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5267097 No.5267097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have recently been developing my whiskey palate to the best of my ability as a complete noob who is ballin' on a budget. Would welcome recommendations on stuff to try that's affordable, tips on tasting, whatever you guys know.

I've settled on Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey as my kind "always have a bottle of this" go-to default. I also see Eagle Rare (10) as another that will regularly be in my rotation. I've been experimenting with scotch and REALLY liked the Laphroaig (10) as something I could see myself regularly buying. Had my socks blown off by a taste of Nikka Taketsuru (17) but it's a pipe dream at over $100 a bottle.

>> No.5267122

affordable easy access: knob creek, four roses, blantons, woodford reserve, BULLEIT

>> No.5267169

My go to reccomendation for scotch and bourbon crossover drinkers is elijah craig 12, seems to appeal to both drinkers most of the time.
You wont find the value for money in scotch as you will in bourbon, heck I cant think of a scotch I would drink neat for less than $40, but there a plenty of bourbons under $20 worth buying

>> No.5267200

>buffalo trace
Mah nigga. When I was in my early teens my dad worked for a liquor store in west Tennessee and he got to tour their facilities a few times. There was always a bottle in the house. I don't even like whiskey and I love that shit

>> No.5267201


only their rye though, there are much better bourbons for its price

>> No.5267204

>elijah craig
>buffalo trace

is /ck/ just going to rec the same whiskeys over and over again?

>> No.5267208

This is my go-to scotch, $50-65/bottle depending on where I buy it. Very worth it.

>> No.5267217
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>> No.5267219

Within a certain price range, there's a pretty clear canon of what's the best out there. There's a much stronger reliance on experience and tradition in the whiskey game. Not like beer where any little microbrewery can make a name for themselves with something they cooked up yesterday. It takes time before it's even really drinkable any longer than that to get it really right. The best tend to be the ones who have been at it a while.

>> No.5267252

kind of new to whiskey myself, but Booker's (~$40) has been the best bourbon I've had . Also up there are Woodford Reserve (~$35), Knob Creek (~$35). and Wild Turkey 101 (a great deal at ~$25, too bad I moved and now can't find it anywhere)

best deal has to be Evan Williams Black Label (~$10), and I think it's better than nearly every bourbon in the sub-$25 range.

>> No.5267259


> look up Booker's
> $70.55


>> No.5267261

Is Canadian Club whisky any good?

>> No.5267263

Umm yeh fag when requests stop being
>im new to whiskey
And start being
>please challenge me and price is no issue

3/10 because you made me reply

>> No.5267265


>> No.5267271

For a mixer, very average neat, even their "top shelf" stuff is piss

>> No.5267272

Good, I plan to mix... My usual is Wild Turkey 101 but couldn't pass this up at 1.75L @ 24$

>> No.5267273

it's piss

>> No.5267275

Damn, where are you? $50 in my area. Not as a bad, but I'd be nice to get it for $40.

>> No.5267278


Ontario, Canada

>> No.5267279
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hate all you fucking want, but it's good for what it is

>> No.5267289

You sicken me

>> No.5267293

The best budget scotch I've had is The Glenlivet 12

>> No.5267294

I don't mind it at all, especially at under $20, and it's not bad straight though Jim Beam Black is a bit better and only few bucks more usually (though the stores around me have them both at $18)

>> No.5267303

Someone's been watching too much Mad Men.

>> No.5267311

american psycho made me drink j&b often

>> No.5267318
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i've only had a few low-tier blended scotch, of which only J&B was the only one I sort of liked (Dewar's is tolerable; Cutty Sark and Johnnie Walker Red are swill), but had some Johnnie Walker Black and it's simply amazing. I could go through a bottle as if it were water.

Does anyone know what scotch are in its blend or any recs on single malts I should check out?

>> No.5267324

Never seen the show in my life, just bought it because it was cheap in bulk and my tolerance is getting up there

Though i did try Jameson after seeing it so much in True Detective... and its great on the rocks

>> No.5267334

You should try out Caol Ila, as it is the smokieness which you can taste in JW&JnB

>> No.5267356

Booker's is such good stuff, and it's a fucking steal for how good it is. Not my favorite bourbon but probably my go-to.

