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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5258308 No.5258308 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw your rinky dink town/city doesn't have baller steak like this

porterhouse for 2, medium rare. stay jelly.

>> No.5258311

>mfw i just grill my own steak

>> No.5258315

Wow beef steak. Quite the rarity.

>> No.5258319
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Oh well.. I'll guess I have to settle.

>> No.5258326


>being mad you don't live in NYC

>captcha related: uncivilised

>> No.5258337

I've visited NYC several times and would never ever want to live there.

It is a city, no more no less. Maybe if you travelled to other cosmopolitan cities you would have some comparison.

Also, a good steak can be had in literally any city. It isn't a selling point.

>> No.5258339

i lived there for two years

and i'm kinda upset that i don't have enough money to move back, i love the city

>> No.5258344

ur steak is bleeding
2 gross 4me

>> No.5258345




I live in NYC. steak is fucking boring.

>> No.5258347


>having an inferiority complex you've justified in your own mind over years and years


>> No.5258348

I've lived in NYC, Toronto, and DC. NYC was a better city than those others. Better green space, food selection, good transit, no need for a car.

I think you are equivocating.

>> No.5258352

I've been to NYC (and all the other big American cities), Bangkok, Hong Kong, Vancouver, Tokyo, Toronto, Amsterdam, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, London, Edinburgh, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Osaka, Lima, and many others.

When you travel a lot you invariably begin your travels in a large city. NYC never stood out to me. The food is good, but Toronto has better diversity IMO.

>> No.5258354
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>family is from NYC
>been there plenty of times

You could not pay me to live in that shit hole

>> No.5258358

>people who can't afford/are scared they can't cut it
>"I'd never live in NYC, it's nothing special!!"

at least be original.

>> No.5258361

Toronto... better diversity... wtf.

implying I can find malay or indo food in toronto

implying I can get anything other than amerianized greek, jamaican, portugese, indian, japanese, or indian there.

Fuck. I can't even find a decent taco in toronto

>> No.5258363

you left out the rude people and how dirty it is oh yeah and crowded

>> No.5258365


NYC doesn't belong in the same sentence as Toronto (a more sophisticated less boorish clone of Chicago) and DC (aka Atlanta but with embassies, monuments, and better landscaping)

To find the peers of New York City you need to look at the cultural capitals (pun intended) of Europe or Asia.

>> No.5258369

>he hasn't had malay, indo, hakka, afghani, tibetan, or sri lankan in Toronto


>> No.5258370

new york's actually insanely clean in a lot of areas, not in the subways or poor parts but i mean you're not gonna be there anyway, you're some white asshole on /ck/

people in nyc aren't so much rude as they are in the mindset of "there's literally millions of people that aren't you within a short walk, why should i be talking to you right now"

>> No.5258372

ITT: Canadians and Americans argue about which teeming cesspool metropolises are better.

>> No.5258375

NYC can't be compared to most capitals of Europe or Asia.

It has a very young history and is comprised of mostly Americanized ethnicities.

I am sure you have never eaten at a starred restaurant, so don't bother talking about how great it is living in NYC and having all these fancy restaurants around.

>> No.5258380


it's not an argument. New York is clearly the most significant city in the history of humanity.

>> No.5258382
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>> No.5258386


There isn't an indonesian restaurant in toronto. There was briefly one on eglinton. There are only pan asian restaurants that have one or two indo or malay items that they do badly.

hakka and lankan... nope. just indian places with one or two hakka or lankan items that again are done badly. Canadians wont eat brown people food unless its butter chicken.

>> No.5258389

>NYC can't be compared to most capitals of Europe or Asia.

And yet, I just did

>It has a very young history and is comprised of mostly Americanized ethnicities.

Ask me how I know you visited for 2 weeks and stayed mostly between 59th street and Battery Park.

>I am sure you have never eaten at a starred restaurant

And only ate street meat and pizza. Kind of sad but it's what many tourists do.

>> No.5258391

>hakka and lankan... nope. just indian places with one or two hakka or lankan items that again are done badly. Canadians wont eat brown people food unless its butter chicken.
You literally have no idea what you are talking about. It's funny you think their aren't Sri Lankan restaurants or grocery stores in Toronto.

>> No.5258394


where? in the suburbs. places where the ttc doesnt go?

they might as well be on the moon. at least in new york I could take the subway to flushing to get real south asian or chinese.

