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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5207695 No.5207695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Supermarket thread

Observed today a shop assistant explaining to an indian man that no matter how hard he tries, the barcode scanner on the self service machine will not scan his lime.

>> No.5207719
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Man I fucking hate Indians, their ugliness, their stench, their terrible accents, EVERYTHING.

Also fuck those retards who start fumbling for their wallets at the checkout, WHAT I HAVE TO PAY WHAT A SURPRISE OK WAIT WHILE I LOOK FOR MY SHIT AND PISS OFF EVERYBODY BEHIND ME

>> No.5207725

>People cutting coupons out after their items have been rung up.
Death is too humane for them

>> No.5207726

>family of mexicans
>express checkout
>like 50 items
Every single time

>> No.5207734


Fuck self checkout I'd rather go through the line

>m-muh not wanting to interact with humans on some days
Fuck off, all they do is take your money and count your change. Takes like 10 secs.

>> No.5207735

worst shit ever is dipshits that go up to the ticket gate at a train station and just then start digging out their pass.

i really don't understand what's so hard about the concept of getting your fucking wallet out ahead of time when you know you'll need something from it.

>> No.5207751

I just like that I don't have to take my headphones off, because I'm not rude enough to keep them on while I'm going to a human till.

>> No.5207772

>I just like that I don't have to take my headphones off
Now that's a new level of sociopathic autism at work. Frightening.

>> No.5207790

I only use self checkout if I'm there for like 1-3 items

even then, I'd still rather take the express lane if it's empty

>> No.5207795

>ask lady working in produce department if they throw out much produce
>she says no

>> No.5207798

not even a little

>> No.5207797
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>> No.5207808

>working at supermarket fish counter
>customer sees "color added" label on farmed salmon
>"ewww, they put dye in that fish?!?"
>no ma'am, [insert conversation about carotenoids in fish feed here]
>"...the more questionable thing about farmed salmon is ecological, there's some debate about what happens if farmed fish escape their enclosures, and the amount of smaller fish that have to be caught to feed the farms, among other concerns"
>her: "I don't even care about environmental stuff"
I fucking hate people sometimes. Admitting that you're a selfish cunt doesn't make it any more acceptable.

>> No.5207845

Middle-age to old women.

You haven't got Alzheimer's yet so stop fucking acting like it.

>> No.5207853

I worked at a doughnut shop. People would ask if we threw out many doughnuts to get free ones. I also said no. Because that shit is obnoxious. She was probably going down the same line of thinking. Why were you asking if you already knew anyways?

>> No.5207854

>see single guys with a cart full of colon cancer
>never see them with ingredients

>> No.5207956

She didn't want to hear a fucking lecture about fish ecology from a guy at the supermarket fuck nut

>> No.5207963

Oh god, you work at a fish counter and educate people about ecological damage of fish, are you mental?

>> No.5207964

i do that all the time, but i am intensely sociopathic

i got hit on last time i was at the supermarket, by a straight man confusing me for a beautiful woman
he was intensely upset by my face and voice

well gee, i'm sorry

>> No.5207968 [DELETED] 


>> No.5207971 [DELETED] 

>but i am intensely sociopathic
More like intensely socially retarded.

>> No.5207977

>i hate people and interacting
>i don't understand people and interacting
What's the difference?
You just wanted to say a bad word?

>> No.5207983

My sides

>> No.5207985

>people who are so stupid they cant operate a self scan checkout
>they complain about it on the internet later in the day
>they make the same mistakes next time
>complain about it again

>> No.5207993 [DELETED] 

Sociopath has different connotations. I think you want to turn your social retardation into an edgy, dark, amoral thing.

>> No.5207994


The only reason I stopped using self-checkout is because of the PLACE ITEM IN BAGGING AREA problems I keep having when I use one. Are they always so finicky?

>> No.5207997

No, you're just so retarded you probably have a name like Cooter or Thud.

99% of people manage
You do not.

>> No.5207999

They're fucking hell

I avoid them and still check out fast

>> No.5208003

at my grocer, all the produce has stickers with barcodes on them

>> No.5208006

I would only use them if I got a discount, I will not let some greedy company out Jew me.

>> No.5208008

I watched a middle aged woman have a tantrum because she wasn't allowed 4 boxes of paracetamol.

>> No.5208012

>This January
>supermarket announces that they're having a year long 4% (4%!!!!) discount
>every poor minority within a 100 mile radius catches wind
>except for the part about it being year long and not just this one day
>every poor minority within a 100 mile radius rushes to this store to buy as much food as they can fit into their carts, lest they miss out on this valuable one time offer
I shit you not I was in the grocery store for 8 hours; lines were stretched from the register to the end of the aisle in each of the 20 aisles
I only stayed because I was making a special trip to the place and was already halfway done with my shopping when the bumrush came

>> No.5208026

You scan the item, then you place it in the bagging area to be weight-verified. One item at a time. It's not hard.

>> No.5208041

Eh, there are plenty of reasons to prefer self checkout, they aren't all autistic.

For instance, I go to the supermarket closest to my house a lot, and they have really low turnover. This means I KNOW who is going to be checking me out most of the time. Yes, I don't want to deal with the supertrash who doubles the amount of time I spend in line bullshitting with each person about how his woman cheated on him or Obama conspiracies. There's another guy that looks very much like a slug and moves about as quickly. Not sure how he hasn't gotten fired, because the fucker can't into arithmetic, always have to double check my change.

I go to Safeway exclusively on Fridays since they aren't close but the deals sometimes justify it. The closest one is a block down from a gigantic old people storage complex. It's like swimming through molasses already just shopping, I don't need to get in line behind the endless stream of grandmas that can't be assed to get their fucking coupons and cash ready, but the self checkouts are always open because computers are hard.

>> No.5208077

>intensely sociopathic
>i got hit on last time i was at the supermarket, by a straight man confusing me for a beautiful woman
he was intensely upset by my face and voice

How are these related? Do you think being sociopathic means looking like a girl?

>> No.5208082

More like Tyrese or Shanayqwa

>> No.5208089

>implying the vast majority of mtfs aren't sociopathic

>> No.5208096

Agreed, but I don't think it was implying that.

>> No.5208141

Parts of 2nd world countries, pickpocketing is rampant and some people just end up being overly watchful of their wallets. It's easy to steal some moron's wallet right by theme park entrances near the ticket line.

>> No.5208155

He obviously isn't from a 2nd world country or he wouldn't have said that.

>> No.5208170

>walking in the super market
>organic prunes are for sale
>fuck yeah

now I've got prunes for the week.

>> No.5208185

Prunes are carcinogenic.

>> No.5208241

The store I work at has a really sweet set up. There's the scanner/scale, two belts (one "checks" the item, the next delivers it to the next section), and then the big ass bagging area. Of course, there are still problems, but they're easily mitigated. The problem with it is that almost every self-checkout area is weight based, so if it's just slightly off it can cause problems.

>> No.5208259

>Would you like to donate to _blank_
>Do I get to write my name on a sign?
>Then I ain't donating

>Yes, we have these little hand things and you can write your name in

>Always sign as superhero alter egos, like Frank Castle.

>> No.5208266

>Actually placing your goods in the bagging area
There's your problem, I just put them on the ground next to it.

>> No.5208297

>Self checkout, Belgium supermarket (was on holidays)
>For a book
>Pass item
>Pass item again
>shake item in front of the reader
500€ worth of books
>Oh, they don't have a bagging area here, and there is lag...

>> No.5208334

It always makes a 2 second delay to avoid this exact situation from happening.

>> No.5208339

Sunday evening I was in a super walmart. Let me paint the scene: There were six regular (ie, not self checkout) registers open, two of those registers were 20 items or less, every open register had a line approximately 10-15 people deep.

I've got probably 45 items in my basket, I've found the shortest, fastest moving line and committed to it. Little did I know what I had to look forward to.

There's a family of black women shopping together at the head of the line, one in her mid 40s, one in her late teens/early 20s and an infant in a car seat. Between the two adults they have two baskets of shit.

