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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5246404 No.5246404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

California law forces chefs and bartenders to wear gloves.

>> No.5246408

Chef's should.

>> No.5246419


But wouldn't it be super uncomfortable and hhave gloves dripping w/ sweat

>> No.5246422

it's ok California has proven it's full of nothing but health conscious weirdos in the past, this just backs it up

>> No.5246436

>being health conscious is bad
Let me guess, you think reading and exercise is for elitists?

>> No.5246449

horrible. and people won't do it anyway.

>> No.5246450

it's beyond retarded. it makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.5246451


>> No.5246453

gloves don't magically prevent you from touching things you shouldn't and contaminating the outside of the glove.

all this does is add more cost and regulation to a state that already has too much of both for small business.

>> No.5246457

Yeah, ask yourself why gloves again?

>> No.5246458

its for tryhards, yes

>> No.5246460

Once again, everyone has to follow a law created to account for Mexican/negro savagery and stupidity. If not for them, you would be able to buy an AR-15 on Wall Street, have raw milk delivered to your door in wire baskets, and do a line of cocaine every Saturday night.

Instead we have security cameras so they don't steal, gun laws so they don't kill, sanitary laws so they can't touch food, and a whole deluge of fees fines and tickets to pay for every little Juanita and Tray'qwan they pop out on the tax payers dime.

>> No.5246462

It's excessive and if you have ever worked in a kitchen you know someone who is constantly in gloves washes their hands less. So when they slap on a new pair enjoy that nice layer of hand sweat that's been growing in bacteria for the entire shift.

>> No.5246465

these are thin plastic gloves, so no.

>> No.5246470

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.5246472

>we have gun laws so mexicans and black people cant kill
My sides, are all Americans like this. Feels good to live in a cultured nation like Europe.

>> No.5246488

>Feels good to live in a cultured nation like Europe.


Might wanna fact check before you bait friend.

>> No.5246511
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>> No.5246519

confirmed for never working a line in the middle of summer
unless moisture can wick out and fresh air can get in, California food is gonna be seasoned a little extra with salty sweat

>> No.5246520

looks like I wont be opening a restaurant in california after all

not like it matters, they were just going to get donatello

>> No.5246532
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>> No.5246537
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Do American chefs not wash their hands enough?

>> No.5246545
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>> No.5246546

its the mexican and korean ones you need to worry about

>> No.5246550

>latex is a common allergy
sorry bro, time to move or find a new profession

>> No.5246553

The general public are real fucking paranoid faggots about every goddamned thing and want boneless, colorless, flavorless cuts of meat prepared in a static-free cleanroom by machinery and chemicals.

It is really beginning to piss me off.

>> No.5246558

There are many alternatives. In fact, I would say latex gloves are the minority these days.

>> No.5246559

Fucking paranoid uneducated people don't realize washing your hands is all you need to do, they think hands are inherently dirty and gloves are inherently clean even when they handle money with their gloved hands and then touch food like assholes.

>> No.5246562
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>gloves don't magically prevent you from touching things you shouldn't and contaminating the outside of the glove.

This is the only sane person in this thread. Fuck all of you.

>> No.5246565

Yeah, must be why people who work in labs or in healthcare never wear gloves.

>> No.5246566

Latex is an allergy for guests too. Cooks usually have to use powdered vinyl which causes our hands to sweat and break out, and new gloves cannot be applied after old ones are discarded and hands are washed and well dried, so most cooks break the rules and leave them on if required to wear.

The general public really needs to fuck itself at this point. Gloves are not professional. Gloves are the sign of incompetence.

>> No.5246569

restaurants can get exemptions from having to follow this if they follow certain guidelines

>> No.5246573

They do, man. Don't act like a 6 year old.

>> No.5246574

>labs and healthcare
>working on one patient at a time
>food industry
>doing up to 200 fucking covers while touching food items like produce and meat that unlike sterilized utensils, are already contaminated
Shut the fuck up you simple minded twat.

>> No.5246575

they wear gloves when they're working with bodily fluids, not for every little thing they have to do.

