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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 700x525, HVOjLcA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5288893 No.5288893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most evil food thing you've done?

>> No.5288898

A friend was eating a bowl of strawberries with sugar on it, I poured salt over them while he was in the bathroom. It made him gag.
Thats about it.

>> No.5288901

I put animals products in vegan orders all the time but I consider it god's work and not at all evil.

>> No.5288904

teabagged half a pizza repeatedly after not showering for two days and gave it to the basketball americans who live across the hall from me

>> No.5288905
File: 91 KB, 500x375, 2813801353_0e4e033c80[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting one of these in Salami, Peanut Butter and Jam Baguettes.
The whole thing is only ever acceptable while tramping. So good though.

>> No.5288911
File: 465 KB, 1600x1200, kombucha mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to that, I hid one of these in my friends sandwich when he wasn't in the room, he spit it out and got mad at me

then i ate the rest of the sandwich with the SCOBY in it

it was a pretty good sandwich

>> No.5288919

>give a t-bagged pizza to some ballers
thats funny

>> No.5288920
File: 216 KB, 700x500, e2l-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a bartender it was common to keep a set of dirty dick glasses behind the bar.
At the start of a shift we would take one of each type of glass and rub our ducks or anuses on the rim.
Customers that were rude or did not tip well would get these glasses.

So much fun to watch them sip from the tainted cup!

I would do a running commentary..."thats right bitch suck my fucking anus"

>> No.5288924

I also do that, i've been putting bacon drippings into peoples vegan burritos for over a year now. People keep coming back when im on duty because they say i make the best burritos. I have them convinced i make them taste better by slow cooking their veggies.

>> No.5288926

toothpaste in the middle of oreos
gave them out at school
>hilarity ensued

best part was when I was doing it. My late grandmother said "I hope you have a good pair of sneakers, youll be running"

>> No.5288931

>they owe two grand in rent because the dumbass landlord posted their notice on my door
the only thing that balls around them is the pizza i dipped my nutsack on

>> No.5288932


>> No.5288938


Are people nose blind?

You can easily smell mayo

>> No.5288942

Dude, you're daft. "baller" is slang for someone who plays basketball. It became slang for someone with money because most professional players are rich.
I was making a reference to their preferred sport.

>> No.5288943


>> No.5288947
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I swallow my gum.




>> No.5288948

>didn't get the reference
>terrible joke

I doubt you actually did anything to anyone's pizza. Good luck with your fantasies.

>> No.5288950

Pulled out a girl's chair before she sat down. She cried and went to the ER after school. I got detention. I was a dickhead when I was a kid. Thought it would be funny but instead she gets hurt. That was like 20 years ago and I still feel like shit about it.

>> No.5288955


>> No.5288963

i read cum,good for you

>> No.5288965

>did not tip well
You're a sick person.

>> No.5288967
File: 382 KB, 1600x1600, great stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fuck up food for shit thats its lame .. now on the other hand some cops wanted a taste of some homemade guacamole infused with a ton of el yucateco they thought fuck yeah free guacamole lets dig in and the look on their faces was priceless.

>> No.5288968

oh, i used to put sugar in my girlfriends coffee instead of sweetener when she was trying to lose weight

i'm pretty sure she could tell, but she never stopped me

and minors have eaten my pot brownies accidentally a few times, but i've never directly caused that

>> No.5288972

Acting like a nigger in public has consequences.

>> No.5288975


>making people drink from a glass you rubbed on your asshole
>this other person is a nigger


>> No.5288977

The only one acting like a nigger is you, actually fucking with people because they didn't give you money that you are somehow entitled to.

>> No.5288979

this is why you should always tip well
people who don't get nasty shit in their mouth

as someone who worked in food service and who has taken part in the violation of food destined for poor tippers i am letting you know that tipping is like a "don't fuck with my food" tax. Just pay it and don;t get your food fucked with.

>> No.5288984


How would you fuck with my food for not tipping if I don't pay until I'm done eating?

>> No.5288986

its social etiquette. not tipping is like not washing your hands after you fondle a hobo on the bus.
you probably don't wash your hands after fondling hobos, do you? you just walk around touching shit with your hobo cock tainted hands.
Sick fuck.

>> No.5288987

Maybe you're black.

>> No.5288988

>Just pay it and don;t get your food fucked with.
You truly are a horrible individual. Thank god I don't live in that shithole America, and yes, you are American because no civilised country does that shit.

>> No.5288989

>its social etiquette
In the jewnited states I suppose. In the first world people are paid to do their job.

>> No.5288990

we recognize you
or more accurately the wait staff does and passes the word back to the kitchen and bar staff.
this is assuming you do it more than once. not tipping a single time is generally ok, because we know that sometimes people don't like service. So we give you a different waitress and if it happens again we take note of it.
though, quite a few people get fucked with just for looking like a douche or acting like a douche when ordering.

>> No.5288991

You couldn't afford to live in America if tipping is a big deal to you.

>> No.5288994

actually yeah, blacks barely tip if at all most of the time. its rare to find a black guy that will leave even a 10% tip.
They usually order chicken wings though, which we already seriously jack up the price on. Seriously, anyone paying more than 10 cents a wing is getting screwed.

>> No.5288997


Actually most countries do.

>> No.5288999

I'm Canadian....
Typical fags. If its bad it must be American. Grow up.

He couldn't afford Canada or most of better European nations either. The only places I know of that don't have tipping are in asia.

>> No.5289004
File: 9 KB, 400x266, shiggydiggydoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread has fallen to the death via tip debate

>> No.5289005


Depends where in Asia, Japan doesn't for bars and restaurants at least.

>> No.5289007

Only asians countries don't tip.
I'm Canadian btw. Not that you'd care or know anything about the world.

