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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5220581 No.5220581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ can we have a fuckups thread to make me feel better about my disaster tonight.

>Be poorfag who has eaten off the same 3lbs of 70% ground beef all week to surprise wife with steak on the weekend when she comes home
>Buy two New York Strips (well wife bought, marbleing wasn't the best)
>Cook in oven because no charcoal for grill
>500F, put in my cast irons
>Take temperature: 60? Well my room temperature is 54 so I guess they have cooked but why so slow?
>Put in oven longer
>70? What is going ooooooh my god my thermometer is set to C!
And that is how I ruined two steaks. In hindsight 60C was already overcooked for me but I ruined two steaks tonight and my wife won't let me get upset over it.

>> No.5220598

>my wife won't let me get upset over it
Sounds like she's a decent person who cares about you. Maybe don't be a douchepump who holds onto something that's done and can't be fixed.

>> No.5220607

That she is. Sorry it bugs me but I am venting to /ck/ in the hopes of hearing more stories instead of being a douchenozzle around my wife.

>> No.5220625

make fajitas.

>> No.5220635
File: 47 KB, 238x200, downsizing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to caramelize some onions the other day
>Julienne four big ol' vidalias
>Put in pan with butter, a little vegetable oil, and some dark as night brown sugar from the farmer's market
>Heat on high, til they start to turn golden
>Put the heat on low, go watch some True Detective
>Come back every ~10 minutes to stir
>Two hours later, they're perfect, delicious, mushy, everything I dreamed of
>"Wellll... Ten more minutes couldn't hurt.."
>Come back ten minutes later to find 80% of them burnt to a crisp
>Salvage the remaining 20% but they just taste like burnt onions
>Start over

>> No.5220927
