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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5278907 No.5278907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/

Not sure what the fuck to do. Consulting /ck/ is probably not remedy for this, but I'll give it a shot.

What is the best diet for longevity? (i.e. the healthiest diet humanly possible).

You see, my dad, his dad, and every brother in between all dropped from heart attacks. Now that I'm 20 I'm coming to realize that I've lived half the span of my dads life - and it's been a real short 20.

My dad wasn't overweight, diabetic, a smoker, or a drinker. Granted his sleep was sporadic because of his job, but generally speaking, he wasn't too stressed or tired out. There were no overt risk factors besides his typical American diet.

What the fuck do I do? Some say keto, but cancer and heart disease risk both skyrocket as meat and dairy consumption go up; so I'm fairly wary of that. Veganism/vegetarianism both leave many essential nutrients out of your diet --some very important to heart health. So that doesn't seem like a good option no matter how many Netflix docs I see.

The only thing I'm actually sure of is that sugar is poison and I need to exercise. What am I missing? Should I just be a weekend meat-eater or something? Fuck do I do?

>> No.5278913

I have not verified this at all but media reports would lead you to believe it is either the "Mediterranean diet" or the Japanese diet. Eat lots of oily fish, olives, and green vegetables.

>> No.5278915

Indeed. And exercise should be low-intensity, walking for miles on end. No running/body-building.

Drink plenty of fucking water too.

>> No.5278917


Why walking, anon? Is there something wrong with a morning jog?

>> No.5278927

Hard on joints, harder on a person who's entire family died of cardiovascular failure.

There's no point in doing anything more than staying active if it seems heart attacks will probably be what kills him.

He shouldn't physically stress himself.

>> No.5278929


also plenty of wine, nuts and try to keep red meat consumption low, max to 2-3 times a week.

>> No.5278930


I'm the OP.

The idea of jogging was that if I jogged every day by the time I was 40 it'd be no problem and the arteries would be clear. Is this wrong? I thought it'd be healthier to be honest.

>> No.5278931

genetics are a bitch

most of my family drinks, smokes, eats like shit, but still lives till their 80s

>> No.5278935

Vegetariainism doesnt have to lack essential nutrients. I would look into it more, or perhaps pescatarianism.

Get a nutribullet blender... Very good for eating clean with little effort. Good luck.

>> No.5278939
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I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven't brushed in years, and haven't had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day - to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it's the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amount of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I'm just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of 4chan.

>> No.5278941

Check with doc to be sure but sounds like a good idea to make a regular habit of getting in some cardio. Either jogging or long walks. Yoga even... Low intesity shit that wont fuck with your heart.

>> No.5278949
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and I'm just sitting here with raw oats and omega 3 vitamins hoping I don't die before I'm 40

>> No.5278954

get your omega 3 from actual fish rather than fish oil capsules.

I think they proved recently that the capsules cause prostate cancer but not the actual fish meat for some reason.

...or maybe it was the other way around?

either way, worth checking in to if you're taking the supplements

>> No.5278958

You're pretty much fucked OP. The people who live to be 90+, when taken in aggregate, do not have any special routines beyond not being fat. Your best bet is to avoid red meats, drink a glass of your alcohol of choice every once in a while, and get plenty of exercise.

Also that
>Granted his sleep was sporadic because of his job
Was actually one of the biggest factors in his heart attack. You are vastly more predisposed to illness and death when you don't get enough sleep. Mandatory eight hours a night every night. And preferably you're going to bed and waking up at around the same time, even on weekends.

>> No.5278961

>drinks lots of alcohol
>seeks out MSG

You need to get yourself screened for atherosclerosis at your earliest convenience.

>> No.5278968

i'm sitting here with a 40 ounce beer hoping i die before i'm 40

the human comedy is fucking hilarious sometimes

>> No.5278969


To be honest, living 'til 90 sounds horrible. Same with 80, but 70 seems too early. Actually, my biggest fear is becoming old. Fuck that. I've seen enough old people to never want to be old. But living until 75 could be nice.

>> No.5278973
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>Veganism/vegetarianism both leave many essential nutrients out of your diet
lol'd. good one op

>> No.5278976

please let this become copypasta

>> No.5278977


The fact that all you called out was alcohol (okay) and MSG (lol) proves that you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5278979

Low fat, high carb vegan diet. Look up Caldwell Esselstyn and his work in the reversal of heart disease. He treated ex-president Clinton

>> No.5279001
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I don't care about your thread OP. But that is one awesome looking image you've got there. Saved.

I love it when anon takes a moment to write something great. 10/10.

>> No.5279003

the longevity japanese diet also includes only eating 1800 calories a day with a third coming from sweet potatoes/yams

>> No.5279005
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>1800 calories a day

This is fine if you're 5'3" and weigh 117 lb like most Japanese men.

>> No.5279018


>with a third coming from sweet potatoes/yams

Okinawa is the leader of Japanese longevity, and they eat sweet potatoes as about 69% of their daily calories (19% coming from grains, 6% from legumes, 3% from non-sweet-potato vegetables, 2% from cooking oils, 1% from fish, etc)

Of course, the Okinawa sweet potato is a bit different from our orange sweet potatoes. Theirs is purple inside, which indicates the presence of phytochemicals called anthocyanins (also found in blueberries) that are antioxidants linked to cancer prevention and decreased mental decline

>> No.5279033


>please let this become copypasta

Just as long as you correct the grammatical error before reposting it.

>> No.5279052

get a juicer and start having a juice everyday
i'm talking carrot/apple/ginger/kale/celery/beet/whatever all mixed in.

low intake of red meats and hfcs. contrary to popular /ck/ belief hfcs is NOT the same as sugar. it's easier to process and cancerous cells growth is rapidly increased by hfcs consumption. very easy to find the studies. also excessive amounts (read western amounts) of meat and cheese have been recently shown to cause an increase in stomach bacteria (needed to digest the food) related to stomach cancer etc

a small amount of fish is probably best for meats. small amounts of healthy oils. raw food almost always, with the exception of things like tomatoes where it has been show that lycopene increases like crazy when tomato sauce is cooked. most nutrients are lost around 115 degrees f.

also low intensity exercise daily like another anon pointed out. a 20 minute walk 5 days a week is better than a 100 minute jog every sunday.

best of luck.

>> No.5279054

also forgot to add to keep it organic if you can. things with thick skins, eg oranges, or things grown underground, eg potato, can probably be consumed safely without buying organic but shit like salad is just covered in pesticides isn't going to help you in the long run. also don't fucking smoke cigarettes fuck

develop life long interests. reading/music/painting and you will love your later years.

source: im 102

>> No.5279058


In regards to juicing, I think actually eating whole fruits and vegetables would be more beneficial. That way you're getting all the fiber, and with it many vitamins/minerals/phytonutrients


>things like tomatoes where it has been show that lycopene increases like crazy when tomato sauce is cooked.

Are you sure it's cooking the tomatoes that increases the lycopene, and not just the fact that cooking it concentrates the lycopene by removing water?

Good advice overall though

>> No.5279064

you're right. especially we americans don't get enough dietary fiber as it is. but the truth is, am i really going to eat 2 carrots, an apple, a knob of ginger, a half cup of kale, 2 sticks of celery and 2 tangerines in one sittings if not in one day? no. it's just more pragmatic. plus you do get the soluble fiber, but you're right not enough. most of the nutrients you do get from the juice. even from centrifugal juicers (contrary to the propaganda of 'cold press' marketers)

as for lycopene, I think it's actually that the heat allows for it to be bound to fats and aid in absorption so I think we're both wrong

>> No.5279072


>am i really going to eat 2 carrots, an apple, a knob of ginger, a half cup of kale, 2 sticks of celery and 2 tangerines in one sittings if not in one day?

I don't know, that doesn't sound like a problem to me, although I probably wouldn't ever just eat a piece of fresh ginger like I would those other things. I see what you're saying though; if you're firmly disinclined to eat fruits and vegetables, and especially don't have time to really sit down and eat these things as snacks all the time, it's definitely worthwhile to atleast quickly juice and drink them down. I just want to make it clear that juicing shouldn't be seen as an equal alternative to eating whole fruits and vegetables, but more as a back-up plan

>> No.5279082

you're absolutely right. but the thing is, before i started juicing I was still a very healthy eater. salads everyday, fruits and nuts for snacking. but the thing is, even with regular consumption, it wasn't truly enough for the recommended daily intake. now i can have my juice, and then have my normal healthy meats, eg pasta and salad, salmon and rice, tofu stirfry..etc, and not worry because I'm now getting well over the recommended amount. Not to mention the direct intake of the juice is a great stimulant (just got to be careful on how much sugary fruits you put in) and works for me as a replacement for my morning coffee.

there are many negatives to juicing if done incorrectly but one juice a day doesn't worry me. for others interested: keep your juice with limited amounts of fruit -- keep it low glycemic. don't put excessive amounts of any particular ingredient, esp kale, keep it organic, and don't believe most of the claims put out by the new age hippie juicing community. most of the crap they have to say it backed up by limited or no research.