>> No.5246577
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We don't wash our hands at all. We maintain a nonstick seasoning of oils on our hands that makes food prep very simple and clean. Food/dirt/whatever slides right off.

Soap would ruin it.

>> No.5246579

the gloves are so they don't contaminate themselves. the patient is already contaminated

>> No.5246581

So is there an actual issue with cooks sickening customers with unwashed hands or did California pass a law over imaginary issues YET AGAIN?

>> No.5246584

I work in a lab and went through about 10 pairs of nitrile gloves today. It really isn't a big deal to wear gloves and change them when appropriate.

>> No.5246586

You're not very bright are you? They wear gloves to protect themselves from getting sick. Idiot.

>> No.5246587

>being this retarded

>> No.5246589

Rubber gloves are a pain to put on and remove especially if your hands are sweaty.

Expect even more cases of food poisoning thanks to cross contamination.

>> No.5246594

>You're not very bright are you? They wear gloves to protect themselves from getting sick. Idiot.
And to protect the patient.

>> No.5246595

Nitrile gloves aren't available here for some reason. I don't know if it's another allergen or what.

Another thing is the heat. These fucking gloves will melt to your skin when your callouses can normally take the heat without a blister. I actually had one catch fire once. The vinyl ones cook and harden anywhere near the grill, griddle, or range. Fuck gloves.

Oh and regardless of the gloves, you will cut the gloves when using a knife. You know where your fingers are the the blade runs parallel to them. They fill find a wrinkle and the point of the gloves will be gone.

>> No.5246600

when someone is performing surgery on an HIV patient, assuming they properly washed their hands before doing it.
who is the one at risk?
the person on the table being operated on by someone with sterile hands or the person handling aids blood?

>> No.5246602

the worst place I ever worked had us wear fucking gloves when cooking. Some little SJW with a health conscience mind and zero restaurant experience made us do it.

They always bought the gloves with powder on the inside.

>chef complains about the gloves every ten minutes
>hands sweat and the powder sticks to your skin and dries it out
>hands crack from drying out
>gloves have low heat tolerance so they're always fucking half melting
>washing hands is a painful experience when you're trying to work around cracks in your skin
>eventually stop wearing gloves when the bitch is around, food isn't seasoned with hand powder sweat

Man, fuck gloves and fuck stupid regulations. I'm glad her restaurant shut down.

>> No.5246603

You sound upset and retarded.

Do you actually think a surgeon wears a gown, gloves, and mask simply to protect him/herself?

Do you actually not understand the concept of nosocomial infections, especially in relation to immunocompromised patients?

>> No.5246605

Are you saying that a surgeon is like a chef?

>> No.5246606

That is one scenario. Also, the HIV patient may have a compromised immune system and the introduction of normal skin flora (such as C. albicans) into a wound or incision could cause a devastating opportunistic infection.

>> No.5246608

Rubber or plastic gloves are always a pain in the ass.
>Wash hands for a good 30 seconds
>Dry Hands
>Turn off sink with towel
>Put on gloves
>Make food
>Run register
>Handle money
>Have to repeat steps again
Yeah that happens a good 50 times per shift for me

>> No.5246611
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>> No.5246612

Stick to the context and stop moving the goalpost. You apparently think gloves are only to protect a healthcare professional and not the patient.

>> No.5246613

you don't work in a kitchen
it's much harder on gloves
I've actually cooked gloves, while wearing them, to the point of them being brittle and frail, just getting food in and out of an oven/salamander a few times
working a grill station would be even worse
there's absolutely no good reason to create such a wasteful, disruptive policy when better policies exist, and simply need to be exercised
I can see an argument to be made for ready-to-eat foods, and that's the law here, but, even then, there are better practices

>> No.5246614

I work in a building with assembly lines and the assembly workers have to wear gloves. The trick is wearing thin disposable cotton gloves under the disposable plastic ones. It feels hotter but you get less moisture.

>> No.5246617

Protip: Rubber gloves themselves protect.

