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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5277101 No.5277101 [Reply] [Original]

we eat cows, pigs, rabbit, sometimes horse.... why NOT eat dolphin? I bet their flesh is tasty.

It looks very fatty, how would /ck/ prepare and serve a dish of dolphin?

>> No.5277103

high mercury

>> No.5277114

High in mercury

They're worth a lot more to sell into captivity

All the animals you listed are herbivores. Dolphins are predators, predators taste bad.

>> No.5277122

What happened to the dolphin?
Also why don't we ever hear about seahorses any more?
They are way cuter.

>> No.5277124

Because we eat enough damn animals up in here. I have more than enough chickens and cows and pigs and other animals to eat. I don't need to start taking more shit from the sea. I could have access to seal meat here too but seriously why bother? I don't need it.

>> No.5277127

Seahorses are endangered because the Chinese dry them and sell them for medicine. You can buy them in tubs dried up all over the place.

>> No.5277125

What happened?

>> No.5277131

because they are very intelligent mammals, it is unethical.

>> No.5277132


>> No.5277150

That dolphin may have been docile because he needed help, but if his friends were with him those 2 divers would be getting gang raped. Dolphins, not even once.

>> No.5277153

>not wanting the hot dolphin D

>> No.5277156


>> No.5277159

I think dolphins are really cool, but if it wasn't for the reasons already mentioned I'd probably eat them.

>> No.5277165

I'd sear the fuck out of a dolphin fillet on a bbq. Probably with some chilli and honey soy glaze.

>> No.5277174

Dolphins also save things that need help though.

>> No.5277173

If they tasted giid. We would eat them.

>> No.5277190
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I come to you on behalf of the dolphin people. We are friend to human. FRIEND. Human has been fucking up this planet for many year now, much to our dismay. But we know that you have many good people working to fix the planet too. We are patient. We are your allies.

If you decide to eat us, this would be considered an act of war upon the dolphin nation. We warn you that if that time came, no sea would be safe for any human to enter. This is I promise you. We are the god of the sea, what your Greeks called, Neptune. Do not fuck with us, else incur great wrath.

Dolphin Nation

>> No.5277191

Pretty much what everyone else said. It's pretty high in heavy metals. Just sell them into captivity instead of killing them for meat.

>> No.5277192

They're cute. Seriously, the whole reason people don't eat horses/cats/dogs/ect is because they form an emotional connection with them and find it abhorrent. If you'd ever been around a cow you'd understand.

>> No.5277198

I have eaten dolphin. It's not that great.

>> No.5277199
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>> No.5277217

I thought a porpoise was a dolphin?
What the WTF?

>> No.5277249
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*Gasp* I love my cows. I mean, yeah, I eat them but first I form an emotional connection. They're super cute and nice.

I have dogs too and it seems to me they have about the same emotional range, just they're a bit more naturally suspicious and perhaps a bit slower. But you can train them and everything. And they have a complex social hierarchy and they always remember who their babies are even when their babies are old mommas too. I swear to god they're smarter than horses.

I wish I could eat a fucking dolphin on principle now. My fucking cows are great.

>Pic related, muh galloway x angus cross.

>> No.5277257


more cow pics

>> No.5277258

Do you ever ride on top of a cow?

>> No.5277265

Because they'll start eating us.

Don't wanna piss dolphins off, haven't you seen those rape caves?

>> No.5277263
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Them '13 steers. Going to make good eating someday, my boys. Hereford/Charolais cross.

>> No.5277264

Different, though very similar, animals, like pigs and boars.

>> No.5277284
File: 1.47 MB, 3984x2240, Salvation1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. I had a Jersey steer named slick I kept around until he died of natural causes. He would let me play around on his back but he wasn't broke to ride.

I plan to do it again one day but you need a steer to make a good riding animal and so far I haven't loved one enough to feed it for the rest of it's natural life with no profit.

Here is "salvation". Named because she saved her momma Sparkles from going to slaughter by being born on loading day. She was a late surprise baby.

>> No.5277291


She's pictured with her pop, Curly Joe registered hereford. I am just borrowing him though.

Tell me Salvation isn't "cute". Edible, but cute.

