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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5235364 No.5235364 [Reply] [Original]

what would be YOUR last meal /ck/? Its a weird thought I know.

>> No.5235398

a cyanide pill

>> No.5235402
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it really isn't. this thread pops up every week.
inb4 people with peanut allergies thinking theyre clever

>> No.5235406

I think I'd probably get a hamburger made by my dad, apple pie made by my great grandma, served with her home made ice cream, a Ball Park frank hotdog, a 6 oz chicken fried steak, with a ball of home made mashed potatoes [skin on] with white gravy.

And then i'd hopefully be killed by firing squad.

>> No.5235407


>> No.5235413

A condom full of your dad's cum

>> No.5235445

>all you can eat buffet
>eat while sitting on the toilet
>live forever

Last meals are dumb

>> No.5235459

I would eat shit and die.

>> No.5235473

Last meals shouldn't exist.

>> No.5235480

Why not

>> No.5235482

2 piece special, with lots of hot sauce, and all the fries you can give me.

>> No.5235488
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>> No.5235497

Every time. I hate cyanide and fagginess.

>> No.5235503

Some of their shit is alright, some is unfunny as hell.

>> No.5235504

>Its a weird thought I know.
These threads aren't uncommon on /ck/.

>> No.5235510

Re: "LOL Allergies", no prison that provides a "last meal" allows the prisoner to order something they are known to be allergic to.

Re: "all-you-can-eat", some prisons restrict the size of a meal to either cost (usually quite meagre) or ingredients found within the prison kitchens (also quite meagre). The last meal is usually a sign of kindness, not an irrevocable right.

>> No.5235519

Mac and cheese mashed potatoes and lemon peppered chicken with fried rice

>> No.5235521

Oh there's a standard last meal? Wow, you learn something new every day. Who prepares it?
I think I'd probably want to have a seafood buffet if that's allowed.

>> No.5235522
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I wonder if anyone has actually started to choke on their last meal, and the guard has to come in and save their life...
"Thank you.. I couldn't breathe.."
"No problem prisoner. Are you alright?"
"Yes sir. Thank you again, you saved my life. :)"
"You're welcome. Now, get up on your feet, its time."
"Time for what?"
"...oh.. right.. :( "

>> No.5235529

How can you be this autistic and NOT know how to use 4chan?

>> No.5235534
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>> No.5235540
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A challenger appears.

>> No.5235557

Tunnel driller on toast.
Failing that, it would depend on my mood, but probably either/a combination of a cold weetbix and fruit salad mix, sweet and sour pork, banh bao, turkish delight, crepes, roast vegetables, fettucine, onion rings, fries with tomato sauce, fresh apples and/or a McDonalds $20 family value meal. Drink would be Vietnamese Iced Coffee, Vietnamese Hot Coffee, Fresh OJ or Mango Lassi.
Cholestrol suicide would also be thoroughly considered.

>> No.5235564

probably a steak with a baked potato seeing as that's what I ate tonight.

>> No.5235565
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Every item on the menu at McDonalds. It holds good memories to me there, especially the times me and my friend would go there to just talk for hours. There's never a time at McDonalds where I didn't enjoy it.

>> No.5235745

I would ask for lots of things and then not eat anything so that they'd change the rules for you to get just a regular meal.

>> No.5235778

64 slices of american cheese.

>> No.5235784

that's some nice shilling anon

>> No.5235801

Something pretentious and faggy like a single olive. Everyone will think i'm deep and cool amirite.

>> No.5235824


already been done

>> No.5235835

Shilling is not to shill you retard.

>> No.5235837

No, you'll never be cool.

>> No.5235851

> this thread pops up every week.

Try every 2 hours.


OP read the catalog

>> No.5235855

if I was faced with death food would be the last thing on my mind, even thinking about it all I feel is absolute apathy toward the notion.

>> No.5235879

The fuck are you on about? Shilling is the verb of shill.

>> No.5235934

And how are you dying?

>> No.5235941

Pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream

>> No.5238052

A shell of 00 buck.

>> No.5238057

I wouldn't have one. I'm not fucking stupid or crazy enough to do something to get me executed, nor do I live in some backasswards place where that shit is still legal.