Bourbon: Booker's, Elijah Craig 12, Elmer T. Lee, Evan Williams single barrel (make sure it's the single barrel though, big difference in quality imo), four roses single barrel. There's better stuff out there for sure but all those are solid, interesting, and reasonably priced.
Since you mentioned you liked Laphroaig, I'd definitely suggest Ardbeg 10 (or better yet Uigeadail if it's in your budget), Lagavulin 16, Talisker 57 North, and Caol Ila 12. If you're interested in trying a less peated scotch, some of my favorites are Glenfarclas 15, Highland Park 12 (or 18) Glendronach 15 revival, Arran 14, Aberlour A'bunadh, and pretty much any Glenmorangie- they do a lot of different cask finishes, so their lineup is pretty diverse.
>Tips on tasting
Biggest one by a mile is to take your time. As the whiskey in your glass oxidizes, the flavors and aromas you pick up will change. The stronger and more recently opened the whiskey is, the longer this process takes. Also don't be afraid to add a bit of water- the water can really open up the flavors and also help to quite down the alcohol burn, if it's inhibiting your ability to taste properly. Taste neat, then VERY SLOWLY (at least until you get a feel for how much water to add) put water in. Don't add too much, as you'll dilute your drink - usually a few drops is enough.
Getting a proper glass- ideally something like a glencairn, but any glass with a similar narrower-at-the-top shape will be OK- helps a lot more than I expected it to when I was first starting out. The shape of the glass concentrates the smell, which also affects how strongly you taste the whiskey. Glencairn glasses are pretty cheap and easy to find, too.
Most of all, of course, enjoy your whiskey how you want to enjoy it. You spent the money on it so that you could enjoy it, so enjoy it.

>> No.5267370

>You wont find the value for money in scotch as you will in bourbon, heck I cant think of a scotch I would drink neat for less than $40, but there a plenty of bourbons under $20 worth buying
Yeah that's the big advantage bourbon has imo. Can be just as good as the best Scotland has to offer but the reputation is a lot different and because of that you spend like a third of what you'd spend for a similarly-rated scotch.

Shit I forgot rye recommendations. If you're interested in trying some straight ryes (sort of like bourbon, but less sweet, less rich, and more spice/herbal flavors), try something like Rittenhouse 100, Bulleit rye (their bourbon is shit though so don't bother with it), Whistlepig, Masterson's, or pretty well any High West rye.

Also if you ever see bottles of them, old Willett Family Estate bourbons and ryes can be absolutely god-tier, right up there with the very best whiskies in the world. Bottles have sort of off-white labels with a coat of arms on them. Their single-barrel bourbons especially can be fantastic, they're often pretty similar flavor-wise to George T. Stagg.

>> No.5267524


Ontario bro here. Gotta love government monopoly on alcohol sales.

Yay taxes up the ass on everything.

>> No.5267546

I know what you mean... BC is the same way.

>> No.5267570
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>Johnnie Walker Black

>> No.5267935

has anyone else noticed whiskey or bourbon gives the least hangovers? everytime when I drink over 300ml of vodka (not even the cheap one) I'm starting to feel really bad, have cold sweats and have to go to sleep. I'm usualy vomiting the whole next day. I can drink much more whisky, be pleasantly drunk and without hangover. Is because something in the production process minimizes the impurities?

>> No.5267967

Alberta advantage here. We have pseudoprivate stores, but we're being raped by harper like everyone else is.

>> No.5268021
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Wa state, booze was cheaper before it went private, that have a huge tax on it at the register now, so a 7 dollar fifth rings up to be like $12.50

gonna start distilling my own booze though. first flavored neutral spirits then whiskeys, and dark rums.

>> No.5268062
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no. vodka is made with a type a still that should make it contain almost nothing but ethanol and water.

Try the dirt cheap quadruple distilled mcormick vodka.

whiskey is made with a pot still and will contain a lot more impurities and thus more flavor, but also more bad stuff (methanol fusel oils etc.)

those higher order alcohols might slow the processing of the ethanol perhaps...

>"Single malt whiskies are chemically complex and are known to contain several hundreds of individual components (congeners) including a variety of alcohols, aldehydes, acids, esters and phenols, as well as carbonyl-, sulphur- and nitrogen-containing compounds. Many of these contribute to the flavour of a whisky and the relative concentrations of each are dependent upon variations in raw materials and production methods. Consequently, each single malt whisky is discernable from any other, including those produced at a neighbouring distillery."

>> No.5268088

The way privatization went down in WA is egregious, it's like the initiative went through so the legislature decided that while they couldn't do anything to stop it they could still milk it for all it was worth.
30% tax seems a bit much.

>> No.5268329

Between Elijah Craig 12, Evan Williams single barrel, Eagle Rare 10Yr and Jim Beam Black, which would be a good choice for a cheap bourbon gift?

