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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5246482 No.5246482 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so could somebody who knows authentic Chinese cooking tell me what stuff Chinese restaurants in the United States sell is crap and what's authentic?

>> No.5246493

In a nutshell, nothing you've ever eaten in the USA is "real Chinese", but what you've been eating is vastly superior to actual Chinese food.

>> No.5246508

Is this a joke? I heard actual Chinese food is much healthier...with the assumption that they don't put too much steroids in their chicken, which was reported to have happened in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Do they use more MSG in the United States or in China?

>> No.5246514

Steamed fish. Jellyfish. Anything else that's not doused in sauce or fried. Chinese food is more bland-looking than you think.

>> No.5246518


There are plenty of authentic Chinese restaurants if you go to Chinatown in a big city. The easiest way to tell if it's authentic is if chicken feet are on the menu.

>> No.5246523

That, and if nothing on the menu is in English.

>> No.5246531

Are you referring to the recipes specifically, or to food in China? I don't know how much it has changed in the past five years, but regulations on food safety is pretty lax there.

>> No.5246542

Key ingredients that aren't available keep American Chinese from being anything but pleb tier


>> No.5246551

thanks asshole lol

>> No.5246563

Mmm authentic Chinese.


>> No.5246567

I saw a video in college of some guy in China making cat meat. The video showed a guy using a big knife and decapitating a cat. I also saw a video in which a snake was eaten.

>> No.5246679


in a short documentary a young girl explains how her parents who work in restaurants serve much different food from what is served at home for the most part she says at home the eat without adding flour --- sugar --- grease

@ 8:15 --- 12:30 this is from a mexican doc about chinese in mexicali focused on schoolchildren ... a day in the life sort of thing

>> No.5246700

Your typical takeout dishes like fried rice/noodles with vegetables and meat or fried meats in sweet/sour/hot sauces are Chinese staples anywhere. You'll find variations of those dishes in any Chinese restaurants around the world, although with their own twist.

All that is safe, entry-level stuff, but if you go to a Chinese restaurant, it's better to order dishes that use less common ingredients. Think of Chinese pickles, bamboo shoots, Chinese greens, seafood, duck or offal instead of chicken breasts, broccoli, carrots, etc. or aromatics other than just the garlic and ginger combination you find in takeout joints. You'll be guaranteed to get authentic food if you order abalone or some dish with black bean sauce.

>nothing you've ever eaten in the USA is "real Chinese"
There are plenty of "authentic" restaurants serving "authentic" Chinese dishes in the US.

>but what you've been eating is vastly superior to actual Chinese food.
Like I said, "Americanized" Chinese is just common staples using flavors everyone's already tasted.

>> No.5246823

MFW when I met this chinese chick from china that has been here in Canada for 2 years and said she never heard of General Tao before trying it here.
MFW when we had lunch at a food court, I took pad thai and she had italian pasta. Saw me eating with chopsticks and said I had better skills eating with chopsticks than her. She admitted she was just lazy and used the spoon for the soup to eat her whole meal most of the time. Top LEL. Felt good.

>> No.5246853

I'd wager that China is the best place on earth for human meat too.
What do you guys think?

>> No.5246860

german is best
trust me

>> No.5246862

No sanitation regulations
Fucktons of MSG
May actually be getting rat
Gutter oil

MSG in China is used as liberally as salt in the west.

>> No.5246870

I can't trust you if you don't tell me more.

>> No.5246896

Chinese guy here. I actually prefer the stuff that's common like Peking duck with buns, mu shu pork, black bean fish fillet (also fried fish) etc.

Like in a cantonese meal they serve cold cuts with jellyfish in the beginning which is okay but i prefer warm food. Also soy sauce chicken is ok but i prefer the fried.

>> No.5246912

You guys are both retards.

>> No.5246916

I feel like I'm the only person that can't stand soy sauce outside of sushi. The taste is cloying and overpowering. Give me garlic and peppers and onion over that any day.

>> No.5246918

stupid shit you add drops not cups on food

>> No.5246920

I eat sushi with teriyaki or eel sauce because I hate soy sauce.

>> No.5246924

I do that when I'm trying to bring out umami, like a dash of that + vinegar when frying mushrooms, but so many imitations of Asian recipes will use it to hell and back.

Can America as a nation please move onto oyster sauce? That stuff is so good.

>> No.5247019

>implying MSG is inherently bad for you

>> No.5247026

None of it and all of it.

Virtually everything you eat in a chinese restaurant has authentic roots. But the food is mostly junk food that would be eaten irregularly as well as having been thoroughly localized to ingredients commonly available in the US.

>> No.5247420

>>used liberally as salt in the west
thats because its a salt of glutamic acid you retard.

>> No.5249795

The shittiest least-tasty Chinese in the US? That's the most authentic.

>> No.5250128 [DELETED] 

ITT flyoverland sisterfuckers pretend that everyone else lives in their backwards shithole

Been to China. Eaten the food. We have a lot of the same things here, if you're not a hick. Of course you'd have to come to the scary big city, and risk the knockout game and interacting with people who can read without moving their lips.

>> No.5251154


The general problem appears to be that they replace a lot of the traditional condiments with sweet and source sauce, only use maybe two of all possible textures and call it a day.

>> No.5251213

It's common knowledge that the best chinese cuisine is found in chinatowns of western cities. This is due to the communist revolution and subsequent purging of "opulent" chefs, who migrated to western countries.
Chinese food in china still has much of the communist influence, although it is changing.

>> No.5252391



Especially on the latter point


And tastes as bland as they look.

>> No.5252401


You have the palate of a suburban kid raised on mac n cheese and shake and bake if you think that Chinese cuisine is anything to write about. This being /ck/ there's a 90% chance that I'm right.

>> No.5252409

I had "authentic" chinese and it was one of the worst meals of my life
boiled chicken feet served cold
undressed chopped up jelly fish
fish intestines baked in a clay pot (quite literally the worst thing I have ever eaten in my life. the flavor can be described as musky dick smell from unwashed foreskin, a spongy cake of spoiled fish and poop)
steamed frog, and not just the legs but the entire frogs body chopped up and steamed so you had to eat around the bones to get at the meat, skull and all
rice porridge seasoned with pigs blood

truly a feast for the ages

>> No.5252415

generally if a restaurant has a primarily chinese clientele, it's safe to say that it serves "authentic" chinese food.

a restaurant can probably have up to 25% white customers before it starts getting into chop suey and general tso chicken territory

>> No.5252437


Sounds authentic to me. The Chinese love their bland and gelatinous dishes.