What ever is going on at the head of the line is chaos. The clerk has been ringing them up for 30 minutes, I've been in line 45 minutes and only one customer has completed their transaction.

I look ahead to see the clerk is taking already scanned and bagged items from their basket and is re-examining them.

I can only assume that these idiots have confused their food stamp eligible products with their non-food stamp eligible products, and now the clerk is going to have to remove all of those items.

Meanwhile the woman in front of me is tormenting her bratty cunt of a 7 year old daughter, who is crying and throwing a tantrum because she can't have the pair of glittery cowboy boots she wants.

>BBBBBUUUUTTTT MA~sob~MA~sob! I WA~sob~NT TH~sob~EM!
>You know what you missed? Miss Alexander brought Kolache for breakfast and you were asleep.

At this point, I've had enough, I move my basket out of the line, wish the very nice hispanic lady behind me good luck, and walk out.

>> No.5208346

I forgot to mention that after 30 minutes of checking, the clerk has only made it through most of the first basket.

>> No.5208350

>Not going through that line that divides between 4-8 micro manned tills

Seriously, that line is always as long as the other lines, but has 4 times as many cashiers. It is always going to be the faster and you never get stalled by retards like that.

Don't think you take a cart in there thoug, you so you might have been fucked anyways.

>> No.5208351


>> No.5208358

I have never encountered that.

The only time it yells at me is if I put something on it then move it.

So I stopped putting things on it.

>> No.5208359

I work at a Waitrose and just cringe at how people pronounce things
"where are the jalla-pen-os?"

>> No.5208365

That's not something our stores do. We've got conventional lines or supervised self checkout registers which are useless if you're buying more than will fit into the pitifully small bagging area.

>> No.5208369

I guess there's a setting you can change, but every self checkout I've ever seen has demanded that any item I scan be placed into the bagging area.

>> No.5208391

I like to use the self checkout to unload my change. I'd feel like an asshole giving the clerk a handfull, but the machine doesn't care.

>> No.5208399

You just like jamming things into slots and cannot look people in the eye while you do it

>> No.5208397

clerks much prefer receiving loads of change than giving it out

>> No.5208407

>price was £6.05
>hand over £10.05
>they give me the 5p back and say "it's only SIX"

At first I thought it was a dream.

>> No.5208432

>very shy person
>go through self check out
I wish they had delivery of fresh food in my city

>> No.5208509

>all these people having problems with self-checkout

Hell, it's not that hard.
>use the long self-checkout if available (and you have more items than you would for the express lanes)
>scan one item at a time
>bag one item at a time
>give the computer a second to make sure it gets the weight
>run your non-baggable shit last (24 packs of coke, economy-sized TP, etc)
>BONUS: take a friend with you so they can bag while you scan

>> No.5208542

>expecting people that sperg out at a check out machine to have friends

>> No.5208554
File: 34 KB, 708x394, carrie-se_shot5l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That'll be 47.85, thankyou
>*hands over $50 note*
>Hold on, do you want the $2.85? IT'LL HELP YOU!*
>They dig through their fucking purse and they don't have enough. Alternatively eve if they don't have enough they'll try and salvage it by giving the cashier like 35 cents or some shit.
Fucking biggest waste of time ever. If you want to pull that shit go to a self serve and just chuck all your change in and let it the machine count it for you. If you're that hard set on not wanting change then fucking start using eftpos you stupid cunt.

*This is the worst fucking part, when they make out it's for the benefit of the cashier who could get their change for them way faster and have a whole fucking drawer of change and probably a whole safe of it if they run out so clearly don't need more.

>> No.5208555

You're right. Shouldn't of assumed that. They could take their mom, instead.

>> No.5208557

Clerk here. Factually untrue

>> No.5208573

I hated working as a cashier and when people did that it made everything worse.

>someone hands a note over, enough for the payment
>quickly get their change
>they stand there holding some extra change with a gormless expression


>> No.5208582

typical bitter cashier, all i ever hear you fucks jabbering about is how everyone that tries to break the monotony of your shitty job is worse than hitler. If you don't like your shitty boring job, get some fucking skills; don't take your shit attitude out on people that just want to pick up some food, have some meaningless small talk and avoid having 3 lbs of various coinage in their pocket.

>> No.5208583
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>shouldn't of

>> No.5208587
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It's impossible for any bill to be a number that would require "loads of change". Unless you're dealing with pennies or some shit. At the very most it's five coins (if the total is ~0.55/0.65/5.55/5.65) and usually it's only two or three coins.

>> No.5208589

It could be 8 coins.

>> No.5208591
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>> No.5208592

hey man if i'm having a "cash day" and not using my card i'll quickly amass quite a good bit of change in my pockets.

>> No.5208597

>gigantic old people storage complex

Old people avoid self-checkout like the plague. I love it.

>that feel when you ring up honeycrist apples as golden delicious

>> No.5208602

>time to pay

>> No.5208610
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>If you don't like your shitty boring job, get some fucking skills
Almost like I'm working my way through college.
If they want to avoid having 3lbs of various coinage in their pocket than take it to self serve or use eftpos. It's their problem and I don't even acknowledge it any more, if they give me the note first I get their change ready, if they start saying that they can "help me" by getting additional coins I inform them I've already got their change prepared.
I don't care if they want to talk to me, I'm all for that. I don't even care if they want to unload coins, but when they act like jerks who believe it 's for my benefit - that's my only real problem.
>Getting butthurt because people are carrying o that minor inconveniences upset them
That's what this thread is about. I'm pretty sure I just hit a little close to home because you pull this shit and don't realise the cashier who you have "small talk" and an imaginary friendship with actually thinks your a piece of shit.
>Implying I take my shit attitude out on people
I don't because I'm not a mega autist and there's a difference between the attitudes I have on a shitty image based bulletin board and the attitudes I take while working.

>> No.5208613

Get skills how?

>> No.5208617
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>a gigantic old people storage complex

>> No.5208620 [DELETED] 

I always buy a shitload of almonds and other nuts and put in the flour code. It's nice getting $20 worth of almonds or walnuts for $3.

>> No.5208622

What is old people storage complex?

>> No.5208623

Cashier here. WAY fucking untrue. I'd rather give you 99 cents than have you fumble around for a single penny.
(Although in instances like those I usually have enough morons that say 'keep the change' that I can just give you the dollar to keep my till even.)

>> No.5208629

>get $20 worth of almonds for $3
>make almond flour
>get $60 worth of almond flour for $3
fuck, my food processor paid for itself overnight

>> No.5208637

>Stealing from a supermarket
You sure are a piece of shit.

>> No.5208642

Truefax: Supermarkets save so much money on self-checkout that it actually offsets the shrinkage they cause three times over.

In other words, theft is RAMPANT at self-checkouts and they STILL save money hand over fist on it.

>> No.5208647

>Trying to justifying theft

>> No.5208649 [DELETED] 

I am an opportunistic person who doesn't give a shit about stealing from a grocery store. Deal with it.

>> No.5208650

>meanwhile you are driving a stolen vehicle

>> No.5208659
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>> No.5208661

My favorite thing is when people in those depressing scooter carts go through the self checkout. It just tickles me. That reminds me of a kind of long story.

>mid September
>about 20 minutes from closing up the self-checkout
>two women and two children from out of state come through
>one appears to be the mother of the children, the other the grandmother
>the children are unruly and filthy
>the mother is in one of the scooters
>the grandmother's bitching to herself about something
>she's ringing her shit up, summer items that have been reduced 75% off, and some halloween items that aren't on sale yet
>the only actual food item she has is a box of ice cream bars
>bag her stuff for her and talk to her children politely, like I normally do
>a summer item doesn't ring up correctly
>I call one of my bosses
>she tries to fix the price for them
>the grandmother flips the fuck out, yells about how everything is inconsistent, no longer wants the item that rang up incorrectly (she wanted it free)
>complains about the halloween items not being on sale (it wasn't even halloween yet)
>call my manager
>she starts yelling at my manager
>manager's just nodding his head
>cancel out the whole order
>re-ring her order for her so I can close up faster
>they pay with EBT for the ice cream bars
>pay for the rest in singles and change

>they finally they leave
>I close up and leave
>walk outside
>scooterwoman and the rest of her family are at their car
>she's circling around her car with the scooter, trying to figure out how to get out of the scooter and into her car
>she's yelling at the grandmother and the grandmother's still bitching about the prices
>look at them long and hard
>laugh a little to myself

They came all the way from another state just to buy ice cream bars and fucking discounted summer toys and were somehow on vacation even though it was very obvious they couldn't afford it.