>> No.5289008

they don't all do it on purpose some do it by accident by not washing hands but it seems most are just dirty nigger servers go figure

>> No.5289009

You see, in the first world, people pay for goods and services and some of that money goes towards the staff of the business. If you truly think how normal people laugh at your blackmail to steal money from people comes down to basic cash, then you truly are a sad individual. People tend to be disgusted by greed and abuse.

>> No.5289010
File: 16 KB, 538x396, 1381897001707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a well known fact that all restaurants, even mom & pop shops, keep an Oracle database in the kitchen to maintain a record of every customer/waiter permutation.


>> No.5289012


Regardless of how you feel about tips (I think the system is retarded personally) it's never acceptable to rub your asshole on a glass then serve it to someone just because they didn't give you an extra $5 you felt entitled to just for doing your job.

>> No.5289015

>most countries do
That's wrong. Only America has this awful tipping system.

>> No.5289016

its just one cheap bastard against everyone again. He's from a shithole asian country where they only make about $4 a day and the idea of leaving a tip is baffling to him. He's never had enough money to feed himself let alone tip.

>> No.5289018
File: 96 KB, 214x117, fat bitch approves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toothpaste in the middle of oreos
Only thing in this thread that made me laugh.

Picture related: she's eating an oreo.

>> No.5289019

No, a bunch of places do. India for example. They're just more open about calling them bribes

>> No.5289020


>> No.5289021


Are you literally retarded or did you learn everything you know about America from 4chan and the other kids at school?

>> No.5289022

call him an asshole and move on
This debate just comes up way too often and will never come to a resolution

:( c'mon guys

>> No.5289023

Canada is America you moron. As for not being in the better parts of Europe, I have bad news for you. We have something called civilisation, we don't tip, we pay our bill and leave.

>> No.5289024

That's what people with no money always say.

>> No.5289027

In Korea they have signs telling people not to tip. So many tourists kept trying to tip that they put up signs letting you know they don't do that.

>> No.5289033

>or know anything about the world
The irony of this post is comical.

>> No.5289034


The debate started off different is the point. They're trying to act like the issue here is someone tipped or not, even if you're pro tipping there's no excuse for giving a customer a shit stained glass then feeling all smug about it.

>> No.5289035

No wonder your servers spit in your food. I don't blame them.

>> No.5289037

>cheap bastard
Funny how you are the one that is begging for money from others.

>> No.5289038
File: 188 KB, 650x650, 1393538381984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, the waitstaff just remembers faces. its not like a mcdonalds where fucktons of people come through.

>enjoy eating spit, shit, taint sweat, etc.

it must be nice living in fantasy land where you can just twist words and make shit up when you don't like reality. you must let me know how you reached this magical place.

>> No.5289039

well i hope someone figures out you did that and then fucks up for rubbin you're ass on a glass like an immature dirty fucker

>> No.5289040

within like one post it reverted back to the standard debate format.

Im not saying youre wrong, I agree with you. I just like this thread topic and would rather talk about that then another debate on the ethics and culture of tipping

>> No.5289042

>still knowing nothing of the world

its not a joke, admit you're lying, tardman, etc.

>> No.5289044

*and further how to treat food-service staff.

>> No.5289045

Not gonna happen. Non-tippers aren't the brightest of the bunch.

>> No.5289046


You work in a place so slow that you can remember everyone's face that comes in? No wonder you're a miserable piece of shit begging for money.

>> No.5289047

>doesn't understand what gratuity is
>14 years old

Enjoy living in a nation with no economy.

>> No.5289048

Ranch dressing and chocolate chip cookies.

It's delicious, I swear.

>> No.5289050

I'm not the ass rubber, I was a line cook.
But still, just stop being such a cheap bastard and people won't fuck with your food. You can rant and rave all you want, the fact still remains that people will fuck with your food for being cheap. You should probably just cook at home.

>> No.5289052

The non tipper are a vast minority. Pretty easy to remember them. Plus their breath smell like my ass.

>> No.5289053

luck runs out sooner or later a clever one will wander along its just a matter of time is all

>> No.5289054

For a quick tip on how to whiten your teeth
Put baking soda on your toothbrush and brush your teeth like normal. Then use vinegar as mouth wash.

The acidity of the vinegar dissolves the pigment that the baking soda loosened

>> No.5289055

fair enough also i do tip when food is involved but its still fucking gross

>> No.5289058

>things that never happened

Kill yourself.

>> No.5289061

>rub our ducks

You monster. All he wanted was some grapes.

>> No.5289062


You people are really pathetic regardless of you joking or being serious.

>> No.5289063

>can't afford to tip
>calls others beggars
You don't even logic, do you?
Places with propriety don't need to cram hundreds through in a day to make their money. I understand this is a hard concept for you to wrap your head around because you're poor and from a poor nation but some people actually don't need to bust their ass to make a living. Paying a tip is like opening a door for someone, its a common decency that says "thank you for serving me", because unlike the sheep from your nation Canadians don't like being told what to do without some gratitude.
Keep in mind that this is why we're a first world nation and you're not. We make money.

>> No.5289067

Sad fact of life. Like how people that use public restrooms rarely wash their hands if no one is looking. And then they go about TOUCHING EVERYTHING.

Or how at the pool you always know someone is pissing. ALWAYS.

Oh, and lets not forget that in France people will wait to find unflushed toilets with waste still in them and then proceed to dunk bits of bread into the poopy water and eat it. "Soupuers", or something like that. I don't spell french words very well.

>> No.5289068

I love how you freaks are trying to tell me about my country. Protip, I was a server during my youth and I flat out refused any sort of tip because I'm not a beggar. It's cute how defensive you are getting about spitting in other peoples food because they paid their bill and you expect them to give you money too.

>> No.5289071


>pay me bribe money or ill shit in your food hue hue hue

I can afford it fine, but why would I tip someone who's clearly a shithead?