>> No.5277303

>I thought a porpoise was a dolphin?
>What the WTF?
Some porpoises are dolphins. All bottlenosed dolphins are porpoises. Some dolphins are not mammals (they're fish), and some dimwit, because of Flipper and restaurant confusion, began calling it mahi mahi, a regional name, and even officially renamed it dolphinfish. Imagine if all fishes needed to be called -fish.

>> No.5277329
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>some dolphins are not mammals (they're fish)

I don't think that a dolphin fish is a dolphin though. I think all dolphins are mammals. Someone named that fish a dolphin fish but I think it was because at a distance it can be mistaken for one as they both enjoy leaping out of the water in the same manner.

Are there actual dolphins that aren't mammals? I don't think so but I'm not a biologist.

Similarly I do not believe dolphins are the same at all, rather they are another branch entirely of the cetacean family like dolphins and whales.

Although historically non-scientists have used the terms interchangeably to refer to any cetacean of that size.

>> No.5277332

Is that a Hereford? What breed tastes the best and what feed do you prefer? Corn, barley, alfalfa, soy, or hay, or do you use a mixture?

>> No.5277357
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Curly Joe (the bull) is full hereford. Salvation is Hereford x Angus.

I prefer crosses for their winter hardiness and their mothering skills. But I mainly use Angus, Beefmaster, Hereford, and Charlois cattle. Good beef breeds. The Galloway is a one off although I do like her lines. For sheer eating pleasure I have to say angus although they can be a bit lean if they're not crosses.

We feed just grass. Graze them naturally in the warm months and bale it up for the winter. Just regular grass, but you have to give them plenty of it. You can sell them for beaucoup bucks to the hipsters that way.

>> No.5277366

I knew a guy who habitually called tuna, "tunafish". Is that common?

>> No.5277421

It's common here in Miami.

>> No.5277426


I've noticed it is common among the Jews. So yeah, miami.

>> No.5277428

>You can tune a violin
>but you can't tunafish!
Fairly common, I'd say.

>> No.5277431


>we eat cows, pigs, rabbit, sometimes horse....

Speak for yourself

>> No.5277441
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To think it took 37 whole replies for this shit to show up! /ck/, you sure are off your game today.

>> No.5277496
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>*Gasp* I love my cows. I mean, yeah, I eat them but first I form an emotional connection

Usually when I form an emotional connection with something, and I say I love them, I don't kill them and eat them later

>> No.5277532
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Well you my friend have lived a sheltered life. Which is a good thing to be able to enjoy.

You see these fine animals that are so dear to my life would not exist if we did not eat them. It would be far too expensive to just have them all as pets. You can't set them free. I'd rather contribute to ethical farming than just put them all down or something send them off to factory farms.

I can only assure you that they spend every day of their life in pure cow happiness under the open skies and with their mommas and babies. I do love them all very much, arguably more than anything. But I have no moral compunction about using them for their intended purpose.

Most of us live in a sort of hypocrisy this way. 60 percent of people both believe that an animal has a right to live but also eat them. I at least always want to do my best by these animals and I love them but they are not pets.

This is Sweetie Petey. She was breech and I had to pull her from her momma myself. She's an angus hereford cross as well. Black white faced, they like to call them.

>> No.5277560

>I bet their flesh is tasty.
I can attest that it is. Porpoise too.

Several species are listed as least concern, but I'd imagine dolphin hunting would have to be tightly controlled to avoid another disaster like with whaling.

>Dolphins are predators, predators taste bad.
That's a ridiculous sweeping statement. I suppose you don't want to eat scavengers either. Me, I love a good crab every once in a while.

>because they are very intelligent mammals, it is unethical.
That's a fair point if you're vegan already, otherwise we'd have to stop eating all the very intelligent mammals.

>> No.5277588


Sweeping, but by and large fairly accurate. I eat crab but I'm not sure arthropods count, I wouldn't eat a vulture or a lion. Predators don't make good eating.

It's also uneconomical. You'd have to feed the domestic food dolphins so many fish to get them up to eating weight that it would be astronomically expensive. Same goes with other predators.

As with any rule there must be exceptions but there you have it.

>> No.5277594

scavenger =/= predator

>> No.5277609



>> No.5277647
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I am not offended by those that might disagree. We live in a wide free world. I am proud of what I do. I am more than at peace with what I do, I am nearly euphoric with what I have accomplished.