>> No.5208663 [DELETED] 

Nah, I'm a highly-educated professional who makes a good living. I like to get cheap nuts and dried fruit at a discount price because I am able to.

>> No.5208667

Describe your education and profession.

>> No.5208668

Oh, so you're a jew. Or at the very least a spirit-jew.

>> No.5208670

>defending corporations
You sure are a retard.

>> No.5208674

>Stealing is okay because it's from a big, faceless corporation lol fuck da man XD

>> No.5208675 [DELETED] 

Nope, not a Jew.

BSc, MSc, and working on my PhD. I am a bioinformatician for a well-known company. I have worked there for 4 years and they are currently paying me to complete my PhD while working.

>> No.5208680

Spirit-Jew confirmed.

>> No.5208685


>> No.5208688

you're a judgmental piece of trash and you aren't any better than those people. they were on vacation, meanwhile you were sucking grocery dick for chump change

>> No.5208690 [DELETED] 



>> No.5208691

Stealing is okay, if the theft will go unnoticed and has no consequence for anyone. It would be like punching someone in a coma.

>> No.5208693

>be from sweden
>with gf in store in canada
>people just put their shit on the conveyor belt thingy
>the person who works have to rotate the products to scan the codes on every single item
>takes years
Holy shit, its not that hard to put the things facing the scanner... makes everything go faster


>> No.5208696
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>punching someone in a coma is okay

>> No.5208700 [DELETED] 

Maybe we Canadians aren't worried about the additional 40 seconds in the grocery store.

>> No.5208697

It does go noticed when they do inventory. Which leads to an increase in the prices for everyone else.
>B-but I'm only one person

>> No.5208704

I judge people by how they act. They were unruly. They demanded shit for free and we wouldn't give it to them. I was poor all of my life and I never acted like I was entitled to free shit. I do my best to treat everyone equally, and they were uncooperative. They clearly were NOT there to buy food. The way I wrote it I come off as kind of a dick as well, I know.

>> No.5208705

Are you the same ruseman who claimed to travel the world before 13 and worked in jobs nobody could imagine

>> No.5208706

You know it's a lie.
Don't you.

>> No.5208707

Do self check out hurt economy by taking away cashier jobs?

>> No.5208712

Canada eliminated the 1 cent coin.


>> No.5208714

Bags of flour and a lot of food items aren't put in inventories. It is just delivered like clockwork.

>> No.5208716


Bagel shop employee here. We give all of our day-olds to the local food bank. Best answer ever.

>"Sorry sir, we donate all of our leftovers to feeding the hungry."

>> No.5208718

I mean, really?
If the cashier is inexperienced, they are going to swing it five ways anyways.
If they are experienced, they know where the label is and grab it accordingly, in spite of its orientation on the conveyor belt.

You are dumb.

>> No.5208719

>are less jobs bad?
What do you think?

>> No.5208723

Why isn't it okay?

>> No.5208724 [DELETED] 

haha no, I'm not that guy.

I am not going to reveal any personal info about myself to "prove my credentials", so there is no point in arguing about this. If I discuss my work in generalities you would just say I Googled it. Believe whatever you want, I'll enjoy my cheap almonds and high quality of life.

>> No.5208726


>> No.5208727

Hey you.


You are a piece of shit if you really think that.

>> No.5208729

>Work in a grocery store
>The donut king opposite us always gives us free donuts at the end of the day

>> No.5208730 [DELETED] 

>worked in jobs nobody could imagine
What jobs did Vizsla Guy claim? Never saw those posts.

>> No.5208735

Well, I was wondering if they just provided the self checkout and hired as many cashiers.

You know, self check out is an option or an attraction, but they still have to man the same amount of tills.

>> No.5208736

How do you put the almonds in the flour bags?
Do they not see you on the cameras?

>> No.5208739
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Right now we are doing the exact same thing. And I probably have a more comfortable chair so right now my quality of life is superior.

And they would be googled.
Because you're a liar

>> No.5208742

Not him but I'm legit curious.
How much do you make if its not too rude

Did you get a degree in Comouter Information Systems or a biology related field?

>> No.5208745

Nobody checks 15+ hours of security footage every day.
It's only checked if it needs to be checked.

>> No.5208746
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If I have to explain to you why punching someone in a coma isn't okay, you need to be put in a coma yourself.

>> No.5208747

Punching someone who is in a coma still damages them whether they are concious of it or no.

Just like how stealing affects the company whether or not they realize it immediately

>> No.5208741

>Vizsla Guy
I love Vizslas! I have never heard of this person on /ck/.

>> No.5208748

Not him but I'm assuming hen he hits "flour" on the machine it looks like he's pressing almonds. It's not like they're paying complete attention or checking your receipts. Hiding in plain sight is probs easier than smuggling them out.

>> No.5208753

So what happens when they notice there's almonds missing and check the footage?

>> No.5208757

Put me in a coma and punch me, I don't give a shit.

If I had a company that ripped off its employees and customers, I wouldn't get myself in a tizzy over some theft that doesn't stop me from making huge profits. Also, I wouldn't rip off employees and customers in the first place.

>> No.5208763

When hundreds of bags are getting sold a week, nobody notices 1 bag missing. It's impossible unless you go out into the store, count the bags go into the warehouse count the bags and do a full search of the store to make sure nobody picked up the bag and was too lazy to put it back where it goes so they just stuff it on another shelf (which happens a lot)

And even if they do realize someone stole it they would have no idea how it was stolen, they would probably assume someone just stuffed it down their pants and they would think no big deal of it. Shit happens.

>> No.5208764 [DELETED] 

I did my undergrad in microbiology and took a few programming courses. I was really interested in genomics and pursued a MSc in that field, but with a focus on designing pipelines and data analysis and visualization.

Sequencing is getting cheaper and cheaper and people are generating an incredible amount of data. There are now degrees in bioinformatics. I would totally recommend going this route if you are interested in computers, biology, and a strong growing field (with excellent job prospects).

>> No.5208767


>> No.5208770 [DELETED] 

I only have one of his posts. He claims to be rich and volunteered in Micronesia, Malawi and all these other countries. Good stuff.
I know I am not the most popular persona on /ck/ but I cannot do anything about people with sour grapes, crabs-in-a-barrel mentalities. I am highly educated, have an educated, wealthy and close family, have a good income and excellent stipend, have traveled extensively, participated in many charitable activities and enjoy the finer things while being considerate and occupied with the notion of self-actualization.

With the onslaught of fast food threads I have to say this: my dog literally eats better than most of you on /ck/.

He is a 3-year-old Vizsla imported from a world-renowned Hungarian breeder. I can trace his bloodline back over 20 generations.

What do I feed him? Various beef, lamb, rabbit, waterfowl and venison quality cuts and organs (including bone, heart, neck, liver, kidney). I supplement his diet with good greens and sweet potato.

It probably costs $7-12 a day to feed him, but I must admit he works hard and deserves it. When we go bird hunting I reserve good portions from the hunt and feed him that. He loves sauteed Goldeneye or Mallard hearts.

I would never consider giving him half the things people on /ck/ post.

If he can eat this well, why don't you try to? You are what you eat after all. You can be a lean and prized self-actualized individual or you can be an overweight, unmotivated, lazy slob who wastes his life while making terrible dietary choices.

Choices. That's the key word. I hope you reflect on this and make a better choice for your next meal.

