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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5221230 No.5221230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you annoyed by picky eaters?
Have you tried helping them? If so, how did they take it?

>> No.5221234

How picky are we talking?

People are certainly entitled to having foods they don't like, so I'm not quick to dive on people who say they don't like this or that.

>> No.5221236

My dad was a special needs teacher/carer when I was a kid. He basically forced a whole lot of autistic kids to eat properly, including one guy who was incredibly difficult about eating anything but chicken nuggets and buttered white bread.
I don't really get annoyed by picky eaters because it's not my problem, but I can't empathize with them at all. I'm the type to only be selective about what I provide, rather than what I recieve from others out of generosity.

>> No.5221241

>family isn't doing as well financially as we used to
>family member is picky eater and bitches incessantly about not having the expensive foods she likes
Infuriating. Be grateful you have any food at all, cunt.

>> No.5221243

>How picky are we talking?

This. I've been called picky when it comes to certain things like refusing to consume Aunt Jemima's "maple syrup" instead of the real stuff. Does that make me picky? I don't think so because I was raised on actual maple syrup and not that corn syrup shit.

>> No.5221246

That's not pickiness, that's snobbery. Similar and easy to get confused but distinctly different.

>> No.5221250

My mother was old fashioned and did the "if you don't finish your meal, you don't leave the table" sort. I'll pretty much eat anything now because of that.

It does come in handy if you say, want to order food to share, you can just say get whatever you want i'll eat it. Hell because of that i've tried a large variety of food i would of thought disgusting because i was always forced to try new things.

As for picky eaters, fuck them.

>> No.5221253

>wanting actual maple syrup instead of watered down sugar is snobbery

I guess I'm a snob then.

>> No.5221282

As long as you didn't whine or complain, you're not a sbob

>> No.5221285

I wouldn't be a picky eater if I knew how to fucking cook!

>> No.5221287

>My mother was old fashioned and did the "if you don't finish your meal, you don't leave the table" sort
my mother took the, "fine, you don't have to eat it, but you're not getting anything else" approach. worked out to the same effect, i'll eat pretty much anything (although i don't think i was ever too picky to begin with)

i know some people who try to use dessert to coerce their kids into eating certain foods, and i think that practice is fucking retarded, because then the kid comes to expect some goddamn ice cream or some shit after every meal. and that's how they become fat, and likely no less picky.

>> No.5221288

I've found that most fussy eaters either haven't tried the thing they don't like, or have had it made badly.

For example, loads of people hate brussel sprouts. Usually because their only experience with them are the horrible boiled-to-hell-and-back christmas dinner monsters. Rub some salt on those motherfuckers, put them in a dish with a little oil and some rosemary, stick them under a grill, take them out when the edges start to blacken. God-fuckin-tier.

>> No.5221292

>or have had it made badly.
i'm not a picky eater, but this definitely plays a huge part, i think. i used to fucking hate spinach until i realized it was just the frozen stuff cooked to death. now i'll cook and eat a whole bag of the fresh stuff with some garlic and lemon juice. shit's good man.

>> No.5221302

Fuck yes i used to have the old fashioned boiled-to-death brussel sprouts and spinach. Later i found if either were properly cooked they were fucking delicious. Worst thing my old lady used to do was boil asparagus. Later i learned that it just boiled out all the nutrients and i learned to properly cook them later.

Childhood hated veggies turned into my favorite foods.

>> No.5221325

Why do picky eaters even exist? Why do they try so hard to live? How can they be proud of refusing to eat food, like a little kid?

>> No.5221337

I was forced to not be picky like the above anons. Parents had a very strict "can't leave the table" or "nothing else until it's gone" rule. I always had an aversion to onions, but I later found out (after getting sick tons of times) that it is from an allergy.

My partner is really picky about silly shit. Won't eat broccoli, steamed or not. Won't touch warm tomatoes (but will eat tomato sauces and anything with tinned tomatoes? will also eat a burger or warm sandwich that warms tomatoes?) Doesn't like tuna, fresh or canned. Actually does most of the cooking because I feel like a lot of my poor kid meals don't fit around their food dislikes. They do try everything once instead of assuming so I'll give them that.

>> No.5221344

When I was a kid I hated a lot of foods, but my parents never enabled that. I just sucked it up, now I don't hate foods.

>> No.5221350

I have found that most do it simply from being spoiled. They were never forced to eat the items and over indulged on things they did like. That all being said there are some items a person can honestly dislike. I will eat just about anything without batting an eye. For some reason though I cannot stand black eyed peas. I can barely stand them even if they are absolutely hidden inside a dish. I live in the South so I know how they can be prepared right and have had it and it doesn't matter.

>> No.5221398

I'll eat anything but seafood of any sort

Dunno if that's picky, but whatever

>> No.5221403

I just wrote this in another thread, but a friend of mine is a picky eater. He can basically only eat the foods he used to eat as a kid: pepperoni pizza, plain burger with nothing on it, plain french fries, shrimp fried rice, blue box mac'n'cheese, kellogg brand corn flakes, apple pie, chocolate chip cookies, or spaghetti with plain marinara. Nothing can be too spicy or have foreign ingredients in it. Like a hamburger made with onion chunks in it, or if the apple pie has currants or something in it. He doesn't like sauce. He can't deal with anything like thai, greek, indian, mexican, etc.. He can't eat chicken or pork of any kind, or meat that isn't ground, unless it's pepperoni.

He's definitely ashamed of it and hates it, it makes it awkward for him in social situations and he's already an awkward dude. I give him a lot of shit for it and it strains our relationship. Basically it's just an eating disorder, he had a fucked-up childhood and he's a severe depression/anxiety case. As am I, if that sounds harsh, my shit just doesn't manifest in my diet.

He says he'll just throw up if he has to eat something he can't palate, and I've seen him make involuntary faces when he was trying to stomach some (delicious and fragrant) spiced meat from a greek place.

We're going to live together soon as roomies and I have fantasies of trying to force his diet open before he dies of constipation or scurvy or something. I know it's got to be some psychological bullshit, because I've seen him wolf down veggies in fried rice, but he wouldn't touch them in a stir fry even if they were prepared exactly the same.

I want to fix it...

It's gonna end our friendship.

>> No.5221429

the only food i can't eat is a couple things i was force fed by my step brother until i vomited

>> No.5221438

I was a picky eater, but as I started travelling I got interested and tried variety of foods.

I still hate fucking zucchini

>> No.5221445

My sister was pretty bad with most vegetables when she was young. Our mother tolerated us not liking some foods, but we definitely had to eat our vegetables.

Her threat to my sister was always 'if you don't eat it now I'm going to serve it to you for lunch' and the one time my sister got all haughty and threw a fit over eating her vegetables, mum really did give her the very same plate of food for lunch. It was hilarious actually. She had just covered it and stuck it in the fridge and served it up exactly as it had been.

Well, she only had to do that once.

>> No.5221458

This woman isn't picky, she's got serious mental problems. She refuses to eat anything except cheese and french fries.

>> No.5222003

>Try something
>Don't like it
>Try it another way
>Still shit,
>Try it another way
>Until I find a way I like it.


>> No.5222034

i was a horrible picky eater as a kid. the only vegetables i ate were mushrooms and cauliflower with cheese, the only meat i ate were breakfast sausages, bacon and burger king's (specifically) chicken tenders. i would eat a can of spaghetti-o's at dinner despite whatever my mom had cooked, or only eat the beans out of the chili, or tear the skin off of fried chicken. anything having to do with eggs that wasn't a cake, nope. fish, nope nope nope. milk, chocolate or NOPE. no fruit except sugar-coated strawberries.

oddly enough i developed an eating disorder because my mom was super neurotic around food and my dad was a judgmental asshole and throughout the course of it, i learned to like all of the foods i wouldn't touch before. i mean when you're bulimic you eat a LOT of food and eventually you get tired of the same thing and need as much variety as possible. well, i did anyway.

>> No.5222046

I'm snobbish about trying and actually liking most foods out there. I like to try new foods all the time because if other people eat it, it will most likely be very good. So I can't understand how some people say "this whole cuisine is awful" because a whole country eats it not out of necessity usually but because they enjoy it. It's even worse when they don't like one of the great world cuisines like Chinese food, hell I even know one person who doesn't like all Asian food.

My cousin though, he grew up in a place where he never tried sea food except fish here or there until he was 18. He came to visit me and we went to eat some mussels(among other things) and he spit it out after trying. I can kinda understand not being used to it but he's a very picky eater to begin with actually so I tried to convince him otherwise when it comes to seafood but I think he still wouldn't eat it. I think people who grew up only eating one type of food are more likely to be picky eaters, if you're introduced to different flavors early on in life it's easier to enjoy new ones later on.

>> No.5222064

I grilled some chicken the other day, sister literally said "I don't like chicken" and asked our mother for Taco Bell's new chicken quesadilla, the other time I grilled ribs and a steak, my brother just went to the fucking fridge and pulled out a frozen boneless rib tv dinner. jesus christ, I hardly get angry too

>> No.5222080


they're looking for that processed, high-sodium taste... man... it's kinda sad.