>> No.5252605

Can someone tell me an authentic Chinese dish that uses ginger as a spice and an authentic Chinese dish that uses sliced ginger as an ingredient?

>> No.5252617

That's a load of shit. I've eaten all over China and have had similar meals in both NYC and Seattle.

My hometown of Vancouver is loaded with 'real' Chinese food just on the fact that there are so many immigrants here.

It doesn't matter how it tastes. It's matters how rare, hard to prepare, and expensive the dish it.

>> No.5252631

Dumplings? Any sort of stir fried mix of vegetables?

Ginger's pretty often used with fish, as part of a sauce when steamed or fried.

>> No.5252729


Fuck off you trolling white prig.

The cold chicken leg originated from Thai cuisine which you supposed to taste the hot and sour flavour with the chewy skin texture.

The jelly fish supposed to have a crisp texture with sesame oil and a bit saltiness to bring out the ocean flavour.

Never heard of steamed frog dish, usually either stir fried or well marinated then cooked with rice. The biggest flaw in your lie is you said the skull is included... utter non-sense. For cleaning frogs, the first thing to do is to cut the head off and dispose it. Never heard of serving frog heads at all.

Pig blood is an acquired taste even among Chinese...

You imbred hater gtfo and stop spreading utter lies about your bad experience. If the experience is this bad, it's either you don't have a taste bud or you went to some uber shit white boys serving shit restaurant.

>> No.5252733

but my white pristine world would be crushed if half of what you say were true

take it back take it all back

>> No.5252756

It is dipshit. MSG breaks down neuron pathways and slows/changes the growth of new ones. It also has been linked to a plethora of diseases.

>> No.5252764

>lump of meat in the pot
>eat it
>hard mass in the middle
>spit out a black sphere
>wonder what that is
>spit out the bone
>realize it the skull
>they didnt even remove the eyes

you weren't there, you don't know

>> No.5252767

If you're American, then near nothing will be crap to you as it's been modified to cater to your tastes. If it's a take-away chinky, there will be near nothing that is authentically Chinese, either.

>> No.5252792

>oyster sauce
>salt and MSG sauce


>> No.5252820

american taste are all out of whack

when jello normally takes 2 cups of sugar

for americans to taste any sweetness in jello you need 5 or 6 cups its really pretty sad

>> No.5252829

I have no idea what you're trying to say or why you're saying it here.

>> No.5252851

I know a Chinese person who hates oysters and omelettes.

>> No.5252852

We don't add sugar to jello friend, it's already in the mix

>> No.5252905

If you're going to make such outlandish claims, at least have the decency to back them up with some reputable source... if you can find any.

>> No.5252909 [DELETED] 


I grew up in the US and various asian countries since my dad worked for a multinational. This being /ck/ there's a 100% chance you don't even have a driver's license, let alone a passport.

>> No.5253409


Yeah no I think you're full of shit and your come backs are as dull as your palate. I think was spot on when I called you a suburban white kid, I bet you're the type who goes on threads debating which fast food joint is the best.

Authentic Chinese cuisine is objectively shit, with Hunan being the only decent one because it actually encourages the use of herbs and spices with Cantonese being the absolute worst.

>> No.5253413

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.5253739


op i'm gonna answer your question and try my hardest not to engage with the shitfight in this thread that started because people can't handle gelatinous textures or whatever

if the restaurant you are attending is cooking mostly within the style of one region, they are probably cooking for chinese people and have not adapted their menu to cater to western tastes.

There are popular dishes that nearly every restaurant will serve, but if they mostly stay in their lane they will probably know what they're doing.

you will probably be able to find a few reigonal styles of chinese cooking you really like. a lot of people in this thread are making chinese cooking sound a lot more inaccessible or outre than it actually is.

>> No.5253758

>authentic chinese?
>no cababge, no broccoli, no carrots, no peanut, no peanut oil, no tomatoes, no pinapple, no chillies, no bell peppers (capsicums).
>All these ingredients were unknown of in china until the 1600s and come from the american continent.

What is authentic when you thinc about it, There is no authentic "anything" cuisine, all foods come from everywhere and have been adjusted to the local taste around the world.

>> No.5253762

>being this autistic

>> No.5253771

Not autistic, but seriously. the quest for authenticity is an impossible one.

I mean, it's the same with Thai , indonesian and Indian cuisine, some 50% of ingredients for their authentic cuisine come from the american continent, which if it wasn't for europeans and their push for world commerce would be impossible to find in their "authentic" dishes.

>> No.5253775

A country's cuisine and their historical cuisine are completely different.

>> No.5253798

you forgot to add the concept of when did that territory and the people peopling it truly become a country.

you know i'm right, OP and your quest for aunthenticity is a fallacy.

>> No.5253805

Chinese. Most of the gross food half of you are raging about is typically eother based on reigon or social hierarchy(typically higer class) While you may not find exactly what you find in westernized cuisine, most of that is based on some form pf traditional dish. If you can stomach rice, noodles(reigonal differences) pork and chicken and greens like choy, you'll survive more than well

>> No.5253807
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>food currently eaten in a country is not their cuisine

Just shut up spergo. Now English isn't English because it's not Old English.

>> No.5253812

Oh and if youre costal, learn to love fish

>> No.5253819
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>MFW Old english is neither Old nor english

You mean like Tempura, which comes originally from the portuguese, who love to bread and deep fry everything?

>> No.5253826

also beans from the full english breakfastcome from the american continent, so no.

or yes, whichever makes you angrier.

>> No.5253860

Come to Vancouver OP, supposedly the best Chinese food in the world. Apparently people from China travel here to try the food.

>> No.5253874

Most of the food you're eating is schezuan and cantonese. So if you went to Hong Kong, Macao, or Foshan you will be eating exactly what you eat here, only with a bucket more grease added on to it.

Anyone who tells you "Real" Chinese food is healthier, is full of shit. Real Chinese food is greasy as fuck.

But it's more or less the same shit you buy in the US.

Unsure about the northern provinces, those styles of Chinese cuisine aren't too popular overseas since most Chinese immigrants overseas are Cantonese.

I did stay in Red China for a bit, food was so so there too.