Apache "Patchie" Queen, my matriarch cow. Angus x beefmaster cross. By god is she ugly but she is the fucking BOSS. The only cow I can't hug at whim. It would make her appear "soft" so I have to leave it at head scratchins.

>> No.5277702

Sometimes I wonder if vegans are more concerned with berating people for the supposed hypocrisy of non-vegans caring about animal welfare than berating them for eating meat in the first place.

But then again, this seems more common in societies that are generally more callous towards animals like Australia and the United States. I suppose In countries where people as a whole are more concerned with animal rights the vegans don't find such an attitude so unusual.

>> No.5277712
File: 52 KB, 450x452, fox-hunting-pic-pa-161062217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really the whole anglosphere excels at animal cruelty.

>> No.5277726

>Really the whole anglosphere excels at animal cruelty.
Foxes were pests, weren't they? It'd be like killing a wolf that ate your chicken, or taking that gator out of the lake on your property so that your dog didn't die. You have a responsibility as an animal caretaker to remove a predator from your land, if you have innocents. At some point, it's not just nature, but a collision between domesticated animals and crops vs something that needs to be in the wilderness. When you force coexistence, at some point, it becomes more about who's life is more valuable or vulnerable. So, while it is a sport, it's also useful. And, the dog breeds were fashioned over the years as specific hunter types, as the terrain needed.

>> No.5277733

>Sweeping, but by and large fairly accurate.
It's completely arbitrary.

>I eat crab but I'm not sure arthropods count
Sure, only count what happens to be convenient to you.

>I wouldn't eat a vulture or a lion. Predators don't make good eating.
>As with any rule there must be exceptions but there you have it.
There are tons of animals that are terrible to eat and tons that are delicious. Out of land animals there's a bias towards herbivores, but there are far too many exceptions to call it a rule, especially with all the marine predators that are widely consumed.

>scavenger =/= predator
I brought it up because it's just as retarded to refuse to even consider eating an animal because it's a scavenger.

>> No.5277748


Oh don't be grumpy. You can eat predators if you want. I didn't say I refuse to consider eating anything. I was just saying people don't generally eat predators.

>> No.5277780


There is just too much hypocrisy to even rationally discuss this topic. If we were all as fair as we could be we would go out and kill our cats. They kill for fun. Over 1 billion critters a year in the states alone could be saved. Or instead of feeding domestic mice and rats to our snakes we should feed them parts of the dead cats and dogs that we are already killing in "shelters" and cut out all the additional suffering. But we can't do it, it is too emotional and hypocritical at the same time.

I mean people shouldn't eat animals? Okay. What about animals that eat other animals? It is natural for them to do that? Well it is arguably natural for humans as well. So should we get the lions to eat tofu? I mean it is just a quarrelsome topic where no one wins and everyone gets mad and then upset.

>> No.5277802

Are we going to have this thread every month?

>> No.5277804

>Foxes were pests, weren't they?
In Australia, yes. So in your mind because they are an invasive species they deserve to suffer for your amusement? Just fucking shoot them and be done with it.

>You have a responsibility as an animal caretaker to remove a predator from your land
No, you don't. What are shepherds? Besides, if you kill all the predators you're going to be overrun by elk, rabbits and other rodents which cause massive amounts of damage to your forests and crops.

>When you force coexistence, at some point, it becomes more about who's life is more valuable or vulnerable.
What you call forced coexistence is really the natural state of an ecosystem where predation and limited food supplies keeps one species from overrunning the rest.

>So, while it is a sport, it's also useful. And, the dog breeds were fashioned over the years as specific hunter types, as the terrain needed.
If you want to ride around on horseback in stupid costumes with your dogs, look into drag hunting.

>> No.5277810

>I was just saying people don't generally eat predators.
And I'm saying eating predators is generally accepted outside of already vegetarian societies.

>> No.5277814

>the natural state of an ecosystem
doesn't include domesticated cattle and farming acres of land, let alone the your backyard garden. If an animal, like a bear, becomes too familiar, it needs to go. If there is a rabies epidemic, that raccoon that eats from your garbage doesn't need to be saved either.

>> No.5277842


Can you think of a predator that is commonly consumed that isn't a fish? I am just trying to brain storm here.