>> No.5268439

I'd go for either Elijah Craig myself out of those.

>> No.5268852

>REALLY liked the Laphroaig (10)
You have good taste, Anon.

Now go out and try some of the more esoteric frogs, like the cask-strength unchillfiltered ones that they come out with every few years. The last one that I was able to get, #3 (Jan 2011), was around US$60/700cl bottle.

>> No.5268856

Same as anything else the state government doesn't like. Oh, you voted down the 0.1% sales tax increase for the two new stadiums we want to build? That must mean you want a 0.5% sales tax increase!

Not even to mention the fucking stupidity of blowing up the Kingdome in the first place, just so that they could waste a few billion on two new single-use sports palaces plus a too-small convention annex.

>> No.5268887


Wow, when did Washingston state go private? Ausfag here, thought that sort of bullshit was just a relic from the immediate post-prohibition years.

>> No.5268935

Bulleit is fucking shit.

G3t t4st3.

>> No.5268939


Booker's is 180 dollars in Denmark.

>> No.5268941

If you want a good, approachable scotch, try Dalwhinnie 15. Or Glenfarclas 15. Or GlenDronach 15.

If you want something magical, try Old Pulteney 12 or 17.

>> No.5268966

>tfw similar taxes and alcohol prices where I live
>average monthly salary about 700$

>> No.5269049

Not for much longer unfortunately bro. World is catching up to how good bourbon is, fags like jim murray and the recent pappy hype are driving up the perceived value of bourbon, producers are now confident enough to test the waters with bullshit overpriced releases like wild turkey forgiven and jim beam 12 year because they are hoping the consumer will take the bait.
There will be no going back, the day will come come when bourbon prices will be on par with scotch, when that happens I will just give up and become a cognac drinker

>> No.5269304

>the day will come come when bourbon prices will be on par with scotch, when that happens I will just give up and become a cognac drinker

cognac is already pretty pricey, the base VS versions start out at least $30

>> No.5270171

Ummm yeh man thats the point, if I am going to be forced to pay over $100 for a fine spirit I will end up drinking MORE cognac, at the moment $150 for a nice xo cognac or armagnac is a little to much for regular drinking, but sheeeet if knob creek or rare breed end up being over a $100...

>> No.5270202

no drink seagrams 7 instead

my office holiday party involved several handles of JW black. my gf said i smelled like a dirty indian for 3 days. hungover for 2 of those. never again

no u

>> No.5270487

>dislikes Black Label
>likes Bulleit Bourbon

poor taste confirmed

>> No.5270521

Lurve rye. after i found out bulliet was owned by diageo though i I'm looking for a new cheap regular brand. drinking Hochstadter's Slow & Low Rock and Rye right now. so good- sweet but not overly so over ice but obviously not my regular if i want a good whiskey

>> No.5270537

forgot to ask, what does ck think about george dickle?

inb4 can suck my pickle

>> No.5270550

also owned by diageo

>> No.5270593

Does whiskey go "stale"?

I thought it lasts a good while after it's been open, upwards to a year, but this bottle of rye I've had for a few months seems to have gotten worse. Definitely more than just a hint of nail polish remover on the nose that wasn't there before. Only have about a fifth of a bottle left, so I'm just going to power through it.

>> No.5270594

>after i found out bulliet was owned by diageo
>being this much of a hipster


I can understand if it was Brown-Forman but what has Diageo ever done to you?

>> No.5270623

anon, if you didnt gleam my love for JW black in that post, well its back to remedial school 4 U

>> No.5270628

mang, they own erry thing
its not even this ->http://www.brewdog.com/blog-article/diageo-v-brewdog

I dunno, it just doesn't sit well with me. I work for a multinational and hate all the bullshit associated with it. I mean there are MANY good independent breweries, but i can really only name a few good distilleries and they are mostly producing clear spirits (i assume due to the overhead of barrel aging)

You really never think about supporting small local shops/restaurants/buisinesses? I mean at least to encourage diversity and choice in the marketplace...

>> No.5270644

High West Campfire.

>> No.5270653

Diageo does seem fairly scummy though, just based on what was under the "Controversy" heading of their wikipedia page. Living up to that billion-dollar multinational corporation stereotype I guess.

>> No.5270663

>You really never think about supporting small local shops/restaurants/buisinesses

I'm a strong believer in getting what you paid for. There's a guy at my farmer's market who grows and harvests the grain that he uses in the beer that he brews. It's $16 for a six pack and it's fucking terrible beer with a great story behind it.