>> No.5253928


this guy doesn't know about the different menu for chinese people

>> No.5253932

>this guy doesn't know about the different menu for chinese people
You sound like you are from a flyover state.

>> No.5253939


several "authentic" restaurants have menus in chinese that aren't similar to english menus. this does not change from state to state

>> No.5253942

yes it does, plenty of these restaurants don't even have typical authentic ingredients in stock. We will usually reserve these ingredients for our home use

>> No.5253947

Are you trying to say restaurant owners only use certain ingredients for their "home use"?

lol where do you and >>5253939 live? Just curious.

>> No.5253950

I'm saying we arent going to bring bok choy for instance which is typically more expensive in the west and serve it to customers, regardless of ethnicity.

>> No.5253955

and I live in Manhattan

>> No.5253959

>I'm saying we arent going to bring bok choy for instance which is typically more expensive in the west and serve it to customers, regardless of ethnicity.
lol your Chinese restaurants don't have bok choy?

What the fuck?

>> No.5253961

Manhattan Chinese food is way too Americanized. Made by people of Chinese ethnicity that are several generations removed from China.

>> No.5253962

>bok choy

Not sure if serious.

>> No.5253963

We do, because of our base, but a lot of restaurants do not.

>> No.5253964

You are talking out of your ass so hard it's hilarious.

>bok choy
>too expensive
>absent at a Chinese restaurant

>> No.5253965

American Chinese is Americanized, it depends on where you go

>> No.5253966


you rarely find oyster omelettes or coagulated pig blood soup. you can talk about ingredients being used, i'm talking about the menu items changing on a chinese menu.

i live in east pa

>> No.5253967

Please read OP's OP retard.

>> No.5253969

bad example, you are right

>> No.5253970

haha you bought the anti-msg hype hook line and sinker

baaaahhhhh baaah baaaaaaahhhhhhhh

do you have an iphone too?

>> No.5253972

>you rarely find oyster omelettes or coagulated pig blood soup
I live in Toronto and you can easily find a Chinese restaurant with authentic Chinese food.

>i live in east pa
Maybe you should stop talking about authentic Chinese food and the "high price of bok choy" lol

>> No.5253975

>bad example, you are right
No, not a bad example. A catastrophic indication of your complete lack of knowledge in a subject you are arguing about.

>> No.5253977

>do you have an iphone
Not that guy, but I bet you own a cell phone.

>> No.5253981


about 1/3 of this menu i've seen or eaten in shanghai. some of it is pure western fiction and the rest im not sure about.

if you live in a big city with a bustling china town like new york or san fran you should have no problem finding awesome authentic chinese food.

>> No.5253984

you've missed the point completely

>> No.5254003

>You have the palate of a suburban kid raised on mac n cheese and shake and bake

God damn that's hilarious

>> No.5254041
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What a simpleton.

Don't you have a reservation for Macaroni Grill, fuccboi?

>> No.5254055

No, you've missed the point. You think owning one multinational brand versus another is a point of contention. All the meanwhile, you are carrying around a tracking device and completely oblivious to the implications.

But hey, at least you have Brand X instead of the more popular Brand Y.

Fucking sheep lol

>> No.5254057
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On a sidenote, why is /ck/ so butthurt about Chinese food?

/ck/ is usually open and accepting towards food of all cultures (barring that the thread isn't a 'europoor vs amerifat' thread or a canadian poutine bashing thread, etc.) yet one thing that all co/ck/s can band together around is their disgust and universal animosity towards chinese food.

This isn't the 3rd grade, boys. Can we have a decent discussion without bringing /pol/ into the mix everytime?

>> No.5254059

>thinks Chinese cuisine is one thing

>> No.5254071
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Ok buddy...

>> No.5254082
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>> No.5254085
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Resident Chinese (aka "chink apologist) reporting. If you have any questions about these dishes just ask.

>> No.5254087

funny but not true.

sweet sour salty spicy bitter and an array of textures.

now you may not like chinese food. but dont be calling a cuisine that incorporates all the elements of taste pleb.

but maybe a challenge.... because i bet you don't know shit about authentic chinese.

name off some shitty dishes that you've had. if they're authentic ill find 5 dishes that would probably be considered tasty as fuck by most people on this board

>> No.5254093
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There are crappy dim sums across the states that serve this, but you can't say you've actually tried this until the day you've been served a decent batch.

>> No.5254095

I've been to China a few times and currently live in Asia. authentic is good but American Chinese is better

>> No.5254098

isheep detected

i want a cellphone that does Y. now i can pay X amount for the capability or i can pay X + $200 for the same capability but with an apple on the back.

baah bah baaah baah bah baaah

>> No.5254099
File: 57 KB, 640x458, jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold: the infamous meat "jello"


Consume cold with black vinegar. Don't bash it till you've tried it.

>> No.5254102


OK buddy. please do go on about how you can't even find bok choi at whole foods. I can see you're a culturally deprived one so I won't post my family background which would probably be too exotic for you to handle without some /b/ grade slurs.

>> No.5254105

that looks so fucking good! what is it?

>> No.5254108
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>> No.5254116


drunken chicken!

>> No.5254117
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Moar jello, sichuan style.

>> No.5254122
File: 280 KB, 1600x1067, 1394159103205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay it's more Jello! It's actually rice (cake) shit, like rice noodles but in sheet form.

stuffed with BBQ pork, sauce is soy sauce-y.

You should order this at your local dim sum, guarantee you won't go wrong.

>> No.5254127

What it is yo
looks like this shit my local Chinese buffet calls "snow shrimp"

>> No.5254132


>I won't post my family background which would probably be too exotic for you to handle without some /b/ grade slurs.

Lol that's so good

>> No.5254143


Stir fry Shanghainese shrimp

The proper taste should be extremely light and delicate, so that you only detect the subtle sweetness of the seafood and crisp, firm texture.

The way that is prepared is not even salty and is usually eaten with ginger/black vinegar.

>> No.5254144

its dishes like this that leave me to believe most people who call chinese shit just haven't tried enough

>> No.5254155
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Mmmm... time to go to Sam woo.

>> No.5254157

Been to Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai - "authentic" Chinese food can be found in big cities for sure. I'm no expert but Szechuan style should contain Szechuan peppercorns- they are obvious when included. Dry fried chicken, water boiled beef and Dandan noodles can be found in Chicago.

