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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 308x598, 308px-Disaronno_Originale_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5238532 No.5238532 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite Liqueur?
Convince me what to buy next.

>> No.5238559

Amarettos are pretty good. But I'm partial to that almond extract/poppy seed muffin type of taste.

Drambuei is pretty interesting though. Maybe worth a try.

>> No.5238560


>> No.5238565


your bum hole will thank you

>> No.5238570

I'm partial to citrus-infused anything, served right from the freezer, straight up, but I make my own. I can imagine the stuff at the store being saccharine and loaded with unnecessary crap

>> No.5238572

I always wondered what Chartreuse tastes like...care to explain? Do you drink it straight or mixed?

>> No.5238593

Kind of hard to explain, nothing really tastes like it to me. The best I can do is that it tastes like what it smells like when you open a spice drawer, a mix of sweet and savoy herbs/spices. Also, It makes some really interesting cocktails.

>> No.5238635

Ian go to bed

>> No.5238688

Which one tastes best when you fucking vomit up that nasty sugar shit?

Disaronno gets my vote so far. I had no problem with it last time I puked it up in a parking lot after some barflies a few.

This is your queue, OP.

>> No.5239039
File: 97 KB, 1345x1050, Campari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think you would like something that hits very sweet and then almost immediately turns very bitter?

Also pick up some gin and sweet vermouth so you can make Negronis.

>> No.5239229

Southern Comfort, 100pr

are my favorites to drink straight. Be careful, lots of empty calories incoming

>> No.5239799
File: 752 KB, 2736x3648, frangelico 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit here.

>> No.5239818

This shit is absolutely phenomenal if you're flavoring baked stuff or something. Meringue + toasted crushed hazelnuts + frangelico is amazing.

>> No.5239824


>> No.5239843

Amaretto is god-tier. The problem is I drink it like water, and it's pretty pricey.
Frangelico is also really nice on the side with espresso.
Kahlúa was my 'baby's first' liqueur. I still love it as a comfort drink, but would prefer the first two.
There was also an amazing Portuguese liqueur I had once...sadly I don't remember the name.

>> No.5239872

La Fée Verte

>> No.5239876
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.5240796

this OP

fuck if it's considered a "gay" drink, shit's delicious

>> No.5241584

What does Campari taste like? Ive heard that its very bitter but nothing else

>> No.5241628

as long as you aren't sucking dick, who cares why limit yourself right

>> No.5241644

I recently had Disaronno for the first time. To me, it tastes like super concentrated coca-cola syrup. I believe it could occupy coke's role in many cocktails. Someday I want to try a Disaronno and Rum, but I don't have any rum.

>> No.5243834

Every time I see that bottle I think of Mrs. Butterworths Syrup.

I dont even use syrup. Unless it's simple syrup but still.

>> No.5245786

Licor 43

>> No.5246026
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>> No.5246582

It was probably Disaronno , but it might have been Bicardi that I tried one Halloween, and to me it tasted like Pistachio Pudding.

>> No.5246599

Do you mean Bacardi? Because that's not a liquer

>> No.5246676


Holy shit. You're so fucking retarded.

>> No.5246693

it's very sweet with a bitterness like grapefruit pith. it has a nice balance of sweet/bitter and a great color.

>> No.5246698

those are all liqueurs, numbnuts

>> No.5246884

ooooooooh Chartreuse is good but I find it like many bitter liqueurs too bitter for the American palette. Theres green and yellow Chartreuse and I recommend to try the yellow one first because it is little more mild in its bitterness.

>> No.5246910
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pic related


egg white


>> No.5246952
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Cointreau is the only liqueur I can drink straight up without vomiting. It can be used to make lots of delicious drinks too.

>> No.5247090
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Galliano Vanilla
50ml Grey Goose
30ml Galliano
Topped up with OJ.
Harvey Wallbanger, bliss.

>> No.5248575
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>> No.5248577
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Whatever this is only because the cunts older than i am and i dont know how the fuck i came by it and really wamna drink it

>> No.5248653
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Disaronno is pleb tier amaretto. Get on my level

>> No.5250896
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>> No.5251066


>> No.5251081
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i highly recommend this prohibition-era cocktail—it's bright, clean, but with a richness from the chartreuse that is unlike any other mixed drink i've had.

also, chartreuse and tonic with a splash of lime

>> No.5251128
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>> No.5251203
File: 426 KB, 683x816, elixir d'anvers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elixir d'Anvers
Though it might be a bit too local for anyone outside of my country to know it

>> No.5251205
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>> No.5251218


I love Amarettos, but if I drink it too fast it fucks my stomach up.

