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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5298217 No.5298217[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

vegan after this

>> No.5298228

ok make sure you keep us updated

>> No.5298230

>draining all the blood from an animal before preparing it for consumption

>> No.5298232

>Implying all meat isn't prepared like this.
Halal is just a special way of going about it.

>> No.5298234

I dont give a shit about animals, you will never ruin red meat for me. If I could try human meat without consequences I would without giving it a second thought.

>> No.5298237

Your country sure likes to tell it's citizenry what to do.
Love you culture but could not deal with socialism.

>> No.5298241

your choice to be unhealhy

>> No.5298245

i'm only giving the information its your choice afer that

>> No.5298247

Yeah it is my choice. So how about you shut the fuck up and mind your own business?

>> No.5298249

go get cancer and then dont moan

>> No.5298253


I would be fine with halal existing, except that in the UK while meat sold as halal HAS to be halal, it can still be sold as plain old meat without any notification. So most people have probably eaten it without knowing because supermarkets over stock on halal and just flog the surplus unmarked.

People should be allowed a choice about whether they want to partake in circumventing the country's animal cruelty laws.

>> No.5298255

who fucking cares how they die, they die and you shove them in your fat fucking mouth and that's it

>> No.5298269

animals have blood, and every method of animal slaughtering involves draining the blood. The main controversy is with the thought that the creatures suffer due to having their throat slit, but most butchers electrocute the sheep, rendering it unconscious, then slit it's throat. It bleeds out within a few seconds.

The controversy is silly, and it just paints a horrible image, but if you know the slightest facts of how slaughtering is done in the modern day, it's not much different.

>> No.5298270

Meh, death by exsanguination or electrocution are just two sides of the same coin.

>> No.5298333

it's honestly laughable watching so many people spout "waaaaaah it's my choice waaaah"!!! yeah, it's you're choice to be unhealthy, die from over consumption of red meat and whatever bullshit. i'm just letting you know that it does have consequences and your naitivity on the subject wont justify your heart attack at the age of 20 from a bunch of blood clots. also enjoy the fact your slaughtering several animals in the most inhumane way but continue to spout "oh well!! it's natural to make them suffer like this right???" it's natural for some animals shit on there hands and throw it that doesn't mean we should abide that mindset you sick fucks

>> No.5298338

You're on a computer built by underpaid asian children.

>> No.5298350

so what are you gonna do about it, fagola
are you gonna write to your politicians about it

>> No.5298356


The Muslims and Jews are exempt from the stunning requirement in the UK ...

>> No.5298360
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Were there hands worth you shit posting on 4chan ?

>> No.5298361


How would you rather spend your final seconds?

>> No.5298363

Literally the only difference is they say some kind of prayer just before killing each animal. Retarded conservative media blowing shit out of proportion as usual.

>> No.5298364

no its not, macs never had any involvement with oppressed 3rd world kids, if you believe that bullshit then congrats you had fallen for the pc propaganda

educate the ignorant

>> No.5298366

see >>5298364
again, enjoy bullshit propaganda by pc makers

>> No.5298369
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Just oppress third world adults.

>> No.5298373

>wants to educate the ignorant
>is ignorant
he who is without sin etc

>> No.5298374

[citation needed]

>> No.5298376

the muzzy's deserve death for the chaos they have caused and continue to

>> No.5298380

>posts bullshit propaganda
>im right!!!!!!
haha ok i'm done, this is sad. also nice shifting the goal post
>blatantly obvious truth about animal deaths

>> No.5298383

who's using my name and thanks

>> No.5298384

>posts a vegan propaganda thread
>denounces others for posting propaganda

seriously, go fuck yourself with a rake
i'm actually upset over what you've been posting and i want to smash your fucking head in with my fist

>> No.5298385
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What senseless reason would uk have for outlawing ritual slaughter?

>> No.5298386

He will just claim it's propaganda.
Vegans always assume anything that contradicts their ideas is some sort of lie.
Yes. All vegans use macs.

>> No.5298392

>vegan propaganda
*vegan fact
but ok bullshit is the same as actual evidence lmao
>i'm actually upset over what you've been posting and i want to smash your fucking head in with my fist
nice one shitlord
>you don't me killing animals???? I'LL KILL YOU!!!
way to prove my point your all mindless killers

>> No.5298397

way to prove my point that you're fucking braindead

and no, i don't want to kill you because you're a vegan, i want you fucking dead because you're an ignorant, hateful piece of shit that stirs up nonsense on the internet that'll impact absolutely nobody for no fucking reason and you think you're RIGHT
that's the biggest thing
that you think you're infallible when all you're doing is lol i trol u

>> No.5298401
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lmao u upset?

>> No.5298402

i already said i was two posts ago

>> No.5298404


>worth the paper it's printed on


>> No.5298406
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lmao get #rekt

>> No.5298409


Lazy bastard.


"There are long-standing provisions in UK law which - subject to specific requirements - allow the slaughter of animals without stunning to meet Jewish and Muslim religious requirements."

>> No.5298410

man, people on 4chan are fucking horrible.

>> No.5298416

j00z dis 9 11

>> No.5298420

Honestly if I were going to die anyway I wouldn't care

>> No.5298422

I didn't expect so many people not giving a fuck about the Semitic ritualized torture of animals. Is it really too much to ask that Jews and Arabs keep their barbaric lifestyle to themselves?

