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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 400x289, Is-vegan-food-more-expensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5218478 No.5218478[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way to be poor and also vegan? I am in my junior year of college and all of my money goes to bills but I want to make the change over to vegetarianism. Can I get proper brotein and B vitamins on a low budget. I live in the south so I don't have access to all of these niche superfoods you Californians do.

>> No.5218480

>Is there a way to be poor and also vegan?

eat grass?

>> No.5218482
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Of course you can be poor and vegan.

I hope you enjoy kwashiorkor!

>> No.5218484

beans and rice.

Vary he beans to stop yourself from shooting yourself (chickpeas, pinto beans, lentils, navy beans, red beans, etc)

But seriously veganism requires either crossing a lot of stuff off your place or eating poorly because the "all natural" substitute are often more expensive.

And even then, depending how hard-core you want to go might not be "good enough". Are you ok with honey and such?

>> No.5218496

I recommend going pescatarian instead. Fish is a healthy and a great source of protein and tastes good. If you eat the right kinds, there's no health risks and it's sustainable.

>> No.5218498

Yes. Rice, beans, frozen fruit and veggies.

>> No.5218500

I don't want cancer, want to feel light and energized and not be eatin tons of hormones when I intake. I've cut refined sugar out and feel heaps better (after feeling like shit ofr about a month) and now I want to eliminate dairy and meat.

>> No.5218506

>I don't want cancer
Your diet has nothing to do with it, so it's not gonna change much.

>> No.5218511

The have empirically determined that diet has no effect on cancer? I'd like that study please, it's a pretty big deal.

>> No.5218510

aim for vegetarian rather then vegan. Easier to achieve. But still room for eggs, gelatin (in way more things that you'd think), honey, etc.

>> No.5218514

It's not vegan the way that SJW asswipes do it. I don't mind using a cow bone broom or even wearing real fur. I just want to be healthy and healthy in the long run, and it seems like primarily vegan people tend to age better and have a better quality of life at ages when most Americans are resting in the coffins.

>> No.5218527

Correlation does not imply causation. Most vegans tend to pay a lot more attention to their diets than non-vegans, which is why they're less fat and shit.

You can cut out processed junk food without being vegan. You can still be a vegan if you want to but if your reason is "it's healthier" then it's not a good reason

>> No.5218529

so yes, aim for properly done vegetarian.

And don't try to replace meat by anything fake (soy or otherwise). Just vary your grains and vegetables.

here's a great natural/vegetarian cooking blog to give you some ideas of what to cook. Adapt to what is available near you/cheap. And buy vegetables in season!

>> No.5218532

The difference between a vegan and vegetarian has little difference health wise. You should take a look at the lifestyles of people from Icaria, Sardinia, and Okinawa.

>> No.5218533

Look into the Mcdougall diet. You could feed yourself on $1 a day if you buy in bulk and don't eat out.

>> No.5218564

Your diet is a small part of healthy living and having a long and healthy life.
Hopefully you aren't tall. Manlets tend to live longer

>> No.5218569

188cm..... am I 2big?

>> No.5218659

Meat tend to be expensive, so vegetarian is cheap. But vegan have to buy fake cheese and plenty of related crap, that's expensive.
Stop crying rape when I milk my cow.

>> No.5218662

> vegans have to buy fake cheese
Most self-respecting vegans do not buy that crap.

>> No.5218669


Which one?

I have a relatively comfortable income and I rarely buy meat. About 95% of my protein comes from legumes and dairy. It's not about ethics, it's just that factory farmed meat is disgusting to me, and that includes the fancy organic "free range" (not) garbage from whole foods and other supposedly high end grocery stores.

When I have time I'll go to an independent butcher or the greenmarket and buy meat from a local farmer, which has a totally different texture and flavor, but it's inconvenient, expensive, and I usually have to make do with whatever cuts or parts they have on hand that day which means I'm working around the meat and not having the meat work around the rest of the food. So that's maybe one weekend a month when I'm craving animal flesh and have a little extra spare time.

Eating 100% vegan is a real commitment, if you're on a limited income and you haven't even taken meat out of your diet I think you need to take smaller steps and then decide after you've been meatless whether you want to go all the way (probably not).

>> No.5218709

>people that don't know that chili peppers are native to the Americas.
>people that don't know that the hottest are carolina reapers and before that trinidad scorpions.
10/10 people thinking that "as seen on tv ghost peppers" are anything but shit.

>> No.5218840
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As in most cases on this board, beans and grains are the answer. If you have access to an asian grocery, they will likely have cheap Tofu as well as Textured Soy Protein chunks in the dry-goods section. The latter are mostly fibre and protein and cheap. I'm talking United Nations food-bank cheap, picrelated.

>> No.5218858

>Is there a way to be poor and also vegan?
Yeah. It's easy as shit, actually. I'm vegan and I spend like $40/week on food. Beans, nuts, soy products, vegetable oils, etc.

I don't know where this idea got started that veganism is a luxury, but it has no basis in reality. Meat is fucking expensive. Cheese is expensive. Beans are practically free.

>> No.5218863
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Just don't buy cashew cheese, that shit was recalled for a salmonella outbreak

>> No.5218870

I think it's because people assume vegans eat all the retarded substitutes like fake mayo and fake cream cheese, which are like triple the cost of the real thing.

If you are smart, being vegan is cheap as fuck.

>> No.5218875

pick one, kthxbye

>> No.5218945
File: 10 KB, 409x216, f-fish-stocks-status.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, right

>> No.5218953

What are farmed fish?

>> No.5218958
File: 70 KB, 500x388, ohnoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, peak fish

>> No.5218986

enjoy your barren waste-planet

good thing there aren't any problems with fish 'farming'
oh, wait

>> No.5218995

enjoy your knee jerk hysteria

>> No.5218997

If you didn't know better, and came to /ck/ you'd think vegans were like 50% of the population. They are a loud, irrational, minority and have to scream from the hilltops to preach their religion on others.

