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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5223348 No.5223348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Quick, /ck/, whats your favorite beer? Turned 21 today, trying to get a 6 pack

Something preferably cheap please

>> No.5223354
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bump, common niggas hook me up

>> No.5223356

Best beers are usually local, so nobody could really say. Just make a build-your-own 6 pack. It won't be the best, because they don't put the best in build-your-own, but you should be able to find a good craft brew you'll like.

>> No.5223361

Can I just get a general recommendation please, i'm pretty sure the liquor store closes in 20 min

>> No.5223365

Go grab some random beer you utter faggot. I could tell you a good craft beer, but it's probably regional and you're not in my region.

>> No.5223366

Drink something that is newb friendly but isn't toilet piss. Since your asian you will probably be more inclined to drink a lady drink like a Corona. Otherwise I'd recommend a MGD

>> No.5223370

>recommending macro swill

I mean, I drink high life because I'm an alcoholic and that's the cheapest I can stand, but seriously...

>> No.5223374

op, if it's your first beer, you won't like it, it's bitter.

if you keep on drinking, you'll leard to distinguish flavors, malt, hops, etc.

but that takes rime and experience. drinkk up any neer, any light beer or shit beer. drink what's mos popular. when you grow tired of yhat taste, come back.

>> No.5223378

If you're on /ck/ for your 21st birthday, I'm guessing you are a total beta and didn't do a lot of partying/underage drinking in high school. Whatever beer we recommend, provided you can find it, you will hate.

So just get red stripe. It makes you beautiful, or so the ad says!

>> No.5223381

so the first thing you chugged the moment you turned 21 was craft beer? come on. dude has to know what shit taste like before he gets to the good stuff

>> No.5223377

Pabst blue ribbon is the best cheap beer.

If you're looking to splurge a little more get Stone IPA or perhaps Lagunitas Maximus or just the lager from the same brewing company.

>> No.5223383

blue moon. now gtfo

>> No.5223384

Blue Moon / Sam Adams

>> No.5223385
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>> No.5223392

Actually yes. But the first beer I've had was busch light playing beer pong in high school.

>> No.5223438

>blue moon
Confirmed for preteen girls.

>> No.5223447

Why cheap? You only turn 21 once.

Youth is wasted on the young. :-(

>> No.5223479

>Youth is wasted on the young
Such a sad, bitter, and whiny statement. Get your shit together, faggot.

>> No.5223493

>implying asians don't prefer Heineken
All I sell those fuckers is Heineken and Hennessy.

>> No.5223497

When I turned 21 I got too drunk on Olde English and Captain.
Threw up everywhere.

>> No.5223531

Stay away from IPAs and anything with Imperial in the title as you probably won't like them. Try them out later once you get used to beer.

I don't know what the beer selection is like at your store, but I recommend a lager or pilsner. Brown ales and amber ales are also a good starting point.

>> No.5223586

This is a perfect first six pack choice.

>> No.5223609
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It's what I bought when I turned 21. Pre-nitro and some Makers. Granted, I was already a drunk by then and knew what I liked.

>> No.5223623
File: 28 KB, 440x310, steven-urquell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good entry-level choice

also how do you pronouce it? "Ur-kel," "Ur-kwell," or someway else?

>> No.5224370


>> No.5224374

Oh look, some bitter old faggot who peaked in high school and didn't go anywhere in life. >>5223438
Confirmed for wannabe bro faggot who spends all his time slugging back double-digit APV beers he can't fucking stand so he can look macho for his circlejerk.

>> No.5224379

have fun after college, kid

>> No.5224577

pick one

I only drink cheap beer when I need to play a drinking game aka beer pong, flip cup or kings. My go to cheap beer is Pabst blue ribbon or bowe's cause they go for 13$ the 12 can pack.

>> No.5224587

Are you meaning to tell us you are 21 and never had a beer?