>> No.5222092

I hate them. I have a friend who wouldn't eat meat, wouldn't touch alcohol, chips, snacks and even popcorn. It is really hard when organizing a potluck trying to satisfy all of those. She even picks out peas/onions in a vegetarian fried rice.

>> No.5222099

I was pretty fussy as a child, now i've moved out and dont have much money i'm trying lots of new things.

The only thing i'm not open to is mayonnaise, every time i've eaten it i've vomited it back up immediately. Even the smell of it makes me gag

>> No.5222127


>I give him a lot of shit for it and it strains our relationship
>I want to fix it...
>It's gonna end our friendship.

First step to fixing it: Stop being a cunt to a guy who obviously needs therapy.

>> No.5222128

why are so many picky eaters fat?

>> No.5222129

The only thing I don't like really is olives and it's just the taste itself is just gross to me. I'm constantly trying them on different things to see whether i'll like them now tho.

>> No.5222136

I've never found any seafood or way of preparing eggs that I like.

I just hate the smell of fish, and similarly, I hate the smell and taste of eggs. And I've had eggs in tonnes of different ways. I can eat stuff with eggs in it, even stuff like french toast and quiche, but eggs on their own just makes me wretch.

>> No.5222138

have you tried making it instead of eating the jarred stuff?

>> No.5222142

that's ok, you are better off that way

>> No.5222147


Oh, and this is a pretty huge deal for me because I want to be a chef, and obviously, eggs are used in LOADS of things. So I'm still trying to find a way I can have eggs, so I can actually enjoy probably the most versatile ingredient in cooking.

>> No.5222153
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Their pallets haven't developed past foods not loaded with sugar.
People who say
>I hate tomatoes
>i hate onions (really onions? the fuck?)
>i cant mix textures, food needs to be all soft or hard

But you're right a lot of picky eaters are fat.

>> No.5222163


>> No.5222165

When I was very young in europe, my mother would hand whip cream with a little sugar. Then when I went to america we had the whipped cream from cans. It tasted horrible. I was strongly against cream for a long time. no whip cream, no sour cream, no cream soups.

Now I love cream again, although I still snub the canned stuff

>> No.5222170

>i cant mix textures, food needs to be all soft or hard
i don't understand these types. i can't fucking stand when my food is all one, homogenous texture. especially when that texture is mushy, like many of the foods these weirdos eat.

>> No.5222172

I know a guy who says he has a phobia of trying new foods. Like, an actual phobia. He won't drink water or alcohol or basically anything other than Coke et al, and pretty much only eats chips with ketchup, pancakes, chocolate, potatoes, and chicken nuggets. He's not even fat, I don't understand. And he's a pretty nice guy, too, I just feel bad for him because I know his parents must have allowed him to become this way.

>> No.5222173

Mushrooms and fat on meat. I hate those. Call me picky, but that's just my preference.

>> No.5222180
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ok anon you caught me, i surrender

I witnessed someone spit out homemade strawberry pie because they didn't like the texture of the berries. it was fucking delicous.
>i don't even

>> No.5222211

I don't like raisins in food. too chewy compared to the rest of the item. I'll eat a box of raisins by themselves though.

>> No.5222231

I've got a couple picky eater stories - myself, and my boyfriend.

I used to be a huge picky eater, and basically started cooking to help stop that and figure out how to get more varied nutrition. I knew I wasn't getting enough greens but I couldn't eat almost any green veggies that weren't raw broccoli, so I started trying to hide spinach into my food so I wouldn't notice it and get a bit more nutrition. I'm still a fairly picky eater but I've gotten better since I started cooking (I feel guilty if I don't try really hard to eat something I cook) and since I've started drinking coffee and wine, which helped me have an appreciation for flavors and things I thought were "weird" (dry pastries with coffee, weird cheeses and spices with wine).

My boyfriend is almost the king of picky eating though. He's got allergies (to fish, not shellfish, and nuts), but he's still pretty bad about things that are unrelated. Any time he's given a piece of meat that need to be cut it has to have some sort of sauce on it, with sugar and acidity (a1 for steaks, one specific brand of bbq sauce for these frozen fried chicken things he warms in the oven, "orange sauce" (catalina dressing) for frozen chicken that's not breaded and fried), won't eat most veggies on its own. His typical diet is like, pizza (he works at domino's), taco bell, and warming up chicken fingers in the oven, and microwaving refried beans. Sometimes he'll eat a bastardization of pasta, on special occasions, by making the chewiest linguine and covering it in store bought pasta sauce, nothing else on it. Awful.

He won't eat at any restaurant whatsoever except for a specific two (a local wing place that sometimes he goes to for two meals a day, and a kind of shitty mexican place) since his dad accidentally gave him a peanut butter cookie a couple years ago and he had to go to the ER. I was with him when he realized that he's not comfortable with these things - story incoming.

>> No.5222244

You sound like a dick

>> No.5222250
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>raisin cookie that looks exactly like chocolate chip

>> No.5222251

Onions give me a really bad headache for the whole day if I eat raw ones. I think I have a hard time digesting raw onions and so what happens is they linger in the stomach to the point where I get a really bad flavor in my mouth and then a headache which sometimes lasts for a whole day.

I still eat way too many raw onions, sometimes I can't help myself cause I don't mind the flavor even though I associate it now with feeling shitty.

>> No.5222266

This was a couple weeks after the cookie incident, and he was just starting to show that he had serious issues.
He drove me to ruby tuesday and didn't order anything from there. I ate my food, something specifically that he wasn't allergic to (we asked the waitress, and she checked to make sure it was fine - I always do this because he won't kiss me if I've eaten something he can't) and he was reallly quiet and kind of curled up and staring at the table right in front of him. When I tried to ask him if he was okay he talked too quietly for me to hear. I scooted over to his seat to put my hand on his shoulder (having his shoulder and head rubbed usually helps him talk if he's not feeling well) and he was shaking, and started shaking harder when I touched him and started hugging him (he said it wasn't because he was anxious about me touching him, I think the touching distracted him from trying not to shake?). I paid the bill and drove him to the E.R.

This was the first E.R. visit for panic attacks that he had since he accidentally ate that cookie, of many. He started going to the E.R. for panic attacks pertaining to eating food around 2 to 4 times a week until they made him take a shitload of xanax every two hours.

That was a couple years ago. These days, he'll sit in other restaurants. I was so proud of him when he sat in a ramen restaurant with myself and a friend while we ate (I figured they probably used fish in the restaurant, so I was so excited to find out they don't have any fish whatsoever in the entire store - but their broths have fucking peanut butter in them. Wtf?) and didn't freak out, but I tried to get him to eat fried oreos at the one wing place he eats at all the time and it took him half an hour of looking at it and his hands trembling to eat it. (fried foods are a point of worry for him - peanut oil is popular for frying things sometimes and if they fry fish it uses in the same oil potentially)

>> No.5222269

try this if you love onions


>> No.5222275

forgot to mention, i bet you that you will have an easier time digesting them. The only downside is that these taste so good, yet take a while to make....

>> No.5222280

Even before the cookie incident, he had always been kind of a picky eater in a regular sense beyond his allergies. He likes his food salty, or sweet and tangy. Doesn't like complex flavors or interesting textures. At the one restaurant he really likes, the wing place, even before he started having anxiety at restaurants, he ordered the same thing every single time for the past 10 years (911 wings with extra sauce on the side, no celery, glass of water, they put in the order as soon as they see him walk in). Never tries a different sauce or anything. His family recently had a couple nice dinners at restaurants for his sister's engagement and he ate at it but he complained about how much he didn't like it - they were both like local, fresh, fine dining type dealies that like to use interesting ingrediants, so as much as he ordered a chicken salad thing, it had a bunch of spices he wasn't used to and the lettuce wasn't iceburg and they didn't have ranch dressing.

It's hard. I'm learning more and more about cooking and food every day, especially since I started studying wine, and I don't have anyone to share it with.

Oh, also, he won't drink alcohol period. None whatsoever.

>> No.5222286


If he's having honest-to-god panic attacks, that's not just fussy eating, that's genuine psychological issues. Get him to therapy.

>> No.5222289


shit, nigger, what are you doing?

>> No.5222293


this. this is way beyond a whiny baby who wants his mcnuggets. ER-serious panic attacks are no laughing matter.

>> No.5222299

I have a problem with eating raw tomatoes. if they're cooked i can enjoy them fine, but raw it just feels wrong. and mixing beef with tuna in pasta. i just can't take the two different meats together. and panfried steaks. i mean, if it was in the oven i wouldn't care, but having it all crisped just felt wrong.

>> No.5222305


> refusing to eat food, like a little kid

This is what I don't get... I grew up in a large family and none of us ever refused anything! One of my sisters didn't like lima beans, and would push them to the side, parents were cool with that, she still doesn't eat limas, whatever. The rest of us would just devour anything and everything, and ask for seconds. And no, we are not fat, either.