How about you do your job and stop acting like an entitled whiny piece of garbage.

>> No.5289072

Welcome to reality.

>> No.5289073

>willfully ignorant
you've probably eaten so much spit and ass sweat in your lifetime you just don't want to admit it.

again, grow up.

>> No.5289075

He's an autistic savant.

>> No.5289077

Oh gosh, the though of getting dick glasses turns me on so fucking much.

>> No.5289079


>it must be nice living in fantasy land where you can just twist words and make shit up when you don't like reality. you must let me know how you reached this magical place.

A liar says "what"?
Psst, protip: This is where you say "what".

>> No.5289081

Again, the reality of the situation is that this happens in America and Canada only. The civilised world is a bit beyond wiping peoples food with their dick. We pay people properly and have a health system too.

>> No.5289082


That makes a lot of sense

>> No.5289084

Conversely, tipping extra will also get you dick glasses if that's your thing.

>> No.5289085

>too retarded to remember faces
You can think of me as a savant if you like though.

>> No.5289088

>forgot about first world Europe
not tipping is only acceptable in asia and the poor european nations like latvia and estonia. nations where people can't afford to tip.

>> No.5289090


Clearly you haven't been many places if you think the US and Canada are even in the top 10 for shitty food staff and greedy people.

Someone already mentioned India which is pretty notoriously bad about this sort of thing as is most of the world.

>> No.5289092

You're so advanced you can't afford to give someone a few extra bucks.
Got it.

>> No.5289096

It is so rare in america that someone tips poorly , and it makes the restaurant staff so angry, there is no way a non tipper would not be remembered.
No way.

>> No.5289097

Hey chuck, one of those three posts was me. Guess which one and win a prize.

>> No.5289098

How do these people even afford the internet? Its like they crawled out of caves and started bartering rocks and sticks for food.

>> No.5289102


I like this fantasy world where the entire staff of a restaurant get together to remember everyone who doesn't tip so much so that they keep some kind of mental or physical catalog of their faces so they can intentionally give them bad service next time (if ever) they come in.

Of course people are so good at remembering faces after seeing them once that they never mistakenly do it to someone who just looks similar.

>> No.5289105

intentionally vomited almost everything i've eaten within the past 6 years.

>> No.5289107

>It is so rare in america that someone tips poorly

I'm in Canada, but yes. poor tippers are so rare that our bartenders remembers all their names from their credit/debt cards. Oh, your probably don't know what those are being from a poor country. In first world nations where people have money, they like to put their large amounts of money into banks rather than carry it around, using little plastic cards to electronically redeem said money in exchange for good and services. You guys do have electricity in your nations right? well obviously, you're online.

>> No.5289108


>not poor
>companies are hiking up prices in Canada because their currency is so shit


>> No.5289109

Back at school breakfast there were large jugs of milk on the table for people to use on their cereal. I established that you could put a whole shitload of salt in them without anyone being able to tell until they put the first spoonful in their mouth.

>schoolmate makes himself a nice big bowl of Frosties
>eats his first spoonful
>"this cereal tastes funny"
>sniffs milk, satisfied that it isn't off
>proceeds to finish the bowl, slowly, and with a confused expression on his face the whole time

>> No.5289110

>>it must be nice living in fantasy land where you can just twist words and make shit up when you don't like reality. you must let me know how you reached this magical place.

hey, hey, you're doing that thing again.
you should stop before you completely forget what reality is.

poor tippers are rare enough in first world nations that its not hard to remember them

you're getting pretty pathetic
and this is coming from someone that will spit in your food over 4 bucks.

>> No.5289117

Ha! You think tipping here is the same as your country.

Poor tipping is super rare. Like once a week maybe twice. Not hard to remember someone who pissed you off.

>> No.5289119

>doesn't understand inflation
>doesn't understand how economies work

Dude, you just went full retard. When companies jack up prices its because they know people have more money. Thats eco 101.
Jesus fuck you're retarded. No wonder you don't tip and think only americans tip.
you are more sad than a drowning puppy

>> No.5289124

>you're getting pretty pathetic
>and this is coming from someone that will spit in your food over 4 bucks.

>> No.5289125

It's pretty easy. I do my job, get paid, pay the internet provider and get internet. Wait, am I supposed to get a tip for doing my job too? Do I tip my ISP? Should I insert money in my disk drive to tip my computer as well?

Where's M00t, I need to tip him for my post.

>> No.5289126


>retard calling other people a retard


>> No.5289128

bro, you're a dumbass.
in nations that matter non-tippers are a despised minority of scum that generally dont have money yet want to give the illusion of being normal so they go to resturants and act all fancy and shit and then leave without tipping.
its not hard to remember them since there are very few of them. they leave an impression.

>> No.5289129

thx for responding to some mad autistic virgin faggots

>> No.5289133

oh good one.
>damage control

>> No.5289136

Basketball American doesn't mean they played basketball it's /pol/ thinking they're funny when they make a joke about blacks playing basketball

>> No.5289137


It's a thread full of mad retarded canadians, what do you expect?

It was a shit topic from the start.

>> No.5289139
File: 6 KB, 400x400, 1274874361151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt even understand how economies work
>calling others retard

dude, just stop. i mean, seriously, you're are going full tardman. i bet you don't even get jokes.

>> No.5289141


>ha ha i was only pretending to be retarded

epic trole /b/ro

>> No.5289143

> thx for responding to some mad autistic virgin faggots

whoa now, they are super rich non-tippers. they like to be called that exact title.

>> No.5289146
File: 518 KB, 1000x1200, trollhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand how economies work

see pic

>> No.5289148


>zimbabwe's economy is great because they charge them so many zimbabwe dollars for things

>> No.5289151

I don't know why you seem incapable of understanding how in first world nations our staff receive an actual wage. Then again, MURICA IS DA WURLD! Not surprising.

