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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 450x253, Paleo Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5208658 No.5208658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I was thinking of taking up the paleo diet, and I had a few questions.

1. Is it legal in most states to hunt deer by following them for hours until they drop from exhaustion?
2. Where does one obtain human flesh?
4. I have to take daily medicines, which of course did not exist back then. How did cavemen take insulin shots?

>> No.5208692

The answer to question 3 is very involved and technical. I'd suggest you google it.

>> No.5208698
File: 16 KB, 641x651, lone ranger smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I hate shitposts, but this one was pretty good. I like you, OP.

>> No.5210532

1. Your hunting permit will be for a specific area. If you choose to persistence hunt, it's highly probable the animal will leave your assigned area.

>> No.5210562

>1. Is it legal in most states to hunt deer by following them for hours until they drop from exhaustion?
Spear Hunting legislation varies by state but mostly falls under the jurisdiction of bow hunting.
2. Bribing mortuaries to give you corpses meant for cremation is a good place to start. Nobody has to know if those ashes are from a human or a bunch of weeds from the owner's garden.
3. Un gwada ding dyo.
4. Mostly by dying.

>> No.5210793

Fuck you OP, I almost spit milk on my keyboard.

>> No.5210807

but seriously...

Spend the $20 to get a hunting license
you can find white women at clubs, on campus, in Bed, Bath and Beyond(prime hunting ground)
sacrifice a goat and smear feces and blood all over your body to ward off evil

>> No.5210827

*spits drink on monitor*

oh man, OP, just too fucking funny. 10/10 man, I'm dying over here in tears right now

>> No.5210921

I'm legitimately curious about the first question.

>> No.5211250

Chase them in circles. Duh.