>> No.5254166

I don't know what's crap and authentic. I just know that I go to restaurants full of Chinese people and I order food that tastes real fucking good.

>> No.5254172
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>implying any white boy can handle pic related

top honk

My Shanghainese Dad can't even touch this shit. And remember we're on a board that thinks Sriracha is hot.

>> No.5254204

Are those little fuckers sichan peppercorns? I had a dish that included those for the first time recently, very bizarre sensation. Not even spicy, just plain weird.

>> No.5254206


They have a numbing effect right?

>> No.5254212

What is that dish called?

>> No.5254222


if you say Sichuan boiled beef they'll know what you mean

I'm actually sweaty and my mouth is watering from only looking at pictures of it... It's hot, dude. And oh so good.

>> No.5254236

no one hates chinese food. they just hate china;s standards for food, and "chinese food"

I'm sure if you dragged a family of food enthusiasts of their culture from china, to a place where they can get clean food in a clean place to cook it. most of /ck/ wouldn't have any problem with it. as it is, you may as well buy an omlet from that guy in india, with thousands of eggs just lying out in the heat.

>> No.5254256


Yea, but you don't get blanket troll statements like >>5246493 and >>5252401 regarding any other culture.

I've just been noticing lately that it's getting fashionable to bash China and categorize them and their culture as bloodsucking freedom-haters.

For example take a look at that Gordon Ramsay video where he goes to China and eats shark fin soup. You know what I'm talking about, THAT video that everyone is indirectly referencing to. How the fuck are Chinese people supposed to respond to that?

>> No.5254269
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I mean, the premise of this video is so fucking pro-West and anti-China. White guy goes to China. White guy points out chinese lack of morals and apathy. White guy leaves disgusted and retreats to his comfy little nest of Parisian cookery.

>> No.5254270 [DELETED] 


If moot just banned Australians we wouldn't have all these problems.

>> No.5254307 [DELETED] 




>> No.5254324

>not doing a Tim Tam Slam every morning
do you even LIVE?

>> No.5254344


What the fuck? Just google "Gordon Ramsay eats shark fin soup." How is that hard.

And the other pics, I mentioned that I am here to answer questions. So answer away.

>> No.5254376

Dude, many cultures have head cheese.

>> No.5254411

So does my penis.

>> No.5254430

Most of the Chinese restaurants stuff in the US is pseudo-Chinese food. Just off the top of my head Ma Po Tofu and dumplings are legitimate.
However don't forget that China is HUGE and filled with so many different people and cultures. So yes you will get your moments where you think Americanized chinese food is better but overall real Chinese food is delicious.
Source: I am Chinese in NYC. I like both authentic Chinese food and that shitty stuff catered to "whitu pigu"

>> No.5254435

>it's getting fashionable to bash China
I think the world is just sick of westernized chinese talking about how great China is compared to [insert the country that they actually live in].
If China is so great go live there you fucking rodents.

>> No.5254441

I'm Australian and I posted this >>5251213 , which is the only factual post regarding the history of chinese cuisine in this entire thread. So fuck you.

>> No.5254460


You haven't proven me wrong


That dish looks so dull and uninspired it has to be Chinese


It's all true. I know that you're trying to come off as some sort of gourmand but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Yes all those are important elements of Chinese cuisine and the ideal dish is a balance of all those things but the Chinese are so inept at cooking that nothing ever balances out and one always ends up overpowering the rest. Maybe the cuisine would be better if they stopped following bullshit mysticism and following traditions for the sake of traditions.


You don't speak for this board. Popular authentic Chinese cuisine is terrible, eating dog shit would have the equivalent experience.

>> No.5254464

Defensive American detected.

>> No.5254474

>the Chinese are so inept at cooking
Yes, a heterogeneous group of peoples from a large land mass covering diverse ecological regions with a long history (the majority of which consisted of dozens of un-unified city-states or countries) are inept at cooking.

>> No.5254488


Genetically heterogeneous but culturally homogenous with a ridiculous outlook on cooking and ingredient combination.

>> No.5254497

>culturally homogenous
lol no

You should read up on some history and try saving your pennies for a trip to China.

>> No.5254506


I think its you who needs to read up on history. China would not be China if it wasn't for the cultural homogeny.

>> No.5254507

No retard. I'm Irish.
If you want some hard truths, here they are.
China has built it's economy on the slavery of it's people. When you sit in a comfortable western country and talk about "how great China is" you are disrespecting all of the people that are still stuck living in China. You are also helping prevent any kind of social upheaval, and in effect are helping the CCP remain in power and continue terrorizing the chinese people, which may I remind you, constitutes your relations and brethren.
You are a spineless worm who grasps at some artificial sense of nationalistic pride while ignoring the reality of what China is.

>> No.5254509

Go dig me sime potatoes paddy. After you move my piano.

>> No.5254512

>>durrr you dont hurp durp sherp
Sorry what did you eat the last month? maybe someone so obviously superior would care to tell us his tastes?

>> No.5254516

>study abroad in Chengdu
>diarrhea every day for three months

>> No.5254517


>culturally homogenous

Please.. please try harder. Your troll is showing.

>> No.5254518

Here's some nationalistic pride for you.

I'm American. I don't care if you're Irish or Chinese. I just don't care, it's not our problem. How about this, stop taking money from the USA?

Get overrun by cunts that you don't understand. Tell me about it you Irish cunt!?

Get over yourselves, I don't care. When you learn to deal with with it you'll be much better off.

>> No.5254520
File: 305 KB, 500x405, 1353202731709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey just what the hell is wrong with you buddy

>> No.5254523


Is that it? Is that your retort? Maybe you'd like me to tell you the color of the shit I took last night?

That wasn't a comeback so much as it was a whimper.

>> No.5254524

>>what? I'm not telling you!
whats what I thought, fuck off.

>> No.5254525


How fucking brainwashed are you, guy. Do you actually believe Chinese people are still living in the same conditions as they were in the 70s?


Good god, you should work for the daily mail.

>> No.5254526

So it's used as a spice in the fish sauce and sliced in dumplings/stir fry?

>> No.5254527


Your ignorance is showing. You'd do well to read a book instead of shitposting on 4chan

>> No.5254529

Lets just put it this way... when you go to a japanese restaurant in South Carolina, and 90% of the staff is mexican... you are in for one spectacular meal of a mountain of rice, some chopped chicken.. and maybe a volcanoe onion show if the the teriyaki guy isn't too bored with making these for everyone who sits down.

