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5256279 No.5256279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got a tried and true Cincinnati chili recipe? Also, how the heck do I get the cheese so thin and airy?

>> No.5256298

By using mostly corn- and potato starch, then extruding the starchy mixture through something that mostly resembles a shower head.

>> No.5256312


Can it be done at home? How come nobody sells it like that?

>> No.5256333

> Recipe...

Much saught after. Best bet it to look up chili "sauces" and shoot for one that also includes the oddball ingredient from the chili like cinamon, clove, allspice, etc. I also hear it has chocolate in it but not enough that you could pick out the flavor.

> How come nobody sells it like that?

It congeals too easily. By the time you got it home it would be clumped together

>> No.5256344

How does Skyline Chili get it then? Is it shredded in the store? We don't have that place where I live but I'd like to try some.

>> No.5256347


Nice trips.

Any idea on how much of each spice?

>> No.5256479


where do you live?

>> No.5256526

I don't have my recipe with me but it does have those spices. Very small amounts because they're all overwhelming. There is also chili powder cumin, onion and garlic powder, and paprika. Again, small amounts. If you think about the Skyline flavor, there isn't really any spice that sticks out.

And about the cheese, a Skyanon employee once stated in here that they have an odd maching in the back that grates it. Said it was weird, not an off-the-shelf standard thing you would see in a kitchen.

>> No.5256533

I live in Philly and have closest skyline is probably in Columbus OH about 550mi away.

>> No.5256543


Damn bro. I live in Florida and there is one about 45 minutes away driving. I've been thinking of going but it's hard to justify a 2 hour trip just to eat some skyline. Fuck it, i'm going tomorrow.

>> No.5256616

Ever heard of microplane? Get a microplane grater, or even better, zester.

>> No.5256624

Philadelphia is far better than Failumbus and Shitcinnati. And don't ever get me started on Cleveland.

>> No.5256647

>Also, how the heck do I get the cheese so thin and airy?
Industrial cheese shredder.
SOURCE: Previous Skyline dishwasher

>> No.5256651

Congratulations, you are a connoisseur of all colors of shit.

>> No.5256667

I dunno about regular stores but I know cheese like that gets sold to restaurants in big bags. Its usually called feather shredded or fancy shredded cheddar cheese.

>> No.5256899

I went to school around that area for a year and never had any. It looked bad.

My friend tried some and said it was nothing to write home about basically. Plus, my city has Ben's Chili Bowl which is infinitely better...I'm assuming.

>> No.5256935


Ben's chili bowl is overrated.

> muh local black person business

>> No.5256946


I've been to Ben's in DC. Skyline is different. Ben's has a typical American inspired chili sauce flavor. Skyline uses a mixture of traditional Greek spices. It's a unique twist on a typical chili sauce. The biggest similarity to something like Ben's chili bowl is that both are amazing drunk foods.

>> No.5256947

I don't care how it's rated; good food is good food.

>> No.5256963
File: 32 KB, 500x331, 20090110-chili-halfsmoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Ben's chili bowl
> dat shit looking chili
> dat burned dog
> dem boring chips
> dat lack of cheese

2/10 would not bang

>> No.5256964
File: 66 KB, 809x476, skyline_chili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this but I didn't test it, so I can't promise anything.
It sounds legit enough to me though.

>> No.5256970

> Philly
Yes, yes, tell us all about how great your beef and Cheez Whiz sandwiches are.

>> No.5256969

Do some people really think that putting spices into a wet mixture is a good idea?

>> No.5256979


I put spices into a wet mixture every single time I make chili or stew.

>> No.5256980

>implying whiz isn't tourist's bullshit
Cheesesteak was invented in 1939, Whiz in 1952.

>> No.5256983

Ben's is literally down the street from me and I haven't ever been. I'm not expecting much, but I'll wait a week to eat there since I had nothing but junk food yesterday.

