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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 912 KB, 816x612, pizza-cat[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5290002 No.5290002 [Reply] [Original]

>C-could you put the total down for me?
>Sure can buddy
>Put exactly the total charge
>Give the most sarcastic "Thank You" I can manage
>Pizza guy says Alright.. and slinks back in his shitty car
>Spit on the ground as I walk away

Yeah here's a tip for you imbecile - get a real job!

>> No.5290031

You eat a lot of pizza don't you OP

>> No.5290034
File: 28 KB, 568x346, OpIsThisFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess you are one of those people who would be unemployed and crying that you couldn't find a job because shit like that's below you right?

Go fuck yourself douchebag

>> No.5290036

That's not how you change the wage standards, you've just made an enemy in that pizzeria.

>> No.5290048
File: 848 KB, 2293x3109, 1352333458004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you, tipping is for faggots and deluded amerilards who still believe they live in a first world country.

>> No.5290080

Good pizza places never deliver

>> No.5290094

do you guys not realize that he posts some shitty greentext about not tipping and a picture of a cat near some pizza almost every day
or is /ck/ too slow, mentally and boardspeed wise, to notice

>> No.5290100

you got owned

>> No.5290141

Oh god I got trolled the shit out of!

>> No.5290233
File: 4 KB, 168x118, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope op likes penis pizza cause there is no way his pizza is not being fucked with.
There is a thread about this right meow.

>> No.5290236

Feels good to only get take-out. I'm not a social reject AND I never need to tip AND I get my pizza for cheaper.

>> No.5290242

You still need to tip when picking up.

>> No.5290245

Great a douchebag who idolizes some scumbag that tried to blow up a building and failed calling another a douchebag.

Just admit that you're all failures.

>> No.5290253

I'm not tipping at a fucking take-n-bake.

>> No.5290266

I don't understand why I have to tip the pizza delivery guy or the person that cuts my hair or anyone else that makes minimum wage.

>> No.5290273

I worked as a pizza delivery driver in college and drivers used an indication in the computer to indicate that an address didn't tip, and their pizza always got delivered last.

>> No.5290299

Why do asshole delivery drivers deserve tips?

>> No.5290309

Why would asshole customers expect their pizza delivered before tipping customers?

>> No.5290328

They still need to prepare the food for you anon. You're not just buying a bag if chips

>> No.5290333

Just ignore these assholes. Folk that deliver pizzas are cool and personally I don't mind tipping at all. There's always some scumbag that doesn't and deserves a good lugie but you can't do that as a professional.

That's not to say that person wont get pushed to the bottom of the list. That's not why I tip, if I tip in a restaurant, then why not to someone who delivers to my door? I don't have a problem with that at all.

>> No.5290338

Stop making this fucking thread

>> No.5290360

Mad pizza babby spotted.

>> No.5290400

When I was younger, 7% was a acceptable tip. Then some point after high school it was bumped to 14% and now they say anything less than 25% is an insult. Well fuck you, be insulted.

You think that doing something I could do (if allowed) entitles you to 25% of my total meal cost? What if I ordered a milkshake that was $100. Do you get 25 bucks just for carrying it over to me? NO. NO NO NO NO NO. Fucking entitled mother fuckers.

>> No.5290408

25% what are you stupid? After 10% it becomes a joke on the person giving that tip.

Lots of luck of me giving more than 10%, it's not gonna happen and if some fuck chases me or my girlfriend for that, I'll call the cops on them, and if they continue to harass me, I'll smack them silly. I don't need the hassle.

>> No.5290411


Go pick up he pizza yourself then lazy ass.

>> No.5290413

Apparently you're supposed to tip if you do take-out now, too. Fuckers.

>> No.5290414

Hah! Hah! "Service industry"

I'd be more sympathetic if the pizza dude was like a 20 year old college student but half the time it's some middle aged shit skin.

Enjoy your dead end career you lousy fuck!

>> No.5290422

If some fuck from a restaurant harasses me, I'll do it right back to them. I'll send my girlfriend home then hang outside of the place and look weird scaring off potential customers... that'll cost them a lost more then some fucking tip.

I definately send the girlfriend home though, just in case it gets violent, I can deal with that, but I don't need some chick getting in the way trying to protect me.

>> No.5290426

>They still need to prepare the food for you

Of course they do. Why else am I giving them $20 for a pizza when I could get a frozen one for $5.

>> No.5290430

Who said being a delivery boy was a career?
It's a job to help make money for school so it's not a career.
Are you lacking in English comprension?

>> No.5290432

You must know, you're the one forking over the money.

>> No.5290438

>Who said being a delivery boy was a career?

Futurama did.

>> No.5290441

please continue, how would you picture the violence going down?

>> No.5290445


That's why you pay for the food. If the restaurant cant cover wages then that's their problem.

>> No.5290448

here we go, yet another boring tipping thread.

>> No.5290450

I do know. I pay the pizza makers to make my pizza but >>5290328 complains about having to make a pizza I paid them to make.

I also paid a delivery fee to have my pizza delivered.

