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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5301725 No.5301725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys deal with trying to eat healthy when your significant other won't? My girlfriend is curvy but could be chubby in the future. Her idea of relaxing after work is shit food and movies. And she gets annoyed if I make salads or don't eat what she eats. So I find myself sneaking veggies in the kitchen so I eat smaller portions of the typical American comfort foods I cook her. It's just stupid.

I could handle keto while I was single, and now it's like I don't go a day with out some form of really bad food.

>> No.5301732

Break up with her if it's that much of a problem and you don't want to grow the balls to tell her that you have the right to eat however you want just like she does. If she wants to make unhealthy choices that's her deal, you don't have to eat the same things she does if you don't want to.

>> No.5301750

It's not worth breaking up over and I do the cooking. It's just like feeding a fat child.

I guess maybe I'm looking for healthy foods that have the comfort factor she seems to need.

>> No.5301758

Have a serious talk with her instead, you're not going to find healthy "comfort foods" that well be the same as she's use to. If she's getting mad about you eating salads, she's got some deeper issues.

>> No.5301762

he could try doing what all mothers do; make healthy food look like comfort food. My mother had my little sister eating cauliflower like it was candy by just blending it together like it was mashed potatoes. Didn't even cheese the shit out of it. She got me to eat mushrooms by putting it in pasta too. Sneaky little she devil, she was.

>> No.5301770

Getting a picky child to eat vegetables by disguising them is easy, getting a picky adult to do the same is nearly impossible unless they want to change, which it doesn't sound like she wants to.

>> No.5301885

My girlfriend puts cheese on her salads.
Drives me crazy but I'm too much of a pussy to say anything.

>> No.5302076

So what should I cook tonight? I can spend about $20.

>> No.5302122



Why do people do this

>> No.5302144

Dump her.

>> No.5302149


> It's just like feeding a fat child.

don't go out with people if you feel that talking about them like this is justified

>> No.5302152


the fuck is wrong with putting cheese on salads

>> No.5302154

it depends what kind of cheese
of course if you have some nice cubes of bleu along with pieces of walnut for example, your salad will be delicious
but.. cheese like parmigiano or mozzarella don't go well with salads.

>> No.5302157

I know that feel OP.
Just know that deep down things could be better with someone else and hope that it doesn't hurt her curvy ass when you leave her sitting on the couch.
Health is very important in relationships and if your views are very different, a bit of resentment about her may spoil mealtimes and other regular sorts of events.

>> No.5302173

>My girlfriend is curvy but could be chubby in the future

No she is not, she is fat who do you think you're fooling besides yourself?

>Being a man
>Using the word curvy
>After tumblerettes commandeered it

>> No.5302236
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>And she gets annoyed if I make salads or don't eat what she eats. So I find myself sneaking veggies in the kitchen

Holy shit, this can't be true.

Anon, you have lost control of your life is someone shaming you out of eating vegetables.

>> No.5302249

op obvi needs to provide a pic of his probably fat gf so we can figure this out

but curvy is an ok word to use and that last bit of ur post nakes you sound like a btard dork sorry

ps op ur gf sounds a little craycray if she gets pissed that you dont wanna share her eating habits

you should dump her unless ofc the booty game is off the chain

>> No.5302266

>but curvy is an ok word to use and that last bit of ur post nakes you sound like a btard dork sorry

That's funny because you type like you come from tumblr

>> No.5302295


>all this shitposting

Come on, guys.

>> No.5302354

well your post is even funnier because you type like an asspie who cares about what sites other people go on

i personally dont care that you just constantly refresh /b/

its ok friend

im berry sorry anon

>> No.5302380

Caprese salad would like a word with you.

Feta is best for salads, though. Mmm.

>> No.5302483

Are you that same faggot that was getting all autismal about reddit yesterday?

>> No.5302541

>How do you guys deal with trying to eat healthy when your significant other won't?

Just eat your fruits and vegetables and let them eat their junk food and animal products

>> No.5302601

no i wasnt on here yesterday sorry anon

besides i never get autismal about anything!

have a nice day

>> No.5302613

Does your girlfriend like sketti, OP?

>> No.5302633

>/b/ insults in 2014

>> No.5302668

She doesn't care about your health.

>> No.5302695

>letting your girl get fat

>> No.5302721



>> No.5302732

You could always just try to teach her portion control. It's not like the universe itself is going to bend to make her fat just because she ate a few potato chips.

>> No.5302745
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I only date vegans. Pic related, my experience with carnists.

>> No.5302813

Are you John Sakars, anon?