>> No.5222310

Lol picky eaters and that faggot getting panic attacks about food are pathetic and so Is his girl babying him.

>> No.5222317

Can't do raw yellowtail... texture's weird. Am I a bad person?

>> No.5222324

My girlfriend is a big stupid cunt when it comes to food.

>Rare eats red meats
>Doesn't like tomatoes in any sort of way
>Doesn't like any kind of potato that isn't russet
>Doesn't like onions
>Doesn't like any veggie that isn't a pea or a carrot (and even then doesn't really like them)
>Only likes a few select cheeses
>Only likes certain types of teas, and never drinks coffee

>Favorite food is chocolate

Sometimes I just wonder how someone can be so... inept at eating.

>> No.5222336

So much fucking this. Having one texture just gets boring so ungodly fast, especially soft foods like yogurt or pudding. Fucking yawn.

>> No.5222340

I never understood this complaint. I've never made this mistake except for maybe when I was a retarded kid. I can't see how anyone could who's an adult, they just don't look the same to me at all.

>> No.5222345
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>carob cookie that looks exactly like chocolate chip

>> No.5222346

He was in therapy and was medicated. you can't become a regular at the E.R. for psych issues without going into therapy, lol. The best part was he was under 21 but still over 18 so he had to go into the pediatric ward for kids and all the kid nurses there knew him. Grown ass man made to sit in his underwear in a room with mickey mouse stickers and pink blankets everywhere.

He is also a regular piss baby who can't eat regular food though. You can tell when he's having panic attacks and when he's just not into the food, and he'll admit that too. Out of everyone I'm probably the most aware of his issues and it's like, talking about the nice dinners he had to go to recently was like How was the restaurant?" "It was... it was good." "Did anyone get anything you couldn't have?" "No, no, it was fine, everything was fine." (so he didn't flip out or have anxiety problems, tone of conversation changes to be more relaxed) "What did you have?" "I had a chicken salad..." "How was it?" "It was awful, blah blah blah, I hate fine dining, it tasted weird..." (now he's being a picky eater piss baby who can't eat something his mommy didn't make him)

>> No.5222364


> mixing beef with tuna, in pasta

You dun goof'd.

>> No.5222365

pretty much

For the longest time I thought I hate salmon because the only time I ever had it, my friend's dad pretty much cooked it to the consistency and flavor of a moist towel

>> No.5222374


don't mind me, just passin through

>> No.5222378

My mom tried this exactly once, and gave up after I willingly spent a day and a night at a table doing nothing rather than eat fucking beans.

FUCK beans.

>> No.5222379

the only times I ever hate mix textures is grittiness and soft foods

I always associate it with sand in mussels or broken shell piece in eggs etc and it makes me gag hard

>> No.5222404

I would honest to god break up with anyone that was a picky eater if they got that far. When I go out on dates, it's not just a measure of how they are as a person, but if they're able to enjoy food like I do.

I'm not even going to call you a saint, because fuck dating picky eaters. When I dated a vegetarian, it was at least somewhat manageable because she would still eat everything without complaint.

>> No.5222423

I'm kind of a picky eater. it's more of a texture thing for me than flavour though, and it's mostly meat

>can't eat meat off the bone, like chicken wings or ribs
>any kind of cartilage or fat just ruins my appetite
>skin on meat (chicken or fish) is not a good time
>bruised fruit, overripe bananas, anything slimy
>any shellfish other than scallops, I hate the idea of eating their digestive tract and nervous systems
>cold cereal (oatmeal's fine)

I love vegetables and most foods, but things mentioned above will actually make me gag, or at least make me feel nauseated. I'm also one of those people who doesn't really like the taste of cilantro, but that's not a deal breaker at all, it's just overpowering if there's too much fresh cilantro on a dish. I also dislike english muffins for some reason.

>> No.5222433

This honestly sounds stupid. Like a waste of food.

>> No.5222440

Have you tried tapenade. That stuff stopped me hating olives and anchovies at the same time.

>> No.5222452
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>friend eats nothing but junk food and meat
>has chronic medical problems
>when he complains about his illnesses, I suggest "maybe instead of eating cookies and salami for 80% of your calories today you should try a piece of broccoli"
>he gets mad at me "criticizing his diet," his logic being that everyone in the world eats like he does so it can't be bad for him and all of his problems must come from something else, and of course that vegetables are gross and only pretentious people eat them

Normally picky eaters don't bother me, but when you have debilitating medical conditions that could easily be solved by eating more healthy whole plant foods, and you refuse to do it and act like people who do are douchebags, I have no sympathy

>> No.5222465

Have my picky eating list:
-Pork/Beef (Yes, hate me for not liking a 5cm, bleeding steak.)
-Raw Pinapple (It's mostly about the texture)
-Oranges (See pineapple)
-Chicory salad

All of the above are "I would eat them, but can avoid them". But my one, true nemesis would be Ham/Bacon. This stuff just makes me fucking gag.
I used to be a lot more picky, like many types of cheese (I now love cheese. I couldn't go without my trusty Bavaria Blu or Brie) or certain vegetables. Gladly I changed.

>> No.5222470

When I was younger ( around 14ish) I used to be a pretty fussy eater. I had a big list of stuff I wouldn't eat, some of that was; raw tomatoes, humous, feta, avocado, pickle, fish, meat on the bone, skin aside from pork crackling, anything with a homogenous texture and not a lot of flavour. However I then got over it and some of those foods are now among my favourites. I just forced myself to eat the foods I didn't like until I stopped disliking them.

>> No.5222477


well seeing as seafood is really quite diverse yes you are a picky little shit

>> No.5222478

They're both sugary water.

>> No.5222485

You're picky if:

1. You 'dislike' food you have never tried
2. You will not try new food to disperse your dislike

>> No.5222515

I don't get to decide which foods I'm repulsed by.

>> No.5222544

We all make sacrifices for those we love, right?
Most people meet others by going on dates that involve eating food, but that's not how we got close, we got close through music, which is another thing I think you can use to measure someone as a person and their ability to enjoy something like you do.

He's trying to overcome it but it's hard.

>> No.5222550
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> Can't do raw yellowtail... texture's weird. Am I a bad person?

No, your sushi chef was a bad person. Raw yellowtail has the same texture as any other sushi fish (salmon, fatty tuna, etc). Closest would be Chu-toro i guess.

You probably had bad yellowtail or some random fish they claimed was yellow tail.

Go to an expensive sushi place where its like $6.50 for 1 order of sushi, and get Yellowtail Belly. Trust me, you'll never hate yellowtail again.

It was probably all slimy, huh? Bad fish! It's supposed to be pic related

>> No.5222557

And why are you with him?

>> No.5222558
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same here. also, being force fed beans. still dont like them, but ill eat them if necessary

>> No.5222577

Why is anyone with anyone?
He's a sweetie.
To be fair, I think it's kind of cute sometimes. He's kind of an intimidating dude, and a huge metalhead, and runs around wearing spikes and shit all the time, plays shows wearing corpse paint and blood, and then he comes home and tells me how scary it was for him to eat something and turns up his nose at veggies. It'd be a lot harder to put up with if it weren't so funny.

>> No.5222582


my friend is a picky eater and he said this yesterday:

"What I don't understand, is... WHY do you want me to try something I don't want to? Like, why? I never tried it because I KNOW I don't like it, so why would I try it? And why do you care?"

Well, why do you care /ck/?

>> No.5222585

That makes sense, well good luck to the both of you.

>> No.5222589


just confirming that metalheads are insecure fags. im great my 14 year old self was correct hue hue.

>> No.5222590

I am a massive picky eater. How do i fix?

>> No.5222591

>Are you annoyed by picky eaters?
yes. their attitudes toward food reflects a basic conservatism and prejudice which has serious consequences for their behavior and deportment in the rest of society.

>> No.5222595

>their attitudes toward food reflects a basic conservatism and prejudice which has serious consequences for their behavior and deportment in the rest of society.

No it doesnt.

>> No.5222603

yes, it does.

>> No.5222631

I always thought I was picky when it came to food, because I grew to absolutely loathe peppers and olives and associated the other vegetables along with them.

But when I got to college, 90% of our cafeteria conversation was about how poor the food was, and I honestly didn't mind.

>> No.5222635

Hahaha, surprisingly enough he's not insecure about it at all, and makes fun of people who are huge assholes about dietary issues and shit because he's got issues but he's still less of a little shit than most vegetarians and he'll die if he eats something wrong. I found out about his allergy while I was holding a PBnJ and asked him if he would die if I shoved it in his face and he was just like "yeah I guess", did not care.
Why thank you. :3

>> No.5222772

you'd have eaten them eventually, she just gave in too easily. this is how picky eaters are born.

>> No.5222801

I've been a picky eater for all my life. It was really bad, but I started to change some years ago. Especially cooking on my own helped me overcome my prejudice for many foods. I still can't enjoy some foods though and the worst thing is - I just can't eat non-molten cheese. I don't even know why.

