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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5200470 No.5200470 [Reply] [Original]

What snacks do you guys suggest bringing to DnD games? I don't want to make anything, just stuff to buy.

>> No.5200480


>> No.5200486

Mountain Dew and Cheetos. Serve the Cheetos with chopsticks to avoid getting orange crap all over your toys.

>> No.5200492

those chocolate covered chex pieces with powdered sugar on them. forget what they're called, but they're aweseom

>> No.5201663

puppy chow

>> No.5201669


>> No.5201680

peanut butter cups

>> No.5201742
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>> No.5201777

i'm quite partial to crusty breads and cheeses, and of course a full fridge of beer and usually some wine to boot. semiexotic snacks would be really neat if you're trying to impress people, like those bags of fried root vegetable chips. try to avoid messy things like cheetos because they can fuck up character sheets and battlegrids and nobody likes greasy dice.

>> No.5201792

I've always liked to snack on carrots while gaming since they don't make your hands dirty and you won't feel like shit after a few hours

>> No.5201794

>cheetos can fuck up character sheets
>inb4 some faggot suggests chopsticks

Something my group does instead of eating in game is we'll have an appetizer course before we play, and then eat a later dinner afterwards. We talk and joke around before the game starts, find out what the players hopes are for the session, then afterwards we get to talk about what happened in the session, and give the GM feedback. (Which, I think is really important for a game, the GM gets to feel appreciated, the players feel like they're being heard-win-win situation.)

It also gives me a chance to cook for a medium-sized group of people, since normally I only cook for one or two people.

>> No.5201880

not OP, but my group only gets to play once a week, and one of our players is a grill that straight up just isn't that interested. her boyfriend is a super valuable member of the party and we all like hanging out with them, but she gets tired/bored after only a few short hours/ one or two encounters, so we try to maximize our time spent playing. also progress is slow since out of our 5 person group, only the DM and myself actually know the rules well enough to play without direction. we usually play right after dinner so it's very drink/smoke heavy until it comes time for snacks around 10, and by then the aforementioned girl is already trying to pack up and go, so i usually just snack while watching anime and discussing the game with my DM and his gf, who are conveniently my roommates

>> No.5201903

Aw man that sucks. Maybe your friend could talk her into having a girls night with her friends on days that you guys have your sessions?
Whatever's the case, good luck with your gaming man, I hope it picks up once your other players start learning the game

>> No.5201908

sausage bread
-a scary popping-can of regular Pillsbury pizza dough
-1/2 lb of cudighi, or other Italian sausage with some added pepper and pumpkin pie spice
-shredded cheese, preferably cheddar
Brown meat, drain of all liquid
preheat oven to 325
flour countertop and roll out dough to a tall rectangle, not too thin
evenly spread meat over dough, without reaching the edges, cover with cheese
starting at the bottom, roll dough/meat/cheese and tuck in the ends as you go up
transfer to a baking sheet
cook until golden brown
neckbeards rejoice

>> No.5201914

We always make nachos at my sessions. Real simple just tortilla chips, cheese, jalapenos, microwave it and set it out with a jar of salsa kind of thing. Other than that it's basically all junk food.

>> No.5201931
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>tfw the only people you know that are interested into DnD are fedora users and pasty neckbeards

>> No.5201971

oh we're making really good progress actually, the newfriends are picking up the rules pretty well. it's still a struggle for the DM to make sure spells and ammo are being kept up with. also we've been hunting for people that are even willing to play 3.5 for months, so i'd be very hesitant to lose any of our group.

>> No.5202037

You guys in central Arizona? I've been jonesing some 3.5 for awhile...

>> No.5202046

haha naw man

>> No.5202070

>other than that
>implying that isn't junk food
I'm sorry. I am just bitter and striking out because I have no friends and no one to play D and D with....;_;

>> No.5202075

thick pretzels

>> No.5202077

w...where are you anon?

>> No.5202210
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I know I sound like a shill when I say this, but Gamer Grub is delicious and was one of the best snacks our shop served.

Shout out to the Green Dragon located in North Charleston, South Carolina

>> No.5202236

We're your friends anon.

>> No.5202239

I suggest something that doesn't get on the dice or your papers and books if a real D&D game. That's why if you eat Chili Cheetos for instance, use chopsticks or a spoon.