>> No.5302849


lol your gf is gona go from curvy to cubby to land whale in a blink of an eye.

Bail while you can.

>> No.5302852

Wut. This is still 4chan you dildo, even if /ck/ is "worksafe" that only means it's one of the relatively tamer boards.

>> No.5302860
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>> No.5302893
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>> No.5302896



This guy's the best

>> No.5302919

you need to wake up to yourself motherfucker

your girlfriend is way too comfortable with your relationship to be doing this shit. she is just going to grow and grow and grow until you have one of those 300 pound middle aged women with little fucking brat children running rings around her. her not trying to eat healthy at all herself is a serious issue, but then trying to shame you for eating healthy? give her one fucking chance.

man the fuck up and make her get her shit together, or leave her. if she wont change, there is no redemption.

>> No.5302935

I just did that so more people would watch the video, I don't care about posting rude language on worksafe boards. Look:


>> No.5302939

fucking do it anyway and if they don't want to deal with it tell them they're a bunch of faggots.

I deal with my sister in law trying to get me to eat crap I don't want and my boss at work trying to get me to drink soda all the time, and I'm just like "top of the kek to you good sir." and then I just don't fucking eat it.

>> No.5302945
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It's cool guys I made smallish decent steaks and sautéed a ton broccoli and onions with salt and garlic and she love it. I just won't let her pick meals. And for your information: she is crazy but the bootie is off the chain.

I boonga bonged the broccoli and meat farts (!) right out of her.

>> No.5302974
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Don't let her shop and don't buy the crappy foods.

>> No.5302976

Good work.

Banana ice cream is really easy to make healthy and delicious, you pretty much only need bananas.

I find veg stews can be super tasty as well, without loads of fat or sugar.

If she's drinking loads of soda, try to replace it with herbal tea, there's a great selection of flavours and you can control the sweetness by adding however much honey you want (which is better than refined sugar anyway, and don't get me started on artificial sweeteners).

Salad dressing is really easy to make and can be quite healthy because it's just Extra Virgin Olive Oil, vinegar (wine/apple cider) and flavours like honey and mustard, or garlic and herbs. It totally transforms salad veg.

Roast chicken is pretty healthy and very tasty if coated with herbs and spices. I mix garlic, rosemary and lemon juice together and rub it on there before roasting.

You could also replace that steak with fish like salmon or haddock which is much healthier and can be just as tasty if you get a nice fresh fillet.

All of these suggestions are probably cheaper than less healthy meals in the long run too, they just need a little more time and practice but you seem like you know what you're doing.

>> No.5302998


>Roast chicken is pretty healthy


>> No.5303001

The dry heat kills all the bad fats.

>> No.5303006


It still has plenty of bad fats, but roasting it also adds on the burden of heterocyclic amines

>> No.5303007

Compared to red meat, it has less fat, and roasting it makes it healthier than something pan fried because there's less fat involved.

I think that's what I read anyway, red meat is pretty bad for you but white meat like poultry is pretty lean, especially without the skin (but that's the best bit am I right?).

>> No.5303009

I assume it's because you don't need extra fat to cook it with.

I'm fairly unaware of this so not trying to sound like an ass, but could you go on with your explanation?

>> No.5303010

>red meat is pretty bad for you
Game meats are lean AF

>> No.5303012

I'm just repeating what I've read, obviously whoever told me this was generalising or just meant mutton, beef and pork.

I didn't think I was saying anything controversial when I said white meat is healthier than red meat though, I've heard that from a bunch of people and always took that for granted.

>> No.5303030


> could you go on with your explanation?

In meat cooked at high temperatures or for long periods of time (roasting/grilling or slow cooking), amino acids, sugars, and creatine react with each other to form carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines, or HCAs. The most common HCA found in chicken is called phIP

The best lean protein source would probably be something like lentils, which have healthier plant protein that also doesn't raise your IGF-1 levels or have excessive amounts of methionine, contains lots of fiber, and is regularly shown to improve health and lifespan


>> No.5303033


With red meat, the fat is the least of your concerns. Trimethylamine N-oxide and neu5gc are good for you.

>> No.5303042



>> No.5303040
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derp dont roast beefs cos cancer m8. well like then y does fire exist or u no how we puke when we ate raw shit u fuckin moronuuughhh so dumb!!

>> No.5303062



> Simply eating a roast beef sandwich for lunch and a burger or hot dog for dinner will put you over the daily limit for meat intake that research tells us will increase your risk of colon cancer, other cancers, heart disease, and death.

>> No.5303078
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>tfw whole foods vegan