>> No.5298424

well, yes, considering it's every religion's goal to impose themselves onto others

>> No.5298426

this bullshit

fuck off jain

>> No.5298431

It's cultural enrichment when they are doing it, but when Christians do it it's completely unacceptable. I wonder who could be behind this.

>> No.5298432
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I don't give a crap about Asians.

>> No.5298437

Who's Jain?

>> No.5298446

Islam is the only religion that expressedly commands its followers to treat animals with kindness and respect, as they are considered Muslims (for they follow God's will by acting exactly as God intended them to act, which is what Sharia is).

Islam forbids its followers to hunt for sport, to torture animals, to consume the flesh of animals that have been murdered in an inhumane way such as strangling or being beaten with a blunt object. If you're of European descent, then I can guarantee that your family has for thousands of years been eating chickens that were strangled or neck-snapped to death by farmers, which under Islam would be considered cruelty to animals.

It is only within the past hundred years that these so called "more humane" methods of killing have been invented, and you think you can claim the moral high ground now because you happened to be born in a country that has the technology to use them?

>> No.5298449
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payback is a motherfucker

>> No.5298452

its not about the past its about the torture and the new research in health

>> No.5298456

okay, great
tell that to the people who only eat halaal and kosher foods, that their past doesn't matter
they're the ones you have to convince

try not to get beheaded

>> No.5298459

>It is only within the past hundred years that these so called "more humane" methods of killing have been invented, and you think you can claim the moral high ground now because you happened to be born in a country that has the technology to use them?
Yes. Because Muslims refuse to use the technology, even if it is available to them, because of some stupid religious dogma.

>> No.5298462

I love pictures of hags getting dominated. Shame I wasn't there to see it in person.

>> No.5298463

we should be beheading them rats. the lee rigby killers and the rest that are not reported are getting away with it

>> No.5298467

Why is locking animals in tiny pens for their entire lives and never letting them out ot exercise, stewing in their own shit in a dark and noisy room, not worth boycotting a company over? Why, in your mind, is this preferable to raising an animal with care and then slitting its throat?

>> No.5298472

because nothing is born to suffer

>> No.5298475


Why present that as an either or situation? Why pretend halal meat always come from animals who could roam?

>> No.5298476

>Why is locking animals in tiny pens for their entire lives and never letting them out ot exercise, stewing in their own shit in a dark and noisy room, not worth boycotting a company over?
I never said it isn't. I really have no fucking idea why you think I implied that.

>> No.5298482

Because it keeps costs down and is generally more efficient.
This only becomes a problem when you adopt the perverse notion that animal life is in any way comparable to human life.
The minute you embrace this idea the world becomes an ugly place.
The error is in your head.

>> No.5298492

animals were on this planet before us. people are to be stewards and khalifas

>> No.5298497
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>> No.5298505

Which planet are you from?

>> No.5298511
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considering im typing english and the utc says im in the uk.

>> No.5298566

from a live animal

>> No.5298571

I an an engineer in a factory that produces most of the components of my PC, I even got a discount.
there are no asians working here, let alone children

>> No.5298575

You are an asian child aren't you? Admit it!

>> No.5298587

>why do you accept [hyperbole]? wouldn't an imaginary situation ending with the brutal fact be better?

m8, 95% of the beef in my country is grass-fed and field-reared. Factory farming doesn't exist even a fraction of how it does in US/china

>> No.5298589


rigby is dead big deal

>> No.5298730

a soldier walking home to his child. gets run over and beheaded in the street. and your response is big deal.

>> No.5299104


Muslims gonna Mus.

>> No.5299116
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>don't worry, they usually slit the animals' throats in a NICE way

>> No.5299131
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>that good feel when no predator guilt feeling

>> No.5299135
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Our ancestors were herbivores. Deal with it you meat-eaters.

>> No.5299136

Get real just because it happened in your back year does not make it special.

>> No.5299153

But we aren't deal with that. You wont be able too as your brain is shrinking this very moment.

>> No.5299166

Just like the Japanese when they massacred and raped Chinese women and children. They excused that as superiority as well.

>> No.5299170

that explains all the sharp, meat rending teeth we have had forever.

>False comparison fallacy
Kill yourself.

>> No.5299176

Y'all niggas gay.

>> No.5299178


>all the sharp, meat rending teeth we have


>> No.5299182

>Thinks canines are for tearing into vegetables

I see /ck/ has been invaded by retards.

>> No.5299189
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Canines are for a lot of things, which is why many herbivores have them. Human canines in particular are laughably small

>> No.5299193

why do you think we have to cook food and ANIMALS CAN EAT it raw

>> No.5299194

>Thinks gorillas are herbivores
>My sides

>> No.5299196

As are our mouths.

>> No.5299199

because we started cook food, retard. we have lost the enzymes that allow us to properly digest raw meat.

>Do you even biology 101

>> No.5299200


At most they'll eat a few termites on occasion. Does that require canine teeth?

>> No.5299205


And we also don't have the stomach acid to deal with parasites, like a true meat-eater does

>> No.5299209


>> No.5299211

Research gorillas, retardfag. The wild ones, not the ones they keep in cages.