>> No.5208771

If I had a company that ripped off its employees and customers, I wouldn't get myself in a tizzy over some theft that doesn't stop me from making huge profits. Also, I wouldn't rip off employees and customers in the first place.

>Stealing as a form of social justice

>> No.5208766

>Nope, not a Jew.
Which is EXACTLY what a jew would say!

>> No.5208772

Not dumb, In sweden everyone does it, and everyone knows it and just do it, people really dislike it if you dont and give looks sometimes

>> No.5208777 [DELETED] 

You can buy various flours in bulk. I use that code when buying nuts.

>> No.5208778

>assuming everyone is stealing from you so it is okay to steal from everyone else

When did you lose your faith in humanity?
Did your father hit you?

>> No.5208779

At my store, there's a monitor the attendant watches to make sure people are ringing up the correct codes for items. I've never seen people ring themselves up much too cheaper on purpose. They will, however, charge themselves a LOT more on accident, like when they pick organic instead of non-organic.

>> No.5208782 [DELETED] 

>the meek shall inherit the earth
lol nope

>> No.5208783

Sweden is a bunch of fags then, mate.

>> No.5208785

Not with assholes like you ruining it for everyone else
>Not stealing

>> No.5208787

>btw I have a gf

>> No.5208793 [DELETED] 

There is usually one teenage attendant for 6-8 checkouts. It would be easy to not even scan items and take them, because the second the scale error comes up they just waive it through without checking. They don't move from their podium.

I was asked once about it a few years ago. I bought like $40 worth of chia seeds and used the cheap raisin code. I actually bought dried cranberries, so I just act surprised and then bought them. The person was very apologetic and gracious.

My girlfriend was embarrassed but I laughed all the way to my car.

>> No.5208794

You realise that it's a joke, right? It's trying to make fun of another regular /ck/ poster.

>> No.5208797 [DELETED] 

It's a doggy dog world and society is a continuum of give-and-take. The people at both the top and the bottom take whatever they can when it is feasible. You are just naive and wouldn't survive a day in the jungle.

>> No.5208801

>Implying you fags don't have conveyor belts

>> No.5208802 [DELETED] 

It's probably a troll, but there is a guy that has posted about how great he is and mentioned his $2000 Vizla.

Lurk more.

>> No.5208804

He's likely Greek, Albanian or an Eastern Slav (origins in Belarus, Ukraine or Russia). Possibly Moldovan. None of these groups can be trusted.

>> No.5208805

We have but we put the products on it, facing the scanner so the person whoi sowrking can just quickly scan it

>> No.5208808

Not him but I wouldn't survive a day in the jungle because I lack the proper skills and knowledge, not because of my morals

>> No.5208812

I lurk plenty, actually, but have never seen Vizsla being mentioned on /ck/. They're great dogs, but fucking neurotic. Basically, a high-energy Woody Allen of a dog.
I wish I had a Viszla and the space to keep him happy. :c

>> No.5208816

No matter how many times I see it, I will never not laugh at the word Moldavia and its family words, like Moldavian.

Also, in "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich," the moldavian was truly a spy in the gulag, not like all the other fake spies.

>> No.5208823

I hate it when people put their kid on the part of the till where the food slides down and people pack.
Shoes and everything.
People who do this should be jailed forever and have their children taken away.

>> No.5208833 [DELETED] 

>They're great dogs, but fucking neurotic.
Weimeramers are the most neurotic pointers. I grew up with a German Shorthaired Pointer, they are nutty too.

But they are all decent when they get enough exercise and have a job.

>> No.5208850

Is there much difference in their behaviours? I'm not familiar with weimaraner dogs at all beyond them being nearly identical to vizsla. They're like both people choosing the same character in a 16-bit era fighting game and one gets the character in the alternate colour map. Like when Blanka is blue in Street Fighter II rather than green.

>> No.5208859

worked as a fast-food cashier briefly between a real job and med school. really wished i just crashed with my parents for 6 months instead. realized that the "every day is the worst day of my life" line from Office Space applied to literally everyone i was working with.

there's no use explaining their situation to them. these people truly are not to be dealt with as anything other than transactors.

>> No.5208866 [DELETED] 

Huge difference. Weimeramers are much larger than Vizslas and much more likely to exhibit separation anxiety and nervous behavior. I think most of the ones in N. America are mostly show lines with little hunt left in them.

GSPs and Vizslas aren't nearly as crazy as Weimeramers. GSPs have more energy than Vizslas and work on a longer lead. People call Vizslas "velcro dogs" because they hunt/stay close to their owner, while GSPs are more independent.

>> No.5208875

Oh man. You should come to Chile. No one ever is hustled about anything, and it is reeeeally damn frustrating at times when it matters.

>> No.5208894

That's actually pretty rad. Seeing food go to waste makes my stomach churn.

I would be a regular at your shop.

>> No.5208912
File: 42 KB, 439x402, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to self-checkout
>"excuse me do you need any assistance with this"
I understand having some employees circling the area to keep an eye on potenial thieves but the entire point of me going to the self-checkout is to not interact with any of them.

>> No.5208916

I try not to.
If you're not having any trouble, I generally leave folks alone.
I'll give you a 'Howdy' and a 'Thank you' as you leave, but thats about the extent of it.

The self checks are a pain in the ass to keep going, but sometimes they're a sweet relief from the normal checkout filled with price matching cunts and coupon queens ready to yell and get shitty if something rings up 5 cents more than the sign says in back

>> No.5208919

Sorry, some of us do genuinely want to help out. Don't try to take it the wrong way.

>> No.5208928
File: 192 KB, 900x582, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coupon queens
It's nice when they donate their items to shelters or charities but the ones who just buy to resell or do it for the sake of shopping as cheaply as possible seem like they're really wasting their time and money. I've seen two in particular that spend as much time as an employee's shift going around the store with their coupon binders.

>> No.5208947

>At the very most it's five coins
Holy shit
How dumb are you

>> No.5208954

Well why the fuck not?

>> No.5208960

My sister does that.
She spends entire days devoted to just snipping out coupons and matching them to ads and sales.
Her basement is like a tiny supermarket.
So much mouthwash and shampoo and deodorant and other shit that she didn't really need to begin with, but bought anyway because it was cheap.

>> No.5208963

>It's a doggy dog world
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.5208972


I legit love my job and the shop, despite not making much money there. Even better is that we don't advertise or really tell anyone at all that we donate all that food, owner just kind of does it to be a good guy.

>> No.5208978

The self checkouts are a double edged sword. On one hand, they can have 4-6 open at all times (if they fucking work), while the huge mexican families and soccer moms take up all the normal lanes and you just want your 12 pack of redbull or whatever. Also, I don't have a problem buying condoms from a cashier, it might be slightly awkward, but whatever. But if you have to buy lube...yeah I'm gonna go to the self checkout and pray it doesn't fuck up on me. God that would be way worse. "I-I don't need that lube for anal, I don't do that, it's strictly for masturbation and/or my girlfriends pussy if she wants to use her vibrator while I'm fucking her. No anal." But instead I would just stand there and get really sweaty palms while they silently punch in the code to clear the thing.
Also, in self checkout if all you want is a goddamn case of beer, ATTENDANT HAS BEEN NOTIFIED...ok where is he? I've stood around for a few minutes last time I did this at a Kroger, then just abandon it, and went to where they sell tobacco, so they'll really hate me.

>> No.5208983

>for all intensive purposes
Every single time

>> No.5208991

I work in the chilled products department of a local supermarket. Ask me anything you wish.
Half my job is just showing people where the fucking soy milk is, as it comes in boxes so the supermarket stocks it at room temp.

>> No.5208998

Do you ever get unbearably cold?

>> No.5209003


you know it's dog-eat-dog, not doggy dog... right?

>> No.5209006

Where is the soy milk located?

>> No.5209048

I make it a point to use the self checkout machine whenever I buy something really big, so I can sit it on their precious bagging area and overload the sensor.

Fuck those machines, they're a pain in the ass. The only reason they're popular with shitty retailers is because you can have one employee overseeing 4-8 (effectively) 'express' lanes, thus reducing your operating cost while pissing off more customers.