>> No.5238072


>its backwards to remove cancer from your society

I giggled. I bet you think criminals are the real victims.

>> No.5238074

gluten free deep dish no sauce no cheese double black olives chicago style pizza

>> No.5238080

Name another first world country besides the U.S. where executions are legal and not considered a barbaric relic of the past. Sage for off topic. Keep /pol/ in /pol/

>> No.5238087

I honestly just can't tell if you are trolling or really picky.

>> No.5238088


You brought it up chicken shit. Why are you defending people who would turn on you in a second?

>> No.5238142

A bucket of kentucky fried 12 piece original recipe, all the trimmings (biscuits, taters, gravy, coleslaw), a double cheeseburger with bacon, french fries with ketchup, and a ribeye steak - oh and I'll have dr.pepper to wash it down.

dessert: double slice of chocolate cake with buttercream frosting, slice of apple pie, and a pint of french vanilla ice cream.

i think that'll do.

>> No.5238148

don't knock it before trying it

>> No.5238152

most prisons have changed last meals to be restricted by what the prison kitchen has. so most of the craziness has been done away with.

I would still go with eating a bunch of unpopped pop corn and wash it down with popcorn oil.

>> No.5238161

>barbaric relic of the past
It's pretty barbaric to rape and murder many people.
If someone is a serial rapist/murderer and shows no desire to stop then they are a permanent threat to people and need to be removed permanently.
Some people just can't be treated or fixed or reasoned with.

>> No.5238174

Keep /pol/ in /pol/

>> No.5238176

Not the guy you're responding to.

My problem with the death penalty is twofold:

1) the process as it currently is is ridiculously expensive (all the ligation costs). It's actually more cost effective for life imprisonment.

2) the chance of political prisoners, scapegoats/fall guys and mishaps in the legal system leading to innocent people being killed is very real and has probably already occurred in Texas and other southern states.

If you could apply the highest standard/transparency/civilian review of the process while making it cheaper then I'd have no problem with it.

anyway, this is my first and only post as it is off-topic.

>> No.5238397

Right, but there's also evidence that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to criminals and that lethal injections are not as humane as previously thought as well as being ridiculously expensive.

Bring back the guillotine - it's humane AND cheap.

>> No.5238407

I don't get why they don't just use massive doses of propofol like they do in general anesthesia. It burns a little going in but you are asleep in like 15 seconds.

>> No.5238470

I seem to remember reading an article about the types of foods people ordered for their last meals in US prisons. They're not getting lobster and prime rib like a lot of people seem to think. I think it said they had a budget of like $10 or $15. I suppose with that kind of money I'd get a Scotch fillet (about $6 in Aus) and use the leftover money to get as much broccoli and potatoes (for mash) that I could.

>> No.5238500

a happy meal

>> No.5238506

A bottle of squirt ketchup to write "I'm sorry." on my plate

>> No.5238520


It's a bit troubling to me that I instantly recognize this as Timothy McVeigh's

>> No.5238553

You faggy cocksuckers are the worst. He asked what would your last meal would be. Not some bullshit semantics question. What is the last bit of taste you'd want in your mind before you fucking die.

Some lovely fennel encrusted Ahi Ahi.

>> No.5239473

How is he shilling?

>> No.5239493

These are the rules for America:

$60 limit.
no drugs, tobacco, alcohol (duh)
must be located within 20 miles of the facility (this severely restricts your options since most prisons are built in rural areas, usually you have the choice of a few fast food joints, a greasy spoon and a country grocery store, so lobster and caviar are usually non-starters)
must be prepared by prison staff

You will be executed at the given time regardless of whether you have finished eating or not.

>> No.5239527

Yakiniku set and hot sake from my favorite Japanese restaurant that I had been going to for 15 years.

>mfw when the owner just died last month and they closed
>mfw when he was the nicest guy ever

Other than that I would also want lamb vindaloo with habanero naan bread, a chai tea latte from starbucks, a bowl of thom kha gai, waffle fries from chick-fil-a, a bowl of pho, those buns you get at dim sum filled with sweet custard (don't know the name), more alcohol, bulgogi tacos.

>> No.5239556

no tobacco???
don't prisoners smoke?