If it was between a 9.5/10 beer made by a massive multinational, and a 9.4/10 beer made by an indie brewer? I'd probably buy the indie beer. But it's never that simple. Usually you're at the store, you have a general idea of what you want, there are a few choices, and one is distinctly superior to the one next to it. That's the situation in the majority of my purchase decisions.

Now, with wine it's a different story. The wine stores I go to have thousands of different bottles. Within a single region/style/grape, even in the most obscure growing region, I can still choose between at least 5 bottles that are more or less the same style and grape. With more mainstream regions it's much better than that. So with wine it's trivial to patronize the upstart young vintner fighting the mega corp, and if I have any doubts I ask the guy at the store who is usually the buyer as well.

Liquor and beer are different. For instance unless I go to one of the few stores that has a ridiculous rye selection in my city, with rye I get like 4 or 5 bottles to choose from. I choose the best tasting one, and no fucks are given.

>> No.5270680

So is JW Black Label significantly better than Red? Because I've only tried Red Label.

>> No.5270708

oh my yes, especially considering JW Red is nigh undrinkable

it's so hard to believe that Black Label is just the next tier up from Red, too. Johnnie Walker/Diageo must give zero fucks about it

>> No.5270744

I guess i give a fuck and it makes me hipster. no reason that the climate for beer and liquor should be different aside from the various laws making difficult to get distilling licenses. I want to kill myself for having to say this, but be the change you want to see in the world.

>9.5/10 beer made by a multinational

>> No.5270761


If it's between a great product and a mediocre product, why support the guy who can't make good stuff? Pity? All you're doing is prolonging the misery.

You seem to be preemptively assuming that the small producer can't compete on quality. This is a dangerous assumption. More often than not, it's the small guy with the superior product, but in cases where the selection is limited, I'm not going to punish myself just because the market for that product hasn't diversified yet.

>> No.5270829

Speaking of Whiskey, what's so big about Jack Daniel's? That stuff was rough and overwhelmed me with the taste of bitterness.

>> No.5270835 [DELETED] 
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Y'all niggas like Imo's?
I likes me some Imo's

favorite regional company thread.

>> No.5270871

>what's so big about Jack Daniel's

it's the whiskey equivalent of Grey Goose

>> No.5270970

Yes and no
An unopened bottle with a perfect seal should stay pretty much the same forever (or the deterioates)
An open bottle will expose the whiskey to more oxygen, the less whiskey in the bottle = more oxygen = increased oxiadation = change in taste

Generally I try not to keep a bottle for long after its below half full. In a bar if when ordring a high end spirit that has a low fill level I will ask how long it has been open, if they cant answer I will ask for a fresh bottle.

Some whiskeys may actually 'open up' a few days after opening and become better

>> No.5270978

UNTIL the seal deterioates

>> No.5271032


So, nothing good about it? I had some, it was one of the most shittiest liquors I've had since there is no taste until about 5 seconds after drinking it. I've struck out with Whiskey, Vodka and whatever you consider American Lager to be.

>> No.5271238

if Jack was half the price they usually sell it, it would make for a good mixer.

that's about the most it has going for it.

>> No.5271695
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fuck wit me

>> No.5271712

Oban. Fucking delicious. I can't wait till I'm out of the fucking UAE and can drink again.

>> No.5271717

Don't knock black label.

That smokiness will keep you warm.

>> No.5271793

>Trebek sez the category is "Scotch"!
>I'll take Scotch for 200, Alex
>Answer is "Oban"
>What is the most boring Scotch?

>> No.5271795


Let me guess you just discovered lafroog and you can't shut up about it?

>> No.5271916
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Get on my level, turbonerd.

>> No.5271943
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>I'm not alone
Holy shit, my best friend who knows jack shit about whiskey in general constantly talks about Laphroaig as it's the best thing that ever existed. He bought a bottle a couple months ago and he sees it as some sort of lifetime accomplishment.

>> No.5271944

Laphroaig is the sriracha of scotch

>> No.5271946


Not the guy you just pwned, but seriously jelly of your whisk(e)y collection. Or the whisk(e)y collection of some other dude that you google searched. I'm too lazy to figure out which,

>> No.5271947


are you going to use "epic" in your next post?

>> No.5271954
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>> No.5271963

This isn't /g/.

It's my collection. I a not gonna do a timestamp, but I don't think anybody really cares.

>> No.5271973

What the heck browser is better than chrome?