>> No.5209065


>> No.5209071

>Getting mad that a company is making money

>> No.5209106

You don't know these people, you don't give a fuck about awkwardness. You could buy a pregnancy test and a coat hanger, they wouldn't give a single tiny fuck. They just beep items all day long, they don't analyse your life. That's the NSA's job.

And lube is not awkward, just like condoms (they sell them together don't they?), and who gives a fuck you do anal on your GF ? Or BF, or yourself?

Plus, I've had to explain to 3 /b/astards to use lube for anal just this week, sounds like even on 4chan only few associate lube with anal... Yeah, they were stupid underage virginfags, just like the guy beeping your lube.

>> No.5209125

Why wasn't she allowed 4 boxes of fucking Tylenol?

>> No.5209152 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 365x214, rev up those reports.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging about theft

>> No.5209154

That's a good point. I've never seen a grocery store with a hopper system that feeds to the checkout lanes. Probably because it would be very long, and it's hard to use those seatbelt line poles when you need a larger turnaround area for the carts.

Weird since I've seen it at Best Buy, which was completely unnecessary (other than the store design which funnels traffic there)

>> No.5209162

Meant to quote

>not enough time has passed for deletion
>this post is too old to delete
wtf 4chan?

>> No.5209164

Shitty service is shitty.

Walmart (among others) move into an area, drive the competition out and then provide substandard service because who's going to challenge them?

>> No.5209170

My hands do from stocking/organizing shit in the chillers. I've gotten kinda used to the numbness and purple tinge now.
We also have a chiller room(~4 deg. celcius) that I work in quite a bit, but we have a beefy jacket for going in there. There's also a freezer room around -20 celcius, but I don't go in there for more than a few seconds to measure temperature.
I walk people to it now usually, because half the people that shop there are broken-english speaking foreigners, purposefully lazy and/or morons. Aisle 3 though.
ur welcome sir have a nice day :-)

>> No.5209197

Were they high, or just retarded?

>> No.5209234

Some store chains and governments limit the number of products containing certain levels of pseudoephedrine that can be purchased by one person per day/transaction because it's used as a main ingredient in creating meth

Also some items have replaced it with Phenylephrine but for the most part buying the stronger cold and allergy medication requires id/dob because they're also not supposed to be sold to minors. Too many kids chugging cold medicine to get high.

>> No.5209287 [DELETED] 

>telling everyone you are reporting a thread
lol noob

>> No.5209307

>have member card
>have online member account
>plan shopping trip
>first go online and select discounts
>go shopping
>specifically get items because of discounts
>get receipt
>none of the discounts have been applied

This has happened pretty much every fucking time, and it's always the same excuse about "the system" and how it's messed up. I swear, they do this shit on purpose because they know, by the time people catch the mistake they will be too lazy to do anything about it.

>> No.5209357

I am not waiting behind a mom with 25364 things in her basket to buy a pack of cheese, thank you

>> No.5209380 [DELETED] 

>reported for announcing their reporting

>> No.5209388 [DELETED] 


>> No.5209391

You gotta get a 4chan pass, bro.

>> No.5209398

>paying for 4chan

That's the final straw when I know I should just kill myself.

>> No.5209403

D-Do it, senpai.


>> No.5209419 [DELETED] 

I would never go 4chan gold because I don't want to support Joot financially. The fact that he constantly links his blog on 4chan and got all gung-ho about changing things after canv.as and his other little projects didn't do so hot makes me even less likely to ever get that.

When the posting becomes anymore inconvenient I'll just stop visiting 4chan. I've been on /ck/ for at least 6 years but the original point of 4chan was anonymous, fast, open posting.

>> No.5209421


>> No.5209683


>> No.5209880
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>> No.5210351

>live in a pretty small city
>try to avoid WalMart, but inevitably have to go there
>everybody clogging up the aisles talking
>can't even get through half of them, have to go all the way around just to get to the other side

>> No.5210369
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>> No.5211273

I don't know about anyone else, but my least favorite person in the grocery store is the weirdo that keeps his headphones on while grocery shopping. Invariably I will have shopping cart traffic issues with them every time I cross their path (which I'm guessing everyone else does too). The thing that pisses me off is they have a tendency to act like it is everyone else's problem that they are totally unaware of the world around them and causing problems for everyone they cross. I'm a pretty peaceful dude but I often get an intense urge to slap these goofballs around and take their headphones away from them. Then I laugh a little and forget about it.

>> No.5211279

>music in the fucking store. It's always 100% faggot music and I can't focus on my shopping over it.

>> No.5211352

Just think about how bad it is for the people that work there. When I worked at Albertson's there was this fucking CD on loop for every single month. Except December, when there was an Xmas CD that had like three different versions each of five songs. Both of them are, like, a decade old.

>> No.5211377

I live so close to my local grocery store that it's like a 2 minute walk to it.
I've gotten really good at the self checkout.
My proudest moment is when I managed to put a pot of water on the stove and make it to the store & back before it started to boil. And yes somebody else was in the house, I didn't leave a pot on the stove unattended.

I don't get all the hate for self checkout, it's not rocket science. You just need a fucking ounce of a patience. You scan ONE THING AT A TIME and let the machine weigh it in the bagging area BEFORE you pick up the next item. You can't rapid fire BEEP BEEP BEEP all your items on self checkout machines, it's just not how they work.

Once you get fast with them you can cut down the time you spend waiting in lines at the store by quite a bit because most people are afraid of the self checkouts. Unless Shequila LeQuwandry Leshandra and her friend Letoya O'shac are on the self checkouts and can't follow BASIC FUCKING INSTRUCTIONS PRINTED ON SCREEN.

>> No.5211397

>and give looks sometimes

Oh no, not passive aggressive looks and sighs. My fucking day is ruined! Someone got in a huff because I didn't full out autism the fuck out of my groceries in order to save 10 seconds of your precious day.

>> No.5211469
File: 28 KB, 240x250, traderjoes_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I realized that the trader joes near me is full of qts. Like the cutest girl was behind me in line a few days ago.

I go to whole foods though because I can use the money my university gives me at it. The stores are less than a mile apart though but Whole Foods only has average girls and a bunch of older people who somehow get to our whole foods.

Moral of the story, go to trader joes, or at least ones near universities.

>> No.5211483

I hate rich people.

>> No.5211489

Trader joes is cheaper than whole foods though

>> No.5211491

I'm saying that I hate you.

>> No.5211496

Enjoy your EBT

>> No.5211499

Mine is full of the hottest milfs in the city. Every now and then I'll see a qt my age but the milfs man, the milfs are glorious. I used to work at a Whole Foods and the customers weren't that hot. The hipster girl cashiers qt.s were nice though.

>> No.5211504
File: 3 KB, 140x141, OLD HAGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5211573

You mean


>> No.5212074

>go to Safeway on Thanksgiving
>Chinese guy walks past me in aisle, belches loudly in my ear
>give him dirty look
>he walks over to his girlfriend at the end of the aisle, tells her what he just did, and they both turn and laugh at me

>> No.5212224

A-are you me anon? I always write Bruce Banner or Solomon Grundy

>> No.5212232

what shithole do you live in

>> No.5212253

Not to be racist, BUT WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT SMELL? Nepalese people all have it too. And they claim to use deodorant. Do they just, not bath daily?

>> No.5212279

Once upon a time I arrived at the local Fred Meyer and there was a tour bus idling at the far end of the lot.

When I went inside I found the bus had disgorged a full load of Japanese high school girls in uniform. Navy blue sweaters over white dress shirts, gray heather pleated skirts, black socks and loafers. They were roaming about in small packs, speaking their unintelligible gibberish language in hushed tones, procuring snacks and such. They were tiny and delightfully homogeneous.

Spending time among them was magical. I will cherish the memory forever.

>> No.5212285


Protip for the folks who have trouble self-checking: Stick one hand behind your back and leave it there. It's much harder for your underdeveloped motor skills and poor coordination to cause you trouble if you only use one hand.

