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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 430x300, beans_on_toast430x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5232333 No.5232333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here have any good recipes for Beans on Toast?

>> No.5232348

Make toast. Put beans on top. Add HP sauce.

>> No.5232354
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>Bread (1 Slice)
>Baked beans (1 Can)

>Put bread in toaster
>Put beans in pot on the stove on heat, stir occasionally
>Remove toast from toaster when it pops
>Remove baked beans from heat when they're hot
>Apply butter to toast
>Pour beans over toast

>> No.5232365

There is an amazing one in the /ck/ archives from a few years back.

>> No.5232363

> putting a starch on a starch

Dammit Britain.

>> No.5232373

>wahhh stupid arbitrary dietary rules
Most countries have starch-on-starch dishes in their culinary traditions. If you've never had black beans and eggs on fresh tortillas, you have not lived.

>> No.5232375


Found it


>> No.5232377

No one cares faggot

>> No.5232383

You care enough to respond.

What no one cares about is arbitrary rules like "no starch on starch."

>> No.5232417

Put beans on your bread.

>> No.5232424

fry half an onion with curry powder and salt in oil add beans and cook into the beans.

thank me later

>> No.5232429


Beans are excellent protien you faggot

Also they are in a tomato sauce

>> No.5232431

can Navy beans
big handful of diced mushrooms
diced small onion
black pepper
cooked bacon or diced hamsteak, a handful
simmer everything on high for 20 minutes, reduce the heat to ultra low and add the cream. mash a bunch of the beans against the side of the pot with a big spoon. should be thick and spoonable

make toast out of good real bread

jizz in pants

enjoy beautiful massive bean shit in the AM

>> No.5232434


Ignore him, america are bent on hating anything british, on /ck/ at least anyway, /int/ has MUCH better discussions regarding cuisine

>> No.5232454

>enjoy beautiful massive bean shit in the AM
You mean the next morning? Not many people know that it takes 18+ hours for food to pass through.

>> No.5232469


i assume making it at night when drunk.

>> No.5232472

Beacuse it doesn't
I am going to take a big green shit tomorrow at 7 am from all the spinach I ate tonight at 7 pm

>> No.5232477

Are you a 12 hr deucer?
Do you ever double deuce?
I sometimes do if I don't take my time in the morning.

>> No.5232478

yes. fry two slices streaky bacon. remove,reserve. add 1/2 fine chopped onion. cook 'till soft. add two cans cheap pork & beans. two table spoons molassaes (treacle), a bit of hot sauce, a tablespoon prepared yellow mustard (none of that "dijon or course ground shit", we want that that we will cross the channel,again) some hot sauce. crumble the bacon back into it. serve on toast with an ale or cuppa. reflect on how a small island nation that ruled much of the world, with a predominate language, still has trouble with hot water or air conditioning.

>> No.5232479

Don't eat like this anymore but,

Get a tin of heinz bean in the ham sauce, an onion, garlic, cheese, bacon and sweet chilli sauce.

Dice onion, caramelise in oil, dice bacon and add that, add sweet chilli and garlic, add beans and cheese. Put on 2 pieces of buttered bread, add salt and pepper.

>> No.5232487

I've eaten corn and shitted it out 5 hours later.

>> No.5232492

Ive eaten stuff and had to shit within an hour of eating it.

I don't get it.

>> No.5232505

Yeah some fruits and vegetable will take only a couple of hours if you eat them alone.

I was talking about a full meal of beans and toast. If that takes less than 16 hours to pass then you are unique.

>> No.5232675

fried chorizo, onion, garlic, mushrooms, bacon, chillies,

>> No.5232680

Something I've always liked to do with baked beans was to cook it on the stovetop. The reason for doing so is so that I can add grated stringy, high fat content cheese - mozarella, colby, or similar - and melt it through. If I'm really feeling extravagant, I'll maybe even add a little leg ham. Tasty, anyway.

>> No.5232730

This is why the British are just as fat as Americans. That and daily "Tea" which really is just an excuse to eat a childish amount of biscuits and sweets.

>> No.5232786

eat your own feces and vomit on a plate. Congrats you just made every british dish ever.

