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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5231629 No.5231629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/, /biz/ here!

Obviously I'm quite in to saving money, and when it comes to food budgeting I'm really good at it. My diet mainly consists of milk, oatmeal, eggs, rice and chicken. While it's very nutritious and cheap, it really doesn't taste that great.

Does /ck/ have any tips on how to make some more interesting meals? They would be very much appreciated.

>> No.5231634

Sure. Loosen your purse strings a bit, jewbaby

>> No.5231640

son I could be living off like £5 a week if I wanted to king jew, I'm coming here because I'm willing to spend slightly more on a more interesting diet, I just wanted some suggestions

>> No.5231646

Try spending slightly more
If you just want regular meals, may I recommend the most novel of all items, a cookbook?

>> No.5231648

Sort of this. Purchase quality food from small businesses. Their survival is your health. If you can afford it, spend you cheap fuck.

And try some vegetables for fucks sakes. Greens are far cheaper than a lifetime of medication (which is often damaging itself) and fucking surgery.

>> No.5231651
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>While it's very nutritious

>> No.5231652

invest in some herbs and spices for your rice and chicken, fruit for Oatmeal and look for things on sale and freeze that shit. I do this with beef roasts. It saves me about 5 bucks plus all I gotta do it thaw it to cook.

>> No.5231653
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>> No.5231655

Put sugar and salt both in to your meal, whichever taste you want put more of that. Things will just stop tasting bad.

>> No.5231676

You need more color in your diet. More variety. Look for in season or frozen vegetables that are red,orange,purple,green,yellow,etc... This will add nutrition and make what you eat more interesting. Diversify your protein. Eat more fish! Eat more legumes if you can stomach them. You can buy red meat and pork in bulk. If you find a group of friends and have a freezer you can go in for a whole or half of a cow and have it cut up for about $3-4 a lb. You will do best finding a local or nearby cattle farmer in your area. If you go to eatwild, you can find people in your area that you can buy a cow share from and get milk and meat this way. http://www.eatwild.com/products/index.html

I hope that helps, if you are good at budgeting you should be able to see the value in buying in bulk. don't have the opportunity to buy a half a cow with friends often, but I do have a hunter in the family so we get fresh meat from him. I really need to go check out /biz/, I have no idea how to budget the money we have coming in.

>> No.5231682

I have a cookbook, they just typically have too many ingredients for it to be economical.

I do eat stuff like that, mainly broccoli and bananas, just didn't feel the need to mention all the micronutrient stuff

fak u

fruit for oatmeal sounds like a good idea, the place I shop at has big bags of frozen berries for cheap

>> No.5231686

/biz/ is full of retards to be frank, most of the worthwhile information on there is on stock investments, post your income and expenses ITT and I will happily help you with budgeting

>> No.5231688

Your diet doesn't really sound nutritious, OP, it just sounds like a generic bodybuilder diet. Lower the animal products and eat more legumes, fruits, and vegetables

>> No.5231690

eat nothing but gummy worms.

plenty of color on your plate & tastes good

time you spend not cooking can be used investing in cryptocurrencies and arguing online about lowering the minimum wage or something

>> No.5231694

I can't believe I never thought of this, now I can spend all my free time in dogecoin and NEET threads, thank you friend.

>> No.5231744 [DELETED] 
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it's not really board related but I will post a recipe with it. ok so $2014.00 after taxes a month. That is with health insurance taken out. We have an ebay store too. $200-$1500 a month coming in
our bills:
water/trash: 29
Kohls: 50
My student loans: 50
spouses student loans: 150
transportation/gas: 200
lunches/dining out (occasional):75
spouses "misc" ( I have no idea what it is, it is just what is spent on bullshit that I have no control over): 300
we have three people(two adults and a two year old), two cars, no car notes, car insurance is paid by someone else, cell phones are paid by company. My spouse works, I stay at home with the two year old. we have no savings or retirement plan.

>> No.5231756 [DELETED] 
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oops the income is $2014.00 after taxes plus whatever we sell on ebay.

>> No.5231768

Well essentially the first thing you want to cut down on is on things that wouldn't typically considered a necessity. I ran the numbers and without your ebay money (which obviously can't be guaranteed) you are down approximately $473 a month, this is certainly not ideal. Typically what people advise is to save 20% of your income but with the highly variable income might I suggest simply saving the majority of your ebay money? Obviously however this leaves with $400 odd dollars to cut off your expenses so I'll try and do my best.

Obviously meds and student loans aren't really negotiable, so they stay.

>two cars
Do you both have jobs outside of ebay? How far are your jobs from your home? This seems like a really easy way to cut down.

Also; what is Kohls?

I would like you to go into more detail on "other" and "misc", as these areas are where people are often lax on spending.

transportation and gas could be considerably cut if you can scale down to one car

>400 dollar food bill
Given that the two year old obviously doesn't consume much, that means two adults are taking up close to 200 dollars each a month. It would be definitely possible to cut down to as little 100 dollars per adult and still enjoy a fairly decent diet (and that's not even cutting out on your dining out money).

Thoughts on this?

>> No.5231787

did the poor anon asking for finance help get their post deleted? Janitors are such fucking faggots.

>> No.5231799

no, my wife is wonderful but she has a heart of gold and is too trusting. I deleted the thread because I don't feel that this forum is appropriate for discussing our finances, even though it is essentially anonymous, it is not something I am comfortable with.

thanks anyway dude (the grocery bill is high because we have to buy my Mother's groceries too)