>> No.5239560


>> No.5239566

>chai tea


>> No.5239568
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>must be prepared by prison staff

sourdough croissant that looks like image, from scratch.

enjoy your extra week alive.

>> No.5239633
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fffuuuckk i need that now

>> No.5239720


>> No.5239746
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Here you go, Anon!

>> No.5239748
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I've seen worse

>> No.5239753

He's farting/shitting/sharting eggs.

>> No.5239955

Everybody who has ever lived has had a last meal, ANON!!

>> No.5240007
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a few things

-mussles in white wine/garlic/parsley broth
-thinly sliced prosciutto
-a ripe nectarine
-chicken piccata
-roast brussels sprouts
-a piece of baklava

>> No.5240038

Whole Milk
Root Beer
Pomegranate Juice

Chicken Caesar Salad, extra crouton and dressing w/ cubed tomato on the side

French Onion Soup in a bread bowl

Chicken Mole no bones or skin with 15 buttered homemade flour tortillas
Fresh refried beans
Spanish Rice with a few whole cloves of garlic to bite into
Slice Avocado, sliced tomato, lettuce, and home made jalapeno salsa

Home made peppermint ice cream
Cheese cake with strawberry

>> No.5240049


>If someone is a serial rapist/murderer and shows no desire to stop then they are a permanent threat to people and need to be removed permanently.

I see people argue this all the time. But then I see several death penalty cases where only 1 person was killed. Every murder isn't treated like that, so I don't understand this idea. Killing a person is wrong, but killing the murderer isn't any better. It's not like every death penalty case was a crazy man who blew up 20 people than stabbed the 5 that tried to run away.

>> No.5240107

Challah bread
Blue Cheese
Giant bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with whole milk

>> No.5240116

I used to have a tolerant and moralistic approach to things like you, until I realised that it's just not practical. People are dumb, unpredictable fucking animals. I don't "agree" with the death penalty, but I don't object to taking some fucking boundless reprobate killer off the street by wasting him either.

>> No.5240154
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Obligatory picture

Honestly mine would probably be something I had never eaten before. Just to do one last "first time" one last time.

>> No.5241038

An everything bagel with cream cheese and lox, a Chipotle burrito with steak, cilantro rice, cheese, lettuce, and hot sauce, and a tall glass of Sweet Tea.

>> No.5241044

medium rare prime rib
steamed veggies
mac and cheese
buffalo wings with blue cheese
cheese cake
raspberry lemonade

>> No.5241107

le ebic meme face

>> No.5241111

The problem is, what if the guy you're killing isn't the fucking boundless reprobate killer you're looking for?

>> No.5241172

>killing the murderer isn't any better
Maybe you misunderstand me.
There are extreme cases where they just won't stop because they actually enjoy the acts or see them as necessary.
This is where you completely remove them from society to make sure they are no longer a threat.

>> No.5241221
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Probably just a really good burger with seasoned french fries.

>> No.5241317
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Don't forget the pickles.

>> No.5241327
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palt, lingonberry jam, butter and a glass off milk+

>> No.5241384

MY cock up your ass

>> No.5241396

How is Ricky Rectors meal trolling? Wasn't the man mentally handicapped?

>> No.5241432

He tried to kill himself by shooting himself in the head, but he just lobotomized himself.

>> No.5241475

because it's too much fun.

>> No.5241530


Alright there, Timothy McVeigh ya fuckIn faget :-p

>> No.5241540

And goddamnit.... Shits already been discussed. I hate having to read the whole thread before I put in my 1 cents.

168 counts of murder. Shit dood, the fuck.

>> No.5241543
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>yfw you try something new and it tastes like shit

>> No.5241648

I'm a vegetarian of over five years but..

jalepeno cornbread
bbq chicken
mashed potatoes, golden and sweet mixed together
bloody steak
coconut shrimp poboy
strawberry milkshake
Cajun fries
asparagus with hollandaise sauce
my father's homemade spicy black bean soup
cheesy grits
brussel sprouts

and for desert..
bowl of fresh fruit especially pineapple, and ample whip cream
banana split with tuti fruti, cookie dough, chunky monkey ice cream and lots of toppings
caramel soft chews
cow tails (the candy)
candy cane cookies
black forest cake
chocolate mint mousse
cheese cone / canolis
sample box of different girl scout cookies
sample box of different kinds of fudge
sample box of pastries
those cookies with the raspberry filling in the middle
cherry pie
Puerto Rican imported coffee

and get drunk off Jack and jds, spicy shandy's and pina colada before dying happy as a motherfucker

for those of you doubting I could eat all this, for a skinny bitch I can really pack it in sometimes. but I'd probably request to finish this over the course of a night.

ugh now the eggs I was about to make myself for breakfast just seem lame.

