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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5215630 No.5215630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that the USA has the best cheese? We have had centuries of immigration, unlike europeans whose countries all have just 1 ethnicity, which means we can get nearly every cheese from around the world in addition to our own excellent cheeses. We also have supermarkets to allow us to buy such a large selection. We have the widest and the best variety of most foods unlike other countries where they stick to their own national dishes. I love this country.

>> No.5215648
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>mfw people WILL fall for this bait

>> No.5215809

also the best sausages and generally everything

>> No.5215810

also best women cus you can hook up with any race

>> No.5215815
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The reason why Europeans can't appreciate our innovative new cheeses is because they fear change. They think tradition is good because it's old, which is really stupid when you think about it because in reality innovation is good because it's new. For another example look at how our craft beers are revered around the world now and everyone is imitating us, except the rotten, decrepit, outdated beer culture of Europe which fears true flavor.

Yes, it's obvious foreigners can't handle flavor which is why America has a huge variety of hot sauces and China/Japan basically just has Sriracha.

>> No.5215822

I agree. All europoors drink exactly the same flat beers in the name of tradition, and 1 or 2 types of cheese. They secretly wish they had the variety we can get at walmart and other places instead of eating the same 3 types of cheese all of the time.

>> No.5215826
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I know this is bait but the sheer wrongness of this thread still makes me want to go out and beat an amerifat to death.

>> No.5215833

Yeah why would I eat swiss or nasty ass brie when I can have pepper jack? Do they even know what pepper jack is? I doubt it, it's probably banned by the nanny state.

>> No.5215959

While this is bait, there really is spectacular cheese being made in the US.

It's like beer or wine. Eurofags compare mass market US brands to high end European goods and call the US shit. Amerifats deny the existence of cheap shit and claim they only make artisanal goods.

Everyone eats cheap and nasty fucking cheese. Everyone drinks cheap and nasty beer.
Everyone drinks bad wine.

If you think I'm wrong look at the top sellers in your country, it's a mass market plastic cheese, a light lager, and some shit wine.

>> No.5215989

>Can we all agree that the USA has the best cheese?
We have some of the best cheese, for sure. Holland Family Cheese in Throp, WI is a great example. World class cheesemaking in the middle of fucking nowhere. And there are hundreds like them in the USA.

*Unfortunately most of the cheese you'll find in a supermarket is shit tier. That's true of American food in general. We have some of the best stuff in the world, but you have to seek it out. If you just stick with the default levels represented in most restaurants and supermarkets you're eating garbage. It seems most Americans are happy to eat garbage, unfortunately.

>> No.5216725

>pepper jack

get on my level plebe. motherfucking HABANERO CHEDDAR is a flavor spice explosion.