>> No.5218999


......not sure how much i bite into this there is a big problem but this looks more like someone making the problem look worse than it is to back their agenda.

>> No.5219003

That's just a small subset of vegans too. A lot of us just don't give a fuck and do our own thing.

>> No.5219014

And we got them from /fit/ too. Another reason for us to dislike that board.

>> No.5219023

But most of you are OCD, evangelizing fucktards who are about as reasonable to argue with as neo-nazis. There's a very good reason vegans are such a tiny percentage of Americans, its a ridiculous, restrictive diet more suitable for soothing your mental illness/anxiety than as an actually healthy lifestyle. Pretending anyone who touches dairy is below you. Its a fucking joke to everyone outside the vegan community.

>> No.5219030

>But most of you are OCD, evangelizing fucktards who are about as reasonable to argue with as neo-nazis.

I thought this described the self-described "omnivores".

Complaining about having to listen to vegans talk about lentils sounds, to my ears, like the whole "war on Christmas" nonsense we were hearing about a few years ago in the media.

The reactionary desire to classify people who eat an unrestricted diet as a persecuted minority is simultaneously amusing and baffling.

>> No.5219038

Omnivores are not persecuted, never said that. Just said vegans are more a group of mentally ill evangelists than people actually leading a healthier lifestyle. You can call an eating disorder "veganism" if it makes you less butthurt, but that doesn't change the fact that it is, and that you would look down on such ridiculous things as people who eat sugar made with bone char as less holy than thou. We are saying to cut out your sanctimonious bullshit, not that we are a persecuted minority as omnivores. Don't get it twisted, hunty.

>> No.5219044

>I don't know where this idea got started that veganism is a luxury, but it has no basis in reality.

The fuck it doesn't. Check your privilege. Here's a quote from a Tufts University article, because it can explain it better than my hungover mind can right now.

"Although his rhetoric on the vegetarian and vegan population has always been exceptionally harsh, there is truth to Anthony Bourdain’s comment that vegans are a “first-world phenomena.” It is ironic that the majority of “vegans” and “vegetarians” are actually found in non-Western countries throughout the globe. I use quotations because these people are not actually vegan or vegetarian by choice, but rather simply because they cannot afford meat. When 13-14% of the world is chronically undernourished, the last thing these approximately 900 million people are concerned with is whether the consumption of a chicken is morally just. It’s not to say that the ethical question is unimportant, but that for almost a billion human beings, a significant portion of our global population, the question is just so irrelevant. According to NPR, the average American eats ten times more meat than the average Mozambican and twelve times more than the average Bangladeshi.
"But it is just as important to remember that the option of rejecting meat is one that too many people simply do not have. Such a rejection, no matter how validated and understandable that choice may be, still has undertones of privilege that may be very offensive to those who will be able to consume an animal maybe twice a year, once in their lives, or never at all."

>> No.5219054

Did a vegan wrong you in some way in the past? The level of hostility in your post is honestly frightening.

Why can't you just let bygones be bygones? I do my thing and you do yours. I don't judge people for their diet and lifestyle choices. You eat what you want to eat and gives you fulfillment, and I will do the same. It's really that simple.

Life's too short to get flustered about another person's life choices. Do what makes you happy, and don't worry yourself about what makes others happy.

>> No.5219056


And this is what I mean when I say you self-described "omivores" are hysterical. I eat meat. It's pathetic that I even have to say that in order for you to calm your tits, but for the sake of discussion I'll stoop to your level. Somehow, under your logic, accepting that people who eat an unrestricted diet aren't a persecuted minority makes me a "sanctimonious vegan".

Normal people don't have such strong feelings on this matter, it's like the weeaboo thing. In real life I can mention falafel or sushi and no one bats an eye. On 4chan, the home of obsessive neckbeards who mutter to themselves arguing with imaginary persecutors, there are some food concepts that act as trigger words, causing paranoiacs such as yourself to fly off the handle and rant about pearl harbor or vegans rounding up the omnivores in box cars. Get a hold of yourself man.

>> No.5219063

Because of
Vegans are offensive to millions and many should be getting medical treatment, not posting recipes.
aberration matedid

>> No.5219065

A LOT of people outside 4chan hate vegans for basically turning dietary habits into a preachy, sanctimonious religion. This is not a phenomena unique to this place.

>> No.5219067

No kidding. Veganism is a mental disorder, much like anorexia or bulimia.

>> No.5219070

Now you are changing your argument from "we're all evangelical fucktards" to "we offend people".

Anyways, I don't think I will convince you that letting someone be in charge of their own life is the best thing you can do. I'll keep marching to the beat of my own drum. I encourage you to do the same, and don't try to force someone to march to your drum.

Have a nice life, friend.

>> No.5219072

No I think vegans are both of those things. I feel bad, most of you need mental help.

>> No.5219073


Maybe if you're stuck in a college campus bubble with no alternate social outlets. I found them grating too my first year in school, living in a dorm adjacent to a vegan coop, and I hadn't been exposed to as many people with different points of view, which comes with just living longer and talking to strangers frequently. I suggest you get over it.

Also don't take this as anything other than information, but for reference the singular of phenomena is phenomenon.

>> No.5219076

Thanks for your concern. It's thoughtful.

>> No.5219080

We don't turn dietary habits into a religion. The reason vegans get so upset is because of the ethical implications of eating factory-farmed meat. It is completely immoral and must be stopped. There are organisms who feel pain being tortured far beyond what any human would be subjected to.
Watch this and tell me now the vegans are in the wrong for attempting to get you to reevaluate your actions and habits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce4DJh-L7Ys

I'm sorry, but anyone who accepts these events and supports them are the ones who should be hated.

>> No.5219082 [DELETED] 

>being this mad at the truth

>> No.5219086

And they feel the need to justify their own existance by trying to shove it down the throats of other people.

>> No.5219094

Most vegans don't do that. Yes, there are some, but most vegans will bring it up every once in a while to try and change your thoughts. We want change, we want what you've just watched to end. Factory farming contributes to this cycle of bad in the world, and if things like this continue, our world will never be a good place to be in.