>> No.5289152
File: 2.95 MB, 400x226, 1393270900672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, whenever april fools day rolls around nobody in my house remembers it. Now, because no one remembers it, I like to cook dinner that day. Last year I went and made some chicken soup, and cut the chicken up into smallish pieces the size of garlic cloves and then pulled all the chicken out after it was done and replaced it with garlic cloves. Needless to say that when everyone came around to get their food, there was a sudden "what the fuck" moment when chad took a big bite of what he thought was chicken and got a mouthful of garlic.

Another time my son was making cinnamon rolls from scratch, right down to the icing. He was being a little shit over the whole week, so when he stopped icing the rolls to go to the bathroom I finished up for him, with baking soda icing. He didn't like that very much.

Another time I got fired from a pizzeria because the custom said "Surprise me" when I asked him what he wanted. Ended up using twix, nacho cheese, and habanero peppers underneath a layer of salami, He never saw it coming.

Also got fired from a Pizza hut around the time the online ordering thing started getting popular. One guys special thing was that he wanted his pizza to look like a boob. I made it a dick instead, complete with ranch drizzled over the tip. My boss fired me while laughing, I don't blame him though.

Another time I stole a few of my roomaates oatmeal cream pies and replaced the oatmeal with silicon caulking. I hadn't seen him wtf that hard before.

Lastly, over St Pattys day my son made his class a bunch of cupcakes with green frosting, and I used some modified wasabi as a base for a few of them. He got a weeks suspension for it. He called me a asshole ad I told him he should thank me for giving him a week off of school.

>> No.5289156


They only said they're Canadian like 40 times

But you know, it's the internet so the USA is clearly the great satan right?

>> No.5289157

>still doesn't know how economies work
>still doesn't know how inflation works
You have any idea how much shit costs in the UK? And we have the strongest economy in Europe. You have any idea how much shit costs in Germany? And they have the most valuable currency in the EU.
Also you need a standard currency for comparison. Again, learn how the fucking economy works before you spread retard jelly all over my immaculate toast of logic. Listen to the mapleleaf faggot.

>> No.5289161

>annual wage at a restaurant
>first world nation
oh shit you're serious?

>> No.5289164


You should probably read up on why Sony did their price hike before you make yourself look even more ridiculous.

>> No.5289165

Canada is America jr and this whole absurd tipping jewry crap is an American cancer that spread to Canada.

>> No.5289166

its like he has an agenda to talk shit about our prison bitch and its somehow supposed to mean something to me.

>mapleleaf faggot.
Oh, you mean me.
You havin' a giggle m8? oi i'll smash your fookin head in i swear on me mum.

>> No.5289167


and most of the world

>> No.5289173

> you make yourself look even more ridiculous.
With every post. every. fucking. post.
"Before now, Canadian gamers were able to purchase a PS4 at the $399 CAD price, which translates to $359 USD, which adds up to a savings of $40 USD."

fucking idiot.

>> No.5289177

dude you're fucking retarded the reason it was hiked was because the CAD is worth more than USD and there were americans jumping the border to get cheap PS4s.

>> No.5289178


Yes, those people who were crossing the boarder to buy something that you can rarely if ever find in the store for $40 in savings.

Fucking retard

>> No.5289180

My younger sisters kept playing with their water guns

Me and my older sister joined in but we filled it our guns with lemonade

>> No.5289181

>and most of the world
I really don't see why this is such a difficult concept for you to understand. In the first world we pay our staff to do their job, not expect the customer to pay their bill and then pay the staff, that's such a stupid concept. We also have healthcare too which makes the Americans talking about "being cheap" laughable.

>> No.5289186

Tipping goes all the way back to the Romans.
Again, you're being retarded.


>> No.5289187


I know you rarely venture outside of McDonalds but most places outside of Asia expect gratuity.

>> No.5289189


Oh, you were ignoring your own idiocy? Can't let you do that. You're a retard and you must know you're a retard.

>> No.5289190

i did this and my head exploded fuck you

>> No.5289195

>rarely if ever
Maybe in your nation
in the parts of the world that matter the shelves are stocked. There were only shortages in the first few days while reserved orders were being filled.

god you're dumb.

>> No.5289196


I feel like I'm being trolled here. Are you trolling or are you actually stupid?

>> No.5289198


>canada matters more than the us to Sony

I'm sure you believe that.

>> No.5289199

>equating the wealth of a nation with the wealth of yourself

you're worse than those shits from singapork that don't even realize they live under a military dictatorship.

>> No.5289201

>damage control
weak, just weak.
you get owned at every turn.

no, we just have less people buying them. people here like to go outside occasionally.
there you go again, being stupid.

>> No.5289203



>> No.5289204

>ignoring evidence that contradicts his claims. again.

you suck at trolling, or your just retarded.

>> No.5289207

>america invented tipping
proved wrong
>canada charges more for ps4s because their currency is weak
proved wrong
>only america tips
proved wrong

jesus this guy must be trolling

>> No.5289209


>this is all 1 person

I keep forgetting that every single board on 4chan is a total shithole.

>> No.5289212
File: 37 KB, 463x462, 1391832850901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of this

he must be a troll

>> No.5289215

one retarded, probably singapork, troll.

>> No.5289257

that sure is a lot of things that didn't happen

>> No.5289259

Go to bed Dave

>> No.5289260

I wonder when /ck/ will get janitors, would be nice to have a thread that isn't this.