>> No.5254530


I understand the need to save face and soothe your bruised ego but your whimpers are becoming more pathetic with each post.

>> No.5254532


come back when you learn/evolve to the point of participating in a rational argument.

>> No.5254533

>teriyaki guy
I think you mean teppanyaki

>> No.5254534


Lol did you just tell me to read a book?

Nvm I have better things to do then reply to a troll whose only material consists of his ill-founded and childlike opinion of an entire culture's cuisine.

>> No.5254535

wait, are you actually saying the CCP adheres to human rights and civil liberty?

>> No.5254537


The food industry in the states is basically run by Mexicans, in the West Coast it's Mexicans and Koreans (often posing as Japanese)

>> No.5254539

anyone know where to get the curry powder they use in singapore mai fun at chinese takeout places?

if I just get the mccormic one will it be similar?

I'm going to the asian store (dong market) to look for chinese mustard powder so maybe they will have something good there

>> No.5254542


Clearly other nations have different standards of "human rights." That doesn't mean that Chinese people are living in a fucking holocaust, m8.

I'm Chinese and yes I can pull this card because as far as I know, you're just a dumbfuck Irishman sitting on his computer in motherfucking Ireland talking shit about a place he literally has no idea of.

>> No.5254544


You don't know shit about geopolitics and you'd do well to develop a palate to boot

>> No.5254548


Lol it's funny because that's exactly what you're trying to do

Person A(you): This food is shit!
Person B(other guy): Your opinion is uninformed.
Person A(you): NO IT ISN'T!!!!
Person B(other guy): Prove it.
Person A(you): ur a faget, lets fight hurrrrrrrrr

Look at you stupid you sound.

>> No.5254549

>anon talk to that waitress in Japanese
>dad, she's not Japanese
>excuse me miss do you know where I can buy a shamisen?
>no I'm Korean

>anon order dishes in Chinese
>dad, dim sum is Cantonese not Mandarin

>> No.5254552


You love your buzzwords, don't you. I guess it's one way to make yourself sound smart on an anonymous hentai imageboard.

>> No.5254559


Your command of the English language is the same as your command logic, nonexistent.

Keep shitposting and lets pray that somewhere down the line maybe you'll say something that isn't full of strawmen.

>> No.5254561


Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.5254565


>ur logic is nearly NONEXISTENT, pathetic worm!

What the fuck am I reading? How fucking autistic are you?

>> No.5254568

Does it matter to the USA? NO!

Get over it, it's not our problem. You're very young and don't understand things yet, but problems in Russia is not the CCCP, and their problems with the Ukraine are not our problems.

We all have nukes, get over it.

>> No.5254569

>China would not be China if it wasn't for the cultural homogeny.
You should look into the long history of reunification of China.

>> No.5254572
File: 108 KB, 292x274, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sick idiom though, bro.

Your idioms are out of control everyone knows that

>> No.5254573
File: 49 KB, 504x159, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an Irishman making 6 figures in Australia.
I've travelled to mainland China and Hong Kong many times, since the early 90's.

Fact is: China is a fucking hellhole, and it will continue to be so because of brain dead nationals like you who completely ignore the truth and ride some fairytale about Chinese progression.

Pic related. If the CCP didnt have their hand so far up your anus, then they might actually be held accountable for the endless corruption of office and suffering of the people. And China might actually become more than the planet's sweatshop.

>> No.5254576


Listen I understand that your comprehension of English is just above that of a grade school student from the ghetto but read your own posts before you make a fool of yourself.

>> No.5254578

>If you want some hard truths, here they are.
>America has built it's economy on the slavery of it's people. When you sit in a comfortable western country and talk about "how great America is" you are disrespecting all of the people that are still stuck living in America. You are also helping prevent any kind of social upheaval, and in effect are helping the US remain in power and continue terrorizing the American people, which may I remind you, constitutes your relations and brethren.
>You are a spineless worm who grasps at some artificial sense of nationalistic pride while ignoring the reality of what America is.

A-at least they have weak firearm regulations and cheap junk food.

>> No.5254582


Refer to >>5254057 about bringing politics into the sphere of cuisine, guess we can pass your earlier statements about Chinese food off as the shitty b8 we suspected it of.

Just what the fuck are you doing on /ck/ anyways, you humorless puddle of bile? Mommy didn't give you enough attention growing up? Get real. You're not a big shot because you're a virgin and 30 and anally-constipated from your Friday night splurge at the local P.F. Chang's.

Your life is pathetic. Your "palate" is pathetic. The fact remains that you know NOTHING about Chinese food and will probably never taste good food outside your shallow culinary mindset.

Fucking pleb.

>> No.5254585


Holding a nation state together with more or less the same boundaries requires cultural homogeny. China has many different ethnic groups but they don't see each other as foreigners

>> No.5254592


I need to find these peppercorns.

>> No.5254593


>make a fool of yourself
>english comprehension (lol, just lol)

I seriously haven't lapsed into an argument like this since I was in 7th grade debating video games with my semi-retarded classmate. Thanks for the nostalgia.

Btw what's it like being autistic? I've always wanted to talk to a real-life, high-functioning autist. Just never made the right connections. I guess 4chan is better than reddit after all.

>> No.5254595

I was having a conversation.

>shitty b8
not that I was trying to bait, but it is kinda funny considering the rest of your post is pulsating with mad.

>> No.5254597


Are you finished with that sad pathetic rant which you probably typed with tears and snot running down your face?

Fuck off back to reddit you weak shit. This is an anonymous message board and people can say whatever the fuck they want. If me and him could easily get under your skin you don't belong here.

>> No.5254607

I like for you to think it that way. That way you won't think that we can do something. Point is, it's not our problem to do something about your own nations when you should do something about your own.

Don't put your problems on us you fucking cunt. A lot of nations like doing that, so that assholes in California that need a cause will get one and our stupid government that relys on them for donations will be right on it.

So our people will die for something that doesn't matter for the USA.

Piss off cunt! That's not a whimper, that's telling you, deal with your own problems for once if you're capable instead of relying on the USA to throw money at you which just makes the problems worse instead of us using that money to take care of our own problems.

You selfish fucking cunt!