But if you consider trying to discuss this occasionally as shoving it down your throat, then so be it.

>> No.5219103

Then why don't you specifically target the companies and operators of factory farming instead of being preachy, mentally disordered bitches to everyone who eats meat? It's because you are in it more for the drama and self-serving emotionalism than actually making a change. Many omnivores are doing much more for the cause than you people are, working to change the systems and supporting free range and ethically farmed meat. You just like to wear your "hair shirt" and flog yourself while anthropomorphizing animals.

>> No.5219114

>Is there a way to be poor and also vegan?
Absolutely. I'm an omnivore, but at home I'm entirely vegan. (I just need the taste of death and suffering when I go out, because it's so fucking delicious). I spend about $30-$40 a week on groceries, and that's for lunch and dinner at least six days a week.

I buy lots of dried beans, and cook them in a pressure cooker. Serve them in various ways, usually along with greens and rice. Sometimes pasta instead of rice. I round things out with other vegetables, and mix it up with some tofu once in a while. I snack on nuts, because this diet is pretty low fat, so I have to get some fat somewhere. I tear through lots of peanuts. My wife makes her own whole wheat and rye bread, and she also makes homemade almond milk.

I probably spend more time in the kitchen than most home cooks (just over an hour a day), but my food costs are pretty low. I do go through lots of olive oil, hot pepper and garlic, though, because you need something to make vegan food delicious, and that combo works pretty well.

Gotta go heat up last night's leftover red bean curry, cauliflower and potato curry, greens and basmati rice for lunch.

Eating vegan isn't that hard if you cook, but you sure as hell won't want to miss a meal. You will be hungry at mealtime.

>> No.5219119

>Then why don't you specifically target the companies and operators of factory farming instead of being preachy, mentally disordered bitches to everyone who eats meat?

Because if the demand for meat diminishes, these companies will go out of business. Supply and demand. We could shut the factories down, but if the population still wants meat, then they will demand the meat factories be re-opened. And when there is money to be made, the companies aren't going to keep closed.

>> No.5219123

This x 1 million.
I don't like factory farming either but I eat meat. Wanting humane conditions for animals used for meat and dairy products means I should advocate for that, not boycott the whole industry when only 1% of the population is going to do the same, changing nothing.

>> No.5219125

Do vegans seriously believe everyone is going to stop eating meat and dairy if they keep shouting that it is immoral for long enough? This is why we think you are crazy and annoying and preachy.

>> No.5219128


>>5218669 here

What difference does it make to you if someone chooses to completely abstain from meat rather than going through all the trouble of acquiring non-factory-farmed meat? Do you also get upset when someone doesn't appreciate the same books and music that you like? In a first world country you eat for enjoyment. For vegans maybe the idea of what went into the creation of their food detracts from their enjoyment of the taste.

I have the luxury of being able to afford the high prices necessary to obtain quality animal proteins produced in non-disgusting conditions, but not everyone has the means or the desire.

>> No.5219136

YOU watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5vSia_tLeI
If I wanted to reevaluate my actions and habits I would have done it without your recommendation. BTW I love how vegans parade about animal cruelty, but when it comes to all the other problems in this world they just drop the mic. and walk off stage

>> No.5219139

>other problems exist so my pet issue should be ignored

You sound like those pro-Israel shills who say that since fifty other governments commit atrocities all the time, Israel gets a blank check.

>> No.5219143

You are missing the point of those posts, and what they were replying to, and making a completely different point altogether.

>> No.5219163

Fuck everyone here on about ethics, shoulds and shouldn'ts.

This thread is about trying to eat vegan on a budget. Offer some helpful advice. The same vegan preachiness countered with mockery and derision is really fucking boring.

Do you people even type this shit out, or just swipe from copypasta archives?

>> No.5219164

>and if things like this continue, our world will never be a good place to be in.
Damn you people are delusional.

>> No.5219172

Whats up Adolf? You sounds like your mom when I am balls deep in her mouth

>> No.5219174

How am I delusional?

>> No.5219179

You might have, yes, but there is also a great possibility you wouldn't have. If someone never brought up the point that it might be bad for you to be eating that steak, it's likely you wouldn't have thought of it.

No, not true. I know many other vegans who are very passionate about other issues, they just choose to concentrate more of their energy on animal rights because that is what they feel the most strongly about. That doesn't mean that they don't care about anything else.

>> No.5219185

I know that not EVERYONE is going to stop, and I know that a good number of people won't either. But does that mean I should just say "WELL IF I CAN'T CHANGE EVERYONE I GUESS I WON'T TRY TO CHANGE ANYONE"? No, that would be absurd. There are people out there who are uninformed/misinformed, and I feel like if I keep "shouting" about it for long enough, that message will get to them.

MLK Jr knew he couldn't change anyone, or very many people at that. does that mean he should have just not tried?

>> No.5219190

You sir, are no MLK Jr.
And you screaming your own brand of misinformation at people doesn't help anyone.

>> No.5219193
File: 102 KB, 320x240, you_seem_upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive block quote about how expensive meat is
>somehow this reflects poorly on vegans
What's it like having that level of cognitive dissonance? Like honestly, it seems like a ton of work.

>> No.5219195

Except Earthlings is full of shit. It says animal testing is worthless, seal clubbing is unethical, and always make stupid claims.

>Wild animals are not a renewable resource
>But those who hope to find remedies for human ills by inflicting deliberate sufferings on animals commit two fundamental errors in understanding. The first is the assumption that results obtained on animals are applicable to mankind. The second concerns the inevitable fallacy of experimental science in respect to the field of organic life… Tests on animals are not only dangerous because they lead to wrong conclusions, but furthermore, they retard clinical investigation, which is the only valid kind.
>In truth, we know very little about how specific animals may “feel,” except that they must also submit to the universal law that causes every organism dying by unnatural means to suffer greatly before that final release
>We know there has never been an epoch in which we could learn something about the physiology of man by torturing animals. We only learn something about animals

The director is a new age mystic that doesn't know shit about anything.

