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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5240545 No.5240545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking today, /ck/?

>> No.5240552

budget mandated sobriety

>> No.5240565

Rumchata and Goldschlager on the rocks

>> No.5240575
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>> No.5240581

I had two glasses of buffalo trace this morning. It was a good morning.

>> No.5240585
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I'm drinking pic related right now, and have a Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout for later. I've never had the beer before, and I'm pretty excited.

>> No.5240586


>> No.5240593

A 40oz of Magnum is $1.99. There is no excuse.

>> No.5240594

Having a fruit punch flavored Four Loko after polishing off a tallboy of PBR. Does anyone know the point of the stickers over the top of the cans? I tried to Google it, but didn't find anything.

>> No.5240596
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>tfw drinking to get drunk

>> No.5240609

Fat Tire and Old Chub

>> No.5240627
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>> No.5240630

not him, but
>tfw europoor
>tfw last year at uni and living with parents
>tfw I don't even have 2$

>> No.5240636

>out of alky
>nothing to do tonight
I might just buy and smoke an entire ecig to get the nicotine buzz. I'm bored as fuck and the girl I banged last night isn't texting me back.

>> No.5240650

Help me out, /ck/. Just ran out of some wild turkey, I love the taste but its not too powerful. what can I drink that will get me smashed to pieces in a few shots?, taste aside? No Everclear or buttchugging

>> No.5240657
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I'm not an alcoholic yet. Tonight I'm going to have a double cream stout or two. Also, do any of you have any experience infusing bourbon? I want to make something sweet and spicy... maybe habenero for a day or two and then something fruity for a week or two?

>> No.5240660

I once drank Canadian rectified spirit from corn. it was great

>> No.5240665

i have the exact amount of money needed to pay my bills for the month, to the cent. also, 40oz of malt liquor isn't even close to enough to get as drunk as i'd like, so why waste the money?

also no 40oz containers in the state of florida.

>> No.5240676

>40oz of malt liquor isn't even close to enough to get as drunk as i'd like, so why waste the money?
I feel you. Not being drunk enough is much worse than being sober

>> No.5240679

that's the reason i'm not even bothering to break into the 3 pints of natty daddy i have leftover. shit's a tease man.

>> No.5240683

>40oz of malt liquor isn't even close to enough to get as drunk as i'd like
holy shit, man. are you like 6'8'' 280 lbs?

>> No.5240692

i'm 6'0" 165 or so lbs. we only have 32 oz malt liquor here, but i'll usually kick back 3 or 4 to get where i want to be. i have this thing where i just keep on drinking until it's all gone or i get tired and go to sleep.

if i'm drinking socially i don't do this, gotta give people the impression that i am not an alcohol.

>> No.5240695
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My boss bought it for me.

>> No.5240697

>these alcoholic threads every damn day

We get it, you're crying out for attention.

Get a grip and get a life.

Stop shitting up a cooking board with this pathetic whining.

>> No.5240720

>We get it, you're crying out for attention.
no, we're discussing alcohol on the board related to the subject.

feel free to ignore and head back to your arguments about vegans refusing to tip or what have you.

>> No.5240744


No you arent.

The subject of this thread,

"Alcoholics general"

And then every self proclaimed alcoholic that drops by /ck/ decides to talk about the cheapest shit whiskey they can find to kill their liver just a little bit more.

It's pathetic. I wish we could have a real alcohol thread but instead all we get are these diseased idiots who hike insurance premiums.

>> No.5240755
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>> No.5240751

The last thread was fairly drama free, oh well.

>> No.5240762


Butthurt dead liver idiot detected.

>> No.5240766
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>he subject of this thread,
>"Alcoholics general"

>> No.5240770
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>> No.5240772



>all these morons getting asshurt

>> No.5240777
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Did your daddy drink too much schlitz and hit you or did your mom just drink too much wine and forget to make dinner?

>> No.5240780

>And then every self proclaimed alcoholic that drops by /ck/ decides to talk about the cheapest shit whiskey they can find to kill their liver just a little bit more.
feel free to explain how this is *not* discussion of alcohol.

also, plenty of people have posted about "real" alcohol.

again feel free to hide the thread and continue perusing the other quality threads of /ck/. hell in a few hours the brits will wake up and we'll have our daily >amerilards time

>> No.5240786


Top kek.

My parents aren't alcoholics so I grew up to be a non-deadbeat who actually contributes to society.


