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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5214062 No.5214062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>against meat industry
>all their foods mimic the meat industry products

Meat eaters 1
Vegs 0

(it was an owngoal btw)

>> No.5214065

We already know that vegetarians are fucking retarded.

>> No.5214070

I eat meat and I generally dislike the vegetarian products that imitate meat, but I like the ones that serve as meat alternatives while not trying to taste like meat. Specifically the gardenburger, they're fucking amazing they just taste like cheesy mushroom patties.

>> No.5214075

>against meat industry
>eat things that don't support the meat industry instead of things that do

>> No.5214092

I'm not following your logic OP.

>> No.5214146

instead of creating a dish that everyone can enjoy by utilizing the ingredients well, they instead make a dish only vegetarians/vegans will eat and only becuase they can't eat meat, not because they want to eat something other than meat.

>> No.5214153

i feel the same way, its like that Mitch Hedberg skit about turkey. Just be yourself man.

I love veggie sandwiches and felafels and shit like that. I just went to a veggie restaurant that just imitated real dishes. Had a fried beef dish which kinda tasted like beef but had a real nutty after taste and it got real sickening halfway through. Had some of my girls fake chicken and the same deal.

>> No.5214158

>driving a car
>not knowing that there are adhesives in the car which have ingredients that come from animals

>> No.5214175


>making assumptions

>> No.5214178


Are you seriously that much of a baby about your diet that you'd be unable to enjoy a lentil burger?

>> No.5214181

>using gasoline
>people that extracted gasoline consume animals
>you contribute to the killing of animals by using gasoline.

>> No.5214271

I had veggie pizza once
it tasted like shit when hot
it was okay when cold though

>> No.5214283

all pizza is veggie pizza

>> No.5214309

well oil comes from the dinosaurs, so it's an animal product.

>> No.5214334

Its entirely inferior to a meat burger and eating it is a waste of my calorific allowance when superior burgers exist and superior meat-free dishes exist.

>> No.5214481


not if you use meat sauce, meat dough, and meat cheese.

>> No.5214489

Meat dough seems reasonable enough, but meat cheese sounds like somebody stuffed the holes in swiss with ground beef

>> No.5214502

Lentil patties taste better and are healthier.

>> No.5214519
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>> No.5214549

I don't see the problem here. If a person becomes vegan or vegetarian because they don't want animals to suffer or they just don't want to eat products from an animal then what's the problem with them imitating dishes which they grew up on?

>> No.5214686

I'm one of those vegetarians that still eats eggs, no milk though. I never understood why people who only eat plants wanted to make some artificial food to mimic meat, I never understand what in the world they are thinking.

I eat plants because I like to eat plants... meat makes me sick.

>> No.5214689

garden burger and other types of "meat" patties held together by processed greasy soy make me so sick... I only bought it because of the coupon... never again.

>> No.5214749

I was watching this youtube channel called veganzombie. I weeped for the guy. He made a "phily cheesesteak sandwich" out of this vegan crap called "seitan". that thing looked nasty as fuck- like a dried turd and was tedious to make. in another instance, he made chili... with cashews. oh and he used this crap called daiya as a cheese substitute. His cheese sauce for a mac and cheese dish looked so dry and artificial. Oh and he used an ungodly amount of spice in everything (hmm I wonder why).

I just think it's sad. These people obviously like normal people food, that's why they're trying to recreate it with sub par ingredients.

If you don't like meat then go vegetarian. I could see myself doing a vegetarian diet since italian food is my favorite and meat really isn't required there. Veganism is just a step too far, a step too retarded.

>> No.5214773

Most vegans/vegetarians do not eat like that every day. Some do I am sure, but they are fucking retards.

With substitutes, people aim to replicate the feeling and emotions tied to the dish. Mac and cheese is a good example. When someone aims to make a vegan mac and cheese, they want an ooey-gooey comforting starch bomb. It's the sensation of comfort / nostalgia people are usually aiming to replicate, as opposed to the dish itself. They don't care for the normal, non-vegan version of mac and cheese, but still want the feelings they get when they eat it.

Oh, and setian is delicious . It looks like fucking dog food, but it's actually really tasty.

>> No.5214778

most vegetarians don't know about Indian cuisine. Seriously largest percentage of vegans and vegetarians in the world and so much variety in regional cuisine. Not to mention cheat as fuck.

>> No.5214780

I've always wondered how in-depth veganism could be.

Not just gasoline, but other things. Tires are made from animal products. Lubricants are made from animal products. It wouldn't surprise me if certain chemicals like coolant, hydraulic fluids, and windshield washer was made from animals.

Even ROADS are made from animals. Even if you never drive in your life and make your own shoes, you're still gonna be walking on reconstituted animal parts if you wish to be a part of civilization.

I wonder where they draw the line.

>> No.5214781

huge parts of asian, middle eastern, and african cuisine are completely vegan/vegetarian, and were created to be that way. these are the kinds of dishes the majority of vegetarians/vegans eat.

my observation is that generally vegans/vegetarians eat better than normal people, because their diets force them to learn to cook and learn to use herbs and spices

>> No.5214785

uhhh that's not true. Sensible vegetarians in their 30's and 40's eat that way, I would not say that constitutes much of a majority in the group.

>> No.5214787

... I meant in the US, obviously the world majority is not that fickle.

>> No.5214798
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>there are people who dont learn to cook well until their 30s

good grief

>> No.5214803
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>not against the meat industry. eat meat often.
>also eat "imitations" and "mimic" meals often as well because they're simply delicious too

I win.

>> No.5214808

nothing teaches you to cook like having mouths to feed.

>> No.5214810

i know this is a troll thread, but of course we like the taste and texture of meat retard (can't speak for everyone though). we just don't agree with where it comes from and how it's treated.

>> No.5214817

...I thought we were mostly in it for health, and environmentally sound land usage.

>> No.5214830

but most people have a mouth or two to feed from 18??

do they have such little self-respect that they dont think its worth cooking for themselves?

>> No.5214843

really who in the first world has kids at 18 anymore? (latinos aside)
Idk I think kids really put a lot of things in perspective for people.

>> No.5214845

I know quite a few people who had kids at 18 or under. The last person I know who had a kid was 20. It happens a lot outside of the latino community. Bitches are retarded.

>> No.5214847

the 2nd mouth was a gf/bf...
only on 4chan

>> No.5214855

oh guess that's true... I always assumes bf/gf's both had jobs/ contributed. I guess that still means they need to eat.

>> No.5215149


>eating it is a waste of my calorific allowance

Lentils are one of the healthiest foods you can eat

>and superior meat-free dishes exist

Why does it bother you if someone wants a damn sandwich? Are you going to yell at people who eat turkey burgers too for not using beef?

>> No.5215159

the production of vegetarian/vegan meat imitation foods is probably more disgusting that meat itself.
however - most vegans/vegetarians eat it for the fact that it doesn't have meat/dairy in it. thus it fits into their unessential dietary restrictions, even if it is total shit.

no h8 for vegans or veges, just not a fan of these sort of things.

>> No.5215163

fucking damn it i didn't sleep enough last night and keep making stupid mistakes in general life