>> No.5289304




>> No.5289663
File: 1.01 MB, 172x162, 1382682151888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me and friend go on long as hike
>Walk back to my apartment
>We're starving
>Cook ribs on george foreman grill because lazy
>Grab seasoning, garlic powder, pepper cayenne pepper
>Friend says I'm going to light on seasoning
>Tells me to "lather them"
>Pour a fuck ton of caymen on one rib
>They finish cooking
>Sauce of caymen pepper on rib
>Freind starts eating in begrudgingly
>First bite he's fine
>Second bite he looks like a deer caught in headlights
>Break out laughing as he panics internally with a look of death on his face
>He powers through while I breakdance from laughter
>Chugs down about 4 bottles of water and keeps eating non hell ribs
>I still find it glorious revenge
He only said it because I don't season beef unless it's tacos, even though I had already started seasoning the ribs. He has never judged my amount of seasoning since.

>> No.5289692
File: 234 KB, 1024x819, eden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge which resulted in the fall of mankind.

>> No.5289792

What about your early grandmother?

>> No.5289820
File: 43 KB, 1920x1200, 4qQ7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try getting a real job where you don't have to rub your ass on a beer glass to get even with people who don't leave you an additional dollar for an already $5 beer.


Wallpaper provided free of charge, no need to tip me.

>> No.5289823


me 2 bruv sweet an salty

>> No.5289824

> In college house
> making BBQ for first time for housemates
> cool Danish housemate buys $30 in ribs
> charcoal isn't firing up
> dump half a bottle of lighter fluid onto it
> Danish housemate is watching in blind awe
> BBQ taste like lighter fluid
> I make him Turkey bacon to apologize

>> No.5289828

To that bartender guy.

Once my me and my mom went out to lunch at a Logan's. She's diabetic (not from obesity, she had preeclampsia and gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with me) and an amputee. She's also a bitch sometimes and a "tough customer". She was particular about the chicken that she ordered, that it had to be mild not spicy, and that her mashed potatoes couldn't have any butter. The server, some 20-something Puerto Rican guy, kept rolling his eyes at her. She noticed and told him politely "and you don't have to keep rolling your eyes at me, sir. I'm just asking you to do your job." I just ordered a burger and ate some peanuts, while mom was going off about how no one has any respect anymore and some other, rather racial, things. Then twenty minutes later, the server brings the food and we start to eat. Suddenly, my mom goes
>"Anon...get the waiter".
>"There are PUBIC HAIRS in my POTATOES"
>"I'm gonna be sick..."
So I ask a waitress that's clearing away another table if she can help us. My mom simply asks the waitress if she can speak to a manager. The waitress, who actually seems pretty nice, says that the manager isn't here today and the assistant manager is out to lunch. The server from before comes by again and asks her if there's anything wrong. She says politely that she wants to talk to a manager. He says the same thing and that if there's anything she can get for her, and she goes off

>> No.5289844

Hah! Tardman was a good thread, is that one of those internet things now?

>> No.5289846

I dunked my smelly, unwashed balls in a family member's drink because they kept being a dick to my mother one time.

They didn't notice, and I could swear that there was a pube floating around in it.

>> No.5289863

I'm just sitting there through the tirade, just waiting for her to calm down so we can just leave. And while she's going off on the waiter, the assistant manager, some big old lady in a flannel shirt and a skirt, comes up and asks what all the hubbub is. My mom's a usual customer and knows her a bit. Mom starts telling her the whole, sad story while she starts tearing up, how the server was nothing but rude to her and etc. The manager asks the server to go to the back and the waitress to get back to her things. Then she tells my mom that she understands, that they had just hired a bunch of new guys, and that the company hadn't looked as good into them as they should have. She then comped our meal and asked us to come back again. We did two months and there was no sign of the server.

The thing though is, that even though my mother is picky as hell and can be a real bitch, she always goes out of the way to give our servers a nice tip, because she was in food service when she was younger too and always says that they don't make alot of money and that its only decent. She even told me to make sure to have five dollars left over for a tip, even though the lunch wouldn't be more than thirty.

>> No.5289880

I made truffles and put mayo on them and told people t was white chocolate frosting

>> No.5289892

Dude five dollars on 30 is a pretty mediocre tip. Less than 20%. Not a bad tip but by no means a great tip.

>> No.5289897

that pic is rad

>> No.5289901

so the waitress or puerto rican guy got sacked

>> No.5289903

If you're looking for pity, you're in the wrong place buddy.

>> No.5289907

if my stepfather was there, he would have just given the guy a 20 and a 10 and let him keep the change as a tip or nothing at all. My mom just always makes sure that there is at least a 5 or 10 left for change
the puerto rican. The waitress was actually pretty nice and we've seen her occasionally on the few times we went back there

>> No.5289924

id put pubes in her food too

>> No.5289936

Your stepdad is a cheapo bastage!
Are you american?
If you tip that badly in California the waiter will yell at you.
Seen it happen.

>> No.5289938

sometimes when she's a real cunt to me, i'll drop her food on the floor or cough on it

i feel bad for a bit, then I think about my childhood and then I'm like fuck it

>> No.5289953

we live in Florida, so naturally a lot of tourists.

That and because most restaurants are big names that have witchhunts over even the slightest complaints, most servers just give the minimum service then bitch about the customers in the back.

>> No.5289955

You should dirty dick all the glasses.
It doesn't hurt anyone and makes you feel good.
It's a win win.

>> No.5289958

Ketchup and Mayo on pizza is fucking great

>> No.5289960

me too
she was a cute russian too

>> No.5289964

my sisters might drink out of them and thats fucked up

and sometimes we can be civil and i don't like sneaky underhanded shit

>> No.5289971

I'm convinced that the buttrubbers in these threads are actually anti tippers false flagging

no one is really going to fuck with my food.
I mean, it's a felony.

>> No.5289975

I just realized that I only tip 5 regardless of the cost of the bill. I have been a repeat customer at a mexican place for a few years now

I have had my food fucked with

Oh god

>> No.5289976

most won't unless they're really immature, and its not a felony but you will get fired and possibly asskicked

they do do it at mcdonald's but that kinda proves my point

>> No.5290000

Covered a huge chunk of butter in flour and convinced my then 7 yr old brother it was Turkish delight. He ate the whole thing in one bite.