>> No.5279109

Why not carry a syringe of epi or a few tabs of aspirin wherever you go? Seems like it isn't that difficult to prevent any one way of dying if you really wanted to.

>> No.5279126
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>I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day - to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver

>> No.5279127


less than 40g of sugar per day
less than 25g of fat per day
at least 30g of protein per day

try to shoot for low calories with those parameters and you will achieve your goal

>> No.5279131


So like 500 calories a day?

>> No.5279172

This. I'm in med school right now, my undergrad was in nutrition. Mediterranean diet has been shown time and time again to be where it's at. Healthy fats from nuts, healthy oils like olive oil and tons and tons of fish. Red wine, too.

The reason this is great isn't super clear, since nutrition and disease are all kind of moving targets at the moment, but pretty much every bit of evidence shows that inflammation is a root cause of pretty much all disease, and all of the major elements of this diet are heavily anti-inflammatory. The clogged arteries that cause heart attacks aren't just normal arteries that get fat caught in them. Typically the artery begins to swell and inflame, constricting the vessel, giving it a place to catch fat, then it clogs.

Lots of fish, nuts, tons of fruits and veggies, and red wine. Fish is really the key. In every area with abnormally high longevity, fish is the common factor. That omega 3 is a miracle.

>> No.5279179

I can't tell if you're joking or retarded.

>> No.5279180

Juicing has been shown to be terrible for you if you take out the pulp. Depends on your juicer / method. If the juicer takes out the solids, this removes all the dietary fiber. The sugars and shit in fruit without the fiber has been shown to be absolute garbage for your system. Like drinking apple juice from the store. It's just a solid sugar rush.

The much better way is pretty much a straight blender. Those magic bullets and the like work pretty well. I have a cheap $20 blender from target where the blender is just a cup I can take on the go. Throw in some fruits, milk, veggies, sometimes some whey. Drink it all down.

>> No.5279195


and once that beer is gone, ain't it tragic?

>> No.5279197

Hmmmm... let's see.

Obviously, fruits and vegetables are good. I'd be sure to get in leafy greens as well as berries. For grains, try whole grains or oats (keep in mind that whole oats spoil way faster). Fish has a lot of Omega-3 and is pretty healthful, but maybe go for some turkey or chicken as well if you want variety and are afraid of accidentally getting Mercury. Try to not go a long period of time without any dairy products, or you might become lactose intolerant. Be mindful of what kind of oils you use in your dishes; some are more healthful than others (peanut oil and olive oil are pretty good; just remember, if you're doing high-temp cooking, use regular olive oil, not EVOO). And eat less. As long as you're not starving, eating less apparently is positively correlated with an extended life.

>> No.5279204


>maybe go for some turkey or chicken as well

I just want to chime in and remind people that plant sources of protein are also great. Whole grains like you mentioned, as well as legumes like lentils, beans, peas, etc are great sources of protein and come with a slew of other benefits that turkey and chicken don't offer. Don't think you have to eat meat every day

>> No.5279205

grains are not a natural part of the human diet. Fuck off hippy

>> No.5279209

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Try to challenge your mind constantly. Do NEW things. How new is kinda hard to say. But if you're painting, try new styles. If you're into music, try a new instrument.

And be very skeptical of new age medicine and Eastern medicine (yeah, I said it). Basically, if a medicine or procedure isn't something that's published in a scientific, peer-reviewed journal, forget about it.

>> No.5279210


What do you mean?

>> No.5279217


Grains have been eaten by humans before even horticulture was developed. Frankly, almost nothing we eat is "natural." Maybe seafood, some plants... Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, onions, wheat, chicken, cow, even guinea pigs, etc... they were all selectively bred. Forget about "natural," because what 99.99% of people will tell you is natural isn't. If you want a natural diet, talk to a nutritional anthropologist.

>> No.5279232

I am a nutritional anthropologist you jackass.

>> No.5279240

correct, juicing your fruit is a fast-ticket to diabetes, even more so than drinking soda.

>> No.5279245


What's your reasoning on that? And I think people tend to forget that diabetes isn't caused solely by sugar, but by large amounts of fat impeding the absorption of the sugar and trapping it in the blood.

>> No.5279250

the fructose causes bigger spikes in blood-sugar when you don't consume it with the fibers.
this is why high-fructose corn syrup in soda's is worse than regular sugar.

it's not 'my reasoning' btw, you can google it.

>> No.5279262


It should also be noted that this means absolutely nothing for people who have proper glycemic control, as demonstrated by fruitarian dieters who eat enough sweet fruits and fruit juices that their insulin is at a healthy sensitivity

>> No.5279266

>as demonstrated by fruitarian dieters who eat enough sweet fruits and fruit juices that their insulin is at a healthy sensitivity

it's not unhealty to live a fruitarian diet, far from - it is unhealthy to live a juicer-based-no-fiber diet.

>> No.5279278

Quality of life>quantity of life.
Do what makes ya happy and don't overthink shit for the sake of it, it's rarely productive.
Would recommend exercise to hugely increase both of above listed though. My walk-everywhere and tramping bros are all pretty happy, healthy/fit and in good shape but going above and beyond that with long term high level exercise tends to make for being one of the happiest and healthiest fuckers alive.

>> No.5279289


>Quality of life>quantity of life.

I don't think those are exclusive. When you eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle, you tend to live longer as well as in better physical and mental shape, meaning your quality of life increases. To live to 50 or 60 as a fat slob whose only enjoyment comes a few minutes at a time from eating a greasy burger or something like that isn't really comparable to someone who lived to be 100 and felt great for the majority of their lifetime

Check this 93 year old woman out, she's happier and in better shape than most people half her age


>> No.5279843
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>living until 93

This woman is a genetic anomaly. Real 93 year olds shake hands with death every day while they shit through a tube and live in a special home because they're so far gone they're not even sure where they are.

No thanks. Anything past 80 and no thanks.

>> No.5279849

A heavily or entirely plant-based diet. You don't need to cut out meat or be vegan, but you should definitely make meat a "sometimes food," like you were saying, and keep animal-based proteins to a minimum.

>> No.5279864

Ex-president clinton who now has diabetes? great job esselstyn.

He also fucked up tom hanks for us.

>> No.5279868

>What is the best diet for longevity?

Empirically, this has been the diet of Okinawa and nearby islands: Lots of veggies, fish, small amounts of meat.

>> No.5279890

Go see a cardiologist. Get baseline numbers (never too early) and discuss your longevity concerns. Get referred to a nutritionist that the cardiologist uses for cardiac rehab patients.

Then, be sensible. Most everything you hear to do, is correct. This means the exercise regularity suggestions, adequate sleep suggestions, stress management and nutrition. You need a multi-faceted approach to good health. Also, you might take care to enter a field with adequate salary and job security for quality healthcare coverage through the years ahead. Regular checkups are your friend.

Ignore firm rules like keto, Okinawa or Mediterranean diet, or anything that isn't your heritage. Do pay attention to common sense AHA guidelines. Genes and lifestyle figure into a lot of the numbers in those studies, not to mention great differences in recent decades in those regions. What are you genes? What are your predispositions for the right diet? African americans, for instance, are so salt and high bP susceptible, because they are essentially descendants from the slaves who had the robust ability not to die on a slave shop on their way here.

>> No.5279898

Ever pull a stock of wheat, hold it over a fire for 10 seconds then chew on the head?

Fucking delicious. slightly chewy, slightly sweet, slightly nutty.

It's even decent when completely raw. Sure you can't live off of the stuff, but I don't doubt that persistence hunters munched on grasses as the jogged along.

>> No.5279911

plenty of skinny people are diabetic. Also I don't think you understand how the body works.

>> No.5279914

Scientists are beginning to think that your body processes sugar you take in from liquids differently from solids. Besides, you don't get any of the fiber and stuff in juice. Stick to smoothies if you really want something like that, since it still h as all that good fiber.

>> No.5279915


Well, it is true that obesity can worsen and perhaps even cause diabetes. But it's certainly not the only cause.

>> No.5279952


>African americans, for instance, are so salt and high bP susceptible, because they are essentially descendants from the slaves who had the robust ability not to die on a slave shop on their way here.

What the hell is bP and why can't black people into it?

>> No.5279954

Just thought I'd chime in to say that my country's diet is very, very, very high in starch. Diabetic rate for us is 4%. Our diet is in the top five of all modernised nations in consumption of starch and carbohydrates.
The American diabetic rate? 11%.

Why is it that we eat such a high-starch diet yet don't have such a large diabetic percentage as does the US?