>> No.5212300

I started signing as Hansel O.

>> No.5212302

>Now that's a new level of sociopathic autism at work. Frightening.

it is frightening. But its not the sociopaths and asburgers that do this. Its the NORMALFAGs. fucking retarded kids with their ipods on all the fucking time... not even bothering to take life in.

Whenever i try to flirt with a stupid bitch with heafphones on, she fucking takes like 9 seconds to take them off.

My usual response:

never mind.

I mean come on.

>> No.5212535

I actually work at a supermarket and we're currently selling donations for Heart Disease. I ask every customer that comes through my lane, and more than half wont sign it. I go through 20-30 super hero names a fucking day.

>> No.5212757

Scissors man, just a pair of scissors...
That's illegal "piracy". At the start of VHS/DVDs, there is a text saying it's not for rental and only for family viewing. Same on CDs.
They can play the radio, with ads, or look into CC content. jamendo.com offers "radios" for restaurants, supermarkets, shops, etc. (during a time, they would PAY you for sharing the link, as a "fuck you" gesture to HADOPI, a anti-piracy law in France that blocks your internet if you are a pirate (but you still pay for it). The law has been blocked by SOCIALIST NINJAS (google it) but passed again.

>> No.5212763

>tfw working for Tesco

>> No.5212944


>sister worked in a clothing store for some months
>visited couple days a week
>every time, same music was playing
>remixes of Lana Del Rey songs, some electro-pop and top 10 chart songs

I would've gone mental, man

>> No.5213047

>Whenever i try to flirt with a stupid bitch with heafphones on, she fucking takes like 9 seconds to take them off.

>My usual response: never mind.

Wow, she sure missed out. Bet she'll be regretting that one for the rest of her life.

>> No.5213150

That's the thing I don't understand about people like that. I've seen the shows and known a few and they almost always just seem to buy shit because they have coupons for it. It's like they NEED to buy shit if it's cheap even if they don't ever use or even like that product. Wouldn't they save more money, time, and effort just buying the shit they want/need? I mean it seems like the whole process isn't exactly worth it if you're going through all this clipping to get 40 bottles of soy sauce at 50 cents a piece or something.

>> No.5213159

But...but...the savings...

>> No.5213179


Youre exactly right and that's the whole idea of sales. The difference in profit for selling something cheap and not selling it at all is literally infinite. The stores know this.

>> No.5213181

>self checkout
>call help

every time

>> No.5213972

I pronounce in that way to piss people off , I didn't know people actually do this.

>> No.5214017

Don't listen to him, he's inhaled too much mustard gas.

>> No.5214023
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muh sides

>> No.5214891

married filing jointly.

>> No.5214957

Self checkout helps the store make money in that they get to have extra registers open without having to pay someone to man them. So on a busy day, it could be say 4 extra registers they're making money on without having to pay for 4 extra employees. (Maybe just the one who sometimes guards the to make sure you don't steal. Still a profit)

>> No.5214969

> snowy as fuck outside
> I take the bus to the grocery store
> pretty dead inside
> get my junk and head towards checkouts
> 5-6 lanes open, all empty, workers look desperately bored
> I feel all their eyes on me as I approach

And then I went to the self checkout, lol.

>> No.5214972

This was in Chelsea, Massachusetts, but I don't live there. They just have a giant supermarket there that would have been really nice.

>> No.5215026

>not having RFID chips in your limes

>> No.5215055

Anon how can you ask me to mistreat my limes like that

Give them lime cancer from the radiation and make them suffer implantation of the chip

How can you still be so inhumane in this age. Limes are people too

>> No.5215058

> go to Copps for a few things
> Mountain high yogurt on sale 2 for $5
> that's 64oz of yogurt y'all
> the containers have $1 off coupons on them
> when I look at receipt I see the coupon was doubled
> it was double daze!
> got 64oz of yogurt for $1
> fuck yeah

Also I bought a half dozen braeburns and a half dozen gala apples and found a 'Lady Alice' apple in one bag and one other non-gala apple in the other. Hell yeah. The Lady Alice one wasn't to my taste but the other was good.

>> No.5215128


Infinite yogurt! Grats anon. My happy find was scallions at 4 bunches/$1 and broccoli at $0.68/lb

>> No.5215187

My best bargain was pork chops @.66c/lb

>> No.5215267

I hear you man. I did work in the store for a long-ass time. It's taken many years off my life.

>> No.5215434
File: 101 KB, 351x260, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in a deli in a small store.
>know all the best meats and cheeses after a while
>mfw people come in and get the turkey that is the blandest most flavorless thing ever
like holy shit dude spend like an extra buck do that to yourself

>> No.5215493

recommend something to them nigga

>> No.5215495

>Suggesting a customer is wrong
>Trying to be a salesperson when you're a clerk
>Implying they won't get mad
How dare you question their judgement.

>> No.5215498
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Goddamnit I only ever had good turkey in one deli. Everywhere else is dry as fuck, the only thing my nearest deli has good is authentic philadelphia cheesesteaks.

>> No.5215601


>> No.5215604

>like holy shit dude spend like an extra buck do that to yourself
saving an extra buck for each piece of meat you buy + probably doing it on many other product pays off.

>> No.5215618


My local one is fucking shit for meat.
Say your buying 200g of beef. You scan it, then place in bagging area and it expects 200g to be weighed. The problem is the packaging always ways extra. You know how fucking annoying it is going through with like 5 separate packets, having to get it verified every single fucking time.

Other than that, they are fucking awesome....

>> No.5215623

Yeah pretending you care is so much better so the loser lecturing you doesn't feel bad.

>> No.5215624
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Why are your self checkouts so shitty?
Pic related, the clearly superior self checkout device and the future

>> No.5215970


Fucking hell.

>at home from uni, doing shopping at the recently renovated Tesco
>now has a bunch of those trolleys with scanners
>whole fucking aisles crammed full of retards moving at a snail's pace, scanning every fucking item

They are a good idea in theory, but people are retarded.

>> No.5215986

Too easy to cheat, only works in nigger-less cultures.

>> No.5216012

>work at a place that sells pizza by the slice
>nig nogs of all cultures come up to the counter
>"dat pizza looks old; I can't believe you're still selling that for full price"
>"you know what, I agree!"
>toss in the bin right in front of them
>"shit, I would've payed half price if I knew you were going to do that!"
>"sorry, it's policy"
>their faces when

I seriously don't understand why these people think trying to haggle is socially acceptable. I mean, I understand the business principle, but literally no big cooperation gives peons that kind of authority since it could be easily abused.

>> No.5216042

>"Hey, since that's the last slice, can I get a discount?"

Even if the prices of pizza were fluid, that's the exact opposite of how supply and demand works, FFS.

>> No.5216225
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those purposes are intense maaaan

>> No.5216240
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I buy beer at wal-mart

And I check out at either Electronics, Jewelry Dept, or Photo lab.

>mfw I'm in wal-mart as long as it takes me to walk from the car to the beer back to the car

>> No.5216342

Not really related to this thread, but didn't know where to ask; how long can I keep a Rotisserie chicken in the fridge? I'm a lazy uni student and can't be bothered to cook meat every night, but still want to eat it often.

>> No.5216355

You can preserve it for up to a month inside your anal cavity.

>> No.5216357

What a shame that you would respond like that. I always had the impression that /ck/ was a friendly board.

>> No.5216395

up to 3 days in a fridge, depending on fridge temperature.
Depending on how much meat you eat a day 7bux aint' too bad for 3 days worth of tasty chicken you didn't have to cook

>> No.5216405

Thanks, I thought it was three days but wasn't sure. Is there any particular way thats best to keep the chicken? Should I seperate the meat as soon as I buy it and then keep it in a container?

>> No.5216958

It's not the faggots argue about everything here like little bitches, just like all the other boards, well at least the 9 I frequent.

>> No.5216996

I seperate mine as soon as I take it home but that's simply because I tend to use those bones to make some tasty dumpling soup.
it is entirely feasible to leave the whole bird alone in the package you bought it in

>> No.5218325

Usually they ask for change because they'd rather have more change than run out.
Maybe you live in opposite land.

