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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5268962 No.5268962 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you /ck/s grow your own herbs? I tried keeping mint and chives indoors but those fuckers just died on me. Are they wrong as houseplants? If so, which herbs grow better inside rather than outside.

General herb growing thread

>> No.5269008

Yes I grow rosemary, thyme, parsley, tarragon, basil and mint.
Everybody should.

>> No.5269024

Gonna try it the first time this weekend.
Still don't know if I'm going to grow them from seeds or get small plants.

As I don't have a garden, my sunlight is pretty limited (ground floor, buildings all around) and it's a rented apt. (I'm not gonna mount a window box), I'm going to try to get a few on my window sill - probably thyme, rosemary, majoram, chives and basil.

>> No.5269039

Yeah, but you grow them indoors? Outdoors?

Best indoor herbs?

>> No.5269046

What are you going to try an grow?

>> No.5269057

>probably thyme, rosemary, majoram, chives and basil.

I had a basil plant from the supermarket last year, and it lived until autumn - so I hope the rest will work as well

as far as my research goes:
important factors for inside growing:
sunlight - does the plant need a lot or not. choose a place accordingly (southfacing window / westfacing window / etc)
air humidity - most herbs don't like a too humid climate, air the room daily (esp. important if you are trying it in a kitchen)
don't water herbs too much, don't let them stand in water - shit can rot away

just google the information like I did.
a nice point to start is
with herb specific information

>> No.5269069

I tried to do chives indoors two years in a row fuckers died not long after sprouting, last year stuck em outside as soon as it was no longer frosty, they thrived all year, kept the tub over winter, right now they're all back again having established last year and they're big now, tub looked dead till a few week ago literally nothing growing in it. Seems like chives love an abusive relationship.

>> No.5269105

It's your drunken underarm pit smell, it's killing off the plants. Clearly, they need more ventilation.

You cruel plant killer!

>> No.5269110
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We have rosemary, lavender (if it counts) and thyme in the garden. Mint, sage and chives on the rockery in the front garden.

We used to have parsley but it was decimated by our four buns.

>> No.5269112

They need sun 6 or so hours a day and to be watered (not soaked) once a day. If you have some walls outside that get sun get some hanging garden things or those hanging pockets and use them so they get the sunlight they need.
if you're going to grow them inside move them to a window sill or something

>> No.5269116

Sorry, forgot to answer your other questions- basil and parsley should be fine on your kitchen window sill (as long as it gets a lot of light).

>> No.5269122

Basil, thyme and rosemary at the moment. Nothing beats herbs plucked right from the plant for flavor.

>> No.5269125

I'm thinking of moving my plants outside in order to give them more sun but the weather here is always changing. Sometimes it's great and other times it's freezing at night.

>> No.5269138

My bun ate my bean that I was growing. I was watching it grow for a week and he ate it in one bite.

>> No.5269147

I tried this last year. Basil did well, rosemary cannot be killed, thyme was extremely finicky and grew like shit unless it got a lot of direct sunlight. I had mint and catnip, both of which got their ass kicked by powdery mildew. Short of that, they're both extremely hearty plants. Everything pretty much needed to be watered every day.

>> No.5269190

As a kid, I once had a few cloves of garlic growing in a small pot near my window. Extremely easy to take care of, and the plant had a very similiar taste to chives.

>> No.5269242
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fucking rabbits man

most /ck/ pet

>> No.5269331

I have basil, mint, rosemary, salvia, thyme, oregano and ciboulette.

Basil dies after summer so it's a good time to start growing it now. It needs a lot a water. Purple basil is bit more resistent to the heat and lack of water.
Mint also needs lots of water. Be careful not to drown them tho, make sure the pot drain the soils well otherwise they die.

If you can, take them out a few ours a day to the sunlight. or place them somewhere they recieve light at a certain time of the day.

Rosemary, thyme and salvia do just well outside, they take the cold quite well but they do need lots of sunlight, so if you decide to grow them inside make sure they get it. Water them just once a day, and try not to get their foliage too wet cause it tends to get yellow and stuff.
My salvia was growing so nice and big and then the rains came and it died by the end of the season. :c

I had this huge oregano plant until some fucking ants ate it away, so i decided to grow it inside. It's quite invasive so if you have it on a small pot prune it regularly so it grows up and not to the sides. Also needs lot of sunlight or it will grow slow as fuck.