I'm not sure how I feel the dolphin fits in here. On one hand it is sea dwelling where most of the predators we do eat happen to come from and on the other hand it is a mammal and as far as I can consider we very rarely eat any carnivorous mammals.

Dogs and cats are the only one I can think of but there is a very strong cultural taboo against that in many societies so I wouldn't consider it widely accepted.

I guess dolphins are just one of those things that we don't eat very often and that's all anyone needs to know about it.

>> No.5277895
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>> No.5277910

>doesn't include domesticated cattle
If anything that's an argument for not having that. That's the vegan position, but surely we can make a compromise somewhere in-between?

>If an animal, like a bear, becomes too familiar, it needs to go.
Depending on the circumstances, hunting to make a population more fearful of humans would be beneficial to both the humans and the rest of the animals. But that's about nudging the natural selection in the right direction, not decimating a population, which is what happens when farmers go overboard.

>If there is a rabies epidemic, that raccoon that eats from your garbage doesn't need to be saved either.
I'm not familiar with raccoons other than that they are invasive in Europe, but where they are native and you can improve the health of the population as a whole without killing off all of them, go ahead.

>> No.5277942

>Can you think of a predator that is commonly consumed that isn't a fish? I am just trying to brain storm here.
Bear meat is all I can think of...and the liver is toxic.

>> No.5277960


Shit, and bears are omnivores, aren't they? They eat mainly berries and grubs and shit. At worst they're pescatarians. I can't think of any unabashedly predatory land creature that people routinely eat. Still open to suggestions if anyone can think of one.

>> No.5277979

>then this happened
then what happened? I don't get it.

>> No.5277982

Well reptiles are carnivores and we eat them..from snakes to gators. If they weren't restricted we'd still be eating sea lions, most turtles. We do eat marlin, swordfish, grouper and tuna. But I do think the rest of the actual fish and land wildlife predators we do not eat for various reasons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_apex_predators

>> No.5278015


I hadn't thought of the gators. Still no land mammals. Odd, eh? Thanks for the input, anon.

>> No.5278033

some great apes (gorrilas i think, maybe chimps) are popular in africa, it really fucks with the convervation - i'm pretty sure they eat a lot of meat

>> No.5278042

Dolphins don't gangrape, it's a misconception because of their rather foreign mating habits. Ducks do though, to the point where they don't give a shit if they kill their victim.

>> No.5278043



>> No.5278094

I heard dog taste delicious.

>> No.5278095
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>Really the whole anglosphere excels at animal cruelty.
5/10 made me reply

>> No.5278116


I don't think they actually eat much in the way of meat. Especially gorillas. They almost eat entirely greens. I know chimps are definitely omnivores.

I believe that other types of animals are also eaten as bushmeat that include fully carnivorous animals though.


I had previously discounted dogs in an earlier post as there is a strong taboo against eating them in many parts of the world. However upon reflection there is at least as strong of a taboo for eating them on the other half the planet so I have to say that dog must be the only example I can think of commonly eaten carnivorous mammalian land animal.

>> No.5278126

Just because blacks are known for crime and gangrape in places like Atlanta and Detroit doesn't mean all humans are bad.

>> No.5278140


Just because whites are known to kill foxes in Wales doesn't mean all humans are bad.

>> No.5278755

Is that really the worst thing you could think of for white people? Man we really are the best race.

>> No.5278813

>Dolphins are predators, predators taste bad.

Most birds are predators and eat insects, but still taste glorious. Shark tastes great.

A lot of omnivores such as bears are also very much edible and tasty.

>> No.5278820

>Still no land mammals. Odd, eh?
Carnivorous mammals tend to have parasites that can survive in human body. For long periods of time this was a seriously good reason not to eat them.

>> No.5278829


Go ask the dumbass Japs and their deformed children how eating dolphin turns out.

>> No.5278850

bears are saprovores, they smell and taste like rotting trash

>> No.5279063

>Go ask the dumbass Japs and their deformed children how eating dolphin turns out.
I never understood the point of giving whale and dolphin to kids. It's not as if you serve foie gras or caviar at school lunches, a kid is just as happy with cheap hamburgers and hot dogs.

I suspect there's some whalefucker FUD going on here.

>> No.5279142

This was true of pork as well, nowadays there's no need for crazy superstitious about eating predators, now we have the technology to see whether one particular animal is safe to eat or infected with zoonotic parasites.