>> No.5290006

>He couldn't afford Canada or most of better European nations either. The only places I know of that don't have tipping are in asia.
Norway here, I've never tipped here and I don't know a single person who does.

>> No.5290008


It is, actually, a felony. In my state, at least, I believe it's filed as "Assault with a bodily fluid" for spit etc.

>> No.5290016

Coke and milk, or Dr pepper and milk. Really good.

>> No.5290025

Pretty sure that has to do with criminals spitting on police when getting arrested.

If a chef spits in your food he could just say it's his secret ingredient.

>> No.5290029

Well this is 100% inaccurate.

>> No.5290037

no, the health department would shut them down because that would spread diseases

restaurants fire servers who do that because they don't want to risk getting fined from the health department, having corporate coming down to investigate, and the bad publicity they would get

>> No.5290046

Oh I am sure he would be fired , but there would be no criminal reproduction

>> No.5290052




>> No.5290053


>> No.5290056

Show me the statute then cowboy.
Protip. You cant.

>> No.5290067

Speaking as someone who works professionally cooking in a kitchen and dealing with guest interaction, all you people talking about spitting in customer's food are disgraces. They are paying for quality of food and service, and at nicer establishments (likely not your places of employ) ambiance. To say that you deserve 20 per cent of someone's bill simply by performing your job is arrogant at best. If you focused on providing the best service you could and simply ignore non tipping or rude customers, you will be much happier with your job. If you get this mentality that the customer owes YOU, not the other way round, you will find yourself out of business very quickly in the unlikely event you make it to a management position. With the competitive nature of this business, a dissatisfied guest could easily pick any number of other restaurants. Not only that, they will tell their friends if they are mistreated by the waitstaff, and then where would all your potential tips go?

>TL;DR you are literally all the bottom of the barrel scum of the industry, please kill yourselves.

>> No.5290068
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>> No.5290073

It is pretty funny. I laughed.

I once set fire to a girl's hair, so what do I know.

>> No.5290081

I did this once to a cute black girl in fourth grade
I had just started learning about evolution and called her a neanderthal without knowing how racist it sounded

>mfw why do I have a pink slip mom

thank god she realized I wasn't racist

just retarded. very retarded.

>> No.5290103

You don't know if a customer is going to tip well until after you've served them, though..

>> No.5290111

This us true. If you never go to the same place twice you can stiff away.
I have not been a waiter for years though and I can still remember every time I got stiffed.

>> No.5290114

Me and a group of friends were out eating at pizza inn. The one guy we always fuck with got up to go get more pizza. While he was gone 3 people spit loogies into his drink and when he got back we challenged him to a drinking contest to see who could finish there drink the fastest. He bought it and chugged that spit and snot infused drink down faster than anyone else and looked up proudly while we we're all busting out laughing.

>> No.5290148
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My step sister always puts a lot of salt on her food. I decided that before she got to the table I would unscrew the top of the salt shaker so it would open and spill onto the food. She goes to pour salt... massive land slide falls onto her food. She immediatley looks at me in surprise and horror. I smile reaching for my drink and keep sipping to hide my laughter.

>> No.5290150

She probably got the message and something positive from it.

>> No.5290163

Of course it goes back to the Romans. Italians are pieces of shit. I'll beat you to death Man.

>> No.5290174

Thank You. I had to teach the bitch a lesson. RESPECT from me to (You)

>> No.5290181


>> No.5290227

>Implying I'm a spineless little cockroach who cant man-up and confront the causes of his frustrations.

>> No.5290425

Worst I've done was shook all my dandruff into somenoe's food.

I dont have any diseases so its not so bad

>> No.5290437

This is why I never eat at restaurants as a vegan. I hate people like you. Hopefully you'll get caught and fired someday.

>> No.5290458

why not go as an omnivore

>> No.5290514

honestly this is the biggest reason I stopped going out to eat. I honestly cook better than most places do anyway.

>> No.5290526

Because that is not what my diet is. I specifically want vegetable only dishes. Why is that so hard to understand?

>> No.5290529

>black girl
>called her a neanderthal

They're literally the only people you CAN'T call Neanderthals.

>> No.5290692

why is this so funny

>> No.5290702
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At first I was going to ask where the fuck you went to school that 1) served breakfast and 2) had big communal jugs of milk out on the tables for children, but then I realized you're an Australian and that I cannot understand the way you live any more than I understand why a dog eats its own shit.

Could you hear the sound of Frosties hitting his plate?

>> No.5290726

They're just like us; stop it.

>> No.5290731

Lot's of 'poor' communities/parents want their children to be fed at school instead of taking personal responsibility.

>> No.5290736

Road Warrior, I fucking love that movie!

>> No.5290744

A lot of kids should eat food, yes, food from a person food!
Its a food from a people you SHALL eat!
get at me

>> No.5290762

We don't need another hero...

>> No.5290772

in middle school lunch me and my friends used to throw our leftover food at the retarded kid at the table behind us and watch him eat it off the floor because it was funny

i've worked in the food service for 5 yrs now and never done anything bad, nor have i ever seen any of my coworkers do anything very bad. and i've worked in everywhere from fastfood to fine dining

where i work now our waitresses can't really do anything bad to the food. it comes right out the window of the kitchen then to the table. so space/time to fuck with the food. the worst they could do is tell the kitchen s/t wrong

>> No.5290790

I used to smoke heaps of pot and would always cough up these black mucus things.
One day I was working on this packaging machine and coughed when I was standing over it, a lung oyster flew out and into a huge batch of food and the machine just kept pumping out bags, never heard anything about it.

