NEVER EVERhave had a problem with how I looked. Saw doctors and never could cure me. I was so sad about it, if I didnt vomit, I would literally produce some much stomach acid. I would vomit acid. Terrible.

Anyway. Im pregnant and the only time in my life. I have NOOOO inclination to vomit purposely. And it was so hard getting my acid more alkaline. And regular. I could never hurt my baby. Plus my would. Grow up seeing me do it, and I never want them to habe this issue. I swear im cured. It took this. My doctor is so proud of me and im very healthy now.

Sorry wall text but that's my story.

>> No.5314953

I'm happy for you anon. Keep up the great work. You have a lot of strength.

>> No.5315180

>ate 1000 calories a day to lose weight because 5'4" female
>lose period when 150 lbs
>see doctor when 115 lbs, hair falling out and still no period but normal otherwise
>get diagnosed with anorexia
>forced to eat in front of mom, they want me to gain weight
>no one tells me how much
>I don't want to be fat, my bf was already 26% at 115
>mom tells me things like "140 isn't all that big"
>I am probably 118 now after 2 weeks (scales were hid from me)
>frustrated from lack of info
>"until you're healthy again"

I wish I knew how to be bulimic. I'm gaining about 1.5 lbs per week. Anyone have any estimates on how long it will take to get my damn period back?

>> No.5315186

Horseshit. 5'4'' 150 lbs is fat as fuck, and 115 is normal. Stop lying on the internet. You probably aren't even a girl.

>> No.5315189


Fuck off Suey Park.

>> No.5315193

I know 115 is normal. I was diagnosed with anorexia anyways. I dunno how, but my period just stopped around 150.

>> No.5315196

It stopped because you never had one because you have a set of balls and a probably small penis.

>> No.5315228

You lost it because you lost weight extremely quickly you idiot.
It's fine to lose weight, just do it slowly. Massive drops are going to have consequences.

>> No.5315239

>I wish I knew how to be bulimic

no, no you don't. you don't you don't you don't. unless you want your life to fall to shambles, you don't. trust a 7-year bulimic.

i was 5'2" 120 lbs roughly before my period came back after 2 years and my lowest weight was only 101 lbs, i believe. but everybody's body is different (evident in the fact that you lost your period at 150lbs...!).

by the way, how old are you? this is a horrible method of "recovery" your doctor is forcing upon you. are you in therapy? do you want to be?

>> No.5315253

I'm a fat fuck and it's funny to know the thought form to make myself puke. I used to use that to get out of school when I was a little kid.

isofseda suffer

>> No.5315264

When I went to my doctor she asked me how much I was eating and I told her 1600 calories a day because my other doctor told me not to lose anymore, and I maintain on that. She told me to get out of the room, and saw my mom alone. My mom said she told her I was anorexic and was qualified to be in the hospital. (I saw a cardiologist before and he said my heart was normal the week before) Now I have to have a glass of milk at every meal, 3 200-calorie snacks, and 3 600-700 calorie meals. I feel awful, and the doctors refuse to tell me anything. I'm seeing a psychologist next week. I'd be ok with going to therapy but I don't think it's necessary. I'm 18.

>> No.5315271

Do you count your calories?

>> No.5315276

Yeah. It comes second nature now after losing for so long.

>> No.5315772


if you're 18, you don't need to put up with this. legally you do not HAVE to.

i would say try out the shrink, i know i sure as hell didn't think therapy was necessary in the beginning. turns out i have a plethora of unresolved issues, fast forward 7-8 years later, i'm not in therapy and pretty much letting my life fall apart to this illness. i know i need it, though.

i don't know what your story is, so i can hardly recommend any course of action apart from talking with a psychologist and deciding for yourself whether or not you feel as though you are being helped, or if the doctor is barking up the wrong tree entirely (happens).

but i can't stress this enough: you are 18. you are not legally obligated to go through any of this.