>> No.5272026



enjoy your data harvesting browser

>> No.5272077


lel, this isn't 2009 bruh

>> No.5272173

I don't know, I'd drink stuff made by anyone as long as it was good. Quality is what matters imo, and Bulleit rye is definitely good and a great price. Obviously there's some care and work that goes into it. My thought is always that if people actually buy the good-quality stuff these big companies make, they'll put more money/effort into making good-quality stuff, because there's a market for it. Sure, more often than not it's the small guys who care more about quality and so that's what I go for, but in cases where that's not the case I'll still go by what's a good product.

Some places that have a high-end spirit selection will fill partly-empty bottles with an inert gas like nitrogen to prevent oxidation. You can buy kits to do that yourself in fact if you have bottles you keep for a long time.

>> No.5272236

wait till you aren't poor and can try johnny walker platinum. I had no idea that existed until a friend bought me a drink a few months ago. THAT shit goes down like water, it's ridiculously smooth

>> No.5273019

No, I discovered Laphroaig about, umm, thirty years ago.

I tried Oban maybe five years ago. Most boring scotch ever. Enjoy your plebianness.

>> No.5273044


Did you just call me a pleb? I'll have you know I can have you arrested under the Public Order Act.

>> No.5273101

>using meme-insults on an anime imageboard

where did your life go wrong?

>> No.5274014
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This is my normal go to scotch, although for social drinking I stick with Wild Turkey + Coke.

I went through way too many bottles during the winter, so I have temporarily cut myself off, but it is so fucking tasty.

>> No.5274039

hows the 5.0?
ever had the macallan 12? got a bottle for my birthday, have yet to open it.

>> No.5274058


Yeah, Macallan is great.

>> No.5276422
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>johnny walker platinum
>spending that much on a blend

>> No.5276434
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I agree, I buy this all the time

>> No.5276557


I love watching scotch neckbeards get their panties in a twist about blends. they think they're showing off their refined taste, but really all they're doing is revealing their obsession with rules, which is a way of compensating for lack of taste.

>> No.5277601

What's a good Rye to get started with? The only one I can find locally is fuckexpensive.

>> No.5277606

bulleit is cheap and good

>> No.5277613

Bulleit, rittenhouse, wild turkey and Jim beam rye are all easy to find and around 20$. All pretty good, don't knock Jim beam til you try it, better than the bourbon

>> No.5277665

My current favorite is Knob Creek. Should I try Bulleit, Buffalo Trace, or something else next?

>> No.5277671

i was incredibly underwhelmed by buffalo trace

Personally, I would say bulleit

>> No.5277682

What's a good Irish whiskey for St. Patrick's Day?

>> No.5277696

I'm guessing everyone here thinks Makers Mark is shit right?

Oh well. I just bought a bottle of Kraken to try.

>> No.5277697
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My favorite sort-of-affordable scotch. 55-60 dollars a bottle near me, but I've seen it as low as 50 and as high as 80.

>> No.5277765

makers is a perfectly decent wheat but weller is twice as good for 50-75% of the price

>> No.5277811

Buffalo Trace out of those two. Booker's (~$50) and Woodford Reserve (~$35) are my favorites

Bulleit bourbon is mediocre. Their rye is good, though.

>> No.5277822

Found a better stocked liquor store, on the low end there's Jim Beam Rye, so I'll buy one of those next week and see if I like the whole rye thing. After that there's High West, Old Overholt, Copper Fox, Prichard's and a few others, I guess I'll try one of those if I find myself developing a taste for it.

>> No.5277824

I like that benchmark no 8.you won't find a better mixer. Jw black is for when I feel swanky. Wild turkey 101 is a good middley one. It's not like beer, I don't understand the snobbitry. I can't wait until distillation laws loosen up though, microdistilleries should become as common as their brewery friends. I like those little fake Tennessee whiskies in the mason jars.

>> No.5277837

>don't knock Jim beam til you try it, better than the bourbon
After drinking nothing but Islay for a while and then trying Jim Beam bourbon made me wonder if I had poured myself some Drambuie by mistake. How is rye in this regard?

>> No.5277899

What are your opinions about drinking beer with whisky? As in drinking a beer and a whisky at the same time.

I often drink both at the same time, right now I'm having Laphroaig 18 with Innis & Gunn Irish Whiskey Finish, and I really like the tastes of both of them when alternating.

>> No.5277952

What's the saying? ...beer then liquor, never been sicker.

>> No.5278014

Gotta go with Jameson's

>> No.5278072
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or the normal Bushmills

I prefer both to basic Jameson, though the Jameson 12 year is good stuff

>> No.5278080

or, alternatively, "complete bullshit"

>> No.5278101
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This and the the 21 year royal salute from chivas.
Am I pleb?

