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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5197422 No.5197422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's see here...

>> No.5197428
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>> No.5197430

Yes, shitpost thread! Here's an obligatory response:

>implying Monsanto-developed GMOs haven't saved billions

>> No.5197432

David Icke thinks Monsanto is evil. He believes they're a central part of the Reptoid conspiracy. That's why he eats only organic, non-GMO food.
Are you a nutter like David Icke is?

>> No.5197439

he's also invested a huge amount in making meat without cruelty possible. By growing muscle tissue independently of the animal. There's two sides to everything bill gates is goal is the big picture to end world hunger and move the world towards a post-scarcity society.

>> No.5197440

monsanto shills everywhere
show me long term blind test results and then i'll eat gmo food

and while they're at it they could fuck off from trying to fuck over other people huh
makes me not want to eat gmo shit

>> No.5197441

Bill Gates supporting them only adds credibility

>> No.5197480

lol this

>> No.5197479

We're trying to stop a mass starvation event here. Pull your head out of your ass.
Science is my girlfriend, bitch.

>> No.5197482

Well if Bill Gates has an opinion on the environment and food security it must be true...

>> No.5197483

>he's also invested a huge amount in making meat without cruelty possible. By growing muscle tissue independently of the animal.
How is that a good thing? Fix a non problem by making food creepy? Yeah, no.

>> No.5197486

Killing people would be the best way to do that.
Seriously though, I don't have a problem with GMO, just patented genetics. That's fucking crazy and anti-human.

>> No.5197495

>completely ignored the last half of that post

>> No.5197499

>caught running slave labor rings


>> No.5197500

growing muscle tissue independently of an animal doesn't only remove the cruelty factor
please look at the whole picture and stop fumbling over small details
imagine the resources alone the livestock industry can save if you can 'grow' cuts of meat without maintaining a factory of some hundred thousand cows, chickens, etc

i.e. you save on space definitely, you will likely also save on energy consumption, carbon emissions, methane emissions, etc. and overall increase the efficiency of the entire process

while i don't entirely agree with GMOs and related, i think they are a 'necessary evil' per se that needs to be explored in order to more effectively allocate resources to sustain our rapidly increasing population with our finite resources

>> No.5197502

meat, whether you want to accept it or not and how it's prepared are a part of culture. Culture helps give our lives context and meaning. In an increasingly dissociating society more people are just letting themselves be defined by consumer culture. If we can preserve some aspects of our cultures like certain ways of cooking or collections of recipes without requiring the sacrifice of animal lives and suffering, why not?

>> No.5197503
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Watch Utopia and Orphan Black. They're contemporary soft SciFi/drama TV series from UK and Canada respectively that deal with both the issues of GMO. Utopia deals with overpopulation and its consequences and the necessary steps onte group believes necessary to take to bring the world back from the brink of starvation.
>You know the person who had the greatest positive impact on the environment of this planet? Genghis Khan. Because he massacred 40 million people. There was no one to farm the land, forests grew back, carbon was dragged out of the atmosphere. And had this monster not existed, there'd be another billion of us today, jostling for space on this dying planet.

Orphan Black deals with GMO, cloning and genetic patents.

Both are super interesting. And Utopia has one of the best torture scenes in a tv series, ever. Pic related.

>> No.5197506

George Bush do'en't care abow black peopo

>> No.5197508

But can it feel pain?

I only eat flesh that feels pain.

>> No.5197517

killing people is the best solution if you look at the problem of feeding 9 billion people as a population-centric problem, and nothing else

i understand that you likely don't mean that statement but the fact you view the problem of world hunger that way is sad

e.g. a lot of problems that feeding people ldcs like in poverty ridden parts of africa isn't due to there not being enough food to feed the hungry, but because of corruption, poor infrastructure, substandard storage facilities, etc

>> No.5197520

probably not, unless neurons are required. Even if so they would not be attached to anything other than maybe a computer but to the computer it's just a signal.

>> No.5197522

Could we program the computers to feel pain?

>> No.5197530

There's gonna be a US series of Utopia, as well! Hopefully it won't suck as badly as The Bridge (The Tunnel and Broen were both WAAAAAAaaaaay better).

Sorry. I'll end my TV fanboyism now.

>> No.5197532

I'd be more willing to research these topics if they weren't so obviously pushing an agenda rather than trying to alert people to an issue.
>That extreme bias
>Characterizing the opposition as the devil
>Using "$" in place of S
Shit reads like a porpaganda poster. You're just as bad as the "evil corporations" you're trying to "red pill" me on

>> No.5197533

I could work on that.... I'd have to write dozens self-preservation and triage algorithms then a program that when it receives "pain signals" it ever so slightly corrupts the system files. I think that might start to frame it.