I hope every vegetarian in this thread is violently killed and devoured by a predator.

>> No.5299213

Now fuck right off.

>> No.5299223


>> No.5299229
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>conspiracy theorist website

>> No.5299226


We also lack the main adaptations that herbivorves have for digesting plant matter:

Multiple stomachs / Cud chewing, such as cows


Coprophagy (eating their own faeces to extract more nutrients by re-digesting the same thing twice), such as rabbits, hamsters, etc.

>> No.5299228

protein has igf 1 which causes cancer

>> No.5299237


You're talking about specific adaptions that specific animals have, not widespread adaptions every herbivore has. Look up "frugivore"

>> No.5299242

Can you back that up? Oh wait I will post so you can understand that.
>[citation needed]

Also they just reported it. The original article was written elsewhere.

>> No.5299243



Fruits and vegetables

>> No.5299244

if u wanna hurt animals for no reason then look forward to judgement day

>> No.5299249

anyone can change that website gtfo

>> No.5299256


Just look at the website. Even that very article

>Bill Clinton: Vegan, anti-smoker, IMPERIAL PUPPET.

Here's another article for you


>> No.5299261

Y'all niggas real gay.

>> No.5299268

Oh here is something that says the opposite.
So what do we believe? The one you want too believe right?

>> No.5299271

herbivores can't digest animal protein
omnivores can digest animal protein
humans can't digest cellulose because the appendix does not work any more
humans are omnivores who evolved from herbivores
now shoo

>> No.5299276

>confirmation bias

>> No.5299279


And yet another article


>> No.5299286

can you find anything newer?

>> No.5299291


>> No.5299292

Every time you argue with a vegan and disprove all his arguments he falls back to b-but mmuh morality like plants don't have feelings. Disgusting little rat.

>> No.5299294

>Just ate a lamb gyro from a cool local place
>See this thread
>Burp slightly
>Taste all that delicious lamb again

Man was that gyro good. I'd eat there every day if one of those things wasn't nearly half a days calories in one meal.

>> No.5299300


For starters, those are both *very* widespread adaptations. In fact, there are very very few herbivores (aside from birds) which aren't either ruminants or coprophages. If they don't have those kind of specialized adaptations to eating plant matter only then they are also eating non-plant foods. For example, people think of rodents as eating seeds, fruit, grain, and shoots but all those cuddly little guys eat whatever they can catch or scavenge: insects, eggs, etc. They also eat their own poo. Most of the larger herbivores are ruminants: cows, deer, antelopes, sheep, goats, etc. Even kangaroos and wallabies have a multi-chambered stomach. Other herbivores have a fermenting hindgut, like elephants, horses, and rhinos. Humans lack all of these things.

Orangutans are commonly cited as being a human-like animal which consumes a lot of fruit--and they do eat a lot of it. They also eat eggs, fish, insects, any small animals they can grab, honey, and so on.

>> No.5299323


>Orangutans are commonly cited as being a human-like animal which consumes a lot of fruit--and they do eat a lot of it. They also eat eggs, fish, insects, any small animals they can grab, honey, and so on.

Tiny occasional things they stumble upon don't matter. Even deer have been seen eating birds.


And how about a cat eating corn.


Anything will eat anything in some situation.

>> No.5299332

Cats are omnivores you dork, could you stop stumbling on false claims in every post you make?

>> No.5299344


They're obligate carnivores

>> No.5299371

>Even deer have been seen eating birds.

That sounds like something out of a nature film directed by Lars von Trier

>> No.5299378

I hope you go full on with coprolagnia to enjoy all the possible nutrients plants can give you. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy my balanced Mediterranean diet.

>> No.5299397

>Tiny occasional things they stumble upon don't matte

It's not occasional. They go out of their way to get those things. According to the WWF their diet is only 60% fruit, with the remainder being insects, small vertebrates, fish, eggs, tree bark, and young leaves/shoots. Oh and dirt. They also eat dirt.

Lots more information here, with plenty of citations:

>> No.5299516

Good god... I. FUCKING. LOVE. MEAT. Everything from the blood trickling out of the first cut on a juicy, delightfully delicious, rare steak, to the look of shock I get from my chickens as I take the head from their brethren. Everything from the satisfying crunch from golden brown fillet of red snapper,to the exquisite tenderness from veal. The feeling I get when I release my arrow and see the impact it has on the buck, that only seconds ago was grazing... perhaps pondering what its family was doing... Now it will become a surplus of tenderloins, backstrap, ground meat, and juicy steaks all sitting stagnant in my freezer just waiting for me to make them delicious. Oh how I love meat so.. Hell, any kind of meat. I'd like to try dog and cat, but that's just too taboo where I live. Just from my declaration of love for meat on this thread has given me a ravenous hunger for some dead animal. I think I'll go out tonight and kill a rabbit, field dress it on the spot, and come back inside to see what delicious items I can create.

>> No.5299522

How about you keeping your mindless pol crybaby shit off /ck/, you fucking retard?

>> No.5299525

bad troll is bad

>> No.5299532

Only one cry baby in this thread. Hint it isn't the omnivorous.