This is just a thread to talk about how to get fucked up the fastest. Look at the ensuing discussion after the OP.

>> No.5240790

the subject line "Alcholics general" is intended to be ironic, doesn't matter if actual alcoholics post itt or not

>> No.5240791

So then, explain to me why you're whining in an alcohol thread on 4chan?

>> No.5240797


It isn't attempting to be ironic, it was an alcoholic crying out for attention as they often do.


Just made an observation, the upswelling of assblasted alcoholics was funny though.

>> No.5240801

>who actually contributes to society
>implying functional alcoholics aren't alive and well
hell, the generations before ours were FULL of people drinking all the fucking time.

>this is just a thread to talk about how to get fucked up the fastest
that's still discussion of alcohol you absolute retard. and despite that, the following posts were all relevant to alcohol itself and not alcoholism. maybe you should read the thread before complaining about it, because your shitposting is doing nothing more than bumping the thread, which you proclaim to wish was not here.


>> No.5240803

>/ck/ my personal bitching zone

>> No.5240806
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>Just made an observation
No, that was whining.

>> No.5240811


>alcoholics getting anal annihilated

>> No.5240813

>And then every self proclaimed alcoholic that drops by /ck/ decides to talk about the cheapest shit whiskey they can find to kill their liver just a little bit more

over 40 posts that hasn't even happened, aside from a few posts about being too poor to even buy malt liquor

>> No.5240828


The very first post of this thread.

>budget mandated sobriety

Implies that this person wishes they were drunk but can't because they spent all of their money (possibly on liquor).

Then a few posts later.

>out of alky
>nothing to do tonight

And later,

>I'm not an alcoholic yet.

Absolutely pathetic. This is a terrible thread composed of a gathering of mentally ill people.

>> No.5240833

>This is a terrible thread
and yet you just can't keep yourself from bumping it. thanks for fostering the discussion, friend.

>> No.5240837
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Get a hobby. Like drinking or something.

>> No.5240841


Kek. I'll leave you morons in peace now, just wanted to reiterate that alcoholism is a blight on modern society.

>> No.5240846

Jokes on you nigger I don't even drink. You're just a whiney baby, whiney baby! Keep shitting up the thread faglord!

>> No.5240844

>modern society
rampant alcoholism has been around a bit longer than you clearly think it has.

>> No.5240845


>> No.5240850

>blight on modern society
>implying modern society is good enough to be 'blighted'
what are you even saying

>> No.5240855
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Drinking some of this with dinner. I wanted something sweet but didn't want a milkshake or anything like that, so this is my tasty treat for my saturday night.

>> No.5240896

Prichard's double barrel bourbon

>> No.5240900

well lemme see it's been a good. close to my birthday.leap year. feb 29 It was nice day,albeit interesting no one killed no dui and the bestest...meatloaf tomorrow. 2 1bs 80/20 ground chuck,1 lb ground pig( strict kosher halal avert your eyes.) couple eggs some cracker (i might be white crcketrash) but ritz is okorsoda.cackers.I need not tell how to make meatloaf You know already yeah I know the least of these my brothers or sisters? its like arguing philly steak vs lobster roll vs barbeque sandwich It's like arguing steak. well done, medium, rare...frankly I need to go elsewhere what'''l have? it's tough it is ALWAYs tough otherwise It would be easy to do. anyways, just making meatloaf not bad

>> No.5240901
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Used to be called Alchemy Hour.

>> No.5240908

Nice, I've had their blackberry wine. Cherry any good?

>> No.5240911
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drinking all of these in 3 minutes

>> No.5240916

drinking some white burgundy tonight...it's okay.

>> No.5240931

i'd love to have a few drinks every night, but those extra calories maaaaaaan. if i want to drink, i pretty much have to skip a meal. how can you guys do it?

>> No.5240934
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Heavy protein diet and active lifestyle.

>> No.5240945

>TFW you miss drinking every night but can't do it anymore because you're getting /fit/.

>> No.5241020

>thinking drinking will interfere with your SS, 20 minutes, 3 days a week

>> No.5241053


I'm not >>5240945 but

>finished up a few months of sheiko
>first powerlifting meet coming up soon
>wishing i could drink every day
>tfw i can't

I'm about to finish up a bottle of Wild Turkey 81. I'm going on a camping trip next weekend and I'm going to bring a bottle of cheap whisky. Any recommendations on whisky around $30? I really like Wild Turkey 81 so I was thinking another bourbon.