Ciboulette practically needs no care. I discovered that if you grow it inside tho it has a more tender texture and a lighter color, but that's pretty much it.

>> No.5269334

Hell yes my bun loves it when I'm cooking, as he lives in the breakfast area of the kitchen, little bastard loves those vegetable trimmings.

>> No.5269348



>> No.5269353


>tiny shopping cart

>> No.5269364

Fuck yes, rabbits > compost heap

I had never seen a creature so happy until I gave my rabbit basil. She went absolutely apeshit.

>> No.5269612

Mint goes fucking mad when planted outside, keep it well away from any other herbs that you might like to live.

Basil does well on a winsowsill, chives too but grow better outside.

Rosemary will go absolutely nuts in the right condition and outlive humanity so be wary of whether you want a hedge or just a small plant.

>> No.5269694

hell yeah man I grow some of that dank Cali 420 herb ya know what I mean some of that smoky smoke off the smoke dank ass bud green weed mari-don't-you-wanna wacky tobacky sticky icky-ickyy OOO WEEE and I blaze it 25 hours a day, 366 days a year and it's some hella dank bomb-ass fire shiznit, ya feel me? I rip fat bong hits offa that shit and I'm straight blowing smoke like a chimney

>> No.5269697


nigger's been snoking the oregano, yo

>> No.5269743

Best pet because once its old you can eat it.

>> No.5269775

The only herbs my cat doesn't destroy are basil, thyme, and rosemary, so that's what I have. They all survived this past winter and the low light conditions where I live, so I'm getting more in a month or two.

>> No.5269779

>implying you can't eat cats, dogs or birds

>> No.5269792

I grow dill. Soak it in oil and use the oil for fish. I grow spearmint for tisane

>> No.5269830
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I live in Australia and I was away for a few months during January when there was a huge heat wave. When I came back to my apartment, my little chive plant had died.
I was too lazy to throw it out, and the other day I went out onto my balcony only to find it has completely regrown. Crazy shit.

>> No.5270259

only if you kill it yourself

when it just dies you shouldn't eat it

>> No.5270328

Had a huge crop of cilantro from a friend I gave seeds to. Made alot of guacamole.

>> No.5270507

I need to replant some of my herbs. I have mixed success with keeping chives and basil going by bringing them inside or cutting them back during the winter, and moving them out of direct sun in the summer, but I live in a hot desert climate. If they die off and don't come back at all, I just replant in late winter/early spring. Rosemary and mint grow here like hearty weeds, so long as they get water and aren't eaten by insects (insects are more an issue for mint than rosemary).

>> No.5271439

If I grew my own plants I would at least start with certified organic seeds that are non-gmo.

if I am growing it myself, I'm going to tell monsanto to screw off by growing my plants the right way.

>> No.5271442

I want to grow herbs, but can anyone tell me about how long it takes for herbs to regrow? Like if I pluck off a few basil leaves, will it be another week or so before they grow back?

>> No.5271447

the best thing I noticed was to have lots of basil plants and only take very few leaves from each one so that it looks like basically nothing happened to them, and not take from them very often.

>> No.5271470

fuck off vegan scum

>> No.5271583

I have chives now but it I don't know how to keep it from falling out of the plant. It's too weak to hold itself up. So do I need to keep trimming it? And won't that kill it?

>> No.5271606

just harvest them
leave around half an inch
either use or you can cut up and freeze them

>> No.5271612

How long do they keep in the freezer?

>> No.5271617

Rosemary, parsley, basil, thyme, mint, chives, sage.
I grow them strictly outdoor since most of them need lots of sunlight.

>> No.5271628

Most of them are susceptible to dying in cold weather, right?

I love oregano so I want to grow it since I go through a lot of it in a month. But the weather here can sometimes get really cold at nights.

>> No.5271646

Where I live cold weather is not an issue but yes, frost or extended exposure to subzero temperatures are likely to kill some of them.
Overwatering might also damage/kill them (this does not apply for mint).

>> No.5271648

See >>5271646

>> No.5271681

That's only done when the question is posted after the answer.

>> No.5271700
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>> No.5271725

I did when I was living back home.

I'm living overseas with just a porch to grow on with a quarter days of sunlight, I don't know how my rosemary, chives, and basil will do. I guess we'll see.