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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5261910 No.5261910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Italian
>tfw superior wine and food

How is having no food culture feels like, amerifats?

>> No.5261915

It's alright. I don't live in flyover land so I get plenty of food from all over. We're a little friendlier to immigrants over here, we don't just throw bananas at them and leave dead children on the beach so we get to eat a variety of foods.

>> No.5261914
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>> No.5261921

>How is having no food culture feels like, amerifats?

Probably similar to the feeling that your country's food is based on the tomato, which came from....America!

>> No.5261920

Literally everything that represents Italian cooking came from other countries

>> No.5261937


>a land discovered by an Italian named after an Italian


Try harder faggot

>> No.5261951


When thousands of niggers travel on a fishing boat designed for ten people clandestinely it's inevitable that some of they may die. We save as much as we can but they're just too much. Anyway they're niggers so no value lost.

>> No.5261953

>tomato sauce and pasta
>superior food

>> No.5261964

>roma children playing on the beach deserve to die because some people from another continent came over on a boat

This is what Italians actually believe

>> No.5261966

How does it feel that your food pales in comparison to that of Spain, or Greece? Your wine's still better, but France would like a word with you on that matter.

How does it feel that your shitty peninsula will always have penis envy over the rest of Southern Europe?

>> No.5261967

>people already lived there
>Scandinavians visited long before Italians
>YFW they were working for Spain anyways
>Italy in charge of history

>> No.5261971

Gentle reminder that pasta originated in Asia.

>> No.5261977

>tomato sauce
>pasta which is basically noodles stolen from chinks and modified over time

that's all italians have

>> No.5261976

but beer is better and more culturally important than wine

>> No.5261992


>implying Italians eat only spaghetti and pizza

Have you ever been to an actual Italian restaurant?

Protip: if they served any food that includes the name "Alfredo" it wasn't

>> No.5261995

Again: pasta is descended of Berber cuisine, not Chinese. Pasta was known to the ancient Romans, the technique being brought over from Carthage.
The Chinese do not grow, use or eat semolina.

The oldest known pasta still eaten today is tlitli, common in Berber/Algerian cuisine today. It dates back over 1800 years. There are other, older semolina-based pastas but they are types no longer eaten today. Unless we count couscous as pasta, in which case, that's even older than tlitli.

>> No.5262006

plenty of places serve both authentic and pleb dishes. They have to make it in a market where pleb tastes are dominant.

Nearly all chinese places will have general tsos because of this and nearly all indian places will have butter chicken because of this ass.

>> No.5262011
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>MFW the tomato isn't even native to Italy

>> No.5262014


Then instead of saying that the only Italian dishes are pizza and pasta go try Italian cuisine for real.

>> No.5262019

Greek reporting

Lamb, gyros, feta, and spinach pie says you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.5262035


And jeans tissue was first created in Italy, despite this, the most famous brand of jeans is the American Levi's Strauss.

>> No.5262037

>doesn't understand that many people talk in threads.

I never said that the only italian dishes are pasta and pizza.

>> No.5262040

denim is from nimes... in france

jeans tissue lol

>> No.5262045


>can't even fucking google something


>> No.5262057

I'm black and I agree. All of those are the shit.

>> No.5262065

>I'm black and I agree.
>I'm black
Why was this necessary? Let me guess, you are also a grill.

>> No.5262071

>tfw croat
>tfw all our cuisine consists off is beans, sausages and the occasional potato
>and fish, but what kind of faggot lives on the coast

>> No.5262079
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I live in Louisiana, we have plenty of food culture. You don't have any idea about what you are talking about.

>> No.5262091

the "tissue" or fabric is from france demin... de nimes.

the pants where made in italy yes but not the fabric

>> No.5262098

what about spinach pies... I thought you were like all other turk raped contries... looking at you greece.

>> No.5262105

I live in a large metropolitan city
I can get Italian, Greek, Somali, Ethiopian, Indian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese(not take out), Mexican and American food within a 15 minute drive from me

>> No.5262143


Denim is a fustian that was produced in France but was first created in Chieri, Piemonte.

>> No.5262167

>noodles with tomato sauce
geesus. tomatoes originally came from south america, and never were they ever supposed to be put on your pasta anyway.

>> No.5262175

>>tfw french
>>tfw superior wine and food to dirt dagoes
you mad diego?

>> No.5262195

frenchfag reporting in.

Italian food is pretty bomb actually. However, i find it kinda boring compared to other cuisines.

I don't really like the wine that much. I like my wine more earthy. no disrespect

>> No.5262206

isn't Italian cooking is just Szechuan/Mexican fusion?

I mean, do you actually have anything to offer that I can't get from a nearby food truck with a side of Kimchee or churros for 3.75?

>> No.5262207

SoCal here
We have authentic food from every culture.

It's ok I guess...

>> No.5262211

>food truck
Just leave. Isn't it about time to get out your iphone app and start chasing your next meal down around town like a savage?

>> No.5262215

our food culture picks the best of everything ever created and makes it our own

>> No.5262218

>hating on food trucks

Nigga do you live so far removed from society that you've never had food from a truck? Some of the best food is made outside. Enjoy living in a barn.

>> No.5262229

TIL there are people who actually don't like food trucks.

Wonders never cease.

>> No.5262279

A food truck is just that. Food served from a truck. There's no magic pixies in the gas tank sprinkling christ cum all over the stuff.

Add in long lines, hipster aesthetics, and the fact that you can't rely on them to be in a specific place without having to "follow" them on twitter or some shit and you have a dining experience for savages, no matter how good a particular truck driver's food is.

>> No.5262321


Austinfag detected, the rest of the world is not like this, I'm sorry you've had a poor experience with mobile vendors but also please stop bitching on a goddamned chinese cartoon imageboard, /ck/ should be a ckuality experience everytime and you're lessening the quality of my and others' experiences so in short, fuck off back to whatever dark chasm bore ye.

>> No.5262338

Suburban shitbag detected. You are Americancer.