>> No.5315800


i should add... don't decide after just one session that you don't need therapy (i'm assuming this isn't a psychiatrist, in which case fuck that altogether and see a shrink that isn't trying to push pills first). stick it out for a little while, be honest and open minded, but all the same keep your wits about you and don't just accept whatever they tell you. therapy should be primarily about you and your feelings.

any idea what kind of psychologist it is? run of the mill psychotherapist, cognitive behavioral, psychiatrist?

>> No.5315806
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1396140818040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course some shrink is going to make you think you have issues, that's how they make their money.

Here's a good book to read.

The Manufacture of Madness by Thomas S. Szasz.

>> No.5315840


depends on the therapist.

i have been in intensive outpatient therapy for eating disorders, and while i dropped out due to the stress of going through homeless shelters after being kicked out and not truly wanting to deal with my shit, i did see quite a few girls emerge successful from the program.

i found that the section on schemas (a part of dialectical behavioral therapy, called "life traps" in the program) helped me to understand a lot about the way i see the world, and how that contributes to my negative thought patterns that compel destructive behavior. the art therapy section helped me express myself when i was horribly suppressed.

yes, i have issues. i'm not bulimic on a whim because i thought it would be fun. i'll take a pass on the book and use my own judgment, thanks.

>> No.5315843

yup, i have anorexia and have pretty much given up on really ever getting better at this point. i've been hospitalized many times but due to insurance have never been able to stay in treatment long enough to make any sort of real progress for long term sustainability. i'm currently 76 lbs (5'1") and losing, but my lowest weight was around 67 lbs. i've pretty much come to terms with the fact that my eating disorder will probably kill me.

>> No.5315869


do you have insurance at all?

>> No.5315931

I think it's a psychiatrist specialized in anorexia. I don't really know what to expect.
I'm not even out of high school yet, so I feel like my mother and the doctors have total control over me. I'm not assertive at all so I don't think I could tell them to just fuck off. I've already had a few breakdowns when I'm given huge plates of food, and the more I do it the more specialists my mom signs me up for. Right now I'm really hoping my period returns so that I can get out of all this.

>> No.5315956

>lose period at 150 @ 5'4
wtf?? were you 200 before or something?
110-120 is a great range to be, that's what my doc recommended to me at I'm 5'5 at 130.

>> No.5315957


>so I feel like my mother and the doctors have total control over me.

well, that's just how it feels. but that's important to know... and definitely something you'll want to address in therapy. that feeling of not having any control, the feeling that you are not an autonomous agent in your own life, that feeling is central to the development of an eating disorder. i firmly believe that the longer you offer up control to your parents, the worse your situation will get. oftentimes the family of an individual with an eating disorder is a major obstacle in the way of recovery, and it takes creating distance from that poisonous dynamic to really begin to work on the self.

i suggest that you move out when it's realistic to do so--but not on your own, as eating disorders worsen in solitude--and continue with therapy.

>> No.5315963


holy shit
what's an average day for you (food wise)?

>> No.5315972

Keep up the good work, anon.

As for OP, go get some medical help or something man, most people hate comments like this but I have a thing in my mind that just makes me tell people who have problems like this to go get help, no matter how fucking stupid it makes me look.

>> No.5315979

>Attractive (I say that because ive has boyfriend's/now married
hahaha yeah, everyone who has been in a relationship is attractive.

>> No.5315985

Anorexia and bulimia, but I recovered

>> No.5316022

yeah but it's shitty free state insurance which pretty much doesn't cover anything

right now i mostly live off of raw vegetables, soup broth, a shitton of diet soda, water, and greek yogurt

>> No.5316030

>i've been hospitalized many times but due to insurance have never been able to stay in treatment long enough to make any sort of real progress for long term sustainability.
lol America

>> No.5316070

You know how you can afford long term sustainability?
Quit the shit and eat like a normal person.

>> No.5316104

Thank you for the advice. It's nice to hear an outside opinion aside from my family and doctors. I don't think I had anorexia to begin with, and this "solution" of eating 1000 calories over my BMR is making me want to kill myself. I feel for the people the specialist helps who have actual anorexia.

>here's a person afraid of food probably eating less than 500 a day
>let's make them eat quadruple that amount on that same day!

>> No.5316404

Does she puke up your cum?