>> No.5232790

You don't actually think that happens here right?

>> No.5232806

>childish amount of biscuits and sweets
What? Three hobnobs and a cup of tea= full high tea with several cups of tea?

>> No.5232808

He must think that this is the scene in every British home, every day. It's a legal requirement of being British, and enforced by the Queen.

>> No.5232810
File: 434 KB, 1600x1200, high+tea+001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the picture

>> No.5232833

my mouth started watering at the sight of the cucumber sandwiches to the left. Holy crap, I love cucumber sandwiches. The sweets I don't really care about, but I'd have a couple.

>> No.5232845

Cheese on the toast prior to beans.
Shredded herbs and worcestershire sauce and a touch of mustard in the beans.
Serve with either a poached egg or a solitary pork and apple sausage.

>> No.5232848

Three hobnobs and a cup of several sugars british tea is the calorific value of another meal, pretty much.

>> No.5232851

Who has several sugars in a tea? And I don't know anyone that actually dips biscuits into their tea on any regular basis. I only used to do that when I would go to my grandparents house as a kid.

The idea of a "daily tea" complete with sweets and biscuits being the norm in the country is laughable.

>> No.5232853

Cook beans on a really low heat for like 15 mins; until they've reduced 90% of the juice. Add mustard and hp sauce. Spoon into condom, freeze and shove up ass

>> No.5232900

Fuck you and your lazy nigger slow-shitting bowels. And fuck off back to reddit with your shitty anecdotes regarding stool tardiness.

This, but I add a dash of white pepper.

>> No.5232920
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>> No.5232927

Cook the beans for longer, reducing them to a more stodgy consistency

Grate some mature cheddar cheese on top

>> No.5232934

>lazy nigger slow-shitting bowels
I was wrong, it's more like double what I said.


>> No.5232935

Even old ladies don't have tea and biscuits daily.

>> No.5233003

itt: yet more posts in which americans try and fail laughably to characterise the british

>> No.5233014

>That and daily "Tea" which really is just an excuse to eat a childish amount of biscuits and sweets.

You seem to be confused.

'Tea' is just another word for 'dinner', it isn't a snack eaten in addition to dinner.

>> No.5233016

Grate some cheese into the beans when cooking - stir it in while the beans are heating on the stove. Takes it up to the next level,

>> No.5233164

Branston Beans
Small amount of butter
Good few twists of pepper
A squeeze of BBQ sauce

Yum tier

>> No.5233183

He thinks that brits have >>5232810 every day.

>> No.5233185

Karl pilkington is forever having tea and biscuits on "telly".
Sometimes also a crumpet or pikelet ore even a pasty.
We don't have any of that here.
We have gatorade or red bull and a power bar

>> No.5233189

>Karl pilkington is forever having tea and biscuits on "telly"

Do you understand that 'TV' is not the same as 'Real life'?

>> No.5233192


>> No.5233196

Thought so. Good night

>> No.5233195

Go back to sleep goy. The electric j- I mean your television never lies.

>> No.5233199

Be sure to keep up to date with our good friends at Fox News!

>> No.5233212

So now karl pilkington is in bed with fox news to keep Americans believing that brits drink tea and eat pasties all day?
Wha... why would they go to all that trouble?

>> No.5233244

The Jews own Murdoch?

>> No.5233255
File: 33 KB, 460x287, toast-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Reminder that to brits this is an acceptable sandwich.

And I've been banned for posting this before. Fucking buttblasted limeys.

>> No.5233274

Is that Mrs battersby?

>> No.5233281
File: 60 KB, 600x400, ploughmans_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trying this hard

No, we think this is an acceptable sandwich; the ploughman's.

>> No.5233283


toast sandwiches are actually pretty good real talk

>> No.5233286

Judging from the last two photos (all the info I have about British sandos) the ratio of bread is way too much. Confirmed carb addicted nation.

>> No.5233288

>80% bread
>slice of cheese
>slice of tomato
>piece of lettuce

are you even trying

>> No.5233292

Is that some Branston pickle on there? One of the best condiments to come out of the UK.

>> No.5233302


yes, but sometimes chutney is used.