>> No.5299535

Good truth is good. Wanna see a pic of my freezer? Bet we could identify 20 different types of meat together

>> No.5299538

I think you're confused. I am omnivorous. The person I was responding to was vegan.

>> No.5299550

i hate mohamadians and this justifies is perfectly.

>> No.5299558

Me too! Let's list our meats and compare and contrast! I'll go first:

venison sausage
beef sausage
pork sausage
whole piece of pork belly
cubed pork belly
chicken feet
pig trotters
chicken quarters
chicken wings
baby octopus
baby squid
beef tri tip
blade steaks (X2)
whole chicken
boneless pork ribs
beef flap meat
seafood stock ingredients (shrimp shells, lobster shells, crab shells)
homemade chicken stock
homemade beef stock
homemade tonkotsu ramen stock (made with pork and chicken)
lamb shanks

I think that's it....

>> No.5299575

I don't give a fuck how they're treated they end up in my mouth either way.
>not pc's
oh and
>uses a mac
You're one of those people

>> No.5299595



>eating animals

>> No.5299599


Are you prepared to die in your 50s or sooner of either heart disease or several forms of cancer while being fat and looking like shit your whole life?

>> No.5299605


my grandma is 92 and she has always eaten fuckloads of meat

yes this is purely anecdotal evidence, but that's no different than what you're suggesting

>> No.5299608


lmao not him but I probably look way better than you

people overcompensate with statements like this even though they're fat and unhealthy

>> No.5299612



She was 16-17 years old when she died.

>> No.5299614

You are an imbecile.
Also, no, I'm not at all worried about that. I know my family history of diet and disease, and I'm neither fat nor look like shit (sounds like you're projecting). All my relatives lived to be well over 80 years old, and up to 103 (my great grandmother), so you can fuck right off and don't forget to polish that huge chip on your shoulder, fucknut.

>> No.5299619


Well MAH GRANDADDY ate nothing but ice cream and whiskey and he lived to be 120!

>that's no different than what you're suggesting

What I'm suggestion is implied by statistics. Not an anecdote of one, but scientific consensus

>> No.5299623

>it's so much easier to blame this on meat than to look at all the other environmental factors that cause disease and/or the mental illness I suffer from


>> No.5299624
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My nigga.
heres some of mine
various deer cuts
deer burger
deer sausage
smoked sausage (multiple animals)
shark filets
whole flounder
various fish fillets (snapper, trigger fish, catfish, bass, crappie, brim, etc..)
duck steaks
various cuts of chickes and their organs
whole chickens
veal cuts
wild hog cuts including bacon and sausage
turkey cuts including turkey burger
prime rib (beef and pork)
the list could go on but I'm a lazy fuck.
Keep in mind these are just two of the outside freezers

>> No.5299627



Listen and weep, carnist.

>> No.5299628

Lol, yeah, I only have one chest freezer, and it's not a full size model, but it's packed. I've had to put a moratorium on buying/butchering meat until I use some of what I already have. Anyway, NICE haul there.

>> No.5299635

Fuck off. I've dealt with more animals in my life than you could ever hope to. I don't pay any mind to people like you. Your whining is like the buzz of a fly which needs to be swatted.

>> No.5299638

Nothing tastes better than a baby cow kept in a cage for its short 6 months of life for the sheer enjoyment of the most tender piece of steak to ever be put into your mouth.NOTHING. I produce my own veal by the way.

>> No.5299640


Trying to be edgy and shocking won't save you from cardiac arrest

>> No.5299642


not really, especially with the extreme figure you provided

>> No.5299643


>> No.5299644

You're like my best friend that I've never met. I'd gladly share my veal and exchange hunting stories with you!

>> No.5299649



You mean stone-age right?

>> No.5299650

Nothing will save you from an automobile wreck. So why not eat what you want?

>> No.5299659

...not driving?

>> No.5299660

>muh animal cruelty!
Cry harder.

>> No.5299668

The only meat I'm going to stop gourging on is all fish from the pacific. I don't eat much processed foods that I don't process and package myself, but I have been on fishing trips into that great ocean, and from the great garbabe patch, to the fukishima leak, that place is just a no go for me.

>> No.5299672

>implying you don't ever walk on a sidewalk

>> No.5299674


Stop being a pussy. Radiation isn't bad for you, you need potassium to live idiot

>> No.5299680

Lololol. I have to assume you are trolling, if not, your stupidity might give me a seizure

>> No.5299693


Eugenicists that hate whites. While being white themselves, they just cant get enough dick.

>> No.5299694


I'm not trolling. Radiation, saturated fat, cholesterol. It's all healthy, ASSHOLE!

>> No.5299727

Sir, I apologize. I stand corrected. You are the supreme overlord. May I have your first name so I can pray to you? I've already performed a blood ritual to your concept.. can you feel it strengthening you yet?

>> No.5299730



>> No.5299760


Also I understand this is b8, however, this is why people hate vegans.

>> No.5299766

vegans vs mudslimes
dis gon b gud

>> No.5299769

Actually most shoot an electric bolt through their head, killing it, then slit their throat afterwards.

>> No.5299784

If you please, answer, do you consider lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet is the best of both worlds and the golden middle? Feel free to write all your thoughts.

>> No.5299787


Because vegans make them feel bad about the shitty things they do?