>> No.5246620


>> No.5246622

working in a lab =/= working in a kitchen

>> No.5246624

Not every kitchen can do that shit though. Try keeping gloves on with two cooks doing 300+ covers on a line that's average ambient temperate is around 110F. It is not possible. You can claim you need extra labor or a different setup, but then you come into conflict with city rules, union, corporate mandated standards, and severe pricing issues.

Gloves should not be worn by most food workers.

>> No.5246635

I agree they don't need that shit. I can't stand when I have to put those things on for more than 10 minutes and the assemblers do it for 5+ hours.

It really does help with the gloves feeling sticky on the inside and it helps fill out the plastic glove so it feels less baggy

>> No.5246637

I work at a fast food shithole and I'm required to wear gloves...
I don't, but I'm supposed to.

>> No.5246642

You are right, I have to be far more careful and precise while ensuring I follow ISO 9001 standards.

>> No.5246645

because you faggots dont know shit ill let you know

you put on cotton gloves on your hands and then cover them with you food prep gloves ezpz ... i did it in a bacon and meatpacking plant and the gloves are not a issue aside from when they tear and you need a new pair

stupid whiny fucks dont know shit

>> No.5246648

Hence the reason I said


Also, preparing food is more difficult with gloves on.

>working in a meat plant is now the same as working in a kitchen where precision is required

>> No.5246653

>you don't need precision in a meat plant

>> No.5246658

I worked in a meat plant.

You have to cut the fucking meat as fast as possible and throw it down the assembly. Poor stupid white trash were able to do it, it's not rocket science.

>> No.5246665

Meatpacking is not being a chef, or a cook, or even a lowly housewife. That is not to say it requires skill, but it is a monotonous job.

I'd like to see this asshole attempt his glove nonsense in a busy kitchen that actually cooks the goddamned food as it is ordered, and not just processes shit in batches.

>> No.5246669

Not to appear a glovefag, cause I ain't, but there's a considerable difference between the oil-rich petri dish one calls the human skin and a fresh pair of gloves.

Personally I only ever wear them to handle raw meat, then throw them away immediately.

Veggies are on a per case basis, taking into consideration species, storage conditions, and age, but I rarely use gloves for those.

>> No.5246686

>Personally I only ever wear them to handle raw meat, then throw them away immediately

I can understand that, even though I only wear them to handle old meat. Fresh meat gets prepared away from veggies and cooked food in it's own separate area.

>> No.5246691

>ban plastic bags
>pass glove law

>> No.5246692

from what?

>> No.5246720

how are these related at all?

>> No.5246723
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They didn't actually PASS this fuckass law, did they?

>> No.5246725 [DELETED] 

still whining

top kek

>> No.5246727

Sushi chefs were all pissed about it.

>> No.5246728

no everyone is following it just for fun

>> No.5246731

Why are gloves considered to be cleaner than washed hands?

>> No.5246732

because gloves dont excrete bodily fluids or flake off

>> No.5246738

Funny thing is, yes they do.

>> No.5246740

how could they? gloves arent alive, or even have a body...

>> No.5246741

are you going to post proof or are you just making a joke?

>> No.5246743

They can excrete just fine once the inevitable holes appear. And they flake off more than people do because they are more temperate sensitive than a well-worked pair of cook hands.

Glove laws were pushed by fucking manchildren that couldn't stand the vegetables being near the meat or potatoes, because they wouldn't even eat the vegetables.

Sorry for any grammar errors, I'm about ready to tucker-in. It's late and fuck this earth.

>> No.5246748

>gloves don't excrete bodily fluids or flake off
my hands always sweat when I get hot enough
more so when heat is trapped in by plastic
that plastic keeps sweat from evaporating, not letting it cool me down and making it pool up in the gloves
the gloves now begin to leak out sweat

all prep must now be done with gloves on
rubber sticks to knife blade
gloves and hands are cut more often since can not use fingers as a guide anymore
more blood, more sweat, more rubber/plastic contamination
awesome solution

>> No.5246749
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Holy mother of fuck. They actually did it.


The nanny state bastards ruining the land of my birth know no decent limits. I'm leaving just in time.

