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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, 20140316_020837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5283020 No.5283020 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen some shit ck.
I was over at friends a day or two ago, they aren't famous for their clean apartement.
But they've outdone themselves.

If you think your kitchen is messy..


>> No.5283023
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>> No.5283027
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>> No.5283031
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We managed to find a 3 month old lunchbox.

It smelled like death.

>> No.5283037
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>> No.5283039
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>> No.5283044

Years ago when i was kinda "depressed" i wasted couple of years drunk and lost, i never let my kitchen go to that state. Why is it so hard for some people to do the fucking dishes after cooking/eating?

Other parts of the apartment, yes.

>> No.5283046

Wow, that is pretty exceptional.

>> No.5283048

is the iron for Prison pannis???

Also wouldn't be surprised if roaches are a brewin already

>> No.5283077

I can't tell what the fuck was in that

>> No.5283085
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>> No.5283088
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Are these people gamers by any chance?
My ex lived with two others roommates and yes, their place was that bad as well, maybe a bit worse. All three were fat, depressed LAN gamers with shitty factory jobs.
One day I got so fed up with him inviting me to eat there (and partly because I was desperate for a bf and willing to do anything) that we did a kitchen-clean overhaul that took three days to accomplish.
>energy drink/beer cans had taken over a corner of the kitchen
>recycled them all and I think we made about $80
>their fridge was packed full of spilled/expired/splattered/rotting/moldy food
>stove was just as grease/sauce splattered and had random pizza logs on the floor near it
>oven constantly smoked because the bottom was covered in a 3 inch layer of cremated food
>dishes were toppled onto one another in the sink
>dishes eventually overflowed and took up six feet of space both ways on the counter
>lazy fucks never took out the garbage so there were flies/gnats swarming around their overfilled can

Other isolated incidents:
>found 3 year old head of iceberg 'lettuce'
>found a rice cooker with a pizza paddle on top
>except someone had left rice in there and it had molded into a fluffball of spores
>spic roommate made rice and beans and thought it was a cool 'experiment' to leave it on the stove for five weeks
>grew an orange mushroom-like appearance before he cleaned it
>found a five pound bag of potatoes with live, squirming maggots on top of their microwave

And I think that's the highlights. Never thought to take a picture of any of it. But what do you know? Not a week after that massive overhaul the kitchen was back to its messy state.

>> No.5283090

>completely normal human bean

>OCD clean, god what a freak, autist

>> No.5283103


>> No.5283104


r u a gril

>> No.5283111
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>> No.5283121

Holy crap
I'm from a family of 7 and it does get messy but it a.) gets cleaned up soon after b.) never gets that bad

Makes our kitchen look like something out of an interior design magazine

>> No.5283125


The worst part of that first picture, for me, is the cutting board jammed between the counter and the door being used as makeshift counterspace to hold more crap. An iron and a knife? Why... just why... Messy is one thing, but that shit is dangerous.

>> No.5283126

Your 'friends' have a mental illness. They need therapy, not 4chan.

Nip this shit in the bud before they wind up on Hoarders.

>> No.5283137

This shit disgusts me.

I don't understand how people can live like that. I mean, I have a messy house, don't sweep and mop as often as I should, have random junk piled up here and there, but I always keep my kitchen super clean and never leave crusty dishes or empty food wrappers/containers lying around the house.

>> No.5283146

did u find a possum?

>> No.5283171

How do people live like this? Honest to god question. Yeah, my room gets a little messy here and there from tossing clothes around, but it still stays CLEAN. But to let your KITCHEN of all things get into a gross state? The place where you fucking prepare food and eat? Just how. I'm serious, how can you feel okay living in such a fucking pigsty?

>> No.5283178

When I started dating my ex he and his roommate had corn growing from the sink because they hadn't cleaned it and ate a lot of popcorn.

Is this a Swedish thing or something?

>> No.5283185

>mfw this is how yuropoors live
>mfw i have no face

>> No.5283188
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>> No.5283194

wtf sometimes I let my apartment go a little but I always clean it intensely if I have people coming over

>> No.5283197

that's just clutter from a takeout meal and beers, that's not gross at all

>> No.5283199

why is there an iron in the kitchen

>> No.5283210

I stedet for at udstille dine "venner" på 4chan burde du måske overveje at hjælpe dem. Der er med rimelig stor sandsynlighed tale om depression eller psykisk sygdom.

Get your shit together, OP.

>> No.5283253

I had a roommate who probably would've let things get to this state had I not given him shit about it. He now lives with a girlfriend that is more useless than he is. One of our mutual friends told me that, last time he visited, my old roommate said that he wanted to do their dishes, but they had been rotting in the sink for so long that he vomits if he gets near the sink. He physically cannot do their dishes.

>> No.5283277


I had some friends like that. He was depressed and bad with money, she was a fat, whiny, entitled cunt who blamed all her problems on everyone around her. They were a perfect storm of co-dependence and sadness. Got delivery for pretty much every meal, let the boxes and plates and laundry and everything pile up around them. Luckily she stopped taking her birth control and didn't tell him, so he knocked her up without knowing, and then she was like 'I don't want a lazy slob like you raising my child' and left him. They still both live in squalor, and keep putting on weight, and continue to blame their problems on each other even though they're living separate lives. It's pretty great, if you like maudlin, schadenfreude, what's wrong with you people type stuff.

>> No.5283286

>afraid of pets

>> No.5283386
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Similar problem here. I'm getting cozy with this girl, and in exchange of being allowed to do my laundry at their place (for free, where I have to pay to use the wash at mine), I clean their dishes. They hate cleaning dished. I hate doing laundry. They'll do my laundry, fold it, very nice like. First time I did their dishes, they spanned the sideboard, the stove, and the rest of the sideboard to the fridge. There was one pan... covered in green, fuzzy, lumpy mold. Getting anywhere near it I would start to gag (they were in the other room at the time). I did every single dish of hers, except that one. EXCEPT THAT ONE. A few days later I went back, the same fucking pan was sitting on the sideboard next to the sink, filled with soapy water.

MFW they should've thrown it out, it was beyond saving

>> No.5283425

I don't think that's a 'pet' senor...

>> No.5283452

Seeing the iron on the edge of the pull out cutting board is the icing on the cake.

This is really a poor person who likely rents.
1) They don't have furniture to actually put things away and store with any level of organization.
2) The stovetop is dirty, but the rest of that crap can be any number of my friends cooking a single dinner. When you have a shallow and undersized double sink without a dishwasher, it's never going to be convenient to clean up as you go. That sink is a damn toy meant for a bar sink. Substandard, inferior. It only serves to increase the lack of counter space. I can also tell those cabinets aren't deep, and likely don't hold large bowls and platters, let alone all the pantry items someone needs to cook often.
3) The desk and empty walls furthers my opinion this person is simply indoor camping. This isn't a settled person with adequate furniture. There isn't even a picture hanging on the wall.

>> No.5283497

Meh, not that bad. The house I grew up in was worse.

>> No.5283578

>Seeing the iron on the edge of the pull out cutting board is the icing on the cake.
Well how do you cook steak?
you don't flip it and cook one side after the other, do you?

>> No.5283582

I just wiped down my entire kitchen with bleach and now I feel good about myself

Hopefully it doesn't kill my cats though

>> No.5283660

It's finished wiping down the surfaces and now it's inspecting the sink

>> No.5283665

Thanks for making me feel clean, OP. That pile of dishes sitting by my sink doesn't look so bad now.