>> No.5256984


Umm pretty much every food show I've seen about Philly has said cheez whiz is the local preferred way. I always thought Philly residents were retarded because of that preference over based provolone on a cheese steak.

>> No.5256985
File: 1.33 MB, 952x4749, 1382086194171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this shit not too long ago, tasted fucking delicious. Let it simmer in a slow cooker for about 6 hours.

>> No.5256992

Greek here living in D.C. Ben's is fine, if a bit pricey, for drunk food, but its absurdly spicy to cover up the shitty quality ingredients. "Greek" chili would just be adding the same spices you would add to apple pie to a chili recipe. I guess to us it just seems natural.

>> No.5256995


wouldnt this be 100 times better mixed up? Ohioan here.

>> No.5256996

Lemme guess, you moved to D.C. somewhat recently?

>> No.5257002


Only plebs mix up their skyline. The proper way is to cut and scoop with your fork. It maintains the layers.

>> No.5257007

No, fuck you, that shit was delicious and it lasted me a week.

>> No.5257003

No. Fuck you.

>> No.5257015

This is not Cincinnati chili, go post in another chili thread.

>> No.5257018

Do tell, what makes it a "Cincinnati chili"?

>> No.5257024

Wouldn't be the first time a food programme was wrong. I watched one on Swansea and it said that laverbread is common. I don't know anyone from Swansea (or even from near it) that eats the stuff.
But what do I know? They're the "experts," right?

>> No.5257028

noodles and a shit load of cheese

yes, this apparently warrants a title

>> No.5257032


Greek spices, allspice, chocolate, cinnamon. Served as chili dogs or on spaghetti with shit loads of fluffy cheddar.

>> No.5257033

So you could take the recipe I posted here >>5256985 dump it over noodles and grate some cheese on it and then >>5257015 could shut the fuck up.

>> No.5257037

So it's a sweet-greek chili? ok.

>> No.5257039

They need to be toasted with the onions or in a separate dry pan so that they provide a more complete flavour.

>> No.5257046


yea, no.

>> No.5257047

No, the spices and consistency are all wrong,
The beef needs to be minced very finely.
There needs to be much less tomato, and nothing like peppers in it at all. And absolute *no* beans. And corn? What the fuck...
And it's not Cinci chili if it lacks cinnamon, cloves, or allspice.
THe reasons aren't "purism", it's because regular chili just is not suitable for putting on top of a damned coney dog.

>> No.5257066

Just deal with it, your special chili ain't fucking special.

>regular chili just is not suitable for putting on top of a damned coney dog
>it's not Cinci chili if it lacks cinnamon, cloves, or allspice
Where is ths chocolate that this guy >>5257032
says it needs? Or is that another opinion?
>much less tomato, and nothing like peppers in it at all. And absolute *no* beans. And corn?
Chili has peppers and tomatoes, your making something else and calling it chili.
>The beef needs to be minced very finely
Thats fine
>No, the spices and consistency are all wrong
also fine, just stop calling it something it's not.

>> No.5257072


Oh look a Texas chili guy is butthurt. It's not like this doesn't happen every time Cincinnati chili is discussed...

>> No.5257092

That's bullshit and most Philly locals will agree.
Best way to see if someone is from the Philly area is ask "Which is better, Pat's or Geno's"
Correct answer "Both are shit"
Local places use provolone and that's where locals go.

>> No.5257101


Thanks. I learned something new today.

>> No.5257181


Do you think he actually ate it?

>> No.5257265

Skyline sells their chili in cans that taste just the same, the consistency just needs to be a bit thicker. And yes, it does have a bit of cocoa powder in it.

Compared to Texas style chili, I love cincinnati chili much more.

>> No.5257297
File: 9 KB, 299x168, Charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


uh cool, my local food court does that. Look at me, I'm eating authentic phillies

>> No.5257305

This guy is correct. Geno and Pats are where tourists, people who are trendy faggots and hipster's go. Real cheesesteak places use real cheese like provolone or cheddar cheese, which are placed on top of the steak just before it is done cooking on the grill and then is chopped into it. Ameroso, Bruno Brother and Liscio's bread are the only breads you use, period.