>> No.5246764
File: 55 KB, 598x900, Stop Global Whining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5246780

this is some really fucking retarded shit

a few chefs dont wash properly so the majority has to wear something that directly inhibits their profession for no reason?

>> No.5246787

california bro get used to it "the land of the free"

reminder the smoking law was tougher than this and now the nation follows these laws so expect the trend to continue ... get used to it

>> No.5246826

I think the main reason people get ill from restaurants is no concept of food storage and safety. Things are just left in the walk-in forever and reheated and frozen umpteen times and end up absolutely riddled with bacteria everywhere. It doesn't matter how many pairs of gloves you wear if it's Saturday and you're serving the refried beans made last Monday. And imagine for shrimp and chicken !?!

>> No.5246834

>people who work in labs

Let me guess, you don't?

Most people in labs only wear gloves when absolutely necessary, and even then the typical vinyl glove won't do much but keep out the scary chemicals for a few seconds.
Gloves are just like a safety blanket, feels like it helps but really it does nothing, you're better off learning to safely work with your materials without wearing gloves.

>> No.5246844

This nigga knows what's up.
Methylene chloride will eat through surgical gloves almost INSTANTLY. Horrible shit. I used shoulder-length "dish" gloves when working with that shit.

But then again you're probably not cooking with a petroleum solvent that will literally dissolve the fat from under your skin.

>> No.5246930

white people get travel sickness from even crossing the street because they are weak as fuck while not understanding that getting a flu is nothing special in fact its a healthy thing the strengthens the immune system

but try to make these sissys understand

I know I've gotten sick from fish in the northwest , menudo in south Texas, chicken in Sinaloa, soup in Guatemala, breakfast in Seattle

>> No.5246942

How about those muslims

>> No.5246945

Dunno if anyone has posted this yet or not, or if anyone cares in their rage, but this is for 'ready to eat' foods only. That is, if you make a burger, you don't have to put on gloves till you top it, pretty much. So you just have one jackass, probably the line-side Expo/Window put on a pair and toast and top. Boom. No one else needs to wear gloves. Just be sure to have raw tongs/spatulas and cooked tongs/spatulas and you're gold.

Still a stupid law. Gloves solve nothing. I work on a multi-station line and I am the only one that never wears glove, and I am the only one to never get a food borne illness complaint. Wrap your head around that shit, glovefags.

>> No.5246960

This fucks over anyone that has to arrange food. Burger joints and sandwich shops are the only foodservice things in existence, you know.
that's the key. Do you really expect a frantic kitchen that runs like clockwork on speed to be daintily changing out gloves every fucking dish/ingredient?

>> No.5246986

>TFW most restaurant illnesses come from dirty servers who handle food, plates, cutlery, money and don't wash their hands between extorting 25% tips out of unsuspecting punters.

>> No.5247631

I work for a poor navy that's barely scraping by, yet my team is given gloves aplenty. And as I said, we mainly use it for raw meat, and rarely veggies. So really, we're looking at about a pair per day per 25 sailors.

Of course, we have the added benefit of cooking in two big batches, instead of preparing every single course on a per request basis.

>> No.5247639


this, at a certain point if you aren't changing them constantly it's no different than just using bare hands

>> No.5247644

>So really, we're looking at about a pair per day per 25 sailors.
You aren't supposed to wash gloves. You should be going through dozens of gloves per sailor per day.

>> No.5247646

>that's the key. Do you really expect a frantic kitchen that runs like clockwork on speed to be daintily changing out gloves every fucking dish/ingredient?
Properly washing your hands takes 10 seconds. Putting on gloves takes far less.

>> No.5247647

california is just a shithole

>> No.5247650

Where in my whole post do you get that I wash gloves? For every 25 people I feed, I use a pair per day. I know that because I use 4 pairs/day, for about 10 minutes each (then I chuck them as mentioned above), and I feed about 100 people.

...is this bait?

>> No.5247651

> there's a considerable difference between the oil-rich petri dish one calls the human skin and a fresh pair of gloves.

Except the gloves won't be fresh. And the inside of a commercial kitchen is a pretty oil rich petri dish in and of itself.