>> No.5254608


>this is MY board!!! YOU can't be here anymore because I don't like you!!!!!!

Lol it appears I hit a nerve. My job here is done.

Have a nice day, faglord.

>> No.5254612


Your response made about as much sense as the ramblings of a homeless man living under the overpass.

I've broken you and your responses have turned from coherent to death throes but your bruised ego still won't give up. Take the hint and stay down, there aren't any upvotes here to save you.

>> No.5254617


>Lol it appears I hit a nerve. My job here is done.

If thinking you won the Special Olympics helps you sleep at night, so be it.

>> No.5254620


>that over-dramatization
>death throes
>I've broken you (BANE?)

Oh god. I just realized I've been arguing with a 16 year old. Lol, fuck me.

This is quite embarrassing really.

>> No.5254627


>Goes on reddit
>Accuses someone else of being 16

I bet you're also active on tumblr. I can smell the social justice teenage angst from my screen

>> No.5254632

You might try it sometime, you might learn something.

>> No.5254638


Sup tiger, how's high school treatin ya?

Gonna ask out that cute blonde chick to formal? You guys don't have prom, right?

Study hard and enjoy life. When you get older like me you'll find yourself taking responsibilities that you didn't even know existed! Funny world :)

Let me know if you have any questions (like why your voice is changing or why your peepee is growing hard and shooting sticky stuff)

>> No.5254647


There's a lot of things I find annoying about you such as your severe lapses in logic, poor comprehension of English, and social justice warrior attitude but above all else what really ticks me off is that you're so fucking boring.

That has got to be one of the worst attempts at comeback I've ever seen. You're trying to pull off the whole teenage derision angle but it's awful. I understand that Asians aren't exactly the most creative people in the world but fuck that was pathetic. You completely got the whole school and social development thing all wrong. If you were speaking from personal experience it just shows me that you're a late bloomer.

>> No.5254650

Bu.. bu.. we need moar quinkay sauceies!

I do appreciate your holier than thou point of view thinking that you know more than everyone else. I bet you get A+s in your classes for socialism and utter bullshit.

Are paid for by the Chings? It would figure given the number of them that out government allows here in the USA into our Universities that suddenly dissapear in the mist of the USA. You do like using that don't you?

>> No.5254653

In fairness, if we didn't have warrior attitude, we wouldn't be Americans, and people like you would get to eat tofu.

>> No.5254656

>I've broken you and your responses have turned from coherent to death throes but your bruised ego still won't give up
lol you should take a step back from the computer, take a deep breath, and consider where your life is going.

>> No.5254658


lol it's so obvious that these are the same people it's not even funny

It's ok kid. I've been guilty of the same thing back in... '05 perhaps? on youtube, lol.

>> No.5254659

>warrior attitude
But Americans are fat and soft. When a couple thousand troops die you guys all want to end the war and can't stop crying and putting the flag at half-mast.

>> No.5254670


Nah you're a gigantic faggot and everyone is telling you that but as I said to the other guy if thinking you won the Special Olympics helps you sleep at night you can believe whatever you want

>> No.5254673

Point is, we shouldn't be in it in the first place.
Certain things around the world don't matter do us, they matter to politicials, for poliiticals a lot of people die. That doesn't make us weak at all.

Get off your high horse.
Are you thick as a brick?

>> No.5254675
File: 27 KB, 605x518, 1352915089814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I'm a Chinese American student at a California university

You hit the nail right on the hammer, buddy.

There are cute asian girls in Ireland, aren't there? I guess that explains the butthurt emanating from your posts. Cheer up, I'll let you scoop up the self-loathers who aren't nearly good-looking enough to date within their own race.

Disclaimer: Yes I realize I am going full /pol/ in this post. Do I care? Not really. Feel free to have a go at me m8.

>> No.5254677

*** Sometimes, it's strong to simply say, that's what's going to happen in another place in on the planet, and the USA has no business there.

Get it? Or are you the weak one that can't understand?

>> No.5254681


>gets called out on his bullshit
>only response is "yea nah ur a faget"

Bravo, Nolan

>> No.5254683

Just remember to thank a troop at the airport and then bash poor white trash religious blue collar slobs on 4chan when you get home lol

>> No.5254685

The problem is, I'm not butthurt, the problem is that you have a natural problem that "NEEDS A CAUSE." And that's pretty pathetic.

I don't care about your cause or causes. Either you're an American or your not, if not, get the fuck out. Why do you care about some other people's bullshit when we have problems here that should take priority. Don't you realize that these foreigners look at you like a fucking sucker?

>> No.5254688


What the fuck? I'm not talking about problems and causes.

I am motherfucking talking about the motherfucking Irishman who is sitting on his drunk ass amidst cans of empty Guiness talking about "geopolitics" and why Chinese food sucks.

GTFO with your /pol/ bullshit, I don't have beef with you, aussie.

>> No.5254689

Beyond numbing, wikipedia describes it well enough. Lime-y but alien flavor, weird tingling and distorted feeling, some trippy fucking pepper.

>> No.5254690

>Either you're an American or your not, if not, get the fuck out
Did he take yer jerb?

>> No.5254697


Chink apologist here >>5254688

While you must have had me confused for someone else, I did read your response. Let me be Donnie and interject out of context here and ask you what the fuck are you even saying. Seriously.

I'm getting confused as to who's the Irishman, who's the aussie, who's the pissed-off Americunt, who's the Irishman's bitchboi, etc. etc.

>> No.5254698


Hey Chinky arguing on the internet won't fix your social life and small penis.

>> No.5254700

Fair enough m8, I'm an American am used to taking attacks. Sometimes I get it wrong. But usually I'm right. Though Aussies are damn cool too.

You Irish seem to have a plug up your asses.

>> No.5254701


And using big boy words on the internet won't bring Daddy back, sport.

>> No.5254704

wikipedia, oh yeah, that's a good source of information. Bet you can use that in school as a reference... try that one at a higher level you stupid sack of shit.

>> No.5254709


With each lame post you make it proves the stereotype that Asians are soulless uncreative meatbags. You are fucking boring.

>> No.5254710

No it wont irishboy, and don't associate yourselves with Americans or Aussies please.

It was never intended to, but then with the bugs up your asses, you'd never know would you?

>> No.5254712

I have a blog where I complain about my Chinese roommates and every time someone shit talks Asians I want to post it.

