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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5223761 No.5223761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people care what their food tastes or looks like? I just see food as calories and nutrition and aim to eat healthy and maintain my weight (160) on a paleo diet.

>> No.5223765

>>/fit/ is that way

>> No.5223769

Then this board is not for you, Anon. Try /fit/, maybe? We like things to taste good here. No judgments if it's not something that's important to you, mind you, but if it isn't, why come to a board where it's considered very important?
Really, /fit/ might be better for you.

>> No.5223785


>> No.5223830

if you eat nothing but health food, you're eventually gonna get bored.

boredom kills diets. you're gonna snap and binge on tasty junk food. and feel so defeated that you give up and and become a fatty again.

successfully fit people find a way to fit foods they love into their lives.

>> No.5223833

Is that a penis of some sort?

Of course the most important thing about food is the nutrition, but in /ck/ we praise culinary as an art. Sorta.

So yes, presentation does count, a lot. Along with flavour, aroma, nutrition it's all part of the delicious art of gastronomy.

>> No.5223834
File: 1.01 MB, 172x162, colbert-sorry-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paleo diet

>> No.5223836

If you don't care about taste, how the fuck did you ever end up at 160lbs.?

I chug soda and liquor, eat fast food, and still only weigh 150.

>> No.5223840

Looks like boiled chicken and a yam.

>> No.5223847

not everyone is a manlet.

>> No.5223860
File: 224 KB, 757x799, u in trouble wite boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're at the club and this man comes in and slaps your girlfriend on the ass.

He's 6'10" and 140 pounds. What do?

>> No.5223867

take out my katana and chop him in half

>> No.5223869


pop his bug eye like a water balloon with my chopstick and the giggle and squeal like a girl while he chases me around

>> No.5223881

Shoot him multiple times, claim self-defense. Giggle as I'm set free by racist jury

>mfw I'm not even racist, suckers

>> No.5223887

>6' 10" and 140 pounds
Throw my bottle at him and break a couple of his ribs

>> No.5224679

Because you can make that same meal of chicken and yam and keep the same calories while adding herbs and spices which also aide your dietary needs and taste better. Because with proper cooking techniques you can retain more nutritional value. Because with proper cooking techniques you can make sure no one gets sick from the food you eat. Because a well rounded diet off a variety of foods is healthier and more beneficial to your body than eating the same shit every day.

>> No.5224771

wow you must be a real fun person to be around especially at parties, seeing how much you enjoy life instead of treating it like a chore you must extend so you can extend the chore part

>> No.5224905


He's lying and trying to be a part of the /fit/ movement about three years too late.

>> No.5224919

>having unhealthy relationship with food.
>not being able to enjoy one of life's only pleasure.
>you're going to die anyways


paleo diet


>> No.5224941
File: 364 KB, 1600x1200, 131116-181035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literally a massive faggot

>lol, im so patrician cuz i only do the bare minimum and dont enjoy myself to show will power!

btw im bigger than you, much bigger

>> No.5224944

>Why do people care what their food tastes or looks like?
>why care about the taste of food?
I don't even know how to respond to this

>> No.5224948

T-Rex mode

>> No.5224966

>no abs, no intercostals, no veins protruding in the obliques

might as well be obese

INB4 I'm bulking up brah

>> No.5224979
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x918, yearprogress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry cant hear you over the sound of winter bulk

my summer cut starts in about 2 months

>> No.5224986

yummy! so are you a top or a bottom?