Unless the restaurant is brand spanking new, you don't want to know what the kitchen looks like.

>> No.5247652

>Except the gloves won't be fresh.
They will be cleaner than hands that have been haphazardly washed once an hour.

>> No.5247678

>Properly washing your hands takes 10 seconds.
Properly rinsing your hands after lathering takes like a full minute according to regulations. You're making shit up.

>Putting on gloves takes far less.
You're supposed to wash before putting on gloves anyways, and inbetween changing gloves.

Point is, gloves are an uncessary and unsanitary step. You folks arguing for them do realize that most restaurants in the US have auto-dispensing anti-bacterial soap that kills the fuck out of micro-organisms (and our skin) right?

>> No.5247680

>US have auto-dispensing anti-bacterial soap that kills the fuck out of micro-organisms (and our skin) right?
lol no

>> No.5247683

The people who argue for them have no idea how real kitchens work.

>> No.5247687

properly washing your hands takes 20 seconds.

>> No.5247691

Anti-bacterial soap is not a panacea for improper hygiene and hand-washing.

Hands provide more surface area and adherence of microbes than nitrile gloves.

>> No.5247695

ITT butthurt line cooks hate wearing gloves

>> No.5247697

Okay, still longer than putting on gloves.

We get it, you have all of Bourdain's books lol

>> No.5247699

Lol yes. All the places I have been in us electronic Ecolab soap foam dispensers. Ecolab also handles surfactants, surface sanitizers, and even our pest control.

Clearly. I simply break the gloves (regardless of type) during knife work. No glove can hold up to the friction where the spine of the blade touches just in front of my first joint on the index finger.

>> No.5247709

>Hands provide more surface area and adherence of microbes than nitrile gloves.
Oh I see Sheldon, so you're a germaphobe and reality really holds no grounds in this discussion.

If you want a perfectly sterile dish go home and microwave a lean cuisine and enjoy your lack of bacteria and clean smooth plastic servicing tray. The kitchen is not a laboratory; the foods we serve come with bacteria. You want us to soap and boil your salad?

>> No.5247719

>Unless the restaurant is brand spanking new, you don't want to know what the kitchen looks like.
Sorry mate, I've had Doctors (that's the Captain-equivalent rank of the Health Corps) come swab my kitchen at random points monthly for two years now, and I never once have been reprimanded. Oh and my kitchen is pushing 50.

If the head cook knows what xe's doing, the kitchen is clean. Is your experience from McDonald's or something?

>> No.5247726

what about when the gloves are only haphazardly washed once an hour?

>> No.5247727

We are not talking about aseptic technique and sterile food we are talking about reducing the transmission of pathogens. Obviously proper use of gloves trumps proper hand washing, there is no question here.

>> No.5247731

>he thinks tricoslan is great

>> No.5247744


I used to work for a security company, setting up door contacts, motion sensors and cameras into restaurants, usually as a knee-jerk reaction to the restaurant having recently been robbed.

Restaurants are dirty, messy, filthy places. If you touch anything with your gloves that's not the contents of the fridge or the pre-rush countertop, you're basically back to square one.

>> No.5247753

Proper use of gloves is no where near the fucking hot line. That shit should be kept in garde manger and pantry.

Listen closely you irritating little freak; THEY TEAR ON EQUIPMENT, KNIVES, TOOLS, DRY AND CRACK IN THE OPEN AIR- AND MELT AROUND THE BURNERS, FRYER, SALAMANDER, CHAR-BROILER, FLATTOP, OVENS, AND EVEN THE HOT LAMP. This spills wonderful sweat-soaked liquid from inside the glove into your food. They are a fucking health hazard for both the kitchen and the guest. You do not want us wearing gloves you regulation-obsesses wet-blanket.

>> No.5247759

>he thinks Digiclean is the only hand-soap they carry

>> No.5247760

So does the waitstaff have to wear gloves when they grab onto my plate and carry it out to me?

>> No.5247764


McDonalds is probably cleaner than a lot of the restaurants I've set up security in.

I suppose it has to be, as you can see right into the kitchen from the order counter.

