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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 360x360, onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5196773 No.5196773[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many onions do you consume in a week?

be honest.

>> No.5196782


>> No.5196781

dunno. Maybe four?

>> No.5196800

that's awesome, onion-friend

>> No.5196796

A bit more on Thursdays

>> No.5196807


w.what happens on Thursdays?

>> No.5196808


>> No.5196815

I go through a 2lb bag every week, which is usually 6-7 cooking onions. Plus a red onion or two. That's between me and the wife, so I guess that makes 4 onions for me personally.

So 4. Four onions.

>> No.5196816

3-12ish. I fucking love onions and have them with nearly everything. I eat them raw like a fruit sometimes.
same goes for tomatoes, zuchinni(except for the raw thing) and carrots. god foods.

>> No.5196817

I make soup.
How? I cut up an onion and put it in my sandwiches for work every day.
And I usually dice an onion into most meals I eat.

Onions are good for you and a good filler AND are super cheap.
There is no excuse to be eating less than 10 onions a week.

>> No.5196821
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>> No.5196844

Do you use red onion or regular for sandwiches? I've thought about adding raw regular onion to mine for work, but I don't want to have obnoxious onion breath. I can't tell if I do or not after eating them, and personally I like the smell of onions so it doesn't catch my attention as much as garlic or other strong smelling foods.
I can't really brush my teeth at work. I suppose I could take mouth wash or gum but i'd rather not have to be buying it.

>> No.5196850

I use exactly two onions every week in soups and sauces. Sometimes I'll make something else on the side that needs a bit of onion and that'll bump it up to three for that week because I'll only use a bit of that onion.

>> No.5196859

Red onion for work.

If it's in a sandwich, it probably wont make your breath that bad.

>> No.5196866

A fuckton. Holy shit, so many. Onion goes in everything I cook. Same with cloves of garlic.

>> No.5196880

at least one a day, probably more like 15 per week, depending on the size. sometimes it doesn't even take a week to use up a 5lb bag

>> No.5197144

How much do you guys pay for onions? I usually buy yellow onions because they're the cheapest for $0.39/lb at the asian market.

>> No.5197168


they're fucking $1.99lb at the CHEAP supermarket here, I hate my fucking life

>> No.5197172

five or six

>> No.5197203

It varies quite a bit, but if I average it out probably 3-4.

>> No.5197213

One onion weighs an average of about 150g.

I buy a 3lb bag of onions every 15 days or so.

There are about 450g in a pound.

(((3lbs per bag × 450g in a pound) ÷ 15 days per onion-buying cycle) × 7 days in a week) ÷ 150g weight of an average onion = about 4⅕ onions each week.

>> No.5197207

I generally pay $.89/lb for your standard yellow onions.

>> No.5197208

dang. Even the white and red/purp onions dont go past $1 or $1.25 here not on sale. Where do u live?

>> No.5197219

They're 33¢/lb here (3lbs for a buck).

>> No.5197223

If its a good week, 7, because I usually try to have at least one good meal a day.

Life would be sad without onions.

>> No.5197226

>The good: This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B6, Folate, Potassium and Manganese, and a very good source of Vitamin C.

>The bad: A large portion of the calories in this food come from sugars.

Well an onion is only ~7g sugar.

>> No.5197228

I do not eat alliums at all/

>> No.5197240

ah okay. red onions are more expensive here but they are a bit nicer raw for salads and such.
yeah that's kind of what I was thinking. the usual bread, tuna and greens probably do a good job of masking it. i'll give it a try.

>> No.5197286
File: 28 KB, 378x224, Dio1_jba[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you remember how many onions you eat a week?

>> No.5197757

I think I range from 5 to 12 or 13
and about 2 or 3 heads of garlic

>> No.5197768

the plural of alium is alia. you're pleb is showing.

>> No.5197793

dude. I get 5 pound bags of small yellows for like 2.50.

>> No.5197803

I don't know what I pay for mine because I am not concerned with the price of quality but I go through about 3 medium yellow onions a week. lately I've been putting them raw on sardines.

>> No.5197813

look who is typing any better at all, pleb

>> No.5197816

not my fault you have an unrefined pallet.

>> No.5197831

Are you trolling right now or just an inbred?

>> No.5197858

I used to love doing that. Ate it with plain saltines.

>> No.5197885

Whenever I cook with red onion they seem to lack any flavor and turn into mush, so raw in my opinion is the best

but shit man they still make my breath smell like a french woman's pits

>> No.5197886

I use maybe 5 or 6 red onions a week in salsa, on salads, or cooked up with chicken or fish and about half a bag of pearl onions in the slow-cooker.