>> No.5299799

You can start with mine

>> No.5299809


>> No.5299813

>make them feel bad about the shitty things they do?

more like take the high ground and annoy the shit out of people. (just like youre doing right now lel)
this is the internet, here, and even IRL you wont change peoples minds. So keep your shit to yourself.

the same concept applies to:
those religious/fedora tipping faggots
cis/ableism whatever the fuck gender equality faggots.
muh chilluns ban guns faggots
etc etc
welcome to the 21st century
no one gives a shit about what you have to say.

>> No.5299817


>take the high ground

You kind of OFFER them the high ground when you stab a cow in the neck for the sake of a burger

>> No.5299832
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what do crab people have to do with making computers?

>> No.5299835


How is that different from them poisoning the water supply of some poor African village to mine metals for their hybrid car's (and their cell phone's) batteries?

Every living thing on this planet survives at the expense of other living things. The natural world is a lot more brutal than we human beings are. Even seen what a housecat does to it's prey? And while I freely admit there are a lot of problems with the average developed country's diet these days (and the treatment of animals in some places), the problem is not binary. There are plenty of options that make a lot more sense than going vegan. Vegan is a blame-game just like blaming fat, or carbs, or fried food, or whatever else people try to demonize in their diets. A healthy diet is a lot more complicated than avoiding fat or carbs or whatever food is popular to hate this year. Likewise, a healthy diet that minimizes environmental harm is a lot more complicated than "zero meat".

>> No.5299837

>Because vegans make them feel bad about the shitty things they do?
You actually make me feel good about eating meat and make me want to go out and buy more so more animals are slaughtered just to spite you fags.

>> No.5299845

Not even once

>> No.5299853



>> No.5299855

It's not Strawman since you're obviously using technology to post and he's criticizing your holier-than-thou attitude, not your choice to be a vegan, so the latter doesn't apply here either.
0/10, try harder

>> No.5299857

Vegan here. I don't own a cell phone, and I ride a bicycle wherever I can.

The reason why vegans keep using cars is because there really is no other way around it if you aren't living in an urban area. Believe me, there are TONS of people out there who would stop using cars if their area's infrastructure allowed for it.

Veganism is about minimizing. Vegans are trying to minimize to the best of their abilities. Which is why they can get holier-than-thou. Because they're the ones trying, you're just stuffing a burger in your face and choking "DAMN FAGGOTS AND THEIR BROCCOLI BURGERS"

>> No.5299862


He created a false perception of the people he's criticizing. "Those hybrid car driving hippies!" Apparently nobody walks or owns a bike or anything less destructive. If they do one thing good for the enviroment, they must do a bunch of shitty things too that cancel it out, and therefore nobody should ever do anything good

>> No.5299863

your approach if successful would leave us little better than the cavemen we once were. it's not that we're not trying, it's that we don't agree with your vision of how things should be

>> No.5299866

>you're just stuffing a burger in your face and choking "DAMN FAGGOTS AND THEIR BROCCOLI BURGERS"
Nice stereotypes, I don't give a fuck what you do with your body just leave me the fuck alone.
>Apparently nobody walks or owns a bike or anything less destructive.
So you walk on roads which were once forests and use bikes built in sweatshops with materials taken from mines using child-labor?
You're just as bad as an anti-natalist.

>> No.5299873

Are you saying that being a vegan would not make much of an impact? Are you even aware of how terrible the meat industry is for the environment?

And how do you think it should be? That we stop driving cars and using electricity, but still have our rivers and lakes contaminated with toxic waste from slaughterhouses? That we should keep wasting a HUGE majority of our fresh water on feeding cattle?

>> No.5299876

see you call it terrible for the environment, I call it a re imagining of what the environment should be. there's no reason we can't work towards cleaner more efficient ways of doing things, but to actively regress over a confused moral vision would just be idiocy

>> No.5299878

>just leave me alone

This is where we conflict. You think that just because you don't care about our choices, we should reciprocate. I won't stand around when pigs intestines are taken from their bodies, when they're boiled alive, and when baby cows live their lives practically immobile. I can't stand around when our Earth is being destroyed, this playing a major role in that.

I should respect people raping people, I shouldn't respect people owning slaves, I shouldn't respect child molesters, and I won't respect anyone who contributes to the harm of sentient being, and doesn't take their part in minimizing the damage to their environment.

>> No.5299879

Man, excuse my typos.

You call what a re-imagining?

>> No.5299883

>I won't respect anyone who contributes to the harm of sentient being
Why not?
Why care about anything other than a human?
No matter what you do someone/something ends up losing, so you're holier-than-thou attitude isn't justified.

>> No.5299885

>Veganism is about minimizing.

No. Minimizing harm is a lot more complicated than that. Veganism is about simplifying. It places the blame specifically on animal products, whereas in reality the environmental harm is not quite so simple to calculate.

Locally raised in-season vegetables are the lowest impact. But once you go beyond that many kinds of produce are only available thanks to toxic chemical fertiliziers and pesticides, not to mention the fuel used to ship said produce from faraway farms. Farms kill small animals by the thousands. (You ever had to clean mice bits out of a hay baler? I have.) In many parts of the world agriculture is slash-and-burn, and a great deal of rainforest is being burned to grow crops rather than raising animals. The industries of many vegetable foods are known to be highly abusive, damaging, or corrupt: coffee, cocoa, olive oil, palm oil, etc. Certainly there is abuse in the animal industry as well, but by only "going vegan" you aren't avoiding it. And frankly, I'd suggest that in many cases it is lower impact to eat an animal than the alternative.

