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5296639 No.5296639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your favourite teas, discuss your favourite teas, favourite brewing methods etc..


The only tea i have a particular distaste for is oolong. Want to try pu-erh. Currently experimenting with starting a brew with a 30 seconds steep of genmaicha and transitioning into a pure green tea. Tastes good

>> No.5296645

im a black tea chai kinda guy with honey and cream

>> No.5296649

I wasnt a fan of chai because i steeped in water at first, then i started brewing in milk and it was delicious

>> No.5296656


hibiscus tea and ginger tea would like to have a word with you

>> No.5296662
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Yerba mate is one of my daily teas. I usually drink it straight but sometimes I throw in a bit of milk and sugar.

>> No.5296667


>> No.5296673

hibiscus tea is some of the most repulsive shit ive ever tasted. The only semi acceptable herbal tea i have ever had is rooibos

>> No.5296676

fuck off 3rd rate JANITOR

>> No.5296703

What is the loose tea per water amount ratio?

>> No.5296712

I have that same brand in my freezer. (I just take out one small tin's worth at a time, because it's a fuck huge bag). Love it. I usually drink green or black tea in the morning, but I drink yerba mate in the afternoons.

>> No.5296715

As in black tea

>> No.5296717

LOL this guy



>> No.5296719

>Not drinking Flor de Jamaica

Why are you so defective, anon?

>> No.5296740

Where do you guys by your tea, and what brands are recommended? I've just started getting into tea drinking but all I do is buy a box of Bigelow on my way home from rehearsal.

>> No.5296741
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>> No.5296763

Not even camomile tea, its delicious

>> No.5296778
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Nice try tisanefag. I read that report and hibiscus isnt even mentioned in it. That dude literally pulled that number out of his ass. Untrusty worthy as fuck

heres the study http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2841576/#!po=22.7273

Also, even if it had more of muh antioxidants it doesnt make it the better drink, it still tastes like shit.

>> No.5296786

i like tazo, but most brands are pretty much the same. Start by buying the standards (white,black,green, oolong, puerh) and trying them out. After you can try other variations like earl grey, orange pekoe, chai etc.. And then from there you can start going to tea shops and buying from their huge variety. At that point you wont be using tea bags anymore

>> No.5296787

I loled because your mad

>> No.5296789

typical tisanefag reply when they get buttblasted

>> No.5296792

still loling ... are you done being mad yet

>> No.5296797

>The only tea i have a particular distaste for is oolong.
Heh.... which type did you try?

>> No.5296811

once herbal tea drinkers are exposed to the fact that theyre drinks arent actually "super healthy!!!!!!!!" and they realize theyve actually been just drinking shit water for no reason they act quite funny

>> No.5296812

>i like tazo
don't buy from tazo, it's basically the starbucks of tea (and they're owned by starbucks) Tevana is owned by starbucks too.

a lot of people buy from multiple websites so you're always going to get a bunch of different answers. I always tell people to start out buying from rishitea and cammelia-sinensis because they have a large variety and have a large range of qualty. I like cammelia sinensis more than rishi

>> No.5296816


>> No.5296836
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>listening to professor
>"i know green tea is supposed to be super healthy for you"
>"like, really really great for cancer and such"
>"but I don't really like how it tastes"
>"I still try to drink 1 or 2 cups of it a day though, It's just too good for you"

>> No.5296840

people who drink tea and shit for health reasons are the fucking worst idiots

>> No.5296846
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>> No.5296852

he probably uses boiling water on green tea and steeps for five minutes :~)

>> No.5296882

Just got some from a Mexican buddy, how do I cook this shit?

>> No.5296889

wait what?

>> No.5296901

I'm trying to transition to drinking loose leaf tea, but I don't like having the leaves bump up against my lips and try to sneak down my throat. Is there a strainer that's usually used to segregate the leaves from the water, or am I just supposed to deal with it and chomp them down?

>> No.5296912

Tea ball

>> No.5296926


>> No.5296932

first you throw it in the garbage and then you walk away

>> No.5296940
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>> No.5296976

buy a teapot, designed for making tea! Preferably made out of porcelain so you can make multiple types in one pot. I wouldn't recommend a tea ball because they'll prohibit the tea from expanding all of the way, which will usually make for a weaker brew

>> No.5297004

Currently have rooibos chai, wont buy again.
black licorice tea, quite good.
White peony, alright, delicate, good for morning.
Yerba mate. My current fave.
in bags i have yogi bedtime. Shits bretty good.
Will soon acquire mint.

>> No.5297044

shincha time soon
who's excited

>> No.5297050

What is the most medium-level white tea I can drink/buy?

I've only really had high quality ones, or shitty baggy ones. I'm no stranger to loose leaf. And while I LOOOVE something like silver needle white, I can only really find it for like.. 20-30 bucks at my local tea shop, and perhaps only slightly less online.

>> No.5297051

I've been checking websites daily hoping they'll magically appear. It's becoming a problem because I'm tempted to buy many kyusu while browsing my favorite sites

>> No.5297054

I would love to get into drinking tea. Any advice? I need a full on starter kit/knowledge basis for this. Thanks

>> No.5297058

Chai is traditionally made in milk or milk/water combination

>> No.5297070

20-30 bucks for how many grams?

>> No.5297077
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pic related, 2 teaspoons in a cup of icy water and your laughing

>> No.5297079

20-30bucks for an ounce, not sure how many grams that is, sorry.

The only white tea I can find that is cheaper really isn't that great.

>> No.5297090

that must be a pretty good silver needle

this website always has a nice variety of whites and their silver needle is pretty cheap, although I haven't had it before. I'd assume it's of lower quality since it's pretty cheap but I've never had a bad tea from camellia sinensis. their 2014 teas are pretty good, I enjoyed them.

I've had the silver needle from seven cups and it's a nice quality, and about half the price for an ounce of your local shop. they also have a variety of whites which is nice.

>> No.5297092

28 grams per ounce unless its gold

>> No.5297107

No oolong for me. White, Green, and black are all nice. I have Lychee tea that's very light on the lychee and it's good. I put some honey in it for a dessert tea and it's divine.

>> No.5297110

Thank you for the sites, I will look them over thoroughly

>> No.5297133

Dianhong-style teas are GOAT teas.

>> No.5299426


>> No.5299725
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Lipton is for plebs

I usually drink loose-leaf green tea. Sometimes earl grey or irish breakfast.

>> No.5299742

Why are all Black Litche's bad?

>> No.5299744

I've been drinking a gen mai chai that's really good. It's got a subtle rice taste, it's really nice in the morning.

>> No.5299746

love me some genmatcha (green tea with toasted brown rice). Buy it from the chinese grocery because attempt to toast my own rice fail to deliver.

>> No.5299757

>drinking earl grey
>calling people plebs

>> No.5299763
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I like mint tea, it makes my mouth all cool.

>> No.5300271

I usually just drink blacks, in particular I have Earl Grey Supreme and Queen Catherine from Harney and Sons. It's pretty good shit.

I'm looking into expanding my game, though. I'd like to start getting into Yerba Mate, but I'm not really sure yet. I have an Ingenutea and it's nice and all, but I'd like to get some higher quality brewing equipment at some point. Maybe a porcelain teapot? Or clay, not sure.

I plan on eventually getting a kettle with programmable temperatures, I might start trying lower temp teas at that point.