>> No.5258022

I was born here and left when I was 3, but I moved back a few years ago. So more or less, yeah.

>> No.5258026

>on a cheesesteak
Never ever seen that except for on my homemade ones. I make beef mince/ground beef hotdog chili then par-cook some thin-sliced beef, caramelise some onion, re-add the beef, scoop it into a hoagie roll, top it with chili and top /that/ with cheddar.

Most Italian-descended Philadelphians prefer provolone. In fact, I think most white Philadelphians do. Blacks prefer American. Tourists prefer whiz. I've never seen cheddar sold on a cheesesteak, ever. Finding cheddar on a roast beef sandwich is difficult here! It's all provolone, provolone, provolone.

>> No.5258035


My dad makes chili with cocoa powder in it, it never occurred to me before this that his recipe might have some cincinnati dna (he is from ohio).

>> No.5258036

I've always heard that whiz is more authentic.

Another tourist factor might be - you can get a meat sandwich with regular cheese on it anywhere. And if you've been told cheez whiz is the authentic way to have it...

>> No.5258043

I remember reading somewhere that Joey Vento (Geno's late owner) added whiz to the menu because tourists from the midwest kept asking for it. He was told that "that's how they do it in Michigan." Considering the Michigander love for Velveeta, I'm not surprised.

>> No.5258073


You don't. That pic was made by a food stylist, and that's probably not even cheese, but wax or some other crazy shit.

Watch the documentary on the importance of food styling called "Falling Down"

>> No.5258321 [DELETED] 


Durr hurr

>> No.5258582
File: 416 KB, 1280x720, 20140308_124955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come nobody sells it like that?
>It congeals too easily. By the time you got it home it would be clumped together

Some places do sell it like that, and no, it doesn't congeal on the way home.

Skyline and Gold Star both have carry out/drive thru and they give you the cheese in a separate little plastic bag. You assemble it when you're ready to eat.

Saw this thread this morning, and then saw pic related in the deli case when I went there to get lunch. So yeah, some places sell it just like that.

Of course, I live about 10 minutes north of Cincinnati.

Gold Star Chili is better than Skyline. It's very similar, but not as sweet. Skyline uses too much chocolate.

>> No.5258607

It doesn't congeal because they put sawdust in it. Well, maybe not the deli case, but if you buy the prepackaged bags like that it does.

>> No.5258630

Or maybe he has actually eaten Skyline Chili and knows what the cheese is like - it really is shredded very finely.

>> No.5258644


> Gold Star Chili is better than Skyline.

You shut your fucking cake horn.

>> No.5258653

> whiz is more authentic.

I can't see it. Before I moved to Philly I went looking for Whiz (grilled cheez sammiches) and couldn't find it. I eventually found a couple jars in 7-11. Not exactly a Philly staple.

I do eat a lot of mom n pop sandwiches and provolone, american, and whiz are the most common, in that order. I think the tourists might prefer the whiz because first time you try a cheesesteak you realize it is usually a little dry. Having a very wet cheese helps. After you get used to it, its fine.

>> No.5258665

It really does look exactly like that in the restaurant. Might be the only time in your life the product looks like the pictures on the board.

But goddamnit as soon as it is exposed to any heat, even room temp, it starts to stick together. Yes it congeals. Still tastey, but not as fluffy.

>> No.5258670



well the person that invented the cheesesteak - pat... used chesw whiz.