Also little things, so can bribe your DUNGEON MASTER!

yeah yeah, I used to play when I was a kid.

>> No.5202260

Thank you. I appreciate it.

>> No.5202291

God damn I've been looking for a 3.5 group, where are y'all?

>time to pretend to be relevant to /ck/
Pretzels are a great snack food for this kind of thing, since they don't have much of any residue.

>> No.5202317

apples bananas oranges...

full of energy, easily transportable, delicious, etc.

>> No.5202319

Anyone into games her in VT??

>> No.5202408
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Now who's the faggot? It'll pace the fatties.

>> No.5202611

Stuff that worked well:
Veggie/cheese/salami/fruit trays with toothpicks.
Red Baron French-bread pizzas cut into thirds.
Bowls of peanuts mixed half-and-half with candycorn.
Diet soda (never booze.)
Pizza in general.

Things that didn't work (we had to either stop and eat and then start playing again or we just didn't eat 'em) :
Sandwiches, oddly.
Anything that required utensils.

>> No.5202616

>soda (never booze.)
What's the point of soda then?

>> No.5202629

We used to make corn dogs and other fried stuff and ate them using those little plastic swords you get in a diner pie. Worked well and was received well

Worst mistake: Nachos

>> No.5202633


Where at in VT, and what game? Hyde Park fag here.

>> No.5202845

Rochester. And I suck at all games but would like to learn most....

>> No.5202850

We always order pizza.

>> No.5202853

Funyns and Mountain Dew.

>> No.5203010

The perfect game food is beef jerky. I don't play DnD but play lots of vidya and Monopoly. Its a clean snack that doesn't leave any dust, grease, or liquid anywhere. I think it'd be perfect. Its also sort of DnD related, it isn't hard to imagine your character carrying some dried non perishable meat with them on their journeys.

>> No.5203674

That must be some really goddamn dry jerky.

>> No.5203714
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I would love to bring themed foods to campaigns, but

>only local guys I know who play are both overly serious about D&D straight edge and won't let me drink at the games
>one of them is a pickyfag ("vegetables don't agree with me")
>other one drowns everything in ketchup and is lazy to the point where he prefers frozen pizza over almost everything
>one is a raw vegan
>one thinks of himself as a cooking god and, on one occasion, tried the food that I brought and attempted to remake it because "this could be so much better if I made it"
>even ordering takeout is like pulling teeth

>> No.5203718

>won't let me drink at the games

Fuck. That.

>> No.5203754

I can understand if a DM's got a good story and he wants us to be sober and pay attention, but 3+ hour long battles where you can't do anything except roll for an attack? I need to be buzzed for that at least.

I really want to find another group that's a bit more relaxed, but I haven't had any luck so far.

>> No.5203848
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>3+ hour long battles

...okay, that's roll playing, and it has its place and can be fun and worthwhile.

...but if it's so easy that you can do it buzzed?

Fuck that shit. Play a boardgame or a video game.

I don't get to do game night often enough to make it a drunken waste of time.

(Lies. I shouldn't drink at game, but I do, sometimes. And the game always suffers, and we make stupid mistakes during combat in the use of tactics or abilities.)

Er...making this on-topic..?

Oh yeah!

A buddy of mine had a wife who made a GREAT meal; she took little weiners and wrapped them in Pilsbury dough so they were mini pig-in-blankets. Those, with a little mustard, were awesome and great during game.

Also premade sammiches from Lawson's, but you're stuck for that.

>> No.5203856


>> No.5203904

Saltines and gummy-bears were the usual choice for my DSA-group. And beer and mead.
We usually ordered "party"-pizza as late as we could if we were playing through the night, it's pretty handy and tastes fantastic when cold.

>> No.5204463

Every once in a while I make a massive chilli Steak, Bacon and Chorizo chilli and when me and the GF have had our fill, I pour the left over rice in and take it round.

Outside of that, general sharing snacks.

>> No.5204510

We tried to mix it up a little. We ordered pizza sometimes, but also did cheese dips or we grilled hamburgers and had sandwiches and stuff like popsicles. One time my wife made chicken and dumplings. Shit was so total cash the guys asked for it again next week.