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File: 13 KB, 500x312, buttermilk-ranch-dressing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5284604 No.5284604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is up with America's obsession with ranch?
I live in the south and people fucking use it to rub themselves off with and put it on everything else to eat.

Like what the fuck? I can't go to single god damn fast food joint or restaurant without having to ask them to remove the ranch.
Ranch (hate) thread

>> No.5284613

It seems like more of a south thing. I live in New England and while you can certainly buy ranch I don't really encounter it more than any other dressing.

I don't hate ranch myself, I enjoy it as a vegetable dip (baby carrots in particular) and occasional salad dressing.

>> No.5284614

Strong flavor masks shit food.

>> No.5284610

Tastes good.

>> No.5284621

No, no it doesn't. Tastes like shit and over powers everything.

>> No.5284626

Ranch is disgusting and so is bleu cheese. All rotten cheeses. Gorgonzola can suck my dick, too.

I guess I really just have a problem with really creamy sauces. For example I don't like alfredo much. It's just weird an is nasty.

I do like shit like peppercorn cream sauce though. Also a bit of sour cream on a burrito is cool (used to militantly against sour cream). Store bought mayo is pretty disgusting as well, hand made or bust, I say.

I have an issue with some rich, creamy items, basically.

I also hate Subway a lot but that's another issue.

>> No.5284628

Fact of the matter is this... if you don't like ranch then clearly a terrorist and should be renditioned and waterboarded immediately.

>> No.5284629


You sure do say "I" a lot. You must think highly of yourself and the weight your opinion holds.

>> No.5284633

Agreed, mayo is disgusting, sour cream wouldn't be so bad if everything that has it on it wasn't drenched in it.
Alfredo is pretty good though, i'm a cheese person though.

>> No.5284636

Better to say "I" then some generic shit, that means someone has a personal opinion that should be respected...

Are you some muslim sack of shit afraid of people using first person?

>> No.5284646


Your opinion doesn't deserve respect just because you have one. What the hell kind of sense does that make? Are you one of those idiots who think "it's my opinion" is some magical phrase that excuses them from any attempt at articulation?

You're only feeding into your inflated sense of self importance.

>> No.5284647

I think it's the mood I'm in. I generally never start so many sentences with "I". And yes, I do think of myself in a good light and value my thoughts. Big deal.

>> No.5284651

Yeah well, that's most certainly better than your socialist bullshit sense of nothingness, isn't it?

Dumb fucking cunt!

>> No.5284652

>tfw place I work at had to start charging for ranch cups because people steal handfuls of them from the condiment area

what the fuck why don't you just buy a bottle of ranch and drink it you fatties

>> No.5284653
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>> No.5284656

Like all things it has it's proper place.

Good ranch anyways, I'll make no excuses for garbage like Hidden Valley.

>> No.5284658

Some folk here have a serious problem with using first person because their mullah might disagree with them. Those are the people who as Americans we have to deal with as a government, but not personally.

The nazis's tried, the japs tried, lots have tried, but ragheads, that's almost funny.

Remember ragheads, you caused this. We never wanted it.


>> No.5284657

We don't do that shit anymore, we simply kill people with drones.

Ranch sucks, by the way.

>> No.5284675

No, you're wrong, drones go around for targets of oppourtiny. We send people in for the real ones.

Whatever works. You don't have to like it, it is.

>> No.5284678

hate ranch, love tzatziki sauce

>> No.5284686

Good with pizza.

>> No.5284690

Do not ever, EVER mention tzatziki sauce and ranch in the same sentence EVER again. EVER.

>> No.5284696

What's your point? Why don't you tell me what that is specifically, you certainly seem to have some level of importance and so do I, so tell me, why the fuck should I give a fuck about you?

Please tell me? I'd really like to know because I don't give a fuck about ragheads or any fucks that want to fuck with the USA. We make a nice target for you faggets don't we? Unlike most, we'll fight back if fucked with.

Get over your PC shit.
Now I have to take a piss which is all your PC types are worth.

>> No.5284703


Is this post a joke?

>> No.5284712

No, I take ragheads as a joke and think that they're only worth taking a piss on. Why would you think that a joke?

Just look at what they do. That's laughable and pathetic.


I love women, they're clearly savages and it's not for me to describe them in my lands. It's for you PC types to attempt it and fail as always.

>> No.5284715

You'll fail to be humans respecting ladies.

Then you'll become ragheads who willl NEVER have a chance here.

NEVER! Get over it ragheads.

>> No.5284718

In elementary school they used to serve these little round pizzas with a heaping gob of ranch on the side. The smell alone could gag a maggot. Haven't liked the stuff since.

>> No.5284724

Ranch is pretty good. Premade ranch or any other premade dressing is pretty shit. That's why ranch has such a bad name -it's shitty premade dressing that gets served everywhere.
It's buttermilk dressing with fresh herbs.

>> No.5284727

'Murrican reporting. I actually grew up in the south, and I hate ranch, in general. I think the practice of using it on damn near everything is fucking pig disgusting. Bottled ranch is just gross, it tastes unnatural. However, I do like old fashioned, homemade ranch (which tastes exceptionally better than any bottled or premade ranch ever) on certain green salads. Not every salad, just a few particular ones. I eat homemade ranch maybe twice or three times a year.