Does your mother still wipe your ass and change your clothes and make your sandwiches for you? No? Then use as much bread as you want or as much filling as you want you fucking babies

>> No.5233306

The bread is too much.
Just calm down a moment and hear my words.
That's too much bread anon.
Too much.

>> No.5233311


>my mommy used too much bread in my sandwich!!

>> No.5233308
File: 295 KB, 720x576, 1375459514036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then use as much bread as you want or as much filling as you want you fucking babies

>trying to argue that Britain isn't obsessed with starches
>argument completely falls apart
>u-use as much carbs as you w-want fucking b-babby!

>> No.5233325


why is it too much

it's not like adding more filling is gonna make it less of a carb overload

what if you just like bread

>> No.5233329

Well then you need to take the reins and start instructing her on how to cut down on the bread ratio anon.

>> No.5233335

Not true.
The more protein you add to that sandwich, the lower the glycemic index goes.

>> No.5233339


well yes obviously the sandwiches GI lowers overall, do you even into proportionality

>> No.5233344

Because if there is more filling there would be a better ratio to the ingredients involved.

Also I would likely be full after only half, meaning I get a second meal later in the day for not extra work.

I love me some bread, but if I'm making a sandwich I'd like to have at least some balance in the ingredients.

>> No.5233362
File: 137 KB, 644x951, 003162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Use this. Add cheapest cheddar you can get while heating on hob.

Very lightly toast and heavily butter the bread.

>> No.5233366


honestly don't see a problem with the 'balance' in that cheese and pickle sandwich, the filling's punchy and moist and the bread is toothsome and airy

>> No.5233371

add a small knob of butter just before serving

>> No.5233378
File: 43 KB, 400x333, 8750633712170105532.400_600r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bread is toothsome and airy
Come on now, that bread looks dense as fuck. No matter how "moist" the fillings are you'll have to take a sip of water every other bite just to get the bread paste down.

I googled a better version (imho). All the goodies, half the bread so you can still finish it and enjoy a pint of bitter at the same time.

>> No.5233382
File: 98 KB, 550x413, fuuuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuck i change my choice to this bitch right here

>> No.5233386


> bread looks dense as fuck.

not really

it's got tight but abundant aeration

the bread in your pic looks worse

>> No.5233394
File: 197 KB, 605x295, 1393518343925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yer mum looks worse.

>> No.5233393

>ploughman's sandwiches
Fuckin' amazing m8
The states presumably do not know such glory.

>> No.5233403

Don't be ridiculous, of course we do. You don't see those often in restaurants or bars, but I grew up eating sandwiches like that (except they had chutney on them instead of Branston pickle, but nowadays we can get Branston pickle so I use that) You're right that they're not "common", but they are here.

>> No.5233404
File: 86 KB, 630x300, Ploughmans_fullweekly_630x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a envious yankee posting these. I hope to capture the taste digitally.

>> No.5233682

Its not so bad considering than English cheese actually tastes of something.

>> No.5233685

Fucking hell that looks vile.

>> No.5233694
File: 100 KB, 500x581, wales31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5233697
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>> No.5233700
File: 368 KB, 1195x1600, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5234241


>no apple

where's the apple!!!!!

>> No.5234251
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The apple harvest failed this year...

>> No.5235278

I will never know true happiness

>> No.5235284

behind the windows

>> No.5235335

>eating beans without corn tortillas
fucking savages.

>> No.5235370

Navy beans in tomato sauce aren't very Mexican.

>> No.5235425
File: 54 KB, 614x459, Ploughmans1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5235476

I did a home made version of this out of curiosity and it turned out pretty good. Well... better than pizza hut etc.

>> No.5237819
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>gerookte kip

>> No.5237843

put beans on toast

>> No.5238180

damn this thread still up...

>> No.5238483

I'm doing that right now.

>> No.5238537
File: 239 KB, 990x1253, funnyfaces_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out it was about 6x times better than expected for the work vs taste. Also drunk so take it with a gain of salt, a++ would drunk make beans + toast again.

>> No.5238574

ebin bro!

>> No.5239624

Put BBQ sauce and grate a hell of a lot of cheese into the beans. DO IT. Or chilli powder, that works too.