>> No.5222838


actually, looking at it from an objective point of view, your attitude of intolerance to picky eaters handicaps you much more then their pickyness of eating.

They may be the butt of a few jokes, but if you're the type of person to judge a person based on a subjective thing like food taste, well... you suffer the chance of being labeled an idiot and avoided.

>> No.5222875

Only thing I really grew out of hating that I can think of are olives, as a kid I spit them out instantly, nowadays they still aren't my favourite fruit but now I'd describe them more with "interesting" or "exotic" and they're good on a pizza every now and then
Still don't like smoked salmon and bacon.
Oh, and call me pussy all you want, but I have very low capsaicin tolerance. A single drop of tabasco can ruin an entire pizza for me. Dad is the exact opposite, he's even using 1M SCU sauces (therefore consisting of 6.25% pure fucking capsaicin). To me it just obscures natural flavour and makes anything just taste like hot.

On a side note, why does everyone love broccoli and Brussels sprouts so much here? I mean they're acceptable 6/10 tier for me and I never hated them as a child either, but IMO cauliflower and kohlrabi are way superior cabbages

Well, we're living in an age of abundance, we have the possibility to simply not eat what we don't like and eat something else instead, making it harder to acquire taste and the cycle repeats
>I have a problem with eating raw tomatoes
Kinda similar here, I mean it's not that bad for me, they don't make me gag or anything like that and I can eat them easily, but I don't really like the texture that much (so all in all it's a 4/10 experience). But in sauces like bolognese I absolutely love them

>> No.5222941

I used to be a picky eater, now I eat almost every vegetable.

>> No.5222996

onions have a quite distinct and strong taste, and from childhood, they would make me gag, even if it was just a part of processed meat, where other people would claim that there was none/they couldn't taste it.
i've learned to eat that kind of onion relate product, but fresh, or chunky onions are still reflex gag, sometimes even before it gets in my mouth. i got a moderate tollerance for other spicy stuff like paprika, peppers & chillies. leeks and onions are still things i avoid if i can.

>> No.5223013

Pineapple and warm banana.

>> No.5223032
File: 5 KB, 251x247, 1327288748604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not the result of being a picky eater. that is the result of mental retardation

>> No.5223056

Yup, my sister pretty much only eats fried/prepackaged things. We go out to nice restaurants and she won't even try anything, just gets the most boring thing ever. Won't eat any sort of seafood, doesn't eat vegetables. She's a fat sack of shit and it's no wonder.

>> No.5223064


i like pineapple, if its ripe. but warm banana is gross.

>> No.5223065

>be child
>get served pineapple
>it's sour as fuck, every time

>be adult
>eat pineapple
>it's delicious, sweet goodness, perfect for pizza.

>> No.5223087

I've met a lot of girls that refuse to eat seafood. Basically as soon as I hear someone say something like this, I regard them as subhuman scum.

>> No.5223097

Because eating and enjoying a wide selection of delicious foods greatly enriches people's lives and I'm a nice person and care about other people.

>> No.5223160
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>but fresh, or chunky onions are still reflex gag, sometimes even before it gets in my mouth
>before it gets into my mouth
>still being a fucking child, even though you are possible adult

You are that fat fuck in OP's image arent you...

>> No.5223165

Sounds like my sister except my parents never made anything else or took us to anything except western restaurants because my sister wouldn't eat anything else.

There's a lot of embarrassing things I never ate until after I moved out like most vegetables.

>> No.5223170
File: 41 KB, 465x330, anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what picky adult eaters are labelled.

>Look at me I'm a fucking child! I'm still 4 years old!

We have one in our group of friends and they are subject to many jokes.

>> No.5223175


eh, not in my experience. i hate picky eaters and its more like "he doesn't like anything green, yellow, or purple... quit bothering him! why do you have to be such an asshole!" as I rage

>> No.5223179

strap them in to a highchair and feed them like the baby they are

>> No.5223185

I was a picky eater as a child. I ate pretty much nothing but buttered noodles, grilled cheese, etc.

But somewhere along the line I learned about nutrition and decided that I should stop being such a bitch and eat a more diverse selection of foods. I now eat pretty much all meats, vegetables, whatever. I'm a huge fan of ethnic foods and can stomach pretty much everything, even foods I still hate the taste of like asparagus and raw tomatoes and bell peppers. My philosophy is that if I don't like something, there's probably still a cooking method or ingredient combination that I will like it in. I mean, within reason. I don't think I'll be eating certain delicacies anytime soon.

But yeah, I'm a fucking full grown man, it'd be downright shameful to not eat my veggies. There's plenty that I actually fucking enjoy now, it's insane.

So I really feel bad for people who are too picky to grow up and eat more things. A lot of people insist to me that it's completely reflexive and they simply CANNOT do something or they will vomit, but there's plenty of supposed treatments for conditions such as that and I still say you're just being a little bitch if you haven't so much as TRIED one of them to see if you can cure your condition. It's for your own good.

>> No.5223203


not same fag
Ok, first off, I am a picky eater because I am what you would call a supertaster

I am a picky eater since the food I eat its so much more intense then the average person would taste.

Oh? taste of lethal amount of salt was horrible huh?

Thats cute. :|

>> No.5223221

i cook for myself with varied meats, veggies and grains. a little overweight, but that is from lack of exercise rather than from poor eating.
but since childhood, i have had a reflexive gag reaction to onions, and i've put effort into overcoming it, to the point that i can eat stuff with onions in it, as long as i can't really taste it.
read my post, and stop being judgmental.

>> No.5223222


you're a superfaggot, that supertaster thing is like cancer to American culture like you are cancer to /ck/

shut the hell up. you're just like everyone else. I know so, because I have psychic powers, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/superpsychicsuperstar

>> No.5223227
File: 23 KB, 400x267, 1393202757070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I love cheesy potatoes; it's eewy gooey, and just yum-yum yummy"

In case anyone wants to watch the landwhale in OP's image and listen to her stuff her face.

>> No.5223231

Fack! heres the link:


>> No.5223244

Im an extremely picky eater myself, and eating in general doesnt really interest me... Im mostly interested in baking and decorating cakes..

I dont like most things.. I dont eat any meats, fish, seafood, pinapple, cheese, iceberg, milk chocolates (meaning not real dark choc), broccoli, potatoes and anything made by potatoes, i dont like any bread except very dark rye bread.. tomatoes, most nuts except pines, cucumber, squash, eggplant, soda and most candies are too sugary for me... i dont like fried foods either

Its not always easy being this picky, Im not invited anywhere lol

>> No.5223247
File: 21 KB, 320x234, Jojo_giant_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat onions, and stop being a giant baby.

#1 problem with picky eaters: They love to tell you about what they hate. If you can't adapt, don't assualt our brains and ears with your retatded reasonings for not liking one of the most popular flavour bases in many foods. I don't want to hear it.

>> No.5223251


so she had family issues.... mom took her to cheese frie restaraunt... relatives forced to eat non cheese potatoe foods...

this poor 4 year old girl just wanted to be with her mommy, but instead she was forced to adopt the mighty potato as her only friend.


>> No.5223258

only if you stop being a judgmental pre-schooler.
if i say i eat tiny,but some, amount of onions and your reaction is to point and shout "look at babby anon, who don't eat onions" that makes you a dick.

>> No.5223276

Real maple syrup tastes entirely different. Corn syrup is far too sweet.

>> No.5223283

Play this link and re-read everything you wrote, it will all make sense.


>> No.5223284

Forcing people to confront their problems is not simply being a dick. Sometimes it is completely necessary, and western society's 'everyone is special' attitude is making the world a disgusting place.

>> No.5223288
File: 42 KB, 499x542, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How picky am i?

>hate pulled pork
>hate any veggie that has too much flavor
do love simple greens like spinach, lettuce, etc.
>hate tomato chunks in anything
>hate onions mostly
>hate cartilage and shit in meats
>hate thick stew

i do try my best to eat whatever i'm given though.

>> No.5223298

that is true.
it is necessary.
that is why i took steps to be able to eat onions.
then this guy acts like /v/ does when you insult their favorite video games.
/ck/ is usually better than that.

>> No.5223300

That's the one thing that really gets to me, I love shellfish pasta but sometimes when cockles of something have a little sand in them and it's throughout the whole thing just as a slight grittiness I can't stand it. I love the taste but anything gritty grinding against my teeth just messes me up.

>> No.5223303

My ex was really picky with food
She refused to eat any vegetable
>I can't eat soup! Unless its Heinz Tomato :3
>I can't eat fish! Baked salmon make me sick once
>The only fruit I can eat is apple or banana
>I can only eat my steaks well done, don't even SHOW me a medium one!

Annoyed the shit out of me

I got her to try a samosa with peas in it, she nearly flipped her shit and looked at me as if I had betrayed her.
But damn was the pussy good.

>> No.5223307

Forcing is different than guiding. People generally don't respond positively to force, and once you understand that it is not your place or even within the realm of possibility to control the behaviors of others, you will see that.