>> No.5247767

You should know when to remove them, retard. And your superior should know who is supposed to wear them and who isn't.

>> No.5247768

>regulation-obsesses wet-blanket.
The guy is an obvious britbong or other such eurotrash.
Regulation obsession is built in his dna.

>> No.5247771

>I suppose it has to be, as you can see right into the kitchen from the order counter.
Oh, my apologies, I've never set foot in one, so I was just guessing.

>> No.5247777

>you regulation-obsesses wet-blanket.
Oh, so we've got an immature and inexperience Libertarian in our midst.

Tell us how health regulations and surveillance are so bad now lol

>> No.5247780

>Tell us how health regulations and surveillance are so bad now lol
See? Euroslave.

>> No.5247781

Yeah, when they melt onto my skin and I howl I'll note to remove them, jackass.

And my superior, aka the executive chef, should be the one to decide, not the state.

>> No.5247794

Fuck's sake, I've literally never had them melt onto my skin, is it that hard to keep in mind you have gloves one and remove them before picking up the skillet, god DAMN IT FUCK ASS TITS SHIT ON TOAST?

>And my superior, aka the executive chef, should be the one to decide, not the state.
Well, of course, but the state should be the one to decide whether your superior decided correctly.

>> No.5247795

Yeah I see. I kind of wish we had sided with Germany during WW2. Europe turned out all sorts of fucked up. Too many see no value in being able to make their own decisions or control their lives. They seek some sort of supreme authority to work out every detail of not only their, but everyone elses' lives. Fuck, they're a lot like our bible-thumping nutcases that want to outlaw blablabla.

>> No.5247801

>but the state should be the one to decide whether your superior decided correctly.
not sure if trolling or weapons grade retarded

>> No.5247803

>Fuck's sake, I've literally never had them melt onto my skin, is it that hard to keep in mind you have gloves one and remove them before picking up the skillet, god DAMN IT FUCK ASS TITS SHIT ON TOAST?

>Well, of course, but the state should be the one to decide whether your superior decided correctly.
No, no they shouldn't. The state does not cook. The state can't even handle taxes, road repair, snow removal, sewage, or other public works properly. What the flying fuck makes you think government regulation makes things better?

>> No.5247818


>The state does not cook.
The state is not a person, and a cook is not an epidemiologist. The state can employ epidemiologists whose sole knowledge and duty is to come check up on you from time to time to ensure my trust in your establishment is well-founded. This is not a case of muh free market, because it's not about the quality of the product, but about the health of the populace, including people who will never even eat your food.

>> No.5247821

>See? Euroslave.
Nope, just someone who has an intimate understanding with food safety and surveillance.

But enjoy being blissfully unaware of all these things as you eat our processed grains and drink your water. Just be happy there are people that are paid to keep an eye on these things on the behalf of the ignorant sheep.

>hurrrr aflatoxins? never hurd of them, but muh taxes

>> No.5247825

Human hands flake with dead skin

>> No.5247827

You do realize America is one of the largest and most bureaucratic governments in the world, right?

You guys just think having irresponsible firearm regulations equate to freedom and free-wheeling capitalism while ignoring the glaring evidence suggesting the contrary (massive subsidies, federal programs, corporate welfare, federal military budget, etc).

But as long as they keep you focused on poor people and guns you'll keep yourselves in line lol

>> No.5247828

Reduces the chance of food poisoning in fast food environments

>> No.5247834

THIS, anyone can wear gloves and scratch their butt and make your food with the dirty gloves, the people that made this law as psychopathic douche monglers.

if you wear even thin gloves for over an hour while doing some kind of work you can clearly see that its uncomfortable and can cause sweat to leak out, cause blisters etc.

enjoy all the chefs going "SCREW THIS" and getting jobs in oregon, nevada, and arizona.

politicians are horrible horrible evil nasty monsters.

>> No.5247838

>enjoy all the chefs going "SCREW THIS" and getting jobs in oregon, nevada, and arizona.
lol sure bro

what's next, the Taco bell lackey's will decide to move too?

