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5261727 No.5261727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you drink more wine or more beer? Justify your answer.

>> No.5261730

I drink wine with most meals, and beer socially. It probably works out just about even it terms of how much of each I consume.

>> No.5261732

Yes. Because I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.5261749

Beer, because wine is too expensive and often times just tastes like vinegar to me. I also can't drink many ciders because they just taste rotten.

I wish I could enjoy wine more, my family always has a glass with dinner, but I'll just stick to my pleb beers.

>> No.5261753

Beer, it tastes good. Wine is horrible.

>> No.5261762

I drink more wine because, generally, it is not carbonated. The carbonation isn't really something I like to eat food with, soda bugs me too. Unless it is boiled crawfish, then you have to eat crawfish with a beer.

>> No.5261767

Beer, because I haven't found much wine that I really like.

>> No.5261774

Pretty much this for me. I get way too full drinking beer, even 1-2 cans. I cant stand to eat and drink beer, I can't even finish a beer with a meal without being uncomfortably full. I don't like to belch, either.

I didn't like wine a year ago but I bought a few nice bottles, grew to like it, and now I will drink just about any kind.

>> No.5261775

Wine. Faster buzz than beer.

>> No.5261782

i drink much more beer. the only time i even buy wine is when i'll be cooking with it. that usually ends with me taking swigs throughout the process of the meal until i'm finished.

>> No.5261797

with meals and socially
I'm not that much into wine
also I live in germany and right next to the belgian border. So I pretty much live in beer heaven

>> No.5261805

Or you could try just not drinking shit beer.

>> No.5261807

I drink wine almost every day. Beer tastes like piss.

>> No.5261814

/ck/ what should I be looking for when purchasing wine? Last time I bought a bottle I ended up with bitter grape flavored vinegar.

>> No.5261820

any kind

>> No.5261823
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I think by "carbonated" he meant "has bubbles", rather than whatever you were imagining.

But keep on scratching that neckbeard, if it itches.

>> No.5261829

beer if i'm looking to chill. wine if i'm looking to get tore up

>> No.5261833

ah yes, moscato, AKA heartburn in a bottle

>> No.5261839

try a few red wines. pay like $10-$15 per bottle. you really don't need to spend any more than that for decent red wine. ask the person at the liquor store for a couple recommendations

white wine, well, you can try that too but i personally hate it. white wine is too sweet and is probably what you're referring to when you're talking about a vinegarish flavor

>> No.5261852

you lucky motherfucker

>> No.5261866

Wine. I'm allergic to hops. (what's worse, is I'm German and allergic to hops.)
>mfw I'm the odd man out at every family gathering.

>> No.5261872

I'll take another look and keep an eye out thanks m8.

>> No.5261875

Generally when I drink alcohol and water, if there is a lot of alcohol in the water, i'll drink less of that mixture than mixtures where the content of alcohol is lower.

>> No.5261887

>white wine is too sweet

Really now?

>> No.5261945


>> No.5261947


Which ones have you tasted where you found this to be the case.

>> No.5261952

chardonnay, riesling, white zinfandel, i dunno, pretty much any i've tried. i do like sparkling white wines but i usually can't drink a glass without getting heartburn

>> No.5261987


Aside from white zinfandel which is not really a white wine at all, the other two grapes you mentioned can be made in a lot of different styles. I was asking more about specific wines. Even riesling can be made in a very dry style, but it's not something you're going to find at a lot of stores, let alone for cheap.

If you're sticking to under $15 you'll have trouble getting a good dry white wine. Nothing wrong with drinking inexpensive wines (I'm drinking a $9 bottle right now) but if you've never tasted a bone dry chenin blanc from the loire, let alone an extra brut champagne, just know that you're missing out.

>> No.5261998
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well i'd rather just get red wines which i can enjoy without paying $15+

>> No.5262005

but i'll kind that in mind

>> No.5262010


Fair enough, it just grinds my gears to hear someone dismissing stuff based on limited experience. There's a lot of amazing white wine, it just tends to be a little more expensive than your baseline most affordable drinkable reds.

>> No.5262027

I drink more beer because wine that doesn't taste like shitty vinegary ass is too expensive

>> No.5262028

I drink more beer because it is easy to make, therefore I do so. Thus I have a lot of it around to consume. I hate IPAs though. Belgian beer and stouts, please.

I never buy wine but will drink it if available at a restaurant. I admit it does accompany food better than most beer does. I would drink Cantillon Kriek with every meal though if it weren't do damn expensive.

