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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5227466 No.5227466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I want your opinion on this:

What would you suggest as a moderately healthy diet?

/fit/fags usually say that you should cut dessert out, but honestly I can't imagine ever doing that. Like if I don't need to lose or gain weight and just want to be overall healthier.

So, what do YOU think would be a reasonably healthy daily/weekly menu/meal? How much would you need to spend for it? Does it involve any fancy ingredients?

>> No.5227473
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>Schrodinger's Butter

>> No.5227481
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>Schrodinger's Butter
>my sides
Technically wouldn't that make both butter and not butter at the same time.

>> No.5227482
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Well dessert is typically empty calories, which doesn't really fit into the whole healthy thing. However, you can minimize it if you're careful.
I couldn't live without pic related, they're 45 calories but still manage to really hit that sweetness spot.
>pineapple icecream
If this stuff came in tubs I'd buy a hundred.

For overall health you should eat vegetables and such but moreover, diversity in your ingredients. Eating a wide range of food means you're never missing out on anything. All kinds of nuts, all kinds of vegetables, all kinds of greens.
Find some good ways to make oily fish common in your diet.

>> No.5227485

omg u actually worked out schonningers cat puzzle? fuck i can never get that one!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5227486

Roast vegetables like carrots and parsnips are a fantastic underlooked snack, mostly because they take a while to make and don't stay at their best long. Something like a roast carrot seasoned with smoked paprika is sweet and full of flavour.

>> No.5227488

You know shitposting is against the rules, right?

>> No.5227492

Are you mad because nobody is impressed that you know what Schrodinger's Cat is?

>> No.5227496
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You forgot the XDDDDDDDD.

>> No.5227501

Here, I just gave you the best dessert ever.
>add yogurt
>you are now tasting god'semen

>> No.5227503

fruits + mysli, bru

>> No.5229802

why stop at moderately? just go vegan and you'll have a sooper healthy diet

>> No.5229810

I'm having trouble finding any advice on a healthy, taste maintenance or mild caloric deficit diet.
I don't really want to lose or gain anything, but I don't want to make myself eat junk or need to stuff myself with veges and other low cal "healthy" foods either..
Do I just have to go normal mode, stop caring, stay reasonably active and keep junk in moderation?

>> No.5229833

To me it's always been a simple matter of
>junk food and desert in extreme moderation, mostly for holidays and special occasions, or 1 or 2 times a month
>No need to add so much extra butter/oil/mayo/etc to everything you eat
>fruits and vegetables
>no HFC or heavily processed foods, mysteries like Schrodinger's Butter
>don't overdo it with non lean meats i.e. eating burgers all the damn time
>don't overeat
>moderate exercise, hell even if it's just a ton of walking around

Why is this so difficult to grasp? Once you go without the stuff you don't need you crave it less.

>> No.5229858

don't eat processed food

like, at all

you can have cheese and fat and bread if you want to, but make it count

actually cook your meals, try and eat more fibre and protein if you feel hungry at all, and drink more water

you'll find you have plenty of energy to exercise if you take care of yourself a little better

>> No.5229900

the sad part is when you look at this shit and laugh you realize this isn't a parody ad like business lamb, or off of some veriety show, but are all indeed real products. my favorite one is the could it be butter? as if theyre highlighting the chance that their product is basically the mystery meat version of butter.

>> No.5229904
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>> No.5231047
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>Schrodinger's Butter

>> No.5231071

Try to avoid anything processed.

Otherwise, you can eat whatever you want as long as you A) practice moderation and B) Engage in regular exercise.

>> No.5231070

This is what I do at the moment aside from some "processed" food. By this I mean pure grains/cereals like pasta, bread and weetbix rather than any real convenience junk.
I don't think I eat enough in general for maximum energy. The times at which i'm actually able to eat are pretty annoying some days so i'm hungry a lot.

>> No.5231076

Eat more protein and drink more water.

This will suppress your appetite (to an extent).

>> No.5231077

I would eat a lot healthier if I just had someone to cook for. I am too lazy to cook if it is just for myself. : (

>> No.5231089

Appetite isn't the problem. I can feel sick to my stomach full and still feel the urge to eat something whether it be doritos or baby carrots.

Need more willpooooower

>> No.5231098

>Need more willpooooower

Well you pretty much know what you need, then.

Eating healthy is like 90% willpower.

>> No.5231100

Appetite isn't the problem, i'm fine to ignore it temporarily if needs be and I don't overeat. I just feel weak sometimes.
I drink plenty of water. I could probably do with more protein though.

>> No.5231109

Sadly I have no overbearing friends to make me eat/exercise and my roommate is a bear of a man who likes sugary stir fry and pizza.

>> No.5231114

Blaming others for your lack of self-motivation is a symptom of no willpower

>> No.5231117

I know I have no willpower and I wasn't blaming my roommate. He's just the only person I see often enough to have an influence on my personal habits.

>> No.5231123

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, mushrooms, and legumes.

Make meals out of oatmeal, lentils, whole wheat pasta, sweet pototatoes, beans, etc, eat lots of green leafy vegetables, and eat fruit for snacks

>> No.5231124

>Schrodinger's Butter

Chinese confirmed for awesomeness

>> No.5231128


>adding yogurt to fruit

Now you've just deactivated the healthy aspect of the fruit

>> No.5231149


What? What the fuck is unhealthy about yogurt?

>> No.5231176


Depends on the kind of yogurt, but more importantly dairy deactivates the phytonutrients found in foods like berries, tea, chocolate, etc


The antioxidants and cancer-fighting attributes of berries are stunted by the addition of dairy

>> No.5231186

>The antioxidants and cancer-fighting attributes of berries are stunted by the addition of dairy

So if I'm understanding you right, you're contending that the only healthy aspect of fruit is the antioxidants?

>> No.5231190


Phytonutrients in general are definitely the highlight of their health aspects. Not the only, but the most important.

>> No.5231199

Until you try to eat it, at which point it becomes either one or the other.

>> No.5231207


Meaning, then, that >>5231128 was false, as adding yogurt does not "deactivate the healthy aspect of fruit." Fruit still contains fiber and many other nutrients that are considered good for you.

Additionally, the studies in that video talk about milk (particularly skim milk) that blocks the absorption of ellagic acid. Are there not other phytonutrients that skim milk doesn't block? And isn't yogurt fundamentally different than skim milk, as it has undergone significant changes when it transitioned from milk to yogurt?

>> No.5231232


These things have been tested with skim milk, whole milk, cream, and yogurt. The phytonutrient content is blocked from absorption, and yes phytonutrients are the primary reason for eating fruit.

So bottom line, just eat fruit by itself.