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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 206x277, mfportersmall1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5203644 No.5203644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What beer are you drinking right now, /ck/?

Pic related. What I'm drinking currently.

>> No.5203646

Bud light. Beer of champions

>> No.5204679

I just finished a Lagunitas Cappuccino stout. Wasn't very impressed. I want more Hairy Eyeball instead.

>> No.5204687

I'm drinking Lagunitar Maximus. That and Goose Island IPA have been my favorite lately. Cappuccino Stout isn't very good.

I had the knew Stone last night. Matt's Burning.

That was impressive

>> No.5204705

Yeah I tried that Matt's Burning the other day and really enjoyed it. Plus it's only 6.50 for the bottle which is a really solid price.

>> No.5204780
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Just tried this and loved it

>> No.5204823
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ITT: Pretentious hipster beers

>> No.5204843

>all beer tastes the same and that same taste is dogshit
>lmao look at me i am cool

>> No.5204854
File: 13 KB, 200x300, PBR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gods gift to mankind

>> No.5204861
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>> No.5204932
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>drinks pretentious beer
>tries to call out another for trying to look cool

I'm not sure if thats ironic, of if you're just retarded. Do you stick up your nose when you purchase your bourgeoisie beer? I bet you ask for as plastic bag instead of paper and then walk so that the beer shows through the thin plastic so that all the plebes can see your significant purchase.

Pathetic to the point of hilarity.

>> No.5204944

>lmao let me laugh at the guy laughing at me for being a retard
>that way he's actually the retard

>> No.5204953
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>still being this sad
>still failing at logic

>> No.5204958
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>mfw pbr was $10 for a 30 case last week

>> No.5204963

Brains SA Gold, probably considered pleb, but I think it's tasty.

>> No.5204974

whats with all the fag beers

>> No.5204979

>probably considered pleb

The asshole's that buy these overpriced bottles of beer simple because the name and the hype don't deserve your respect, drink what you like and take comfort in knowing that you aren't an asshat that needs fancy beers to make a vain attempt at gaining elevated status.

>> No.5204985

You should have bought some for cooking.
You could have made awesome brats and kraut

>> No.5205010

what does beer do when you use it for brats and stuff?

>> No.5205052

If you simmer the brats in the beer they gain a sweeter savory flavor, the sugars in the alcohol get caramelized and its quite enjoyable. A lot of the Germans around here actually soak their brats in cheap beer before cooking them. You can also use the beer to cook the kraut. I like to cook a strip of bacon toss the kraut on top of all that good fat, and then pour a little beer over it while it cooks.

Far from healthy, mind you.

>> No.5205071
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>people taking out a second mortgage to buy hipster beer which tastes no different than coors light

>> No.5205072

aha i see. gracias m8 ive been seeing people do that forever and i never understood it

>> No.5205080
File: 10 KB, 170x266, paleale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that all those hipster beers tasted almost exactly like Boston Lager, but cost much more.

Pic is what I like to drink. Cost the same as Bud heavy here.

>> No.5205084

I haven't seen kestrel super in years

>> No.5205195

>hurr if you drink craft beer you are a pretentious hipster
>durr why pay more for beer when all beer is the same

It can be hard to tell the trolls from the actual idiots sometimes

>> No.5205335

Tasty beer, costs £1.80 ($3) for a 330ml bottle in the UK though.

>> No.5205338

>wah wah wah people called me out
You'd better go drown your sorrows in some over priced beer, pussy.
>craft craft craft
So fucking hipster its actually causing my screen to grow horn rimmed glasses.

>> No.5205346

I could get drunk for that price.

>> No.5205351

Good god, it costs about $7 for a 6pack here.

>> No.5205361

Why is alcohol so expensive in the UK?

>> No.5205365

I think that particular brand is because of importing.

I bet you could get a good enlish lager for cheap in the UK.

>> No.5205366
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>fou foune tasting the same as pleb beer

>> No.5205378


right, so troll then

thanks for clearing that up

>> No.5205395

>obvious troll

You are a sad little man, no wonder you feel the need to elevate your social status with overpriced beer.

>> No.5205399
File: 68 KB, 720x540, whatthefuckisthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT tryhard hipsters defend their hipster brews

>> No.5205404

I'm drinking bud right now
tastes good

>> No.5205411
File: 418 KB, 1024x768, new-belgium-bottle-line-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is New Belgium considered good or bad? I've seen a lot of people calling their brews shit, which hits a personal chord since everyone in my family drinks it.

>> No.5205416

Where to eat tonight?

Oh, anyplace other than a national chain is tryhard hipster food.

Just admit you're drinking shitty alcohol to become intoxicated.

>> No.5205417

I like the Ranger and the Fat Tire(with meals).
Its on the low-end of snob beer, primarily due to the hype, but its good and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

>> No.5205423
File: 7 KB, 182x154, implying stickman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I go out to eat

Keep digging, I would have you bury yourself.