>> No.5279957
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No diet is going to compensate for shitty genetics. If your dad croaked despite good eating and healthy habits, then likely you will too.
Sorry, dude.Try to enjoy your time .

>> No.5279961

I think you have that backwards, it is possible for diabetes to cause obesity.

Alternatively, obesity and diabetes can stem from the same cause.

>> No.5279963
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>> No.5279965

>heart disease risk skyrockets as meat and dairy consumption go up

I think you are mistaken

>> No.5279970

>Why is it that we eat such a high-starch diet yet don't have such a large diabetic percentage as does the US?

Because it's not true that eating starch causes diabetes. It's much more complex than that, as your evidence has made clear.

>> No.5279972

I cannot comment without looking at the percentages and numbers myself. Please let me know what country you are in.

>> No.5279976


That's also true.

>> No.5279985

Go Nutritarian. Duh.

>> No.5280024


wanna find a study that proves that wrong?

>> No.5280047

yeah, following a nutritarian diet is just putting an emphasis on eating stuff that is good for you. you can still eat meat.

>> No.5280053


You know what they all had in common? They all lived in the vaccine era.

Don't get vaccinated. Don't trust western doctors. Find a local swami and lrn2 yoga. Renounce meat. Renounce dairy. Learn the dosas and practice panchakarma regularly. This is how you live longer than your ignorant relatives with their clouded judgment.

>> No.5280067
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>> No.5280072
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>running from broken genes
No reason to do that. Please tell me that you had the foresight to not have children.

>> No.5280080

I imagine an ovo-lacto pescatarian diet would be ideal. Don't forget to include lots of spices like turmeric, garlic, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, etc. Avoid GMO's which overwhelm your detoxifying organs. Avoid inflammatory foods. Drop things like processed foods, HFCS, and artificial sweeteners. Cook using methods that maximize vitamin and mineral absorption, eg. steaming, pureeing/blending, baking. There's alot of good things being said about lacto-fermented and fermented foods these days, too. Drink your water, but get a filter. Get good sleep.

Most importantly, enjoy what you're doing every day because your physical health correlates to your mental health and the root cause of disease is dis-ease. Sorry about your dad.

>> No.5280111


Might have kids. Meh, maybe it is selfish, but I want them. If they can adopt healthy lifestyles there should be no problem.


Thanks anon. Have a lot of googling to do now.

>> No.5280158

/ck/'s preferred method of eating fish? Baked in olive oil?

>> No.5280194

Can't speak for the other co/ck/s but basically yeah with S+P.

>> No.5280197


That's not how that works. It's not "I make a claim and you prove me wrong," it's "I make a claim and back it up with things that prove me right."

Not that guy btw and I don't even disagree with you, just saying.

>> No.5280247


Honestly it takes me an hour or more to make 3 mason jars full of juice with prep/cleanup on a masticating juicer. I could spend an hour a day actually making meals that cost LESS than juicing. I can't even make the argument that it's faster or a back-up plan since you pretty much have to drink it then(or wait for it to unthaw if you've frozen it).

>> No.5280258


>> No.5280260

adopt kids with superior genetics

>> No.5280266

I was just at a lecture on the canine genome, and they were talking about having breed out several types of cancer from popular breeds.

The interesting takeaway is the geneticists stressed how important it was to breed out the genes, not to cull those that have them, because there plenty of reasons to maintain a diverse gene pool.

>> No.5280508
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>Ex-president clinton who now has diabetes?

No. Where did you hear that?

>> No.5280549

>Humanity has developed far enough to allow people to live past the age of functionality, where most people actively refuse to live that long

What a strange feel. I remember that I used to hear people talking about vague conceptual science and inventions that extend human lives like crazy, and the problems with overpopulation they would inevitably create. Looking at the situation now though, speaking with actual adults, it seems that most people don't want to pursue that kind of life, because it's pretty terrible.

>> No.5280562


>Real 93 year olds shake hands with death every day while they shit through a tube and live in a special home because they're so far gone they're not even sure where they are.

That's what a 93 year old who survives by genetics and luck rather than actually taking care of their health looks like. Just like there's a big difference between a 20 year old who does sports and eats clean and a 20 year old who watches anime borderline professionally and eats 3 bags of chips as a snack, there's a big difference between older people who simply exist vs older people who take steps to live well

Check out Jack LaLanne as well

>> No.5280570

"Ex-president" huh? Go home, libtard.

>> No.5280576

Vegetarianism encourages heavy reliance on carbs, which will make you fat and tired. Vegans especially tend to lack essential fats in their diet.

>> No.5280580

>carbs, which will make you fat and tired

This is a massive oversimplification and in many cases is simply untrue.

>> No.5280587


>heavy reliance on carbs, which will make you fat and tired

I think your idea of "carbs" is skewed. "Carbs" doesn't necessarily mean whitebread and white rice, but lentils, fruits, sweet potatoes, beans, whole grains, etc. Extremely healthy foods, the likes of which every successful civilization in the world has gotten their calories from. The food that built nations and won wars, and that every athlete in the world fuels their achievements with.

>Vegans especially tend to lack essential fats in their diet.

Except the ones who don't, right?

>> No.5280588

anybody got a recipe for the sauce they are in? looks delicious and got no idea what to put them in.

>> No.5280593


naturalnews pls go

>> No.5280600


No. Saying her genes don't play a part in her longevity is an oversimplification.

Shit, even if I did have her genes I wouldn't want to live to 93. I never want to be an old fuck in a wrinkly bag of skin. I'll live a happy life but I never want to be dependent on anyone. Just being old in general, fuck that.

>> No.5280611

Not true, Anon. My great-grandmother will be hitting 87 this year, and she still lives on her farm where she tends some 20 cows and leads a happy, active, coherent life.

She cooks everything from scratch and eats plenty of fats, meats, and green veggies, grows much of her own food, raises her own meat, and has effortlessly avoided partially hydrogenated oils (just not a part of her world in the past or present).

I find it incredible that she has come this far with a perfectly coherent mind, and besides hopping the fence into her pasture or walking out to feed her chickens, she gets no exercise.

>> No.5280618


my grandma is 89 and while she does exercise now a few times a week (swimming), she didn't up until last year and she has drank excessively for most of her life and doesn't really watch what she eats at all (she's one of the people that will occasionally be like "oh I'll get the salmon because I hear that's good for you" but still eats shit like ice cream without thinking about it)

>> No.5280625

there's only one secret to living longer. it's not the minutes in your life but the life in your minutes. laugh and love and be nice to people and you'll be the oldest man alive in no time

>> No.5280631

pls respond

>> No.5280633
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forgot pic

>> No.5280634
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>The food that built nations and won wars, and that every athlete in the world fuels their achievements with.

>> No.5280645


>> No.5280653
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Isn't it just tomato soup dude?

>> No.5280662
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Grilled Cheese Mac & Cheese in shots of tomato soup

from Bartini in Morgantown, WV

"All you need is macaroni, cheese, bread, butter, tomato soup, some shot glasses, a pan to fry with and a pot to boil the noodles in. Doesn't look like your usual mac and cheese though. Looks like they put plain boiled noodles between slices of cheese before grilling the sandwich over some butter in the pan. Serves the same purpose I guess."

That's all I found onnaReddit

>> No.5280664

thanks but wouldn't it need to be something thicker so it won't water down the toast?

>> No.5280667

Needed to hear this today. Thank you, anon.

>> No.5280669

Well I doubt any of you are Olympic athletes or soldiers who need such calorie intake.

>> No.5280671


tomato-pepper bisque

>> No.5280674

thanks both of you

>> No.5280681

Heart attack = tubes (blood vessels) clogged.
Don't eat anything in excess that would clog up your tubes.

>> No.5280703

>Don't eat anything in excess that would clog up your tubes.

This isn't as simple as you make it sound, considering there is some debate on what kinds of things will clog up your tubes.

>> No.5280707


extreme oversimplification/10

>> No.5280710
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so I can do as much cocaine as I want? cool brb!

>> No.5280760

>being a couch potato
>playing video games about war
>watching the olympics on TV
>oh look those people aren't fat fuck sad sacks like me
>everyone who isn't a couch potato must be either a navy seal or an olympic athlete like those people in my video games and television programming

fat people logic

>> No.5280765

Yes.. because OP's father and grandfather did 20 kilos of coke a day....

Baring any hear defect/deformation, heart attacks to the average joes are mostly caused by clogged vessels.

>> No.5280769

>Baring any hear defect/deformation, heart attacks to the average joes are mostly caused by clogged vessels.

You didn't address my point at all. I'll say it again: There is a lot of debate over what kinds of foods will clog your vessels.

>> No.5280782

whoever told you keto tried to kill you. It's a temporary weight loss diet with literally deadly long term effects.

>> No.5280785

no one does that much coke

>> No.5280786


>such calorie intake.