When I don't drink it straight, I like to mix it with coke to make cherry flavoured cola.

>> No.5251466

I'm a big fan of creme de menthe, but also rather partial to spiced rum. Spiced rum is absolutely delicious with a mixer like Coke or lemonade. Tastes like Christmas.

Creme de menthe works best neat, unless you're making a Grasshopper or something.

Also, since this is /ck/ I would strongly recommend investing in a decent alcohol that you can integrate into recipes and the like. I like using amaretto whenever I make things like cakes, so buying a bottle is a worthwhile investment for me.

>> No.5253412


>> No.5253468

Methylated spirits. Paint thinner if meths is unavailable.

>> No.5253481

>spiced rum in a liqueur thread

here we fucking go.

>> No.5253484
File: 41 KB, 175x250, Knob_Creek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knob Creek. Just the right amount of burn with a mild oak and malt aftertaste. Plus drink all night with no morning headache.

>> No.5253492

nigga bourbon ain't a liqueur

>> No.5253496

u retarded?

>> No.5253501


Creme de menthe was my recommended liqueur. I just mentioned spiced rum as an afterthought because I remembered that I haven't had it in a while.

I had forgotten that we weren't allowed to mention other things we liked.

>> No.5253506
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>> No.5253523

bourbon based liqueur =/= bourbon

>> No.5253621
File: 707 KB, 2304x3072, remy with apple cider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the smoothest drink i ever had was remy with apple cider find the right mix and enjoy

>> No.5253640
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>liqueur thread
>mentions of spiced rum, cognac, and bourbon

>> No.5254168
File: 1.24 MB, 300x169, tfw_your_shit_taste.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blended with pure honey

manufacturers around the world add honey or sugar to cover blemishes and wrinkles in shit whiskey

>> No.5254186

Carolines or Saint Brenards. Fuck Baily's, its overpriced shit at 2x.

Irish creme is good in general however. If it wasn't for the calories/general health factor, one can shoot a lot of it.

>> No.5254214
File: 12 KB, 320x240, letterman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shooting baileys

Jesus Christ

>> No.5254225

who said anything about actually shooting it? "can" in English means to be able to, not actually fucking doing it.

>> No.5254231

How would you know if you haven't done it before. I bet you got some good titties gurl

>> No.5254243

>who said anything about actually shooting it?
>one can shoot a lot of it

Are you retarded?

>> No.5254294
File: 318 KB, 1488x1984, New_drambuie_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on drambuie?

>> No.5254557

I never had the courage to drink it straight

>> No.5254563

maybe they're not so gay to drink liqueur so they mentioned the closest things they drank

>> No.5254651

Spiced rum is gayer than any liqueur

>> No.5254764

>implying bourbon and spiced rum aren't as horribly sweet and gay as the worst liqueurs

>> No.5256604
File: 131 KB, 500x444, limoncello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck how has Limoncello not been mentioned?

>> No.5256839

>favorite Liqueur
Not that it's the world's easiest to find.

>> No.5256843

Because it's awful

>> No.5256852
File: 27 KB, 165x500, Devil's_Springs-Vodka-S0525-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for broke, down a bottle of this and you're sorted for a bit.

Devil's Spring, from New Jersey.

>> No.5256865

>you're sorted for a bit

Stop trying to sound poncey, amerilard.

>> No.5256872

Piss off britfag! And while you're at it stop posting on an American board.

Don't they allow you to have boards in EUTardland, or might that bring up some cousil shit that you have? OH NO, TALK ABOUT YOUR BRITCOUNSIL GET ARRESTED... BAD SPEECH IS UNACCEPTABLE!

Stupid fucking brits!

You were saying?

>> No.5256876


I'm not british. better luck next time

>> No.5256880
File: 7 KB, 232x180, 1388205134274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, right here, is why I am proud to be an American.

>> No.5256890

well you don't have much else going for you these days so you should cling to what you have left

>> No.5256906
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>> No.5257038
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>> No.5257069

A recent study showed American children had a significantly higher rate of caries than English children.

>> No.5257083
File: 763 KB, 1324x4001, not so bright a future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5257835

don't be a pussy:

>> No.5257983

OP I'm going to give you my favorite shot recipe. It's called a Superman after the ice cream in the upper midwest. They kind of remind some of a pistachio flavor.

Mix equal parts Disaronno (or any nice amaretto), Bailey's (or any Irish Cream), and Blue Curacao in a shaker with ice. Pour in big shot glasses.