I've had bear, actually it was surprisingly bland, but with a hint of blood. Nothing really wrong with it, but not worth the trouble of getting hold of. Seal is nice, though, like dolphin and whale, fish eating predators are usually good. Those are the only caniformes I've had.

Dog I won't try because meat dogs are kept in horrible conditions. The same probably goes for domestic cat.

>> No.5279646

>deformed children

That's leftover radiation from American exceptionalism.

>> No.5279678
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Why not eat people?

>> No.5279685

Some animals just mean more to us. Why ridicule Asian people for eating dogs? Why not eat dogs?

We associate certain animals with being closer to us, so we don't eat them.

>> No.5279693

I'd eat human flesh if I knew that I could get away with it.

>> No.5279699
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>I will never eat a person alive

>> No.5279716

I'm in despair! Not eating human flesh has left me in despair!

>> No.5279728


Except Pigs ARE boars so no, not really at all

More like rabbits and hares

>> No.5279738
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>> No.5279750

Hares are a type of rabbit but you're right. After I posted that, I was gonna delete it and use "domestic cattle and wild bison" instead because that was more apt, but as no one responded before I stopped caring, I just left it as-is.

>> No.5279755

>Hares are a type of rabbit

Hares do not bear their young below ground in a burrow as do other leporids, but rather in a shallow depression or flattened nest of grass called a form. Young hares are adapted to the lack of physical protection, relative to that afforded by a burrow, by being born fully furred and with eyes open. They are hence precocial, and are able to fend for themselves soon after birth. By contrast, the related rabbits and cottontail rabbits are altricial, having young that are born blind and hairless.
All rabbits (except the cottontail rabbits) live underground in burrows or warrens, while hares (and cottontail rabbits) live in simple nests above the ground, and usually do not live in groups. Hares are generally larger than rabbits, with longer ears, and have black markings on their fur. Hares have not been domesticated, while rabbits are kept as house pets. The domestic pet known as the "Belgian hare" is a rabbit that has been selectively bred to resemble a hare.
The hare's diet is similar to the rabbit's. They are both in the order Lagomorpha.

>> No.5279763

All animals in leporidae are rabbits, no? I think they are. In my language, all similar animals are called one word which is related to 'leporidae.' Wild rabbits are called another word and domesticated rabbits a third one. It doesn't work this way in English? Rabbits for all of them, hares for wild ones and bunnies for domesticated ones?

>> No.5279779
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>Hares are a type of rabbit but you're right

Yeah like Whales and Dolphins are a type of fish

>> No.5279784

Dolphins are a type of toothed whale, though.

>> No.5279796
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>All animals in leporidae are rabbits

>> No.5280011


Dolphins, whales, and porpoises are all cetaceans but they are each members of different sub orders or species.

The term "whales" can be used to describe all members of the order cetacea but the term is commonly used to exclude dolphins and porpoises who are members of a suborder meaning "toothed whales" but this also includes some whales like baleen whales so that is misleading.

So the whole thing is just convoluted. They're all similar but not the same.

I'm not a biologist or anything but sometimes I feel like they're pulling a lot of this out of their ass.

>> No.5280020

Dolphins are toothed whales. Baleen whales, by definition, cannot be toothed whales because they have a baleen in their mouth, not teeth.

>> No.5280054


You're right. I was skimming and scanning and misread beaked as baleen. Whoops.

>> No.5280127
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On a slightly related note I have always wondered where the nipples on whales and dolphins are. I mean obviously they feed their young milk but you don't ever see mammaries on them. I tried googling it but to unsatisfactory results. It looks like it must be in the dorsal slit but that just seems uncomfortable for the dolphin.

It really makes you wonder about larger whales because at least baby dolphins have sort of a beak they can dig in with. Baby whales have huge clunky heads, I would assume they'd need sort of an udder to latch on.

God, the things I do with my time.

If you're wondering about dolphin meat, /ck/, imagine dolphin cheese, dolphin yogurt and dolphin ice cream. That would be a decadent treat. I would guess it would be very fatty since they've got to grow quickly.

>> No.5280142
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Oh god it looks like it is being rebirthed. Welp, done googling.

>> No.5282653

rabbits are not rodents