>> No.5218455

Fun fact:

The self checkouts at Woolworths (Aussie) have the scales turned off by default. Only in areas full of abbos will they be on.

>> No.5218601

You Aussies are ridiculously well educated. Plus your ancestors were thieves and whores, come on!

>> No.5218622


>place item in the bag-
>place item-
>unknown item in ba-
>machine fucking goes totally berserk for 20 seconds like this
>please wait for assistance
>assistant is slowly explaining to some old dear that she has to put shit in the weighing area
>all I wanted was a single can of energy drink

>> No.5218625
File: 32 KB, 600x461, 1307584044824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those three retarded students who put their entire week's shopping through a self-service checkout with a bagging area about the size of your average chopping board

>> No.5218626

I don't use self checkout because the store is saving money by not paying for more employees but that saving is not passed on to me. Even if it was something small like 1% off my purchase I wouldn't be so opposed to them

>> No.5218638

I do this every time

>> No.5218679

At least students are most qualified to operate the self service. It's far worse when a mother with kids or an old couple does that shit.

>> No.5218685

>using the self service
>costing people a job

good work lads

>> No.5218705


>first time ever confronted with self checkout
>stand there and carefully read the instructions on screen
>about to place first item in bagging area
>assistant comes, grabs my items and does everything for me

I just wanted to do everything right...

>> No.5218910

>buying some basic shit from the supermarket
>no line at the checkout, fuck yea
>smile at the cashier
>"good day"
>"good day"
>*beep* *beep* *beep*
>"that will be 5 eur 20 cents"
>I have a 10 eur bill in hand and have the coin compartment of my wallet open
>whaddya know, a 20 cent coin
>dig the fucker out with lightning speed
>hand both over to the cashier
>"thank you"
>get a 5 eur bill in return

Today was a good day.

>> No.5219940

>accept the facts
>not fax

Every time I see this pasta this bothers me to know end.

>> No.5219959

>accept the facts
>not except the fax
It's like you're not even trying.

>> No.5220259

>Went to a food mart with my three younger brothers ( they were in elementary school at the time)
>They do stupid shit, tell them to knock it off before I knock off their face. Normal day.
>Get to check out
>Lady with full cart gets in the 10 items or less lane.
>It happens, w/e.
>This white bitch in back of her is just losing it.
>You shouldn't do that!
>Can you read?
>I bet your mother would be sooo proud
total fucking bitch
>10 items lady's son is begging to go to another line
>Half of cart is on the belt already, it's too late.
>White lady starts screaming
>Look at brothers
>All of them confused
>White lady is still screaming and starts waving her hands around
>Brothers want to leave
>Everyone is uncomfortable
>Manager had to come over and take her to the tobacco/photography check out
>Still bitching about deserving free stuff.
>Look at brothers
>That's how retarded you shits sound.
It was a nice quiet car ride home.

>> No.5220500

>not buying the most expensive produce through self checkout and punching in the codes for the cheapest.

>> No.5221179

While crazy bitch was definitely out of line I bet it shamed full cart bitch into not doing it again.

>> No.5221202

I bet you're in Monterey.

>> No.5221528


>> No.5222154

Oh my gawd here we go again. First off there has never been any correlation shown between chipping and lime cancers, this is just propaganda by the hyper-vegans. Secondly there has only ever been one "sentient lime" and i think we all know how that ended...

>> No.5222410



I take some sort of autistic pride with how good fast I am when bagging and paying for my shopping. yesterday the cashier tried bagging my items! told him to just scam and I'll bag for maximum efficiency.

I swear I'm normal.

>> No.5222457

>Me working at supermarket, stocking because I did it all the time before I left for the day
>stocking ~specialty cheese~ fridge unit
>Get walked up to be disgruntled woman and her child
>"So I was surfing _______ network for coupons and it TOLD me that you had this brand of feta cheese for sale at THIS location!"
>Tell her that we definitely don't have it since, guess what, I work here every fucking day but I will humor her and walk into the back to "find the item"
>go to the back to get some different items since there weren't any on the cart, wait 5 minutes, come back
>Bitch seriously took about 50-100 items off of the shelf, all feta cheese that we had plus some different cheeses, set it on the cart I had out and was still digging in there
>"Oh, here's your feta cheese. I also found this expired product. I didn't find what I need and it REALLY UPSETS ME"
>Had to put away all of the items I had on the cart, took a extra 30 minutes and she was upset at me...

I fucking hate crazy coupon ladies.

>> No.5222488

country founded by mold

>> No.5222496


what are headphones?

>> No.5222501

Reduced section

Tonnes of old people just standing watching this shelf stacker scan items and put on new prices etc. Just standing there watching for like 10 minutes like immobile zombies.

I understand in old age money is tight, but why do they have to just stare like that. Can't they just come back in like 5 minutes?

>> No.5222518

I just throw everything back into the cart as it's being scanned and then bag it someplace else. Gotta go fast. If I don't go fast I feel as if I'm inconveniencing everyone around me.

>> No.5222530
File: 37 KB, 480x640, 1389948538162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work at Kroger, get in for my shift at midnight
>store still open till 1am, people doing last minute shopping
>getting a coffee when i see an indian family with 7 children roll up 5 full carts of food
>only self checkout is open, 1 person works it
>still checking out long after closing
>they try to use their food stamp card
>it's empty
>they make go insane on the poor checkout girl
>they leave and we're left with 700 dollars in groceries we have to put back
>1 week later i see this family working at the local gas station
>i see Kroger brand food items on the shelves with 300% markup
>mfw when they use food stamps to stock their own shelves

>> No.5222534

In America, we shove all of the old people that fought in WW2 into "assisted living" homes.

They get to complain to each other, and have minorities wait on them.

This is much preferred to actually having to deal with.
And we get to feel like saviors by "breaking them out" and taking them to IHOP once a year.

>> No.5222566

Does anybody else fucking love the atmosphere at supermarkets?

I think my mom took me there a lot as a kid, and I always found it extremely stimulating to see all of the colorful packing and the smells and venturing into the uncomfortably cold freezer sections keeping watch for free samples.

I always find it extremely relaxing.

>> No.5222606

Yes I like supermarkets too. Looking at all of the items and thinking of meals I can make. I worked at a supermarket and absolutely hated being there, but I still like shopping at them.

>> No.5222822

Shhh you'll ruin everything! Asparagus becomes broccoli, pomegranates become apples. It's fair game when I'm in control.

>> No.5223262

>chugging cold medicine to get high
Don't they make cough syrup taste like shit to keep people from chugging it?

>> No.5224355

are you fucking sirius. If that is the only type o negative blood you founded in that post then you are a dim width. He made over 20 and they were all intentionnal considering his extensive vocabulary, cleaver nest and autograph of refined words. Reed it a gain and you will sea that he changes the egg pression of cum on fraises.

>> No.5224414

It was an honest mistake, I mean wasn't really that bad.

>> No.5224424


I think it's a combination of "the active ingredient tastes awful" and "we don't want people complaining that their kids like the taste so much they keep pretending to be sick".

Also, it's not like teens are exactly discouraged when it comes to drugs and the like. Anecdotally, most people don't enjoy their first experiences with alcohol or cigarettes or whatnot, but they go through with it anyway.

>> No.5224436

Well to bring the tone more towards funny stories at the grocery store compared to the ongoing debate about self checkout or not. I have a couple to add to the lot.