But I won't because it's on dumblr.

>> No.5254715


Raised by a single mother, eh? I know the type.


that was actually the Chink apologist (me).

>> No.5254717

bloggin faggit! You deserve to live your live with a minimum wage job taking on someone elses problems instead of your own.

Cheers chump!

>> No.5254718


Before that faggot Irish prick can address it, yes I'll admit that FOB asian roommates are the fucking worst. My own goddamn parents don't even know how to keep their voices down at the library or simple courtesies that seem obvious to any Westerner. So there you go.

>> No.5254720

No need to apologize, we're just different.
You should know that!

>> No.5254722

I guess that's what's called "multiculturalism."

People who've lived here before and own the place have to suck up for feminizm. Same shit. Same strategy of bullshit.

>> No.5254724


Still resorting to pulling shit out of your ass for a comeback and still boring. I bet your the type who never leaves his dorm to socialize.

>> No.5254725

If I'd moved to China for instance, I most certainly would be expected to live by their rules, why is it so different for people moving to the USA? They should live by our rules. Don't like it, get the fuck out!

I would expect the same in any foreign nation. But you expect Americans to be chumps, and we're not. The only chumps are California cuntbag liberals who feel guilty about themselves. They should kill themselves and give us all a better life.

>> No.5254726


lol with this post I can tell I've already won

>> No.5254730

I can tell you've never spent more than a couple weeks outside of America if you've even spent that much time.

>> No.5254733


I'm the Mike Tyson of shit talking. I already won rounds ago but your fragile ego mixed with your psychological problems won't allow you to admit to the fact that you've been swinging but missing.

>> No.5254743



The undefeated Chink apologist adds another notch to his bedpost. Rectally riled Irishman goes home and sobs into his K-mart bedsheets.

To say it was a "fight" is to give you infinitely more due than you're worth.

>> No.5254744

Why would I need to? Seriously you give a nice internet meme "YOU'VE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE USA." Seriously, why should I?

>> No.5254747

*** And you've never been in the USA, and have no reason to be bloodsuckers for our money. So fuck off!

>> No.5254750


The only notch you'll ever have on your bedpost. I'm no Irishman and see a psychologist, I know the Chinese are all fucked in the head and nature of your shit posting made it all come out in the open.

>> No.5254758

Here's something real that most of you foreigners don't understand. When I walk across the street I have to walk across potholes and shit. Our own money in the USA should go for that and not some foreign shit. I don't personally care about you foreigners.

I care that our infrastructre and such is taken taken care of first. If the USA doesn't have the balls enough to take care of itself first, how the fuck would be expected to go imperial on your sorry asses? And you are sorry needy asses.

But the USA first, always!
You foreigners are sad fucks!

>> No.5254769
File: 108 KB, 472x629, jimmies-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I left after the first two posts, after coming back I find that this guy jumped in and started trashing you, typical of an ignorant ass hat on 4chan, thinks too highly of himself to accept that hes acting like a retard. enjoy your night gents and dipshits. I'm going to go salavate over more kitchens I can't afford.

>> No.5254777

*** Really, you want the USA to pay for every little problem of yours, so you want us to be big daddy to you and go imperial on you... We don't have that kind of money. Nobody does.

People have to live their own lives get over it and live your own and don't expect the USA to save you from your own bullshit. It's fucking annoying already!

We're not here for you, we're here for ourselves!

>> No.5254780

Clearly you must know more than everyone else.

>> No.5254785


> typical of an ignorant ass hat on 4chan, thinks too highly of himself to accept that hes acting like a retard.

Just like everybody in this thread including you. You faggots seriously need to get back to Reddit

>> No.5254808

oh god everyone shut the fuck up, no one gives a shit what you think about china

>> No.5254813


Meh, call me pathetic but I had fun, m8.

>> No.5254814

I can live with that. Snake is actually pretty good, very much on the lean side, not particularly gamey.

Nope - Chinese people are very much into the whole 'don't desecrate dead bodies' thing.
>>5246860 would probably be correct.

>General Tao/Tsao
Imagine an American going to China in the 50's and trying to explain hamburgers in broken Chinese and then fail to find relatively simple things like mustard, ketchup or iceberg letuce. So he said fuck it, we'll call it a John Wayne Sandwich.
That is pretty much how Americanized Chinese food is born.

Pleb tier sweet and sour sauce is very easy to make, it's mostly ketchup and vinegar.

A lot of the recipes that were reserved for royalty were lost during the rise of Communism and the Cultural Revolution - it's a real shame, to be honest.

Chicken marinaded in grated ginger, spring onions and stir fried with diced onions and garlic.

You went to a shitty place, then. Most housewives who cook frogs generally only serve the legs as the head is removed during the butchering and the body is usually used like a chicken carcass - once the flavor is extracted during the cooking process, it is discarded as the torso really does not contain a large amount of meat and the belief that it may still be unclean from potential parasites or other nasties that may have migrated into the spinal area via the internal organs.

'proper' oyster sauce made from just oysters no longer exist on a commercial level, even the 'best' commercial brand out there uses oyster extract and thickeners - not a huge amount of MSG in quality store bought oyster sauce though.

That's taking it a little overboard there. Authencity isn't "Oh, I must use locally sourced ingredients from that region because that's what ancient hunter-gatherers there used to eat"

>> No.5254823

Will you be my friend?

>> No.5254833

During the early 80's up till pretty much now, anyone who had something to lose in the event that China underwent anything remotely close to another Cultural Revolution collectively noped their way out of China. The late 80's/90's rush also brought a lot of people from Hong Kong, who are generally regarded as the "cultured" Chinese people. Heck, come to think of it, most of the "Chinese" dishes Americans think of are based on Southern/Coastal Chinese cuisine as opposed to Northern and Inland Chinese cuisine.

There are ingredients which found in America due regulations and stuff regarding imported food products/ingredients - small quantities get brought over for 'personal use' or smuggled in.
Here's a modern example:
I live in New Zealand, due to concerns over bio-security/invasive species, I cannot bring certain species of edible mushrooms into New Zealand, even if they are dried and vacuum packed.

It's Toronto.
It's has always been either Vancouver or Toronto for Chinese moving to Canada.