>> No.5290453

>Restaurant fucking over employee wages and rolling around in money
>Employees to beta to stand up for their rights
>Instead passive aggressively take it out on the customers who have no knowledge that their food is being tampered with
Your enemy isn't the customers, it's your employer.

On the other side of the coin

>Can't tax tips since there is no way to accurately verify tips earned
>Employees lie and whine about how they make so little
>Said employees have the latest iphone, ipad, Samsung phone etc

>> No.5290454
File: 981 KB, 500x282, fantasyman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: trolls b8 trolls trolling b8ers.

>> No.5290456

If he had a real job who would deliver your pizza fatboy?

>> No.5290459

Any customer who treats employees like shit is an enemy. Just because you pay for a service doesn't give you the right to treat people badly, and one of the worst things to happen was giving the ignorant masses access to services they can't and won't appreciate.

>> No.5290463

Yeah and I bet youre not rolling in money but you have a decent computer and/or phone.

>> No.5290466

Robots. It's going to happen soon anyways.

Enjoy your unemployment if your brain has the dumb!

>> No.5290469

So let me get this straight. If a customer is polite and doesn't give you any issues like sending food back and such, however he does not tip you. That is treating employees like shit?

>> No.5290470

When robots take over all human jobs, I sure hope I'm unemployed. I don't want to be the douchebag stuck repairing the robots.

>> No.5290476

Chef here. Fuck wait staff. I do all the work and have to deal with any problems food related yet I don't get any tips or a fraction of tips made. All those monkeys gotta do is look nice and take food to the table. Fuck em, they don't even do any real work. The worst thing that'll happen to those guys is a customer talking to them in a rough manner but that's all.

>> No.5290475

Nope, I never said that. Tipping is always optional, although people will look down on non-tippers, but it's not "treating someone like shit".

>> No.5290479

Boo hoo, cry me a river.

>> No.5290483

Ah well it seems there was a misunderstanding somewhere. My post was centered around how servers/delivery drivers feel the customer is obligated to tip them and if they don't they will get bad service or even have their food tampered with.

>> No.5290489
File: 178 KB, 844x800, 1394470779836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Americans STILL tip and not pay their wait staff an appropriate wage? What is it with this craziness to tip every service person ever? Why, America, why?

>> No.5290496

In all honesty most Americans have a victim complex and always want to exploit peoples emotions to get ahead. I think it originated from seeing the perks blacks and native american people have. So they create these corporate bogeyman, which is usually portrayed as old white men, as the object of their hatred and lash out at these fictional entities, placing the blame of all their failures and lack of progress on them.

>> No.5290498

It would require a simultaneous change of law and culture. It's possible, but would take a lot of effort that no interest group would really benefit enough from to bother with.

>> No.5290523

They have to make enough in tips to cover minimum wage, if they don't their employer is required to pay the difference to them.

People bitching about "muh tips" are whiny bitches

>> No.5290583

>not comprehending the post
just stop.

>> No.5290587

I know right? SO absurd for a business supplying you with goods to charge you for the cost of making it too? I mean, paying employes? What the fuck is this, 1675 England? Those smug assholes working a dead end job dealing with classy gents of OP caliber trying to get through the job and keep a demeanor of pleasantness about them all while NOT begging for tips? What a bunch of fucking prats; good on ya OP.

>> No.5290588

>has no idea what hes talking about
you do realize that most stores; like pizzerias ARE NOT rolling in the money? Franchises especially; yeah the CEO is...but he doesn't own every fucking store and he isn't the one paying for it.

>> No.5290590

What's your point? Join in the fun and make money yourself you fucking socialist faget.

> Idiot likes to complain for the sake of complaining

>> No.5290596

your post; makes little to no sense.
because I'm saying your don't know what your talking about when it comes to small businesses and franchises?
>join in the fun
sure, hows being CEO where you work?
>complain for the sake of complaining
someone needs to go back the grade school and brush up on some reading comprehension skills.

>> No.5290597

Not him but yes absurd for a business to charge less for food to make their product more appealing and then expect you to front the money yourself to pay the employees THEY shaft by not paying them. If the pizza is advertised as a certain price and that's a selling point in a competitive market, I'm going to pay that price.

>> No.5290602

Those semicolons; make you look like an idiot that's trying to; look smart; when you type.

>> No.5290604

Are you gonna order again OP?

>> No.5290608

Holy god. The lack of basic reading comprehension skills in this thread disturb me, tipping isn't supplemental income. No one is screwing employes with pay; tipping is just a nice thing to do and yes; its a little extra money for the worker.

>> No.5290609

It's the Walmart way. Charge less than the cost and fuck the employees then after everything around is shut down raise prices and still fuck the employees.

It's the American business model for some companies.

>> No.5290617

>complains about /ck/'s English skills
>keeps using semicolons erroneously

>> No.5290621

...comprehension skills in this thread disturb me...

Writing skills are useful as well.

"disturbs" would be correct.
Don't fuck with others unless you can be accurate yourself.

>> No.5290627

I could argue with you, but those goddamn semicolons and this is a troll thread anyway. Is /ck/ always this bad with shitty English skills? I usually browse the catalog until I see something that looks tasty and skim threads, but now that I'm reading more people like you seem pretty commonplace.