>my mom was a the grocery store the other day and told me there was this weird lady in the fruit aisle picking bananas and she seprated 3 of them into single units and put them in the bag. She then asked my mom if she thought they should sell them idividually instead of in a bundle. My mom was like huh well you can take them single if you want. The other woman then replied by saying she only gets a a few at a time because they go bad after a couple of days and she thinks its ridiculous to keep them in bundles like that and that they should detach every single one so she doesnt have to do it. My mom was like huh... ok... and gave her a WTF kinda look and walked away.

this next story is about myself
>be me
>young man around 23 or 24 at the time (now 26)
>be grocery shopping with a full cart and go to the clerck check out
>put all items on belt, bend over to grab a 10pound bag of potato under cart and put it on the conveyor.
>I pay for everything and as the lady puts a sticker on the potato bag because it doesnt fit in a bag she ask if I need some help with that.
>I ask what? really surprised
>she says we can have someone help you carry this heavy bag or put it in your car for you sir
>now I am not a small guy. I'm a grown ass man and work a fairly phisical job in construction so I'm thinking to myself "damn this bitch must be trippin' cause she don't know who I is. I'm the mother fuckin' Juggernaut bitch"
>so I tell her yaa don't worry about it I think I can handle it and lift it using only my pinky
>I know she was just trying to be helpfull but I actually felt offended

Now my last story isn't about grocery but it involves food
>cont in next post

>> No.5224454

>so I'm at work and decide to eat at the cafeteria for lunch
>its own by this lady in her fifties, she is nice and cooks pretty well but apart from that she is still a dumb cunt
>I order and she tells me its 8.35$ so I get out a ten and tell her I might have some change, I get out 35 cents and tell her to wait and I will find some more.
> So I dig up an extra 3 bucks to get back an even 5
>I shit you not this lady doesnt have a cash register just a little box so he takes my money and I see her punch in on her little calculator 13.35 - 8.35 then press enter.
>And she tells me I owe you 5$ as she reaches in her box to get my change.
>I say thank you that's what I was expecting back lol and smile.
>That's when I realised well some people are good with numbers and some are better at making food for others.
>After a while of talking to other employees I knew that she was kind of bad with budgeting her money and making around the same pay as me (approx 500 to 600$ per week) even though she owned her little business and worked on her own making all the profit. Plus she didnt even pay rent or a special fee to operate inside the compagny which is a big car dealership/garage where we are over 40 employees. Didn't even have to worry about elctricity bills. The food was more than descent and made with a special touch but damn I thought she could've made at least a 1k$ per week if she knew how to get her shit together. She did leave free leftovers of unsaled baked goods and other deserts when she left early friday afternoons which was nice.

>> No.5224455


>>now I am not a small guy. I'm a grown ass man and work a fairly phisical job in construction so I'm thinking to myself "damn this bitch must be trippin' cause she don't know who I is. I'm the mother fuckin' Juggernaut bitch"

You're a fucking retard, as a cashier I have been chewed out because middle aged women complain to upper management about me not saying "good bye" to them.

Its a boring ass job and 9 times out of 10 we aren't even paying attention to you, we see a big bag, we offer help moving it, its automotive, also your stories are boring as shit.

>> No.5224459

>forgot to mention she had guys eating breakfast and lunch everyday and she ran tabs so some guys would end up owing her like 100$ at the end of the week. She also took special requests you could tell her a day in advance or call her up from your work station and tell her to make you a club sandwich for a specific time if you were doing overtime or talking your lunch later than usual.

>> No.5224465

well do you have any better story? or do you just wanna bitch? I know its courtesy but fuck did I look like I neede help getting it out of the fuckin kart in the first place and what if I do need help is someone gonna carry it out from my car to my house afterwards. well looks like I'M fucked don't you think. Plus the way she was saying it was like she was gonna help me cause there wasn't another bagger to help and I would rather do it myself then to see a college chick lifting something that I can easily carry

>> No.5224469


You realize she was only offering help because its part of her job and you say, like both of you are perfectly aware "no thank you".

It is nothing to do with how you are percieved, but hell, what if you actually did need help but you didn't look like you did and she didnt offer help? You'd be mad at the fact you had to ask her.

>> No.5224471

No numb nuts he was saying it wasn't even a courtesy . Just a soulless response to the bag without paying attention to your existence

>> No.5224470

> automotive
I think you mean automatic unless you are a car or other road vehicle then maybe it would make sense.

Try to make saying goodbye another "automotive" response to customers you don't care about nor give any attention to. If you don't wanna lose your pleb job.

Tell me more how about how you get complaints for not saying goodby to customers. Does your boss actually comme and see you and say" yaaa about those tps reports didn't you get the memo, that customer din't like the fact you forgot to say goodbye. There must be more to it or else why would upper management waste their precious time telling you about a lousy complaint if you were a model employee?

>> No.5224473


dude you seriously made me read that shit?

ive fucked your mom with better stories then that, i can tell everyone you fucking cream cheese

>> No.5224475


I don't work in retail any more, I quit that job the second I could move out for college.

>There must be more to it or else why would upper management waste their precious time telling you about a lousy complaint if you were a model employee?

It was a multinational supermarket with a clothing section and an in-store pharmacy, not some small-time street corner shop, and I doubt you have ever worked in retail if you cannot comprehend a customer being upset over something so trivial.

>> No.5224499

well doubt no more because you are wrong. I have worked almost a year at a convenience store. And I hated it even though it was alright. I was really quick and knew most of the customers. heck sometimes I would even scan and bag their cigarettes and loterry ticket before they even got in the store whe I saw them park because I'm very good at remembering stuff and they would always come for the same shit every day. But I did have allot of retarded customers talking theirsweet time and asking stupid questions or glogging up the service with the'yre insane amount of lottery verification and buying when there was only one cash. I also worked as a waiter during the same period working both job sometimes in the same day. So I had my share of customer oriented service. But when it came to almost a year in I felt like I had to move on because it was eating me up little by little and I wasnt getting paid even a fraction of what I was worth for going above and beyond what was expected from me. So don't you lecture me about not knowing how to treat a customer or how it feels to be in this line of because I have seen both sides of the medal. I don't expect them to be all smiles and giggles but to at least aknowledge my presence and to look at me to see that I am satisfied and don't require any special treatment to carry my own fuckin potato bag since I am a fully fuctionnal young and healthy human being.

>> No.5224535


Of course she'll do it again. If crazy bitch had jumped over the counter and stabbed her, then maybe, but people like that are too utterly self-absorbed to even listen to other people talk.

>> No.5224542

Your stories are terrible. Just terrible.

>> No.5224562


You would have less problems in life if you didn't take everything so personally.

>> No.5224581

People who can't use the self checkout properly, and call over the cashier to come help (leaving the line going WTF!)
Exactly this happened to me in Tesco once, and the checkout girl hurried over to help some retard who was too fucking posh to queue (she was the only member of staff in the shop). I put a stop to it, and called to the checkout girl to quit with the moron and serve the people she was supposed to be serving.
Ms self-service shit4brains started cursing at me to "mind my own business", so I told her that if she needed human help, she should join the queue like everyone else.
Poor old shop-girl didn't know what to do, till the other people in the line started backing me up, then she left Ms selfish and came back to the till with a sneaky little smile on her face.
Ms Self-can't-serve had to join the back of the line.
Self-checkout is for non-retards.

>> No.5224601

Used to work for Brit supermarket.
Was code-checker/quality control
They had bogof system that charged full price, then knocked off price of one item at end.
Would regularly dent tins of ham, salmon, etc, then mark down to ridiculous price, and put in the staff bin out back (badly damaged items were not offered to the customer).
Do shop after shift. Bogof 1 marked down by 90%. Bogof 2 (undamaged) price knocked of rest of groceries.
Pay £1.20p. Go home with £10 worth of food.
Checkout girls knew what I was doing, but never said anything because I would leave other bogof items in the staff bins for them.

>> No.5224622

I'm gonna make a T-Shirt that says "I DO NOT HAVE A NECTAR CARD"

Brits will understand.

>> No.5224659

no because at the checkout they periodically check the content of your bags

>> No.5224700

They just want to give you free shit anon.
They love you don't you know?

>> No.5225139

>to save 10 seconds of your precious day.

And I don't even know that it does. Unless Swedes put their window lickers at the register instead of bagging. I can't keep up with my usual checker just straight out unloading; if I was facing everything I put on the belt she'd just be standing there.

>> No.5225676

Don't ask me why, but I'm starting to think /ck/ might be full of spergs