>> No.5197536

while i think overpopulation is an issue to many of our current problems, shifting the blame to overpopulation is way too simplistic

essentially you're ignoring core issues at the heart of the problem with 'hand wave magic'

again overpopulation is definitely an issue but i'd like to bring up the bet between paul ehrlich and julian simon

think of a large population on terms of "more people = more drive for innovation, good ideas and research and development of useful technologies". take note i am not saying overpopulation is not an issue, however a purely malthusian view on our planet's problems is too narrow and simplistic in my eyes

>> No.5197540

>We're trying to stop a mass starvation event here.
Yeah, food is a huge issue in N. America lol

>> No.5197544

I like where this is going...

We should sample sounds at different pain levels so that there is a blood-curdling scream blasted through the speakers when you throw it in a hot pan.

Have a rough draft on my desk in the morning.

>> No.5197549

You Have Opposite Brains To Think Opposite, But Big Brother Icepick Academic Lobotomy Has Destroyed Your Mentality To Think Opposite Of The Evil Singularity You Are Taught

>> No.5197552

north america is lagging behind current food security issues but eventually it will come to affect us. the extent and scope? i don't know but so-called developed and post-industrial countries do not live in a special zone that separates us from the rest of the 'savages'

after all we all exist on this planet together. while we may have more control over our fates we are not immune

>> No.5197557

>necessity is the mother of invention
while I definitely agree with this, I don't think the world is remotely responsible enough with any of it's resources to deal with 9 billion people. Can the ozone really deal with more industrial revolutions, can the seas and forests either? The planet is fucked at this rate it's too late for sustainability. The least we can do is make the process kinder.

>> No.5197583

yes i agree with you, our planet cannot deal with any more western industrial revolutions
however the western industrial revolution (by western i mean european, north american, australian, etc) is and should be a western event only/
people obviously are beginning to understand the true scope and effects our idle, consuming post-industrial service culture brings upon us but unfortunately this kind of culture is currently considered the "dream"
to change we'd need a paradigm shift and a shift towards making sustainable, 'green' practices the norm in countries that are still in the developing stage and not just a luxury for citizens in post-industrialised countries
how we will go about to realising such a paradigm shift, idk

>> No.5197590

Massive global war and child beating.

>> No.5197600

massive global war would bring about the necessity to accomplish a shift, yea, as seen in ww2 era europe and russia. definitely not a desirable solution though

i guess in a sense child beating too. my mom would yell at me for hours for wasting food, leaving lights on, not turning off the tap when i was brushing my teeth, etc when i was young and look at me now

>> No.5197605

food animals only exist in yhe numbrrs that they do so ee may eat them. we wont keep them alive once their usefulness has ended.

>> No.5197612

well china and india are not slowing down and we're what's fueling them. With every new overpriced apple product version x relaunch we're slingshotting them farther into bad industry. What's even worse is their labor class is now able to afford a lot of the products they make so production continually increases. Hell the phytoplankton and diatoms are all dying off, so goodbye oxygen.

>> No.5197616

>implying they aren't putting up old tech coal plants every other week
>implying it's not funded by the chinese rare earth metals and manipulation monopoly money

>> No.5197621

What does this shit have to do with food and cooking?

>> No.5197622

did you tag the wrong post? I can't see how this is at odds.

>> No.5197644


while chasing the american dream is a problem one of the roots of said problem would be above, among other things

have you read the 200$ hamburger or whatever that's called? same kind of logic applies. people will continue to favour short terms such as price and other immediate benefits over long terms like environmental impact. essentially when we pay for things for very cheap (regardless if its a hamburger, technologies, whatever) we're making up for the deficit in price with the impact on future generations. and then if we also take in greenwashing and other trend money mongering schemes, well

again, like i said there needs to be a paradigm shift in how we assess value of things BUT this is very difficult for developing countries as >>5197616 mentioned. how do we go about to setting off this change in values? necessity, for one thing, but global collapse is hardly a low we want to reach before we pull ourselves back up

the way i see it is that, in general this is a very tricky subject that has no general solution. ideally solutions need to be made for each country, possibly even each region in each country and take into account historical, political, cultural and economic contexts among many other things. these solutions would also be solutions that would span over generations. so in short, this is just about impossible

>> No.5197654

i think he is referring to how china + india chasing after the american dream is not the real problem

the root of the problem is chasing said dream with a sizeable portion of your economy built on technologies that are only destructive to our planet. and if you were to zoom in more it's because of higher up manipulation and the desire to stretch your dollar for as far asit can go

at least thats how i see it. not op

this partially deals with food security which is related to food, i guess

>> No.5197669

I for one welcome our new reptoid overlords and gladly eat their food obviously produced for maximum flavor and efficiency.

>> No.5197677

GMO crops are not needed. Monsanto and Dow's GMOs aren't even about high yields, low water, bug and weed resistance. They are about making government subsidized crops that won't die when sprayed with their bug and weed killer. Because they want to sell more bug and weed killer. Also these GMOs need special synthetic fertilizer that only monsanto and dow produce.