>> No.5290642

Fuck it I'll school your retarded ass, troll thread or no. The company can pay their employees less if they encourage their customer base to supplement the income of their delivery staff. Even if their employees only make minimum wage, the prospect of tips increasing their income is a point to keep someone in that job as opposed to one that just pays the minimum wage with no prospect of getting gratuities. In that respect they can afford to charge less and keep their profit margin. And that's shitty when you already charge a delivery fee.
At its core, the business is perpetuating a culture that says the customer should pay extra for a job that's already being paid for when it's done properly(thanks for delivering my pizza on time), which I disagree with. Do your fucking job you lazy cunt, don't panhandle on the clock.

>> No.5290650

/ck/'s trigger word

>> No.5290651


That's a cute kitty

Are pictures of kitties eating food /ck/

>> No.5290657

Actually the point is to learn stuff and make your own contract. That way you're not tied to mimimum wage you socialist faggot.

Then what you agree to is written into your contract. It's not complicated and it's not "THE MAN" trying to burn you. Don't like the contract? Don't fucking agree to it.

>> No.5290681

Do delivery drivers in USA use their own car or do the companies supply one?

>> No.5290690

Is this bait I don't even fucking know

>> No.5290698

You say that like I'm not the guy that just typed
>Do your fucking job you lazy cunt, don't panhandle on the clock.

I didn't notice any semicolons; did you forget to use them in that post like you did in every other one or do you really not know how they work and don't want to get told off for it again?

>> No.5290704

Just asking, where I live pizza delivery cars are provided along with a decent minimum wage.

>> No.5290715

I guess what boils my potatoes is that they'll charge a percentage to an order as a 'delivery fee' as if its some big imposition for Papa Johns to send out a driver. A driver in his own car using his own gas. That they hired to drive pizza to you.

A fee that they remind you on the box, does not go to the driver.

>> No.5290729

It's their own car ,they also usually have to pay for gas and maintenance

>> No.5290734

this thread should have ended here. you guys troll as bad as you probably cook. once again I'm reminded why /ck/ is one of the shittest boards on 4chan.

>> No.5290752


More than 60 fucking boards, and the best thing you can come up with is 'duh I'll complain about something.'

Know how to stop a dull conversation? Start a better one. Go fuck off now jimbo.

>> No.5293281

So yeah, what's disturbing are the skills... are you saying it should be: "the skills disturbs me", my fellow anon?
>this guy

>> No.5293291

>order 18 euros of chinese food
>guy calls me can't find home because i neglected to add flat number
>guy give me food, give him 2 euros change
>give him extra 2 euros for the trouble I caused him

>> No.5293301

I tip $3 cash or 20% depending on which is higher, taking into consideration distance or weather or time of day, which I might then add a 1 or 2 more dollars.

If service is really that terrible, or if the driver or customer service has been that dreadful, I might deduct monies or not tip altogether.

I'll see if I can state it politely or diplomatically, but delivery driving for food services is a tipped service. I wonder if any of you have never tipped a bell boy, a bathroom attendant, a bartender, a server, a doorman, etc.

You don't come from a different time. You may come from a different place, but in America, you tip people in the service industry. I know the concept might be alien, but if you don't tip people you are either A)ignorant or B)cheap. I know you will provide some rationalizations with economics, or you will insult me. Regardless, so long as you can look in the mirror and say, "I'm a cheap sunuvabitch with no etiquette and zero class." then this will post will be tremendously successful.

Here's a solution. Go pick-up the pizza. No? Then pay the cost for the pizza, the delivery fee, and the tax on all of it, and then when the delivery driver comes to your door, smile and tip him in cash. No cash? Tip on card.

Then, when it's all said and done, pat yourself on the back, because you are a grown adult that has a job and can afford luxuries in life such has not having to cook for yourself and not having to leave your home. What's that? You're in college? You don't have a job? Get a fucking job.

>Anon's a pizza shill
>Lol muh economics
>Delivery Driver!

I work in a bank with a good salary, because I worked my balled off in college and in life. Good luck with being stingy. I won't respond, although this thread might be here. I have to go to work.

>> No.5293559

Because they paid to have it delivered and the faggot that brings it should have been paid by his boss.


>> No.5293579

no they just use the same machine so the receipt has the spot for a tip on it your mongoloid

>> No.5294796

Originator of this cat+pizza+rude-to-pizza-people/no-tip meme here.

It's not just me any longer; other people have started doing it, too.
(e.g. I'm not OP)

>> No.5294803

then who would deliver your pizzas OP

ungrateful shit

>> No.5294872

Waiters here in CA get paid minimum wage and still have the audacity to get angry when people don't tip them. I've asked some of them who worked in other places that paid minimum if they expected a tip for doing their job there. Most of them said no because it's a different job.
I'm a banquet server and I get tips included in my check from the party charges, but i never expect ed it when I started the job. Why do the front wait staff expect tips? all they have to do is play fetch and smile, same thing they did in McDonald's.