>> No.5241652

I forgot lobster and extra cheese (cheese a little burnt on top) pizza with hot sauce

>> No.5241664

>m-muh secret club

>> No.5241697
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Edited for chemotherapy.

>> No.5241754


>> No.5241775

What's Bulgary? Is it being huge and performing chaga? That should be illegal, I agree.

>> No.5241779

Oh shit that took me way too long to get.

>> No.5241832

A strawberry

>> No.5241842

Chicken Liver Crostini as a pre-meal appetizer

To start
>Goats cheese & Onion tart, rocket with balsamic

Roast fillet of Beef (rare), yorkshire puddings, gravy, horseradish sauce, roast potatoes, carrots, peas, broccoli. Paired with a nice red.

Plum frangipane tart, Whipped cream (not from a can) and custard.

Then a good cup of coffee and high-quality pralines.

>> No.5241857

You might be mixing that up with buggery.
That's what faggets do.

>> No.5241859

fartsmelling gentry like you should be sentenced to death just for thinking about such a stuffy meal.

>> No.5241878
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Corned beef hash, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and scrapple, served in a large bowl with a bottle of this shit and a six-pack of Yuengling.
I'd apply the hot sauce liberally to the food and mix it all together. Then I'd eat my magnificent slop and wash it down with beer.

>> No.5241884

>implying there's a difference

>> No.5241896

So basically, black olives.

>> No.5242387

An entire pan of brownies with dark chocolate chunks and some french vanilla ice cream.

>> No.5242411

Pussy, ideally.

>> No.5242426


>> No.5242716

Nope, Philly.

>> No.5244523
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...not sure, but probably it'd be some dark brown beer and quality cheeseburgers.

Or some shit beer and a stack of McD's cheeseburgers; I'm dying anyway.

/last meal doesn't allow booze, alas.

>> No.5244611

>firing squad

How long ago was that? If he was watching LOTR it must've been fair recent. Didn't know US still did firing squads.

>> No.5244619


he's responding to sentiments/common ideas, not posts.

>> No.5244620


>Tunnel driller

i spent about 3 seconds wondering what kind of food a tunnel driller is

>> No.5244626


>You will be executed at the given time regardless of whether you have finished eating or not.

don't you have to fast beforehand

>> No.5244634

>168 counts of murder. Shit dood, the fuck.

It was done in one bombing. Not spread out.

>> No.5244639

>don't you have to fast beforehand
yes. i think he meant that you do have a time limit on your meal (usually night before or something)

>> No.5244649

>Goats cheese & Onion tart


>Roast fillet of Beef (rare)


>Plum frangipane tart


>Then a good cup of coffee and high-quality pralines

ok yeah i can dig

>> No.5244650

It's expensive, actually.
To highlight the point, about 50% of the cost of surgery goes towards the anaesthesia, about half of which is for the anaesthesiologist and the remainder for the drugs. So if a surgical procedure costs $10,000, the general anaesthesia drugs will cost about $2500. Not cost effective.
I have more information on the breakdown of surgical costs but as they're not generally related to the conversation at hand, I'll keep them to myself unless requested.

>> No.5244695

Shroom and swiss burger
Double burger with chili on it
Chicken club sandwich
Chili cheese fries
A can of root beer
A 16 oz glass, 10 grams of bi luo chun and some hot water

>> No.5244705

Surprised at the lack of people choosing pizza.

Pepperoni and pineapple pizza with a side of onion rings and garlic mayo, with chocolate milk.. For dessert, black forrest gateau.

>> No.5244711

Oh I genuinally forgot this isn't /b/, now i'm not surprised anymore