>> No.5262036

I like both but I drink more beer

It's just simpler to crack open a bear with a meal, I usually save wine for special occasiona

>> No.5262044

>2014 not drinking md 20/20 exclusively

>> No.5262047


i'm from munich.

>> No.5262067

More Beer than Wine. I'm in Germany, so the best quality to price ratio for any beverage is beer. Till the 90s, Beer was cheaper than water in some bars, until they outlawed it :)

>> No.5262068

Is this samefag or is /ck/ really infested with krauts?

>> No.5262078
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Infested with Krauts, I'm posting first time ITT.

>> No.5262080

I drink water.

>> No.5262085
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do you have a problem with us?

>> No.5262103

munich represent!
Schuhbeck ist völlig überbewertet. Was ist das beste Restaurant hier?

>> No.5262115

i really liked shane's restaurant and, to a lesser extent, cube. but i'm not hugely experienced in fine dining.

>> No.5262144

thanks man gonna check it out. my fav is the mugolone in neuhausen. not haute cuisine either.

>> No.5262155


better high and hangover

>> No.5262156

Because I don't have to get a glass.

>> No.5262163

I have lots of meals
Wine goes with most food better
Beer with dinner is generally for peasants

>SOME food goes well with beer
I mean who can be bothered matching a wine to dirty street food such as dumplings or kebab

>> No.5262170

Yeh +1

>> No.5262171

Beer. I do enjoy wine a lot but I really like the feeling of drinking liquids (whether soft, hard, or just water) so I tend to drink a lot. With wine that can be disastrous so I generally limit how much wine I allow myself to drink. I only ever have 1-2 bottles on hand at any given time and I try to limit consumption to mealtimes.

>> No.5262172


>> No.5262174

>street food
Where do you live, fucking Sub-Saharan Africa? Literally the entire civilized world has some form of dumpling regularly incorporated into their meals.

>> No.5262202

nobody likes fascists

>> No.5262221

Western Ukraine does.

>> No.5262222

Zing. I was trying to decide whether to reference Russia, Europe and North America when convenient, South America, or oriental Asia but you sure as hell beat me to it.

>> No.5262318
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All day, every day.

>> No.5262354

Beer. It tastes better and is cheaper

>> No.5262364

Awful !
The French.

>> No.5262392

what shit country are you in, that prices wines by color?

>> No.5262397

That shit is disgusting and terrible. I''m thinking about picking up a box today.

>> No.5262398
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>Elitism over drinking a beverage

Everyone who engages in this should be strangled to death. Hurray, you rank something.

>> No.5262407

Not the beer I make. I'm boiling a 12.5% Barleywine as I type this

>> No.5262409


those are nice thighs. I wonder how much she charges for that kind of thing. I'd pay a hundred, maybe two at most. much more than that, and it seems kind of desperate.

>> No.5262415

Beer of course because I am not a 50 year old women

>> No.5262450


also reportad for nsfw

>> No.5262463

>reportad for nsfw

How is that gif nsfw?

>> No.5262465


Not just a beverage, but drugs. It's like watching a meth head and a heroin addict argue about which is more sophisticated

>> No.5262468

How do you already know the percentage if you're boiling it right now?

>> No.5262470

Famous heroin junkies: Miles Davis, William Burroughs, Billie Holiday, Ernest Hemingway, Lou Reed, etc...

Famous meth heads: Jesse Pinkman, Sceak, ...?

I don't do drugs, but it's not even an argument. If I did, it would be herion.

>> No.5262477

You forgot PSH. Boogie Nights is my shit

>> No.5262486

Pilsner is my main thing, followed by Dutch gin. Then Belgian ales, then other liquors and then wine.

>> No.5262490

I drink nothing but buckfast

>> No.5263740

>Justify your answer
If it's alcoholic and it tastes good then it's good.

>> No.5263761

Beer, it's easier to get into than wine, easier to make than wine, and I have a lot of variety readily available.

When I'm not a poorfag, chances are I'll go into fine scotches rather than wines, but I'm sure to buy a few bottles here and there to educate myself as to industry standards.

>> No.5263827


Pubs are great.

>> No.5263847

Beer because I think it tastes better.

>> No.5263849

Beer. I don't know shit about wine and I'm more drawn to beveriges made with grain than grapes. Don't get me wrong, I love good wine and brandy when it's being offered to me, but I don't know shit about them and nearly always prefer a good pint or a dram of whisky, unless the latter don't go together with the food.

