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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 549 KB, 1000x634, raw-veggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5273899 No.5273899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that increasing the amount of raw vegs and fruits in your diet will change your experience of the body.

Yeah, drop all the vegan crap, thats ridiculous, but just try for a few days or weeks a good amount of colorful raw stuff diminishing the packed and animal stuff and i guarantee a feeling of wellness you have NEVER felt, youll regret having wasted so much time but will be eager to get it back!

>dem colors
>dem smells
>dem fucking tastes!

>> No.5273906
File: 497 KB, 2000x1455, healing_foods_pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for ignoring

beans and grains

the genuine backbone of a healthy living

>> No.5273919

Raw fava beans are amazing.

>> No.5273929

Beans and grains are not naturally human food. If you can't pick it up off the ground and eat it as is, you shouldn't be eating it at all.

>inb4 muh meat worms
Wild meat isn't diseased and filled with poison

>> No.5273944

wow are you with NASA

>> No.5273952

>be me
>eat huge amount of dairy
>eat huge amount of meat
>also eat huge amount of fruits, vegetables, grains and beans

It's not like you have to drop eating meat to eat fruit, all you have to do is NOT be a fucking lazy asshole.

My breakfast today for example

>2 slices of papaya
>1 slice of melon
>sprinkled some ground brown flaxseed on top of it
>omelette (2 whites/1 whole)
>some quark cheese with the egg
>a glass of functional high fiber yogurt


>> No.5273955

>Wild meat isn't diseased
It can be.

>and filled with poison
It can be.

>> No.5273959
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Comic Sans.

>> No.5273972

If you can't pick up your meat off the ground and eat it, you shouldn't be eating it.

>> No.5273978

That's actually a good rule to live by. Ideally, people would eat what they kill. Eating meat is natural. Factory farming is not.

>> No.5273994

I ignored them intnentionally, they are just less bad than animal proteins but remain a toxin source. check that fear of protein deficiency, it has no real base.

this. we are meant to eat fruits and vegs, but our bodies can tolerate other stuff when we find ourselves deprived of them. if we dont die one hour later after eating something it does not mean it is nutritious for our bodies.

holy... you know, what one eats is as important as HOW one eats it, and that breakfast is a bomb for the body.

>> No.5273997

Would you pick meat off the floor and eat it, seriously?

I don't think you'd live long.

>> No.5274007

You're misunderstanding me on purpose, right?

>> No.5274008

I read somewhere a long time ago that having a diet of at least 50% raw fruits and vegetables does magic to your body. Clears up your skin, clears up your mind, makes you less prone to sickness/diseases, much lower chance of getting cancer, etc etc.

To be honest, it's not even that difficult to eat a diet consisting of at least 50% raw foods. If you replace all your snacks from processed shit to fruits that's already a huge chunk of the percentage. Then just add some vegetables to your lunch and dinner instead of just eating potatoes and meat and you've got your 50%.

>> No.5274021

>, they are just less bad than animal proteins but remain a toxin source.

wow just wow

>> No.5274023

Please help me.

Ever since I was a kid I've hated fruits and Vegetables, I thought it would be something I'd grow out of but I'm 21 now and still can't eat anything remotely good for me.

I try shit like apples all the time hoping that I'll be able to eat it but I can't I hate the texture of fruits, wet crunchy food makes me gag until I have to spit it out and vegetables have a really earthy taste that I don't like either.

Fruits are worse to me than vegetables with the exception of Onion which makes me gag and my jaw lock.

The only vegetables I can handle are Peas and Sweetcorn and the only fruit I can handle are Raisins and I don't think that even counts as a fruit.

Does anybody know of any methods to adjusting to foods with textures that you can't stand because It's shutting me off to nearly everything that I can eat outside of grains and meat.

>> No.5274025

uhh you can grow up and stop acting like a child

reminder this is a 18+ site

>> No.5274027

I achieved the same results on a carnivore diet

>> No.5274031
File: 5 KB, 213x160, 13956328424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm allergic to raw vegetables
>and peanuts
Goddamn I wish I could eat peanuts..

>> No.5274032

I tend to eat a decent enough amount of fruit and veggies in general but sometimes I'll eat a lot more for weeks at a time when I stock up at costco and during those times I feel exactly the same.

>> No.5274034

Well obviously it's a childhood thing that's still affecting me psychologically, it's not like I'm refusing to eat it at all, I am trying to make an effort to eat it.

>> No.5274038

eat minimal amounts faggot

till your body acclimates

>> No.5274046

Blended soups and juice

>> No.5274055

That's not how allergies work dumb ass.

The world would be a better place if it was.

>> No.5274089

ITT: a bunch of people pretend they know what they're talking about

>> No.5274102


get real

>> No.5274108


I do the same thing, also notice no difference. I wish all the crap that people claim will make you feel better actually worked on me, guess it must just be placebo but I wish I bought into it.