>> No.5223312

You know how people cure Germaphobes? By FORCING them to not wash their hands. When they realize they aren't getting sick they realize that they don't need to wash their hands 6000 times a day. I agree with (>>5223284), you are treating everyone like a special snowflake, get over yourself.

>> No.5223318

And I have a friend who refuses to eat any veggie except mushrooms. Exceptions for things like pasta sauce/pizza sauce and whatnot, he has never eaten 1 single veggie in the years that I have known him. Loves every fruit however.

>> No.5223323

I love yogurt, but can't stand yogurt with the fruits in it as pieces. Feels all mushy and wrong. Mostly eat raspberry, vanilla and plain yogurt.

Can't stand seafood, the taste and smell makes me sick, but i'm learning. I already like mussels now, I love sushi of all kind and I'm learning to love fish in a non sushi form, starting with simple white fish.

>> No.5223326


>> No.5223328

Yes, you're gonna shit all the semantics on me? Tomato's a fruit, but is mostly used like a vegetable despite it all.

>> No.5223330

ill eat anything but shredded coconut and bananas
I like the flavor of coconut but not the texture hate bananas I haven't eaten one in 18 years

>> No.5223335

Fuck anon, you are missing out...


>> No.5223338

>not even in the same kingdom

>> No.5223341


Need definitive proof. /sci/ fag here.

>> No.5223344

>Caring about that

>> No.5223347

Don't be al kike

>> No.5223372

I'm pretty tolerant of them and willing to work with them, given that I used to be pretty picky. I find for most people it's a bad experience thing.
My family was pretty awful at cooking (drenching everything they made in too much olive oil, overcooking or undercooking most things, serving food that had long gone bad, etc.) so I grew up associating a lot of foods with illness or really foul tastes.
Once I was old enough to cook I started pushing myself to gradually grow to like a much wider variety of foods.

Picky eating, except in very severe cases where it stems from extreme psychological issues, can generally be fixed by coaxing the picky eater to try new foods, a little bit at a time, until they become accustomed to it.

>> No.5223399

I was picky when I was little but I still have problems with fruits and veggies because it is painful to shit them out when they come out not totally digested. It sucks because so many things I like are shitty later.

>> No.5223404

Force people to do things, and they forget how to take action for themselves. They start to expect that in order to overcome their obstacles, they must have some outside force drag them through the mud. I'm not trying to protect the "specialness" of anyone, but raising children on your philosophy would result in a generation of neurotics and burn-outs.

>> No.5223412

I'm in the exact same boat. Any advice?

>> No.5223420

I only have trouble with raw tomatoes. The clamminess and mushy texture makes me gag.
Other than that, I have a diverse and varied diet.

>> No.5223464
File: 1.79 MB, 700x306, horsefacetwo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not talking about raising children, there are no children on 4chan, im talking about pig headed picky bastards.

>> No.5223469
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>there are no children on 4chan
Yeah alright buddy

>> No.5223489

My parents always called me one growing up when really they didn't know how to cook for shit

>> No.5223500
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>> No.5223504

I'll try anything but I'm a snob I guess because I try to avoid and complain about shit-tier food all the time.

Lately it's just been when I have to go to my boyfriend's parents for dinner and it's a throw in the oven lasagna or a shitty spaghetti.

>> No.5223512
File: 117 KB, 262x255, 1392415262406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been to /v/ or /b/ ever? You can't tell me children or at the very least teenagers don't browse 4chan.

>> No.5223525

I was a picky eater up until a few years ago. Since then I've been expanding what I eat and what I cook - just recently I became a fan of avocados which must sound crazy.

That said, my friend is even worse. Up until 7th grade, the only things he'd eat, no exception, were
>microwave chicken nuggets

He looks back on it with shame

>> No.5223539

Only thing I really won't eat nowadays is cauliflower.

Fuck that fucking shit.

>> No.5223542
File: 252 KB, 475x354, 132343543334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no children on 4chan

>> No.5223568
File: 866 KB, 225x293, 1353914283470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to reddit bud.

>> No.5223571

I'm pretty convinced you're either baiting or actually retarded, but stay ignorant if it helps you sleep at night, kiddo.

>> No.5223583

I'm extremely picky. I became picky after my father left the household and became increasingly picky once my father passed away. It's probably some psychological thing, but I hate being picky.

Why do you guys hate us? It's not like we hate being picky. The food is probably good, but we simply can't consume it. I'll try and bear it, but sometimes I feel like gagging if the food simply isn't right. I've gotten better over the years (and now I can usually find at least a few dishes that I like at every family table). However, I still can't eat stuff on the fly. It really sucks, but I have to just get over it.

>> No.5223634



>> No.5223661
File: 7 KB, 184x184, oh frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did.

>> No.5223678

I'm not a picky eater by any means. Growing up in a rough little town in the UK meant I ate a lot of cheap shit tier foods. But I also had a lot of really nice, hearty home made meals. As a kid however there was one meal I could never eat, I hated it. My parents used to cook carbonara often, but when they decided we where not going to eat jar sauces any more (was a good change for the most part) they changed the carbonara recipe immensely. Now instead of pasta and ham in a thick creamy sauce my parents would add a sort of egg mixture. It was rubbery and had no flavour as they wouldn't add salt only pepper. Me not liking this sickening rubbery mess got me labelled as picky and ungrateful. It still pisses me off. I'd eat all the meals, even the cheaper ones like Spam or beans on toast. But they would shit on me for not liking this one meal.
I think it's because it was a home made recipe. But still, bad food is bad.

>> No.5223686

Maddox is still around?

>> No.5223696

this is how i imagine
really is like

>> No.5223699

Have you not seen his Youtube channel?

>> No.5223705

Trying to stay relevant after his target audience grew up.

>> No.5223707

Jesus, no. So it's pretty much an eloquent 4chan autist incarnate?

>> No.5223735

Maddox is like the personification of petulance. How pathetic do you have to be that your hobby is being angry

>> No.5223740



>> No.5223743

being vegetarian / vegan =/= being a picky eater

>> No.5223745


>> No.5223748

Actually by definition, it is.

>> No.5223760
File: 1.25 MB, 300x254, serioussmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the person who wrote those inspiring messages, I totally agree with that link you posted. The perfectly sums up how I feel on the matter. Haha. Seriously though, any person who hates onions is an idiot. Well said anon. I am bookmarking that link.

>> No.5223916

The only thing I honestly don't like is yellow mustard. If it's hidden by other things, like in egg salad or on a sandwich, it's okay. But I'd have a hard time downing a spoonful by itself.

All of my older brothers are very picky. Oldest one acts like ham makes him puke (despite loving bacon), middle one picks tomatoes and pickles out of things (despite eating tomato sauces and pickle relish), youngest one becomes visibly ill at the sight or mention of seafood (no despite for this one, he actually threw up on the table one time at a restaurant because my dad had ordered fish and he smelled it).

>> No.5223929
File: 382 KB, 120x107, nah bro. nah..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i judge based on openness of mind and willingness to have new experiences. it is common sensical that if one is unwilling to expand their palettes, they will likely be unwilling to entertain other of life's possibilities. being a picky eater is a symptom of a larger problem, namely a parochial attitude and narrowness of outlook. it is the height of irony that you'd interpret such a well-reasoned analysis as the product of idiocy when an extrapolation like mine is, to the contrary, a priori reasoning at its best. not sure why this is unclear for you.

>> No.5223933

nope. you're wrong.

>> No.5223961

That's not being a picky eater, it's being stupid and uneducated.
Fat people, what can one expect?

>> No.5223971

Brie and Camembert cheeses are completely disgusting to me. That shit tastes like a bar of soap to me.

Most liver and brussell sprouts are also shit.

>> No.5223975

Well, it's a good thing that mustard isn't supposed to be eaten by the spoonful and is used in stuff like egg salad and sandwiches.

>> No.5223997

Nah mang, makes sense.Not OP, I have a very very strong sense of smell and it's a huge deal for me for a lot of veggies because I don't like the smell of spinach and some other things. I could probably eat a lot more things if they didn't smell bad to me.

I can barely deal with someone wearing cologne within 20 feet of me, no way I'll eat something that smells bad to me.

>> No.5224002

No, we use it like a fruit. We use it to increase acidity in dishes in sauces and shit, that's a fruit thing.

>> No.5224159
File: 164 KB, 480x548, goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picky eaters are high on the list of obnoxious people

Not that I've tried everything in the world, but there is one item of food that I just do not like. I can't remember what it is though.

Thank you

>> No.5224162


I would never go out of my way to buy brussel sprouts, but if they were served to me I would eat them. Maybe that's the line where picky eaters become unbearable.

>> No.5224163


>> No.5224169

I was waiting for someone to post this image

>> No.5224183

root beer, dr. pepper, cherry coke
texture of mashed potatoes
cooked carrots
sour cream

corn off the cob
tomatoes and pickles
texture of ground beef

>> No.5224191

>cooked carrots
>specifically cooked
don't want to sound too fedora, but that's immature as fuck.