>> No.5247844

But other countries they have higher taxes and higher living costs. (UK/Australia/Europe)

>> No.5247847

>What the flying fuck makes you think government regulation makes things better?
Because crime is declining, leisure time is increasing, wealth is increasing, and people are healthier. At least, they were healthier until they displayed their inability to feed themselves and exercise like a normal organism (muh freedom of choice).

>> No.5247853

ITT: Actual food industry people trying to explain why this is idiotic, and people who have never stepped a foot inside a kitchen in their entire lives arguing because they are that ignorant.

>> No.5247854

>But other countries they have higher taxes and higher living costs.
America simply offsets their high social costs by increasing the burden of debt for future generations.

Other countries have higher taxes and living costs because they pay closer to the actual value of services and goods.

Yeah, visiting America and buying shit I don't need for a lot less money is nice, but that isn't how I gauge quality of living.

I'd rather pay more taxes instead of screwing over the next 10 generations with more debt.

>> No.5248066

>jobs in oregon
Hah, good luck to 'em

>> No.5248087

>burden of debt

You mean the debt that is non exitent and how it's more internal ?

>actual value of services and goods.

No, it's because the government imposes higher taxes for no good reason for everything

> I gauge quality of living.

You mean living in some apartment is fun?

>> No.5248103

>You mean the debt that is non exitent and how it's more internal ?
Do you understand the relationship between Americans' high quality of life, low costs, and incredible national debt?

>No, it's because the government imposes higher taxes for no good reason for everything
This is an oversimplification that is a result of fear of government and anything "socialist" stemming from the selfish baby boomer generation and the cold war.

>You mean living in some apartment is fun?
I am a graduate student living on 16 acres of land. I don't know why you think everyone else lives in abject squalor or living in a mortgaged home is a hallmark of success.

>> No.5248106

If you've ever needed to keep strict glove standards, you'd know it's common to go through 4-8 pairs in a day.

>> No.5248109

They aren't. Skin is covered with a layer of antibiotic oils, gloves literally just pick up and breed anything they touch.

>> No.5248119

>politicians are horrible horrible evil nasty monsters.
No they're just retarded and further swayed by an even more retarded public.

>> No.5248126

I hope you know that your skin is absolutely covered in bacteria, fungi, and mites.

>> No.5248130

So is the air. The very air you breathe, at this moment.

>> No.5248150

Of course I know that, I am talking about >>5248109

>> No.5248225

>Americans' high quality of life, low costs, and incredible national deb

The debt is not even incredible even then it's own by Americans

> fear of government

We are not stupid enough to impose high taxes stunting growth and development

Look how Germany lost jobs to Poland

>I am a graduate student

Really now

>> No.5248262

*tips fedora*

>> No.5248298

I work on a line and wear gloves... no big deal. just put on 5+layers at a time and peel them off as I need changing. simple, easy and people need to stop bitching.

btw we do 300+ covers on the reg and never have more than 3 cooks on the line.

>> No.5248302

>The debt is not even incredible even then it's own by Americans
Are you serious?

>> No.5248312

>white people

shitskin beaner detected ahahaha you mad

>> No.5248315
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>claim to be the land of the free
>manage to have the most ridiculous and unnecessary regulations worldwide because the government doesnt trust its citizens to be reasonable

Something is VERY wrong here.

>> No.5248327

If you can't keep your hands clean, you're not going to keep the gloves clean either.

This is just an initiative to make hypochondriacs feel safer when they eat out.

>> No.5248329

Pick one.

>> No.5248364

this. if Jose is to lazy to wash his hands btw handling raw meat and veg, what makes you think he will change his gloves?

Also, I'll abide by this law if and only if all customers agree not to bitch when every food item takes AT LEAST one minute longer, probably more depending on how many times I have to change gloves to abide to regulations

>> No.5248397
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>> No.5248399

Joke's on you, Tyrone, I'm not from the UK.

>> No.5248400

>inb4 Russian-Chinese-Middle Eastern alliance topples 'murkkkka

>> No.5248409

>Russian-Chinese-Middle Eastern alliance

what exactly, do you think a bunch of third world countries with inferior cuisine are going to do to merica?