>> No.5205446
File: 30 KB, 318x480, hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*to the tune of In the End*
so damn hard
my beers
they're all
hand crafted

>> No.5205471

i've pretty much only heard good things about a couple of their lips of faith brews

>> No.5205483

I bet you dipshits actually buy ingredients and cook food to go with your hipster-tier "beers". Buy a fucking Hungry Man, it tastes exactly the same as that overpriced slop you eat, faggots.

>> No.5205504

>butthurt hipster attempting strawman

Aww, look, its baby's first troll.

>> No.5205508


Whatever, pretentious fagwad, you know it tastes the same. Keep that damage control up so you can keep feeling like you aren't wasting your money.

>> No.5205546
File: 54 KB, 323x454, 1380161100568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming into a beer thread and continually posting your shitty trolling

>> No.5205561

I don't think you know whats going on....

>> No.5205567

these hipsters a just gay like that
no idea why, either.

>> No.5205581

triple ipa and an imperial stout

>> No.5205592

guiness draught

>> No.5205602

bottled horseshit

inb4 pleb

>> No.5205614

from which horse?

>> No.5205615

Real men buy only fresh horse shit and thne bottle it themselves.

Its called hand-crafting, learn about it.

>> No.5206398

Bridgeport Kingpin Double Red Ale

>> No.5206456

huh, did not know people liked drinking fermented piss.

>> No.5206466
File: 168 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_20140217_235906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid saison from Southern Tier.

>> No.5207228

Maple syrup? Gorram, I need to try some of that

>> No.5207257
File: 303 KB, 1056x2445, chimayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on it

>> No.5207326

Murphy's Irish stout

>> No.5209502
File: 188 KB, 768x768, Spencer Trappist Ale 1-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the world of belgians my friend. You just had one of the very best examples of belgian brewing.

Drinking my first AMERICAN Trappist right now. Spencer, it's a lovely brew and very well made. It's reminds me of a more boozy Westmalle Extra. I'd recommend it to anyone who can get their hands on it.

>> No.5209510

Bit overrated right now I think. I traded lots of my favourite beers for some of the NB sours and I was very disappointed. They're good but they don't live up to the hype.

>> No.5209526

They put out decent stuff, but all their IPA's have an aftertaste of fishy water. It bothers me.

>> No.5209546

I was drinking a foamy mug of bierpap made with Edmund Fiztgerald porter, but now I'm sipping some 2 Gingers.

>> No.5209568
File: 40 KB, 300x400, Two Hearted 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Named world's best IPA by Ratebeer.

>> No.5209602
File: 289 KB, 968x1296, loupepeframboise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had my first Lou Pepe Framboise, 2011 vintage. I don't know if I expected a ~20$ beer to live up to its name before this, but it sure as hell did. The absolutely amazing taste of fresh raspberries with subtle musty notes and even lighter brett funk. Before this I think the best fruit lambic I had enjoyed was the Cantillon Kriek .Truly one of the best beers I've ever had. Great thing is that I have a Fou Foune waiting for me and should see Lou Pepe Kriek in a week or two.

>> No.5209615

YEEEEEEEEEES, this nigga right here. It's so fucking good.

>> No.5210367



damn I heard they were making it but I didn't know it was ready yet

I assume it's only on the east coast now though

>> No.5210370


>best IPA

it's good stuff but there is no way I could agree with that. Not even a top 25 IPA in my opinion

>> No.5211938
File: 33 KB, 525x375, PiercingPils_Mockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be drinking the last of these in my town. Everyone is sold out and I held onto the 4 pack for a couple weeks while I was busy drinking the last of my Founder's Smoked Porter.

The pear taste in it is surprisingly mild, I'm loving the grassy/floral hop taste with the familiar Pils flavor in it too. I'm sad to see it go because it was easily sessionable and honestly, should replace something like the that shitty Sixty-One they put out. Long story short, I'd like to see more craft Pilsners.

>> No.5211944

Oh man, i LOVE craft beer. When I'm out with my peeps at the Neutral Milk Hotel concert I always make sure I have $24 on me for a 6pack of handcrafted elitist beer. I found out that I can use my horn-rimmed glasses to open the bottle too! It impresses people to see my swag as I sip my delicious uberbeir. Too bad the poorfags and plebians can't afford this glory. They shall go down in history as uncool.

>> No.5211950

First of all

Second of all
What this anon said. I'm a MichiganFag, the stuff pours like Miller out this way. It's such a bland tasting IPA in my opinion and there are far better options in the entirety of the world. Drink a Heady Topper and then say that Two Hearted beats that in flavor profile

>> No.5212010
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Probably my favourite current seasonal.

>> No.5212064
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Like pouring motor oil.