Caloric intake was never mentioned. All that was mentioned was macronutrients, and carbohydrate is the macronutrient most efficient for energy. The Romans fueled their marches with barley, the Egyptians with wheat and millet, Asians with rice, Aztecs with corn, etc. That's the food that birthed healthy, highly successful populations of people

>> No.5280791

Clogged arteries are last centuries hypothesis

we now know arteries do not clog. They get inflamed and develop tears. These tears allow small particle ldl to get stuck in the walls of the arteries, thereby hardening them, and constricting them.

The current debate is now about the best way for reducing inflammation and arterial damage.

>> No.5280811

Ancient egyptians had a very high rate of heart failure. The nice thing about all those mummies is that we can check on things like this.

>> No.5280814

regardless of the mechanism the outcome is still the same

>> No.5280816
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>we now know arteries do not clog

It's an observed phenomenon, there's no disproving it. That's oxidized cholesterol forming plaque on the walls of the arteries

>> No.5280821


>all those mummies

Do you think everyone in ancient egypt was mummified or something? It was a practice done on royalty, and I shouldn't have to tell you that kings and queens don't eat the same food working-class and peasants do

>> No.5280828

Not true, the statement was "eat less things that clog arteries"

Which is bad advise, because the same items that 'clog' arteries, are your bodies primary mechanism of fighting inflammation. While you would lower the risk of heat failure with a heart attacks, you would at the same time increase the risk of heart failure without a heart attack.

The correct advise is "eat less things that inflame arteries"

>> No.5280841

why does everytbody think that high intensity is inherently bad for you. if you have a heart problem then yeah it would be but if your heart doesnt have a hole in it or something crazy youll be fine. look at lance armstrong, crazy intense cardio and one of the strongest hearts recorded.

>> No.5280845

It is hard to see in pictures like yours, but there is a thin layer of arterial wall between the deposits and the blood stream.

>> No.5280856


>> No.5280861
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>> No.5280867
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It's on both sides, and even if it's developing underneath the wall and pushing it out, it's still clogging the artery

>> No.5280884

It is commonly estimated that 70 million mummies were created over a 3000 year period. Mummies were so common that christians would use them as fuel for fires.

Alas many mummies were destroyed, or unwrapped or lost at see. But enough survived for us to study and get a decent picture of egyptian life.

>> No.5280888
File: 184 KB, 630x407, green tea b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Also, green tea. It has a fuckload of benefits.

In case you don't want to Google, here are a couple of links.


>> No.5280904

I disagree, a clog implies there is something in the blood flow hindering it, not that the vessel has become smaller. Certainly though the end result is similar, the blood can't get to where it needs to go.

The key difference though, is that it changes focus to a different cause

>> No.5280913


>the same items that 'clog' arteries, are your bodies primary mechanism of fighting inflammation

I hope you're not referring to cholesterol, because it's a very misleading, paleo-style argument to say "we need SOME cholesterol, so don't try to lower yours to a healthy level"

>> No.5280926

Time and time it has been proven that the best way to lower cholesterol is to lower blood sugar levels. Whether that is done by eating a high fiber vegan diet, or a low carbohydrate meat diet, or a low calorie anything diet, makes little difference. Stop the source of inflammation and you stop your bodies need to produce cholesterol excess cholesterol.

You know what Esselstyn and Taubes have in common? they both hate bread.

>> No.5280928


not sure what you mean but dietary cholesterol has been shown to have next to no impact on serum cholesterol levels

>> No.5280933
File: 428 KB, 1500x1144, vegetarianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Veganism/vegetarianism both leave many essential nutrients out of your diet -
nope.jpg. you'll need only a b12 supplement in addition to whole foods. veganism is also way healthier than any other diet because its the only one that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, animal waste & runoff, and diminishes the possibility of disease worldwide (as the majority of super-modern viruses are born from the close proximity of animals and their human handlers ie avian flu, swine flu).

>> No.5280950

>reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

This doesn't sound correct

>diminishes possibility of disease
99% of food poisoning cases in the past 10 years has been from vegetables. Also swine flu has been effecting humans for the last 100 years. It is only called swine flu because it can also infect swine, not because it comes from swine. In the last decade, there have been less than 10 cases of pigs getting humans sick. It is unknown how many humans have gotten pigs sick, but I assume a similar number.

>> No.5280952

The heart is a muscle and it strengthens through exercise. You should talk to a doctor about level of intensity for exercise, but it would either take an enormous strain on a healthy heart or a fair strain on a damaged heart to be problematic.

An MI is caused by blockages of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart's myocardial tissues. They can either be blocked a bit, mostly, or completely, Im most cases, the mostly blocked artery undergoes a stress or the person has an issue with polycythemia, and that partially blocked artery ruptures causing the cascade of the immune system to begin. Platelets will clot the artery, starving the heart's wall of oxygen. The ventricles would fail to produce significant cardiac output and depending on the compensatory mechanisms your body can produce, death occurs without intervention.

In cardiac care, an MI patient has a a preferred window of time to get to a unit that will do an angioplasty - the window is 90 minutes or less to avoid any damage. They'd go from ambulance to a cardiac cath lab where the blockage would be opened with a balloon (via the end of a catheter) and may be stented.

>> No.5280955


Saturated fat is the primary cause of elevated cholesterol. It's getting hard to even keep up with what kind of psuedoscience is going around these days and who believes each tier of backtracking. I don't know exactly what your views are, but in my experience nutrition comes out like this:

>Virtually every doctor agrees that saturated fat and cholesterol are major problems and contribute to elevated ldl cholesterol levels and oxidation of it among other things


>Fad dieters of the Paleo and Low-Carb variety try to make the claim that grains and carbohydrate in general are responsible for high cholesterol and heart disease
>science says they're completely wrong


>some stick with it anyway, while others step backwards and try to make the claim that cholesterol levels don't mean anything anyway, which all of science would disagree with

Plant foods come with a lot of cholesterol-lowering benefits. I wouldn't ever say refined foods are healthy, but refined foods are manmade. Just plain "plant foods" are known to lower cholesterol, whether they're high in carb/starch/sugar or not. The only meat diets with any hope of normal cholesterol levels are those that place large emphasis on vegetable intake

>> No.5280957

If the person suffers damage from the heart attack, the heart becomes less efficient because part of the muscle is dead. They will probably spend the rest of their lives on a calcium channel blocker or beta blocker, maybe with something like heparin or coumadin in addition to. There is a 30% chance these patients will go into a fatal rhythm and drop dead within minutes somewhere down the road.

Lighter consumption of animal products improves cardiovascular heath. Simple and sensible things that are recommended for everyone include those at risk for coronary artery disease. Whole grains, more produce, less saturated fats, fewer sugars and more exercise.



I dont know if you can access the entire article without logging in

The general consensus currently is little to no animal fats, a bit of approved fish, and OVERALL lifestyle changes (not smoking, stress, caffeine, exercise, alcohol restriction, being an informed patient) can reverse some of the disease process.

Oh and here in Florida we have fantastic cardiac cath lab care, if you're ever in the mood to relocate for your heath. Plenty of elderlies and snowbirds to make some well trained staff.

>> No.5280962


>99% of food poisoning cases in the past 10 years has been from vegetables.

That pretty much always involves animal contact though. Feces of sick animals being used to fertilize crops

I implore you to watch this presentation


>> No.5280990

>hate bread
And yet people where I'm from eat more bread than almost any other country (130kg annually per capita; we're beaten out by Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Turkey) and yet have one of the highest life expectancies in the world (beaten by Japan by about 1 year), one of the oldest populations on Earth (we have more centenarians per capita than any other country on earth except Japan) and an obesity rate in the five lowest (behind south Korea and Japan in at the lowest and second lowest, respectively).

So when these two chucklefucks die from complications that result from their extremist dietary views, we'll still be eating bread, drinking alcohol and living longer than them. They can fuck right off.

>> No.5280997

This. Go read The Golden Ratio Diet.

>> No.5280999

lol no. seriously? no.

>During 1998–2008, CDC received reports of 13,405 foodborne disease outbreaks, which resulted in 273,120 reported cases of illness, 9,109 hospitalizations, and 200 deaths.
>. The commodities implicated most commonly were poultry (18.9%; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 17.4–20.3) and fish (18.6%; CI = 17.2–20), followed by beef (11.9%; CI = 10.8–13.1).

>livestock are not only harmed by human-caused global-warming greenhouse gas, but also cause about 18 percent of it, according to “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” a 2006 UN Food and Agriculture Organization report

>People who work with poultry and swine, especially those with intense exposures, are at increased risk of zoonotic infection with influenza virus endemic in these animals, and constitute a population of human hosts in which zoonosis and reassortment can co-occur.

>Worldwide (total) 14,286

i try to keep it civil but i'm sorry dude, you are seriously retarded.

>> No.5281003
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Anyone know a way to make green tea even moderately digestible without loading it with sugar? I want the health benefits, but not the tea.

