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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 600x402, string-cheese4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5197984 No.5197984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why cant I stop eating these? They're not even that great,but fly through a package in like 2 days.

>> No.5197990
File: 221 KB, 558x339, Original-Cheese-Jerky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you haven't discovered these yet.

>> No.5197995
File: 49 KB, 483x462, 1383003313079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donuts. They're the only thing I simply will not deny.

Cake, brownies, cookies, pies... whatever. Donuts are my jam. Sometimes they even are filled with jam and that makes them 3x better.

>> No.5197996

This. They're not even that fun to eat. I just don't know why I'm so addicted to peeling and eating string cheese as fast as humanly possible.

>> No.5198024
File: 82 KB, 614x461, 1392445756368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go grocery shopping
>buy usual+bag of chips to snack on while driving
>get home
>Chips all gone

>> No.5198025


Fucking pretzels. I fucking love them.

They're the reason I only lost 60 pounds instead of 80 last year. And they're the reason I'll never get down to normal.

>> No.5198028

My apple tree is fucking exploding this season, it's so hard to resist eating like 40 per day.
going to stew and freeze around 100 to have the comfiest winter nights ever. plus I hate to waste them.

>> No.5198030

All salty snacks. I need to quit them cold turkey cause I have 20 more pounds to lose. I gained like 5 back in the last 4 weeks :(

I just love things that are crunchy and salty. And if they're even remotely spicy as well I'm just sent into an orgasmic state.

>> No.5198031

where'd they go?

>> No.5198037
File: 136 KB, 398x500, snyders-jalapeno-pretzels[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are so expensive in Australia but every now and again I treat myself.

>> No.5198044

popadoms and plain, salted popcorn may appeal to you while still being pretty low cal
don't cold turkey things that you like that much, it will only make binging more tempting and make you feel like shit after you do eat them. if you're doing things right, 1-200 cal of salty snacks every day won't signficantly hinder your ability to lose weight.

>> No.5198050

Nah I can do it. Last year I lost 30 lbs. I still have about 20-25 to go (I assume these ones will be much harder to lose). I was able to quit eating all snacks, munched on apples throughout the year really. Once I really motivate myself I don't end up binging on anything. It's just that the last 4 or so weeks I kinda let myself eat whatever I wanted, need to change that next week.

>> No.5198061

30lbs isn't much for a whole year dude.
Depending on where you're at, what your goal is and how much you're cutting things could be inherently harder.
I just hope you're not a healthy weight trying to be a skeleton.

>> No.5198068

It wasn't over the whole year I think about 8 months or so. I went down from 197 to 165, goal weight is 145-140. I guess 30lbs isn't so much but then again it's not good to lose too much weight quickly either. Plus I don't want to be on a strict diet for too long cause it gets really boring.

>> No.5198074

I go through a third of a handle of bottom shelf vodka every single night.

I drink it out of a glass, at room temperature, straight.

I went to a liquor store right across the boarder (next door to the grocery store I go to once or twice a month, where they sell their own cheap vodka and there isn't sale's tax), and contemplated buying a case of vodka.

Long story short, I should have bought a case (6 handles, at $11 each), but for some reason didn't.

>i budget, buy in bulk, cook for the week, freeze shit, but throw my money away on alcohol and cigarettes when i could afford to buy that shit in bulk
>tfw the shit that's going to kill you is draining your bank account because you don't want to be judged by the family owned liquor store around the corner, even though you end up buying their cheapest handle of vodka 2-3 times every week - usually when you're obviously drunk

>> No.5198075

Inhaled them kirby-style

>> No.5198076

>Snack Patrol

This shit is designed for stoners.

>> No.5198094

>String cheese

Instead of striping thin pieces take whole bites. I guarantee you'll get sick of them then.

>> No.5198103
File: 62 KB, 640x480, home bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I stopped buying handles.and stockpiling alcohol in my house.

If it's in within easy access, I'll drink copious amounts of it every day until it's all gone.