First GMO on the market was a tomato that didn't spoil for a long time. Monsanto owns the patent and keeps it off the market. Because it doesn't make them any money form the sale of chemicals. Plus tomatoes that spoil faster make seed companies more money from more tomato sales.

If Monsanto and Dow made a wheat, corn, soy plant that needed little water, no synthetic fertilizer, no bug spray, no weed spray and yielded more food per acre. Then they would be preventing starvation.

Also subsidized American farming to produce food for aid programs causes famines in Africa. Local farmers can't make any money because of all the subsidized grain and beans from America. So those farmers don't grow food and develop infrastructure and markets. Keeps people dependent on aid food. Keeps people on the brink of famines.

>> No.5197684


Sounds like you hate free enterprise. Go back to tumblr

>> No.5197696

I don't hate free enterprise. It's the marketing of GMOs. They aren't world saving wonder crops. Their profit making products for patent trolls.

>> No.5197719

It's not free enterprise anymore now that they've achieved a near monopoly. No competitor can rise.

>> No.5197859
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>inb4 250 replies omitted

>> No.5197863

>bumping a dead thread
>implying you're not OP

>> No.5197866

But I'm not, you fagtron.

>> No.5197871
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I'm just pointing out the fucking obvious bait that happens here once a month (at least.)

>> No.5197880

So then you just like to bump dead shitpost threads like some fuckjaw? Is that really any better?

>> No.5197883

>you just like to bump dead shitpost threads
You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

>> No.5197890

bump - to bring a thread back to the top of the hopper

dead - not being on page one with no posts within half an hour

shitpost - the same rehashed monsanto b8 posted every week

What am I missing?

>> No.5197891

While I believe this is more of a /pol/ post, I also agree that no one should ever trust someone like Gates who has his hand in numerous pots around the world. If you actually believe he's a 'good guy', you're delusional.

>> No.5197895

...that you're bumping the thread by bitching?

>> No.5197901

You do realize, you dumb shit, that gmos aren't' the problem. Thats' a diversionary tactic, to draw attention from the much more insidious thing they are doing to patent seeds.

>> No.5197905

Us Patent office should just FRAND all the food seed patents.

>> No.5197906

>implying I'm not sageing
>implying it matters, because you're gonna just bump it again anyway

>> No.5197909

You know announcing your saging is against the rules, right?

>> No.5197907

Maybe you're just a monsanto shill. Does it make you mad that no one listens to you?

>> No.5197916
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>implying he implied he saged that post and i'm not implying that i'm saging now too

>implying you didn't sage, but I wouldn't know because we can't see sage anymore and I wasn't F5ing page zero like a fucking aspie on blow and VO

>> No.5197921

Look, son. He either saged and is breaking the rules, or he didn't and is looking like a retard through this whole argument.
>I wasn't F5ing page zero like a fucking aspie on blow and VO
Go DO something, man. Hell, I step away once in a while and play Labyrinth: The War on Terror solitare. You've gotta have something to do away from 4chan...

>> No.5197933

>breaking the rules

Sounds like you need something to do.

>> No.5197948

Why? Because I know the rules of 4chan? How is that bad? This snow must be blocking oxygen intake since everyone is so stupid today.

>> No.5197964
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>> No.5197967 [DELETED] 


>> No.5197998

>the rules


Either you're literally new or you suck at imageboards.

>> No.5198341


>waging war on small dairy farms that produce fresh milk

Am I supposed to feel bad for them? It sucks if they were born into a family business, but I have no sympathy for people who chose to harvest and sell baby cow food to people like it's a normal thing to drink.

>> No.5198557

>"when they came for me, nobody was left to stand up for me"

>> No.5199117

I can't wait for all the plants to be sterile.

>> No.5199158

Don't respond to her. She's a frucking crazy anti milk poster who wont give up.

>> No.5199314

Reminder that no consumer would defend a megacorp like Monsanto unless they were being paid to do so, like these faggots are.

You can find an app called Buycott to help filter all products owned by Monsanto. Use it, spread the word, ignore shills.

>> No.5199324

>this delusion

>> No.5199329

>oh shit someone disagrees with my views on a company
>i know, i'll call them a shill!

>> No.5199351

>Honest guys! I really love Monsanto® and you should ignore everything you hear about them and support their business 100%!

>> No.5199369

Actually you're a moron. Most of the consumers are smart enough, unlike me, to own that stock and make something from it.

I don't give a shit about how it effects faggot hippies like you. Seriously, go play hackysack and dance or some shit, fact is, you're dirty filthy hippies. Get the fuck over yourselves.

I personally, don't give a fuck about you. You were the ones to sell out and always are, like the "occupy" faggots.

I'm not an anarchist like you are, I like money and hot chicks... being a dirty fuck, go back to your bullshit while you worship other people who are...

You're the stupid ones... "I NEED A CAUSE MAAAAANNN!"

>> No.5199370

butter blastered

>> No.5199373

>I like money and hot chicks
lol I lost it here.