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File: 41 KB, 460x360, cilantro-de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5290331 No.5290331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much cilantro is too much?

>> No.5290335

Until you get sick from it or no longer like the taste.

>> No.5290341

i think you mean corriander

>> No.5290343

I think you mean parsley

>> No.5290344

See, countries that aren't insane might like to differentiate between two different ingredients bore from the same plant.

>> No.5290346

nope thats corriander

>> No.5290348

Cilantro is your friend.

Use some taste it, then it meld a bit then try again as necessary. You're not specific in the dish and cilantro does freeze well so don't sweat it.

A little bit goes a long way, how's that for an inspecific answer to an unclear question?

>> No.5290349

seed = coriander
leaf = cilantro

>> No.5290350

I always think of coriander as the seeds, cilantro are the leaves and the plant itself. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.5290351

you mean like coriander and coriander seed

could you really not figure out which was to be used by the application

why doesnt fennel need a separate name from fennel seed?

>> No.5290355

fucking americans i bet you call aubergine eggplant too

>> No.5290357

SOlved by using the term coriander seeds.

>> No.5290362

Both, actually.

Many Americans use the seeds as often as the leaves. It doesn't make sense for them to have the same name.

>> No.5290364

>hey Joe get me some coriander
>hey Joe get me some coriander seeds
(coriander seeds)

>> No.5290368

We're just stupid Americans, we call it all chicken.

>> No.5290369

many americans use lemon zest as often as the juice it doesnt make sense to have the same name

>> No.5290370

No one sells just stems here, and the root is rare as fuck.

>Hey Hoe get me some cilantro.
>Hey Joe get me some coriander.

See how those sentences are shorter and a single word missed or heard wrong doesn't destroy the whole request? I bet Joe is tired of you being an obnoxious faggot.

>> No.5290372

You'll still need to purchase the whole fucking lemon though. Cilantro isn't sold leaf to root in any normal market.

>> No.5290373

I've only ever bought whole coriander with the roots and stems included.
>obnoxious faggot
why tarnish such a nice quiet discourse with that?

>> No.5290375

yeah nobody was callin names bra, shits hurtful

>> No.5290376

but not with seeds, because leaves are no good by the time it has seeds

>> No.5290379

Who asserted that is was sold as one?

Ciltantro and coriander are sold seperate in every market that I've been in.

>> No.5290382

same way i feel about women

>> No.5290392

That's why you fuck em first and don't waste time with flowering their seeds, flower those seeds and you'll be dealing with it for the rest of your life.

>> No.5290393

You don't go for women between 12 and 55?

>> No.5290785

personally i can just mainline handfuls of the stuff, it's fucking delicious

>> No.5290791


Learn context. This is almost as bad as the feigned confusion over jam vs jelly.

>> No.5290797

I don't understand this logic. Do you need the same differentiation between Apples and Apple Seeds?

>> No.5290799

Apple seeds are rarely eaten. As few as 100 can be deadly.

>> No.5290807



>> No.5290899

they're the same.

>> No.5290927

This whole argument is as stupid as an argument about whether it's called green/spring onions or scallions. Is all regional. Although I be never heard of cilantro seed.

Cilantro = marijuana
Coriander = cannabis

Think about it

>> No.5290930

>babby's first analogy
What about celery and celery seeds?

>> No.5290937

I prefer to call vegetables and fruit by their Latin binomial names (at the very least by genus).

I have a background in plant biology and am familiar with the merits of using this nomenclature system. It is also entertaining to see the invariable pattern of emotions cross the face of the uneducated (confusion, ignorance, and then defensiveness).

>> No.5290952

That doesn't work well for plants.
"Brassica oleracea Acephala group" is inconvenient to say, and even then it includes kale, collard greens, spring greens.

If you say "Malus domestica", I'm bringing you a disgusting Red Delicious.

>> No.5290957

>what is var.

>> No.5290984

*tips fedora*

>> No.5290997

>everything is there

>> No.5291439

No such thing.

>> No.5292816
File: 327 KB, 1920x1306, 1378637636741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much is too much a half decent pinch per bite works anything more might be pushing it ... so for a taco worth 3 bites a fat pinch ... a slightly larger regular burrito about the same... a big burrito about 3 pinches and pillow sized burrito well shit 4 I guess. If you plan to sell tacos its less pinch should include onion ... make sure if you are selling tacos that they do not wrap close ... a taco that closes is not a taco. Should you follow that rule that a taco is a taco that does not close you will have repeat customers and if you thing you are going to be slick bu filling with beans you are sorely mistaken same customers wont come back unless you have killer tacos(not likely since you are putting beans inside) still they will ask for the beans on the side so you never win xdd

>> No.5292962

stew down a few bunches with bacon, onion and garlic, as if it were spinach.
Trust me, cooking it mellows it out, it is a great pot herb

>> No.5292965

When you can taste the grit from the stems, it is officially TOO MURCH

>> No.5292981

Cilantro is a disgusting herb. How people enjoy it is beyond me.

It tastes like soap.

>> No.5293007

Not everyone has that genetic defect.

>> No.5293037

It's called being a super taster.

>> No.5295295

So how much better did my dick taste than the rest.

>> No.5295304

Everyone laugh at the fag who can't taste the deliciousness of cilantro!!
Seriously though, cilantro is the single greatest flavor known to mankind.

>> No.5295310

>not coriander


>> No.5295311



not actually called being a super taster, sorry mang

sure, some super tasters think cilantro tastes like soap, but not all of them do. it aint some qualifier boiiiiiii