I have chickens on my property. I get fresh eggs and they keep pests out of my garden. And every once in a while, I eat a chicken. You get an awful lot out of a chicken: meat, of course. bones for stock. giblets for sauces. fat to cook with....the list goes on. That replaces an awful lot of other products I might otherwise buy, each of which carrying with it packaging, shipping, fuel costs/pollution, etc, etc.

>> No.5299886

using land for crops and livestock
your vision of minimal impact living does exist, in south africa and the quality of life there is shit. you wanna live a shit life because you think it makes you a better person, go right ahead, but stop trying to push your misguided notions on others

>> No.5299888
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>> No.5299893

Why care? Because when you do that to an animal, it says a lot about the person you are, and the intent of your heart.

Life is valuable. Things are alive to be alive, not to spend it in torture. All innocent beings deserve happiness, because that is what I would want for myself. Do unto others what you would want yourself.

>> No.5299897

That's the thing, you're being selfish and projecting your views on everyone else.
>believing in objectivity

>> No.5299900

life is not inherently valuable, the value is in the living

>> No.5299913

The slash-and-burning happens to host livestock as well.

I do acknowledge you cannot participate in the extinction of harm, but you can control how much damage you cause. One huge way to do that is by not supporting the animal industry. The deaths caused by machines while taking care of the crops are unavoidable. If you wanted to take out all suffering in this world, you would have to starve or spend a ton of time growing it yourself, which most people don't have. What are you supposed to eat, then? With veganism you can minimize as much as possible without having to go hungry.

>That replaces an awful lot of other products I might otherwise buy, each of which carrying with it packaging, shipping, fuel costs/pollution, etc, etc.
I'm talking about the meat industry. When you pick up some meat from the store, you have the same amount, if not more, environmental harm caused, considered the shipping, the production of plants to feed it, the water, the contamination of lakes and rivers, etc.

If you were to eat meat bought from the store, you would contribute even more to slash-and-burn farming since it takes a hell of a lot more plant matter to feed a cow so big it can't even move than a person who needs 2,000 calories a day to survive.

>> No.5299916
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>sentient being

>> No.5299919

I'm not being selfish. I'm using empathy; putting myself in their shoes. I also said that life is valuable and innocent being don't deserve torture. That's not a selfish view at all.

That's why I said "innocent beings." The ones who have value.

>> No.5299921

Can you elaborate?

How are my notions misguided?

>> No.5299922
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>mfw Alicia Silverstone and the ground-eating brigade tries to take over /ck/

>> No.5299923

>I'm not being selfish
>That's not a selfish view at all.
You're imposing your views on me.
What is innocent to you may not be innocent to me.

>> No.5299925
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Just trying to improve peoples' health and the health of the planet

>> No.5299931

By who's standards?
How selfish and arrogant to think you are the arbiter on what is wrong and what is right.

>> No.5299934

Veganism isn't minimalism, get your head out of your ass.

>> No.5299938

How am I imposing?

Well, we can get very subjective, as subjective as it can get. I can say that chopping off my head is a good idea since thoughts are the end of us, or something like that.

What we need to be is as objective as possible. These animals have not done anything to us that would warrant such a merciless and cruel life.

>> No.5299939

bump to my question

>> No.5299943

I never said it was minimalism. I said it was minimizing. Which only eating plant-based foods and reducing the variety of your diet would be considered minimizing.

>> No.5299944

Halal with stun gun is fine.
even halal without isn't as bad.
they cut the right part of the throat and the animal can barely feel a thing.


>> No.5299945

>How am I imposing?
You are saying that your right is the transcendental right.
>What we need to be is as objective as possible.
Objectivity is disgusting and arbitrarily sets values.

>> No.5299946
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Don't be mad at me, be mad at science for saying your favorite food is bad

>> No.5299950

So by data measured within the system you came to an objective conclusion?
I don't think you thought this outt?

>> No.5299960

Well, I could say that you're imposing your views on me, saying that I think my views are definite and absolute.

I never said we need to be completely objective. But we need to be as objective as possible because, as I said, things can get too subjective. Take my head example: chopping off my head wouldn't be a good idea since I would be putting myself in danger, even if I think it would be a good idea for getting away from my thoughts.

>> No.5299962

your notions are misguided because you put the welfare of animals above that of your fellow man

>> No.5299964


>you put the welfare of animals above that of your fellow man

Not that guy, but what do you mean?

>> No.5299966

No, I'm not. A human's welfare isn't in danger if he/she isn't eating animal products.

>> No.5299967

It is. Eating a diet that requires additional vitamins is not healthy.

>> No.5299968

>Well, I could say that you're imposing your views on me,
I'm not telling you to anything, I only came to my own conclusion.
>things can get too subjective.
What's so bad about that?
>chopping off my head wouldn't be a good idea since I would be putting myself in danger
What if I said the opposite?

>> No.5299971

Additional vitamins? I take no additional vitamins and my bloodwork is consistently good.