>> No.5258396


it's funny you think Toronto has better Sri Lankan food than New York considering New York has the second most Sri Lankans outside of, you guessed it: Sri Lanka.

>> No.5258397

Let me guess, you were born and raised in NYC and rarely leave the confines of your concrete metropolis or you were born in a hick town, moved to NYC, and think it is the center of the universe?

>> No.5258399


Let me guess, you are autistic and can't pick up on obvious sarcasm?

>> No.5258400


>not Colombian

just stop.

>> No.5258402

Please tell me you have never spent much time in Toronto, because it sounds like you have no clue what you are talking about.

You probably googled "indonesian food toronto" and saw Eglington pop up and thought that would convince me of your knowledge.

lol nope

>> No.5258407

The only thing to come out of NYC was a couple planes into the WTC.

>> No.5258405

it is well known that flushing is the real nyc chinatown.

you are an idiot.

>> No.5258410

You're really this mad about your dumb city?

>> No.5258415

I live downtown with no car. toronto may have diversity but the enclaves are inaccessible to me and many others. The main thing that is holding toronto back is poor transit. New York solved this problem 100 years ago.

>> No.5258416


sorry bro, I don't like to eat freshly skinned cat or weird fucking chicken.

a bunch of yammering gooks doesn't make the food good. the Colombian food in flushing is WAY better.

>trying that hard to be authentic

>> No.5258420

Oh fuck i just figured it out this asshole is Skeak

hows it doin skekiepooo

>> No.5258422
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who you calling weird?

>> No.5258424


pretty sure sceak is in montreal. he posted his address here a while ago.

>> No.5258429


Not skeak. I thought he was in montreal?

Plenty of people who live downtown have no cars. Where would I even park it. Where would I take it... aside from ethnic restaurants in suburb strip malls?

>> No.5258432

Sceak doesn't live in Toronto. She's a resident of Montreal.
>dem sad, saggy tits
>dat drawn, long horseface

>> No.5258436
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damn I could have sworn he was from Toronto :(

Really though if I were ever to move from Seattle, Toronto would be my first pick. Bonus is I would get use to the background fast

>> No.5258437

Sorry, I don't live in a city. I'm not a sheltered retard who aspires to living in a condo and being surrounded by air pollution, people, and concrete.

I can cook most of the foods I like well and can visit nearby cities when it pleases me. I also travel extensively for work and get to visit many international cities every year. Going to Bangkok in a couple weeks for a conference.

My life doesn't revolve around consumerism, so cities are not my cup of tea. I love food and get the best of it when I visit a city. I don't imprison myself in an urban wasteland and convince myself that "this is the life".

I have a large garden and plan on expanding my pond and stocking it with bluegill (or bass) this summer. I shot a deer and a wild turkey on my property this fall.

>> No.5258443


>my rural life is so much better than your life

do you see why you're a retard?

>> No.5258449


the funny thing is I don't need to come up with anything else because >muh life's better than your life

>> No.5258445

the funny thing he has a legitimate argument and that's all you came up with lol

>> No.5258453


>legitimate argument
>telling people "where I live is better than where you live because there's wild animals and guns"


>> No.5258456


But he neutralized the animal threat with his mechanical pee-pee. By definition, he is the most free. Genesis 1:26

>> No.5258764



>> No.5258804

It does.

NYC is pretty cool, couldn't live there though. I need space, green stuff to look at, a car, friendly non rude people, and a slowed down vibe. I would happily visit NYC but its just too much for me, too expensive too.

>> No.5258962


>can't handle the pressure

>> No.5259189

on 34 acres and im a gril

>> No.5259230

>implying pressure is a positive thing

>> No.5259252

You think living in a city is better than having land, wildlife, water, forest, a garden, and all that?

Why? because you can buy more shit in a city?

>> No.5259257

why is that burnt to shit?

>> No.5259260

Do more stuff
Fuck more
Make more money

>> No.5259266


we have a Peter Luger's in los angeles too, dick boi.

I preder Ruth Chris anyway. And we have that too.

Should have posted a picture of a coney island hot dog you pleb

>> No.5259269

Maybe. But at least out here we can take a picture of our food that isn't a blurry fucking mess that turns our steak into a piece of burnt shit.

>> No.5259327

ruth chris is a chain found in second rate cities like indianapolis and colombus as well. hardly unique.