>> No.5224251

i fucking hate them so much. i think its completely ungrateful and disrespectful to turn down what is made for you. unless you pay for it, in which case you better get what you pay for

>> No.5224711

My boyfriend is.....

Won't eat eggs, butter, cheese, anything creamy (mayo, Alfredo sauce, etc), or anything that contains those things. Also introducing him to new foods is impossible. He always goes into it with a negative attitude. I mean, at least he tries it....

I dont force him, we made the deal that I get what ever I want to eat and he tries some if he wants to and I make him something else if he doesn't like it or doesn't want to try it.

>> No.5224730

That's painting with a broad brush. How many different kinds of cake are there in the world? And you hate them all?

>> No.5224742

He is getting by far the better end of that deal. You make something else if he doesn't like what you have already made?

Tell the child to shove it and that he should cook if he doesn't like what you are making.

>> No.5224743

the texture of cooked carrots can be offputting for some.
I don't like them but I won't bitch about it.

>> No.5224785
File: 17 KB, 367x388, killthemalljohnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we made the deal
>I make him something else if he doesn't want to try it

>> No.5224791

>ctrl+f coriander/cilantro
>just one result

It's the one thing I cannot stand, taste's so fucking weird. I'm not saying I wont eat dishes that have it, I just think it ruins the taste.

>> No.5224794

I had two picky kids , now they are vegetarians, I must have done something right.
Maybe it was the bong hits in the basement who knows, but it all worked out

>> No.5224804
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, 1386888980598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have friend
>'I don't like foreign food'
>'I can't eat anything with spices in it'
>only eats plain boiled potatoes, vegetables and meats without any seasoning, all overcooked
>evey single fucking day

>> No.5224816

my home life was essentially this, no pork in the house, the only chicken was breast meat and the beef was either cheap ass chuck steak or ground beef.
Shitty box meals were side dishes and it was painful.
Growing up has its fucking perks

>> No.5224818

well, you lost the genetic lottery

>> No.5224826

>Caring about that
I don't know when it became cool to be ignorant, and to know a basic fact and adhere to its logic meant you "cared a lot about it" (as if that is even a bad thing), are an autist, a fedora, whatever.

Calling a mushroom a vegetable is as bad as calling a pig a vegetable, from a taxonomic and phylogenetic perspective.

Instead of being a retard, you can just accept that you learned something and reflect on it.

>> No.5224837

well shit

>> No.5224839

>well, you lost the genetic lottery
If you think the inability to find cilantro appetizing is somehow detrimental to the fitness of human beings it is evident that you are unintelligent, a key characteristic in the evolutionary history and success of our species.

In short, you lost the genetic lottery and should not pass on your simple-mindedness to future generations. Although something tells me the probability of reproduction is quite low in your case, unless fleshlights and folded garments acquire female gametes compatible with human sperm.

>> No.5224844
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>> No.5224873

>growing up I was picky as shit
>would only eat bland foods (pasta with butter and cheese, a bowl of potatoes with cheese sauce or gravy, processed meats and junk food, no fruit or veg)
>in my teens I go travelling
>had to eat what was given to me or had to do without
>changed my mindset about food completely
>teach myself how to cook, use plenty of fresh foods, love vegetables now
>still can't stand fruit though

For me it was a lot about textures, the softer the better. I'm thinking of starting to make fruit smoothies or something because god knows I'm going to get scurvy at this rate.

>> No.5224907

get a load a this intalexual

>> No.5224918


are you sure? off all possible choices, that's an odd thing to do for the welfare of your neighbor.

>> No.5224923


>arguing from "common sense"

oh ok but i'm pretty sure taste in food is unrelated to attitude about life at large.

>> No.5224929

I actually feel really sorry for picky eaters, the ones that actually try foods and just can't seem to enjoy them. I could only name a handful of foods I didn't enjoy as a kid, and now I literally can't name a single food I don't like. Of course I have my favorites and my preferences, but I could eat just about anything. I eat a very varied diet, too. I'm fortunate enough to be an excellent cook (at least everyone says so), and my entire family is great at cooking in a variety of styles and using their own combination of spices and flavors, so I do have that advantage. My brother makes me really angry, refuses to try new foods and won't touch anything besides fast food, boxed meals, packaged Ramen and Mountain Dew. Makes me feel like he's an ungrateful little shit considering he's lucky enough to have had an excellent upbringing food-wise. Those are the types of picky eaters I wish would just die.

>> No.5224932

my best friend refuses to eat vegetables
he's skinny and fit as fuck, gets all the ladies with his awkward yet handsome nerd deal
so I can't even like complain about it
but his parents have just accepted it
All in all, I'm okay with it
and it's not like it's all vegetables, most of the time he avoids it, but he'll eat stuff like onions and occasionally carrots

>> No.5224935

I finally saw this episode, I have to ask if people like this really exist? Her reaction is so strong I have to wonder if its all just an act?

>> No.5225181

I've hated every cake I've ever tried so far except cheesecake but I don't think that counts as a cake.

>> No.5225203

I don't like a lot of things, but one thing I haven't seen posted yet is eggs. Flavorless, rubbery, disgusting eggs that are somehow a breakfast staple for so many others...

>> No.5225221
File: 226 KB, 1280x851, 1391292868673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that episode and I felt she was just over reacting in order to keep her shitty diet.
>What do you want to say to these cheesey potatoes?

also, I have a hard time believing anyone has a stomach reaction to food that isn't just learned behavior. My boyfriend hated a ton of food when we first started dating. But living under the same roof, I can't think of anything he wont eat now.

>> No.5225236

I've gotten "haters" to love these
11/2 lbs Brussels sprouts (halved, stem and ragged outer leaves removed*)
3 tbsps extra virgin olive oil (divided)
3/4 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper (freshly)
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp honey

>> No.5225244

I am like you: if there is something "gooey" or it has a jelly texture, it does not looks as tasty as the same food without the gelly parts.

>> No.5225247


My sister's boyfriend refused to eat minestrone soup. He opted out in favor of Kraft macaroni and cheese. I was tempted to send him over to the kids table. It was embarrassing.

>> No.5225260

This thread has convinced me if I had children, I'd beat them.

>> No.5225265

I used to hate eggs so I forced myself to eat eggs, and now I like eggs. I used to hate olives so I forced myself to eat olives, and now I like olives.

If people want to limit their experience and enjoyment that's their prerogative. It's just annoying as fuck.

>> No.5225278


I had the same 'issue', what I did was slice them finely. They're really tasty when cut finely raw, and if you still can't get over them that way try them sliced and then lightly grilled (with a bit of salt).

I still can't just pop them in my mouth without cutting them in half as the whole 'exploding in my mouth' texture isn't my favourite in the world, but I'll happily eat them raw now.

>> No.5225285

He sounds like a big fucking faggot.

>> No.5225286

I was a picky eater untill basic training. Never ate salad, meat n potatoes erryday.

>3rd week of basic
>all the food is shit except for that salad bar
>finally break down after a rough day and getna plateful of greens with some beans and such on there
> citrus dressing
>start shoveling that shit
>Next day load plate with some chicken and 3 kinds of veggies
>after 6th week my body now craves vegetables
> Dat succotash
> Dem cauliflowers

>> No.5225294

I loathe being such a picky-eater, I'm trying to improve my taste buds over the time; before I disdained fish at all, but then I tried to eat crab claws, then I ate octopus( I still do not like it, its jelly parts are obnoxious); now I plead my mother for a good pasta allo scoglio(whom I always refused to eat since two months ago).
I still disdain mushrooms, though.
It's true when they say that you change throughout your life, and I think I'm improving my life-style. Thanks, /ck/!

>> No.5225401

what in theeeeee fuck

this is insane. she cried over smelling a green vegetable?

mfw i have no fucking face

>> No.5225440

It depends, I don't mind people who like what I like, but I hate people who don't like what I like and who like what I don't like.

>> No.5225500

I can't handle most cheeses, I can only eat extremely hard cheeses that resemble wax more than anything else. I also hate cooked vegetables, all cooked vegetables.

Caramelized onions? Fucking disgusting. But I can eat a raw onion like an apple.

>> No.5225551

Am I faggot for having a dislike for all beans? I fucking hate beans and all Chinese food related items. Ironically enough I rather eat a plate of steamed vegetables than anything out of a Chinese restaurant

>> No.5225584


I don't doubt that you can have a physical psychosomatic reaction to food if you've been allowed to eat nothing but cheesy potatoes since you were 4 years old. Her relationship with food is damaged in a deep seated way.

I blame the parents. How many times did they have to stock up on bags of fucking cheese and potatoes at the grocery store before desperation ended and apathy began?

>> No.5225593

Beans are the shit

>> No.5225594

My youngest step-brother doesn't like tomatoes and carrots. My eldest step-brother's wife won't touch peas.

I just don't know.

>> No.5225598

Also, they're both enormous.