>> No.5219200

B-but animal farming is slavery! H-how would you would like it if I enslaved you?

>> No.5219203

You're an idiot. Even a drunken child of three can understand that quote. What's it like to be this feeble minded? Vegans, ladies and gentlemen....

>> No.5219206

>equating eggs at breakfast with the struggles of African Americans
This is why no one takes you chucklefucks seriously, because you're a bunch of privileged white jerks who compare human beings to poultry. That is horribly insulting.
MLK was not a hen. His family members are not cockerels or roosters. His children are not chicks and pullets. You are an awful, hideous parody of a human being with zero compassion for your fellow man preferring instead to worry of the welfare of food.
Fuck you. Fuck your cause. Fuck your tofu. Fuck your soy crumbles. Fuck your seitan. And especially fuck your racist bullshit comparing human beings to hogs and livestock.
You argue over what food others should and should not eat when you've never had to struggle for a grain your entire privileged, cloistered life. White people.

>> No.5219215


People with autism often have trouble with the purpose of analogies. You might want to get checked.

>> No.5219218

>privileged white jerks who compare human beings to poultry. That is horribly insulting.
This. This is why I identify as an omnivore, even though I live on a mostly vegan diet. I'd rather have my vegetable based meals without a side of dogma, hyperbole and insulting comparisons. To say nothing of the self-aggrandizing...

>> No.5219222

You got rekt, kid.

'Ethical' vegans truly are awful human beings. You're wolves in sheep's clothing.

>> No.5219225

( ) Not told
(X) Told
(X) Toldasaurus Rex
(X) The Told Man and the Sea
(X) War and Peace by Leo Toldstoy

>> No.5219230

Beans/lentils, brown rice, kale, and bananas. That is your baseline. That's fruit, veg, and starch, the foundation of a healthy diet.

A vegan diet is actually very easy to do. People try to complicate it and imply it requires a lot of planning, but in reality it's just the same thing as a meat diet except you replace the meat with healthier things like grains and legumes

>> No.5219234

>toldasaurus rex
>not toldasaurus rekt
You missed a golden opportunity.

>> No.5219235


Just a bystander here, nothing rekked.

Do you often feel as though great forces are conspiring to make you eat a certain way that you find objectionable? How does it feel to have such little willpower?

>> No.5219236

>according to the so called scientists, we're all off african decent, though I think that's a scam
>what struggles, they have it easier than white people here
> super funny, and too scared to say black or white.

I don't care about your labels, call in jessie jackson and al sharpie sharp if that'll make you feel better about yourself.

>> No.5219242

You peta fucks are a sanctimonious bunch who insult me just by breathing the same air. You fucks deserve to get called on your bullshit and have your privilege checked.

>> No.5219263

I never said I was. It is just a comparison, and I wasn't implying that educating people about veganism is the equivalent. It's just a person I used to communicate my message that even if someone knows he can't change everyone, does that mean he should just not try at all?

>> No.5219267

Even if you disagree with those statements, the footage shown is not full of shit. It's a good doc to show people to show footage of factory farming.

>> No.5219290

Whoa, hold up you retard. Those are statements the director claims are facts in the documentary. What he's saying is we have no right to exploit animals, animal testing is just the corollary of this. If you abstain from eating meat and animal products, but still support animal testing, you're not a vegan.

Nobody's saying the film doesn't show some good footage, but a lot of it is jarred and skewered as to make you think all animal exploitation is bad.

>> No.5219297

I was never equating veganism with racial equality. again, I was only using MLK Jr as a way to say that a man who knew he couldn't change many people still tried, and succeeded.

And, you know, animals are much more important to this Earth than humans. If we were wiped from existence, it would disrupt anything. However, if all of the keystones species were wiped out, there would be very detrimental effects to the ecosystem. If vultures were wiped out, there would be detrimental effects. I don't know where we got this idea that we are incredibly important. The idea that we can torture other beings purposely when we do not have to is what is insulting. It's arrogant and it's selfish.

>> No.5219302

wouldn't disrupt*

>> No.5219306

Is vegan gluten free?

>> No.5219308

>i'm not equating animals to race struggles
>race struggle isn't insulting, animal struggle is insulting
Go ahead and tell me you didn't just say that. Go ahead.

>> No.5219312

No, I agree with those statements. But I knew that I would aggravate people even further by saying that, so I just said that even if you disagree with those statements, the doc still has good footage of factory farming. I don't support animal testing in any way. I didn't even say that, stop assuming these things.

How is it jarred and skewered? And how is animal exploitation not bad?

>> No.5219320

Are you drunk?
>If we were wiped from existence, it would disrupt anything.
Blatantly untrue and ignorant.
>if all of the keystones species were wiped out, there would be very detrimental effects to the ecosystem.
Very true, but livestock aren't a keystone species.

Your posts really speak to the issue of mental heath. Misanthropy is considered a detrimental thought process.

>> No.5219323

If it is an axiom that whatever tiny idea is scorned will become accepted in the future, child prostitution would be legal in the future, rape would be legal, and so would genocide. This isn't a hyperbolic straw man. This is what you're saying.

Livestock and domestic animals aren't important to the ecosystem, maybe within an agricultural one where their feces are used to fertilize the soil.
So it's wrong to torture animals, but what if we didn't? Are you saying eating meat bought from a farmer who free rangers is morally fine with you?

>> No.5219324

I never said race struggle isn't insulting. It is every bit as insulting as animal struggling because humans are animals too, so if you're against animal slaughter then you would be against human slaughter as well.

What I'm saying is that it's insulting that we think we're so superior to animals as to take away their children, torture them, and confine them in cages where they are not able to move nearly as enough as they need to. We are not as important to this Earth as animals. If we were to die off, ecosystems would not be disrupted very much. if animals were to die off, there would be ecosystem massively disordered and disrupted.

>> No.5219326


>If it is an axiom that whatever tiny idea is scorned will become accepted in the future, child prostitution would be legal in the future

Ever been to Thailand?