>> No.5197893
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This is an anonymous fucking board why are you spending time arguing with nothing?

Cheese and rice this board gets shittier by the day.

Have some OC.

BTW OP I love onions, eat probably 7-9 pounds a week (Half red and half yellow).

>> No.5197943

About 100 lbs. but we make homemade onion rings here and sell the shit out of them. Also some of the steaks get crispy thin sliced fried onions and the pork chop. Also I occasionally run French Onion soup if we aren't selling them fast enough and need to empty out the case that is always a big seller in the winter.

>> No.5197963

Maybe 1.

>> No.5197971

It's spelled allium, peasant.

>> No.5198115

Only 7oz, but what do they consider a serving size. I've seen that site spec out 3/4 C of breakfast cereal before as a "serving".

Seems it has to hit a certain threshhold before they will populate the "bad" column.

>> No.5198128


I will never stop being trolled by this.

>> No.5198184

I don't have red onions all that often, maybe 1 a week tops.
White/Yellow Onions though, i use all the fucking time. Ramen? better chop up some onion. Making breakfast? you're damn right I'm frying some onion up in bacon grease to go with the eggs bacon and hashbrowns. No salsa? Nigga imma make my own (i fend that a good mix is for every two tomatos use three onions of similar size to the tomato). Tacos? I fry onion up with the meat, and cut up some fresh onion to put on top. Every godamn sammich i eat (short of sweet ones like PBJ) has some ultra thin cut onion strips in it. Somehow I haven't made french onion soup yet...
also I don't go grocery shopping i just give my roomates money and somehow they always get what i want. Somehow we never run out of onions, so I don't know what the average price per pound is. (Bostonfag if that helps)

>> No.5199454

A half, I'd cry before I finished the rest.

>> No.5199519

About 8.

I love onions.

>> No.5199525

3 or 4 I don't remember

>> No.5199530
File: 149 KB, 733x550, 95a7453a_paint_palette2_161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer palette?

>> No.5199531

0-20 I shit you not. Depends on what I am eating that week but most of the stuff I cook myself has onion in it.

>> No.5199534

Tell me your salsa recipe whore

>> No.5199852

2 or 3

>> No.5199856

that looks fuckin' good.

>> No.5199896



>> No.5199909

Haven't had an onion for over three years.

>> No.5199957

Probably 2 or 3 a week. I love onions and I love garlic so when I cook, I usually use an entire small onion or half a large in my meal which lasts me today and tomorrow. and since i always cook, it ends up to be around 2-3

>> No.5199971


People who put onions in everything are awful.

>> No.5199977

My babe eats all the "ONION" I can give her.
I think I should shave it really, then there'll be less hairs in her mouth.

For a lady that I love, I don't want hairs in her mouth, that's just wrong.

That's the ONYON!

>> No.5199984

Upwards of 12, plus shallots and scallions and leeks.

>> No.5199989

A faggot says what?

>> No.5199991



>> No.5199994

About 2

>> No.5200006

You are shopping at the wrong places, dude. I live in NorCal, and onions here range from $.39 lb to $.79 lb. for any variety.

>> No.5200042

hahaha i had that problem. went from one union store to another "organized worker store". niggers had generic oatmeal for 8 dollars for 42 ounces as well

>> No.5200047

Nocal I won't say. But socal, it's likely a codeword for homosexuals!

"like my onion?"

>> No.5201189


I like to eat my onions like an apple (old hypnotism trick), but I never thought of this.

>> No.5201201

Probably somewhere between 10 and 20.

>> No.5201219

Wow. Are you all serious? How the hell is it possible to use 10+ onions a WEEK? Do you put 3 onions in every meal you eat or what?
I personally use about one probably. I cook for myself and I cook once a day, sometimes I don't at all. (no time)
I thought the number of onions I eat is maybe a little less than average, but 10 a week? Just wow.

>> No.5201233


>> No.5201252

maybe 3 or4 sometimes 7
depends on how often i Cook for myself

>> No.5201249

10ish if I cook everynight? Less if I make large batches of stuff.

If I have no idea what to cook, the first step is often to warm a pan and throw in some onions. I can go pantry/fridge diving while they are sweating.

But even if I have a plan... Sautéed vegetables? 1-2 onions first. Soup? 1 onion or more depending on volume. Roasted chicken? I'll often quarter an onion and put that under the bird along with carrots and celery for an aromates base. Etc..

>> No.5201263

Depends on what meals I cook but usually 2 or 3.

When cooking for multiple people I allow half an onion per person but as I love them I use a whole one when cooking for myself.

>> No.5201264

I don't think that's so much. Onion goes in almost everything, if you make your meals from scratch I can't imagine using less than 6 onions at least per week.