>> No.5225629

she literately has the maturity and mentality of a toddler

>> No.5225630

>my mother took the, "fine, you don't have to eat it, but you're not getting anything else" approach
So did mine, not that she actually had any trouble with me. Other than shellfish for a while (because I got a really bad flu the night after eating some shrimp dish when I was little and associated the two I guess, until I was about 18 just the smell of shellfish made me feel sick), there was never really anything much I really didn't like. I have two brothers though and they definitely needed that tactic sometimes.

>or have had it made badly
I think this is definitely a contributing factor in a lot of cases. My mum and grandma are both awesome cooks so I got to have a lot of 'confidence' I guess when it comes to trying new food, because most of the stuff I tried at home was good. If you grow up in a situation where a lot of the food you try is shitty, I think it'd be a lot harder to try new stuff because you'd have sort of a subconscious expectation for it to be shit. Same goes for particular foods you've had experiences with where they were cooked horribly.

>I just sucked it up, now I don't hate foods
I think this is the main reason for so many kids being picky eaters. So many parents just cave right away and let their kids get away with being picky when they're young, and after that it gets hard to stop.

>> No.5225645

A co-worker I have which I never eat out with anymore does all the following:
>Hates red meat, pork, cilantro, green onions, anise, bananas, blueberries, shredded lettuce, beans or onions and will send the dish back or refuse to touch it and just leave it there if any of it is on the plate.
>For burgers, orders turkey, then complain it does not taste as good as beef.
>The server must always smile when in her presence, if the smile drops at all, she will not tip.
>Constantly raves about Asian food, but will only order the "Safe Food"( Like Fried Rice and Egg Rolls). For example, I took her to Dim Sum, she only ordered egg cream and red bean buns. Would not touch anything else.

>> No.5225649

Another co-worker I know literally only eats bacon and double orders of fries. I have never seen him eat or order anything else besides beer. I have no idea how he is alive.

>> No.5225655

oh man, brussels sprouts are the best

>> No.5225658

>I have no idea how he is alive
He has quite a few of the food groups covered there.

>> No.5225679

I've always been a picky eater, but in a healthy way:

>Have always liked asparagus and broccoli as a kid, grew to like raw spinach later on.
>Never got why other kids hated them so much.
>Parents only bought skim milk when I was growing up, I can't stand 1%+ because they taste like drinking straight-up creamer.
>Prefer lean meats like turkey, salmon, catfish to fatty processed pork products.
>Think bacon is just oversalted dry meat.
>Not much of a sweet tooth.
>Absolutely disgusted by melted cheese, mayonnaise, salad dressing (except for balsamic vinegar), butter, and other fatty spreads.

I can't stand people who are the opposite of me. When I see the internet's obsession with bacon, cupcakes, that "Epic Meal Time" crap, and food network I literally want to puke.

Also: fuck "foodies." Anyone who describes themselves as a "foodie" is just a pig who watches food network like it's porn.

>> No.5225682

I dont mind. I should have mentioned that I'm new to cooking so really, I appreciate any opportunity to get into the kitchen.

>> No.5225712

sounds more like control freak

>> No.5225713

I outgrew my pickiness. Except for cantaloupe and other melons. Good for inducing vomiting.

>> No.5225718


>The server must always smile when in her presence, if the smile drops at all, she will not tip.

What a disgusting person

>> No.5225737

Force them to.

Had niece and nephew over one night, nephew wouldn't eat dinner(burgers, potato salad, etc). Niece finished up and went to play some games before bath/bed. Nephew flat-out refused to eat and wanted to go play instead.
He finished his dinner at about 11pm after sitting there for 6 hours and whining and crying and yada yada. Still made the little shit take a bath and then go to bed.
Woke him up the same time as his sister(7am) for breakfast(scrambled eggs, toast, bacon) and he was saying he wasn't hungry and he wanted to go back to sleep. I asked him what happened last night when he didn't want to eat and he ended up finishing his food about 10 minutes later and never had a problem with it again.

Similar idea with adults, just gotta enforce it more as, well, they are adults.

>> No.5225961

I would marry you for your parenting. Good job.

>> No.5226123

>force feeding kids

This is why you are fat America

>> No.5226130


thats great. see, you're just respecting the facts: kid has to eat. fact. you're not respecting the emotions... "WAAA WAAA I DUN WANNA!"

thats great that you don't want to, but you still have to. maybe if you changed your mind and wanted to, it would be more enjoyable.

the kid is still growing and learning how the world works. if you show them that only facts matter, they will be a better person. they will say "well, nothing i can doabout this"

the problem with today's children is they have far too many choices. They never choose the right one. You only have one choice when it comes to dinner. Deal with it.

complaints are the luxury of the spoiled.

>> No.5226294

i wouldnt ever force someone to eat my food, however i also wouldnt cater to whatever it is they want. when my cousins visit i offer them free food and they either take it or dont. id imagine that forcing someone to eat something they dont like would be a little counterintuitive. but to each their own.

>> No.5226306
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>> No.5226326

>implying fedora logic
So you actually enjoy having people having shit diets and abysmal health? Seems like we should be tipping towards you.

>> No.5226367

Tell me oh wise one, how exactly you plan to force an adult to eat something they don't want to.

>> No.5226368

My parents used to only make scrambled eggs growing up and I hated it so I thought I hated eggs. It wasn't until high school that I had over easy and really liked them.
The part I didn't like ended up being solid yolk

>> No.5226371

>the problem with today's children
>they have far too many choices
>complaints are the luxury of the spoiled
Nah, you are fedora'd out. Don't worry, me thinks kids aren't in your future lol

>> No.5226438
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Mommy made me finish my plate even though I wasn't hungry

now I weigh 500 lbs

>> No.5226474

If I get boiled to hell brussel sprouts, I just drown them in mayonnaise.

That solves a lot of problems, actually.

>> No.5226494


lol he is the same idiot from earlier who thinks he can force other people to behave by standards that HE deems acceptable.

probably feels like he has no control over his own life so he talks about controlling others on the internet as a delusional surrogate method

>> No.5226501

my gf refuses most vegetables except like peas or green beans

>> No.5226502

I have a tough time with mushy fruits. Textures only, I don't care about the flavor much.

Any kind of mushy apple is gross. Just get the Fuji apples, why do the other species even exist? What kind of sick bastard doesn't enjoy a crisp and firm apple?

Also I have a tough time with raw tomatoes. If its mixed with something its fine, like if its on a burger no problem. If its raw chunks of tomato on a salad its kind of gross. Feels really slimy in my mouth.

That being said I usually just choke it down and don't say anything if I am in polite company.

>> No.5226510

I know! I'm American and a very small person, in school they would make me fill my plate with whatever crap they were serving, and because I was a fairly thin child, they made me eat the whole thing before I could go to recess.

I puked like three times because it was just too much food for my stomach to handle, then I had to go around hungry for the rest of the day.
Finally I realized that if I just left my tray at the table I wouldn't have to sneak past the ladies guarding the trash cans and could just sneak outside when I finished as much of the food as I wanted.

America is really fucked up.

>> No.5226515
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Bean is that you?

>> No.5226516

>refuses to eat
>complains about being small

This is a self fulfilling prophecy you have here. Eat big portions to become big.

>> No.5226520

>force feeding
as an american, i was given the choice to eat or not eat. but not given a choice of foods every night. people who give their kids whatever the kid wants end up creating monstrosities like OP's pic related.

>> No.5226521

I cant eat any seafood. The smell is just hideous.
I dislike mayo unless its mixed with other things like potato salad.
Big chunks of onion are off putting to me, but finely diced is fine.
Sauerkraut is the bane of my existence.
I love most veggies raw, I just think they get slimy and soggy when they're cooked though I will still eat them cooked.
I don't feel too bad.

>> No.5226525

>I just think they get slimy and soggy when they're cooked though
you should try roasting some vegetables, they have a much drier texture which might suit your personal tastes better in this case.

although if a vegetable is properly steamed, it should be crisp and al dente, not slimy or soggy.

>> No.5226560

I'm not complaining about being small. I am small. I'm 4'9" and have always been small for my age, my whole family is very small. We're just short people.

There was no way I could finish the huge portions they were serving. It was really ridiculous considering my size.

>> No.5226670

because experimenting and trying new things are positive experiences, a type of experiences that make life beautiful. its just like how Christians want others to except jesus into their hearts, we want to enlighten them.

>> No.5226672

Oh man, two less inches and you'd be a midget.

>> No.5226680

Not girlfriend material and DEFINITELY not wife material. How is she gonna raise kids when she behaves like one?

>> No.5229082

>see picky eater
>leave them alone
>everyone happy

>> No.5229101

I'm a pretty picky eater only when it comes to seafood. I will eat sushi, but I refuse to eat raw oysters, and I generally avoid eating crabs and other crustaceans. Fish I am okay with, but I'd rather eat something else if its available.

Also, fruits. If you give me a box of oranges I probably will give them away. I like fruit smoothies though, but whole fruits scare me.

>> No.5229163
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I don't like onions in most things but I keep trying to get over it. It's not the texture as I love cooked and raw cabbage. It's not the taste because onion powder, flavouring and when "hidden" is also fine with me.