>> No.5259366

although they are bullshit cities they are still major markets, a lot of money is spent there. RC is quality; do you have better spots in those cities?

>> No.5259422
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Country boy here, I lol when people tell me I need to move to the city.

The Shity:
>it smells, I have to breath in all that crappy polution
>its crowded, I need to put up with smelly people
>higher chance of getting murdered!
>so many hipsters, all hoity toighty with their "haut" cuisine
>can't fish in my back yard
>cant build anything in my backyard (laws and such)
>can't shoot projectile weaponry
>if there is a disease outbreak the shity is the first to go
>food shortage? shitys are hit the hardest
>can't watch my offspring grow up strong, they all play inside instead of outside climbing things, the shity air makes them all asthmatic
>I have to put up with people yelling at me in foreign languages
>did i mention the smell?

Yea those chity people sure have it better MFW.

>> No.5259427


I don't know what you people are talking about. I don't care if its a "second rate city" whatever the fuck that means... i just care if the steak is good. Ruth Chris like other premium chains take the steps neccesary to serve up a delicious steak.

>> No.5259537

indianapolis... st elmos.

>> No.5259568

>premium chains
lol no. Just no.

Have you ever eaten in a non-franchise restaurant that wasn't a diner?

>> No.5259585

For $10 I can buy almost a pound of high quality steak from a local butcher, and it's easy as shit to cook

1. Get something hot as possible
2. Rub spices onto steak
3. Put steak on hot surface
4. Flip when that side is black
5. Take off and let sit for five minutes
6. Eat

Steak is impossible to undercook

>> No.5259639

high quality 10/lb... nope.

you have a severe misconception about what high quality is. I doubt your local Kroger or whatever even has usda prime dry aged beef.

>> No.5259645

read the convo fag we're talking about Ruth Chris... ahve you ever spent 90$ on a steak? no? poor fag.

>> No.5259667
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>ordering steak any way but medium well

>> No.5259673


Yeah I can barely get high quality chicken breast for $10/lb

High quality skirts are about $22/lb, USDA prime dry aged tenderloin is around $36. Other cuts vary depending on bone-in, boneless, etc. But basically the other guy posted hamburger meat prices, unless he's eating second rate meat that smells funny when you cook it and gives you BSE.

>> No.5259701

>ahve you ever spent 90$ on a steak?
I would never spend $90 on a single steak. I can pay $200 at a restaurant with an actual chef and have an incredible meal, regardless of whether there is beef steak involved or not.

Sorry, I wasn't raised by parents with pedestrian tastes and I don't consider a steak to be the apex of culinary feats. Especially considering your Ruth Chris steak is the same corn-fed, non-therapeutic antibiotic-treated beef you can find at a butcher.

They can cook them properly and have hot plates? That is the appeal? Welcome to any decent restaurant.

>> No.5259704

>USDA prime
As if this is a rarity.

>Dry aged
I can get this at my local butcher. You could even do it yourself. There is nothing magical about dry aging meat, I do that with the deer I shoot every fall.

>> No.5259715

>There is nothing magical about

There is nothing magical about building your own furniture either, but the fact is it requires a certain amount of space (in this case, fridge space) that most people aren't interested in considering you can walk into any decent store and just buy the stuff.

>> No.5259735

Is that a hasselhoff steak?

>> No.5259738


By high quality I mean from a butcher I trust that gets it from a local farm that they trust, that I know was not fucked around with and treated properly.

>> No.5259742

That's probably Rome bruh.

>> No.5259753
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Only acceptable way to eat steak
It's not cold if you leave it sitting out long enough
And if you get a tapeworm or something it's because your butcher is shit and the cow it came from is shit quality.

>> No.5259761


If it's high quality steak, cut that fucker up real thin and make some delicious carpaccio.

>> No.5259792

>cut that fucker up real thin
Do you not have teeth or are you just a whale's vagina who's afraid of chewing?

>> No.5259795

>not knowing what carpaccio is

Let me guess, you love the olive garden because their carbonara is real creamy and good?

>> No.5259797

Look at this hard cunt, everybody

>> No.5259802

>cutting all at once
Did you mommy do that for you

>> No.5259880

>impossible to undercook a steak
What is medium rare faggot shits almost raw

>> No.5259954

>medium rare
>blood oooooozing out onto my plate