Green tea tastes like a mixture of ass and tree bark, and I'm seemingly only able to pick up on the nuances of the ass part. It's healthy and shit but it's fucking terrible.

I'm starting to think tea drinkers who always circlejerk about some new endangered Peruvian tea are just faggot hipsters who cling on to obscure habits as some form of identity.

>> No.5281006

Peru doesn't grow any tea to my knowledge, Anon.

As for making it taste better, try a different green tea. Some are awful. Some are good.
Also, use double the tea and brew for half the time. This will give the tea flavour but not allow it to brew long enough to render the drink unpleasantly bitter.

>> No.5281008

what does /ck/ know about ketogenic diets?

>> No.5281011

green tea is not fucking terrible and is not healthy
buy some aspirin

>> No.5281013

Take my advice with a grain of salt, premed fag, but running isn't bad for you in terms of heart problem prevention. High cardio workouts can lead to a decreased resting heart rate (a good thing).

>> No.5281016

>less saturated fats
>fewer sugars
See the problem here is that some people are arguing it is just the fewer sugars that make a difference. Studies that both lower fat and sugar, then getting the results can't be used to say the argument is wrong. You need to test for each separately.

>> No.5281019

I cannot comment without looking at the statistics myself. Please post what country you are from

>> No.5281023


It has some short-term weight-loss results, so it's useful if you're morbidly obese or even just trying to get down to a really low body fat as a bodybuilder, but it's not a very healthy, sustainable diet. Dr. Atkins of course was a big proponent of it, but you can watch debates he's had with other doctors over it and he routinely gets shut down because a lot of what ketogenic diets promote are routinely considered bad for the heart, and a lot of foods ketogenic diets don't allow or strictly limit are known to be very healthy

Here's one of my favorite "everybody hates Atkins" moments


First Dean Ornish burns him, then the representative from the American Diatetic Association jumps in and wrecks him

>> No.5281031

>with all the books you sold you could probably fund your own studies

lol. but in all honesty i'm curious about it because somehow i have the idea that having lesser carbs will allow my body to do fat conversion more effectively. i'm not really sure what to base that off of though. I also think that most of the food that would be high fat and low carb would be more "filling", so it would lead to easier removal of high-sugar foods? again, not based on much just my thoughts.

>> No.5281032

>Transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is not common
>Within influenza A and influenza C, the strains found in pigs and humans are largely distinct
>However, direct transmission from pigs to humans is rare, with only 12 recorded cases in the U.S. since 2005
> pigs caught the disease from humans

>> No.5281052


>having lesser carbs will allow my body to do fat conversion more effectively.

There's definitely a benefit to having less (simple) carbohydrates when you have a very fatty diet due to the way unbound carb and fat interact badly in the body together, but the bottom line is that a diet more focused on high-fiber carbohydrate foods (and even moderate high-fiber fatty foods like nuts/seeds) full of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, is going to be overall healthier than a very fatty animal-based diet with insufficient carbohydrate. Like the other guy mentioned, blood sugar control is important, but also not really a problem when your diet is made up of whole foods rather than refined foods.

> also think that most of the food that would be high fat and low carb would be more "filling", so it would lead to easier removal of high-sugar foods?

In my experience, fiber is the most filling aspect of food. Fat can fill you up, but whenever I eat a high-fat meal I'm "full" because I just feel like shit from eating so much fat, and then I don't want to eat any more. Its high caloric density also means that, per calorie, you're likely getting less nutrients. Certain foods, like lentils, I have to eat late in the day, because they're so fiber-rich and filling that if I eat them too early I'll be too full to eat enough calories throughout the rest of the day

>> No.5281058

>fiber is the most filling aspect of food

i actually can agree with you here. i have such a hard time eating enough fruits through the day because two apples will fill me up immediately.

>> No.5281070


The EMTs resuscitated him 14 times and by the time he woke up he didn't remember a thing about his life. Died two days later of, you guessed it, a heart attack. His heart literally attacked him. Trying to avoid that.

>> No.5281083

The reason certain high carb diets such as the Okinawan diet work so well, is because of the low caloric density. 100g of sweet potatoes have about 90 calories, versus 100g of bread having about 200 calories. Sweet potatoes also have a fiber/other carb ratio that is three times that of bread.

Something like an apple has 50 calories per 100g. Carrots are 40 calories per 100g, and 30% of their carbs are fiber. So you could literally eat lbs of food every day and still be on a low calorie diet.

The reason low carb diets do so well is because it helps you maintain a balanced blood glucose level. Without the blood glucose bouncing around, you need minimal insulin production, and your insulin production will be stable.

The reason we want stable glucose levels, is because when they dip too low, it triggers hunger, which causes you to eat more. Unfortunately that could spike your glucose levels, causing more insulin production causing another dip, causing more hunger. Making it easy to over eat. In addition there has been some signs that insulin interfers with leptin. Leptin is a hormone that suppresses hunger. Leptin is released as your fat cells become full. This is supposed to prevent obesity. However if insulin is preventing leptin from working, you will be hungry even when obese.

So while you could say high fat food is filling, its less to do with the physical contents of your stomach, and more with your brains understanding of hunger.

>> No.5281087

>newspaper not article
>oh wait, a blog not even newspaper.

>> No.5281101


14 times in one sitting? As in, came back/stable and went into shock again? Or defibbed 14 times?

I could image if you had to undergo failure 14 times, the lowered cardiac output for all of that time would lead to some starving of the brain alluding to the amnesia.

As unfortunate as that is, having one incident is such a precursor for another.

>> No.5281114


I'm honestly not really sure. I just know the word "resuscitated" and 14 times. I assume he was unconscious 14 times. This was in a 20 minute span, though.

>> No.5281137

Why are you on ck again? It's Bittman.

>> No.5281140

Wow, you taught me things I've never seen anywhere. Thanks for the enlightenment.

>> No.5281154



>> No.5281156

>My dad wasn't overweight, diabetic, a smoker, or a drinker. Granted his sleep was sporadic because of his job, but generally speaking, he wasn't too stressed or tired out. There were no overt risk factors besides his typical American diet.

Clearly it's congenital. A diet change isn't going to stop it. Sorry dude.

>> No.5281167

Oo is there anything available on that? I do like reading things that don't really come by my scope. I'm geared towards pathology, and while there's some prevention in there (for patient education purposes mostly) it's more intervention and pathology, especially rheumatic fever, is my preference.

I would think that it's too new to have a deep study of sugar vs. fat. Just on personal assumption! I'd like someone to send me something if I'm wrong. I did take a peek at the ncbi before with the slavs. I wouldn't give that out as patient advice because (ruling out radiation related super powers! which would be a pinnacle of fun study for me), my patients aren't from that region.

Most of the people I see are baby boomers, so they've been raised into smoking and processed foods, lowering both is considered the ideal for them. Diabetes mel itself increases cardiovas problems when acid/base disturbances arise, so sugar can be the enemy for someone. Lowering the fatty side of things show improvement for so many though, that lumping them both together probably makes a very 'one size' gold standard related to problems developed from the previous generation

>> No.5281171

Veganism is the way to go. No, you won't lack essential nutrients; B12 is created in soil and the intestines, taurine is synthesized by human mitochondria, and essential fats can be found in healthy oils... unless you're a person who is an herbivore with the exception for fish, the fats found in your diet are high in artery-clogging saturated fats. Vegans tend to be healthier than omnivores. I can see how; animal products are not optimal for health.

>> No.5281178


People always overlook how much fat is in foods. It's like if it doesn't ooze grease when you poke it with a fork, people think there's no fat in it.

A cup of steel cut oats has about 11 or 12 grams of fat in it, for example. All fruits and vegetables have fats in varying amounts, and there's not a large dietary need for fat.

>> No.5281199

>My dad wasn't overweight, diabetic, a smoker, or a drinker.

Dude what the fuck? Your family must have shit genetics, dying at 40?!

I guess it's good you're being proactive about this now, but something isn't right with your family man..

>> No.5281200

Unfortunately, I don't really know of any studies directly testing between high fat and low fat diets, for the purpose of measuring cardiovascular health.

I just know that just about every successful diet is marked with a reduction in refined carbohydrates such as sugar and flour.

If you watch DR lustig's lecture on sugar, he gives a lot of the biochemistry of how the body metabolizes different carbohydrates, and how that can result in elevated blood sugar levels. Unfortunately he is primarily focused on the diabetes and obesity aspect.

>> No.5281207
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Anon you replied to.

Buy some decent green tea, it tastes nice. Pic related, buy this brand.

I sweeten it with stevia.

>> No.5281211
File: 73 KB, 300x220, pimg1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this one. Akbar. Made in Sri Lanka.

If you want to get something, make sure it comes from the best source. All those healthy Asians know a thing or two.