>> No.5248419
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How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

I went to visit some relatives in Iowa, and got to stay in their house. They lived in a pretty small city, and had to do this because of something that had to do with their city sewage treatment.

Essentially, you had to throw the used TP in a separate bin, and then also scoop the turds back up and put them in yet another separate bin.

I've experienced the TP thing in hotels in Cyprus, Spain and Greece, but the scoop thing came as a complete shock and I thought they were joking.

Could some American shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?

>> No.5248424
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I have more, don't worry

>> No.5248426

Curry missiles

>> No.5248432

>Could some American shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?

Not prevalent at all.

>> No.5248436


>> No.5248438
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>> No.5248442


>> No.5248447
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>> No.5248450
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>> No.5248451

So it's dumb fucks like you that can't use a knife proper and gets bone fragments in my mince patties.

>> No.5248576

It's harder to do knifework with gloves. It's also more dangerous. It's easier to slip; it's more difficult to grip.

>> No.5248603

after living in asia for a year, and not once getting food poisoning, I was convinced we have absurdly unnecessary conditions for cleanliness

>> No.5248879

I work in a lab. We use gloves to avoid contaminating our samples. Not all gloves are used solely to protect one's hands.

>> No.5248933
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>> No.5248982

>Let me guess, you don't?
I do, and I wear gloves to prevent cross-contamination and when I am working with potentially hazardous microorganisms.

You seem to think all labs are chemistry labs.

>> No.5248989

>everything is covered in snow, which they use to make coffee
>notice there are no birds, they've all been eaten.

>> No.5249036

more like you use gloves so that the particles moving from the glove to the sample (ie the contaminants) are known (they're what the gloves are coated with) rather than unknown gunk from your hands

>> No.5249038


>> No.5249048

>he thinks his gloves won't contaminate anything

>> No.5249050

yeah these co/ck/suckers sure can whine

>> No.5249055

I'm not sure what you are going on about. I wear gloves when working in a biosafety cabinet or doing molecular work because I can change them to avoid cross-contamination and spray them regularly with ethanol or DNA-erase.

Are you saying wearing gloves when doing PCR isn't common practice or shouldn't be? What are you saying?

>> No.5249153

>people wearing gloves are less likely to wash hands or re-glove to avoid cross contamination
thank you based Oregon...now if only we could fix; everything else about you.

>> No.5249207

toppest of keks

>> No.5249213

Legistards aren't epidemiologists either.

>> No.5249217

The state does not equal the legislative body of the state. Are you actually 12?

>> No.5249224

I don't mind wearing gloves when I cook but they just can't stand up to the heat and it becomes a problem during rush hours.

>> No.5249325

Yes, I am a 12 year old Libertarian who hates the government because of what my father and various partisan entertainment news outlets tell me.

>> No.5249342

Well don't; a government is a useful set of mechanisms we use to effect our mega-societies.

>> No.5249349
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>> No.5249362

Are you trying to say we can have a society like ours without a government?

>> No.5249392

We can have a better society without it

>> No.5249395
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rip Tray'qwan

>> No.5249977

Better for what purpose?

>> No.5249992

You are breathing dead human skin every moment of your life.

>> No.5250002

reality vs ideals

wake up

>> No.5250056

BWAHAHAHA welcome to WA state!
Now prepare for a ridiculous minimum wage!

>> No.5250555

I change my gloves when I finish handling one sample. Cross contamination is just not possible due to this as long as proper procedure is followed. There is no need to know the contaminants when there are none worth mentioning (eg atmospheric)

>> No.5251600

I can't wait for the reality of restaurant life and a working life to kick in and no one changes their gloves throughout the day to the point where just hoping they washed their hands like before would have been a better guarantee to avoiding contamination.

>> No.5251681

I'm not sure why he thought people wore gloves "so that the particles moving from the glove to the sample are known".

This makes no sense. The whole point is to minimize contamination, not tracing it to your gloves (?).

>> No.5252175

Yeah I don't really get it either but I hope that my post will have helped him understand.