>post picture of shrimp cheong-fun
>Talk about pleb tier BBQ pork cheong fun
>GIt out

I got the same vibe but I also get the feeling that Gordon feels more perplexed and angry that we're literally going for extinction event levels of shark fishing for something that we put in a soup that merely adds an interesting texture, thickens the soup a little and a status symbol. Like, if it was foie gras, caviar or truffle - where it is pretty much the 'key' to the dish it is cooked in/with or has no substitute, then I think he'd be much more understanding.

Not going to debate about cultural homogeneity but culinary homogeneity? If we strived to do that, half of China would've starved itself to death a long time ago.

If you had it 'everyday' for three months, I'd suspect it's a case of something in the water more than the food.

>> No.5254839

You'd think so but I only drank bottled water and sports drinks.

>> No.5254851

Ginger is more of a 'balancing agent' and an aromatic more often than a spice or herb you want to taste. Which is why it's often sliced finely but rarely minced nor grated in.

>Steamed Seafood
The ginger helps remove some of the 'fishiness' of the fish, while serving as an aromatic during the steaming process.

>Use with previously frozen meats (say, you're stir-frying some defrosted chicken)
Marinating the chicken with a mixture of ginger, white pepper, salt and Chinese cooking wine would help bring back some of the moisture and 'freshness' into the meat while at the same time, removing that odor that frozen foods tend to get after they've been frozen. It's usually rinsed away before the actual marinade is added.

Off the top of my head, I can think of two dishes where the flavor and aroma of ginger plays a big part into the dish:
Ginger Tea - Made from boiled ginger, dried mulberry leaves and Chinese brown candy (brown cane sugar that are set into bricks)
And a steamed chicken recipe - and even that, the overall flavor of the dish is still very, very light.

There's also the precieved medicinal benefits of ginger, where it balances the 'yin and yang', as the belief is that ginger soothes the stomach and sits pretty much in the middle in the Chinese classification of 'hot'-type or 'cold'-type food ingredients.

I hear they have them in China.

Sure. I'm a raging faggot and I do drugs for fun, though.

>> No.5254852


You want to know what authentic Chinese food is? If 80%+ of the patrons are Chinese then you are at the right place.

Otherwise just check. Do they serve Duck Dick? If no, they are just an imitation.

>> No.5254863

Where did you buy the bottled water though? There are some places in China where I literally can walk down to a local stream and drink of it and there are other places I have a water testing kit out before I even considering wasting a water purification tablet and time boiling it.

Also, here's something the Chinese do when they travel to far away places - You see, people get used to their environment, which is why Indian people don't get to propel themselves to space when they go to the bathroom after they eat at dirty ass street stalls on the streets of Mumbai while everyone else does. The Chinese call this "Distress brought on by the land and the water in a faraway place", which seems like a mouthful but it's actually just 4 words in Chinese.
To get over this or at least bring your distress to a lower level, the Chinese like to bring some water from home - you dilute the local water with water from your home city and brew some tea or some other hot beverage of your choice. In theory, this should let you acclimate yourself to the local microfauna that lives in the water.

Also, don't use ice from the ice machines or from 'budget' eateries until you're pretty damn sure you're not going to launch yourself to the moon the next time you go take a dump - ice machines are not exactly cleaned regularly, cheap ice vendors may not have a clean source of water for making the ice and both of those may cause 'minor discomfort'

>> No.5254877

The campus had a supermarket. Water was too heavy to bring back from the Trust Mart off-campus. Bringing water from home is an interesting idea.

Restaurants did not serve drinks other than hot tea. The water was so poor that even the natives brought bottled drinks into restaurants if they wanted something cold.

>> No.5254906


Believe me, even as a Chinese myself, I still couldn't get used to Northern Chinese cuisine. The closest I had for Northern Chinese cuisine was their noodles and it is a farcry from what we usually have. Plenty of root veggies to go with the meat.


For me, I am the beef/roast kind of person, guess living as a half Brit makes me eat like a Brit.

>> No.5254950

>Trust Mart
Yah...if it's catering to local students, the water might be tapped from less than reputable local sources.

When I was in China (I was 14 back then), all I really had was beer. A mug of beer with breakfast, 2 over lunch and 3 over dinner.

Always, always boil your water in a country where you're iffy about the water quality. At least you know where the water from the tap comes from, but god knows where the water in a bottle came from. Unless you know, it's Evian or Perrier or some shit.

Next time you go, bring some water from home, it doesn't have to be gallons of the stuff. A small bottle of water or two should do fine. Also, I find tea with lemon and honey tends to calm any 'minor discomfort' down for me.

>> No.5254964

Also Walmart. They were really close to each other.

Will do, thanks.

>> No.5254973

Oh, right.
TBH, I'd trust Walmart in China. Shitty as their stuff is, at least they know not to fuck with basic stuff (that's easily testable) like water. It literally takes a less than an extra dollar to distill or at least boil a few gallons of water on an industrial scale - they ain't going to skimp on that and risk some person who got kill or some watchdog group going after them with an expensive lawsuit for endangering lives with water that turns out to should've been canned ans sold as "Microbe Soup"

>> No.5255010

Sam Woo? I went there for my birthday last month. It was off the chain. First time I ever had Peking Duck, and it was the best thing ever.

>> No.5255020

I trust it too but I would have had to either carry a 24 pack three miles in 90 degrees weather or take a taxi to the school gate and a rickshaw to the dorm

then walk it up 9 flights of stairs regardless because no elevator in dorm

>> No.5255316


shui zhu rou

it's pork slices boiled in chilli oil

get the fish version though, it's better

>> No.5255662

good posts

almost everything else in this thread is awful

>> No.5256216

Don't buy so much? Hue.

>> No.5256364

The people bitching extensively are the vocal minority that won't shut the fuck up, like most things.

It's a big ass country with a ton of regional food.

>> No.5258338

cabbage, broccoli and carrots are all native to eurasia

>> No.5258376

>no cababge, no broccoli, no carrots, no peanut, no peanut oil, no tomatoes, no pinapple, no chillies, no bell peppers (capsicums).
Cabbage is native to Europe.
Carrots are native to the Middle East.
Broccoli is native to China though broccoli as Americans know it is native to Italy (hence the Italian name).

Now, can you imagine Mexican cuisine without onions, garlic, cumin, green onion, chives, leeks etc, peppercorn, cheese and sour cream? Because all the Americas had in terms of allium were ramps and dairy was brought by Europeans.
Point is: all the world benefits when we work with one another, douchebag.