>> No.5212075
File: 34 KB, 320x320, central waters bb barleywine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drank a Central Waters Bourbon Barrel Barleywine, Breakfast Stout, and Hopslam tonight

All three are awesome

>> No.5212081
File: 51 KB, 518x691, gooseisland-bcb-barleywine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a case of this. half way done already. gonna grab another case tomorrow to age

>> No.5212091

Two Hearted is probably the best readily available year round IPA. I highly doubt there is another so readily available single IPA that is as good

>> No.5212095


well lets see, west coast, you have blind pig, pliny and everything alpine makes

east coast, you have heady topper, focal banger, cigar city, etc

I mean, i would take lagunitas sucks over two hearted any day and its year around now

>> No.5212099

Sam Adams Escape Route. It's fucking good.

>> No.5212104

Are you seriously going to describe Pliny and Heady Topper as readily available?

None of those beers match my readily available year round qualification as far as I know.

Generally upper midwest style IPAs are better than unbalanced west coast IPAs

I Like Lagunitas Sucks a lot, but I'd put it slightly behind Two Hearted (though its not far)

>> No.5212109

>can't even spell bier properly
Atleast try bro.

>implying ratebeer isn't the best beer rating site

>> No.5212119

It seems like ratebeer is a bit too generous, a lot more beers have really high scores than deserve it

>> No.5212116


I spent 6 months in Cali. easy to get. spent 6 months in vermont, easy to get.

okay, so you arent from there, most of cali's local stuff that stays west-ish is better than bells, and the you have cigar city up the east coast. i even have founders all day ipa, or deviant dales above 2 hearted

>> No.5212131



enjoy your overrated hops elsewhere

>> No.5212133

I like Founders more than Bells in general, but no way would I consider All Day IPA (or Centennial IPA) better than Two Hearted

Also it is damn disingenuous to consider fucking Pliny or Heady Topper as readily available, thats clearly not what I meant. Also both of those are Double IPAs, not in the same category as Two hearted

>> No.5212141


where the fuck do you live? even the midwest gets zombie dust, which although labeled as a pale ale, we all know its an ipa. best michigan beer is jolly pumpkin anyways. dem sours

>> No.5212152

Zombie Dust is not fucking readily available anywhere

Also if you like sours, New Glarus is the way to go in the Midwest (or anywhere for that matter)

>> No.5212165


jesus. just because you cant buy it as a gas station doesnt mean its not readily available. New glarus is decent, Cascade is my favorite for ones in the united states, pizza boy out of PA is good as well. Of course RR is great too

oh. just realized that sculpin is READILY AVAILABLE pretty much everywhere. my gas station sells it in GA

>> No.5212180

>just because you cant buy it as a gas station doesnt mean its not readily available
Things like Pliny, heady Topper and Zombie Dust are notorious for how hard they are to come upon.
Readily available means you can just go to a random grocery store and be pretty sure you will be able to find it, like Two Hearted, and quite unlike Hopslam to stick with a beer form the same brewery

>> No.5212715
File: 96 KB, 640x480, great-lakes-elliot-ness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having the GLBC Eliot Ness tonight

I live 3 hours south of chicago and I have honestly never seen zombie dust here. If it ever does get here I'm guessing it flies off the shelf.

>> No.5212717

I had some Dos Equis for the first time last night
(XX Amber)
It was pretty decent, I guess.
Kinda reminded me of Coors, with a little more bite to it.

>> No.5212726

Room temperature MGD because I've gotten tired of malt liquor. I've been working on the second half of a warm flat 40 of Olde English that I left out overnight.

>> No.5212761


>> No.5213049
File: 283 KB, 1266x1440, DCP_2171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not my favorite, one of my top favorites simply fantastic.

>> No.5213055

Heading to a pub later on with these on tap, what shall I drink /ck/?

Five Points Hook Island Red.
Five Points Derailed Porter.
Oakham Jester's Ferret.
Elgood's Coolship
Anchor Brekles Brown
Brew Dog 5 am Saint
Stone Pale Ale
Five Points Railway Porter
Eichbaum Pilsner
Oud Beersel Framboise

>> No.5213058

Everything on cask and 5am Saint. Great little red.

>> No.5213066
File: 60 KB, 960x540, brewing time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't anyone brew their own?

Currently have 2 in fermenters (pic related) and a nice ale in the keg (half gone)

Plus an experimental mead in a 1 gallon carboy.

>> No.5213822
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It's like chocolate syrup meets beer.

It's glorious.

>> No.5216052


I live a half hour from Chicago and I can never find Zombie Dust. 3F in general is hard to come by because it is always flying off the shelf. Last time I had ZD was like 2 years ago when I was in a local bar and saw they had it on tap. Goddamn that was an amazing night.

>> No.5216106

No beer, unfortunately. Just whiskey. I am drinking Glenrothes because my dad got that from duty free for me, for christmas, and it's got to go. Later maybe some Talisker 10yo.

>> No.5216110
File: 9 KB, 225x225, madotsukipuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chocolate syrup meets beer
>there are people who think this is a good thing

>> No.5216116
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Such superior taste

>> No.5216141
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>drinking a stout out of a mug