>> No.5299974


The only thing requiring supplementation is B12, and even the animals we raise for food nowadays get their B12 from supplementation. Aside from that, it's consistant verified health benefits on a diet devoid of animal products according to studies

>> No.5299977

And I came to my own conclusion when I said "I'm not being selfish"

>What's so bad about that?
Subjectivity is not a bad thing, but when it gets to the point where your claims could have an adverse effect on someone when put into action, then it isn't something reasonable to think. and when things get too subjective, that can happen.

>> No.5299981

>adverse effect
What is an adverse effect?
To me an adverse effect would be not being able to eat food that I enjoy.

>> No.5299986

Will they also ban Kosher?

>> No.5299987


Or not being able to rape whatever women I want, or to keep a slave chained up in my basement

>> No.5299988

but it would be if you had your way, it's simply not possible to grow enough to substitute vegetable protein for animal. in case you weren't aware healthy doses of protien are a requirement to keep a sharp mind functioning as it should

>> No.5299989

Well, to me an adverse effect would be sacrificing a life and forcing a sentient organism to spend their life in pain for 5 minutes of your enjoyment, which can be easily replicated.

>> No.5299995

Exactly, now you're getting it, but good luck trying to get others to adopt your views.
Well then that's you.

>> No.5300002

No, it's not me. Life takes priority over inconsequential pleasures.

>> No.5300005

>Life takes priority over inconsequential pleasures.
Not to me.

>> No.5300008

The high doses of protein found in animal meats are unhealthy for you, and the acidic nature of them is also bad for you. Besides, 1/2c of tofu gives you 10g of protein. Not a lot of food, but two servings will give you a lot of complete protein.

>> No.5300012

life is to be enjoyed, so long as I'm not hurting or killing my own kind, why should I deny myself anything that I might desire

>> No.5300013

Which would be more important? The Earth or the money you would get from polluting it by selling oil?

>> No.5300014

>protein is bad for you

>> No.5300019

>The Earth or the money you would get from polluting it by selling oil?
To me it would be whatever my will is at the time, I don't know about you.

>> No.5300017

>complete protein
nope, there's no such thing as complete protein in the plant kingdom. to get complete protein out of a vegan diet, several different sources of plant protein are needed.

>> No.5300024

Life is not sucked dry just because you can't eat animal products. Just like your happiness doesn't end if you can't play video games for 10 minutes or so each day.

Vegan food can be delicious. You know what makes food taste food? Fats. Which are vegan. Sure there are opiod-peptides in milk, but those are also found in wheat. And sugar, sugar tastes fucking delicious, and that's vegan too.

>> No.5300027

keep telling yourself that brah. if vegan food is so good then how come the bulk of it is trying to imitate meat?

>> No.5300029

why should I not do that which makes me happy? you say I can be happy without it, I say so what, I'm already happy

>> No.5300030

Do you actually believe this shit you're spouting?

>> No.5300031


"Soybean protein is a "complete protein" since it provides all of the essential amino acids for human nutrition."

>> No.5300033


>> No.5300036


I do, yes, and scientists believe it as well.

>> No.5300037

Animal protein is, not protein itself.

>> No.5300039


>it's simply not possible to grow enough to substitute vegetable protein for animal

If you don't know anything about the subject, don't try to comment on it. The human body requires very little protein. Even people eating nothing but fruit meet their protein needs

>> No.5300040

>Protein is bad for you

>> No.5300041

no they don't brah, and we're not producing enough food globally as it is.

>> No.5300043

You have a point. However, those are for people who don't know much about vegan cooking. If you do it correctly, which isn't difficult, then you can make some delicious food.

>> No.5300044

tell that to the carnivores

>> No.5300046

Your sources are hilarious at best.

>> No.5300047
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>no they don't brah

Fraid so, brah

>> No.5300049

in many places it can't be done properly because there's not a wide enough selection of fruits and vegetables available, not to mention it's not feasible on a tight budget

>> No.5300051


Not as funny as your blatant denial of presented facts

>> No.5300056

How so?

Because that source of happiness has extremely negative consequences, which damage others. This happiness can be sought elsewhere. You don't have to eat animal products to be happy.

>so what?
This is a very careless attitude to have, one that is not in tune with the negative effects of it. do not say you are in the right if you can't open yourself up to what results from your ways of thinking.

>> No.5300060

Yea, keep working on that.

>> No.5300063

once again, so what? I don't care about the happiness of animals, it doesn't have a negative impact on the environment other than killing food animals

>> No.5300064

I'm pretty poor and I can do it well. Even when I didn't have a wide selection of fruits and vegetables at times, I still make my food enjoyable.

>> No.5300066

>i'm pretty poor
sure brah, you think being lower middle class is poor. get back to me when you manage to go vegan and take care of all your other expenses while living off less than 12k a year

>> No.5300067


>if vegan food is so good then how come the bulk of it is trying to imitate meat?

If meat is so good, why is it always flavored with plants? Checkmate, carnists

>> No.5300069

I drink boiled goat blood from a cup.