>> No.5258678


well... i may be wrong.
Cheez Whiz, first marketed in 1952, was not yet available for the original 1930 version, but has spread in popularity.[20

>> No.5258682

see >>5256980

>> No.5258698


>> No.5258783

Fuck Pat's. They're traded on the NTSE now. They perfected their business model. Line up a bunch of tourist fuckheads because philly is like 29 miles wide so best you can hope for is the Rocky statue and a walk to Pats. You get there, stand in a line around the corner, just to queue up for shitty customer service of spics telling you to fuck yourself if you don't dumb down your order to wit-wit-out, whatever you douchebags. And what do you get? Skimpy fuckin $12 steak with shit cheese.

Seriously, you're buttfucking yourself with a fistbunch right up the ass if you go alllll the way to Philly only to be served by Pats.

Philly aint like that. Go aaaaaanywhere else, you will get excellent service, better food, and you won't be paying $12 for a sandwich that won't even get you full.

>> No.5258840

All the tourists go to Geno's, not Pat's. Geno's was the first to put whiz on it, by the way, because Geno's was never for locals.

>> No.5258877
File: 5 KB, 201x250, disguesst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My roomates got super stoked about this and made it not too long ago, it was just okay...

but wat seriously grinds my gears... Why in gods name would you put CANNED vegetables like greenbeans in chile? why god... oh why?

>> No.5258898
File: 59 KB, 533x400, shittiestplaceever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, thanks for the info. Are you from Philly? I don't really care about the service though - at all. I didn't come out all the way to Philly (from California) to be shown what customer service is about.

Im here for the steak. And all I care about is the taste. The line and tourists trap aspects do piss me off though.

if you ever come to Hollywood, do NOT go to Pink's Hot Dogs. It's just regular ass hot dogs but the line is forever and you're sharing with a bunch of douchebags.
(pic related)

obviously if i went to philly i would go to both. Just so I can say i went to both and my opinion is informed.

also - im not looking forward to the cheez whiz. Ill take the provolone (but will try a little whiz just to see what it tastes like.) For example some people like that fake Kraft mac n Cheese instead of spaghetti and mozarella... and i'll never undestand that.)

>> No.5258908


Dude, that recipe is super obviously a poor college student, after the market closed, with a bunch of leftovers.

Why canned veggies? because fresh ones last a week... canned ones years.

This is most definitely a "make the best of nothing" recipe. You wouldn't go out and buy this shit, right?

>> No.5258910

>Skyline and Gold Star both have carry out/drive thru and they give you the cheese in a separate little plastic bag. You assemble it when you're ready to eat.
I also live in cincinnati and they have never done that. You can get extra cheese but they never leave it separate.

>> No.5258943


They do it for takeout on their 3 ways, but not the coneys.

>> No.5259535
File: 95 KB, 273x288, 1346310587318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you sure you're going to Skyline? Every one I've gone to for the last 25 years puts extra cheese in a little plastic bag. I think your store has been fucking with you. Either that or not giving you the cheese.

>> No.5259553

No, fuck YOU.
The recipe is middling and the author's arrogant, "THIS IS THE GREATEST AND BEST CHILI IN THE WORLD" attitude does NOT help things at all.

>> No.5259569

Apparently this is the recipe for Skyline Chili that was printed in a Cincinnati newspaper back in the 70s.

2 pounds lean ground beef
1 quart water, or amount to cover
2 onions, finely chopped
1 (15 ounce) can tomato sauce
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 (1 ounce) square unsweetened chocolate
1/4 cup chili powder
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
5 whole cloves
5 whole allspice berries
1 bay leaf

Place the ground beef in a large pan, cover with about 1 quart of cold water, and bring to a boil, stirring and breaking up the beef with a fork to a fine texture. Slowly boil until the meat is thoroughly cooked, about 30 minutes, then remove from heat and refrigerate in the pan overnight.
The next day, skim the solid fat from the top of the pan, and discard the fat. Place the beef mixture over medium heat, and stir in the onions, tomato sauce, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, chocolate, chili powder, salt, cumin, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, cloves, allspice berries, and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 hours. Add water if necessary to prevent the chili from burning.

>> No.5260060


Thanks anon