>> No.5281212

Oh, okay then. On a hunch, assuming that he needed full CPR for 20 minutes and was maybe shocked 14 times:

Asystole (heart cannot pump - there's a lengthy list of underlying causes such as cardiac tamponade or tension pneumothorax) or V fib (the ventricles, instead of pumping are just quivering) have basically zero cardiac output, those are when the unsynchronized shock (defib) comes in. The ventricles would not be pumping blood with enough force to move much of anything. Blood pressure would plummet and there is no pulse, indicators for either arrhythmia even without the ECG.

If you have no blood pressure, you have no pulse, which means your heart will not be pumping well enough to sustain life. (The reason for chest compression during BLS/CPR [AHA standards, may not be everyone's standard] is to keep some blood circulating to the brain) That pressure needs to come back up asap. 20 minutes of next to no cardiac output that comes with ventricular fibrillation or the heart being unable to pump is quite a bit.

>> No.5281214


>If you watch DR lustig's lecture on sugar

Some of what the guy says is valid, but Dr. Lustig is a "weight-loss expert" who also happens to be obese, and has a lot of dumb quotes that make it look like he has no clue as to what he's talking about

>"No food in nature has both fat and carbohydrate at the same time"
>"Coconut, olive, avocado-- have no carbohydrate"
>"Sugar... because of its unique composition, is the only food in nature that is both fat and carbohydrate"

I don't know how someone can be an expert on this topic and yet make such ridiculous mistakes about it

>> No.5281225

Oo the name will help with some googling later. I'll have to look into it at some point

>> No.5281240

>weight-loss expert
He is primarily a pediatric endocrinologist. While his job does include treating children who are obese and diabetic, his primary focus is on the interaction of their hormones, not just their weight.

As for your quotes, only the first one is said by lustig as far as I am aware, and he mispoke, and later corrected himself.

>> No.5281243

The best "diet" for longevity is starvation.

Do a 4 day fast with eating only 50 calories. Do it every month.


Do 20 hours daily fast. Something like 20-4 diet.


Do alternate day fast. 24 hours of fast and one day of eating your TDEE.


Any other way you like but consult your doctor/dietitian and make reasonable plan.

When on fast, eat nothing and drink only water. When on non-fast day then eat only to your TDEE. Keep fruits (fructose) to minimal. Avoid all sugars and HFCS. Glucose is okay in limited amounts. Eat balance and avoid processed food.

When you starve your body, your body try to repair itself (it's cells). When you give your body a lot of calories (more than TDEE) then your body's cells go into rapid division which may lead to early cell death or cancerous cell.

Research on it. Google it.

>> No.5281252

There's a difference between giving advice and taking it. I'm tired of people always saying that overweight people's advice is, by default, incorrect. Plenty of thin people know jack shit about nutrition, and same with fat people. But tons of fat people can give you good health advice.

It is about the advice itself, not the person who is soliciting it. Now, it would be different if you took advice from someone who actually tried it and is still overweight. But if that overweight person eats a completely different diet than what he knows is healthy, does that mean the advice is wrong?

Just look at it this way: would you listen to a thin person who told you to eat lard and rice all day, or an overweight person who told you to eat fruits and vegetables?

>> No.5281260


With something as easy to prevent as obesity, it's perfectly valid to criticize the proponent of a diet for not demonstrating the results they claim their diet offers. Any young, active person on any diet can be used as a spokesperson, but to show the effects of the diet in the long-term, we look at the people who have lived on that diet for decades.


>> No.5281271

Yes, which is why you should look at the people who lived on the diet. What would you think of a diet whose proponent was overweight, but had clients that he/she put on the diet and they received the results the diet claimed, and the overweight person was eating a different diet than what they recommended?

I agree, we shouldn't listen to Robert Atkins because actually TRIED the diet and died from it. However, you need to examine Lustig's diet to see if he is on the diet.

Again, would you listen to? A thin person who told you to eat lard and rice all day, or an overweight person who told you to eat fruits and vegetables?

>> No.5281279


here is documentary about canadian indians returning to a historic diet and losing weight

>> No.5281280

>we shouldn't listen to Robert Atkins because actually TRIED the diet and died from it
But that's wrong, you fucking moron.
He slipped on icy and cracked his head on concrete.

>> No.5281287


>What would you think of a diet whose proponent was overweight, but had clients that he/she put on the diet and they received the results the diet claimed

I would be very skeptical, since I know people who are looking for certain results can find a way to make them, even if it means coupling exercise with the diet to make up for the shortcomings of what the diet itself offers. I get what you're saying though, but I find it pretty unlikely that all of these fat people adamantly promoting high fat, low carb diets are actually eating high carb, low fat diets, and that all those thin people adamantly promoting low fat, high carb diets are actually eating high fat, low carb diets

>> No.5281296


>"slipped on ice"

Aka had a heart attack. Again. He also weighed 260 pounds at the time of his death.

>> No.5281303

I agree that it is unlikely, but I'm just saying that you need to examine the advice itself before you can say that it's wrong just because the person is overweight. I've been overweight after recovering from othorexia, so I know a lot about health, and it sucks that people will not listen to me just because I'm overweight, when I have lost weight using the same advice I'm giving them.

>> No.5281311

Hm, I read in newspapers that he had a heart attack.

>> No.5281323


>I've been overweight after recovering from othorexia, so I know a lot about health, and it sucks that people will not listen to me just because I'm overweight, when I have lost weight using the same advice I'm giving them.

So you were normal weight, then became overweight, then lost the weight again? Or you're currently overweight?

>> No.5281329

Was overweight, lost weight, gained it back.

>> No.5281335


Not to be a dick, but it sounds like your health advice wasn't that great for the long-term then. "How to lose weight" is useless information because you can lose weight in the short term eating anything from twinkies to cheeseburgers

>> No.5281345

>He slipped on icy and cracked his head on concrete.
that's coverup story

>> No.5281352

lose weight.
goto to >>>/fit/
build muscles
exercise regularly, both cardio and weight
eat balance diet and no more processed/fastfood/soda shit
live happily ever after

>> No.5281354

I didn't starve myself, I just reverted back to my over-eating habits.
Read: I was othorexic. This is an excessive preoccupation with health. I wouldn't starve myself to achieve health. Also, since I was so health-conscious, I wouldn't be eating unhealthily.

>> No.5281359


>> No.5281370

I've kind of given up. Thank you for your help, anon. I'm just tired of the eat healthily-binge cycle. It's so mentally tiring and I can't keep caring anymore.

>> No.5281372


Why is orthorexia even considered bad? "Obsession with healthy things" doesn't seem unhealthy

>> No.5281390

It starts to deteriorate your health. It didn't for me at first though, and I lost weight healthily, but it did start to cause problems. Example: a raw foodist purges when they eat any cooked food.

>> No.5281404

Looked it up.
Holy fuck, 12 dollars for a shotglass half full of tomato soup with a quarter of a pasta sandwich stuck in the top.
I don't even.

>> No.5281439

He weighed 195 a week earlier when he was admitted to the hospital. Being unconscious a weight gain of 60lbs cannot be attributed to his diet.

>> No.5281457


We know he was 258 pounds at death because his autopsy report was leaked. The 195 pound number comes from papers obtained by his wife, who for obvious reasons isn't an unbiased source of information.

>> No.5281473

hospital records are hospital records. If they are incorrect about his admittance weight, they could just as easily be incorrect about his death weight.

>> No.5281486


That's true, but then again we do have plenty of pictures and videos of the man, and he looks obese and unhealthy in all of them

>> No.5281490

go full vegan and you dont have to worry about a heart attack. otherwise, enjoy death

>> No.5281497

heart disease? your only hope is the ornish diet. at least the only diet made for your problems and backed by science and not hocus paleo south beach pocus

>> No.5281579

bullshit. people on vegan diet can also get heart attack.

>> No.5281583


Impossible, everyone know vegans are immortal.

>> No.5281616

vegetable shortening is a legal vegan ingredient. so is the flour, baking powder, sugar. combine all these and make a dough and deep fried it and put on chocolate on it. eat your doughnut and die with heart attack.

>> No.5281662


Anyone on any diet can get anything. The risks go down dramatically on a vegan diet though

>> No.5281834 [DELETED] 

go back to reddit

>> No.5281888

> vegans
> care about animals
> don't care about five year old African children who are made to work picking cacao beans instead of being able to go to school

>> No.5281906

Most American vegans do not eat white sugar because the char used to filter could have come from animal sources. By this retarded logic, they shouldn't be using petrol, either, but their hypocrisy allows them that convenience, at least.

>> No.5281951


Why make assumptions like that?