>> No.5219328

Then why don't you kill yourself? I'm not going to have children, so I'll be arguably doing much more for the ecosystem than any vegan that has 2.1 kids.

>> No.5219332

>a hog's struggle insults me as much as a human being's struggle
Keep digging that hole, you racist fuck.

>> No.5219336

Your post is so goddamn ignorant, I'm starting to get pissed.
Livestock animals are not keystone species. They have been selectively bred by humans for food for thousands and thousands of years. I don't believe in factory farming, but you're an idiot if you think human management of livestock isn't important. Have you ever seen what a herd of goats or sheep can do to a pasture in a day? If we weren't here to manage that, they would wipe out the ecosystems of much more important animals. Hogs would destroy important environments, kill and eat other species. Pigs are seriously destructive. Cattle, funnily enough, would be one of the least environmentally destructive livestock animals if left to the wild, but would still hurt the grazing lands. You have NO idea what you're talking about and are just spouting some incendiary bullshit fed to you by the biased heroes of your cause.

>> No.5219337


>I'm TOO OFFENDED to argue! so I win!

How about responding to the guy like an adult and not ignoring his arguments to dwell on some dumb point even you know is bullshit?

>> No.5219343 [DELETED] 

Is it gluten free?

>> No.5219356

It is true that livestock are not a keystone species, but they do play an important role in balancing and maintaining our ecosystem.

Alright, we do have a role in our ecosystems. We create biodiversity and if we were to be killed off, the ecosystem would be weakened. But we are more detrimental to our environment than we are beneficial. We are the largest polluters, and data suggests that we cause 95% of the acid deposition on Earth.

I'm not a misanthrope. I do love people, we really are fascinating and intelligent. However, I just hate what we do to other people/animals sometimes. I don't hate people as they are inherently, I just hate what we're doing

>> No.5219358

Animals will never contribute anything of importance to this universe. They are self-serving organic machines incapable of higher thought. On a cosmic scale, they are no more more important than a blade of grass or a grain of sand on a beach. They're an extension of nature in other words.

We on the other hand are capable of forging our own destinies, of making contributions to the arts, the sciences, the pursuit of knowledge, the understanding of the universe. Human kind has the potential to traverse the stars in the pursuit of knowledge and we may one day help another species, maybe we can be a force for good like in the Star Trek universe. Or we may destroy civilizations and eventually ourselves.

Our destiny is uncertain and we are gleaming with potential; unlike animals.

>> No.5219376

They why did the apes surpass humans in that one movie?

>> No.5219389

Oh You!

>> No.5219398

>Are you saying eating meat bought from a farmer who free rangers is morally fine with you?
I personally wouldn't eat it because I don't like treating animals like commodities, and I don't like the idea of an animal dying just so I can eat it, but it is a good compromise. I would be content if all of the meat eaten was treated humanely. However, it isn't very possible at all to provide meat to hundreds of thousands of people without cutting corners. But if it were possible, it would be a great compromise.

>maybe within an agricultural one where their feces are used to fertilize the soil.
how is that not important to us? we still eat vegetables and there are countries that have had to resort to trash due to the lack of good, cheap fertilizer.

I don't know what point you're trying to make with your first sentences... could you explain it further?

>> No.5219426

do you have any how many planets there are? Any idea how many get disintegrated by black holes, super novas/gamma ray bursts, galactic collisions (whole galaxies colliding into one another), falling into their own sun, getting engulfed when their suns go red dwarf, colliding with sun bound meteors and dwarf planets. I'm saying your argument is invalid because the whole of human kinda is insignificant. Everything we are and could be if going to disappear in a relatively short time (relative to the universe). Hell even if we had light travel today we would not be able to escape our own galaxy before it collides with andromeda . Point being everything we do is out of sentiment, since obviously nothing matters.

>> No.5219440
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But Bourdain's totally, utterly wrong. There are far more Jains and Buddhists in Asia who are conscientiously vegan than there are SWPLs who are. And nothing, not a word you've said, undermines the answer I gave to the OP: veganism is cheap and meat is a luxury.
I'm a different person from the dweeb going on about MLK, by the way.

>> No.5219445

We have a potential to leave this rock and spread out before such calamities may occur. What's your point? Humans are insignificant on a cosmic scale? Right now, sure. Give us 10,000 years and we can look like Star Trek. 10,000 years from now, pigs will still be playing around in their own shit. That's my point.

>> No.5219450

Alright, I agree with you there, I have nothing to say. But I'd appreciate it if we didn't call each other names here.

>> No.5219451

>I would be content if all of the meat eaten was treated humanely.
Not the poster you're replying to, but why should anyone give a fuck about what would make you content? I'm sure you enjoy the sound of your own voice, and spouting off about how things OUGHT to be is fun, in a very self-indulgent way.

But nobody has to care. Hell, I'm vegan, and I don''t give a fuck about one thing you've said in this thread.

You sound like an entitled 18 year old who just found their first cause, and wants to shove it into everybody's face. Because they know they're RIGHT, and they know everyone would agree with them if they'd only LISTEN.

So... fucking... tiresome.

>> No.5219460

If you didn't read past that Bourdain quote, then I have no use for you. That was just an example, not entirely relevant to the point. The fact that you CAN choose to only eat beans and lentils is a fucking luxury. You have the luxury of being able to pick and choose, for every meal, what you want to eat in minute detail. It is ABSOLUTELY a first world problem.

>> No.5219462

I think they can contribute things of importance. If you owned a pig, and built a relationship with it, and it reciprocated your feelings, making you feel happy, that is something important, in my opinion.
And even if they couldn't contribute anything at all, they still feel the same basic emotions we do. We are emotionally similar, which is why they do not deserve harm. They never did anything other than exist.

I agree animals cannot add anything to this world like art, or scientific discoveries, but does that mean they should be killed and abused?

>> No.5219468

My point is we're finished, it's inescapable. It's how we choose to spend the finite existence of our race that counts. Also 10k is not a reasonable time frame for evolution.