>> No.5278114

Maybe try Woodford. I thought Blanton's was pretty overrated.

>> No.5278124



>> No.5278644

yeah, it's the perfect way to get drunk. they taste great together and you stay well hydrated, but don't have to piss every 5 minutes, draining yourself of electrolytes, like with beer alone.

>> No.5280124

Goose Island produces 9.5/10 beers and they're owned by Molson Coors

>> No.5282416

Eagle rare, angels envy, templeton rye, and woodford. Envy is pricey and hard to say if its worth it over the others. Templeton is worth every penny.

>> No.5282418

Waste of time, i just decant the whiskey into a smaller container, i hold no value in the original bottle

>> No.5282423

Redbeast 12

>> No.5282425

Called a boilermaker
I like wild turkey rare breed and an IPA

>> No.5282427

If you like single malt you should try http://whiskyton.herokuapp.com mate

>> No.5282436

The old Springback 10 was great with a very unique nose and taste. The new one is way smokier, to appeal to Islay smoke plebs and also way more boring unfortunately.

>> No.5282619

GlenDronach 15
Glenfarclas 15
Highland Park 18
Old Pulteney 17 and 21
Lagavulin 16
Springbank 18The Balvenie Portwood 21
Dalwhinnie 15
Ardbeg Corryvreckan

These are good whiskies and you should drink them.

>> No.5283206

On a scale of 1-10 how shitty is jack daniels

>> No.5283250

>dat bottle collection
>drumset in background
>same steelseries mousepad

its like we would be perfect friends.

>> No.5283294


> implying the problem is chrome, and not the Division Bell

>> No.5283456

over priced shit/10

>> No.5283517
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>> No.5284395
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24 bucks for 750ml with a discount I have. Like drinking smooth smokey sugar. I just recently got into whiskey and this shit is great.

>> No.5284455
File: 89 KB, 531x799, old crow reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are on a budget and aren't drinking this shit then you are fucking up son.

>> No.5284516

I nearly cried when local stores stopped carrying this.

Fortunately, it's a holiday. So I'm sipping 11 year-old armagnac.

>> No.5284589


tolerable if you absolutely have no other choice. hopefully you have some cola, ginger ale, or lemons & simple syrup around

>> No.5284595


that is a deal for JW Black. worth stocking up at that price. the cheapest i can get it is $40.

>> No.5284670

its the smallest bottle, but yeah

>> No.5284706

still a great deal. one store near me sells a 200mL bottle of Black Label for $17 and 375mL bottle for $27.

>> No.5285850

What are the best Scotch from each region (Islay, Speyside, etc.)?

>> No.5285941

Those recommendations are so spot on it hurts. GlenDronach might be the best whisky I've had.

Nice to drink something that isn't peaty sometimes.

>> No.5286310

No. No drummers can ever be friends.

>> No.5288404


>> No.5288940

>The Islands

>> No.5288954

I found that, like the Green and Gold they replaced, the new Platinum and Gold Reserve didn't really shine for me. Same for the new Explorer Editions. For me, its still either Black or Blue for JW.
Nothing is better than Single Malt fanatics who don't remember that mixed once ruled as well. Maybe they will join the rest of us in "Taste is King"
That depends on the man you ask. Best to find your own answer there.

As for myself, I only grab maybe 2 single malts a year. Mostly its a bottle of Glenorangie Original or a bottle of Ardbeg. The other is something I've not had before. Last bottle was Talisker 10. I'd avoid it for a while, wasn't to curious to find out what notes it may have offered to the old JW Green lable but it wasn't a bad drink at all. Nice taste, not too much peat as to kill the lighter notes.
I always keep a bottle of Woodfords Reserve around as my bread and butter and some days you may find a bottle of Forty Creek next to it.

>> No.5289192


Whiskey ≠ Whisky

>> No.5289272
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>> No.5291987

seagrams 7 & diet dr browns cream soda

it's the best

>> No.5292653

You gotta try Knob Creek Reserve OP. It's a bit pricey at around $40 a bottle, but it's my go-to bourbon.

Also worth trying, if you're ever in KY, are some local KY brands of corn whiskey. Particularly anything from the MB Roland Distillery, delicious stuff.

>> No.5292665
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forgot pic

>> No.5293443

That's the one I've been trying to remember. Thanks. It was pretty good. Not as nice as Edradour's various bottlings, IMHO, but still quite nice.