This makes me thing it may even be psychological. Anything I can do to try to like them? I keep forcing but it doesn't make me like them any more. I still feel a gag reflex but force it regardless.

>> No.5229211

I've always felt like there's a big difference in someone who just doesn't like certain foods, and picky eaters. You don't like something, you don't buy it, you don't cook it, and if offered it you politely refuse. Simple.Then there's the picky eaters who will disassemble an entire plate of veggie lasagna to pick out every miniscule shred of vegetable just to eat the cheese and pasta, or throw a hissy fit if you dare prepare something they don't like alongside the rest of the meal.

>> No.5229584

A lot of my family are picky eaters. Isn't a big deal, unless of course they get the wrong thing then they fucking sulk around ...seriously they put mayo or tomatoes in your burger??? The nerve of those people! Take it out, then eat your food, but nope they'll sulk and shit. Doesn't really bother me, only they try to make people feel sorry for them and shit

Personally I'll try anything, one thing I really can't do though, raw onions, if I bite into them nope...just nope can't do that. If they're so small I don't crunch into them I'm fine. It just kills my tastes buds man. And I don't understand how people can just munch on em in their meals and fine, shrugs I loved cooked onions specially grilled.

Also my eggs have to be cooked a certain way, no color on em, no crisp on my eggs, it makes me gag. I get that my asshole bio dad, would flip if I ever complained, and I had to eat crisp browned eggs, had to choke em down, it seriously makes me gag.

>> No.5231231

I was really bad when I was a kid but now I try to eat everything. There's still some things I cant stand but they're quite specific and easy to avoid
Tomatos -it's a texture thing, im fine with sauces of all kinds, diced, dried but I dont like them whole
Pulpy orange juice- texture once again
boiled spinach-texture
everything my aunt makes ever
and that's about it

>> No.5231237

you should eat your fruit anon, do you like grapes or strawberries? how about banana?

>> No.5231269

What, you don't like onions? Onions are in everything!
Are we talking onion onions or all allium species?

>> No.5231360

I got a friend who drives me up the wall being such a fucking picky eater.

He doesn't eat any seafood/fish because yadda yadda I saw someone gut a fish as a kid. Fine, I guess seafood is rather common.

Ok, so how about lamb? God no, that tastes weeiiird. Cheese? Only gouda and mozzarella. No brussel sprouts, no broccoli. Absolutely nothing sweet, not out of overzealous health madness but because yes, he doesn't like anything sweet.

I get how people dont like single distinct flavors, I'm don't particularly care for salmon but I'd still eat the fuck out of a lovingly made salmon dish and can notice if it's been prepared well or not. These sweeping claims of "No X whatsoever" are making me mad as fuck tho.

>> No.5231365

Mothers are bad cooks at times.

>> No.5231377

I used to be picky as fuck as a little brat kid. Started cooking regularly when I moved out of my parents' place when I was about 18 and ever since then I'll try absolutely anything. I fucking love food and I fucking love cooking (even though I'm still pleb-tier)

That said, if there's one thing I just have an extremely hard time with (aside from things that were just cooked poorly), it's stew meat. It tastes like the inside of a freezer to me, no matter what it's cooked in.

>> No.5231380
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I have a taste aversion towards cooked peas. This just tastes like shit for me and makes me puke because I was sick as a kid the first time eating pea soup. Feels bad man.

>> No.5231388

I feel like the world is looping in on itself.
I am getting nauseous.

>> No.5231392

The only meal I dislike eating is spaghetti bolognese but if I'm given it I'll eat it no problem.

>> No.5231502
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>> No.5231537

Someone put a cigarette out, in my unattended beer once and I almost puked as I swallowed the ashy beer.
I felt like such a picky little shit for almost spitting out.

>> No.5231565
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didn't anyone tell you that if you leave a drink unattended someone WILL put drugs in it.

Vegans are the worst picky eaters, I've given up hope on them.

>> No.5231593

I was raised on absolute shit food. Still getting over that, I seem to be improving my palette. This also seems to make me more and more annoyed by picky eaters.

>> No.5231594
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>> No.5231618

What sort of fucking awful bars have you frequented?

>> No.5231625


Yeah, I hate health-conscious people. Just get cancer with me, assholes.

>> No.5232022

They're pretty annoying to me but it was mostly because how I was raised. If didn't eat what was cooked I didn't eat at all.

>> No.5232036

Eggs, they are awful in every form.

>> No.5232053

my mother actually beat me up because i didnt like a dish she made all mondays. somehow, years later i like that dish, but it was disgusting to me when i was a kiddo

>> No.5232075

Was it furburger?

>> No.5232122

Vegans, ladies and gentlemen.....enjoy the freak show.

>> No.5232178

I was a terrible picky eater as a kid. It turns out that I'm allergic to pepper, cinnamon, maple, and sulfates. In addition margarine in any regular amount fucks up my digestion. After cutting those things out of my diet I realized that I was a picky eater because I was sick 99% of the time. The first 20 years of my life I didn't know what feeling good even felt like. Now I'll eat anything that isn't those things and try anything I think may not have them at least once. ( Not Pepper though, that shit could kill me. )

My father still complains that I'm a picky eater when we eat out. The truth is I bitch at him because he only wants to eat at American buffets; if you cook for him he'll bitch and go out to eat if its any meal his mother didn't cook when he was a child. "Dad, you are the real picky eater." I tell him.
"No," he says, "I like to eat all the foods so we're going to the buffet, and when we get their I'll eat more then you."
"Okay, let's go to a Chinese buffet then."
Of course he won't, 'he's not Chinese.'

>> No.5232188

I tell people I don't like mexican, I get called picky. Really depends, I can eat any other food fine and am quite adventurous, but not mexican.

>> No.5232217

I have a friend who says that they'll never eat mushrooms because, and I quote "are fungi."

And then they eat cream of mushroom soup, which has bits of mushroom in it clear as day.

I'm not sure if I should call them out on it...

>> No.5232226

Maybe they mean the dislike the texture? I LOVE mushrooms but have a very strong preference to have then sliced thin or diced.

>> No.5232410

my nephew tried this with my mom and I thought he was going to get away with it with the whole "mah grandbaby" thing

but nope

He sat there moaning and crying and she didn't give a shit. At a point she just slapped him in the back of the head every time he cried, staring at his veggies (she'd made a pretty good stew with meat and carrots/potatos/etc and he'd picked around the veggies and she wasn't having it), whimpering all night till she said fine, made him go get a belt, smacked him real quick, then next morning put the same shit right in front of him for breakfast with some eggs and it began again until lunch when he just gave up crying and eating.

He's like 9 though and spoiled by his mother on junk food and jack and the box. His dad, my bro, was pretty embarrassed but it's all he can do with what little time he gets with him.

Mom took no shit with pickiness. The only way I got out of it ever was by saying I'd eat in my room with no complaint and then just open the window and give the food to the dog. Then wait till there was no more food and make myself a sandwich saying I was still hungry but everyone all the seconds first. Like you I was picky about beans for a while but got over it long ago.

>> No.5232408

>I LOVE mushrooms
I've never understood this. Even the glorified morels, chanterelles, ceps, etc. are rather boring from a taste and textural perspective.

>> No.5232416

>At a point she just slapped him in the back of the head every time he cried
lol great mom

Let me guess: high school education, blue collar, and concerned only with the immediate future or polarizing populist nonsense? Please tell me she is overweight too.

>> No.5232425

well sorry for being poor

but not really immediate future, bs political, nor overweight oddly considering her sisters. She always thought of the future and has good two houses for when she dies to give to us and hates credit.

And really she only ever slapped on the back of the head or pinched if you were acting up. Otherwise would just make us work for punishment. Only spanked cause he was cussing and throwing a real bad tantrum on the floor and throwing shit. I was never spanked though saw another bro get it because he threw something out the window in anger.

She's pretty ok mom considering none of us are fucked up or hate her. You project a lot.

>> No.5232590

I was never really too bad in terms of pickiness; when I was a kid, I took issue with cooked carrots and broccoli because I'd never had well-prepared ones. I still won't eat mayonnaise, sour cream, or super-fatty salad dressings; the texture is just disturbing for some reason. Now I'm at a point where I'll try basically anything once. I've noticed a shift in my palate within the past few years toward enjoying very bold flavors and dishes with more taste interplay, whereas before I tended to prefer less complex stuff.

>> No.5232755


Mostly green onions but white onions aren't too cool with me either. When I say onions I mean medium to large pieces of onions. Finely diced or used for flavouring I can eat no problem.

>> No.5233200

>Even the glorified morels, chanterelles, ceps, etc. are rather boring from a taste and textural perspective
Maybe you are washing them? Or maybe you want big BIG taste from eating super sweat and super spicy stuff all the time? Mushrooms have a very nice warm earthy taste.

>> No.5233208

>Someone hit a whiny kid.
Oh noes! She must be uneducated, stupid, AND fat.
She sounds like a great mom to me. I bet that kid looks back on that event fondly when he's an adult.