>> No.5290804

I like to salt my friends' food and drinks whenever I go out to eat at an all you can eat place.

>> No.5290811


What friends?

>> No.5290823

>lung oyster

that's a really good phrase anon. i am stealing that for my future works

>> No.5290824


Might as well call people "rubes" too you fucking poseur

>> No.5290830

>i've worked in the food service for 5 yrs now and never done anything bad, nor have i ever seen any of my coworkers do anything very bad. and i've worked in everywhere from fastfood to fine dining
You're like the pig fucker in barter town.
Get the fuck over it.
You're like 99 percent of the industry! Woop woop! Have a little party!
Break a deal face the wheal

>> No.5290834


Why does that bother you so much?

>> No.5290837

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.5290838


I'm Canadian too and if you haven't realized tips are just a bullshit way to allow employers to keep more money for themselves, you're hopelessly naive and a little bit retarded.

>> No.5290842

Call me a homo or something but I've never done anything "bad" to anyone elses food. If someone is an asshole I'll just leave, I won't fuck with their food, that's a line that I don't care to cross.

>> No.5290846

Peed in my uncle's cup of water. He was abusive and used to order me around, so when he told me to get him water, I squirted a little in there for him.

>> No.5290847

Not always, I've asked people the direct question... "If I put a tip on a credit card do you get the money?" The answer is always yes.

Maybe they rip you off in Canada but in the USA / New York, no, the folk get the money. It's not the evil "MAN" stealing from them.

You Canada people really need to stop seeing UFOs and sasquatch everywhere.

>> No.5290853

The point isn't whether or not the employee gets the cash, it's the fact that each customer has to pay a service charge when employers could just include this in the meal cost and fire shitty servers.
What's all this bullshit about people needing a 20% bonus for taking orders and carrying plates? Is the minimum wage for servers not raised to match inflation and basic living costs?

>> No.5290855


Okay, it looks like I need to explain how this works.

See, in Canada (and probably in the US too from what I heard), the minimum wage for employees that receive tips is 1-2$ under the regular minimum wage. The employee receives tips instead, which means that 1-2$ less is something the employer doesn't have to take out of his pocket.

Maybe instead of calling people tinfoil hatters you should open your eyes and see the huge variety of ways the government and industries are bleeding middle-class citizens from every direction.

>> No.5290862

Socialism at it's worst. Try your little "people deserve only what they deserve" idea in every restaurant situation.

>> No.5290870

The federal minimum wage for servers is $2.13/hour.

>> No.5290877

>the minimum wage for employees that receive tips is 1-2$ under the regular minimum wage
Actually, they get the minimum wage no matter what. The employer must match the difference, at every hour of the day if tips don't match it. So, in essence they earn the minimum wage (or a higher living wage ordinance hourly wage). Always. All the time.

So, what does this mean? That average to below average waiters make minimum wage. Exceptional servers, busy restaurants, higher priced restaurant bills increase the money per hour/day/night a good waiter can bring home. This creates competition in a workforce, where the highest experienced/highest trained waitstaff interview and vie for the highest paid positions in town. This is good for the business owner who's customers get the most satisfied experience at his restaurant, and a waiter truly gets what they deserve, as much money as their exceptional work pays them. They are the best in town, and rather than being told to be satisfied with some capped hourly wage, and doing the minimum courteous service, they become like fine tuned machines mind reading, anticipating, reading moods, giving privacy, cheering up children, running interference with a stressed kitchen for special orders, describing recipes, discussing local history, beaming about how wonderful a place is...with sincerity...you name it.

If you don't understand any of that, you are a sheltered person who hasn't had enough life experience around the world. I also suggest you have no class, minimal salary and low IQ.You didn't grow up with servants, nor realize why you'd like one culture for it better than another. Actually, you wouldn't understand culture either.

>> No.5290880

It's socialist to fire useless employees and encourage customer feedback?

>> No.5290885

Tipping would be optional for exceptional service.

>> No.5290888

Is a 40% tip too low?

>> No.5290891

way too low, has to be at least 110% or they'll arrest you for terrorism

>> No.5290917

That's not how it works. In the us they get paid $2.13 an hour. That's $5.12 below minimum wage. They report $5.12 an hour in tips whether they make that our not, because they get fired if they try to make the restaurant cover the difference. It's not done "bonus". If you don't tip, they literally just worked for free.

>> No.5290935

Fucking cheap bastards, I always tip 500% so that I don't look cheap. Appearences are everything!


>> No.5290964

when I was younger, like maybe 10, it was my job to make the sandwiches for munch for me, my stepbrother and my stepmother. I hated them both and would often spit in their sandwiches

>> No.5290970

>nose blind
>not smell deaf

>> No.5290974

do you have a fat fetish?

>> No.5290976

Try giving kids placebo brownies. xD

>> No.5290979

I did this at school with fairy cakes, shit's hilarious

>> No.5290980

Hell yeah, find a fold and fuck it. Fat chicks have more cushin' for the pushin'.

>> No.5290985

What's the best lube for skin fucking? Silicone?

>> No.5290987

not in europe

>> No.5290993

This. I only tip if I feel the service was great. If I have a humpy server they can go fuck themselves- how hard is it to pretend to be polite for an extra few quid.

>> No.5290995

i dirty dicked your sister

>> No.5290998

Absoloteyly. 8 years I worked in a restaurant and we NEVER fucked with someones food drink intentionally, even if they were arseholes or sickos.

>> No.5291001

your mum remembers when she got stiffed. by me

>> No.5291003

OH SICK. Why did you do that?
another reason why I moved to azn qt's

>> No.5291616


What do you think happens to waiters who need to have their salaries rounded up? They get fired.

You're a moron through and through and you're wrong about me on all counts. Go hang yourself.

>> No.5291626


>bad employees get fired

Oh really

>> No.5291630


My point was that tips are a way to save employers money. My point still stands.