>> No.5284728

I feel for you, in elementary scool from 3rd grade on, I got to go home for lunch. I didn't have to deal with that crap.

When you have kids, make sure that they have freedom of choice instead of some cunt licking united nations or U(insert whatever) cunts telling them and you as parents what to do.

This is what it means to be in a proper nation, at least for now.

>> No.5284737


>> No.5284745


Just give your kid a bagged/boxed lunch if you don't like cafeteria food.

>> No.5285661

Tolerable on a chef salad, since it's not a health salad anyway. Has no other application, least of all buffalo wings.

>> No.5285699

Heh, you haven't been paying attention to the news have you. No, Obama set the precedent for giving the presidency the power of granting execution by penstroke (at least on foreign soil).

>> No.5285745


Now I'm craving ranch, fuck.

I've eaten it twice in my life.

Last time I went to eat it, was a group gathering in the summer. I suggested we get it, and nobody else was interested.

I buy it with my own money, get some ruffles chips, sour cream, and ranch mix.

When I bust it out to eat it, people want it bad. I'm drunk so I share. Turns out I mixed it poorly, and when people scooped the ranch, they got all the seasoning.

All I was left with was mildly ranch flavoured sour cream.

My life is pain.

>> No.5285752

>mayo is disgusting

Melanin-enriched gentleman detected.

>> No.5285761


ranch sucks.... there are such better sauces that taste better...

my mom makes this sour cream, garlic and herbs sauce that basically looks like ranch but kicks your ass with garlic. super bomb.

honestly, out of the standard american sauces, i like blue cheese dressing the most. oh and ceasar...

and i HATE ranch on pizza or sandwiches... so gross

>> No.5285763

Have you ever tried home made ranch? (or at least made some with the dry packet?)

>> No.5285766


>> No.5285969

I very rarely see Ranch as an included topping anywhere except mcdonalds or maybe some random chicken item at a bar occasionally.

>> No.5286153

Fuck ranch. It's salty as all fuck and overpowers almost anything it comes in contact with. I don't get the obsession either. Maybe it's because I'm Canadian.

>> No.5286165

Look at it this way you third world faget, either you like ranch or we stick a nuke up your ass.

It's really your choice and we can back it up.

The nuke route is called COLON BLOW

>> No.5286171

I only really see ranch as an add-on I specifically have to ask for. In fact, I can't remember the last time I've seen anyone use it as a sandwich topping or as anything besides a dipping sauce for appetizer-ish food or a salad topping.

I enjoy it with chicken sometimes. Not necessary for much else. I prefer blue cheese.

>> No.5286192

I dont eat anything that cum could be easily potentially be hidden in.

>> No.5286202

>Just give your kid a bagged/boxed lunch if you don't like cafeteria food.
You can't do that. Your kid might be eating something "unhealthy" and then the school will just throw it out anyway.

>> No.5286209

hah I'm kinda the same way.
I hate white creamy shit.
Sour cream being the one exception.

>> No.5286230

Well then order blue cheese. Don't be a weirdo.

People aren't psychic, if you want the blue, order the blue instead of ranch.

>> No.5286234
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>> No.5286238


I... do?

>> No.5286244

>I dont eat

>> No.5286255
File: 12 KB, 300x300, tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is up with America's obsession with tomatoes?

I live in the south and people fucking use it to rub themselves off with and put it on everything else to eat.

Like what the fuck? I can't go to single god damn fast food joint or restaurant without having to ask them to remove the tomatoes.

Tomato (hate) thread

>> No.5286305

Clearly your a faget and don't belong in America.

>> No.5286333

Tomatoes are delicious.
Sometimes I use two thick slices and put some meat inside, like a hamburger. Juiciest burger you'll ever eat, just eat it in the yard.

>> No.5286371

I haven't known many people who are obsessed with it. My bfs sister is obese though and one time when we ordered pizza she literally wouldn't eat it because she didn't realize that she'd run out of ranch to spread on top. Fucking pitiful.

I don't dislike it but it's not that great and most of the premade dressings don't even taste good. I actually like it as a dip quite a bit if you take sour cream and mix it with one of the packets, it even tastes way better than any of the premade dressings even if you use fat free sour cream.

>> No.5286378

Rance has a really weird taste, kinda grassy and artificial, almost like how some would describe cilantro/coriander
I'd rather have some kinda mustard.

>> No.5286388

I used to make tomato/onion sandwiches when I was young, but this ... I must try this. Maybe a ground lamb burger dressed up with some mediterranean flavors and thick tomato slices for the bun.

>> No.5286399

lol wat, niggas love mayo!

>> No.5286405


that's how i'd describe it when it comes premade, it doesn't seem to have that so much when you use the dip packets, or on rare occasion when I've had a salad at a restaurant that comes with it

But I agree, I love mustard

>> No.5286408

Ohioan here. I will eat ranch occasionally when there's a vegetable tray at a work party. It can be nice now and then to dip some broccoli into. But I would never use it on a salad or other foods (like pizza: there's a really disgusting combination). Ranch is available everywhere but pretty much only country folk and black people eat it regularly. And fatties, but they're not people.

>> No.5286424
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You're going too far.
>loosely packed ground beef with pepper + salt
>cold tomatoes
If you go right to Lord Karnage Sandwich then we won't be taste partners.