>> No.5300070

I'm not a carnist jackass I'm an omnivore, with a properly varied diet

>> No.5300071

If you just don't care, then don't think you're justified in what you're doing if it makes you happy. Things are not always about you. We're all co-dependent, there are other things here besides you, and when you forget that you might as well just be alone in a dead planet.
>it doesn't have a negative impact on the environment other than killing food animals

Huh? What?

>> No.5300075

>If you just don't care, then don't think you're justified in what you're doing if it makes you happy. Things are not always about you.
Why not?
Why does he need anyone's justification but his own?

>> No.5300078

>baww you're not vegan budhist so your opion is stupid and wrong
nice argument brah

>> No.5300079

That's true. But I'm talking about those who can manage a vegan diet, should. I'm not talking about third-world countries, I'm talking about the ones who can afford to live off of plant-based foods, but choose not to.

>> No.5300081

yes, how dare those evil people do what they like

>> No.5300084

I'm not using Buddhism, it's called deconstructionism.

>> No.5300086

Because this planet does not exist for himself. There are many, many other beings on this planet that you need to consider. If we do not give back to the Earth, it will go to chaos.

>> No.5300087


>I'm not talking about third-world countries, I'm talking about the ones who can afford to live off of plant-based foods

Most people in third-world countries are borderline vegan BECAUSE that's all they can afford. I don't know where the idea of vegan diets being expensive came from, but a healthy vegan diet is the same thing as a "healthy meat-eater diet," the only difference is you replace meat with grains and legumes, which are much cheaper than meat

>> No.5300091

That is over-simplifying it.

>> No.5300092

What is chaos?
My view of an ordered Earth completely covered in cities would be chaos to you.

>> No.5300093

>I'm talking about those who can manage a vegan diet, should.
Kek'd. Keep your limp wrist to yourself.

>> No.5300094

I know it is, but I need to choose my battles wisely. Focus on one thing at a time.

>> No.5300096

no, you're just needlessly complicating things but whatevs man, I'm done hell I'll even say your right, but when all is said and done, I'm still gonna eat meat and you can't browbeat me out of it

>> No.5300098

Chaos would be destruction of our Earth to the point of no return.

>> No.5300101

At least you know the effects of your actions. Change begins with reversing the ignorance.

>> No.5300103

as the bumber sticker says
earth first! we'll strip mine the other planets later

>> No.5300108

>tfw /ck/ doesn't even know Secondary School level of philosophy
To you, not to me, to me it would be having the Earth full of wildlife.
Just face it, you aren't transcendentally right or wrong.
>Change begins with reversing the ignorance.
The irony.

>> No.5300112

>"I eat peanut butter and oreos all day, VEGAN POWER!"

>> No.5300114

That would be $35 of watermelons weekly, during the summer.

>> No.5300115

Well, if it isn't chaos, it would be detrimental for us to have our Earth destructed to the point of no return.

>> No.5300116

>detrimental for us
To you, and others who agree with you.

>> No.5300121

Ok, about 1020 g of sugar a day, just from fruit.

>> No.5300122

How would it not to detrimental to everyone? The human race wouldn't be able to thrive at that point.

>> No.5300123

A socialist vegan on a high horse? Shocked, I am completely shocked

>> No.5300126

When did I say or imply that? How am I on a high horse? You all are interpreting this the way it will benefit your perception that all vegans think they're some sort of Jesus reincarnated.

>> No.5300129

>The human race wouldn't be able to thrive at that point.
You do know that there are some people that don't see that as detrimental?
And the irony is that he can't wrap his head around other concepts popular with them.

>> No.5300132

>Which is why they can get holier-than-thou. >>5299857

>> No.5300133
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>> No.5300140

THEY can GET holier-than-thou. Not that I'm saying I'm holier-than-thou, or that I'm getting to be that way right now.

Then isn't that a very... inhumane view of things? To not think that the destruction of your own race is going to have negative consequences?

>> No.5300142

By who's standards?
Yours or theirs?

>> No.5300153

I shouldn't say inhumane. More illogical. To think that the destruction of our race would be beneficial for us is contradictory.

>> No.5300156


>look at how edgy I am guys. I think killing animals as slowly as possible is cool.

Grow up you fuckwit.

>> No.5300161
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>this whole thread

>> No.5300165

>To think that the destruction of our race would be beneficial for us is contradictory.
By your logic.

>> No.5300174

Then what logic would there be to say the opposite?

>> No.5300179

The other camp's logic obviously.

>> No.5300185

Was this a serious response or no?

>> No.5300190


>> No.5300191

I'm going to bed, but if you seriously don't know what Post-modernism, Existentialism, and deconstructionism are then I don't know what to do with you.

>> No.5300196

Keep in mind you are communicating with a child

>> No.5300209

Not a child. Stop attacking my character.

>> No.5300230

You're right I shouldn't. You do a perfect enough job at that your self. No one here takes you seriously at all.

>> No.5300238

Why not? Tell me so I can correct myself; don't just sit there and make rude remarks. Nothing good ever comes out of it.

>> No.5300240

You realize you being vegan wont save any animals.

But you can pat yourself on the back and telll EVERY person you meet that you're vegan, because you will.

>> No.5300242

will come out of it*

>> No.5300244

*tips fedora*

>> No.5300257
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Turn vegan if you want. Veganism is a religion, not a diet. I've already stopped believing in one and I'm not going to believe in another.