>> No.5281955

High raw (80 to 100%) vegan cancer patient here

The best diet varies from person to person but I think we can all agree on some key things

- more consumption of real foods such as fruits, veggies, nuts, etc.
- avoiding consumption of refined sugar, antibiotic or pesticide blasted food
- no processed garbage
- eating food in its most natural state (if possible)
- don't take it overboard with deleting stuff from your diet, if eating meat is a must for you, choose the healthiest option and enjoy it

>> No.5281956


I don't think you understand where petrol comes from

>> No.5281979

Petrol is refined petroleum.
Petroleum is a fossil fuel
Fossil fuels are from the pressureised decomposition of organic matter over the course of millions of years. No one has any guarantee that this organic matter is not of animal origin. If vegans can cherry pick white sugar to be total twats about because 'muh bone char,' though they've no guarantee that the sugar is or is not processed using it, they should also be twats about using petrol.

>> No.5281982

Not to mention pellicans thinking this chocolate is delicious.

>> No.5282026

you got fat, Jackie Chan!

>> No.5282032

>real foods such as fruits, veggies, nuts

I really wish the cancer would take you already.
I'm tired of seeing your shit-ass posts.

>> No.5282038

>Most American vegans do not eat white sugar because the char used to filter could have come from animal sources

Vegans are like the Elves in Dwarf Fortress, who will shut down trading and possibly declare war on you if offered an item decorated with clear glass, because it's possible that wood ash was used to produce the glass.

>> No.5282052

Eat less red meats, and cut out most of sugary shit you eat.
Exercise and get some sleep.
But mostly get some exercise.

>> No.5282064


Exactly. Now the difference is dinosaurs and other creatures that create fossil fuels weren't bred and killed by man for the sake of creating fossil fuels

>> No.5282075

Ah, but petrol can be refined through the very same bone char that vegans decry when it comes to white sugar.

>> No.5282077


>can be

But it's not

>> No.5282080


"Vegans" is too broad of a label to make that kind of generalizations. Some vegans don't give a fuck about animals, they just eat the diet for or to help the environment

>> No.5282082


*for their own health

>> No.5282105

Sometimes it is. Just as some white sugar is refined using bone char, some petrol is refined using bone char. It is not something that is currently labeled, however. The vegans who avoid white sugar because it /might/ be processed using bone char should also avoid petrol because it /might/ be processed using bone char.

>> No.5282114

>portion control
Drinking the juice of a normal serving size of fruit isn't going to make you fat and give you diabetes after you're finished one glass. If you still drink water, you're fine.

Drinking juice when you're thirsty is like eating fruit or vegetables when you're thirsty. Juice should be considered a food, not something to drink every time you're thirsty.

>> No.5282121

Veganism is about minimizing. You'd go crazy thinking constantly about little tiny things like petrol and refined sugar. We know that you can't COMPLETELY not support the industries we fight against, but we're trying the best we can not to, and this is what matters.

>> No.5282192

OP, given your family history, you should get some tests run to see if you need to be on statins, aspirin therapy, or some other basic meds. A "longevity diet" in general isn't going to help if you've inherited a really crappy set of genes that give you super-high cholesterol levels.

My family all drop dead of strokes in their 80s. I'm not really happy about that, but I figure that if I last that long I don't really have much to complain about.

>> No.5282199


>A "longevity diet" in general isn't going to help if you've inherited a really crappy set of genes that give you super-high cholesterol levels.

Unless it's a diet that naturally lowers your cholesterol, like a whole foods low fat vegan diet

>> No.5282301

Epigenetics > Inherited Genetics

>> No.5282501

Annecdotally, clinton's vegan guri saw a picture of him eating a roll at a wedding reception, and called him up to remind him that vegans get heart disease too, and that clinton should never eat rolls.

>> No.5282504

No one is implying this at all, although epigenetics are obviously significant with respect to health.

>> No.5282551

Don't be an idiot. No mere diet helps someone who lost the genetic lottery and got the genes that cause the liver to churn out 500mg/dl cholesterol levels.

>> No.5282889

>implying the average person doesn't produce 1-2g of cholesterol a day.

>> No.5283149

blood pressure, friend.

>> No.5283152

so edgy

I meant those are real foods compared to canned garbage, i can't believe it's not butter or some other man-made shit

>> No.5283207


That's like saying people who are genetically predisposed to getting diabetes should just eat all the cake and cookes they want. Your genetics aren't absolute dictators of what disease you get and die of. Diet can offset it

>> No.5283218

contact the doctor to get some sort of pendant with a button to hotline-call the ambulance.

Acquire pacemaker if you ever get a heart attack

hope you inherited your mom's genes

dunno what else to say hombre

>> No.5283874
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Bumping with a cute gif for science.

>> No.5285028

I implied nothing of the sort. Lrn2readingcomprehension.

>> No.5285030


>> No.5285031

No it isn't, it's saying that not eating meat isn't going to fix the underlying problem. Don't be a fucking vegantard. Diet can help in a borderline case, and eating a shitty diet can kill you. Going low-fat-free-range-no-gluten-vegan doesn't do shit for major medical problems any more than the "Gerson diet" cures cancer.

>> No.5285942


Don't listen to that!
This whole "walking is healthiest" thing is bullshit. Jogging is fine. Just don't do sprints all day every day. A light to medium jog every morning is fine.
Swimming is the best exercise though. A morning swim is super healthy.

Don't Eat:
> too much red meat, a little is okay
> Sugary foods - again, occasionally is fine
> Soda - never drink soda ever
> simple carbs - white bread, most breads, pasta - limit these.

Do Eat:
> Nuts - walnuts, almonds, pecans
> Healthy oils - olive oil,
> Leafy greens - kale, spinach,
> antioxidant-rich foods: blueberries, green tea
> Local, organic fruits and vegetables and other fiber-rich things
> Lots of filtered water
> Red wine
> Inflammation-stopping herbs and spices like:
ginger, turmeric, hot peppers, garlic, cinnamon
> Local, non-contaminated fish [avoid anything fished near the gulf, it's still contaminated with oil and dispersants no matter what they say]

Keep your sodium intake fairly low as well, most people eat way too much sodium, it's in things you wouldn't even think of.

Try to go less processed.

Sleep is very important also. If you don't sleep well you'll end up sick and wishing you had slept better when you were young.

Good luck!

>> No.5285956

Try different brands

Buy raw, local honey at the farmer's market, put in a lot at first, slowly decrease the amount until you don't need to use any.

It's still sugar, but it's way more delicious and it's kind of more natural.

>> No.5285958 [DELETED] 


Fortunately, what you're saying is based on nothing. Why you think eating a diet that protects against a certain disease would do nothing to protect against a certain disease just because you're genetically prone to developing the idea, I have no idea. If anything, people more susceptible to heart disease or diabetes need to go on these kinds of diets more than anyone else

>> No.5285961


>> Healthy oils - olive oil,


"Healthy oil" is like "healthy sugar"

>> No.5285963


Fortunately, what you're saying is based on nothing. Why you think eating a diet that protects against a certain disease would do nothing to protect against a certain disease just because you're genetically prone to developing the disease, I have no idea. If anything, people more susceptible to heart disease or diabetes need to go on these kinds of diets more than anyone else

>> No.5285965

>"Healthy oil" is like "healthy sugar"

That's just straight bullshit.

You need fat to digest protein.

Obviously you shouldn't be smothering everything you eat in massive amounts of oil all the time, but it's not unhealthy to eat oils.

>> No.5285977


>You need fat

That's not even an argument. Every food on the planet has fat in it, and if you think you need extra fat in your diet there's whole foods like nuts and seeds that come with fiber and nutrients rather than just being refined fat, much like it's better to eat a piece of fruit than to just eat sugar

>> No.5286027
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This is a very helpful post, thanks.

Going to do more research into oil because I'm hearing conflicting things --even from doctors.

>> No.5286046

Ctrl+F "sogwish"
I am disappoint.

>> No.5286064
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you know something decent

>> No.5286075

Try going mainly pescetarian. As in substituting meat for fish. Add pulses and nuts. Eat low gi, high fibre carbs- those supposedly lower cholesterol or something especially oats. Stay away from highly refined carbs and sugars. Get plenty of exercise, eat up those veggies (do eat fruit, but those are pretty high in sugar so be careful). Don't have cheese too often either.

>> No.5286084

Oh, and go easy on the alcohol- that also ties in with the sugar, of course.

I'd be reluctant to label anything as an "evil" food as you'll probably just end up with mad cravings. Treat yourself every once in a while and if you stick to such a healthy diet, you'll probably find that you don't end up fancying "junk food" anyway.

>> No.5286730

no u

>> No.5286789

>keep your sodium intake low

Bullshit, it's been proven time and time again, that sodium does not even have a correlation to blood pressure outside certain specific diseases and conditions.

The guidelines make no sense either. A healthy adult will output about 100-200mmol of sodium in their urine. Thats about 6-12g of salt. The fda guidelines is 2.3g per day.

For active individuals, another 5-15g of salt can be output through sweat.