>> No.5241057

water, as I am still hungover from last night.

>> No.5241060
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This. Better than I expected. Not overly smoky and a solid stout.

>> No.5241063

Old grand dad 114

>> No.5241176

Goslings on the rocks

>> No.5241199

Gods. Ok. So. I'm the guy who just posted a thread about his cocktail bar. Which I just got set up yesterday.

So I message my friend who's into cocktails about it like yo, you should come over and we should break in my stuff. He was like "Well, I have a better idea. See, there was a party at mine while I was at my girl's, and this romanian guy left some Romanian moonshine here that he brought in a water bottle. How bout I come over and we drink that instead"

So after putting together this glorious cocktail setup, I instead ended up sitting around getting drunk off my ass on fucking romanian moonshine which I assure you was exactly as horrible as it sounds.

>> No.5241204

>my name is nigel problems

>> No.5241209


If you don't like the story, don't read it.

>> No.5241214
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Hah, your name really is Nigel.

Gotcha bitch

>> No.5241224


I wanted KRacken but they were out, I've been drinking too much Sailor Jerry lately, and fuck Captain Morgan. The liquorstore guy gave me a small discount on this Mount Gay rum and it's pretty decent.

>> No.5241230
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>spiced rum
Are you twelve?

>> No.5242502
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>> No.5242509
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Boulevardiers. I use old overholt for the rye, cinzana rosso for the vermouth, campari, and a dash of peychaud's.

>> No.5242544


Bought a bottle of Kraken and drank it the last two Friday nights. I wasn't that impressed, but I expected it all to be marketing. Bottle is cool though.

>> No.5243521

Some Delirium tremens for tonight.

>> No.5243910

It's pretty good if you're into cherries. It has a distinct cherry flavor that's almost like a fruit juice. If you like the blackberry you'll like this.

>> No.5243933
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>> No.5243989

I've only tried Kraken once. I wasn't big on it by itself, but I tried putting it in egg nog and it was pretty alright. If I'm getting rum I usually go for Gosling's.

>> No.5244071
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captcha: peace treeLeg

>> No.5244084


pssst.... blackheart

>> No.5244089


>anything other than ethanol

are you a fetus?

>> No.5244095
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Currently drinking some of this amazing stuff. Looking into making my own mead sometime soon, since this is a little expensive for me to drink often, though.

>> No.5244163

gordon gin and low salt v8 not bad.I used to like some bourbon(henry mcinna,ezra brooks,black label evan and some scotts like cutty,grouse, even inverhouse(yeah,I know, the travelersclub or aristocrats of scott's whiskey.Mostly Gordon's gin and low salt v8. beer wise,anything but real hoppy (ipa's give me indigestion, but i like(gasp) bud hurricane apparently others like it, 'cause it's always sold out.As far as wine...merlot occasionally and for cooking .champagne is wasted on me though glad to toast, I could not tell the the difference 'tween cooks or moet sorry, just trying to be honest. my "problem" not yours.

>> No.5245306
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as far as cheap bourbons go, how is it? better than jim beam?

>> No.5245346

haven't had that, but Evan Williams is the superior cheap sour mash bar none

>> No.5245356

it's over 2 times more expensive than Old Blacksmith where I live

>> No.5245376

than the black label? no shit.

I'll see if the local liquor store has it.

I usually drink cheap as fuck R & R (about $13 a half gallon) since I mostly drink it in coffee and cream in the morning so quality booze would be a waste. And a blended canadian has less odor than a bourbon - important when I walk into the daily safety meeting every morning!

>> No.5245409

Steel reserve cuz brokefag

>> No.5245425

yeah, I meant the black label, but I'm from Europe so the price ratio between diferent bourbons differ.

>I usually drink cheap as fuck R & R (about $13 a half gallon)
>tfw for 13$ I can only buy a 23oz bottle of cheap vodka and we have the average salary ten times lower than the US

>> No.5245445

asahi and some old as shit scotch from scotland

>> No.5245714
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any good?

>> No.5245736


>> No.5245760

decent, but there are better in the price range. Other four roses expressions are very good though like the small batch and single barrel.

>> No.5245899
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I love Buffalo Trace, and this is my other go-to bourbon.

>> No.5245943
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Homebrew oatmeal stout