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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5255827 No.5255827 [Reply] [Original]

What do, /ck/?
Disposal broke. Sink won't drain and when I use the automatic dishwasher the filthy sink water gets sucked in and accumulates at the bottom.

>> No.5255829

Call a plumber

>> No.5255833

Plumb a caller

>> No.5255840

But I don't want him to see my filth.

>> No.5255847

Take it apart and fix it, you swine.
Unless you're a girl, btw. Then call a plumber before you hurt yourself.

>> No.5255848

Fix the disposal?
Plug up the sink with a dishtowel?
Eat out?

>> No.5255852

How do I fix the disposal? I don't even really know what's wrong with it. It doesn't even run anymore. I flip the switch and there's a whine but no blade spinning noise. Something fell down there a while ago that sounded like glass. Could I have completely wrecked the blades?

>> No.5255860

Something may be blocking it. Happened once when someone tossed watermelon rind down the disposal. Another time when I was living in an apartment a milk ring got stuck in there. Nobody fucking pays attention when they do the dishes. I hate roommates.

>> No.5255903

>>5255852 There's a slot for a 1/4" allen key at the bottom of your disposal. Stick the allen key in there then try to spin it around. You may be able to break up whatever is jammed in there.

>> No.5255908
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Stick your fingers down there and un-clog it

>> No.5255909

A plump caller

>> No.5255910

Trying this now.

>> No.5255911


Use the same motion you would to finger a girl

>> No.5255915

>Implying anyone on 4chan has fingered a gril

>> No.5255918

Unplug it first.

>> No.5255924

unfortunately I know a few. They always have fingernails and it is a regrettably unpleasant experience

>> No.5255930

use your middle two fingers, plus your index if theres sufficient space, bend from the last knuckle in a 'come hither' motion on the wall closest to her navel

i mean, closest to your dishwashers navel

>> No.5255933

turn your water off, unscrew the u-bend, drain the crap into a bucket, re-fit the u-bend.

run with vinegar/baking soda or caustic soda/water to clear the rest of the blockage

wash out your dishwasher with bleach and cold water, then run on a hot cycle to kill the smell

i have no idea what a garbage disposal does because we don't have them in my country, we just scrape food waste into the bin

>> No.5255974

Use a toilet plunger. I am not joking. I once put potato skins in my garbage disposal and it clogged, I just plunged it and it was good as new in about 5 seconds.

>> No.5258431

Don't put Draino in it. I did that once, it dissolved part of the outer casing caused a leak.

If it were totally silent when you turn it on, there is a circuit breaker switch that protects from overloads. Little button on the side.

Since you hear noise from it, it's probably just blocked. I've stuck my hands in mine to straighten it out but I can't recommend it. I don't think there is anything sharp, but if you have a lodged piece of glass then you fucked up and need to call a plumber. Also, get one of those strainers that fit in the sink hole to catch all that bullshit. Its fucking stupid to think you are conveniencing yourself to not have to get the food off the plate before washing.

>> No.5258546

throw out that sponge

>> No.5258588
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>> No.5258609

First off, is the disposal broken? Then replace it.

I can give you advice on how to unclog a sink, but the first question should be answered before continuing any further.

When I overloaded my disposal, I had no idea what I was doing, but it's pretty fucking straight-forward on how to disassemble pvc pipes and clean stuff out.

>> No.5258613

op, white vinegar will kill the gross food smell without completely nuking your kitchen

>> No.5258616

Was going to say this. Use a plunger. My apartment is very old and the drains get clogged sometimes, just plunge it. Don't be too rough but shake it up enough to get things moving again.

>> No.5258623
File: 31 KB, 551x514, Large-Sink-Plunger-580450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a toilet plunger, this is a sink plunger.

If your sink has 2 basins make sure you plug the drain of the side that you aren't plunging.

>> No.5260048

Plumbers have seen worse than you have, guaranteed.

>> No.5260054
File: 17 KB, 300x544, toilet-plunger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's a sink plunger. This is a toilet plunger.

>> No.5260055
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Toilet plunger works just as well.

But yes, do cover the other side or you will have an explosion of vomit.