>> No.5219470

That poster is asking me if I would feel good if X happened, so I told him how it would make me feel.

Nobody needs to care about how I feel, but that poster was asking me how I would feel.

>> No.5219474

>the African American experience, the freedom rallies in the American 60s and the emancipation are bullshit
Even a vegan couldn't be so stupid as to believe something so cruel.

>> No.5219476

>all of these niche superfoods

you don't need niche superfoods. rice, beans, chickpeas, kale, spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, barley, whole wheat, corn, squash, yams, carrots... that pretty much is all of your nutritional needs covered, including b vitamins and protein. and despite what you may have heard about complete proteins, you don't need to eat it all in the same meal.

just go to the market and get whatever vegetables are in season. supplement with rice, beans, yams and corn. you'll be fine.

>> No.5219478

I don't build a relationship with bacon and pork chops, I eat them!

Try it sometime and stop being a faggot.

>> No.5219480

Do you know what nature is? It's survival. Survival every second, of every day, until an animal succumbs to predation, sickness, or the elements. It's kill or be killed. That is what animals "deserve" outside of factory farming.

>> No.5219486

Which is why we shouldn't purposely impose these events on animals. Allow them to die of natural causes, whether it be being eaten by a predator, or eating something poisonous, etc.

>> No.5219496


the words 'privilege' and 'luxury' are not interchangeable.

yes, it is a privilege to be able to reject meat when it is available, but you are also at the very same time rejecting a luxury.

I am a meat eater, but I recognize that meat is very resource-intensive to produce. first-weterners refusing to eat meat is actually pretty good for non-westerners because it reduces our ecological impact, which indirectly benefits them.

I don't think anyone in this thread is being all "fucking african peasants, can't into veganism, why are they eating so inefficiently if they're so poor?" so I don't know why getting all mad about privilege is particularly relevant to the matter at hand...

>> No.5219498

>Which is why we shouldn't
>we shouldn't

I'm sorry, but why shouldn't we kill animals for food again? Because it hurts your feelings?

Oh okay. Ethical veganism in a nutshell.

>> No.5219503

I've raised pigs, they don't make you happy. They're nasty brutish animals, and I was glad to butcher them when the time came.

>> No.5219513


if you suggest that non-sentient beings deserve compassion similar to that we give humans, I think you're going to run into difficulties on where you draw the line. how stupid does an animal need to get before you don't have to be concerned about it? do insects deserve respect? how about microorganisms? or plants?

I think the rational arguments against large-scale meat production are:

1. cruelty against animals desensitizes us to cruelty in general, producing cruel humans, which is detrimental to us;

2. factory farm conditions and the overuse of antibiotics and similar substances produces dangerous diseases, particularly antibiotic-resistant ones, which is detrimental to us;


3. factory farming has ecological consequences, particularly with meat which is very resource-instensive, and destroying our environment is detrimental to us.

all of that being said, I don't think there's a necessary reason to never eat meat. just that the large-scale production of meat for consumption has negative consequences that we need to deal with.

>> No.5219518

Did you slaughter them, too, or just butcher them? I can butcher any animal, no problem, but I've never slaughtered one. Wouldn't know how.

>> No.5219521

Stop simplifying things.

>> No.5219525

and yet the people who can't afford to choose are eating largely the same things as me, because that's what's cheap.
and, again, you're not even close to presenting an argument as to why people with significant consumer choices shouldn't go vegan. as if it would somehow help people in the third world if i ran out and bought a tub of mcnuggets. in fact, broader veganism in the first world would lower food prices worldwide and significantly reduce starvation and malnutrition. something like 50% of plant crop production currently goes like livestock feed.

>> No.5219526

>stop describing things in an accurate and concise manner

>> No.5219538


People die all the time in nature too. Should we be allowed to kill each other?

>> No.5219548

We draw the line at organism that are able to feel pain and suffering, and if they aren't threatening us. Plants cannot feel pain nor are they threatening to us. Microorganisms deserve compassion when they aren't threatening to us. Insects deserve compassion when they are not threatening to us. If a spider is about to bite you, you reserve the right to kill it. Same with animals. I feel so strongly about livestock because they're not harming us. They are coming to our houses and biting our legs off or something, nor do they want to do that or something similar.

>> No.5219550

Silage (that's 'animal feed' to a vegan because none of you know anything about agriculture) is 80-90% made up of parts of plants that are either inedible for human beings or just not tasty and the rest is grass/hay/petals/etc. Things like... mash leftover from brewing beer to wheat chaff from grinding flour to corn cobs and leaves and so on and so on and so on. You could argue that it'd go to better uses, such as compost, but to say that farmers grow plants specifically to feed animals is not only wrong but another example of the sort of lies that vegan organisations pass off as truth to their followers.

Secondly, vegan white people European/North American interest in quinoa has ruined life for millions of human beings in South America.



>> No.5219570

>microorganisms deserve compassion

your position is ridiculous.

>> No.5219577

>implying most livestock are fed silage
More like corn and soy. Something like 90% of the soy grown worldwide is used as animal feed--and yet paranoiacs like you try to blame vegans for deforestation.
setting aside that it's hardly just vegans who are eating it, the quinoa thing is bullshit, too, by the way. price increases for an export good benefit the exporting country. pretty simple microeconomics.

>> No.5219581

Well, it'd be hypocritical of me to think that insects deserve compassion, but microorganisms don't because they're below insects.

>> No.5219588

ive been toying with going vegetarian or vegan so far i have failed several times.

>> No.5219592

animals are fed silage and you're just buttmad that someone knows better than you do
and you proved now that you care more about your steady diet of quinoa and hyperbullshit than you do about the suffering of human beings in south america. if you cared as much about people as you do about a fucking chicken, you'd give up quinoa, too. but no: you can't.
> >>5219297 It's arrogant and it's selfish.
to continue to buy and eat quinoa when you know it causes the suffering of millions of human lives. i guess so long as no petaphiles make videos in bolivia about it, it doesn't matter to you, though.
another example of vegan racism: chickens are more deserving of sympathy than hispanic people

>> No.5219593

>no bacon
Can't deal with it. Vegan bacon is disgustingly bad.