>> No.5263865

time to time i'll grab a madiran, which i love, usually. or a corbiere, cahors, the stronger, drier reds. sometimes i'll grab an anjou or chinon, loire style fruitier wines,

but really, for me, wine is a lot less usual than beer. fucking nothing beats a belgian on pression. goddamn pint of tripel karmeleit is godlike

>> No.5263870
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Beer. A fucking ton of it. Wine is OK for dinner parties

>> No.5264668

just like most of basement dwellers here I prefer beer. malt is fucking divine gift to humanity. to fedora'ed gentelmen hopped up on IPAs I say sincerely sod off. I loved those malt dranks when I was living in Bongland. Supermalt it was called. lovely hangover cure.
and this genius creation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kvass is what I drink istead of soda pops, pops.
when it comes to wine, I drank loads of thunderbird type of vino when I was younger. then my destroyed stomach told me to stop. then few years ago I discovered zinfandel and I was hooked for a few months. it's quite sweet, it's almost wine, it's designed by faggots for faggots but I still like it. I also like semi dry red, with this shit that colors your lips purple that I don't want to google right now.
but yeah, beer is based, unless I guess you live in murikah and get to drink those pale carbonated "light" canned pisslike beverages that I belive you all "bros" drink, based on tv shows I watch. seriously, 0,33 can of PBR over the counter in bar? it's some kind of wallmart philosophy I think.
beer, because I like it's taste better.

>> No.5264678

by Zinfandel I assume you mean white Zinfandel

that's like calling swiss steak "steak", just so you know

>> No.5264721
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I meant this one. It says white on the label, but seriously. it's pink like virgin's pussy. and I reckon the taste is quite similar.
is there white zin- sorry Zinfandel, my sommelier friend?

>> No.5264727

of course I mean RED, but you know that.
those fucking baltic porters after 10 hours work, they do tire you out

>> No.5265208

yes, white zin is more pink, I don't know why it's called that.

I'll be honest with you, I've never actually tried it. it's reputed to be sweet, low quality, and cheap. it's also responsible for the almost total absence of good quality roses from California but that's another discussion.

if you like dry reds you owe it to yourself to try a few normal Zinfandels. I love ridge and storybook for a good dinner, but if you want to keep the budget down, ravenswood makes some alright zins.

today sucked, looking forward to cracking a few beers when I get home.

>> No.5265225

More beer, because wine all tastes very similar to me but beer is a wide spectrum of flavors.

>> No.5265275

Probably about the same leaning towards beer, I mostly drink Gin and the occasional cider or cocktail. Actually I think I've drank more mead in my life than wine. I've yet to meet a red I liked, but some of the white and rose stuff is drinkable. As for beer I tend to prefer low hops brews for just drinking like Dubbels but I'll drink a stout if I'm having beef stew or something.

>> No.5265278

>did I mention I was a grill guys

>> No.5265281

I don't drink, but I would have a beer or two if I had to.

>> No.5265287

>I only drink manly drinks for manly men like myself

>> No.5265290


>drinking beer without proper glassware


>> No.5265304
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I drink more beer than wine, because I don't like wine. I've tried lots of them too, from cheap to expensive, even toured a few wineries, only to learn that I straight up do not like wine. And I am okay with that.

>> No.5265305

you drink beer out of a bottle, why not wine?

>> No.5265311


Beer bottles are perfectly sized for drinking out of. Your hand can be anywhere on the bottle and your elbow still rests comfortably on the table.

With a 750ml wine bottle it's awkward. I only drink from the bottle when I'm too drink to remember where I set my glass.

>> No.5265318

just jokes, anon.

although i will say that if given a bottle similar to one of those carlo rossi jugs, it's not that hard to drink straight from if i'm not moving around. just hook your thumb through the loop and rest the jug on your forearm.

also if cooking something with wine, it's pretty convenient to just take a swig whenever pouring into your food. though i wouldn't do that when cooking for others, people are germophobes like that.

>> No.5265319
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Beer. I just don't like wine too much, sorry.

>> No.5265326

But that's not beer, Anon. It says right on it "fine malt liquor."

>> No.5265329


How dare you!

Okay, you caught me, that was the closest picture to beer I had on hand.

>> No.5265336

Chinese dumpling fuckfaggot
Could you miss the point any further? Or do you make your own prawn and chive dumplings at home and serve it with a nice bottle fettucine 1981

>> No.5265409

More beer. I personally haven't tried a wine yet that I've enjoyed, but that hasn't stopped me from trying more.