>> No.5286801

I just meant like, not crazy high.
Some people go way overboard on the salt and don't drink enough water.

So I guess the real advice is to balance your salt and water intake.

>> No.5286825

Oh, well i can't really argue then.

>> No.5286853

My advice is first and foremost variety. Modern understanding of nutrition and the human body change quite often, so I wouldn't try to nail down any "perfect" diet. Humanity just hasn't figured one out yet and probably won't for another several decades at least.

Variety is nice, though, it makes sure that you're getting all the various nutrients you need. So don't just focus on raw vegetables, or cooked vegetables. Eat both every day. And don't limit yourself to certain vegetables. Eat them all at least on occasion. Don't avoid red meat entirely or binge on it either. Eat it sometimes. Same with other meats.

That said, there's certain things that are really really good to eat. Things like salmon, kale, broccoli (get organic, they spray the shit out of the conventional stuff) blueberries, garlic and whole grains. You also want lots of fiber, find some fiber rich foods you enjoy and learn to prepare them well. Same with spices, eat a variety of spices not just the same old shit. Use variety in the colors of the foods you eat. Eat greens of course, but also eat reds (beets, strawberries) purples (eggplant) whites (onions) and every other color of the rainbow you can find in the produce department.

Lastly, exercise, sleep well each day on a regular schedule, stay well hydrated (you should be pissing several times a day) and avoid processed foods. And try to enjoy your life and don't be too scared of the future. Fear is stress, stress is bad. Learn to meditate if you ever get stress issues, it helps a lot. But yeah, back to diet, balance and variety. Best thing you can do.

>> No.5287425


>Don't avoid red meat entirely or binge on it either. Eat it sometimes. Same with other meats.

Unlike other foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, which science is pretty concrete in showing are beneficial, red and other meats aren't really "could be good, could be bad," virtually all data shows that it's either bad or neutral, so it would make more sense to just focus your diet on whole plant foods that we know are beneficial to health

>> No.5287451
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Thats how much my protein shake has...I much rather intake more protein than carbs

>> No.5287468

The vegans I know have a humongous beer belly

>> No.5287611



>> No.5287616


I've always wondered how vegans justify eating yeast, which is obviously a living being, and not simply fodder.

>> No.5287625
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What kind of school did you go to that told you yeast is an animal?

>> No.5287630


> implying you don't reproduce by budding

>> No.5287730

OP, the optimal solution for you is to eat a diet rich in vegans. They concentrate all that veganly goodness in their tissues, so you get a much more efficient source of veganism in your diet when you eat them.

The only downside is that they tend to be scrawny and have little protein on them, so you do have to eat a lot of them to get by.

>> No.5287739
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>mfw every chef at the college I attended called yeast bacteria

>> No.5287815

like a true communist

>> No.5288850

summer seems to come earlier every year

>> No.5288912
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>doesn't recognize the name
>obviously a newfag

yeah ok bitch

>> No.5289521

Though a pretty damn cancerous acid that forms in seafood gone a bit bad has been discovered, so maybe that's not an amazing idea either.

>> No.5290329


And of course by default, heterocyclic amines form in all cooked meat (sushi is spared from this)

>> No.5290377

S-so proteins are fucking each other in my steak?

>> No.5290461
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Please inform yourself, you shit covered fuck-cunt.

>> No.5290474
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>> No.5291074

i wish this picture was real

>> No.5291396

OP don't listen to these people. Diet is only one the many determinants of longevity. Correlative studies proves nothing about vegetarian or vegan diets. Eating a balanced diet while exercising and socializing often is better than vegetarianism or veganism alone. What studies often leave out in studies of Adventist and Okinawan lifespans is the fact that both place serious emphasis on social support and exercise, both of which aid in preventing bodily diseases.



>> No.5291521


If that pubmed article is saying that standard vegetarians still have a bit more protection than specifically "health-conscious non-vegetarians" wouldn't that mean the best option would be to be a health-conscious vegetarian/vegan? Just combine the best diet with the best lifestyle

I've seen similar sentiments before


>> No.5291996
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Check out post number 10 in pic related.

I didn't make or compile those posts, and I know nothing about whether the statements in the image hold any water, but as you're concerned about the state of your heart I thought you might be interested in this information.

It's maybe more something that could be discussed with a cardiologist though if you can afford it. I feel that would be your best move as there's a wide range of advice being given in this thread, some of which I'm sure would do you more harm than good.

>> No.5292947

Non-vegetarians were less likely to die. Which means eating meat would be the best option

>> No.5292956


>tfw when you're 13 and believe you know better than your parents, and everyone older than you, simply because they're seemingly out of touch with current day shit (and are old-fashioned).

>> No.5292958


most older people are highly out of touch with those sorts of things though

>> No.5292959

Let me clarify

According to the study posted, non-vegetarians are less likely to die.
>The reduced all-cause mortality compared with the general German population was somewhat stronger for nonvegetarians (SMR, 52; 95% CI, 44-61) than vegetarians (SMR, 62; 95% CI, 56-69)

Read the fucking study before you start with the stupid

>> No.5292995


>Which means eating meat would be the best option

No, it means exercise is the best option, and the term "health-conscious non-vegetarian" is misleading because it doesn't necessarily mean someone with a high meat diet, just someone who eats some amount of meat and then lots of fruits and vegetables with regular exercise. If that's the group you're comparing to just plain old non-health conscious vegetarians who can be eating nothing but donuts, the results should be huge, but it doesn't seem to be.

In other words, if you were to replaced meat in the non-vegetarians' diets with ice cream, you'd see the same results because it's every other factor that's making the difference, not the difference between meat consumptions vs no meat consumption

>> No.5293005

Again read the study
>Vegetarians reported more often a high level of physical activity.
Vegetarians exercised more, and still they died more.
>Smoking rates were very low, with only 3.9% of vegetarians and 8.0% of nonvegetarians being smokers
Just in case you decide to mention tobacco use

>> No.5293015


Where did it say that? You posted an abstract, do you have access to a full text?

>> No.5293017

I did not post the abstract anon posted it. I simply read it.

If you don't even know where to find the button for the full text I am worried about your education.

>> No.5293023


I see "free full text" but it isn't a link

>> No.5293027

LinkOut - More resources

Did you not have to do research in university?

I'm off to bed. Enjoy reading. You should find plenty in the article to make counterpoints.

>> No.5293028


Ah, I see it

>It should be pointed out, however, that even among the nonvegetarians in our study, there were only 0.4% (1.6%) who reported consuming meat (meat products) daily, 6.5% (4.9%) frequently (≥3 times/wk but not daily), and 28.1% (18.7%) occasionally (more than once a month but <3 times/wk). Therefore, the meat consumption was quite moderate compared with the general population

As I said, actual meat consumption was not the deciding factor for this set of data

>> No.5293035

Yeah, I was just having fun pulling out bits of information. Tomorrow we can talk about the flaws of the study, and why it shouldn't be used as a source.

>> No.5293056

>always through a straw

Now this is how you know you're a serious troll. Good work, comrade.

>> No.5293083

Probably genetics...also exercise.

>> No.5293091

top lel
>even cleans my teeth (I haven't brushed in years, and haven't had a cavity since).
I suppose I'm missing something, but shouldn't alcohol actually be capable of doing that?

>> No.5294115

You don't have to binge eat healthy food to start losing weight.

You know how I'm going about it? With an exercise (stationary) bike + eating smaller portions. That's all it takes to start.

With the bike I started only able to ride it for 7 minutes before puking and nearly passing out. Then up to 12, then 15, then 20, all the way up to 45 minutes and around 1000 calories burned.

As for the eating less part, it's simple. Just eat say, 2 slices of pizza instead of your normal 3 or whatever.

Also, never drink soda again if you can help it. That stuff is fucking horrific on your body.

>> No.5294269

>something as easy to prevent as obesity

Please take your head out of your ass.

>> No.5295119


>shouldn't alcohol actually be capable of doing that?

Why do you think it used to be in every mouthwash?

>> No.5295132

it is easy to prevent tho...

>> No.5295135


>> No.5295173


>if you have a glass of wine, you tend to swallow it,
>with mouthwash, you have a higher level of alcohol and spend longer swishing it around your mouth

'Straya confirmed for wine plebs.

Also, that article reads like it was written by a high school student (even though that's probably why alcohol-free mouthwash has become the norm).

In any case, that says nothing against alcohol cleaning your teeth. I'm not sure where I saw it (yeah, it was probably Vegas Vacation), but apparently nuclear fallout will keep your teeth clean and white as well.

You can find a study linking almost anything to cancer, but linking alcohol to mouth cancer, of all things, is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.5295194

Alcohol is widely known as a carcinogen. Why is that so ridiculous?

>> No.5295279

if none of them were overweight diabetics that smoked and drinked, maybe you should do that and it will reversal your fortune. just sayin.