>> No.5219605

>to continue to buy and eat quinoa when you know it causes the suffering of millions of human lives.

I've never tried quinoa, actually. my main wholegrain is oatmeal. but thanks for the accusations.

>> No.5219606

those articles are bullshit and have been repeatedly debunked. it's really, really, simple, actually. if you make your living by producing a certain product, and the market price of that product goes up, you become richer. if you don't believe me, listen to some actual quinoa farmers:
http://www npr org/blogs/thesalt/2013/07/16/202737139/is-our-love-of-quinoa-hurting-or-helping-farmers-who-grow-it
and, again, i'm not the mlk guy.

>> No.5219622

so vegan is a no go?

>> No.5219634

beef is pretty humane right?

>> No.5219645

>every reputable news agency in the world is wrong
>mother nature network and npr are right
Wonder what the likelihood of that happening might be...
Here's an example. Do you drink coffee? Yes? Ever been to Indonesia? No? I have. Know what they export tonnes of? Coffee. Know what they drink? Instant coffee. They don't brew fresh coffee themselves. Know why? They can't afford it. Same is true for Bolivia and quinoa. Same is true for many nations and their cash crops and other resources.
Not convinced? Myanmar's main export is petroleum. It makes up nearly half of their economy, yet cars are a relative rarity there. Why? They can't afford the petrol.
Burundi's main exports are coffee and gold. Know what they drink instead of coffee? Water. Because they can't afford coffee. And they're not wearing gold chains while they drink their water, either.
Ivory coast's main export is cacao. How many of them do you think have had chocolate? surprisingly few. Why? Cuz they can't afford to.
You. Are. An. Idiot.

>> No.5219653

For me, eating vegan is usually the cheapest way.
Eat healthily as a vegan is suprisingly expensive though. You can't live off carbs, broccoli and onions forever. Also vegan milk alternatives tend to be really shitty health wise despite their branding.
I'm a semi-vegetarian. I eat fish. This is a very cheap and reasonably healthy option seemingly, i'm in good shape.

>> No.5219654

I don't think there are any Ocean State Job Lots in the South but they're a great store to check out for health food deals. Sometimes hit or miss but if they get a lot of stock from a decent sized store closure/overstock it's usually a great deal.

>> No.5219658
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>this whole thread

>> No.5219661

and if we didn't consume these products, the people there wouldn't be better off. they'd be far worse off--they wouldn't have any income.
this is fairly simple economics. if the supply of a product is relatively fixed, and demand goes up, then the market price goes up. this increases the income of the people who produce the product. these countries are not mining gold or growing coffee, or agreeing to export them to foreigners, because there's nothing in it for them.

>> No.5219666

I think it's great to maintain a mostly plant-based diet. Meat is good in small quantities, but everything in extremes is bad. Veganism is bad. Vegetarianism is bad. Meattarianism is bad. 100g of meat/fish/legumes daily is really all you need.

>> No.5219669

so is that a yes or a no on the vegan thing i dont like suffering in general.

>> No.5219682

Yo... you really don't understand. Dear me, I thought you might have just been trolling or something but no: you really just don't get it.
Sorry if I came across rude earlier. Allow me to explain.
Those growing the quinoa can afford to eat it, sure.
Those who bought the quinoa from the growers before interest in quinoa from NA and EU began now no longer can. Just as most people aren't bakers, most Bolivians aren't quinoa farmers. The farmers can still eat, sure, but their neighbours are no longer able to.

>> No.5219689


>You can't live off carbs, broccoli and onions forever

Everyone else in the world does

>> No.5219692

ive always been on the fence about stuff.

>> No.5219695

No they don't.

>> No.5219697

The slaughter itself is. Some of the stuff involved in the keeping of the cows and production of the meat is fucking gross though. At least in my experience, having worked on a guy's farm for a few months. I've not worked in a slaughterhouse or in meat production but I know people that have and obviously as a farmer I heard about it.

Personally I think you've either got to overlook/be ignorant about it, buy only fresh(black market is probably your best option here) meat or not eat it at all.

>> No.5219702

so what do you eat i try eating just beans out of a can but im so alone.

>> No.5219705

if it were such a vital resource, if exporting it were a net negative, the government wouldn't allow it to be exported. you know they do have a government down there, yeah? a left-wing one that's not exactly pro-usa? the quinoa farmers are spending their increased income on other products in bolivia. yes, some people are shifting away from quinoa to other foods (which if you actually read the articles you're posting, is what they're saying is happening). they're not starving as a result--hunger and malnutrition are actually falling in bolivia.
brb, gonna make some quinoa scallion pancakes. yum!

>> No.5219707

yeah, no they don't. please don't base your diet on poverty stricken third world countries. you'd really be surprised by how much they do value meat too.
you have to have some unessential priviledges to be able to choose veganism over starvation or early death. I've travelled to a lot of countries across the world and I can't think of anywhere that selectively lives exclusively off carbs and veges. You just can't do it healthily without a lot of knowledge and money.

>> No.5219713


>you'd really be surprised by how much they do value meat too.

They value it because it's rare, because they mainly eat carbs and vegetables. I'm not saying third-worlders automatically have healthier diets, just saying that's what they get by on, and coincidentally it's a great foundation for a healthy diet.

>> No.5219720


>so what do you eat


>> No.5219721

Short answer, yes. I have been vegan all through college.

>> No.5219723

Foundation. With a crown of meat, eggs and dairy.

>> No.5219725


I was going more for a foundation to add fruits, nuts, and mushrooms to, assuming "carbs" includes whole grains and legumes

>> No.5219726

And a crown of meat, eggs and dairy.

>> No.5219729

I eat veges, fruit and non massively cal dense carbs mainly. I eat fish though, I find it much less disgusting than live stock meat. I also eat quite a lot of eggs which is pretty controversial health wise.
My dad is a full vegetarian and he's lived healthily off cheap veges, dairy, bread, rice, beans and junk for like 35 years(not whole life), lol.