See this "at home" bar? I could never build one of those. I'd drink every bottle within a week. Even the nasty liqueurs and aperitifs that are only intended as cocktail ingredients.

I'm not an alcoholic, I just can't handle myself when booze IS RIGHT THERE.

>> No.5198107

>If it's in within easy access, I'll drink copious amounts of it
>I'd drink every bottle within a week
>Even the nasty liqueurs and aperitifs that are only intended as cocktail ingredients
> I just can't handle myself when booze IS RIGHT THERE

>I'm not an alcoholic


>> No.5198114

Height and gender?
For me, putting even the slightest amount of thought into what I eat means running a huge deficit without going hungry.
You might want to look into intermittent fasting. It's highly controversial and would piss a lot of dietitians off, but personally i'm backing it.
I'm skinny as hell, if this claim proves anything to you. I want to bulk up a bit, but deliberately eating more feels kinda dirty to me. Only time I feel like eating a lot is post-exercise, and that's good because muscle repair is maximized.

tl;dr: comfortable and intelligent lifestyle changes>drastic, excessive and/or inconsistent pain/commercial fad diets

>> No.5198123

I've known a few alcoholics and they haven't had the self-control to not go out and spend their last pennies on cheap booze. I doubt the dude's an alcoholic if he isn't dependant on it and just gets tempted easily.
The all or nothing mentality isn't too great tho

>> No.5198130

Pretty much anything if I have it next to me at my battlestation. Chocolate chips, peanuts, actual nuts, cereal...

>> No.5198170

>when they're warm on the tree from the sun and perfectly ripe

Damn son you like like a fucking king
We used to have a couple of royal gala trees at my old house when I was growing up it was so great

>> No.5198174

*live like

>> No.5198183

aha yeah it's pretty nice. I didn't plant it, it's just been on the property since long before i've lived here and seems to have done crazy well this time round, so my maintenance routine mustn't be too bad.
there's oranges, lemons, a few grapes and grapefruit here too, but apples are by far my favorite. aside from mangos which won't grow here naturally :(

>> No.5198195
File: 12 KB, 242x300, liberte-coupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't go back to other yoghurt after eating this stuff, it is literally crack.

>> No.5198197

My dad has 7 apple trees, and makes the shittiest pies ever with store crust and sucralose.
>slab of white flour and fat
>if I use artificial sweetener, it won't make me fatter :^)

>> No.5198227

apple pies would be great actually. I might make a couple. and apple crumble come to think of it, haven't had that in so long but it was a big childhood feature.
Brown sugar and honey are the best. lol if he's actually trying to lose weight this way, wouldn't surprise me. my mom makes similarly pathetic efforts.
If you like a food that people say is bad for you, you shouldn't necessarily have to feel bad about eating it though. Life's too short for that. A good body isn't the be all and end all of happiness for everyone, personally I plan to stop giving a fuck at around 55. home made high quality, gut enlarging food is gr8.

>> No.5198249

Make some apple crisp. It's more nutritious and satisfying.

>> No.5198251


>> No.5198253

never heard of it, but I looked it up and it appears to basically be apple crumble.
apple crumble often has berries added but that's about all I could see different from the pictures. it is quite healthy by dessert standards, apart from the fact that it's usually partnered with half a tub of ice cream, which admitedly makes it heavenly.

>> No.5198260

Where can you buy these?

>> No.5198263

America motherfucker.

>> No.5198274

If you have a dehydrator, apple chips are incredible

>> No.5198283

I don't, and I agree.
slow baked apple slices might turn out kind of similar, or just be soggy on the inside and bad. might be worth a try, nothing to lose if they're just going to waste otherwise.

>> No.5198287

Chewy dried apple slices are pretty amazing too, keep them in jars for winter and all year round snackage

>> No.5198309

You can dehydrate things at a very low heat using an oven if a dehydrator isn't available.

>> No.5198321

Oh yeah? Great, thanks. Will definitely give it a try. Coating them in cinnamon before cooking could potentially yield much goodness too.
man apples are so fun