>> No.5291665

Handed out laxative gummy bears at school...
So many people... so much poop

>> No.5291671

My husband made me a grilled cheese sandwich and then put grape jelly on top of it.

So fucking delicious

>> No.5291688

btw im a gril

>> No.5291735

your mom sounds like a white trash overreacting women, who believes in god for the sake of going to heaven when you die, but not enough to go to church and rationalizes by saying god forrgives anyone so its ok if I act like a monkey in a public restaurant.run-on sentences.

btw the waiter deserves never to work again in food.

>> No.5291798
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Nice to meet you. I'm a hibachi.

Are you perchance a weeaboo? If so then you can light my fire.

>> No.5291858


If the reason they get fired truly is because their pay is not meeting minimum wage with tip they are both incompetent and imbeciles. You can pull unemployment at the very least or sue for wrongful discharge at most.

>> No.5291864

Don't hit on me, silly charcoal.

>> No.5291907


>> No.5292011

that is a tough question I am a mid agee (54) man Christian mostly white(hell i don't know i ca n trace my my forbearers back to 'bout 1800 with atjhentivcioty close enough for me. scoundrels,pirates and puritans an ocassioal good person jew arab slant eye red yellow black or white straight, gay or bi enen trans yes even I dont understand it but not for me to know>as you to find out. evil? was pretty bad fishing in a moutain streame, found some miller beer drank it, pissed in the bottle, and put it back small sins don't feel bad big or small ya fuck up once in wile.don't feel like the lone stranger everybody does. constantly. join the human race a bunch of f-ups,wanna be celeb tards and me I am perfect myself. kinnda

>> No.5292076


>> No.5292091


What? Go back to English class old timer.

>> No.5292096

you are perfect

>> No.5292100
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>> No.5292104

I put mustard in my sandwiches once. Now, it wasn't that yellow paste that is called "mustard" in 'Murrica, it was the real mustard, the one that looks like diarrhea and burns your sinuses if you just smell it. And I generously covered bread slices with it. I was literally crying when I was eating those sandwiches. One hell of a ride.

>> No.5292127
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>> No.5292135

I made my friend some nasty ass coffee one time. I'll list out the ingredients.

>Lots of cinnamon
>Chile powder
>Cayenne powder
>Franks Red Hot
>Liquid Stupid
>Garlic powder
>Black pepper
>About half the cup was cream the rest coffee

After we all had our laughs he made me take a sip and I immediately ran to the washroom and threw up everything I ate that night.

>> No.5292161

Cooked a steak well done just to see what it was like. It isn't as good as med rare or medium but it really isn't as bad as you guys make it out to be. Even dipped some in ketchup, absolutely not disgusting. Just sort of a waste of steak.

>> No.5292197

me and my friend both peed in a drink and gave it to a guy we didnt like, he never noticed

>> No.5292291

Vas ist "tramping"?

>> No.5292522

I used to smoke heaps of pot and black and gay. And my brother OD'd.

>> No.5292557


>> No.5292566


oh no, i just think it's pretty evil. clearly i answered the OP's question. also i think you mean sympathy--not pity--and i have no reason to seek that from anonymous strangers, but considering you immediately saw and criticized that as my intention i'm guessing that's a habit of yours.

>> No.5292587


then order vegetarian.

Vegan is a privileged diet.

>> No.5292595

thus increasing the gap between rich and poor
>america ladies and gentlemen

>> No.5292611

Putting bacon juice in someone's meatless dish isn't vegetarian you fucking idiot.

>> No.5292613

he OD'd on pot? or blacks? or gay?

>> No.5292696

He's implying that he won't do it for vegetarian orders, only vegan orders because vegans are the ultimate cocksuckers.

>> No.5292733

whoa there Elvis

>> No.5292734

you can hear your dead granny?

>> No.5292754

what >>5292557 said. only difference being that tramping inherently suggests overnight stay/multiple days, otherwise we just call it walking. 'hiking' isn't really a term used here but we all know the meaning of it.
I honestly didn't realize tramping was a Kiwi term until research, woah.

>> No.5292780

blatant lying faggot.any veg/vegan would be able to taste that.get your low life fast food worling ass outta here

>> No.5292808

You are my hero.

>> No.5292811
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>tfw black and always tip but probably always get dick glasses because of said blackness

Gee thanks guys.

>> No.5292820

Why? That's retarded. How the fuck would you know someone is vegan? They could be trying a vegan dish.

>> No.5292845

>>it must be nice living in fantasy land where you can just twist words and make shit up when you don't like reality. you must let me know how you reached this magical place.

This is literally the best description of who trannies are. All of them.

>> No.5292852

Don't worry: they'll say so.

>> No.5292860


I don't tell anyone I'm vegan unless I have to, which is usually when I have to eat something. So you're an idiot.

>> No.5292876

>i don't tell people i'm vegan unless i have to
>by the way, i'm vegan!

>> No.5292879

This is the internet. I meant out there, in the real world. Are you that retarded?

>> No.5292882


>> No.5292889

Check. And mate.
Anon wins. Flawless victory. Fatality.

>> No.5292890


Article definitely related. How evil and outright stupid does a person have to be to make people get sick on THC at a police held pot luck? Mind you, she was a teacher who didn't know that "potluck" doesn't include pot.

Kutos to the commentators who say tainting food of people who don't wish to participate in this shit are bad no matter the political views

>> No.5292896

It's 'kudos,' Anon. No need to thank me, though. Just doing my part to help! ^_~

>> No.5292899

Thanks kind anon! I always make this mistake ^_^

>> No.5292901

lol wut

>> No.5292908

( ) Not told
(X) Told
(X) Toldasaurus Rekt
(X) The Told Man and the Sea
(X) War and Peace by Leo Toldstoy