>> No.5219733


I live in California. All of our superfoods are bullshit. They take regular food, extract the fat from it using some crazy industrial process, and call it organic.

its all bs. just eat what looks good.

>> No.5219734


Sure, a very small crown worn a few times a year

>> No.5219741

Wasn't this thread about how to be a vegetarian on a budget? What the fuck happened?

>> No.5219744

>bolivia's government cares about bolivians
Not unless they speak Spanish. Runakuna/Quichoa people, the ones who rely on quinoa, receive no aid from the government. Only extreme discrimination. That's why it's allowed for export.

>> No.5219745

Why are the ones that don't have regular access to meat always skinny as fuck then?
It might be more visually appealing than obese westerner, but it's not healthy and it's indicative of them not eating enough protein and/or food in general. Both of these issues can be resolved with meat.
It really isn't just a taste rarity thing. They see meat, like rice/grain, as proper fuel and they almost always take it over healthy veges because it will actually keep them alive.

>> No.5219748

vegans confirmed for genocidal douchebags.

>> No.5219750

Depends on how much variety you like.

potatoes/tomatoes/melons all tend to be pretty cheap, and beans/rice/pasta are dirt cheap. Grapes are expensive as fuck, blueberries/blackberries/raspberries are expensive as fuck, asparagus/broccoli are expensive as fuck, almonds/cashews/any nut besides peanuts are pretty expensive.

I spend about 100 dollars per week on food as a Vegan, if I stuck to just beans/rice/pasta/apples/bananas/carrots i could probably do 20-25 dollars.

>> No.5219752

are you trying to be vegan or vegetarian? make up your mind. also protein and b vitamins shouldnt be a problem. broccoli is the most protein dense naturally occuring food. what you should be worried about is iron and calcium.
TL;DR you dont even know what your talking about, keep eating meat

>> No.5219753


whenever vegetarianism, tipping, or GMOs come up, /ck/ takes it as free license to discuss geo/pol/itics, feminism, race relations, gun control, and europe vs. murrka

look at it as a containment system if you like

>> No.5219760


>Why are the ones that don't have regular access to meat always skinny as fuck then?

Because that's what a human looks like by default if they aren't fat and they don't lift weights. The healthiest people in the world aren't the buff guys or even what we would consider normal in the western world, it's the little skinny guys who get moderate aerobic exercise

>> No.5219764

Or week. That's how I do it, anyway.

I eat meat, but it's not an integral part of my cooking or native cuisine. Eggs and dairy are more important to use because meat animals are fuckhuge. Even something small like a cockerel.
An average-sized chicken provides meat enough for nine adult-sized portions for my family, but to the American/North European diet, an average-sized chicken literally feeds only 2-4.
These people eat too much meat. You people eat not enough meat. Just a small bit every now and again, and you're golden. Keeps everything going well. Considering there are several centenarians in my family, I think we're doing something right.

>> No.5219771

if the government's practically murdering them, why do they support morales (himself indigenous)? it's almost as though you're just making shit up out of some pathetic need to prop up a "liberal do-gooders are the real villains" narrative.
your arguments go against the whole idea of international trade--something that's essential to the standard of living of almsot everyone on the planet.

>> No.5219779


>> No.5219787

Cognitive dissonance. Most vegans have no problem buying apple products made in sweat shops in china, clothes made by 12 year olds in Vietnam, or eating chocolate picked by child slaves in the Ivory Coast

>> No.5219791

oh, well, i guess they don't support him after all. never mind what elections returns say. some sjw on the internet badly needs to believe that trade is evil.
why does veganism grind your gears so bad? people don't get like this over any other food issue. there isn't some big collective of people dreaming up nonsense arguments about why locavores or organic-food people are evil.

>> No.5219792

I'm not particularly well versed on the politics of Bolivia, or how each indigenous group feels about one another, but I know Morales was elected in large part because of the indigenous population(s) of Bolivia, perhaps it was just the Aymara though

>> No.5219794
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I'm a poor college vegetarian living in the south. I'm eating a collard green, sweet pepper, onion and carrot stir-fry right now.
You have to eat lots of beans, nuts, vegetables and whole grains and drink tons of water or you'll feel like shit.

>> No.5219810

aymara people are a dominant minority in bolivia. runakuna/quichoa are treated badly by them. aymara do not eat quinoa. it is not a common food for them. runakuna people are starve because they no more can afford quinoa. they eat potatoes still and greens and beans but quinoa is too much expensive for runakuna people now.

>> No.5219827
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>> No.5219966

I'm vegan and I agree completely. Never understood why people think veganism means an either healthier or less healthy diet. You can be vegan and still eat french fries and other junk - as I often do, and you can be an omnivore and be super healthy and fit at the same time by simply not eating junk food.

>> No.5219975

>le epic vegan meat thrad!

>> No.5220255

while it sucks that factory farming has to happen in order to provide large societies with meat the fact is that it has to happen. you expect ma and pa farms to feed every meat eating person in the world? i agree if there was an alternative i would embrace it but the whole ban factory farming thing is just idealistic and anybody who is in support of that has not seen the numbers. although people are trying to make insects a thing in western places which is pretty cool. but its a matter of time before people are boycotting the factor farmed insects

>> No.5221083


The best answer here. Simple and to the point. Any human in the world could live off these things. And the combinations are endless.

>> No.5221086
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Why can't vegans just not eat animals because they don't like eating animals? I don't question you when you say you don't want to eat a certain vegetable. I don't give you the third degree when you say you don't like a certain company or politician.

I don't want to eat meat or dairy. That doesn't mean you get to verbally assault me about Chinese child labor... For fuck's sake.

>> No.5221155

I eat meat and there is nothing you grasseaters can do about it.

And oh yeah, factory farming will continue forever.


>> No.5221448

Of course. Rawfoodism. I'm serious, check it.